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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O desenvolvimento motor de recém-nascidos pré-termo e a termo até a aquisição da marcha segundo Alberta Infant Motor Scale: um estudo de coorte / Motor development in preterm and term infants until walking independently according to Alberta Infant Motor Scale: a cohort study

Ana Paula Restiffe 28 August 2007 (has links)
A prematuridade se caracteriza por ser qualitativamente distinta do nascimento de termo, em função das intercorrências neonatais, do impacto do período de permanência na incubadora e da influência da ação da gravidade no desenvolvimento postural, do equilíbrio e da locomoção. Este estudo teve como OBJETIVOS: 1- comparar a coordenação motora axial de lactentes pré-termo (RNPT) saudáveis, com a de lactentes de termo (RNT), por meio dos escores da Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS), segundo a idade cronológica (ICr) e corrigida (ICo), a partir do termo até a utilização da marcha independente como principal meio de locomoção; 2- verificar período de aquisição, entre RNPT e RNT, segundo ICo, de 7 itens avaliados pela AIMS (transição de quatro apoios para sentado; engatinhar; segurar o(s) pé(s) em supino; sentar-se independente; transição de sentado para quatro apoios; ficar em pé sem apoio; marcha independente); 3- determinar a influência de variáveis biológicas e sóciodemográficas para obtenção da marcha em RNPT. MÉTODOS: estudo coorte, prospectivo, observacional, mensal e comparativo entre 101 RNPT (grupo de estudo) e 52 RNT (grupo controle). Foram ajustados modelo de regressão beta e equações de estimação generalizada para curvas de ICr e ICo, a fim de comparar a média mensal dos escores entre os grupos. Para comparar as idades de aquisição dos sete itens da AIMS entre os RNT e RNPT, foram utilizadas estimativas de Turnbull da distribuição da idade e modelo de taxa de falhas proporcionais de Cox para censuras intervalares. Para análise estatística dos resultados das médias mensais entre os grupos e as idades de aquisição dos itens, recorreu-se à construção de intervalo de confiança (IC). Para análise das variáveis prognósticas no tempo da aquisição da marcha nos RNPT, análise de sobrevivência para censuras intervalares e modelo de regressão Weibull foram utilizados. O nível de significância considerado foi < 5%. RESULTADOS: Finalizaram o estudo 77 RNPT e 49 RNT. Os escores segundo ICr dos RNPT demonstraram ser estatisticamente inferiores em relação aos dos RNT. Segundo a ICo, os escores dos RNPT tornaram-se equivalentes aos dos RNT, não demonstrando diferença estatística significativa. Dos 7 itens analisados, somente em pé sem apoio e a marcha foram adquiridos mais tardiamente pelos RNPT. As variáveis biológicas com influência significante no tempo de aquisição da marcha foram: peso ao nascimento (PN), estatura ao nascimento (EN) e permanência no hospital após nascimento. CONCLUSÃO: A coordenação motora axial dos RNPT deve ser avaliada segundo ICo para não ser subestimada. A aquisição da marcha e a posição em pé sem apoio se desenvolvem mais tardiamente nos RNPT. Além disto, a aquisição da marcha em RNPT foi tão mais tardia quanto menor o PN e EN, assim como o longo período de internação após o nascimento retardaram a marcha nos RNPT. / The prematurity characterizes to be qualitatively different from term delivery, due to neonatal morbidities, impact of the long period in the incubator and the influence of gravidity in the postural development. This study has as OBJECTIVES:1- to compare the gross motor development in healthy preterm infants (PT) with term infants (T), using Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) scores, according to corrected and chronological ages, from term to walking independently; 2- To compare the age attainment of seven AIMS items, according to corrected age (four-point kneeling to sitting; reciprocal creeping; hands to feet in supine; sitting independently; sitting to four-point kneeling; stand alone; early stepping) between PT and T infants; 3- To study biologic and sociodemographic factors that affect walking attainment in PT. METHODS: cohort, prospective, observational monthly and comparative study between 101 PT and 52 T. In order to compare descriptively mean monthly scores, beta regression models and general estimated equations were used to adjust the chronological and corrected age graphics and for statistics purposes, the confidence interval of monthly mean scores were used. Turnbull estimation of age distribution and Cox´s proportional hazards model were used to compare the age in each seven items between groups. For prognostic factors of age walking attainment in PT, methods of Kaplan-Meyer and Weibull regression model were used. The level of significance was considered significant, if p < 5%. RESULTS: 77 PT and 49 T infants finished the study. Chronological age scores of PT were statistically lower in comparison with T scores. According to corrected age, PT monthly mean scores were not statistically different from T scores. Of seven analysed items, only standing alone and early stepping were attained later in PT infants. The variables that seemed to influence statistically in age of walking attainment were: birth weight and stature and duration of hospitalization. CONCLUSION: Gross motor development of PT infants should be assessed according to corrected age, in order not to be underestimated. The both milestones standing alone and early stepping developed later in PT infants. The lower the birth stature and weight were, the longer it took for the PT infants to attain walking, while the longer the PT newborns stayed hospitalized, the later they started walking.

