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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teachers’ implementation of an asset-based intervention for school-based psychosocial support

Loots, Mathilda Christina 02 June 2011 (has links)
Against the background of various socio-economic barriers in many South African school-community contexts, I compared how teachers in four schools implemented an asset-based intervention aimed at school-based psychosocial support. The working assumption was that teachers could act as protective resources in implementing the asset-based approach (following their participation in STAR1) to promote psychosocial support in their school-community contexts. The four schools were conveniently selected as information-rich cases to participate in the research study. The four cases comprised one informal settlement primary school in the Eastern Cape, two urban primary schools in Gauteng and one rural secondary school in Mpumalanga. Purposeful sampling was used to select ten participating teachers (n=40) in each school. Methodologically, the study followed a qualitative paradigm and a comparative case study design, implementing participatory rural appraisal (PRA) principles. The asset-based approach was used as theoretical framework. Multiple data gathering (focus groups, observation and intervention artefacts) and documentation procedures (verbatim transcripts, field notes, research journal and visual data) were implemented over a period of three years. Following constructivist grounded theory analysis, three main themes emerged: teachers using an asset-based approach for psychosocial support; teachers addressing barriers resourcefully; and teachers’ demonstrated asset-based competencies. The findings of the current study confirm that schools as part of unique systems are interrelated in terms of networks that mobilise assets, irrespective of the context. Teachers experience and prioritise a) socio-economic barriers (HIV/AIDS, financial constraints due to poverty and unemployment, and child abuse) and b) stressors of teaching (workload and related time constraints, attrition of group members, low levels of parent involvement, as well as context-specific factors). Teachers’ identification of barriers is determined by school contexts. Across school contexts teachers identified a) internal assets in their classrooms, the school context and in their communities together with b) community resources (physical resources, natural and environmental resources, community organisations and institutions). In psychosocial support, teachers mobilised identified assets and resources to ameliorate the impact of barriers. Teachers therefore promoted resilience by means of psychosocial support. The characteristics of school-based psychosocial support include identifying assets, prioritising barriers, mobilising assets to ameliorate the presence of barriers and establishing systemic networks and partnerships. When providing psychosocial support, teachers demonstrated asset-based competencies (positive identity formation, group effectiveness skills and management skills) signified as internal protective resources. By dynamically engaging in the challenges of their school-community contexts, teachers demonstrated self-determination (Deci&Ryan, 1985, 2002; Ryan&Deci, 2000, 2002) In the process, teachers displayed and actualised asset-based competencies, which in turn fulfilled the underlying psychological needs of competence, relatedness and autonomy. When they implemented the asset-based approach, it seemed to enhance teachers’ sense of coherence (Antonovsky, 1987) as they viewed the existence of barriers as being comprehensible, manageable and meaningful. Teachers were able to address barriers at an intrapersonal and interpersonal level as well as by deploying management skills. The three levels on which teachers addressed barriers correlate with their asset-based competencies. Their asset-based competency of positive identity formation was utilised to address barriers on an intrapersonal level; their group effectiveness skills addressed barriers on an interpersonal level and their management skills were deployed to address barriers on a level of administrating barriers efficiently. The study provides empirical evidence to broaden the current knowledge bases of the asset-based approach, resilience and school-based psychosocial support. The study contributes to the existing knowledge base of the asset-based approach by firstly highlighting social capital in school-community contexts as potential outcome of the implementation of the asset-based approach. Secondly, the study introduces asset-based competencies, as well as the dynamic relationship between these competencies and fundamental psychological needs (competence, relatedness and autonomy) as signified in self-determination theory (Deci&Ryan, 1985, 2002; Ryan&Deci, 2000, 2002). Lastly, the study conjectures the interconnectedness between the asset-based approach and a sense of coherence, in the sense that implementation of the asset-based approach could result in enhanced eustress (Simmons&Nelson, 2005) and sense of coherence (Antonovsky, 1987, 1993) when faced with and addressing barriers. Within the context of the existing knowledge base of resilience in schools and school-based psychosocial support, the findings suggest that resilience in schools could be promoted by teacher-driven psychosocial support initiatives. Firstly, the study signifies greater insight in teachers’ perspective on the potential assets and resources available in school-community contexts that could be mobilised for psychosocial support and the promotion of resilience. Secondly, the findings suggest empirical evidence that teachers (in a school context) can mobilise resources so that schools may serve as protective resources to promote resilience through school-based psychosocial support. Thirdly, the study contributes to new insight in possible barriers that teachers could encounter on a daily basis as well as the sort of psychosocial support that could be expected from similar school-based interventions. Lastly, the study provides insight into potential ways in which teachers can address barriers on an intrapersonal and interpersonal level and by deploying management skills. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

