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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Competitività nel commercio internazionale: partecipazione delle aziende e controversie commerciali. / COMPETITIVENESS IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE FIRMS' PARTICIPATION AND TRADE CONCERNS

DE FALCIS, ELEONORA 03 April 2019 (has links)
La tesi analizza la competitività nel commercio internazionale con un approccio multidimensionale. Il lavoro verte su tre livelli: a) una analisi di indicatori di produttività in aziende agroalimentari che operano con maggiore successo nel mercato estero; b) il ruolo delle agenzie di promozione a supporto delle aziende esportatrici; c) le barriere non tariffarie e le vertenze a livello dell’organizzazione mondiale del commercio (WTO) in materia sanitaria e fitosanitaria. Il lavoro condotto nelle tre prospettive microeconomica, istituzionale e internazionale, sottolinea il legame del commercio estero quale fattore di miglioramento della competitività delle aziende, evidenzia inoltre il ruolo importante delle istituzioni ed agenzie di supporto che accompagnano le aziende nel processo di internazionalizzazione, infine viene messo in luce la modifica dei rapporti internazionali per quanto attiene le barriere non tariffarie e le vertenze in campo sanitario e fitosanitario fra i Paesi aderenti al Wto, evidenziando una riduzione della centralità di Stati Uniti ed Unione Europea. / The thesis analyzes the competitiveness in international trade with a multidimensional approach. The work focuses on three levels: a) an analysis of productivity indicators in the agro-food and beverage companies that operate with greater success in the foreign market; b) the role of promotion agencies in support of exporting companies; c) and finally, non-tariff barriers and trade concerns at the level of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in sanitary and phytosanitary matters. The work, conducted in the three perspectives (microeconomic, institutional and international), underlines the link between foreign trade as a factor in improving the competitiveness of companies, also highlights the important role of the institutions and support agencies that accompany companies in the internationalization process, and finally it sheds light on the change in international relations, regarding non-tariff barriers and sanitary and phytosanitary trade concerns between the WTO members, highlighting a reduction in the centrality of the United States and European Union.

La politique de promotion et d'attraction de l'investissement en Algérie / The policy of promoting and attracting of foreign direct investment in Algeria

