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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribuição ao estudo morfológico do ducto deferente de codorna doméstica (Coturnix coturnix) da variedade italiana: estrutura, histofisiologia e possíveis variações sazonais ao longo do ano / Morphological study of the vas deferens of domestic quail (Coturnix coturnix) of Italian variety: structure, histophysiology and possible seasonal variability along the year

Katia Aparecida da Silva Viegas 10 December 2004 (has links)
Características morfológicas, histomorfométricas, ultraestruturais e tridimensionais do ducto deferente de codorna doméstica (Coturnix coturnix) da variedade italiana foram estudadas e descritas. Para tanto, foram utilizadas 30 codornas sexualmente maduras, procedentes de um criatório da Fazenda Edgardia de Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Os ductos deferentes foram coletados, observados e documentados ao longo do ano nas estações de outono, inverno, primavera e verão, e estudados por métodos de macro-mesoscopia, microscopia de luz, microscopias eletrônicas de transmissão (MET) e de varredura (MEV). Cada ducto deferente foi reduzido em três segmentos: proximal ou adepididimal; médio ou justa-renal, e distal ou adcloacal. Os estudos ultraestruturais e tridimensionais se concentraram no segmento médio do ducto. Diferenças marcantes na morfologia foram observadas, incluindo características estruturais e histomorfométricas, sobre os valores médios de altura epitelial, diâmetros tubular e luminal dos ductos deferentes, mensurados durante as quatro estações do ano, sendo mais marcantes as observações feitas no outono, a fase quiescente, e na primavera, a fase ativa, do ciclo testicular anual. Nas fases intermediárias do ciclo, compreendendo os meses de inverno (fase recrudescente), e de verão (fase regressiva), os reflexos da cinética testicular sobre a estrutura do ducto deferente se fizeram notar principalmente nas características subcelulares das células principais do epitélio de revestimento. As observações de MEV confirmaram a variabilidade morfológica do ducto deferente nas estações marcantes do ano (outono e primavera) em termos das fases do ciclo testicular anual. Estes estudos permitiram concluir que esta espécie de ave mostra um padrão circanual no ciclo reprodutivo, influenciando as características morfológicas dos ductos excretores do testículo / The morphological, histomorphometric, ultrastructural and three-dimensional features of the vas deferens of quail (Coturnix coturnix) of the Italian variety were studied and described. For this study were utilized 30 adult sexually active quails taken from the experimental Edgardia Farm of the UNESP, Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. The vas deferens was collected, observed and documented along the year in the autumn, winter, spring and summer seasons, and studied by macro-mesoscopy, light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Each vas deferens was reduced in three segments: proximal (adepididymal); middle (just the median lobe of the kidney); and distal (adcloacal). The ultrastructural and three-dimensional studies were concentred in the middle segment of the duct. It was verified marked morphologic differences in the vas deferens, including structural and histomorphometric features concerning the middle values of the epithelial height, tubular and luminal diameters measured during the four seasons of the year. The observations made in the autumn the quiescent phase and in the spring the active phase of the annual testicular cycle were more evident. In the intermediaries phases of the cycle, i.e., the winter (recrudescent phase) and summer (regressive phase), the influence of the testicular kinetic on the vas deferens structure was noted mainly in the subcellular characteristics of principal cells of the epithelium lining. The SEM observations confirmed the morphologic variability of the vas deferens in the main seasons of the year (autumn and spring) concerning to the annual testicular cycle phases. These studies allowed to conclude that this avian species showed a circunannual pattern of the reproductive cycle, influencing the morphological features of the excurrent ducts of the testis

Efeito da cobertura do galpão e da torta de babaçu nas rações sobre as características produtivas de codornas de corte