Enduring Together : Psychosocial Support for Involuntary Family Separation in the Wake of Migration / Stå ut tillsammans : Psykosocialt stöd vid ofrivillig familjeseparation i migrationens kölvatten

Persson, Joel January 2021 (has links)
Background Involuntary family separation due to forced migration is a particular form of suffering to which contemporary methods of psychosocial support seem scarce. It has been shown to cause mental and physical impairments that are often misdiagnosed for pathologies. Migrants who endure such trauma may have prolonged feelings of ambivalence for resettling and impaired conditions for integration. Aim Based on such research and reports, this study attempts to find appropriate measures of inter-personal psychosocial support that may improve resilience and wellbeing to live under such conditions. While building upon Social Work ethics, it targets both professional and non-professional providers of psychosocial support.  Methodology Nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with informants from Afghanistan, Iraq, Eritrea, and Syria. All had resettled in Sweden and been separated from their families due to migrating. The interviews explored psychosocial measures that they had received and their own resources for coping. The data was then analysed through Thematic Analysis. Result The results are presented in three overarching themes. The first indicates that psychosocial support is an ambiguous term that was described in manners that contradicts a duality of professional and non-professional support. The two following themes describe support from the informants’ surrounding networks and their own attitudes and efforts of coping. These themes present a “map” of psychosocial needs that can orient support providers to suitable interventions. Discussion and conclusion The study concludes that psychosocial support for migrants in separation benefits of being looked upon from a holistic perspective of needs. Western dualities of professional and non-professional support are not the primary concern in such crises. The findings imply that providers of support do well in bridging the gap to others and collectively fill such necessities. Providing access to community, acknowledgment, and a sharing of the efforts to reunite are means to help the separated find purpose in seemingly purposeless suffering. Methods of coping are own ways to endure the distress of separation. Supporters may help to explore such strategies while remembering cultural variations of perspectives on stress and support.

Exploring the use of sandplay psychotherapy in overcoming a language barrier whilst supporting a young vulnerable child

Kukard, Claude 26 October 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the use of sandplay psychotherapy, as intervention technique, in overcoming a language barrier, whilst supporting a young vulnerable child emotionally. An empirical study of limited extent was undertaken, which was qualitative by nature and conducted from the interpretivist paradigm. An in-depth case study was used as research design, whilst educational psychological assessment, intervention and re-assessment, observation, interviews, analysis of documentation, field notes and visual data (photographs) were employed as data collection methods. A young Sotho-speaking girl, who resides in an institution for children who are infected with and affected by HIV&AIDS, who had been made vulnerable by various circumstances (death of primary caregivers, emotional difficulties, and being infected with HIV&AIDS), was selected as the primary participant in the study. The findings of the empirical study are supported by relevant literature with regard to the main concepts guiding the study, namely, sandplay psychotherapy, vulnerable children, and language barriers. The findings were, firstly, that sandplay psychotherapy supported the primary participant emotionally, and, secondly, sandplay psychotherapy was an effective technique for overcoming a language barrier. A further finding was that the emotional healing that appeared to take place had a positive effect on the relationships and communication skills of the primary participant. / Dissertation (MEd (Educational Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Educational Psychology / MEd / unrestricted

Mentoring Elements that Influence Employee Engagement

Fountain, Lee Thornton 01 January 2018 (has links)
Employee disengagement is a significant issue for leaders and managers in many organizations. The general problem is the workforce in many American organizations includes disengaged employees. In 2016, only 33% of the workforce in the United States was engaged. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the relationship between the independent variables of mentoring, which include role modeling, acceptance and confirmation, and mentoring friendship functions with a dependent variable of employee engagement. The moderating variable of perceived organizational support was measured to test the strength or weakness of the effects that mentoring has on employee engagement. The theoretical foundation for this study was social exchange theory. The researcher recruited a convenience sample of 307 technicians and technologists representing 7 industries. The participants completed surveys and questionnaires to provide their views of mentoring, perceived organizational support, and work engagement. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis, including Pearson's correlations, linear, and stepwise regression analysis. The results of the inferential analyses indicated that each part of the mentoring variables (career support, psychosocial support, and role modeling) had an independent impact on work engagement. The interaction between psychosocial support and organizational support was also significant after accounting for the effects of mentoring and organizational support. The findings indicate that managers can achieve positive social change and improve employee well-bring within their organizations by being dutifully involved in their employees' work lives. Managers should also be available to apply resources such as mentoring for technicians and technologist when needed.