Ouguenoune, Hind 14 December 2014 (has links)
L’attractivité des pays est aujourd’hui une composante importante de la politique économique ; elle est au centre des politiques de promotion, d’aménagement et de développement. Avec la mondialisation de l’économie où la réduction des coûts de transport et de télécommunications a anéanti les distances, les firmes désireuses de s’implanter à l’étranger font monter les enchères quant à leur sélection et choix d’implantation ; les pays se retrouvent en situation de concurrence et mettent tout en œuvre, non seulement pour attirer les investissements mais aussi pour les retenir. Les Etats deviennent ainsi les promoteurs de leurs propres territoires afin de séduire les firmes multinationales dans un contexte de surenchère puisque les projets d’investissement sont en nombre limité et que la liste des territoires candidats à leur accueil ne cesse de s’allonger.De par la signature de l’Accord d’association avec l’Union Européenne et des négociations en vue de son adhésion à l’Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC), l’Algérie vise la libéralisation de son économie et son ancrage dans l’économie internationale. Dans cette libéralisation interviennent les investissements directs étrangers (IDE). L’intérêt de l’Algérie est dans les retombées tant managériales, économiques que sociales sur son économie. Pour cela, l’Algérie a prévu un certain nombre de textes et de lois régissant les fondements de sa politique d’investissement qui donne des garanties et des avantages certains aux investisseurs. Dans son processus de transition d’une économie centralisée à une économie de marché déclenché des la fin de l’année 1988, le gouvernement algérien s’est imposé une politique de réformes structurelles qui a permis de rétablir les équilibres macro-économiques, la libéralisation de l'économie, sa dotation en infrastructures modernes et la diminution du risque-pays. Ces réformes ont permis l’accroissement des flux d’IDE vers l’Algérie. Cependant, ces résultats restent en deçà du potentiel d'investissement du pays : l’Algérie n’attire pas suffisamment de firmes étrangères comparativement aux pays voisins. Bien que l'Algérie ait enregistré des résultats positifs dans certains secteurs tels que les hydrocarbures, les télécommunications, la sidérurgie et la pharmacie ; les réformes introduites depuis les années 90 se sont révélées insuffisantes. Et la politique de promotion et d’attraction des IDE menée n’a pas réalisé les objectifs escomptés. De même, les recettes des exportations d’hydrocarbures n’ont pas permis de créer un tissu industriel compétitif et de permettre à l’investissement productif de jouer un rôle plus important dans l’économie du pays. L’essentiel de l’effort productif privé est orienté vers l’économie spéculative au détriment d’une économie productive. Les IDE que l’ouverture de l’économie algérienne et son important potentiel devaient attirer, demeurent faibles. Pourtant, le dispositif juridique mis en place en Algérie donne des avantages et des garanties certains aux investisseurs étrangers. / The attractiveness of the country is now an important component of economic policy; it is the center of political promotion, planning and development. With the globalization of the economy where cost reduction of transport and telecommunications annihilated distance, firms wishing to establish themselves abroad are upping the ante on their selection and choice of location , the country found in competition and make every effort not only to attract investment but also to retain them. And states become promoters of their own territories to attract multinational firms in the context of escalation as investment projects are limited and that the list of candidates to their home territories continues to grow. By the signing of the Association Agreement with the European Union and negotiations for its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO ), Algeria aims to liberalize its economy and its roots in the international economy. Involved in the liberalization of foreign direct investment (FDI). The interest of Algeria in both managerial benefits, economic and social impact on its economy. To do this, Algeria has provided a number of texts and laws governing foundations of its investment policy that guarantees and advantages to investors.It is around the elements of the problem mentioned above that will focus our research in attempting to answer the following key questions : What determines the choice of multinational firms in the location of their investment, in other words what are the ex ante determinants of FDI ? What are the main instruments of economic and financial policy or the means used by governments to encourage and attract foreign investment ? What are the effects of these policies on FDI flows ?What about Algeria and its policy of promoting investment ? What are the effects of this policy, including the legal framework set up on FDI in Algeria? This device is sufficient to attract foreign investors?In its transition from a centralized to a market economy triggered the end of the 1988 economy , the Algerian government has imposed a policy of structural reforms that helped restore macroeconomic balances , liberalization economy, its modern infrastructure and staffing reduction of country risk . These reforms have increased FDI flows to Algeria. However, these results remain below the investment potential of the country: Algeria does not attract enough foreign firms compared to neighboring countries. Although Algeria has recorded positive results in certain sectors such as hydrocarbons , telecommunications, steel and pharmacy reforms introduced since the 90s have proved insufficient . And policy promotion and attraction of FDI led has not achieved the desired objectives. Similarly, revenues from hydrocarbon exports have failed to create a competitive industrial structure and allow for productive investment to play a more important role in the economy. Most of the private productive effort is directed toward the speculative economy at the expense of a productive economy . FDI that the opening of the Algerian economy and its great potential would attract, remain weak. However, the legal framework set up in Algeria provides some benefits and guarantees to foreign investors.

Avaliação do papel das agências de promoção de exportação e investimento nos fluxos de negócios entre países / An evalution of the role of export and investment promotion agencies on countries\'trade and investment flow