Borges, Jordane de Oliveira 15 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-17T17:11:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao-JordaneOliveiraBorges.pdf: 453225 bytes, checksum: 2cd54b51d98accea43d7182fa6c5b5e0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-15 / FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA E AO DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTIFICO E TECNOLÓGICO DO MARANHÃO / This study aimed to evaluate the effects of shed roofing (SR) and inclusion of babassu cake in the diets (BC) on the productive traits of meat quail from 14 to 28 and 14 to 40 days of age. A total of 896 meat-type quail (Coturnix coturnix coturnix) were housed at their 14th day of life in four masonry sheds. A completely randomized experimental design with a 4 × 4 factorial arrangement was adopted, consisting of four shed roofing types (asbestos cement, ceramic, straw, and painted asbestos cement) and four diets (0, 5, 10, and 15% inclusion of babassu cake), with 16 treatments and four replications of 14 quail, totaling 64 experimental units. The performance variables evaluated from 14 to 28 and 14 to 40 days were: feed intake (FI, g/quail), average weight gain (WG, g/quail), feed conversion (FC, g/g), average live weight at 28 days (AW28, g/quail), average live weight at 40 days (AW40, g/quail), and energy efficiency (EE, g/Mcal). After the slaughter on the 40th day, we also measured the carcass weight (CW) and the yields (%) of carcass (CY), breast (BY), legs (LY), and wings (WY), as well as the relative weights of the heart (RWH), liver (RWL), gizzard (RWG), and intestine (RWI). Additionally, on the 40th day, we evaluated the surface temperatures (head, HT; back, BT; leg, LT; and wings, WT) and the cloaca temperature (CLT), and later we determined the average surface temperature (AST) and the average body temperature (ABT). To compare the economic efficiency between experimental diets, the feed cost per kg of carcass and the gross margin were calculated. In the period from 14 to 28 days, SR influenced (P<0.05) FI28, WG28, and AW28 of the quail, and the ceramic roofing favored these variables compared with the other roofing types. Babassu cake did not affect (P>0.05) FI28, but improved WG28, FC28, AW28, and EE28 linearly, with its inclusion recommended at up to 15%. In the period from 14 to 40 days, SR influenced (P<0.05) WG40, FC40, AW40, and FE40 of the quail, but there was no effect (P>0.05) on FI40, and responses were similar with the use of ceramic and asbestos roofing. Inclusion of BC provided a quadratic increase in FI40, WG40, and AW40. There was no effect of SR or BC on CW, BY, WY, LY, RWH, RWL, and RWI; however, BC influenced RWG, which increased linearly with the inclusion of the ingredient. Head temperature, WT, LT, and AST were lower in quail kept under ceramic roofing, but no effects were detected (P>0.05) on CLT or ABT. The babassu cake, however, did not influence (P>0.05) any of the evaluated temperatures. In conclusion, ceramic roofing provides better environmental conditions in relation to the other roofing types. Babassu cake improved the performance