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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vybrané problémy při výběru zaměstnanců / Selected issues of the hiring of employees

Janštová, Vendula January 2011 (has links)
This thesis analyzes selected issues of the hiring of employees. It is the connection between the uncodified branch of human resources and the labour law generally. This topic is close to everyone because every person sometimes finds himself during the life in the position of job applicant and chooses acceptable employment and also person is hiring by employers. It is neccessary to know rights and responsibilities which everyone has to follow in the process of hiring of employees. The procedure of hiring of employees can be uderstood from many aspects. If we want discusse it closely we must focus on one of them. These selected issues of the hiring of employees are methods of hiring and protection of personal data which is connected by employer with application of methods. The thesis is composed of four main chapters. The first one focuses on legal regulation of this procedure. It includes national, internetional and european regulation. It defines issues which this thesis explains. The second chapter defines and describes the process of hiring of employees generally, what preceded, what it includes and which rules must be kept during the procedure. The following chapter discusses the methods of hiring and its function. It describes the most widely used and the most suitable one - curicculum vitae,...
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Ochrana osobních údajů na internetu podle práva Evropské unie / The protection of personal data on the Internet under European Union law

Krejčířová, Edita January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of my thesis is to analyse a development of technologies in comparison with the protection of personal data on the internet under law of the EU. However, it would not be possible to describe every single technology and its reflection in law of the EU. Therefore, the thesis is mainly focused on two most significant internet technologies - cookies and cloud computing. The key for selection of the most important representative technologies was especially a frequency of their use. The thesis is composed of two main chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the development of technologies in comparison with protection of personal data on the internet under law of the EU. Chapter One is introductory and defines basic terminology used in the thesis under applicable law of the EU. The chapter is subdivided into two parts. Part One describes personal data and its role in applicable law of the EU. Part Two deals with the specific technologies - cookies and cloud computing. This part particularly points out risks of these technologies and provides possible solutions. Chapter Two analyzes the upcoming reform of data protection in EU. The chapter is mainly focused on proposal for General Data Protection Regulation, which could dramatically change the protection of personal data on the...
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Osobnostní práva zaměstnance (se zaměřením na ochranu osobnosti a osobních údajů zaměstnance) / Personal rights of employees (focusing on the protection of personal data and personal employee data )

Hrabinová, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of personal law of employees. Above all, it focuses on protection of personal data, monitoring employees at workspace via camera systems and checking upon their e-mail communication or examining logs of websites. The work is divided into seven chapters, few of which are further separated to subchapters. The first half of the work is dedicated to theory; the following chapters describe the specific cases of interference into employees' privacy. The first chapter pictures history of law adjustment in the sphere of protection of privacy, respectively protection of personal data, which reaches not too far since its first development started after the Second World War. The second chapter contains definitions of the basic terms which are related to protection of personal data, for example the term personal data itself, subject of data or trustee and exekutor. In the third chapter there are the roots of laws to be found. This chapter is further divided to subchapters distinguishing particular types of law sources from the international, European and national sphere. The next, fourth chapter, describes the relation between personal data protection and labour law. It handles personal data processing in each phase of labour-law relations in separated subchapters, including the...
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Vybrané právní aspekty výběru zaměstnanců / Selected legal aspects of the hiring of employees

Kubková, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this thesis are selected legal aspects of the hiring of employees. During the lifetime, possibly every one of us experiences the selection process and therefore it is worth knowing all the rights and duties of both parties to the process, either rights and duties of an employer or a job applicant. Particular aspects chosen are the equal treatment and the prohibition of discrimination and the protection of personal data and especially related to the proceedings before the commencement of the employment relationship. Both aspects are closely related to each other and therefore they are described in one work, so it is easier to understand the whole content and meaning of them. The thesis is divided into five chapters, including the introduction and the conclusion. The second chapter of this work is dedicated firstly to the selection of employees in general. At the beginning it brings a description of the development of the human resource management, then it describes the process of the selection, what comes before it, what are the possible methods of selection and what principles ought to be adhered. The third chapter is about equal treatment and the prohibition of discrimination during the selection process. Firstly, the fundamental terms are described such as equality and especially the...
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Návrh optimálního modelu e-komunikace pro divizi mikroskopů a průmyslových endoskopů společnosti Olympus / The proposal of the optimal type of e-communication for the division of microscopes and industrial endoscopes of the Olympus company

Dobiášová, Olga January 2008 (has links)
The graduatin thesis is devoted to implementation of the new model of e-communication for the division of microscopes and industrial endoscopes of the Olympus company. The first part includes theoretical essentials for the elaboration. The terms concerning marketing and commerial communications are explained in it, such as the differences between the purchasing process of the consumer and the companies, the topic of brand management is also mentioned and situation analysis and in the end general rules of comercial communications and e-marketing ale discussed.The aplication part describes the history of the Olympus company, its situation analysis and SWOT analysis of the division of microscopes,the procedure of creating the clients database, development of forms of the commercial notes sent and also the results of the first and second e-mailing realized. As the conclusion the recommendations to the future are indicated.