König, Claudia Cheron 03 November 2016 (has links)
Assimetrias de informação entre países de acolhimento e de origem das empresas constituem um obstáculo significativo aos fluxos comerciais e de investimento através das fronteiras internacionais, levando a uma importante questão política: como os governos podem ajudar as empresas na redução dessa barreira, auxiliando-as no processo de internacionalização? Diante da enorme concorrência no mercado internacional, nota-se que cada vez um número maior de governos encontra nas Agências de Promoção de Exportação e de Investimento (APEIs) um instrumento para o apoio a competitividade das empresas nacionais no mercado global. O papel das APEIs tem gradualmente influenciado os fluxos de mercadorias e capitais em um contexto cada vez mais dinâmico e competitivo entre empresas e países. Mas qual é o impacto da presença da agência (APEI) nos fluxos de comércio e investimento entre os países? Aspectos institucionais influenciam na atuação da agência? A aprendizagem da APEI em um determinado mercado resulta em maior impacto nos fluxos comerciais entre o país de origem da APEI e o país hospedeiro? Com o intuito de responder a essas questões, construiu-se um banco de dados com informações econômicas e institucionais para o Brasil e mais 220 países entre os anos de 1995 a 2015. Os fluxos comerciais e de investimento entre o Brasil e os demais países são as variáveis dependentes do estudo. Além disso, foram coletados dados de 20 agências de promoção de exportação e investimento atuantes no mercado brasileiro. Para a realização da análise optou-se pela adoção de um estimador de painéis dinâmicos com efeito fixo. A utilização de um modelo dinâmico - com uma variável dependente defasada - foi adotada para reduzir potenciais vieses de variáveis omitidas que houvesse em um modelo estático, uma vez que alguns determinantes dos fluxos podem estar relacionados com a criação das agências. Os resultados mostram que o impacto da presença das agências sobre os fluxos não pode ser ignorado, revelando-se estatisticamente significante para fluxos comerciais e de saída de IDE brasileiro. O efeito da aprendizagem da APEI no país hospedeiro também é significante para os fluxos comerciais do país de origem da agência para o país hospedeiro. Os testes indicam um efeito da presença da agência sobre o impacto da distância cultural e geográfica sobre os fluxos. Há diferença de impacto da agência dependendo de a quem ela esteja subordinada dentro do governo. Apontaram-se as limitações desta tese bem como se destacou sugestões de direcionamento de novas pesquisas com o intuito de progredir no conhecimento e dos fatores que afetam o impacto da presença das APEIs sobre os fluxos entre os países. / Information asymmetry between business\' host and home countries establishes a significant hindrance to trade and investment flows across international borders, leading to an important policy question: How can government help businesses to reduce this barrier by providing supporting in the internationalization process? Due to massive competition in the global market, more and more governments have discovered an instrument to boost the competitiveness of domestic enterprises internationally: the Export and Investment Promotion Agencies (EIPA). In the context of increasing dynamics and competitiveness among companies and countries, EIPA have gradually influenced the flow of goods and capital. However, what is the impact of EIPA\'s presence on trade and investment flows between countries? Do institutional aspects have influence in the agency\'s performing? Do EIPA\'s experiences in a specific market result in a greater impact on trade flows between an EIPA\'s home country and its host countries? In order to answer these questions a database of economic and institutional information from Brazil and other 220 countries between the years 1995 and 2015 was elaborated. Trade and investment flows between Brazil and the corresponding countries are the dependent variables of the study. In addition, data were collected from 20 foreign EIPA, which act in the Brazilian market. An estimator of dynamic panel data with fixed effects was used to conduct the analysis. A dynamic panel data model with a lagged dependent variable was used to reduce potential biases of omitted variables in a static model - since some flow determinants could have been related to the creation of the proper EIPA. The results demonstrate that the impact on the flows caused by the presence of EIPA should not be ignored, once the tests reveal such presence as statistically significant for trade flows and Brazilian FDI output. The learning effect of an EIPA in the host country is also significant for the trade flow from the EIPA\'s home country to the host country. The results prove the effect of such presence, changing the impact of cultural and geographic distance. The effect seems to depend also on the organizational subordination of the EIPA within the government. Limitations of this thesis have been pointed out and future research directions have been suggested in order to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the factors that actually affect the impact of EIPA\'s presence on flows between countries.

