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Essays in health and environmental economics: Challenges in the empirical analysis of micro-level economic survey dataCai, Beilei, 1979- 09 1900 (has links)
xi, 108 p. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / Micro-level survey data are widely used in applied economic research. This dissertation, which consists of three empirical papers, demonstrates challenges in empirical research using micro-level survey data, as well as some methods to accommodate these problems.
Chapter II examines the effect of China's recent public health insurance reform on health utilization and health status. Chinese policy makers have been eager to identify how this reform, characterized by a substantial increase in out-of-pocket costs, has affected health care demand and health status. However, due to self-selection of individuals into the publicly insured group, the impact of the reform remains an unresolved issue. I employ a Heckman selection model in the context of difference-in-difference regression to accommodate the selection problem, and provide the first solid empirical evidence that the recent public health insurance reforms in China adversely affected both health care access and health status for publicly insured individuals.
Chapter III examines the construct validity of a stated preference (SP) survey concerning climate change policy. Due to the fact that the SP survey method remains a controversial tool for benefit-cost analysis, every part of the survey deserves thorough examination to ensure the quality of the data. Using a random utility approach, I establish that there is a great deal of logical consistency between people's professed attitudes toward different payment vehicles and their subsequent choices among policies which vary in the incidence of their costs.
Chapter IV employs the same survey data used in Chapter III, but demonstrates the potential for order effects stemming from prior attitude-elicitation questions. In addition, it considers the potential impact of these order effects on Willingness to Pay (WTP) estimates for climate change mitigation. I find the orderings of prior elicitation questions may change people's opinions toward various attributes of the different policies, and thereby increase or decrease their WTP by a substantial amount. Thus, this chapter emphasizes the significance of order effects in prior elicitation questions, and supports a call for diligence in using randomly ordered prior elicitation questions in stated preference surveys, to minimize inadvertent effects from any single arbitrary ordering. / Adviser: Trudy Ann Cameron Read more
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Komparace zdravotního pojištění v České republice a v Německu / Comparison of the Czech and the German health insurancePavlovská, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the Czech and the German public health insurance system. The main aim is to analyze the public health insurance system in the Czech Republic and Germany and their comparison according to selected criterias. The dissertation is divided into four parts. In the first chapter there are briefly described various methods of financing health care. The content of the second chapter is the analysis of the German public health insurance system. This chapter also presents the basic characteristics of the German private health insurance. In the third chapter we can find the analysis of the Czech public health insurance system. An integral part of the second and the third chapter is the analysis of the income of the public health insurance system in 2005 - 2010. In chapter four there is a comparison of the two systems of public health insurance. Then individual parts are selected from the systems (the insured, the assessment basis, the insurance rate and income of the public health insurance) and they are compared according to selected quantitative and qualitative criterias.
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Poskytování zdravotní péče ve vybraných zemích EU a její úhrada / Provision of Health Care in Selected EU Countries and its ReimbursementHebort, Dušan January 2011 (has links)
Provision of Health Care in Selected EU Countries and its Reimbursement Subject matter of this thesis is to analyze, compare and evaluate way of provision and reimbursement of health care in selected EU countries including Czech Republic. All investigated countries deal with budgetary difficulties while providing health care. This thesis aspires to find out a legal solution with respect to economic principles in order the system of provision and reimbursement of health care was financially sustainable. Focus of thesis lays in health services (health care in narrow sense), medicines and health appliances are mentioned occasionally. Terminology of the text is not confined to terms of health services or health care, both terms are used substitutable. Problems of provision and reimbursement of health care does not inhere in "services" or "care". Chapters are structured according to particular EU countries. First and most comprehensive chapter is devoted to Czech Republic, its legal regulations are default comparison test. Short historical retrospect follows overview of legal provisions with focus on problematic or attention worthy sections. Outline of forthcoming public health care reform puts something more emphasis on formal aspects against the content of relations in public health care. Within the... Read more
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Právní úprava zdravotní péče v ČR / Legal regulation of healthcare in the Czech RepublicRajchlová, Denisa January 2019 (has links)
5 Abstract Legal regulation of healthcare in the Czech Republic The subject matter of this thesis is legal analysis of provision of healthcare in the Czech Republic and outline of basic problems of provision of healthcare, including proposals for their possible solution and comparison with Supreme Court and Constitutional Court jurisprudence. The thesis deals not only with the specific legal regulations in which the provision of healthcare is regulated, but also with the interpretation of their content, as well as with the legal relations between the entities involved in the provision of healthcare. In addition, the thesis discusses the introduction of the electronization of healthcare, which has the potential to improve the healthcare system in the Czech Republic and make the provided healthcare better, cheaper and more accessible. The thesis is divided into five chapters, which are further subdivided into subchapters. The first chapter is about the basic sources of legal regulation of healthcare at international, European and national level. The second chapter deals with the methods of financing the provided healthcare with a particular emphasis on the public health insurance system in the Czech Republic. Subsequently, chapter three deals more closely with healthcare itself and with the interpretation of... Read more
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Zdravotní připojištění / Private health insuranceSedláček, Petr January 2009 (has links)
The theme of work is private health insurance. First is it described in the system of health insurance and then in the territory of Czech Republic. In the work is analyzed a new draft bill of Public health insurance and systems of health insurance in the Europe. Main goal of the thessis is to find suitable privat insurance product for Czech Republic.