characteristics, and inclusion of up to 15% of this ingredient in diets for meat quail is technically feasible. Based on the current cost analysis, inclusion of BC is economically unfeasible. / Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos do tipo de cobertura do galpão (TC) e da inclusão da torta de babaçu nas rações (TB), sobre as características produtivas de codornas de corte dos 14 aos 28 e dos 14 aos 40 dias de idade. Foram utilizadas 896 codornas de linhagem de corte (Coturnix coturnix coturnix), acondicionadas no 14º dia de vida, em quatro galpões de alvenaria. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado (DIC) em arranjo fatorial 4x4, sendo quatro tipos de coberturas nos galpões (fibrocimento, cerâmica, palha e fibrocimento pintado) e quatro rações (0, 5, 10 e 15% de inclusão de torta de babaçu), sendo 16 tratamentos com quatro repetições de 14 aves, totalizando 64 unidades experimentais. As variáveis de desempenho avaliadas dos 14 aos 28 e dos 14 aos 40 dias foram: consumo de ração (CR; g/ave), ganho de peso médio (GP; g/ave), conversão alimentar (CA; g/g), peso vivo médio aos 28 dias (PM28; g/ave); peso vivo médio aos 40 dias (PM40; g/ave) e eficiência energética (EF; g/Mcal) e após o abate no 40º dia, foi obtido o peso da carcaça (PC) e o rendimento (%) de carcaça (RC) de peito (RP), pernas (RPN) e asas (RASA), bem como os pesos relativos do coração (PRC), fígado (PRF), moela (PRM) e intestino (PRI). Também foram avaliadas no 40º dia as temperaturas superficiais (temperaturas de cabeça, TCA; dorso, TDR; perna, TPE; e asa, TAS) e de cloaca (TCL), sendo calculadas posteriormente a temperatura superficial media (TSM) e corporal média (TCM). Para comparar a eficiência econômica entre as rações experimentais determinou-se o custo com alimentação por kg de carcaça (CC) e a margem bruta (MB). No período de 14 a 28 dias observou-se que o TC influenciou (P<0,05) o CR28, GP28 e o PM28 das codornas, sendo que a cobertura de cerâmica favoreceu estas variáveis em relação às demais coberturas. A TB não afetou (P>0,05) o CR28, mas melhorou linearmente o GP28, a CA28, o PM28 e a EF28, recomendando-se até 15% de inclusão de TB. No período de 14 a 40 dias observou-se que o TC influenciou (P<0,05) o GP40, a CA40, o PM40 e a EF40 das codornas, não havendo efeito (P>0,05) sobre o CR40, havendo similaridade das respostas da cobertura de cerâmica e fibrocimento. A TB aumentou de forma quadrática o CR40, GP40 e o PM40. Não houve efeito de TC e TB no PC, RP, RASA, RPN, PRC, PRF, PRI, entretanto a TB influenciou o PRM, que aumentou linearmente com a inclusão de TB. A TCA, TAS, TPE e TSM foram inferiores nas aves mantidas na cobertura de cerâmica não havendo efeitos (P>0,05) sobre a TCL e TCM. Já a TB não influenciou (P>0,05) nenhuma das temperaturas avaliadas. Concluiu-se que a cobertura de cerâmica proporciona melhores condições ambientais em relação às demais coberturas. A inclusão de TB melhorou as características de desempenho sendo tecnicamente viável a inclusão de até 15% nas rações de codornas de corte. Com base na análise de custo atual, a inclusão de TB é economicamente inviável.