Avaliação do papel das agências de promoção de exportação e investimento nos fluxos de negócios entre países / An evalution of the role of export and investment promotion agencies on countries\'trade and investment flow

Claudia Cheron König 03 November 2016 (has links)
Assimetrias de informação entre países de acolhimento e de origem das empresas constituem um obstáculo significativo aos fluxos comerciais e de investimento através das fronteiras internacionais, levando a uma importante questão política: como os governos podem ajudar as empresas na redução dessa barreira, auxiliando-as no processo de internacionalização? Diante da enorme concorrência no mercado internacional, nota-se que cada vez um número maior de governos encontra nas Agências de Promoção de Exportação e de Investimento (APEIs) um instrumento para o apoio a competitividade das empresas nacionais no mercado global. O papel das APEIs tem gradualmente influenciado os fluxos de mercadorias e capitais em um contexto cada vez mais dinâmico e competitivo entre empresas e países. Mas qual é o impacto da presença da agência (APEI) nos fluxos de comércio e investimento entre os países? Aspectos institucionais influenciam na atuação da agência? A aprendizagem da APEI em um determinado mercado resulta em maior impacto nos fluxos comerciais entre o país de origem da APEI e o país hospedeiro? Com o intuito de responder a essas questões, construiu-se um banco de dados com informações econômicas e institucionais para o Brasil e mais 220 países entre os anos de 1995 a 2015. Os fluxos comerciais e de investimento entre o Brasil e os demais países são as variáveis dependentes do estudo. Além disso, foram coletados dados de 20 agências de promoção de exportação e investimento atuantes no mercado brasileiro. Para a realização da análise optou-se pela adoção de um estimador de painéis dinâmicos com efeito fixo. A utilização de um modelo dinâmico - com uma variável dependente defasada - foi adotada para reduzir potenciais vieses de variáveis omitidas que houvesse em um modelo estático, uma vez que alguns determinantes dos fluxos podem estar relacionados com a criação das agências. Os resultados mostram que o impacto da presença das agências sobre os fluxos não pode ser ignorado, revelando-se estatisticamente significante para fluxos comerciais e de saída de IDE brasileiro. O efeito da aprendizagem da APEI no país hospedeiro também é significante para os fluxos comerciais do país de origem da agência para o país hospedeiro. Os testes indicam um efeito da presença da agência sobre o impacto da distância cultural e geográfica sobre os fluxos. Há diferença de impacto da agência dependendo de a quem ela esteja subordinada dentro do governo. Apontaram-se as limitações desta tese bem como se destacou sugestões de direcionamento de novas pesquisas com o intuito de progredir no conhecimento e dos fatores que afetam o impacto da presença das APEIs sobre os fluxos entre os países. / Information asymmetry between business\' host and home countries establishes a significant hindrance to trade and investment flows across international borders, leading to an important policy question: How can government help businesses to reduce this barrier by providing supporting in the internationalization process? Due to massive competition in the global market, more and more governments have discovered an instrument to boost the competitiveness of domestic enterprises internationally: the Export and Investment Promotion Agencies (EIPA). In the context of increasing dynamics and competitiveness among companies and countries, EIPA have gradually influenced the flow of goods and capital. However, what is the impact of EIPA\'s presence on trade and investment flows between countries? Do institutional aspects have influence in the agency\'s performing? Do EIPA\'s experiences in a specific market result in a greater impact on trade flows between an EIPA\'s home country and its host countries? In order to answer these questions a database of economic and institutional information from Brazil and other 220 countries between the years 1995 and 2015 was elaborated. Trade and investment flows between Brazil and the corresponding countries are the dependent variables of the study. In addition, data were collected from 20 foreign EIPA, which act in the Brazilian market. An estimator of dynamic panel data with fixed effects was used to conduct the analysis. A dynamic panel data model with a lagged dependent variable was used to reduce potential biases of omitted variables in a static model - since some flow determinants could have been related to the creation of the proper EIPA. The results demonstrate that the impact on the flows caused by the presence of EIPA should not be ignored, once the tests reveal such presence as statistically significant for trade flows and Brazilian FDI output. The learning effect of an EIPA in the host country is also significant for the trade flow from the EIPA\'s home country to the host country. The results prove the effect of such presence, changing the impact of cultural and geographic distance. The effect seems to depend also on the organizational subordination of the EIPA within the government. Limitations of this thesis have been pointed out and future research directions have been suggested in order to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the factors that actually affect the impact of EIPA\'s presence on flows between countries.

