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Die psigososiale behoeftes van maatskaplike werkers tydens ondersoeke na seksuele misbruik van kinders / Hendrina Magdalena (Daleen) LuytLuyt, Hendrina Magdalena January 2015 (has links)
Sexual abuse of children is a complex problem that holds far-reaching
consequences for the child and his / her family. It is a criminal act of power and
control that has an impact on all people regardless of age, race, culture and
economic status (Statistics, 2014). The handling of sexual abuse is a service field of
social work in which social workers are designated by law to investigate cases of
sexual abuse of children and the allegations thereof, according to the Children's Act
No 32 of 2005 (SA, 2005).
During investigations into child sexual abuse social workers experience intense,
powerful feelings that have an emotional impact on the social worker and his / her
role functioning (Cussons, 2011:2). It is important for social workers to possess the
necessary knowledge, skills and resources to facilitate service delivery (Van Wyk,
2011:65). The objective of this research was to determine the psychosocial needs of
social workers during investigations into child sexual abuse in order to establish the
nature of social workers' needs, conscious experiences and observable behaviour.
The researcher used the qualitative approach. The interpretive descriptive research
design as a research strategy was used to determine the psychosocial needs of
social workers during investigations into child sexual abuse. Eleven participants took
part in the study and data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews with
each participant individually. The qualitative data were transcribed into themes and
sub-themes to be analysed by a coding system according to the proposed
framework of Tesch (in Creswell, 2009:186). Eight themes were identified: (1) role requirements, (2) role expectations, (3)
emotional needs, (4) physical needs, (5) social needs, (6) cultural needs, (7) spiritual
needs and (8) development and growth. These themes were divided into sub-themes
and categories, and appropriate narratives as discussed in the interviews. The
information was checked with literature and some conclusions and recommendations
were made.
Investigations into child sexual abuse are high-intensity cases which require
immediate action from social workers. It was found that social workers experienced a
strong demand for debriefing and support during their involvement with these
investigations. It seems that social workers dealing with these cases experience
unique psychosocial needs. If these needs are not addressed, it can lead to negative
role functioning, occupational stress and even burnout of these social workers.
The following recommendations can be made, namely that:
* support working groups be presented for debriefing opportunities;
* organizations establish working groups that focus on stress;
* child sexual abuse be seen as a speciality field;
* social workers be trained as case managers of the investigation into child
sexual abuse;
* professional role-players involved be trained through workshops in respect of
their own and others' obligations;
* resources be recruited and obtained. / MSW, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Die psigososiale behoeftes van maatskaplike werkers tydens ondersoeke na seksuele misbruik van kinders / Hendrina Magdalena (Daleen) LuytLuyt, Hendrina Magdalena January 2015 (has links)
Sexual abuse of children is a complex problem that holds far-reaching
consequences for the child and his / her family. It is a criminal act of power and
control that has an impact on all people regardless of age, race, culture and
economic status (Statistics, 2014). The handling of sexual abuse is a service field of
social work in which social workers are designated by law to investigate cases of
sexual abuse of children and the allegations thereof, according to the Children's Act
No 32 of 2005 (SA, 2005).
During investigations into child sexual abuse social workers experience intense,
powerful feelings that have an emotional impact on the social worker and his / her
role functioning (Cussons, 2011:2). It is important for social workers to possess the
necessary knowledge, skills and resources to facilitate service delivery (Van Wyk,
2011:65). The objective of this research was to determine the psychosocial needs of
social workers during investigations into child sexual abuse in order to establish the
nature of social workers' needs, conscious experiences and observable behaviour.
The researcher used the qualitative approach. The interpretive descriptive research
design as a research strategy was used to determine the psychosocial needs of
social workers during investigations into child sexual abuse. Eleven participants took
part in the study and data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews with
each participant individually. The qualitative data were transcribed into themes and
sub-themes to be analysed by a coding system according to the proposed
framework of Tesch (in Creswell, 2009:186). Eight themes were identified: (1) role requirements, (2) role expectations, (3)
emotional needs, (4) physical needs, (5) social needs, (6) cultural needs, (7) spiritual
needs and (8) development and growth. These themes were divided into sub-themes
and categories, and appropriate narratives as discussed in the interviews. The
information was checked with literature and some conclusions and recommendations
were made.
