Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pulp""
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Fahrscheinfrei im ÖPNVGehrke, Marvin, Groß, Stefan 13 September 2023 (has links)
Der öffentliche Personennahverkehr ist ein im Gesetz verankertes Instrument. Nach § 1 Absatz 1 des Regionalisierungsgesetzes (RegG) muss dieser eine Daseinsvorsorge sicherstellen, indem der Verkehrsbetrieb nach dem Personenbeförderungsgesetz zum Betrieb, zur Beförderung von Fahrgästen und zur Tarifgleichheit verpflichtet wird. Über Fahrscheine kann sich der Öffentliche Personennahverkehr (ÖPNV) nicht eigenfinanzieren und benötigt daher Zuschüsse von Bund und Land über verschiedene Stränge, um die Betriebskosten zu decken.
Mit zunehmendem Umweltbewusstsein ist die Attraktivitätssteigerung des ÖPNV ein großes Ziel, um mehr Fahrgäste zu gewinnen und resultierend eine Reduzierung des Motorisierten Individualverkehrs- (MIV) und Gesamtverkehrsaufkommens zu erzielen. Eine Variante ist die Einführung eines fahrscheinfreien ÖPNV, welcher durch den kommunalen Haushalt oder über eine Nahverkehrsabgabe finanziert werden kann. Dieses Instrument birgt viele Vor- und Nachteile, die sich je nach Gemeinde anders auswirken und so die Verkehrsverlagerung positiv oder negativ beeinflussen. Eine effiziente Umsetzung kann jedoch nur durch eine integrierte Gesamtheitsbetrachtung mit Pull- und Push-Faktoren geschehen, die auf der einen Seite den ÖPNV attraktiver gestalten und auf der anderen Seite die Nutzer des MIV zum Umstieg drängen.
Die belgische Stadt Hasselt und die Stadt Templin im Norden Brandenburgs sind Beispiele für den Betrieb eines fahrscheinfreien ÖPNV. In beiden Städten war der MIV-Anteil vor der Einführung besonders hoch, während es nur ein geringes ÖPNV-Angebot gab, das zudem kaum genutzt wurde. Nach der Einführung konnte in beiden Städten ein immenser Anstieg der Fahrgastzahlen beobachtet werden. Unterschiede gibt es in der Ausführung. In Hasselt wurden die Möglichkeiten des MIV durch Einfahrverbote und Parkraumabschaffung in der Innenstadt stark eingeschränkt, sodass nicht der Anreiz des kostenlosen ÖPNV allein den Wechsel vom Pkw zum Bus bewirkte. Solche Zwänge wurden in Templin hingegen nicht angewandt. In beiden Städten resultierte der Anstieg der Fahrgastzahlen weniger aus wechselnden Pkw-Fahrenden, sondern durch häufigeres Fahren von bereits den ÖPNV nutzenden Personen und Umsteigen des nichtmotorisierten Individualverkehrs. Insgesamt sind in beiden Städten die Lebensqualität und die Einnahmen durch Tourismus und Steuern gestiegen.
Sowohl in Hasselt als auch in Templin kann der kostenlose ÖPNV derzeit aus finanziellen Gründen in seinen Grundzügen nicht mehr durchgeführt werden. Diese und aktuelle Beispiele, wie die südfranzösische Stadt Aubagne und die estnische Hauptstadt Tallinn zeigen jedoch, dass eine Durchführung des Systems prinzipiell möglich ist. Demzufolge hat das Thema an Aktualität nicht eingebüßt, wie Diskussionen in Erfurt, Tübingen und weiteren deutschen Städten zeigen. Um bei zukünftigen Projekten einen dauerhaften fahrscheinfreien ÖPNV garantieren zu können, ist neben einer starken politischen Überzeugung vor allem eine speziell auf die jeweilige Stadt ausgerichtete Anpassung an die spezifischen Voraussetzungen notwendig.