Young queers getting together: moving beyond isolation and loneliness

Curran, Greg Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Over the last decade, education-focused research/studies on young queers (or same-sex attracted young people) have highlighted the many problems or difficulties they face growing up in a homophobic, heterosexist society. Strategies to address these issues (proposed in numerous research articles and reports) have largely focused on the school setting. I argue that these strategies are limited by heterosexual norms, which regulate and contain in advance what is possible (for queers) within the formal school system. I examine the ways in which these heterosexual norms work to constrain the queer subject in education-focused research and studies on young queers. / Within this field of study, young queers have largely been characterized as victims: of homophobic abuse and harassment, and neglect by families and schools. They’re said to be lonely and isolated, at risk of attempted suicide, unsafe sex, drug and alcohol abuse, and homelessness. I argue that these representations convey a negative portrait of young queers as wounded subjects. I illustrate how the emphasis on the wounded queer subject can work against the interests of young queers. In particular, it obscures those queer perspectives involving agency: first, queer cultures and communities; second, the knowledge and experiences of those who have gained confidence in their queerness, who have queer social and sexual lives. These (agentic) queers can offer us ways of understanding how young queers move beyond isolation and loneliness. / This study highlights the importance, for many young queers, of having opportunities and spaces where they can connect with each other. Socialization and sexualization among young queers involves a certain openness being and doing queer a practice which is unintelligible within most education-focused research/studies on young queers. This is illustrated and explored through comparative analysis of queer subjectivities in two differentiated spheres: on the one hand education-focused research and studies relating to the school context, and on the other gay/lesbian/queer studies and literature relating to queer social and sexual contexts. The key contexts and themes examined here are: early sexual experience and beats, queer cultures and communities, and queer youth support and social groups.

O Estado como ator na promoção e atração de investimentos produtivos : o caso da Investe São Paulo

Correia, Bruno Lopes January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Giorgio Romano Schutte / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Humanas e Sociais, 2015. / O estudo discute a experiência do Estado de São Paulo na criação de uma agência de promoção de investimentos em âmbito regional, visando identificar seu papel e suas práticas para atração de investimentos. Com base no estudo de caso da Agência Paulista de Promoção de Investimentos e Competitividade ¿ Investe São Paulo, a pesquisa referencia-se na contextualização teórica do Estado desenvolvimentista e no resgate aos fatores que condicionam seu surgimento, como a competição por investimento direto estrangeiro em escala global, a crise financeira no país a partir da década de 1980, a guerra fiscal entre os Estados e a desindustrialização paulista. Além disso, centra-se nas principais referências bibliográficas disponíveis sobre as agências de promoção de investimentos visando confrontá-las com a realidade da agência estadual, caracterizada por meio de pesquisa documental e entrevistas qualitativas com seus gestores. Como resultado, verifica-se que a Investe São Paulo segue estrutura e práticas semelhantes a outras agências, como aponta a bibliografia. Seu principal papel é ser a porta de entrada dos empresários no âmbito governamental e o canal de comunicação junto ao governo. Embora não seja possível certificar o impacto de suas atividades na atração de investimentos para o Estado, devido aos inúmeros fatores que permeiam o investimento direto estrangeiro, a agência contribui para a promoção de um clima propício ao investimento e para o debate quanto aos rumos do desenvolvimento regional, sendo uma importante referência para outros Estados. / The study discusses the State of São Paulo's experience in creating an investment of a regional promotion agency, to identify their function and practices for attracting investments. Based on the case study of the Investe São Paulo ¿ Investment Promotion Agency, this research references in the theoretical context of the developmental state and redeeming the factors that affect its appearance, as the competition for foreign direct investment on a global scale, the financial crisis in the country since the 1980s, tax competition between states and the São Paulo de-industrialization. In addition, focuses on primary references available on the investment promotion agencies in order to confront them with the reality of state agency, documentary research object and qualitative interviews with their managers. As a result, it appears that the Invest Sao Paulo follows the structure of models and similar practices to other agencies, as reported in the literature. Its main role is to be the gateway of entrepreneurs throughout the government and its communication channel with the government. Although you can not determine the impact of their activities on attracting investments to the state due to the numerous factors involved in foreign direct investment, the agency contributes to the promotion of a climate conducive to investment and to the debate about the path of development regional, and an important reference for other states.