Investigations into child sexual abuse are high-intensity cases which require
immediate action from social workers. It was found that social workers experienced a
strong demand for debriefing and support during their involvement with these
investigations. It seems that social workers dealing with these cases experience
unique psychosocial needs. If these needs are not addressed, it can lead to negative
role functioning, occupational stress and even burnout of these social workers.
The following recommendations can be made, namely that:
* support working groups be presented for debriefing opportunities;
* organizations establish working groups that focus on stress;
* child sexual abuse be seen as a speciality field;
* social workers be trained as case managers of the investigation into child
sexual abuse;
* professional role-players involved be trained through workshops in respect of
their own and others' obligations;
* resources be recruited and obtained. / MSW, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Fostering self-regulation through positive discipline during free play in early childhood educationMsipha, Zenzile 10 June 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The fostering of self-regulation is of great importance in the Early Childhood
Development (ECD) phase, because it leads to future self-discipline. The aim of the
study was to understand the participants’ ways of fostering self-regulation during free
play in three primary schools in Zimbabwe. The theoretical frameworks of the study,
namely positive psychology and Deci and Ryan’s Self-Determination Theory (SDT),
as well as the Basic Psychological Needs Theory (BPNT), regarded the learners’
support for autonomy, competence and relatedness as key characteristics of positive
discipline that support the development of self-regulation. Benner’s interpretive
phenomenology method was used with the aim of describing and interpreting
participants’ experiences of the phenomenon under study. The social constructivism
paradigm underpinned the study and the approach was qualitative. Data collection
and analysis were guided by Benner’s interpretive phenomenological method. A
paradigm case, themes and exemplars were used in data presentation, discussion
and interpretation. Findings showed that free-play activities consisted of, for instance,
socio-dramatic play, indoor play in play corners and outdoor play. The common
practices used by the participants to foster self-regulation through positive discipline
were co-regulation, positive reinforcement, time-out and logical consequences.
Teachers and learners often perceived the teachers’ use of time-out and logical
consequences as punishment rather than positive discipline, because of the rigidity of
its application without considering psychosocial needs. The findings, however, were
consistent with an understanding of fostering self-regulation through positive discipline
during free play by nurturing the learners’ psychological needs for autonomy,
competence and relatedness, as well as mindfulness. Research proposed
mindfulness as a possible fourth basic psychological need. In line with the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) for achieving a better and sustainable future for all people
by 2030, participants perceived the fostering of self-regulation through positive
discipline as part of gender education for eradicating gender-based violence and to
foster resilience. / Selfregulering moet in die vroeë kinderjare reeds by klein kinders gekweek word sodat
hulle later in die lewe in staat sal wees om selfdissipline aan die dag te lê. Die doel
van hierdie studie was om vas te stel hoe die deelnemers by drie laerskole in
Zimbabwe gedurende vrye spel selfregulering by leerders gekweek het. Die drie
teoretiese raamwerke waarop hierdie studie berus, is die positiewe sielkunde, Deci en
Ryan se selfbeskikkingsteorie (SBT) en die teorie van basiese psigososiale behoeftes
(TBSB). Hiervolgens is die bevrediging van kinders se behoefte aan outonomie,
bedrewenheid (‘competence’) en verhoudings (‘relatedness’) voorvereistes vir die
positiewe dissiplinering waarmee selfregulering by hulle gekweek word. Benner se
