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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza bankopojištění v České republice

Procházková, Ivana January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Propojenost vysokofrekvenčních dat / Connectedness of high-frequency data

Petras, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This work combines discrete and continuous methods while modeling connect- edness of financial tick data. As discrete method we are using vector autore- gression. For continuous domain Hawkes process is used, which is special case of point process. We found out that financial assets are connected in non- symmetrical fashion. By using two methodologies we were able to model bet- ter how are the series connected. We confirmed existence of price leader in our three stock portfolio and modeled connectedness of jumps between stocks. As conclusion we state that both methods yields important results about price nature on the market and should be used together or at least with awareness of second approach. JEL Classification C32, G11, G14 Keywords Vector Autoregression, Hawkes process, High- frequency analysis, Connectedness Author's e-mail petr.petras@email.cz Supervisor's e-mail krehlik@utia.cas.cz

Vliv frekvenční propojenosti akcií na tržní výnosy / Frequency connectedness and cross section of stock returns

Haas, Emma January 2019 (has links)
The thesis presents a network model, where financial institutions form linkages at various investment horizons through their interdependence measured by volatility connectedness. Applying the novel framework of frequency connectedness mea- sures Baruník & Křehlík (2018), based on spectral representation of variance de- composition, we show fundamental properties of connectedness that originate in heterogeneous frequency responses to shocks. The newly proposed network mod- els characterize financial connections and systemic risk at the short-, medium- and long-term frequency. The empirical focus of this thesis is on the interde- pendence structure of US financial system, specifically, major U.S. banks in the period 2000 - 2016. In the light of frequency volatility connectedness measures, we argue that stocks with high levels of long-term connectedness represent greater systemic risk, because they are subject to persistent shocks transmitted for longer periods. When we assess institutions' risk premiums in asset pricing model, the model confirms the significance of volatility connectedness factor for asset prices. JEL Classification C18, C58, C58, G10, G15, Keywords connectedness, frequency, spectral analysis, sys- temic risk, financial network Author's e-mail 93539385@fsv.cuni.cz Supervisor's e-mail...

Použití moderních spektrálních metod ve finanční ekonometrii / Applications of modern spectral tools in financial econometrics

Křehlík, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
Spectral tools in econometrics have lately experienced a renewed surge in interest. This dissertation contributes to this literature by providing conceptually different spectral-based methods and their applications to problems of modern economics. In the first part, we take a spectral decomposition of realized volatility and construct a multivariate GARCH style model that we fit by standard quasi-maximum likelihood and generalized autoregressive score procedures. We build our model on a belief that market agents obtain information in various time horizons and therefore form their expectations in various informational horizons. This behavior creates an overall volatility process that is a mixture of spectrum specific processes. We then apply the model to the currency markets, namely GBP, CHF, and EUR. With the help of the model confidence set test we show that the multi-scale model and the generalized autoregressive score based models produce forecasts that are in most cases superior to the competing models. Moreover, we find that most of the information for future volatility comes from the high frequency part of the spectra representing the very short investment horizons. In the second part, we provide a spectral decomposition of a system multivariate connectedness measure based on Diebold and Yilmaz...

Komunální koalice: význam ideologické vzdálenosti / Local Coalitions: the Relevance of Ideological Distance

Hlaváč, Miroslav January 2016 (has links)
The thesis analyses the influence of ideological distance to the formation of executive coalitions at the municipal level. The thesis attempts to determine which factors are reflected in the formation of executive coalitions, how the decision-making processes are functioning at the municipal level and what kind of actors we can determine in this processes. There is also a question if there is a difference between ideological distance of political actors at national and municipal level. Another part of the thesis deals with the possible cleavages between the long- term political subjects in the municipal council and the subjects, which are new in the municipal council. In the empirical part of the thesis there is a comparative case study on the sample of five municipalities from the municipal district of Pilsen-South - five largest municipalities in the district with the population over 3500 were examined: Přeštice, Dobřany, Blovice, Nepomuk and Stod. The field of research was conducted in these municipalities through the semi-structured interviews with the mayors and some other local politicians. An analysis of the election results in these municipalities is also included. This thesis should determine if the research about ideological distance at the municipal level has the meaningful purpose and...

Energetické trhy a EU ETS: Jak se volatilita přenáší v rámci střední Evropy? / Power markets and the EU ETS: How volatility propagates across Central Europe?

