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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bendrosios praktikos slaugytojų kognityvinio stiliaus, subjektyviai suvokiamo atitikimo darbo aplinkos reikalavimams bei ketinimo išeiti iš darbo sąsajos / The relations between the cognitive style of nurses of general practice, the subjective perception requirements towards the work environment and the intention to quit the work

Pargaliauskienė, Inga 17 June 2011 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti sąsajas tarp asmens ir darbo aplinkos reikalavimų kognityvinio stiliaus, subjektyvaus atitikimo darbo aplinkos reikalavimams ir ketinimo išeiti iš darbo. Tyrime dalyvavo 136 bendrosios praktikos slaugytojų. Visos bendrosios praktikos slaugytojos dirba toje pačioje įstaigoje. Jų amžius svyravo nuo 23 iki 73 (vidurkis 49,55 metų). Šiame darbe teoriniu pagrindu pasirinktas Cools, Van den Broeck (2007) 3 dimensijų kognityvinio stiliaus modelis, pagal kurį kognityvinis stilius gali būti skirstomas į žinantį, planuojantį ir kūrybišką. Šis modelis pasirinktas dėl to, kad naudojant tą patį indikatorių galima nustatyti ir bendrosios pratikos slaugytojų kognityvinį stilių, ir kognityvinį stilių, kurio jų nuomone reikalauja darbo aplinka. Patikrinus asmens kognityvinio stiliaus ir kognityvinio stiliaus, kurio reikalauja darbo aplinka, atitikimą, buvo vertinamos sąsajos su darbuotojų subjektyviu atitikimu darbo aplinkos reikalavimams bei ketinimu išeiti iš darbo. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad bendrosios praktikos slaugytojoms ir jų darbo aplinkai būdingi du kognityviniai stiliai - žinantis ir planuojantis. Nera rasta sąsajų tarp asmens ir darbo aplinkos kognityvinių stilių atitikimo, subjektyvaus atitikimo darbo aplinkai bei ketinimo išeiti iš darbo. Tačiau pastebėta, kad kuo yra didesnis subjektyvus atitikimas darbo aplinkai, tuo yra mažesnis ketinimas išeiti iš darbo. / The aim of the research is to assess the relations between person’s and his work environment cognitive styles as well as subjectively perceived fit of work environment demands and intention to quit. 136 nurses of general practice took place in the research. All the nurses work in the same organization. Their age is ranged between 23 to 73 years (the average being 49,55 years). As the theoretical cornerstone the model of three dimensional cognitive style of Cools Van de Broeck, Bouckenooghe (2009) was chosen. According to it the cognitive style can be divided into the following criteria: the knowing, the planning and the creative one. This model was chosen because using the same indicator it is possible to determine the cognitive style of the nurses as well as the cognitive style which, according to their opinion, is required by the work environment. After testing the congruence between the cognitive style of a person and the one required by the work environment the connection of personnel’s subjective fit towards the requirements of work environment and the intention to quit the work was assessed. The results of the research showed that two cognitive styles, namely, the knowing and the planning are typical to the nurses of general practice as well as their work environment. There are no connection found between the person’s and his/hers work environment cognitive styles fit, as well as the subjective fit towards the work environment and the intention to quit the work... [to full text]

Užsiėmimų, paremtų šokio - judesio terapija, efektyvumas keičiant 18-25 m. merginų kūno vaizdą / The efficacy of sessions based on dance / movement therapy in altering body image of 18-25 years old girls