Moderns psykiska hälsa efter att hon mist sitt barn intrauterint : en litteraturöversikt / A mother's mental health after she has lost her baby intrauterine : a literature review

Alvarado Vitblom, Erica, Hansson, Annelie January 2018 (has links)
I Sverige föds ungefär 440 barn döda varje år. Intrauterin fosterdöd kan beskrivas som en stilla födsel och definieras som framfödande av barn som saknar livstecken efter 22 fullgångna graviditetsveckor. En förlossning av ett dödfött barn sker på liknande sätt som en förlossning med ett levande barn. Skillnaden är att fosterhjärtljuden inte behöver övervakas eller registreras. Modern som genomgår förlossningen kan då istället få all uppmärksamhet. Att få ett dödfött barn tillhör inte en vanlig livserfarenhet och innebär en chock för föräldrarna. Intrauterin fosterdöd kan orsaka kraftiga psykiska besvär hos modern. En majoritet har planerat månader och ibland år i förväg för hur livet med ett barn kommer att bli och när barnet sedan dör intrauterint rasar hela deras värld. Sorgen efter ett barn som får en stilla födsel beskrivs som långvarig och djup, speciellt för modern som bär barnet i sin kropp.   Syftet med föreliggande litteraturöversikt var att belysa moderns psykiska hälsa efter att hon mist sitt barn intrauterint.   För att på lämpligt sätt besvara föreliggande studies syfte valdes en litteraturöversikt som metod. Databassökningar gjordes via PubMed, CINAHL och PsychINFO. Resultatet av sökningarna medförde att 18 vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades. Artiklarna var publicerade från år 2008 till och med år 2018 och både artiklar med kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats inkluderades i studien. Vetenskaplig kvalitetsgranskning och klassificering genomfördes utifrån Sophiahemmet Högskolas utarbetade bedömningsunderlag. Resultatet framtogs genom integrerad analys av innehåll.   I resultatet framkom det att modern kan drabbas av olika psykiska besvär med varierande svårighetsgrad efter att hon mist sitt barn intrauterint. Ångest, depression, oro, tvångstankar, posttraumatiskt stressyndrom och självmordstankar förekommer. Besvären kan finnas kvar lång tid efter dödfödseln. Känslor av tomhet, olust och skuld beskrevs hos ett flertal mödrar samt skillnader i hur samhället betraktade dem på grund av socioekonomisk och kulturell status. Genom att få stöd från sjukvården och barnmorskor kunde symtomen och besvären minska. Att samla minnen, hålla i barnet, utföra ritualer, mindfulness, stödsamtal eller psykoterapi ledde till att besvären kunde minska.   Slutsatsen som framkommit från föreliggande litteraturöversikt är att den psykiska hälsan hos modern kunde påverkas negativt av den kris som en intrauterin fosterdöd innebär. Hur svåra och långvariga besvären blev var beroende av tillgängligheten och kvaliteten på generellt stöd samt vårdinsatser. / In Sweden, approximately 440 children are stillborn every year. Intrauterine fetal death is sometimes described as a still birth and is defined as the birth of a child who has shown no sign of life after 22 completed pregnancy weeks. The birth of a stillborn child is similar to the birth of a living child. The difference is that the fetal heartbeat does not need to be monitored or recorded. Full attention can be directed at the mother giving birth. Giving birth to a stillborn child is not a normal life experience and is a shock for the parents. Intrauterine fetal death can cause the mother severe mental disorders. A majority has planned months and sometimes years in advance for how life with a child will be and when the child then dies their entire world crumbles. Grieving for a child who is stillborn is described as long lasting and deep, especially for the mother who carried the child in her body.   The aim of this literature review was to illuminate the mother's mental health after she has lost her baby intrauterine.      In order to adequately respond to the purpose of the study, a literature review was chosen as a method. Database searches were made through PubMed, CINAHL and PsychINFO. The result of the searches led to the inclusion of 18 scientific articles. The articles were published from year 2008 to 2018 and both qualitative and quantitative articles were included in the study. Scientific quality review and classification was implemented in the foundation of the Sophiahemmet University Hospital. The result was developed through integrated content analysis.   From the result it emerged that the mother could suffer from various mental disorders with varying degrees of difficulties after she has lost her child intrauterine. Anxiety, depression, worrying, obsessive thoughts, post-traumatic stress disorder and suicidal thoughts occur. The discomfort can last long after the birth of a stillborn child. Feelings of emptiness, unrest and guilt were shown by a number of mothers as well as differences in how society saw them based on their socio-economic and cultural status. By receiving support from health care staff and midwives, the symptoms and disorders could be reduced. Collecting memories, holding the child, performing rituals, mindfulness, counseling or psychotherapy could also lead to reduced symptoms.   The conclusion from the literature review is that the mental health of the mother was adversely affected by the crisis that an intrauterine fetal death implies. How severe and long-lasting problems became, depended on availability and quality of general support and efforts from the healthcare system.