Jurka, Vojtěch January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with connectedness in the uncertainty of the carbon and power markets in Central Europe. While the drivers of power price were extensively documented in the literature, we investigate how uncertainty propagates between the German power market and its production factors using a recently developed framework of connectedness measurement. The connections in uncertainty on markets are insightful for the decision of the agents that require a premium for undertaking risk. The empirical results suggest that connectedness in uncertainty significantly varies over the studied period. The interdependence of power with coal decreases while the spillovers between gas and power rise on importance reflecting the changes in generation mix of Germany. For most of the period, the volatility of carbon and power markets is highly correlated. However, the share of volatility transmission spikes several times during the period of 2016-2019. In reaction to the reform of the EU Emission Trading Scheme, the uncertainty about emission allowance prices propagates to the German power market, increasing the uncertainty about power prices on the long horizon.

Propojenost akcií, jejich ceny a riziková prémie / Asset Prices, Network Connectedness, and Risk Premium

Procházková, Vendula January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis introduces the measures of network connectedness in the context of asset pricing. It proposes an asset pricing model in which the factor of connectedness is included as one of the risk factors together with the three Fama-French factors. The goal of the analysis is to examine whether the con- nectedness represents a signifcant risk factor that should be considered while determining the risk premium of the portfolio in diferent sectors in the market. Using the realized volatilities and returns of 496 assets of SP 500 index over the period 2005 - 2018, that are divided into 11 sectors, we frstly determine the linkages of connectedness between the assets in the same sector. Applying Fama-MacBeth two-step regression model, we explore the signifcance of the connectedness factor for the determination of the risk premium. We argue that the sector overall connectedness represents a signifcant risk in most of the sec- tors and should be therefore taken into account by the investors in all sectors. Moreover, the total directional connectedness that captures the spillover of shocks to one asset from the other assets in the sector, is a signifcant risk fac- tor that should increase the risk premium of the portfolio, especially in sectors such as the fnancial, health care, consumer...

Elementární architektura / Elementy výuky architektury / Primary Architecture / Teaching Architecture Elements

Juřicová, Magdaléna Unknown Date (has links)
The thesis addresses the connection of the Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Fine Arts in the newly designed building. Both faculties are defined primarily by practical creation and corresponding elementary teaching spaces - studios. From these basic elements literally grows the final form of the school. The design process itself is accompanied by constant changes and the search for adequate spatial expression for individual functions of the school. The final solution is the result of gradual rationalisation, finding certainties and sticking points in the proposal. In the end, the barest, most elemental, is crystallized from a multitude of variations and reflections on space.

Ekonomické a právní aspekty přijetí eura v ČR / Economic and legal aspects of euro adoption in the Czech Republic

NOVOTNÝ, Adam January 2019 (has links)
The Czech Republic has committed itself to adopt the euro with joining the European union in 2004. Until today there has not been any political interest of setting the specific date of euro adoption due to low public approval. Currently, there is an increase of positive public opinion about euro so it is the right time to start an objective discussion. The thesis is divided into three parts. The First part describes the history and evolution of the European monetary union, Maastricht convergence criteria and the theory of optimal currency area. The second part presents possible economic benefits and costs of joining the monetary union. The third and the main part examines the real effects of euro adoption on sample of selected countries with similar characteristics. The impact of euro on main economic indicators was analysed and there has been carried out a comparison between these countries. Also the role of euro in trade of selected countries has been highlighted. Last but not least, the possible impact of euro on country competitivness has been analysed in the context of optimum currency area theory. It is expected that joining the monetary union leads to a boost of bilateral trade which harmonizes the economic cycles of trade partners. The main purpose of this part is to prove the increase of competitiveness of exporters gained from monetary union measured by the raise of the bilateral trade interconnection. Finally these two criteria - gross domestic product alignment and bilateral trade interconnection have been used to describe the suitability of Czech Republic as a candidate country for the European monetary union.

Přelévá se ekonomická nejistota napříč zeměmi? / Does economic uncertainty spill across countries?

Skákala, Norbert January 2020 (has links)
1 Abstract We study economic policy uncertainty spillovers on a panel of ten countries between April 1998 to September 2019. The analysis is performed on the Economic Policy Uncertainty indices data. To measure the spillovers, we utilize forecast error variance decompositions of VAR model. We found that approximately half of the forecast variance can be explained by spillovers shocks across countries. Further, we disentangle the spillover measure to short-, mid- and long-term cycles using frequency domain. Our results suggest that most of the spillovers are caused by shocks into low frequencies, hence with long persistence. Employing quantile regression on equation-by-equation basis to estimate the VAR model, we find that idiosyncratic uncertainty shocks do not propagate strongly at the median but that powerful spillovers occur in the right tail of distribution. Additionally, we perform rolling window estimates of the spillovers. The results indicate strong variation in time, especially during major geopolitical events, such as Iraq War (2003), Global Financial Crisis (2007-09), European debt crisis (2010-12) or Brexit (2016).

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