Dievaitytė, Ugnė 21 June 2011 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti užsiėmimų, paremtų šokio-judesio terapija, efektyvumą keičiant 18-25 m. merginų kūno vaizdą. Tyrime dalyvavo 105 merginos iš Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Socialinių mokslų fakulteto. Intervencinėje grupėje visame penkių užsiėmimų cikle dalyvavo 40 merginų, o lyginamojoje grupėje, paskaitoje ir abiejose apklausose dalyvavo 37 merginos. Intervencinės grupės tiriamieji dalyvavo penkiuose 1,5 val. trukmės, kartą per savaitę vykstančiuose, šokio judesio terapija paremtuose užsiėmimuose, skirtuose formuoti pozityvesnį savo kūno vaizdą. Lyginamoji grupė dalyvavo vienoje 2 val. trukmės paskaitoje apie valgymo sutrikimus, sutrikusį kūno vaizdą ir šokio-judesio terapijos taikymo galimybes. Siekiant nustatyti intervencinių užsiėmimų efektyvumą prieš intervenciją ir po jos tiriamųjų buvo prašoma užpildyti Kūno formos, Požiūrio į valgymą, užsiėmimų naudingumo vertinimo klausimynus, Teigiamų ir neigiamų emocijų, Susirūpinimo svoriu, Išvaizdos vertinimo, Pasitenkinimo kūno sritimis skalės. Taip pat, kiekvieną užsiėmimą (prieš ir po) tiriamosios pildė Teigiamų ir Neigiamų emocijų skales. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad šokio-judesio terapija paremtuose užsiėmimuose taikomos poveikio priemonės yra efektyvios formuojant pozityvesnį kūno vaizdą, t.y. jaučiama daugiau teigiamų emocijų savo kūno atžvilgiu, mažiau– neigiamų, sumažėja susirūpinimas savo išvaizda ir svoriui ir pagerėja išvaizdos vertinimas 18-25 m. merginoms. Taip pat, nustatyta, kad po kiekvieno... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the research is to evaluate the efficacy of sessions based on dance/movement therapy in altering body image of 18-25 years old girls. 105 girls from Vytautas Magnus University Social Sciences Faculty participated in the research. 40 girls of the intervention group attended all of the five sessions based on dance/movement therapy. 37 girls of the control group attended a lecture and pre and post measuring. Once a week intervention group participants attended one and a half an hour duration sessions based on dance/movement therapy designed for improving body image. Control group participated in two hours duration lecture about eating disorders, distorted body image and the applicability of dance/movement therapy. In order to evaluate the efficacy of the sessions based on dance/movement therapy research participants filled in Body Shape, Eating Attitude, Evaluation of Sessions Utility Questionnaires, Positive and Negative Emotions, Weight Preoccupation, Appearance Evaluation, Appearance Orientation, Body Areas Satisfaction Scales. Research participants had to fill in Positive and Negative Emotions scales before and after each session as well. The results of the research indicate that the methods used in the sessions based on dance/movement therapy have a positive effect on improving body image, i.e. positive emotions towards one’s body increased, negative ones – decreased in quantity, preoccupation with weight and appearance reduced and one’s appearance evaluation... [to full text]

Vivências depressivas, ansiedade e situação de estresse de pais/cuidadores de crianças portadoras de anemia falciforme, Luanda-Angola, 2009 / Depressive experiences, anxiety and stress situation of parents nurturing children suffering from sickle