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Numerical investigation to determine the development of tensile strength in the early age of concrete using experimental data from anchor pull-out testsPan, Zengrui 18 October 2023 (has links)
This study investigates the tensile behavior of anchor pull-out tests from super early
age concrete(less than 12h) by finite element(FE) software ANSYS Workbench. In
previous experiment, several series of pull-out tests were finished and analyzed. In
each per hour, different speeds(1mm/s, 0.2mm/s, 0.1mm/s and 0.833mm/s) were
evaluated, getting the results about correlation of pull-out force and displacement(F-D
curve). It is difficult to evaluate the specific development of tensile strength in super
young concrete, due to the super plasticity that makes itself soft and unstable. The
first step of this study is to collect relevant empirical formula, theoretical varying
material properties with time and pull-out force of experimental applied anchors.
Comparison of simulation analysis results and empirical formulas determines whether
the establishment of the finite element model and adapted constitutive model of
known natural hardened concrete(NHC) are valid or not. The second procedure is that
the material properties of NHC are replaced by different age values and modified until
getting the same simulation results as experiment outcome. The propose of this paper
is to investigate a more accurate modified formula to describe the development of
tensile behavior in super early age concrete:1. Introduction
2. Background
2.1 Modes of failure
2.2 A new failure mode
2.3 Finite Element Numerical Simulation
3. Research Questions
4. Aims/Objectives of the Research
5. Proposed Research Method
5.1 Previous Empirical theory
5.1.1 Cubic Compressive strength of Early Age Concrete
5.1.2 Tensile Strength of Early Age Concrete
5.1.3 Modulus of Elasticity in Early Age Concrete
5.1.4 Prediction of pull-out maximum force to headed studs from concrete
5.2 Pervious Experiment
5.3 Numerical Simulation
6. Significance/Contribution to the Discipline
7. Experiment Program
7.1 Experiment Setup
7.2 Experiment Result
8. Numerical simulation and analysis
8.1 Material Properties
8.2 Modelling Setup
8.3 The first pull-out test
8.4 Comparison Results at different stages
9. Discussion and Results
10. Summary and Conclusion
11. Recommendation for future studies
12. References
13. Appendix
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Affärsystem och Lean : En kvalitativ studie om hur affärssystem kan stöttasmå- och medelstora företag att arbeta enligt LeanThorelli, Leon, Theorin, August January 2024 (has links)
Abstrakt SME-företag inom tillverkning kommer under 2000-talet möta oförutsägbara, högfrekventa marknadsförändringar på grund av global konkurrens. Den fjärde industriella revolutionen (samlingsterm för nya intelligenta digitala teknologier i tillverknings- och industriprocesser) gör att nya utmaningar måste mötas som inte bara fokuserar på förbättrade tillverkningsprocesser men också ställer krav på en digital transformation. Dessutom behöver den hållbara utveckling av samhället beaktas som alltmer blir en naturlig del i interna prestationsmätningar hos företag. En strategi för att hålla sig konkurrenskraftiga och möta ekologiska hållbarhetskrav är att tillverkningsföretag integrerar produktionsfilosofin Lean med sitt affärssystem. Vissa forskare hävdar att affärssystem i kombination med att arbeta enligt Lean kan komplettera varandra medan andra hävdar att de är direkt motsägelsefulla. Det finns tidigare forskning om Lean, dock finns oklarheter i forskning kring att integrera Lean med affärssystem vilket skapar ett behov av ny forskning inom området. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur affärssystem stödjer SME-företag inom tillverkning att arbeta enligt Lean samt vilka implikationer som kan uppstå med följande frågeställning; “Hur stödjer affärssystem SME-företag inom tillverkning att arbeta enligt Lean?”. Studien har utgått utifrån en kvalitativ forskningsansats med induktiv riktning. Som intervjumetod har semistrukturerade intervjuer används i syfte att skapa ökad förståelse för hur företag använder affärssystem för att arbeta Lean. Studiens slutsats indikerar fem olika områden där affärssystem kan verka stödjande i att arbeta enligt Lean. Dessa är IT-integration och realtidsinformation, lagerhantering och minskad överproduktion, processoptimering och synkronisering, Hållbarhet och dokumentation samt realtidsbeslut och optimerad logistik. Studien kan användas av tillverkningsföretag inom segmentet SME som vill öka sina insikter kring hur ett affärssystem kan stödja arbete enligt Lean. Nyckelord: Lean, affärssystem, IT-integration, realtidsinformation, pull-produktion, push-produktion, SME, processoptimering, hållbar