A case study of teachers implementation of asset-based psychosocial support

Dempster, Georgina Claire 17 May 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe teachers’ implementation of asset-based psychosocial support in a school community to promote resilience in vulnerable children and families (particularly within the context of HIV/AIDS). The study formed part of the broader STAR-pilot project. The primary assumption with which I approached the study was that teachers are able to provide asset-based psychosocial support focusing on social, emotional, health and educational needs of vulnerable children and families. An interpretivist paradigm was used to describe the asset-based psychosocial support implemented. I selected a case study design with eight participants (teachers) who were conveniently and purposefully selected due to their involvement in the STAR-pilot project. I co-facilitated a PRA-directed workshop with the teachers. Data was collected by means of a PRA-directed workshop, observations, visual data (photographs) and field notes. I followed a thematic content analysis of data to interpret emerging themes and sub-themes. Psychosocial support interventions were focused on addressing basic physiological needs, social support and emotional needs. Findings revealed that implementation of asset-based psychosocial support within a school community, promoted the resilience of vulnerable children and families. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

Upplevelser av stöd från hälso- och sjukvården till äldre personer med kognitiv sjukdom i samband med diagnos : en litteraturöversikt / Experiences of support from health care for older people with cognitive disorder in connection with diagnosis : a literature review

Tyrsén, Claudia, Holmbeck, Olga January 2024 (has links)
Varje år insjuknar 20 000-25 000 personer i kognitiv sjukdom i Sverige, och för närvarande lever 130 000-150 000 med dessa sjukdomar. Personer med kognitiv sjukdom kan ha komplexa behov varför insatserna behöver vara individanpassade med en helhetssyn på personen med kognitiv sjukdom. Tjänsterna inom vården kan vara otydliga och svåra att få tillgång till. Personer med kognitiv sjukdom löper en högre risk för att inte få den vård de behöver. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva upplevelser av stöd från hälso- och sjukvården till äldre personer med kognitiv sjukdom i samband med diagnos. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt med systematisk metod. Databassökningen i databaserna PubMed, Cinahl och PsycInfo genererade 12 artiklar som besvarade arbetets syfte. Även manuell sökning utfördes, vilket genererade tre artiklar. Totalt inkluderades 15 vetenskapliga artiklar av kvalitativ, kvantitativ ansats samt mixad metod. Med hjälp av en kvalitetsbedömningsmall har artiklarnas granskats och därefter har en integrerad dataanalys genomförts för att besvara arbetes syfte. Resultat: Två huvudkategorier framkom; Personer med kognitiv sjukdoms erfarenheter av hälso-och sjukvårdens stöd och Uttryckta behov av förbättringar av hälso- och sjukvårdens stöd och fyra underkategorier; Informationens betydelse, Personalens förhållningssätt och vårdrelationens betydelse för stödet, Individanpassat stöd och Information om framtida stödbehov, prognos och behandling. Resultatet visade att många personer med kognitiv funktionsnedsättning saknar stöd och lotsning i samband med diagnos. Vissa kände sig övergivna och ensamma och att sjukvården inte hade tillräckliga bra strategier och rutiner för uppföljning och vårdplaner.  Slutsats: Hälso- och sjukvården har i samband med diagnos vid kognitiv sjukdom ansvar att anpassa informationen till personen. Personerna uttryckte en önskan om mer individanpassade strategier och möjlighet till upprepad information. Mer personcentrerade insatser behövs för att möta behoven hos personer med kognitiv sjukdom och därigenom förbättra deras livskvalitet. / Every year, 20,000-25,000 people fall ill with cognitive disorders in Sweden, and currently 130,000-150,000 are living with these diseases. People with cognitive disorders may have complex needs, which is why interventions need to be individualized with a holistic view of the person with cognitive disease. Healthcare services may be unclear and difficult to access. People with cognitive disorders are at a higher risk of not getting the care they need. Purpose: Experiences of support from health care for older people with cognitive disorder in connection with diagnosis Method: A literature review with a systematic method. The database search in the databases PubMed, Cinahl and Psycinfo generated 12 articles that answered the purpose of the work. A manual search was also performed, which generated three articles. A total of 15 scientific articles of qualitative, quantitativ approach and mixed method were included. With the help of a quality assessment template, the articles has been reviewed and then an integrated data analysis has been used to answer the purpose of this study. Results: The result presents two main categories; People with cognitive disorder experiences of health care support and Expressed needs for improvement of health care support and four subcategories; The importance of information and The staff's approach and the importance of the care relationship for the support and Individualized support. Information about future support needs, prognosis and treatment. The results showed that many people with cognitive impairment lack support and guidance in connection with diagnosis. Some felt abandoned and lonely, and that the healthcare system did not have good enough strategies and routines for follow-up and care plans. Conclusion: In connection with the diagnosis of cognitive disease, the health care system has a responsibility to adapt the information to the person. The participants expressed a desire for more individualized strategies and the possibility of repeated information. More personcentred interventions are needed to meet the needs of people with cognitive disease and thereby improve their quality of life.