Efeitos da exposição prolongada de aflatoxina B1 e fumonisina B1 em codornas: avaliação de parâmetros de desempenho e de qualidade dos ovos / Effects of prolonged intoxication of aflatoxin B1 and fumonisin B1 in laying Japanese quail: evaluation of productivity and egg quality

Rony Ogido 27 June 2003 (has links)
O projeto avaliou os efeitos da aflatoxina B1 (AFB1) e fumonisina B1 (FB1), isoladas e associadas, sobre a produtividade e a qualidade dos ovos de codornas poedeiras (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Duzentas e oitenta e oito aves, adquiridas com idade de 8 semanas, foram subdivididas em 6 grupos experimentais (48 aves por grupo) e submetidas a 6 tipos de tratamentos, constituídos por rações contendo AFB1 e FB1 nas concentrações: (0 AFB1+0 FB1), (0 AFB1+10 mg/kg FB1), (50 &microg/kg AFB1+0 FB1), (50 µg/kg AFB1+10 mg/kg FB1), (200 µg/kg AFB1+0 FB1), e (200 µg/kg AFB1+10 mg/kg FB1). As aves foram alimentadas durante 140 dias (5 ciclos de 28 dias). Os parâmetros de produtividade foram avaliados semanalmente, através do consumo de ração, peso dos ovos, índice de conversão alimentar e curva de produção. A qualidade dos ovos foi avaliada a cada ciclo de 28 dias, cada ovo produzido nesse dia foi analisado individualmente para a determinação do valor de unidade Haugh, gravidade específica e percentual do peso da casca. Ao final do 5º período experimental, o peso médio dos ovos foi significativamente menor (p < 0,05) nas aves alimentadas com 10 mg FB1/kg, 50 &microg/kg AFB1, 200 µg/kg AFB1 e com o tratamento de associação de 10 mg FB1/kg + 50 µg/kg AFB1. Em relação à produção de ovos, as codornas alimentadas com 10 mg FB1/kg apresentaram uma diminuição significativa (p < 0,05), ao final do 3º, 4º e 5º ciclos. O consumo médio diário de ração foi significativamente menor (p< 0,05) nas aves alimentadas com 10 mg FB1/kg, ao final do 4º e 5º ciclos, enquanto que os níveis de 50 ou 200 µg/kg AFB1 provocaram uma diminuição significativa (p < 0,05), ao final do 5º período experimental. Ao final do 1º, 2º e 5º ciclos, o consumo médio de ração foi significativamente menor (p< 0,05) nas aves tratadas com 10 mg FB1/kg + 50 µg/kg AFB1. Os índices de conversão alimentar e os valores de Unidades Haugh não foram afetados (p > 0,05) pelos tratamentos. A gravidade específica dos ovos foi significativamente menor (p < 0,05) ao final do 5º ciclo, nas aves tratadas com 10 mg FB1/kg + 200 µg/kg AFB1. Observou-se uma diminuição significativa (p < 0,05) na porcentagem do peso de casca, nas aves tratadas com 10 mg FB1/kg ao final do 1º ciclo, entretanto, houve um aumento significativo (p < 0,05) nos tratamentos com 200 µg/kg AFB1 e também com 10 mg/kg FB1 + 50 µg/kg AFB1 ao final do 1º ciclo. Já ao final do 5º ciclo, o aumento na porcentagem de peso de casca (p < 0,05) ocorreu somente nas aves tratadas com 10 mg/kg FB1 + 200 µg/kg AFB1. Os resultados demonstraram que a administração prolongada de FB1 e AFB1, isoladas ou associadas nos níveis utilizados no presente experimento, pode causar prejuízos econômicos aos produtores de ovos de codornas. / This study evaluated the individual and combined effects of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and fumonisin B1 (FB1) on egg quality and performance of laying Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Two hundred twenty-eight birds were purchased at 8 week of age and randomly distributed into 6 experimental groups and given rations containing AFB1 and FB1 at the following levels: (0 AFB1+0 FB1), (0 AFB1+10 mg/kg FB1), (50 &microg/kg AFB1+0 FB1), (50 &microg/kg AFB1+10 mg/kg FB1), (200 &microg/kg AFB1+0 FB1), e (200 &microg/kg AFB1+10 mg/kg FB1). The birds were fed for 140 days (5 28-day laying periods). Each treatment consisted of four replicates of twelve quail. Egg production and individual egg weight were checked daily. Feed consumption and feed utilization were determined weekly. Eggs laid in the last day of each 28-day laying period were collected and submitted to individual analysis for specific gravity, Haugh units and percent egg shell. Results showed that average egg weight at the end of the fifth cycle was significantly lower (p < 0,05) for groups fed 10 mg FB1/kg, 50 &microg/kg AFB1, 200 &microg/kg AFB1 and also for the group fed 10 mg FB1/kg + 50 &microg/kg AFB1. Average egg production significantly decreased (p < 0,05) for groups fed 10 mg FB1/kg by the end of the third, fourth and fifth cycles. Feed consumption was significantly lower (p < 0,05) for group exposed to 10 mg FB1/kg, by the end of fourth and fifth cycles, whereas birds fed 50 or 200 &microg/kg AFB1 showed a significant decrease (p < 0,05) on feed consumption, by the end of fifth cycle. Birds exposed to 10 mg FB1/kg + 50 &microg/kg AFB1 also showed lower values (p < 0,05) of feed consumption, by the end of first, second and fifth cycles. Feed utilization and Haugh units were not affected (p > 0,05) by AFB1 and FB1. Average egg specific gravity was significantly lower (p < 0,05) for group fed 10 mg FB1/kg + 200 &microg/kg AFB1, by the end of fifth cycle. Percent egg shell was significantly lower (p < 0,05) for group exposed to 10 mg FB1/kg, by the end of the first cycle, however, birds exposed to 200 &microg/kg AFB1 and also to 10 mg/kg FB1 + 50 &microg/kg AFB1, showed a significantly increase (p < 0,05) of percent egg shell, by the of the first cycle. Percent egg shell was significantly higher (p < 0,05) for group fed 10 mg/kg FB1 + 200 &microg/kg AFB1 , by the end of fifth cycle. The results obtained in the present study showed that the prolonged administration of FB1 and AFB1, singly or combined at the levels checked, may cause economic losses to the quail egg producers.