Estudo randomizado controlado da estabilidade dinâmica postural em indivíduos saudáveis, pós-treinamento sensório-motor, realizado no solo ou no meio aquático / Controlled, randomized study of dynamic postural stability in healthy individuals following sensory-motor training carried out on the ground and in water

Andrea Forgas 21 June 2010 (has links)
Introdução: Tem se afirmado que não há a possibilidade de haver melhora da estabilidade dinâmica postural utilizando exercícios na água, isto é, onde a gravidade apresenta-se diminuída. Neste estudo randomizado e controlado avaliamos e comparamos a estabilidade dinâmica postural em indivíduos saudáveis que realizaram exercícios sensório-motor no solo ou na água. Métodos: Através do Biodex Balance System®, foram avaliados os limites de estabilidade postural, antes e após um programa de exercícios, de 60 indivíduos saudáveis do sexo masculino divididos em 3 grupos (solo, piscina e controle). Os indivíduos dos grupos solo e piscina realizaram um treinamento sensório-motor por 2 meses no solo e na água respectivamente; o grupo controle não realizou nenhum tipo de exercício. Resultados: 1) Foram encontradas diferenças significativas na estabilidade dinâmica entre o grupo solo e controle; 2) Foram encontradas diferenças significativas na estabilidade dinâmica entreo grupo piscina e controle; 3) Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre o grupo solo e piscina. Conclusões: realizar exercícios sensório-motor melhora a estabilidade postural em indivíduos saudáveis do sexo masculino, sem diferenças significativas entre os ambientes de treino (solo e água) comparados / Introduction: It has been stated that there is no way to improve dynamic postural stability using exercises in water, i.e. where there is reduced gravity. In this controlled, randomized study, we evaluate and compare postural dynamic stability in healthy individuals who performed sensory-motor exercises on the ground or in water. Methods: Through the Biodex Balance System®, the limits of postural stability were evaluated before and after a program of exercises, in 60 healthy males, divided into three groups (ground, swimming pool and control). The individuals in the ground and swimming pool groups carried out sensorial-motor training for two months, on the ground and in the water, respectively; the control group did not perform any kind of exercises. Results: 1) Significant differences were found in dynamic stability between the ground and control groups; 2) Significant differences were found in dynamic stability between the swimming pool and control groups; 3) No significant differences were found between the ground and swimming pool groups. Conclusions: performing sensory-motor exercises improves postural stability in healthy males, without significant differences between the training environments (ground and water) compared in this study