Psychosocial support provided by teachers to adolescent learners with behavioural and emotional problems

Babedi, Mmamore Rebecca January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe how teachers implement school-based psychosocial support to Grade 12 learners who have behavioural and emotional problems. As a secondary school teacher herself, the researcher frequently interacts with Grade 12 learners who have behavioural and emotional problems. Occurrences of behavioural and emotional problems are on the increase. This inference is based on the large number of reported learner problems in the School-based Support Team (SBST) records of a secondary school. The behavioural and emotional problems reported included violent aggressive behaviour, sexual and substance dependency, teenage pregnancy, early school drop-out and truancy. Learner problems may be caused by a variety of factors emanating from unmet development needs (Mwawenda, 2003), as well as biological factors and family and /or school factors (Papalia, Olds and Feldman, 2008). Kapp (2003), on the other hand, is of the opinion that a conducive environment may reduce learner problems and enhance improved learner wellbeing. This study forms part of the Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative (REPSSI) introduced to certain secondary schools in 2008. Ten teachers, who were part of the school-based team of the secondary school researched, participated in this initiative. REPPSI’s initial objective was to provide psychosocial support to children orphaned by HIV/Aids in South African Development Countries (SADC). The initiative focused on taking care of children’s developmental needs– social, emotional, behavioural, physical and spiritual. In the case of the school researched, this study was a pilot project to use REPPSI guidelines to provide psychosocial support to learners who have behavioural and emotional problems in participating schools. The study investigates how teachers implement psychosocial support based on the REPSSI Initiative. The study further explores how an ecosystemic approach can be used as an alternative approach to enhance the implementation of psychosocial services provided to learners. The study anticipates that an alternative approach will improve the school-based psychosocial initiative for adolescent learners who have behavioural and emotional problems in schools. The researcher used a constructivist paradigm to describe the school-based psychosocial support provided to adolescent learners who have behavioural and emotional problems. A case study design with 10 teachers in the school-based support team was selected. The participant teachers were conveniently and purposefully selected from REPSSI trained teachers. A focus group was used to facilitate semi-structured interviews. Ten participants shared their common perceptions and concerns (De Vos, Strydom Fouche’ and Delport, 2006) in a fairly short period (two sessions of one and half hours duration with teachers). Observations, photographs, reflective notes and field notes were used to gather information. A thematic content analysis of data was used to interpret data. To ensure rigour, it was verified with participants that they agreed with the results of the data analysis process. Debriefing meetings were also held with the researcher’s supervisor. The results of this study showed that teachers view need the pre and in-service training in ecosystemic approach to reduce behavioural and emotional problems of learners important. The results reveal that the use of ecosystemic approach by teachers and all role players in the adolescent learner’s life may enhance the effectiveness of school-based psychosocial support. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

"Identidade social de usuários, familiares e profissionais em um centro de atenção psicossocial no Rio de Janeiro" / Social identity of users, relatives, and professionals in the Day-Care Units in Rio de Janeiro.