Martinho Luemba 09 December 2009 (has links)
Resumo Este estudo descritivo, de natureza qualitativa, visou reconhecer atitudes observadas no comportamento de pais/mães cuidadores de crianças portadoras de anemia falciforme, doença crônica relevante no continente africano, identificar aspectos relacionados à dinâmica familiar, caracterizar vivências depressivas, ansiógenas e de estresse desse grupo, no Hospital Pediátrico David Bernardino, em Luanda, Angola. A população de estudo compreendeu 25 participantes 08 pais, na faixa etária de 25 50 anos, e 17 mães, com idades entre 25 e 50 anos. Para obtenção dos dados, entrevistas foram realizadas, seguindo um roteiro temático, acompanhadas de aplicação de testes para aquilatar depressão, ansiedade e estresse na população de estudo. Para isso, contou com aprovação do Comitê de Ética em pesquisa, da Faculdade de Saúde Pública-USP, autorização da direção do Hospital, e anuência dos participantes, de acordo com os termos do TCLE. Os conteúdos das entrevistas gravadas foram transcritos, organizados em quadros, e analisados segundo a técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Os dados dos testes aplicados, também, são apresentados em quadros e analisados conforme a metodologia seguida. Achados revelaram que, praticamente todos os integrantes deste estudo apresentavam sintomas de depressão, ansiedade e estresse, em diferentes níveis, destacando-se o nível moderado, porém com presença de casos graves em todos eles. Este quadro foi compreendido como resultado de sofrimento vivenciado em todo o processo de adoecimento da criança, desde a descoberta de sintomas, a peregrinação por serviços de saúde para diagnóstico e tratamento especializados em face da falta de qualificação de profissionais e de hospitais para atenção a portadores de anemia falciforme - e da persistência de crises, até a chegada ao único hospital de referência nacional. Em considerações finais, ressalta-se que vivências de pais/mães cuidadores de crianças portadoras de anemia falciforme devem ser consideradas em qualquer plano de enfrentamento do problema, uma vez que a doença de seus filhos interfere, diretamente, em sua vida cotidiana e de trabalho. Outra recomendação diz respeito à necessidade de promoção e ampliação da rede especializada, em nível nacional, para redução da demanda que se registra no único hospital pediátrico, em Luanda, ao de melhor qualificação de profissionais de saúde para sua abordagem. / This descriptive study, applying qualitative methods, sought to recognize the attitudes and symptoms observed in the behavior of parents nurturing children suffering sickle, as well as understand the aspects linked to family Dynamics, characterize the depressive, angiogenesis living and stress situations of this group in pediatric hospital, David Bernardino in Luanda, Angola. The population of the study is made of 25 participants, being 08 fathers whose ages fall between 25-50 years, and 17 mothers whose ages fall between 25 50 years. To gather the data, interviews were done following the interview protocol. Testing was also applied to measure the depression, anxiety and stress on the target population of the study. Thus, the study held an approval from the ethics and research committee of the school of public health USP as well as the permission of the hospital administration board and the consent of the participants as described in the terms of TCLE. The content of the interviews recorded were transcribed and organized in tables, and it was analyzed following the technique of the discourse of collective subjects. The data of the tests applied are also presented in tables and analyzed following the applied methodology. The results revealed that almost all the participants of the study symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress at different levels, emphasizing the moderate level, though with the presence of grave cases in all three; this reality witnessed was understood as the result of the suffering lived in all process of the child illness, since the display of the symptoms, the ups and downs in health care institutions to seek for diagnostic and care due to the shortage of qualified professionals and hospitals to care for sickle carriers and the continuous crises until reaching the unique hospital of reference in the country; added to this all other consequences for the family life. As final words, it is highlighted that the life experience of parents nurturing children carriers of sickle is an important phenomenon to be taken into account in dealing with the problem, since their childrens sickle interferes, directly, in their daily life and work. Another recommendation is related to the need of promoting and extending the network of this sickle health care service countrywide to reduce the high number of people who run to the unique pediatric hospital in Luanda, as well as train more people to deal with the demands of the disease.

Vivências depressivas, ansiedade e situação de estresse de pais/cuidadores de crianças portadoras de anemia falciforme, Luanda-Angola, 2009 / Depressive experiences, anxiety and stress situation of parents nurturing children suffering from sickle