Transcranial bright light:the effect on human psychophysiology

Jurvelin, H. (Heidi) 27 February 2018 (has links)
Abstract In addition to the visual information, external light causes non-image-forming (NIF) effects that modulate brain function and induce psychophysiological effects. The light signal is traditionally assumed to only be mediated via the eyes. Recent studies have suggested the existence of putatively light sensitive structures in the rodent and human brain and penetration of light into the skull and brain tissue has been observed. The brain activation observed during transcranial bright light (TBL) exposure indicates a direct light responsivity of brain tissue. The aim of this thesis was to explore the psychophysiological responses related to TBL. The studies comprising this thesis were conducted in healthy subjects and patients suffering from seasonal affective disorder. TBL exposure was administered via the ear canals in all study settings using light-emitting diodes (LEDs). The comparisons in studies I, II, and III were conducted against the inactivated sham device. Study IV explored the effect of TBL dose. Neither melatonin nor cortisol secretions were altered when acutely exposed to nocturnal TBL. Circadian profiles in TBL setting were in parallel to control conditions for both hormones. Intermittent TBL exposure led to alleviation of jet lag symptoms. Overall post-travel jet lag symptoms as well as subjective feelings of fatigue, inertia, and forgetfulness were reduced. The time to execute the motor response i.e. motor time with a visual warning signal was improved by the TBL treatment. TBL alleviated both depressive and anxiety symptoms related to seasonal affective disorder (SAD). A dose-response relationship regarding the intensity of dose administered via the ear canals was not found. Altogether, TBL seems to affect human brain function by alleviating symptoms of jet lag and SAD and improving psychomotor performance. The acute effect is suggested to be mediated via structures unrelated to acute melatonin secretion i.e. the retinohypotalamic tract (RHT). These results support the light sensitivity of the human brain although the mechanism of action is not yet established. / Tiivistelmä Visuaalisen informaation lisäksi valo aiheuttaa käytöksellisiä ja fysiologisia vaikutuksia, jotka eivät liity kuvan muodostamiseen. Yleisesti vaikutuksen ajatellaan välittyvän aivoihin ainoastaan silmien kautta. Viimeaikaiset tutkimukset ovat havainneet jyrsijöiden ja ihmisten aivoissa mahdollisesti valolle vasteellisia rakenteita. Valon on osoitettu lisäksi läpäisevän kallon ja saavuttavan aivokudoksen. Aivojen aktivoituminen kallon läpi annettavan valoaltistuksen aikana viittaa myös suoraan aivojen valovasteellisuuteen. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena oli tarkastella vaikuttaako kallon läpi annettava valo ihmisen psykofysiologiaan. Tähän väitöskirjaan sisällytetyt tutkimukset tehtiin terveillä vapaaehtoisilla tutkittavilla ja kaamosmasennuspotilailla. Ledin avulla tuotettu valo annettiin kaikissa tutkimusasetelmissa korvakäytävien kautta. Tutkimukset I, II ja III tehtiin lumekontrolliasetelmassa. Tutkimuksessa IV tarkasteltiin valon annosvastetta. Akuutin yöaikaisen valoaltistuksen ei havaittu muuttavan melatoniinin tai kortisolin eritystä. Molempien hormonien vuorokausieritysprofiilit olivat kontrolliasetelman kaltaiset. Jaksottaisen valoaltistuksen havaittiin lievittävän aikaerorasituksen kokonaisoireita ja vähentävän väsymystä, inertiaa ja hajamielisyyttä. Motorisen nopeuden havaittiin paranevan kolmen viikon valohoitojakson aikana. Lisäksi neljän viikon valohoitojakso lievitti kaamosmasennukseen liittyviä masennus- ja ahdistusoireita. Vaikutuksessa ei havaittu eroa eri valoannoksen saaneiden ryhmien välillä. Kallon läpi annettava kirkasvalo näyttäisi vaikuttavan ihmisen aivotoimintaan lievittämällä aikaerorasituksen ja kaamosmasennuksen oireita sekä parantamalla psykomotorista suorituskykyä. Vaikutus ei ole yhteydessä akuuttiin melatoniinin erityksen estämiseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset tukevat ajatusta aivojen valovasteellisuudesta. Kallon kautta annettavan valon vaikutusmekanismia ei kuitenkaan tiedetä vielä.

The influence of animation on physical science learning in a grade 10 rural classroom

Carolus, Adam 11 September 2009 (has links)
This research study investigates how English First Additional Language learners respond to animation in Physical Science learning in a rural Further Education and Training (FET) Grade 10 class. A study was implemented to find answers to the main question: “How do learners respond to animation in the learning environment?” The sub questions are: In an interactive learning environment with animations … 1. what learning takes place from a cognitive, affective and psychomotor perspective and how? 2. what language problems do the learners experience and how do they deal with them? The study employed a computer program with which learners engaged for an average of 40 - 45 minutes. The animation elicited numerous cognitive, affective and psychomotor behaviours in the learners. The observations describe cognitive activities, such as a progressive decrease in times taken to complete games successfully, a controlled display of information for brief periods, patterns of buttons pressed varied amongst the groups, and the learners’ proficiency as game playing increased. Results pointing to affective activities included the learners’ perseverance to master the game and a wide range of emotions that were displayed during the execution of the animation. The results showed the following: <ul> <li>little time was spent on reading instructions with learners merely giving them a cursory glance;</li> <li>learners interacted with the learning activity in different ways both during the learning phase and the assessment phase;</li> <li>learners managed to reach the objective of the learning activity irrespective of how they approached the activity; and</li> <li>a wide range of other psychomotor activities were displayed during the course of the animation.</li> </ul> The study recommends minor changes to the program in order to improve it, and concludes that learners do respond positively to animation in a learning environment. Copyright / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Science, Mathematics and Technology Education / unrestricted

Programa de intervenção psicomotora para crianças com transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade - TDAH = Psychomotor intervention program for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD / Programa de intervenção psicomotora para crianças com transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade - TDAH