Mello, Rosâne 08 August 2005 (has links)
A partir das mudanças que vêm ocorrendo na política de saúde mental, surgiram várias inquietações no que diz respeito aos resultados deste processo para os usuários, familiares, e profissionais dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS). Estas inquietações se estenderam também ao significado que estava sendo constituído por estes sujeitos sobre os CAPS. Surgiu, então, o desejo de estudar as identidades que estão emergindo destes sujeitos que atuam no cenário do CAPS, no que concerne a sua participação e integração a este serviço, como também conhecer os significados que estão sendo construídos a respeito destes serviços. O presente estudo possui os seguintes objetivos: Conhecer a identidade dos usuários, familiares e profissionais que atuam no cenário do CAPS e conhecer os significados relacionados ao CAPS. A pesquisa foi realizada com onze usuários, onze familiares e doze profissionais. O estudo seguiu o caminho teórico-metodológico da Teoria Ego-Ecológica, proposto por Zavalloni. Esta teoria permite conhecer a identidade do indivíduo, suas peculiaridades e sua realidade através da representação que ele possui acerca de si mesmo e do grupo. Esta teoria permite também compreender cada sujeito/identidade inserido em seu contexto, assim como as relações estabelecidas entre ele e seus pares e entre eles e os sujeitos de outros grupos com os quais se relacionam. Esta rede de relacionamentos intra e intergrupal possui significados que o Inventário Multifásico de Identidade Social (IMIS) permitiu conhecer e analisar de forma criteriosa e sensível. Este trabalho revelou o usuário com uma autopercepção fortificada, com esperança de constituir uma nova família e conseguir um emprego digno. Contudo, as mudanças observadas na identidade dos sujeitos com diagnóstico de transtorno mental não se estendem aos seus familiares que continuam sendo vistos de forma negativa, tanto pelos usuários como pelos profissionais. Para que a reabilitação social ocorra os familiares precisam ser incluídos neste processo, precisam se implicar mais no tratamento de seus familiares, e também os usuários e profissionais precisam modificar o modo como percebem e se relacionam com os familiares. O presente estudo mostrou que, apesar das dificuldades encontradas, o modelo psicossocial tem beneficiado a pessoa com transtorno mental, porém observa-se uma certa paralisia no movimento da Reforma Psiquiátrica. Indubitavelmente o modelo psicossocial beneficia a pessoa com transtorno mental severo, contudo, atualmente, corre-se o risco da cronificação destes sujeitos dentro do CAPS. O movimento da Reforma Psiquiátrica conseguiu mostrar que o modelo manicomial é ineficaz no tratamento das pessoas com transtorno mental, porém esse é só o começo do processo de reabilitação psicossocial. Faz-se necessário avançar neste processo e ir além do CAPS para que os usuários alcancem a vida. A falta de medicação e de alimentação, o número insuficiente de serviços e funcionários e a dificuldade em realizar uma assistência adequada vêm sobrecarregando e gerando estresse nos profissionais e, como um dos profissionais entrevistados fala, “O CAPS é uma estrutura em crescimento, que não sabemos aonde vai dar". / Many issues have come up due to the changes in the mental health policies concerning users, relatives and professionals at the Day-Care Units (CAPS). Those issues also consisted of the idea that was being made of the Day-Care Units by such individuals. This work has the purpose of studying the identities that are emerging from the perspective of such individuals who act on the Day-Care Unit scene, considering their roles and their commitment to that service, and of knowing how those services are being perceived by the individuals. The present study aims at: knowing the identity of the users, related and professional who act on the Day-Care Unit scene, and putting in evidence the meanings attributed to the Day-Care Unit. The research includes eleven users, eleven family members and twelve professionals. The study is methodologically based on the Ego-ecologic Theory by Zavalloni. This method allows to know the identity of the subject, his/her peculiarities and reality by means of selfrepresentation and the representation made by him/her about the group. This theory also enables understanding of the subject/identity as inserted in his/her environment, likewise the relations within themselves, their pairs and subjects from other environments. This internal and external network of relationships has meanings capable of accurate and sensible analysis by means of the Multistage Social Identity Inquirer. This work reveals the user with the strengthened self-awareness, hoping to constitute family and getting a fair job. However, the changes seen in mentally impaired are not followed by their relatives, who are still seen negatively both by users and professionals. In order that the social rehabilitation occurs, relatives must be included in the process, thus improving the bonds to their related ones. Users and professionals must modify the way they see and relate to their relatives too. The present study shows that, despite difficulties, the psychosocial model has been doing good to the mentally impaired, although noticing a certain paralysis of the Psychiatric Reform movement. No doubt the psychosocial model benefit the subject under severe mental impairment, however risking nowadays the perennial stay of those subjects within the Day-Care Unit. The movement of Psychiatric Reform has shown that the asylum model is not efficient in treating people mentally impaired, although psychosocial rehabilitation is just in the beginning. It is fundamental to move such process forward and beyond Day-Care Units so that the users can reach life. Lack of medication, food, services and staff to a proper care overload professionals, and quoting: “The Day-Care Unit is a growing structure which we know not where it is going to."