Efeitos da fumonisina B1 em codornas poedeiras (Coturnix coturnix japonica) / Fumonisin B1 effects on laying japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)

Paula Butkeraitis 01 August 2003 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da fumonisina B1 (FB1) sobre a produtividade e a qualidade dos ovos de codornas em início de postura. Para esse fim, 128 aves de 7 semanas de idade foram aleatoriamente distribuídas em quatro grupos experimentais (32 aves por grupo), tendo sido administrada ração contendo 0 (controle), 10, 50 e 250 mg de FB1/kg, durante 28 dias. Cada tratamento esteve constituído por quatro replicatas de oito codornas. A produção e o peso dos ovos foram avaliados diariamente. O consumo de ração e a conversão alimentar foram mensurados semanalmente. Os ovos produzidos no último dia de cada período de 7 dias foram coletados e submetidos à analise individual de densidade, unidade Haugh e percentual de peso da casca em relação ao peso total do ovo. No vigésimo oitavo dia experimental, foram coletadas amostras de sangue para análise de perfil de função hepática (proteína total, albumina, AST, GGT e ácido úrico) e hemograma. Dezesseis aves de cada tratamento foram sacrificadas por deslocamento cervical, e os fígados, rins e coração foram removidos, pesados e submetidos à análise histopatotológica. Comparado com os grupos controles, as codornas alimentadas com ração contendo concentração >= 50 mg de FB1/kg reduziram (p < 0,05) o consumo de alimentos e apresentaram menor (p < 0,05) ganho de peso. Entretanto, a conversão alimentar foi aumentada (p < 0,05) apenas para as aves que receberam 250 mg de FB1/kg na dieta. A produção média de ovos apresentou-se significativamente menor (p < 0,05) para o grupo exposto a 250 mg de FB1/kg. O peso dos ovos diminui significativamente (p < 0,05) para as aves alimentadas com ração contendo concentração de 250 mg de FB1/kg. As médias de densidade e unidade Haugh não foram afetadas (p > 0,05) pela FB1. O peso das cascas dos ovos diminuiu (p < 0,05) nos grupos que receberam concentração >= 50 mg de FB1/kg na dieta. Entretanto, o percentual de casca não foi afetado pela FB1. Comparados com os grupos controle, os tratamentos que receberam concentração >= 50 mg de FB1/kg na dieta apresentaram maior (p < 0,05) peso relativo de fígado. Os pesos relativos do rim e do coração não foram afetados (p > 0,05) pela FB1. Comparando-se com o controle, as aves que receberam concentração de 250 mg de FB1/kg na dieta apresentaram redução (p < 0,05) da porcentagem do hematócrito. Os demais parâmetros do hemograma avaliados não foram afetados (p > 0,05) pela FB1. Com exceção do número de leucócitos aumentado no tratamento 10 mg de FB1/kg de ração (p < 0,05), os parâmetros do leucograma avaliados não foram afetados pela FB1 (p > 0,05). O valor de AST para o tratamento 250 mg de FB1/kg de ração encontrou-se aumentado (p < 0,05) quando comparado ao controle. Os outros parâmetros de bioquímica sérica avaliados no presente estudo não foram afetados pela FB1 (p > 0,05). Com relação aos achados histopatológicos, não houve diferença entre os tratamentos, em tecido hepático, renal e miocárdio, comparando-se com o grupo controle. Esses resultados sugerem que codornas são sensíveis aos efeitos tóxicos da FB1, em níveis que foram descritos como sendo de ocorrência natural, em condições de campo. Os dados indicaram que a exposição a FB1 em níveis >=50 mg de FB1/kg podem afetar adversamente o desempenho de codornas, o que enfatiza a importância do controle da contaminação por FB1 nas rações de codornas. / A 28-d experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of fumonisin B1 (FB1) on egg production and egg quality of young laying Japanese quail fed contaminated rations. To this end, 128 7-wk-old birds were randomly distributed into four experimental groups (32 birds per group) and given rations containing 0 (controls), 10, 50 and 250 mg FB1/ kg feed. Each treatment consisted of four replicates of eight quail. Egg production and egg weights were checked daily. Feed consumption and feed use were determinated weekly. Eggs laid in the last day of each 7-d period were collected and subjected to individual analysis for specific gravity, Haugh units and percentage eggshells. On day 28, 12 quail from each treatment (4 replicates of 3 birds each) were bled by cardiac puncture and samples used for serum chemistry analyses (total protein, albumin, AST, GGT, and uric acid). Sixteen quail from each treatment were sacrificed by cervical dislocation, and liver, kidney, and heart were removed, weighed and collected for histopathological examination. Compared with controls, quail fed >= 50 mg FB1/ kg had reduced (p < 0.05) feed intake and lower (p < 0.05) body weight gain. However, feed use was only reduced (p < 0.05) for birds fed 250 mg FB1/ kg. Average egg production was significantly lower (p < 0.05) for group exposed to 250 mg FB1/ kg. Egg weight was significantly decreased (p < 0.05) for birds fed 250 mg FB1/ kg. Average specific gravity and Haugh units were not affected (p > 0.05) by FB1. Eggshell weight was reduced (p < 0.05) for birds fed >= 50 mg FB1/ kg. However, percentage eggshell was not affected by FB1. Compared with controls, quail fed >= 50 mg FB1/ kg had increased (p < 0.05) relative liver weight. Relative kidney weight and relative heart weight were not affected (p > 0.05) by FB1. Compared with controls, birds fed 250 mg FB1/ kg diet had reduced (p < 0.05) hematocrits. FB1 had no effet on hematological values evaluated (p > 0.05) but on hematocrits. Despite the icreased (p < 0.05) on total white blood cell count for quail fed 10 mg FB1/ kg diet, FB1 had no effect on heterophil, lymphocyte and monocyte counts (p > 0.05). Compared with controls, AST concentrations were higher (p < 0.05) in quail fed 250 mg FB1/ kg diet. It was not observed any histopathological change in liver, kidney and heart samples from any treatment group, compared with controls. These results suggest that quail are sensitive to the toxic effects of FB1 at levels that have been reported to occur in feedstuff under field conditions. Data indicated that exposure to FB1 at levels >= 50 mg/ kg could adversely affect quail performance, emphasizing the importance of controlling fumonisin contamination in quail rations.