Attracting and regulating foreign direct investments in biofuels production in Tanzania

Shuma, Baraka John January 2009 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM

Aktivity společnosti CzechTrade v oblasti česko-ruských obchodních vztahů / The activities of organization CzechTrade in the Czech-Russian business relations

Kuličková, Iveta January 2007 (has links)
The first part is devoted to the characteristic of Russian Federation, to the Czech-Russian business relations and organizations, which provide support for Czech enterprises exporting to Russia. The following one describes Czech Trade Promotion Agency (CzechTrade) and services, which this organization and its representative offices offer to Czech exporters. The final part is engaged in the activities of foreign offices acting in Russian Federation, in export alliances and successful cases of cooperation between CzechTrade's offices in Russia and Czech companies.

How resource rich countries attract foreign direct investments: a study of Western Asian countries and strategies of industrialization and diversification

Nguyen, Kimthoa Thi 27 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Daniele Santos (danielesantos.htl@gmail.com) on 2015-12-22T14:18:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Kim.pdf: 16567554 bytes, checksum: 66c9041725ea8ef983365706311596d5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2015-12-28T18:33:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Kim.pdf: 16567554 bytes, checksum: 66c9041725ea8ef983365706311596d5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2016-01-07T11:30:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Kim.pdf: 16567554 bytes, checksum: 66c9041725ea8ef983365706311596d5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-07T11:31:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Kim.pdf: 16567554 bytes, checksum: 66c9041725ea8ef983365706311596d5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-27 / Fuel is a self-depleting resource and long term dependency on this commodity alone will not suffice. An export trade oriented approach can lead to faster industrialization while diversification leads to economic sustainable growth. This research seeks to understand how countries compete for foreign direct investments, and how certain activities have the most impact in the competitive global marketplace. Research suggests that when companies decide to invest abroad, they seek only to find countries that facilitate their strategic objectives. The results conclude with appropriate levels of government accountability, credibility and visibility with the private sector, foreign direct investment is attracted by policy advocacy and policy reform. By reviewing countries such as United Arab Emirates in direct comparison to Western Asian countries, including Kuwait and Iraq with high levels of fuel exports, along with Qatar with optimistic marketplace indicators and plentitude of skills and capabilities – research seems to suggest that despite high capabilities and attractive GDP, promotional investment activities yield the highest returns using policy advocacy and reform.

Srovnání systému podpory exportu v Rakousku a ČR / Comparison of Export Support Systems in Austria and the Czech Republic

Zbranková, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the comparison of export support systems in the Czech Republic and Austria. In the first chapter, the terms "export support" and "export credit agencies" are defined and instruments of export supporting policies as well as their positive and negative aspects are listed and EU regulation and policies in this field are briefly described. A short description of the Czech Republic and Austria follows. Special attention is paid to the following analysis of export strategies and export credit agencies in both economies. This descriptive theoretical part is complemented by a practical case study carried out in cooperation with TOSHULIN, a.s. -- a successful producer and exporter of machinery. Both systems of export support are evaluated from the point of view of the company's sales department. The thesis concludes with an evaluation of the topic, a comparison of the effectiveness of both export support systems, and the author's suggestions for potential innovation and improvement in this area.

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