Problematika využití biometrických údajů v pracovněprávních vztazích / The issue of the use of biometric data in labour relations

Dobiášová, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The issue of the use of biometric data in labour relations Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the current topic of the legal framework for the protection of biometric data in the context of labour relations. With the development of information technology, interest in the use of biometric data is growing. It is becoming common in the workplace that the biometric data are used, among others, for recording attendance, gaining access either to the workplace itself or to the individual work equipment. Their use is simple and convenient, as employees can use for verification their fingerprints, iris scans, etc. However, biometric data are inherently unchangeable, which is an advantage as well as the Achilles heel of their processing. Therefore, due to their nature, they fall into the category of sensitive personal data and as such enjoy enhanced protection. Development in the field of information technology suggests that biometric data are highly likely to become part of everyday life. Hence, it is more than appropriate for this development to be reflected in the legislation. The aim of this diploma thesis is to provide a general insight into the issue of using biometric data in the labour relations, where a particularly high increase in their use can be expected. The first part of this thesis acquaints the...
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Ochrana soukromí na internetu pohledem práva a ekonomie / The Protection of Privacy on the Internet: a Law and Economics Perspective

Blatt, Patrik January 2020 (has links)
The Protection of Privacy on the Internet: a Law and Economics Perspective Abstract The topic of this thesis is protection of privacy on the Internet, further narrowed down to the matter of granting consent to store and process cookies and looking at it specifically from the perspective of law and economics. The aim of this paper is to answer the question of whether the current legislation of granting permission to process cookies is sufficient and user-friendly. To answer this question, the thesis was based on interpretation of the results of a survey about using cookies, conducted on selected Czech websites, namely those of central authorities of the Czech Republic, Czech news portals and Czech online shopping stores. Furthermore, the thesis proposes specific changes within current legislation of processing cookies. Because of the transposition of Directive on privacy and electronic communications into the legal order of the Czech Republic, the policy of granting consent to the storing and processing of personal data has changed from the original opt-out policy to the current opt-in policy. The current opt-in policy requires a preceding user's consent. In this thesis, I conclude that applying this opt-in policy has lowered the user-friendly settings and that it did not lead to any improvement of...
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Výběr uchazečů o zaměstnání / The selection of job seekers

Rychlíková, Anika January 2019 (has links)
The selection of job seekers Anika Rychlíková This diploma thesis deals with the topic of selection of job seekers from the point of view of personnel management as well as from the point of view of the related legislation. From the point of view of the legislation, the thesis focuses not only on the general regulation of relations before the relationships under the labour law, but also on the two most essential legal aspects of selection of job seekers that are the right to equality and non-discrimination and the protection of personal data. The main goal of this thesis is to present complex view on the topic of selection of job seekers in the context of personnel management principles and values and the legislation thereof. Another goal is to point out the shortcomings of current legislation and introduce the proposals for its elimination. The thesis uses the method of description and analysis and elaborates on the application of legal norms in the personnel management praxis. On the basis of such methods the author evaluates effective legislation, points out the most problematic provisions and suggests their alternations de lege ferenda. Formally, the thesis is divided into five main chapters. The aim of the first chapter is to set the process of selection of job seekers into the context of...
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Vybrané otázky aktuální právní úpravy osobních údajů v Evropské unii / Selected issues of the current legal regulation of protection of personal data in the European Union.

Švec, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The thesis "Selected issues of the current legal regulation of protection of personal data in the European Union" is focused on describing the development of personal data in the European Union and on current changes in this field of European law. The first chapter is focused on the historical development of the personal data protection on the European continent with the specific aim of looking at the development in the European Union. This chapter describes the progressive development of the right to the protection of personal data which was formed within the right to privacy because of technological developments. The first chapter also talks about personal data protection in primary and secondary legislation which became the foundation for the further development. The second chapter is devoted to the comparison of the former EU regulation of the personal data protection in the directive 95/46/ES with the new regulation in GDPR. The most important changes were chosen for the comparison together with the ones which were often discussed prior to GDPR coming into effect. The interim goal of this chapter is to explain to the reader the extent of changes which GDPR brings to the field of personal data protection. The third chapter is focused on the institute of the data protection officer which is a...
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Dopad judikatury ESD na interpretaci základního práva na soukromí a ochranu osobních údajů / The impact of CJEU case law on the interpretation of the fundamental rights to privacy and data protection

Filipová, Paula January 2017 (has links)
in English This thesis deals with the right to personal data protection as enshrined in Article 8 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (the Charter) and its relationship with Article 7 Charter, the right to respect for private and family life. Since both of the rights have immediate relevance for EU data protection, their coexistence in the Charter necessitates an explanation as to their relationship, interaction and the merit of adding an independent right to personal data protection. However, such explanation is difficult to trace. International human rights instruments have traditionally safeguarded the protection of personal data by the right to privacy. The common constitutional traditions of the Member States differ significantly in the enactment of data protection and the EU legislation in force is likewise treating data protection as a privacy subset. The thesis firstly attempts to assess whether the right to personal data protection is capable of autonomous standing, detached from the privacy right and secondly, whether the CJEU allows the right to personal data protection to stand as an autonomous right in reality. To deal with the first research task, the paper analyses the doctrinal sources discussing the personal data-privacy concepts and seeks to identify the value of Article's 8...
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