Carvalho, Mariana Coelho, 1987- 28 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Cintia Alves Salgado Azoni / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-28T03:56:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carvalho_MarianaCoelho_M.pdf: 4326973 bytes, checksum: 9e3d420b0e1ceeb561a2e2992442bd99 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a eficácia de um programa de intervenção psicomotora em crianças com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH). Especificamente o estudo comparou o desempenho psicomotor e cognitivo (atenção e funções executivas), pré e pós testagem, em crianças com TDAH submetidas ao programa de intervenção psicomotora; comparou o desempenho psicomotor e cognitivo (atenção e funções executivas), pré e pós testagem, em crianças com TDAH não submetidas ao programa de intervenção psicomotora; além da comparação do desempenho psicomotor e cognitivo de crianças com TDAH e crianças controle na avaliação pré e pós-testagem. Participaram do estudo 26 crianças do gênero masculino, sendo 14 com TDAH, divididas em grupo experimental I e II (GEI e GEII) e 12 com desenvolvimento típico agrupados no grupo controle (GC), com idade cronológica entre 07 e 11 anos (M=9,00) e cursando do 2º ao 6º ano do ensino fundamental de escolas públicas e particulares. As crianças passaram por avaliação psicomotora e cognitiva. Os resultados deste estudo foram organizados em dois artigos, o primeiro referente ao desempenho psicomotor de crianças com TDAH e o segundo apresentando o efeito de um programa de intervenção psicomotora em crianças com TDAH. Os dados apresentados no primeiro artigo mostrou que as crianças com TDAH foram classificadas como "Eupráxico" 2(42,9%), 7(50%) "Dispráxico" e 1(7,1%) "Deficitário". Enquanto no grupo controle 11(91,7%) crianças foram classificadas como "Bom" e 1(8,3%) como "Superior". O desempenho psicomotor dos sujeitos com TDAH foi pior que do grupo controle em todas as áreas avaliadas. Os resultados sugerem que meninos com TDAH apresentam dificuldades psicomotoras que podem estar associadas a características do próprio quadro. A avaliação psicomotora pode favorecer o processo diagnóstico e de intervenção no TDAH. Os resultados apresentados no segundo artigo sugerem que a intervenção psicomotora foi eficiente para o tratamento de crianças com TDAH, uma vez que houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos escores de classificação do perfil psicomotor e nos testes de atenção e funções executivas. Além disso, houve melhora qualitativa, indicada pelo aumento das médias das funções de noção de corpo, equilibração, estruturação espaço temporal, praxia fina, lateralidade e tonicidade, respectivamente / Abstract: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of a psychomotor intervention program for children with ADHD. Specifically, the study compared the psychomotor and cognitive performance (attention and executive functions), pre and post testing in children with ADHD, subject to psychomotor intervention program; He compared the psychomotor and cognitive performance (attention and executive functions), pre and post testing in children with ADHD not subject to psychomotor intervention program; beyond comparison psychomotor and cognitive performance of children with ADHD and control children in pre- and post-testing. The study included 26 male children, 14 with Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), divided into experimental group I and II (GEI and GEII) and 12 with typical development grouped in the control group (CG), aged chronological between 7:11 years (M = 9.00) and attending the 2nd to 6th grade of elementary school of public and private schools. The children underwent cognitive psychomotor assessment and pre and post-intervention. The results of this study were divided into two articles, the first referring to the psychomotor performance of children with ADHD and the second showing the effect of a psychomotor intervention program for children with ADHD. The data presented in the first article showed that children with ADHD were classified as "Eupráxico" 2 (42.9%), 7 (50%) "dyspraxic" and 1 (7.1%) "Underfunded". While in the control group 11 (91.7%) children were classified as "good" and 1 (8.3%) and "Superior". Psychomotor performance of subjects with ADHD was worse than the control group in all areas assessed. The results suggest that children with ADHD have psychomotor problems that may be associated with the frame itself features. Psychomotor assessment may favor the diagnosis and intervention process in ADHD. The results presented in the second article suggested that psychomotor intervention is effective for treating children with ADHD, since there were statistically significant differences in scores of psychomotor profile classification and tests of attention and executive functions. In addition, there was a qualitative improvement, indicated by the increase in average body notion of functions, balancing, timeline structure, fine praxis, laterality and tone respectively / Mestrado / Ciencias Biomedicas / Mestra em Ciências Médicas

Výskyt přetrvávajících reflexů u dětí v předškolním a primárním vzdělávání / Appearance of persistint primary reflexes of children in preschool and primary education