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Regulace cen a úhrad léčivých přípravků / Regulation of prices and reimbursements of medicinal productsHric, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
Regulation of prices and reimbursement of medicinal products Abstract Medicinal products are essentially part of every human life. It is therefore desirable to ensure that they are offered on the market at a fair and affordable price, precisely through price and reimbursement regulation. The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse how the regulation of prices and reimbursements applies to human medicinal products in the provision of outpatient health care, the price and reimbursement of which is decided by the State Institute for Drug Control in administrative proceedings. In order to achieve this goal, the thesis is divided into four parts. The first part defines the basic concepts needed understand the meaning and purpose of the system of price and reimbursement regulation, such as a medicinal product, price or reimbursement. Furthermore, this part is devoted to the types of administrative acts occurring in the field of price and reimbursement regulation and introduces the Ministry of Health and the State Institute for Drug Control as the most important administrative authorities operating in this field. The second part analyses the legislation effective until 31st December 2007. The forms of administrative activity then performed by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance are analysed in more... Read more
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Komparace systémů veřejných zdravotních pojištění v České republice a v Rakousku / The comparation of the health public systems in the Czech republic and AustriaŠturcová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
Die beiden Systemen wurden auf die ähnliche Tradition gegründet. Diese Tradition hat seine Wurzeln in Österreich-Ungarn, die bis 1918 in der gleichen Zwischenraum ausgesetzt wurden. Ein weiterer Zusammenhang ist die geographische Beziehung. Die Gesetztformen in der beiden Staaten sind unterschiedlich. In der Tschechische Republik gibt es viele Sozialversicherungsgesetze, in den der jede Typ des Versichertes geregelt ist. In Österreich gibt es für den jeden Type des Versichertes ein Sozialversicherungsgesetz. Die beiden Systemen sind die gesetzlichen öffentlichen Krankenversicherungen. Das tschechische System ist postkommunisch und Österreich ist der korporatische konservative Sozialstaat. Es gibt die Umverteilung in den beiden Systemen, aber in Österreich hat ein Unterschied, weil auch die Umverteilung in der Anstaltspflege enthält. Die vergleichende Systeme der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherungen haben die gemeinsame ethische Grundsätze, die aber in Österreich mehr in den Gesetze geregelt werden. Dieser Fakt macht den Rahmen des Systemes der Krankenversicherung, das viel auf die Patienten sich konzetriert wird. Der Patient hat ein Recht auf aktive Beteiligung in diesem System und auch in der Behandlung. Ein großes Unterschied ist die Verfassungsschutz der Rechte im beiden Staaten. In Tschechien gibt es die... Read more
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Právní postavení nestátních zdravotnických zařízení v českém zdravotnictví / The legal position of the private healthcare providers in the Czech healthcare systemDobiáš, Michal January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of my Master's thesis in law is to analyse the legal position which the private healthcare providers (i.e. operators of private healthcare facilities) occupy in the Czech healthcare system, particularly in the system of public health insurance. Since the private providers emerged in the Czech Republic only after the Velvet Revolution in 1989, the development of their position within the system is relatively short and unsettled. The legal regulation of the field is quite complicated, yet is the subject of strong political controversies, partly due to the generous but vaguely formulated constitutional right to free healthcare. Currently, the Parliament is in the middle of adoption of the healthcare reform of larger scale which would make changes that deserve to be examined. The thesis is composed of Introduction, three chapters and Conclusion. Each of the chapters aims on different aspect of the topic; however, they are interlinked by common legal institutes which play role in the whole thesis. First two subchapters of Chapter I are most general and introduce the possible ways of financing healthcare (public and private insurers, direct payment) and its specifics. The options of foreign citizens are also clarified. After the conclusion that the most important system in the Czech context... Read more
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Pojem lege artis v systému veřejného zdravotního pojištění / The concept of lege artis in the system of public health insuranceRylichová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Summary: The subject of this paper is providing of lege artis health care in the system of public health insurance. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the basic terminology, current legislation and its application in practice. Lex artis is in law an uncertain term, difficult to define, therefore its frequent usage should be restricted in the future. Due to the personal experience of the author there are many practical examples from the Czech health care system used in the paper. Related case law is taken into account continuously with the exception of the separately stated recent court judgment of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic. The study is divided into four main chapters, introduction and conclusion. The first chapter is dedicated to the concept of lege artis in detail, its terminology and relation to the current legislation. Further subchapters deal with available health care standards and their obligation. The final parts analyze the lege artis restrictions and way of its assessment. The second chapter is dedicated to the concept of public health insurance. First, the term is defined and the current law is considered. The following parts examine the issue of health insurance companies and the network of health care facilities. Chapter three presents the labor law aspects of lege artis... Read more
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Zajištění rizika prostřednictvím různých forem pojištění / Indemnity Against Risk through Various Forms of InsuranceValaščíková, Eliška January 2008 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to review current and approchable types of insurance in Czech republic with an emphasis on the health insurance. The thesis should result in a summary of possible reform or stabilization arrangements that are solving unfavourable prognosis in Czech republic in the long term.
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