utveckling, överproduktion. / Abstract In the 21st century, manufacturing SMEs will face unpredictable, high-frequency market changes due to global competition. The fourth industrial revolution (collective term for new intelligent digital technologies in manufacturing and industrial processes) means that new challenges must be met which not only focus on improved manufacturing proceses but also demand a digital transformation. In addition, the sustainable development of society needs to be considered, which is increasingly becoming a natural part of internal performance measurements at companies. One strategy to stay competitive and meet ecological sustainability requirements is for manufacturing companies to integrate the Lean production philosophy with their ERP-system. Some researchers argue that ERP-systems in combination with working Lean can complement each other, while others argue that they are directly contradictory. There is previous research on Lean, however, there are ambiguities in research about integrating Lean with ERP-systems, which creates a need for new research in the area. The study aims to investigate how ERP-systems support SME companies in manufacturing to work according to Lean and what implications may arise with the following question: “How do ERP-systems support manufacturing SMEs to work according to Lean?”. The study has been based on a qualitative research approach with inductive direction. As an interview method, semi-structured interviews have been used with the aim of creating a greater understanding of how companies use ERP-systems to work Lean. The study indicates five different areas where ERP-systems can be supportive in working according to Lean. These are IT-integration and real-time information, Inventory management and reduced overproduction, Process optimization and synchronization, Sustainability, environmental goals and documentations as well as real-time decisions and efficient logistics. The study can be used by manufacturing companies in the SME segment who want to increase their insights into how an ERP-system can support work according to Lean. Keywords: Lean, ERP-systems, IT integration, real-time information, pull production, push production, SME, process optimization, sustainable development, overproduction.
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Supporting Gifted Students in the Regular Education Elementary Classroom Through Differentiated InstructionLaunder, Brittany L. 14 November 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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A New Approach to the Benzoporphyrins: Towards Dye Sensitized Solar CellsDeshpande, Rohitkumar Ashok 28 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Migration into Urban Areas: a Sociological and Micro Perspective : A thematic analysis of how migration is used as a tool to gain personal development in ZambiaIturralde Ulfsax, Juliette January 2022 (has links)
The pace of urbanisation in less developed regions creates consequenceswhich cause problems such as housing, overcrowding and lack of livingstandards in the urban areas. A problem connected more to developingcountries than developed countries that earlier went through the same process.One of the reasons why urbanisation occurs is because of rural-urbanmigration. This study focuses on why men and women migrate and usemigration as a tool to obtain personal development. The methodologicalframework used is qualitative with abductive reasoning, and the researchdesign is a case study. The case study selected is Zambia, specifically the slumarea Misisi in Lusaka. Ten semi-structured interviews are conducted to gatherempirical data. A selection needs to be made to do the interviews, which iscontrived on the snowball sampling method and delimitations. The empiricaldata is coded through thematic analysis, and three themes are found anddescribed in the findings, personal economic and educational development,network and gender differences. These themes are analysed through the chosensociological analytical framework; Bourdieu's class theory and West andZimmerman's theory doing gender. The findings show that individuals usemigration as a tool to climb in societal class and obtain personal developmentin different capitals. Furthermore, the differences between men and womenare not as vast anymore, women have started to focus more on themselves thanon the family. This research follows the lines of Agenda 2030, specificallynumber 11, and can inspire a more profound interest in the subject ofsustainable cities and communities with the findings. Continuing research canincrease the understanding of how personal development affects the fastgrowing urbanisation in developing countries with rural-urban migration.