Kindlová, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on persistent primary reflexes in younger school age children, their connection with the correct psychomotor development and insight ainto the connection of specific learning and behavioral disorders with persistent primary reflexes. In the theoretical part, the author describes the psychomotor development of a child based on the findings of developmental psychology and neurophysiology. The next part characterizes the primary reflexes and their influence on specific learning disabilities. At the end of the theoretical part, the author presents programs that are used to inhibit persistent primary reflexes in the Czech republic. In the empirical part of the work, the author describes the diagnosis implementation of persistent primary reflexes in younger school age children via test forms. The author presents the results using tables and graphs. The author confirms the assumption of the occurence of the highest values of persistent primary reflexes in the preparátory class children and states the percentage occurence of persistent primary reflexes in all tested groups. KEYWORDS Persisting primary reflexes, psychomotor development, specific learning disabilities

The neural basis for auditory-motor interactions during musical rhythm processing

Chen, Joyce Lynn January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Measuring Meaningful Learning in the Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory

Galloway, Kelli R. 09 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Taller “Manitos alfareras” para potenciar la psicomotricidad fina en niños de cuatro años

Samame Chafloque, Vilviana Denenssy January 2024 (has links)
El estudio se desarrolló bajo el propósito de diseñar un programa para potenciar la psicomotricidad fina, siendo favorecidos los niños en edad preescolar matriculados en una institución educativa de Chiclayo, Perú. Con respecto a la metodología esta investigación es propositiva, con un diseño no experimental, teniendo una muestra de 27 niños, los cuales fueron seleccionados mediante muestreo no probabilístico intencionado. Como resultado, ningún estudiante de la muestra se ubicó en el nivel logrado y se encuentra que un 50 % de los evaluados tienen calificaciones inferiores a la media declarada. Esto indica que los sujetos presentaban dificultades en el desarrollo de sus destrezas, aspectos vinculados a la escasa ejercitación durante la educación remota. De otro lado se destaca el planteamiento de un conjunto de actividades y estrategias de enseñanza basadas en el uso de recursos de la zona como la arcilla. En definitiva, estos talleres contribuirán genuinamente al desarrollo de múltiples capacidades en el área motriz, componente fundamental en la formación integral de personas con habilidades para resolver problemas sociales, afectivos y cognitivos. / The study was developed under the purpose of designing a program to enhance fine psychomotor skills, being favored preschool children enrolled in an educational institution in Chiclayo, Peru. About methodology, this research is propositional, with a non-experimental design, having a sample of 27 children, which were selected by means of non-probabilistic intentional sampling. As a result, no student in the sample was placed at the achieved level and 50% of those evaluated were found to have grades below the declared mean. This indicates that the subjects presented difficulties in the development of their skills, aspects linked to the scarce exercise during remote education. On the other hand, the approach of a set of activities and teaching strategies based on the use of local resources such as clay stands out. In short, these workshops will genuinely contribute to the development of multiple capacities in the motor rea, a fundamental component in the integral formation of people with skills to solve social, affective and cognitive problems.

Attention regulates the plasticity of multisensory timing

Heron, James, Roach, N.W., Whitaker, David J., Hanson, James Vincent Michael January 2010 (has links)
No / Evidence suggests than human time perception is likely to reflect an ensemble of recent temporal experience. For example, prolonged exposure to consistent temporal patterns can adaptively realign the perception of event order, both within and between sensory modalities (e.g. Fujisaki et al., 2004 Nat. Neurosci., 7, 773-778). In addition, the observation that 'a watched pot never boils' serves to illustrate the fact that dynamic shifts in our attentional state can also produce marked distortions in our temporal estimates. In the current study we provide evidence for a hitherto unknown link between adaptation, temporal perception and our attentional state. We show that our ability to use recent sensory history as a perceptual baseline for ongoing temporal judgments is subject to striking top-down modulation via shifts in the observer's selective attention. Specifically, attending to the temporal structure of asynchronous auditory and visual adapting stimuli generates a substantial increase in the temporal recalibration induced by these stimuli. We propose a conceptual framework accounting for our findings whereby attention modulates the perceived salience of temporal patterns. This heightened salience allows the formation of audiovisual perceptual 'objects', defined solely by their temporal structure. Repeated exposure to these objects induces high-level pattern adaptation effects, akin to those found in visual and auditory domains (e.g. Leopold & Bondar (2005) Fitting the Mind to the World: Adaptation and Aftereffects in High-Level Vision. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 189-211; Schweinberger et al. (2008) Curr. Biol., 18, 684-688).

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