Luemba, Martinho 09 December 2009 (has links)
Resumo Este estudo descritivo, de natureza qualitativa, visou reconhecer atitudes observadas no comportamento de pais/mães cuidadores de crianças portadoras de anemia falciforme, doença crônica relevante no continente africano, identificar aspectos relacionados à dinâmica familiar, caracterizar vivências depressivas, ansiógenas e de estresse desse grupo, no Hospital Pediátrico David Bernardino, em Luanda, Angola. A população de estudo compreendeu 25 participantes 08 pais, na faixa etária de 25 50 anos, e 17 mães, com idades entre 25 e 50 anos. Para obtenção dos dados, entrevistas foram realizadas, seguindo um roteiro temático, acompanhadas de aplicação de testes para aquilatar depressão, ansiedade e estresse na população de estudo. Para isso, contou com aprovação do Comitê de Ética em pesquisa, da Faculdade de Saúde Pública-USP, autorização da direção do Hospital, e anuência dos participantes, de acordo com os termos do TCLE. Os conteúdos das entrevistas gravadas foram transcritos, organizados em quadros, e analisados segundo a técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Os dados dos testes aplicados, também, são apresentados em quadros e analisados conforme a metodologia seguida. Achados revelaram que, praticamente todos os integrantes deste estudo apresentavam sintomas de depressão, ansiedade e estresse, em diferentes níveis, destacando-se o nível moderado, porém com presença de casos graves em todos eles. Este quadro foi compreendido como resultado de sofrimento vivenciado em todo o processo de adoecimento da criança, desde a descoberta de sintomas, a peregrinação por serviços de saúde para diagnóstico e tratamento especializados em face da falta de qualificação de profissionais e de hospitais para atenção a portadores de anemia falciforme - e da persistência de crises, até a chegada ao único hospital de referência nacional. Em considerações finais, ressalta-se que vivências de pais/mães cuidadores de crianças portadoras de anemia falciforme devem ser consideradas em qualquer plano de enfrentamento do problema, uma vez que a doença de seus filhos interfere, diretamente, em sua vida cotidiana e de trabalho. Outra recomendação diz respeito à necessidade de promoção e ampliação da rede especializada, em nível nacional, para redução da demanda que se registra no único hospital pediátrico, em Luanda, ao de melhor qualificação de profissionais de saúde para sua abordagem. / This descriptive study, applying qualitative methods, sought to recognize the attitudes and symptoms observed in the behavior of parents nurturing children suffering sickle, as well as understand the aspects linked to family Dynamics, characterize the depressive, angiogenesis living and stress situations of this group in pediatric hospital, David Bernardino in Luanda, Angola. The population of the study is made of 25 participants, being 08 fathers whose ages fall between 25-50 years, and 17 mothers whose ages fall between 25 50 years. To gather the data, interviews were done following the interview protocol. Testing was also applied to measure the depression, anxiety and stress on the target population of the study. Thus, the study held an approval from the ethics and research committee of the school of public health USP as well as the permission of the hospital administration board and the consent of the participants as described in the terms of TCLE. The content of the interviews recorded were transcribed and organized in tables, and it was analyzed following the technique of the discourse of collective subjects. The data of the tests applied are also presented in tables and analyzed following the applied methodology. The results revealed that almost all the participants of the study symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress at different levels, emphasizing the moderate level, though with the presence of grave cases in all three; this reality witnessed was understood as the result of the suffering lived in all process of the child illness, since the display of the symptoms, the ups and downs in health care institutions to seek for diagnostic and care due to the shortage of qualified professionals and hospitals to care for sickle carriers and the continuous crises until reaching the unique hospital of reference in the country; added to this all other consequences for the family life. As final words, it is highlighted that the life experience of parents nurturing children carriers of sickle is an important phenomenon to be taken into account in dealing with the problem, since their childrens sickle interferes, directly, in their daily life and work. Another recommendation is related to the need of promoting and extending the network of this sickle health care service countrywide to reduce the high number of people who run to the unique pediatric hospital in Luanda, as well as train more people to deal with the demands of the disease.

Crianças no espaço urbano: um estudo sobre políticas públicas no contexto das "cidades amigas da criança" / Children in the urban space: a study on public policies in the child s friend cities context