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NANOPARTICLE FLOTATION COLLECTORSYang, Songtao 04 1900 (has links)
<p>Flotation is a critical operation in the isolation of valuable minerals from natural ore. Before flotation, chemical collectors are routinely added to ground ore slurries. Collectors selectively bind to mineral-rich particles, increasing their hydrophobicity thus promoting selective flotation. Conventional collectors are small surfactants with a short hydrocarbon tail (2-6 carbons) and a head group, such as xanthate. In this work, much larger hydrophobic polystyrene nanoparticles are evaluated as potential flotation collectors. Experiments involving both clean model mineral suspensions and complex ultramafic nickel ores confirm that conventional water-soluble molecular collectors could be partially or completely replaced by colloidal hydrophobic nanoparticle flotation collectors.</p> <p>The ability of nanoparticles to induce flotation has been demonstrated by floating hydrophilic, negatively charged glass beads with cationic polystyrene nanoparticle collectors. Mechanisms and key parameters such as nanoparticle hydrophobicity and nanoparticle adsorption density have been identified. Electrostatic attraction promotes the spontaneous deposition of the nanoparticles on the glass surfaces raising the effective contact angle to facilitate the adhesion of beads to air bubbles. The pull-off force required to detach a glass sphere from the air/water interface of a bubble into the water was measured by micromechanics. Coating with nanoparticles allows the beads to attach remarkably firmly on the air bubble. As little as 10% coverage of the bead surfaces with the most effective nanoparticles could promote high flotation efficiencies, whereas conventional molecular collector requires 25% or higher coverage for a good recovery. Contact angle measurements of modified glass surfaces with a series of nanoparticles that covered a range of surface energies were used to correlate the nanoparticle surface properties with their ability to promote flotation of glass beads. Factors influencing nanoparticle deposition on glass, such as nanoparticle dosage, nanoparticle size, conditioning time have been investigated with a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). Deposition kinetics has been analyzed according to Langmuir kinetics model.</p> <p>Surface functionalized nanoparticles enhance the ability of nanoparticle collectors to selectively deposit onto surfaces of the desired mineral particles in the presence of gangue materials. Poly (styrene-co-vinylimidazole) based nanoparticle collectors have been developed to selectively deposit onto nickel mineral (pentlandite) in the presence of Mg/Si slime. Flotation tests of ultramafic nickel ores with these nanoparticle collectors have shown improvements in both pentlandite recovery and selectivity.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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In the recent years, it has been well established that primary respiratory viral infection-induced lung resident memory CD8 T cells (TRM) characterized by the expression of integrins CD49a and CD103, as well as the early-activation marker CD69, constitute the first line of defense against reinfection. On the other hand, viral vector-based respiratory mucosal (RM) vaccination, as well as parenteral vaccination followed by airway luminal manipulation induce lasting and protective lung T cell immunity towards pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). However, it remains poorly understood whether and how these TB vaccination strategies induce TRM in the lung. As such, within this thesis we will investigate generation of lung CD8 TRM upon different TB vaccination strategies and the underlying mechanisms regulating establishment of such cells. Here using distinct models of replication-deficient adenoviral vector-based TB vaccination, we find that RM vaccination leads to generation of lung CD8 TRM identified by the expression of CD69, CD103, and very late activation Ag 1 (VLA-1). These TRM-associated molecules are acquired by CD8 T cells in distinct tissues. In this regard, VLA-1 is acquired during T cell priming in draining mediastinal lymph nodes (dMLNs) and the others acquired after T cells entered the lung. Once in the lung, Ag-specific CD8 TRM continue to express VLA-1 at high levels through the effector/expansion, contraction, and memory phases of T cell responses. We also reveal that VLA-1 is not required for homing of these cells to the lung, but it negatively regulates them in the contraction phase. Furthermore, VLA-1 has a negligible role in the maintenance of such cells in the lung. Separately, we have observed that while parenteral intramuscular vaccination alone does not induce lung CD8 TRM, subsequent RM inoculation of an Ag-dependent, but not a non-specific inflammatory agonist induces lung CD8 TRM. Such generation of lung CD8 TRM needs CD4 T cell help. These findings not only fill the current knowledge gap, but also hold important implications in developing effective vaccination strategies towards mucosal intracellular infectious diseases such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), TB and herpes virus infection. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Development of an approach for the foresight of product technologies to enable an upgrade circular economyBerner, Yannick January 1900 (has links)