metode van interpretatiewe fenomenologie is gevolg om deelnemers se belewing van
die fenomeen te beskryf en te vertolk. Die sosiale konstruktivisme het die grondslag
van hierdie studie gevorm, en die benadering was kwalitatief. Data is volgens Benner
se metode van interpretatiewe fenomenologie ingewin en ontleed. ʼn Paradigmageval,
temas en voorbeelde (‘exemplars’) is in die aanbieding, bespreking en interpretasie
van data gebruik. Volgens die bevindings het vryespelaktiwiteite bestaan uit onder
meer sosiaal-dramatiese spel, binnenshuise spel in speelhoekies, en buitelugspel. Die
praktyke waarvolgens deelnemers selfregulering deur positiewe dissiplinering
gekweek het, was onderlinge regulering, positiewe versterking, afkoeltyd en logiese
gevolge. Onderwysers en leerders het afkoeltyd en logiese gevolge nie as positiewe
dissiplinering nie, maar eerder as straf belewe aangesien dit streng toegepas word en
nie met die kind se psigososiale behoeftes rekening hou nie. Die bevindings strook
egter met ons siening van die kweek van selfregulering deur positiewe dissiplinering
tydens vrye spel deur leerders se psigososiale behoefte aan outonomie,
bedrewenheid (‘comptetence’), verhoudings (‘relatedness’) en bewustheid
(‘mindfulness’) te bevredig. Navorsers stel bewustheid (‘mindfulness’) as ʼn vierde
basiese psigososiale behoefte voor. In ooreenstemming met die Doelwitte vir
Volhoubare Ontwikkeling (DVO’s) vir ʼn beter en volhoubare toekoms vir alle mense
teen 2030, het deelnemers gevind dat die kweek van selfregulering deur positiewe dissiplinering deel uitmaak van genderopvoeding as teenvoeter vir geslagsgeweld, en
vindingrykheid aanwakker. / Ukukhuthaza ukuzilawula kubaluleke kakhulu esigabeni sokuThuthukiswa
Kwabantwana Abasebancane (i-ECD phase), ngoba kuholela ekuzikhalimeni
esikhathini esizayo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekuwukuqonda izindlela
zababambiqhaza zokukhuthaza ukuzilawula ngesikhathi sokudlala ngokukhululeka
ezikoleni ezintathu zamabanga aphansi eZimbabwe. Izinhlaka zombono
wezinzululwazi zalolu cwaningo, ezaziwa ngokuthi okuhle kwengqondo kanye
noMbono Wenzululwazi kaDeci noRyan Wokuzimisela (i-SDT), kanye noMbono
Wenzululwazi Wezidingo Eziyisisekelo Zokuphathelene Nenggqondo (i-BPNT),
zithathe ukwesekwa kwabafundi njengokuzimele, ikhono kanye nokuhlobana
njengezimpawu ezisemqoka zokukwazi ukuzikhalima okuhle okusekela
ukuthuthukiswa kokuzilawula. Kusetshenziswe indlela kaBenner yokuhumusha
okwenzekile ngenhloso yokuchaza nokuhumusha okwenzeke kubabambiqhaza
kulokho okufundwa ngako. Inqubo yokwakhiwa kwezenhlalakahle iyona esekele
ucwaningo kanti futhi indlela yokwenza ibibheka amaqiniso. Ukuqoqwa kwemininingo
nokuhlaziywa bekuncike endleleni kaBenner yokuhumusha okwenzekile.
Kwasetshenziswa izimo semiqondo, izingqikithi kanye nezibonelo ukwethula
imininingo, izingxoxo nokuhumusha. Okutholakele kukhombisile ukuthi ukudlala
ngokukhululeka kubandakanya, ngokwesibonelo, ukudlala ngokulingisa ezenhlalo,
ukudlala endlini emakhoneni okudlala kanye nokudlala ngaphandle. Imikhuba
ejwayelekile esetshenziswa ngababambiqhaza ukukhuthaza ukuzilawula
ngokusebenzisa ukukhalima okukahle kwakungukulawula ngokubambisana,
ukukhuthaza okuhle, ukuqedwa komdlalo kanye nemiphumela eyenza umqondo. Othisha nabafundi babevame ukubona ukuqedwa komdlalo nemiphumela eyenza
umqondo njengento esetshenziswa ngothisha njengesijeziso kunokukhalima okuhle,
ngenxa yobukhuni bokusetshenziswa kwako ngaphandle kokubheka izidingo
zomqondo. Okutholakele, nokho, bekuhambisana nokuqonda kokukhuthaza
ukuzilawula ngokukhalima okukahle ngesikhathi sokudlala ngokukhululeka
ngokunakekela izidingo zabafundi zokuphathelene nengqondo ekuzimeleni, ikhono
kanye nokuhlobana, kanye nokuqaphela izinto. Ucwaningo luhlongoze ukuqaphela
izinto njengesidingo sesine esiyisisekelo kokuphathelene nengqondo.
Ngokuhambisanayo neziNjongo Zokuthuthukiswa Okusinokusimama (ama-SDG)
ukuze kufezeke ikusasa elingcono nelinokusimama kubantu bonke ngonyaka ka-
2030, ababambiqhaza babona ukukhuthaza ukuzilawula ngokuzikhalima okukahle
njengengxenye yemfundo yobulili ukuze kuncishiswe udlame oluncike ebulilini futhi
kukhuthazwe ukuqina. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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