Bertuol, Carla 07 November 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:32:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carla Bertuol.pdf: 1216353 bytes, checksum: d8cf568a61c86812a122b3b872b2b35b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-11-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research addresses the relationships between children and the cities within the public policies aimed at to transform the cities in good environments for children. From a constructionist stance, we consider that the current universal definition for child taken for granted derived from the segregation of children from the social life space and the construction of due specific places as ways for the modern rationality wield control over the experience of being child. The Federal Constitution of 1988 proposed an agenda dedicated to the childhood in the public policies of brazilian cities, within the political-administrative decentralization trend or municipalization processes and afterwards within the Child and Adolescent Statute of 1990. In this agenda some peculiar voluntary initiatives of evaluation and award are proposed for the cities that develop public policies pointed to this issue and also a possibility of registration in the Child Friendly Cities initiative of the United Nations Organization. We understand the public policies as the government s ways to make choices about public actions to be implemented and we start from the presupposition that despite of the hegemonic conceptions about children, if we look to the city as a place, looking at children s presence in the city and his/hers relationships with public policies practices, we can contribute so that their positions and resistance possibilities become more visible, expanding the dialogue between children and public policies. The theory that we present here is that the cities, when organized based in universalistic assumptions about the childhood, bring forth a vision of the adults over the children into the public policies, and that in the daily practices, children take the urban space using it as resistance forms. This study pursues two objectives. The first one to discuss how the public policies guided by the child s friend initiative presuppositions deals with the children s specificities, considered as social authors and actors we have approached the field-theme through dialogues with the decision makers of the municipal public policies, followed up the meetings of the municipal facilities Little Net , made interviews and took part in events accomplished in Santo André- SP. For the second objective to know the resistance strategies of the children in relation to the actions emanated from those policies - we have accomplished unstructured observations on the use of the urban space by children and we observed them within a programmatic action, the Expresso Lazer. We found that the adult vision about children in organizational forms devoted to warrant children s rights are hegemonic and that any consideration from the children about the use of the urban space doesn t enter among the possibilities for solving the issues discussed there, resulting in an approach that is usually far from the experience of being child. We also found out that children actively attempt to build his/her presence close to the daily life together with the adults, and in this enthusiasm they show auto-organization capacity and autonomy in the use of the space, an don t show their selves malleable to the dominance forces reacting with resistance in the use of urban space. In the final considerations we discuss how children s rights have potential for transformational in the child s friend cities context and we suggest dialogue possibilities within Social Psychology / Esta pesquisa aborda as relações entre crianças e cidades nas políticas públicas que visam transformar as cidades em bons ambientes para as crianças. Seguindo orientação construcionista, consideramos que a definição de criança de forma universalizada ocorreu com a separação destas da vida social e a construção de espaços próprios, formas de controle da racionalidade moderna sobre a experiência de ser criança. Nas políticas públicas, uma agenda para as crianças nas cidades brasileiras é proposta inicialmente com a municipalização político-administrativa na Constituição Federal, em 1988, e, em seguida, com as diretrizes do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, em 1990. Nessa agenda observam-se iniciativas peculiares e voluntárias de avaliação e premiação das cidades que desenvolvem políticas públicas voltadas para este grupo e configuram-se como possibilidade de inscrição na iniciativa Child Friendly Cities da Organização das Nações Unidas. Entendemos as políticas públicas como formas de escolhas das ações públicas implementadas pelos governos e partimos do pressuposto de que, apesar das concepções hegemônicas sobre as crianças, ao olharmos para a cidade como lugar, atentando para sua presença na cidade e para suas relações com as práticas das políticas públicas, podemos contribuir para que suas posições e suas possibilidades de resistência se tornem mais visíveis e, assim, expandir o diálogo entre crianças e políticas públicas. A tese que defendemos aqui é de que as cidades, ao se organizar com base em pressupostos universalistas sobre a infância, trazem para as políticas públicas uma visão adulta sobre as crianças, que, no espaço do cotidiano das práticas, usam o espaço urbano como forma de resistência. Dois objetivos norteiam este estudo: (1) discutir como as políticas públicas, orientadas pelos pressupostos das iniciativas Amigas da Criança , trabalham com as especificidades das crianças, consideradas como a(u)tores sociais; e (2) conhecer as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas pelas crianças em relação às ações emanadas dessas políticas. Para o primeiro, buscamos aproximações ao campo-tema por meio de interlocuções com os gestores da política pública municipal, acompanhando as reuniões da Redinha , realizando entrevistas e participando de eventos em Santo André-SP. Para o segundo objetivo, fizemos observações não estruturadas do uso do espaço urbano pelas crianças, acompanhando-as numa ação programática, o Expresso Lazer. Percebemos que a visão adulta sobre a infância ainda é hegemônica nas formas organizativas voltadas para a garantia dos direitos das crianças e na consideração do uso do espaço urbano por elas como algo que não entra nas possibilidades de resolução das situações ali discutidas. Desse modo, a abordagem de tais políticas muitas vezes se distancia de experiência de ser criança. As crianças, por sua vez, buscam ativamente construir sua presença no cotidiano junto aos adultos, e nesse afã mostram-se capazes de se auto-organizar e de usar o espaço de maneira autônoma, sem se moldar às formas de dominação e reagindo com resistência no uso do espaço urbano. Nas considerações finais indagamos sobre a potência transformadora dos direitos para as crianças no contexto das Cidades Amigas da Criança e sugerimos possibilidades de diálogo com a Psicologia Social

Implica??es socioambientais da constru??o de um parque e?lico no munic?pio de Rio de Fogo-RN / Social-environmental implications from the construction of a wind farm in the municipality of Rio do Fogo-RN