The current linear “take-make-use-dispose” approach relies on an ever-increasing demand of new products as a driver of economic growth. In this approach, companies usually make profit by frequent product replacements, even though these products are typically still fully functional. This is unsustainable as it strains natural resources and contributes significantly to environmental degradation. To counter this, the concept of a CE promotes extending product lifecycles through strategies such as reuse, repair, remanufacture, or recycling. One effective strategy is upgrading certain product modules to incorporate the latest technological developments, thereby extending the lifetime of a product, improving functionality, and thus creating additional value for the customer. However, companies face the challenge of planning products and the associated technologies across multiple product generations. A lever for this is technology foresight, aiming to identify emerging technological developments at an early stage so companies can exploit their potential. This approach helps to pinpoint the technological areas of a product with high innovation cycles that are ideal for upgrades to meet new customer requirements and extend the product's lifetime. This thesis focuses on developing an approach for technology foresight to enable an upgrade circular economy. The research includes a review of existing literature about technology foresight and upgrade circular economy, identifying key gaps and opportunities for innovation. The proposed approach combines market-pull and technology-push, as both are drivers for the development of new technologies. The market-pull perspective aims to identify key factors driving technological developments through market-oriented influences such as changing market trends or customer requirements. These requirements are translated into technical functions using the QFD method. The technology-push perspective, on the other hand, aims to identify key factors driving technological developments through technology-oriented influences such as new scientific discoveries. The proposed approach distinguishes between inside-out and outside-in technology identification. The identified technologies are then analyzed based on their development dynamics using publication or patent analysis. The theoretical approach developed in this thesis serves as a starting point for further research activities to implement the idea of an upgrade circular economy. / Den nuvarande linjära "take-make-use-dispose"-strategin bygger på en ständigt ökande efterfrågan på nya produkter som drivkraft för ekonomisk tillväxt. Enligt detta synsätt tjänar företagen pengar på att ofta byta ut produkter, trots att dessa produkter vanligtvis fortfarande är fullt funktionsdugliga. Detta är ohållbart eftersom det tär på naturresurserna och bidrar till en betydande miljöförstöring. För att motverka detta främjar CE-konceptet en förlängning av produkternas livscykler genom strategier som återanvändning, reparation, återtillverkning eller återvinning. En effektiv strategi är att uppgradera vissa produktmoduler för att införliva den senaste tekniska utvecklingen och därigenom förlänga produktens livslängd, förbättra funktionaliteten och därmed skapa mervärde för kunden. Företagen står dock inför utmaningen att planera produkter och tillhörande teknik över flera produktgenerationer. En hävstång för detta är teknisk framsynthet, som syftar till att identifiera nya tekniska utvecklingar på ett tidigt stadium så att företagen kan utnyttja deras potential. Detta tillvägagångssätt hjälper till att identifiera de tekniska områden i en produkt med höga innovationscykler som är idealiska för uppgraderingar för att uppfylla nya kundkrav och förlänga produktens livslängd. Denna avhandling fokuserar på att utveckla ett tillvägagångssätt för teknikprognoser för att möjliggöra en uppgraderad cirkulär ekonomi. Forskningen omfattar en genomgång av befintlig litteratur om teknikprognoser och uppgradering av cirkulär ekonomi, och identifierar viktiga luckor och möjligheter till innovation. Det föreslagna tillvägagångssättet kombinerar market-pull och technology-push, eftersom båda är drivkrafter för utvecklingen av ny teknik. Market-pull-perspektivet syftar till att identifiera nyckelfaktorer som driver den tekniska utvecklingen genom marknadsorienterade influenser, t.ex. förändrade marknadstrender eller kundkrav. Dessa krav översätts till tekniska funktioner med hjälp av QFD-metoden. Technology-push-perspektivet, å andra sidan, syftar till att identifiera nyckelfaktorer som driver den tekniska utvecklingen genom teknikorienterade influenser, t.ex. nya vetenskapliga upptäckter. Det föreslagna tillvägagångssättet skiljer mellan inside-out och outside-in teknikidentifiering. De identifierade teknologierna analyseras sedan utifrån deras utvecklingsdynamik med hjälp av publikations- eller patentanalys. Den teoretiska ansats som utvecklats i denna avhandling fungerar som en utgångspunkt för ytterligare forskningsaktiviteter för att genomföra idén om en uppgraderad cirkulär ekonomi.
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