Energetics of laying and incubation in birds : studies of swallows Hirundo rustica, dippers Cinclus cinclus and Japanese quail Coturnix coturnix

Ward, Sally January 1992 (has links)
The doubly labelled water technique was validated for captive-bred, laying Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix), and used to measure the energy expenditure of free-living laying swallows (Hirundo rustica). Swallows had a slightly higher energy expenditure during laying than during incubation or nestling-rearing. Energy expenditure and the net cost of incubation increased sharply for female dippers (Cinclus cinclus) when clutches were enlarged to 6 eggs. Lipophilic dyes were used to determine the rate of ovarian follicular growth and the volume of yolk deposjted in a 24 h period by captive quail and free-living swallows. Rates of yolk deposition were related to daily energy expenditure in quail, but not in swallows. Balances placed under swallow nests recorded an increase in female mass from 5 d before the first egg was laid. Female mass peaked on the evening before the first egg and declined as eggs were laid. Mass changes during laying were equal to the mass of the oviduct and developing ova. However, body composition also changed, as a lipid reserve was built up in the final 4 d before the first egg was laid, whilst body water content declined. This substantially increased the peak energy requirement for biosynthesis in a laying swallow. The lipid reserve was catabolized during the remainder of the laying period. The lipid reserve was likely to serve as an insurance against a drop in food intake during laying. Shortage of food on the day before the first egg was laid led to a reduction in clutch size for some swallows. There was no evidence for use of a protein reserve by laying swallows. A model was developed from which it was predicted that egg production by swallows, and probably all other insectivorous birds, would be constrained by energy rather than crude lipid or protein requirements. It was concluded that laying patterns and clutch sizes were sometimes constrained by food availability during egg-laying, and that an upper limit to clutch size could be set by the capacity of an incubating bird to cover the eggs.

The Interaction between Social and Physical Environments on Early Cognitive Development

O'Dowd, Briana 20 March 2012 (has links)
The impact of the relative richness or poverty of the external environment on development has been demonstrated in a variety of species and for a number of physical and cognitive processes. However, a dichotomy exists in the present literature, wherein the physical and social environments are compartmentalized. The present study investigated the potential longitudinal interaction between the social and physical environments on early cognitive development and emotional reactivity. Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) were exposed to different part-time combinations of social and physical enrichment over the first 96 hours following hatch. Developmental trajectories were explored using repeated non-identical maze tasks. The experiment was inconclusive as to the effects of enrichment; however a distinct trend arose as a main effect of age. Chicks were significantly less willing to explore and solve the maze at 72 and 96 hours. Potential explanations concerning experience and physiological maturation are discussed along with sources of variability.