Improta, Rafaella Lenoir 16 June 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:38:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RafaellaLI.pdf: 2919587 bytes, checksum: 351adeebcfb2468e37cefb99bcc196c1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-06-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The purpose of this study was to investigate the social-environmental implications of the first large scale wind farm recently built in Brazil (2006), Parque E?lico de Rio do Fogo (PERF), to the nearby communities. The research was base on the adjustment of the DIS/BCN tool to analyze social impact and it was linked to the multi-method approach. Applying the autophotography strategy, cameras were given to five children from the district of Zumbi, the nearest location to PERF, and they were asked to individually photograph the six places they liked the most and the six places they liked the least in their community. Then, these children were interviewed individually and collectively about the photographs. Adult locals in Zumbi, residents of Zumbi/Rio do Fogo settlement, members of the State and Municipal government and representatives of the PERF were also interviewed with the aid of some of the pictures taken by the children and others that might trigger something to say, as a strategy called sample function. The five children presented positive image towards PERF; all of them chose to photograph it as one of places they liked. Adult population of Zumbi presented positive visual evaluation towards PERF. A small number of the interviewees were aware of the environmental and social benefits of wind energy production. Residents did not participate of the decision making process regarding PERF. They approved the project, especially because of the jobs provided during construction. Nowadays, PERF is something apart from their lives because it no longer provides jobs or any other interaction between the facility and the locals. Residents relate to the land, not with the facility. However, there is no evidence of rejection towards PERF, it is simply seen as something neutral to their lives. The low levels of education, traditional lack of social commitment and citizenship, and the experience accumulated by PERF?s planners and builders in other countries, may be contributing points to the fact that Zumbi residents did not oppose to PERF. It is clear that the country needs a legislation which seriously considers the psycho-social dimension involved in the implementation of wind farms / O prop?sito deste estudo foi investigar as implica??es s?cio-ambientais do recente (2006) primeiro parque e?lico de grande porte do Brasil, Parque E?lico de Rio do Fogo (PERF), sobre as comunidades vizinhas. O trabalho foi baseado em adapta??o da ferramenta DIS/BCN para an?lise de impactos sociais, vinculada a uma abordagem multim?todos. Conforme a estrat?gia da autofotografia, foram entregues c?meras fotogr?ficas para cinco crian?as do distrito de Zumbi, localidade mais pr?xima ao PERF e pedido a elas que, individualmente, fotografassem os seis lugares de que mais gostavam e os seis lugares de que menos gostavam em sua comunidade. Posteriormente, essas crian?as foram entrevistadas individual e coletivamente a respeito das fotografias. Tamb?m foram entrevistados residentes adultos de Zumbi, moradores do Assentamento Zumbi/Rio do Fogo, membros do governo estadual e municipal, e representantes do PERF, com aux?lio de algumas fotografias das crian?as e outras, que provocassem algo a dizer, em uma estrat?gia de investiga??o denominada fun??o de modelo. As cinco crian?as apresentaram imagem positiva do PERF; todas escolheram fotograf?-lo como um dos lugares de que gostavam. A popula??o adulta de Zumbi apresentou avalia??o visual positiva do PERF. Um n?mero reduzido de entrevistados conhecia os benef?cios ambientais e sociais da produ??o de energia e?lica. Os residentes n?o participaram do processo de decis?o a respeito do PERF; eles aprovaram a iniciativa especialmente por conta do fomento de empregos durante a constru??o. Atualmente, o PERF ? algo alheio ?s suas vidas por n?o haver mais ofertas de empregos, nem outra forma de intera??o moradores-empreendimento. Os residentes se relacionam com o terreno e n?o com o empreendimento. No entanto, n?o h? evid?ncias de rejei??o ao PERF, os moradores apenas o v?em como algo neutro ?s suas vidas O baixo n?vel educacional, a falta de vertebra??o social e a atua??o de uma empresa com larga experi?ncia na implanta??o de parques e?licos em outros pa?ses podem ser fatores que contribu?ram para a n?o oposi??o dos moradores de Zumbi ao PERF. Fica clara a falta que faz no pa?s uma legisla??o que considere seriamente a dimens?o psico-social envolvida na implanta??o de parques e?licos

Žemo socialinio - ekonominio sluoksnio šeimose augančių vaikų intelektinių gebėjimų, elgesio ir emocinių problemų ypatybės / The peculiarities of intellectual faculties, of behaviour and of emotional problems of children growing in the families of low social – economic set