Tratamento do Centro de Aten??o Psicossocial para usu?rios de ?lcool e outras drogas CAPSad II Leste Natal/RN : uma avalia??o da efetividade

Silva, Adriana Melo da 13 October 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:46:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AdrianaMS.pdf: 1189385 bytes, checksum: 0f5e0ae771f3df54a64288a00807bc4f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-10-13 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The treatment for abusive users of alcohol and other drugs suffered significant modifications until arriving to the psychosocial model that is used by Centro de Aten??o Psicossocial CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN (Psychosocial Support Center). That model appears starting from Brazilian sanitary and psychiatric reforms which are expressed in the principles and propositions of Sistema ?nico de Sa?de SUS (Unique System of Health). The Psychiatric Reform meant a rupture with the mental hospital and hospital centered treatment pattern which was destined to the abusive users of alcohol and other drugs. The new proposal offers the universalization, democratization, regionalization and completeness of the actions in the field of mental health. It gathers a strictly interdisciplinary health staff. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment for abusive users of alcohol and other drugs offered by CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN. The evaluation used, as priority, the qualitative social research through an evaluating study starting from the non-experimental model. The methodological process used different instruments of data collection: bibliographical and documental researches, systematic observations at CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN and, mainly, the semistructured interviews (21) that were accomplished with the professionals, users and relatives of CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN. The investigation showed the effectiveness of the service and, therefore, CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN constitute itself as the main confronting strategy to the mental hospital and hospital centered treatment pattern of caring the abusive users of alcohol and other drugs / O tratamento para usu?rios abusivos de ?lcool e outras drogas, sofreu significativas modifica??es at? chegar ao modelo psicossocial, utilizado pelo Centro de Aten??o Psicossocial para usu?rios de ?lcool e outras drogas (CAPSad II leste Natal/RN). Esse modelo surge a partir das Reformas Sanit?ria e Psiqui?trica Brasileira expressas nos princ?pios e proposi??es do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de SUS. A Reforma Psiqui?trica significou uma ruptura com o padr?o de tratamento manicomial e hospitaloc?ntrico destinado aos usu?rios abusivos de ?lcool e outras drogas. A nova proposta prop?e a universaliza??o, democratiza??o, regionaliza??o e integralidade das a??es no campo da sa?de mental. Re?ne uma equipe de sa?de necessariamente interdisciplinar. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a efetividade do tratamento para usu?rios abusivos de ?lcool e outras drogas oferecido pelo CAPSad II leste Natal /RN. A avalia??o utilizou, como priorit?ria, a pesquisa social de car?ter qualitativa atrav?s de um estudo avaliat?rio a partir do modelo n?oexperimental. O processo metodol?gico utilizou diferentes instrumentos de coleta de dados: pesquisa bibliogr?fica e documental, observa??es sistem?ticas no CAPSad II leste, e, principalmente, ?s entrevistas semi-estruturadas (21) que foram realizadas com os profissionais, usu?rios e familiares do CAPSad II leste. A investiga??o apontou para a efetividade do servi?o e, portanto, o CAPSad II leste se constitue enquanto principal estrat?gia de enfrentamento ao modelo manicomial e hospitaloc?ntrico de tratar os usu?rios abusivos de ?lcool e outras drogas.

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