Architecture génétique du comportement chez la caille japonaise et relations avec des caractères de production / Genetic architecture of the Japanese quail's behavior and relationships with production traits

Recoquillay, Julien 12 December 2014 (has links)
Notre étude a porté sur le contrôle génétique des comportements sociaux ou de peur et leur relation avec les caractères de production au sein d’un croisement entre deux lignées de cailles sélectionnées de façon divergente sur la motivation sociale. Les résultats alertent sur un possible effet délétère de la sélection pour une plus forte productivité sur la sociabilité et la réactivité émotionnelle des animaux. Dans le même temps, ils indiquent des synergies possibles entre une plus forte motivation sociale et la précocité de la ponte, ou une plus faible réactivité émotionnelle et une production d’œufs plus importante. L’étude a permis la construction de la première carte génétique de moyenne densité à l’aide de marqueurs SNP chez la caille. Les analyses de liaison ont révélé un total de 45 QTLs dont 23 pour les caractères comportementaux et 22 pour ceux de production. Ce sont pour les critères de motivation sociale que les QTLs sont les plus nombreux (15). Certaines régions contrôlent à la fois la réactivité émotionnelle et le poids ou la sociabilité et l’âge au premier œuf. Plusieurs gènes candidats en lien avec la sociabilité ont été suggérés. / Our study focused on the genetic control of social and fear behaviors and their relationships with production traits in a second generation crossing between two lines of quail divergently selected for their social reinstatement behavior. The results warn us about a possible deleterious effect of the selection for higher productivity on the animal’s sociability and emotional reactivity. At the same time, they also indicate possible synergies between a stronger social motivation and a precocious laying onset, or a lower emotional reactivity toward a novel object and a higher egg production. The study allowed us to construct the first genetic map of medium density using SNP markers in the quail. Linkage analyses reveal a total of 45 QTLs with 23 linked to behavioral traits and 22 to the production traits. Most of the behavioral QTLs were linked to the social motivation (15). Also, some regions control both emotional reactivity and weight or sociability and the age at first egg. At this stage of the study, several candidate genes related to sociability were suggested.

Density of sperm-producing tissue is positively linked to male reproductive success, but not to testes size in the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)

Graf, Martine January 2020 (has links)
If sexual selection acts in a sex-limited way on a trait that has a shared genetic basis between males and females, the resulting intralocus sexual conflict can have a considerable impact on the opposite sex. A prime example of sexual conflict affecting a shared characteristic would be the reproductive organs in males and females. This study investigates how artificial selection on the female-specific trait egg size influences male reproductive success, particularly male testes morphology, by analysing the density and number of seminiferous tubules within the testes. It was found that selection on female reproductive investment has a concordant effect on male reproductive success, by demonstrating increased density of seminiferous tissue in the testes of males originating from high investment selection lines. Interestingly, a non-significant trend suggested that the density of seminiferous tissue influences testes size in a negative way. This study therefore provides evidence that female-specific selection on reproductive investment influences testes morphology in males, and that testes size depends on more than sperm-producing tissue.

Effects of ammonium perchlorate exposure on the thyroid function and the expression of thyroid-responsive genes in Japanese quail embryos and post hatch chicks