Melkūnaitė, Loreta 22 June 2006 (has links)
The purpose of research: to explore the peculiarities of intellectual faculties, of behaviour and of emotional problems of children growing in the families of low social– economic set. The tasks of research: 1. To explore the level of intellectual faculties, of behaviour and of emotional problems of children growing in the families of low and higher social– economic set. 2. To compare the level of intellectual faculties, of behaviour and of emotional problems of children growing in the families of low and higher social– economic set. 3. To elaborate the peculiarities of the level of children intellectual faculties, behaviour and emotional problems in the groups of boys and girls. The clues of research: • Draw a Person: Quantitative Scoring System (DAP) (Naglieri, 1988); • Teacher Report Form TRF 6/18 (Achenbach, 2001); • Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire SDQ-Lit (M 4/16) (Goodman, 2000). The involved in research: Pupils of the pre-school education groups and of 1-5 form, and their teachers of three educational institutions of Kaisiadorys district (Palomene Comprehensive School and Antakalnis Comprehensive School, Gudiena Nursery-School Rugelis). Conclusions: 1. On the grounds of the research data of Person being drawing it is stated that the level of the intellectual faculties, of behaviour and of emotional problems of children growing in the families of low social– economic set compare to the higher one is different. 2. On the grounds of the data of... [to full text]

Emocinės būklės kitimai nėštumo metu ir pogimdyminiame laikotarpyje priklausomai nuo asmenybės bruožų ir informuotumo apie gimdymą / Changes in emotional wellbeing during and post pregnancy periods depending on personality traits and childbirth education

Masiukienė, Agnė 15 January 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas : nustatyti moterų emocinės būklės kitimo ypatumus nėštumo metu ir pogimdyminiame laikotarpyje, atsižvelgiant į asmenybės bruožus ir informuotumą apie gimdymą. Tyrime dalyvavo 142 moterys, lankiusios ir nelankiusios nėščiųjų mokymo kursus Kauno ir Vilniaus miestuose. Tiriamosios buvo apklausiamos du kartus : nėštumo metu ir po gimdymo. Tiriamųjų apklausai buvo naudoti šie klausimynai : lietuviškas H. ir S. Aizenkų (Eysenck) klausimynas (EPQ), Edinburgo pogimdyminės depresijos skalės klausimynas (EPDS), C.D. Spilbergo (Spielberger) nerimo skalė (STAI). Socialiniams, demografiniams bei subjektyvios sveikatos rodikliams nustatyti buvo naudojami bendrosios apklausos klausimai, sudaryti A.Masiukienės. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad nėščiųjų informuotumas gerina emocinę būklę po gimdymo, įskaitant ir pažeidžiamų savybių turinčias moteris. Neurotiško tipo moterų lankiusių nėščiųjų kursus emocinės būklės pokytis pogimdyminiame laikotarpyje geresnis, lyginant su neurotiško tipo moterimis nelankiusiomis nėščiųjų kursų. Asmenybės bruožas gali nulemti nėščiųjų kursų lankomumą, neurotiškos moterys linkusios nelankyti neščiųjų kursų. Asmenybės bruožai, tokie kaip introversija ir neurotiškumas, yra svarbus veiksnys susijęs su prasta emocine būkle po gimdymo, bet tai ne svarbiausias veiksnys. Su prasta emocine būkle pogimdyminiame laikotarpyje turi ryšį ir kiti psichosocialiniai veiksniai, tokie kaip žemas išsimokslinimas, prasta emocinė būklė prieš... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Purpose of The Study: To analyse the connection between changes in emotional wellbeing during and post pregnancy periods in women whilst observing their personality traits and obtained antenatal education levels. The study was conducted among 142 women, who have or have not attended antenatal courses in the cities of Kaunas and Vilnius. The participants were questioned twice: during pregnancy and after the childbirth. For the Survey were used: The H. and S. Eisenck Questionnaire (EPO), The Edinburgh Questionnaire of The Scale of Postnatal Depression (EPDS), The C.D. Spielberger Scale of Anxiety (STAI). The questionnaire that helped to assess the social, demographic and subjective health aspects in the study was constructed by A.Masiukiene. The study results showed that the level of antenatal education positively effects postnatal emotional wellbeing, including the wellbeing of vulnerable women. The positive change in the emotional wellbeing of the neurotic type is also noticed between those who attended the antenatal courses, compared to women of the neurotic type who did not attend the courses. Personality Traits, such as introversion and neuroticism, is an important factor that can determine a lower level of emotional wellbeing after childbirth, but is not the most important one. Low emotional wellbeing can be caused by other psychosocial conditions, such as poor education, lower emotional wellbeing before pregnancy, social support after childbirth. Antenatal education... [to full text]

Jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ir jų motinų psichologinių ypatumų sąsajos lyties ir šeimos sudėties aspektu / Typical psychological relation between junior schoolchildren and their mothers on the bases of sex and family status

Gaigalienė, Irena 06 June 2005 (has links)
A family is the first educational institution where a child acquires his basic social standards. A family is also the most important institution for human socialization having a great influence on the development of a child‘s personality. Parents form the biggest part of a child‘s environment the development of a child‘s personality greatly depends on them. The aim of this work is to analyse the typical psychological relation between junior schoolchildren and their mothers on the bases of sex and family status. 400 people (200 children aged 9-11 and their 200 mothers) took part in a survey. 5 questionnaires were used for assessing children‘s psychological feelings, inside calmness, self - assessment, worries about school and motivation for learning. For assessing their mothers‘ psychological feelings, inside calmness and self – assessment 3 questionnaires were used. While carrying out a survey there were given 3 hypotheses which turned to be partly approved. A significant relation was defined between girls‘ inside calmness and their mothers‘ psychological feelings as well as between their self – assessment, whereas the same kind of relation between boys and their mothers was not confirmed. There was also defined a significant relation between boys‘ worries about school and their mothers‘ psychological feelings. A second hypotheses which states that in a two – parent family there is a closer relation between the children‘s inside calmness, psychological mood at school... [to full text]

The changes in psychological functioning problems during Solution-Focused Brief Therapy among adolescents in health care settings / Sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose gydomų paauglių psichologinio funkcionavimo problemų kitimas į sprendimus sutelkto trumpalaikio konsultavimo metu

Pakrosnis, Rytis 04 June 2008 (has links)
Adolescents with health disorders experience an increased risk of psychological functioning problems. However, the lack of availability of psychological help and research on methods’ effectiveness in this group is still being extensively discussed worldwide. Theoretical assumptions of the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), closely related to the ideas of constructivism and systems theory, indicate that therapeutic effect of the model can be viewed as not limited to changes in the problem presented for the therapy, but as having potential of spreading into other areas of psychological functioning. Thus the aim of the dissertation is to estimate the changes in the severity of psychological functioning problems during SFBT among in-patient and out-patient adolescents experiencing mental or physical health disorders. Participants were 12-18 year old out-patients of two primary mental health care centers and in-patients of a rehabilitation hospital (N=131). Treatment group consisted of 23 out-patients and 21 in-patients (control groups accordingly 23 and 28 adolescents). Changes in the severity of problems presented for the therapy were assessed by The Therapist’s Evaluation of Improvement and The Client’s Evaluation of Progress, while the severity of psychological functioning problems and its changes were assessed by Standardized Interview for the Evaluation of Adolescents’ Problems and Checklist of Adolescent Behavior Changes. Results of the study revealed that mental... [to full text] / Sveikatos sutrikimų turintys paaugliai susiduria su padidėjusia psichologinio funkcionavimo problemų rizika. Tačiau dažnai diskutuojama psichologinės pagalbos prieinamumo ir metodų efektyvumo tyrimų šioje grupėje trūkumo problema. Darbe tyrinėjamo į sprendimus sutelkto trumpalaikio konsultavimo (SSTK) prielaidos, kurios glaudžiai siejasi su konstruktyvizmo ir bendrosios sistemų teorijos idėjomis, leidžia galvoti, kad SSTK terapinis poveikis neapsiriboja tik konkrečios problemos sprendimu, bet turi galimybę išsiplėsti į kitas psichologinio funkcionavimo sritis. Tad šio tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti dėl psichikos ir somatinės sveikatos sutrikimų gydomų paauglių psichologinio funkcionavimo problemų laipsnio kitimą SSTK metu. Tyrime dalyvavo 131 vienoje reabilitacijos ligoninėje ir dviejuose pirminės psichikos sveikatos priežiūros centruose gydomas 12 – 18 m. paauglys. Poveikio grupę sudarė 23 PPSPC ir 21 reabilitacinės ligoninės pacientas (kontrolines grupes – atitinkamai 23 ir 28). Konsultavime sprendžiamų problemų sunkumo pokyčiams vertinti taikyti Kliento vertinamas problemos sprendimo progresas ir Konsultanto vertinamo problemos sprendimo progreso skalė, o psichologinio funkcionavimo problemų laipsniui ir jo kitimui vertinti – Standartizuotas interviu paauglių problemoms įvertinti ir Paauglio elgesio klausimynas. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad psichikos sveikatos sutrikimas paauglių psichologinį funkcionavimą paveikia labiau nei somatinės sveikatos sutrikimas, tačiau savęs... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

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