Chen, Yu 05 August 2008 (has links)
Perchlorate ion interferes with thyroid function by competitively inhibiting the sodium-iodide symporter, thus blocking iodide uptake into the thyroid gland. In this study, the effect of perchlorate exposure on thyroid function and thyroid-responsive gene expression were examined in (1) embryos from eggs laid by perchlorate-treated Japanese quail hens and (2) perchlorate-treated young Japanese quail. I hypothesized that perchlorate exposure would decrease thyroid function and that the consequent hypothyroidism would alter the expression of thyroid sensitive genes. Laying Japanese quail hens were treated with 2000 mg/l and 4000 mg/l ammonium perchlorate in drinking water. Eggs from these hens were incubated. Embryos, exposed to perchlorate in the egg, were sacrificed at day 14 of the 16.5 day incubation period. Japanese quail chicks, 4-5 days old, were treated with 2000 mg/l ammonium perchlorate in drinking water for 2 and 7.5 weeks. Thyroid status was evaluated by measuring plasma thyroid hormone concentrations, thyroid gland weight and thyroidal thyroid hormone storage. Expression of thyroid-responsive genes was evaluated by measuring the mRNA levels of Type 2 deiodinase (D2) in the brain and liver, RC3/neurogranin mRNA level in the brain and Spot 14 mRNA level in the liver. Maternal perchlorate exposure led to embryonic hypothyroidism, demonstrated by thyroid hypertrophy and very low embryonic thyroidal TH storage. Embryonic hypothyroidism decreased body growth and increased D2 mRNA level in the liver (a presumed compensatory response to hypothyroidism) but did not affect the mRNA levels of D2 and RC3 in the brain. Spot 14 mRNA was not detected in embryonic liver. In the second part of the study, quail chicks showed early signs of hypothyroidism after two weeks of 2000 mg/l ammonium perchlorate exposure; plasma concentration and thyroid gland stores of both T4 and T3 were significantly decreased. After 7.5 weeks of perchlorate exposure, all thyroid variables measured indicated that the chicks had become overtly hypothyroid. D2 mRNA level was increased, a compensatory response to hypothyroidism, and spot 14 mRNA level was decreased, a substrate-driven response in the liver of quail chicks after two weeks of perchlorate exposure. However, no difference was observed in the mRNA levels of D2 and spot 14 in the liver after 7.5 weeks of perchlorate exposure, suggesting there was some adaptation to the hypothyroid condition. The mRNA level of D2 and RC3 in the brain was not affected by perchlorate-induced hypothyroidism in quail chicks after either 2 or 7.5 weeks of perchlorate exposure. As in the embryos, this suggests the brain of chicks was "protected" from the hypothyroid body conditions. / Ph. D.

Contaminants at a Shooting Range: Toxicological and Nutritional Significance to Birds and Mammals

Gonzalez, Gabriela Rae 25 August 2003 (has links)
Target shooting in the United States has become an increasingly popular sport in the last century. In addition to the large quantity of lead pellets littering range grounds and surrounding land, considerable amounts of clay target fragments cover shooting range areas as well as adjoining habitats. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) within the target, as well as lead pellets from shotguns pose multiple threats to a variety of wildlife. To determine the effects of clay target and lead pellet ingestion on wildlife, I conducted controlled experiments on Coturnix quail exposed to clay targets in the lab, and collected wild birds and mammals exposed to lead pellets at a shooting range. The first Coturnix study determined whether quail voluntarily consumed target fragments or limestone fragments. In both fall (F=29.2, P<0.01) and spring (F=6.45, P=0.02) experiments, I found that quail consistently selected limestone fragments, but almost completely rejected clay target fragments. In the second study, quail were force-fed varying amounts of target dust on a weekly basis to simulate sporadic exposure to clay target dust. In both summer (F=1.63, P=0.23) and winter (F=0.34, P=0.8) trials, male quail did not have significant weight loss. Female quail had insignificant weight losses in summer trials (F=1.63, P=0.23) but experienced weight gains in winter trials (F=3.53, P=0.04). In the third and final Coturnix study, varying amounts of target dust were incorporated into daily feed rations to simulate frequent exposure to clay target dust. Male quail experienced weight loss in both summer (F=16.13, P<0.01) and winter (F=8.47, P<0.01) trials. Female quail also suffered weight loss in both summer (F=15.62, P<0.01) and winter (F=17.50, P<0.01) trials. Weight loss likely resulted from inadequate nutrition as opposed to target poisoning. However, because there were no biochemical analyses performed to test for PAH presence, no definite conclusions can be made. The second study focused on lead contamination in Passeriformes, perching birds, and small mammals. Seventeen of 20 birds (85%) (Passerine spp) captured at the shooting range had elevated lead levels (F=5.21, P<0.028), when compared to birds (n=20) at the control site. Nine of 26 (35%) white-footed mice (Peromyscous leucopus), trapped at the shooting range had elevated liver (F=9.78, P=0.0029) and kidney (F=22.49, P<0.01) lead levels. These results indicate that Passerine species as well as Peromyscous species around shooting ranges inadvertently consume lead, either as lead pellets, mistaking them for grit or dietary items, or through environmental sources such as water, soil, and vegetation. / Master of Science

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