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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efficient Approximate OLAP Querying Over Time Series

Perera, Kasun S., Hahmann, Martin, Lehner, Wolfgang, Pedersen, Torben Bach, Thomsen, Christian 15 June 2023 (has links)
The ongoing trend for data gathering not only produces larger volumes of data, but also increases the variety of recorded data types. Out of these, especially time series, e.g. various sensor readings, have attracted attention in the domains of business intelligence and decision making. As OLAP queries play a major role in these domains, it is desirable to also execute them on time series data. While this is not a problem on the conceptual level, it can become a bottleneck with regards to query run-time. In general, processing OLAP queries gets more computationally intensive as the volume of data grows. This is a particular problem when querying time series data, which generally contains multiple measures recorded at fine time granularities. Usually, this issue is addressed either by scaling up hardware or by employing workload based query optimization techniques. However, these solutions are either costly or require continuous maintenance. In this paper we propose an approach for approximate OLAP querying of time series that offers constant latency and is maintenance-free. To achieve this, we identify similarities between aggregation cuboids and propose algorithms that eliminate the redundancy these similarities present. In doing so, we can achieve compression rates of up to 80% while maintaining low average errors in the query results.

CROSS-DB: a feature-extended multidimensional data model for statistical and scientific databases

Lehner, Wolfgang, Ruf, Thomas, Teschke, Michael 13 September 2022 (has links)
Statistical and scientific computing applications exhibit characteristics that are fundamentally different from classical database system application domains. The CROSS-DB data model presented in this paper is optimized for use in such applications by providing advanced data modelling methods and application-oriented query facilities, thus providing a framework for optimized data management procedures. CROSS-DB (which stands for Classification-oriented, Redundancy-based Optimization of Statistical and Scientific DataBases) is based on a multidimensional data view. The model differs from other approaches by o~ering two complementary rnechanisrnsfor structuring qualifying information, classification and feature description. Using these mechanisms results in a normalized, low-dimensional database schema which ensures both, modelling uniqueness and understandability while providing enhanced modelling flexibility.

Query Processing on Prefix Trees Live

Kissinger, Thomas, Schlegel, Benjamin, Habich, Dirk, Lehner, Wolfgang 17 August 2022 (has links)
Modern database systems have to process huge amounts of data and should provide results with low latency at the same time. To achieve this, data is nowadays typically hold completely in main memory, to benefit of its high bandwidth and low access latency that could never be reached with disks. Current in-memory databases are usually column-stores that exchange columns or vectors between operators and suffer from a high tuple reconstruction overhead. In this demonstration proposal, we present DexterDB, which implements our novel prefix tree-based processing model that makes indexes the first-class citizen of the database system. The core idea is that each operator takes a set of indexes as input and builds a new index as output that is indexed on the attribute requested by the successive operator. With that, we are able to build composed operators, like the multi-way-select-join-group. Such operators speed up the processing of complex OLAP queries so that DexterDB outperforms state-of-the-art in-memory databases. Our demonstration focuses on the different optimization options for such query plans. Hence, we built an interactive GUI that connects to a DexterDB instance and allows the manipulation of query optimization parameters. The generated query plans and important execution statistics are visualized to help the visitor to understand our processing model.

Learning Techniques For Information Retrieval And Mining In High-dimensional Databases

Cheng, Hao 01 January 2009 (has links)
The main focus of my research is to design effective learning techniques for information retrieval and mining in high-dimensional databases. There are two main aspects in the retrieval and mining research: accuracy and efficiency. The accuracy problem is how to return results which can better match the ground truth, and the efficiency problem is how to evaluate users' requests and execute learning algorithms as fast as possible. However, these problems are non-trivial because of the complexity of the high-level semantic concepts, the heterogeneous natures of the feature space, the high dimensionality of data representations and the size of the databases. My dissertation is dedicated to addressing these issues. Specifically, my work has five main contributions as follows. The first contribution is a novel manifold learning algorithm, Local and Global Structures Preserving Projection (LGSPP), which defines salient low-dimensional representations for the high-dimensional data. A small number of projection directions are sought in order to properly preserve the local and global structures for the original data. Specifically, two groups of points are extracted for each individual point in the dataset: the first group contains the nearest neighbors of the point, and the other set are a few sampled points far away from the point. These two point sets respectively characterize the local and global structures with regard to the data point. The objective of the embedding is to minimize the distances of the points in each local neighborhood and also to disperse the points far away from their respective remote points in the original space. In this way, the relationships between the data in the original space are well preserved with little distortions. The second contribution is a new constrained clustering algorithm. Conventionally, clustering is an unsupervised learning problem, which systematically partitions a dataset into a small set of clusters such that data in each cluster appear similar to each other compared with those in other clusters. In the proposal, the partial human knowledge is exploited to find better clustering results. Two kinds of constraints are integrated into the clustering algorithm. One is the must-link constraint, indicating that the involved two points belong to the same cluster. On the other hand, the cannot-link constraint denotes that two points are not within the same cluster. Given the input constraints, data points are arranged into small groups and a graph is constructed to preserve the semantic relations between these groups. The assignment procedure makes a best effort to assign each group to a feasible cluster without violating the constraints. The theoretical analysis reveals that the probability of data points being assigned to the true clusters is much higher by the new proposal, compared to conventional methods. In general, the new scheme can produce clusters which can better match the ground truth and respect the semantic relations between points inferred from the constraints. The third contribution is a unified framework for partition-based dimension reduction techniques, which allows efficient similarity retrieval in the high-dimensional data space. Recent similarity search techniques, such as Piecewise Aggregate Approximation (PAA), Segmented Means (SMEAN) and Mean-Standard deviation (MS), prove to be very effective in reducing data dimensionality by partitioning dimensions into subsets and extracting aggregate values from each dimension subset. These partition-based techniques have many advantages including very efficient multi-phased pruning while being simple to implement. They, however, are not adaptive to different characteristics of data in diverse applications. In this study, a unified framework for these partition-based techniques is proposed and the issue of dimension partitions is examined in this framework. An investigation of the relationships of query selectivity and the dimension partition schemes discovers indicators which can predict the performance of a partitioning setting. Accordingly, a greedy algorithm is designed to effectively determine a good partitioning of data dimensions so that the performance of the reduction technique is robust with regard to different datasets. The fourth contribution is an effective similarity search technique in the database of point sets. In the conventional model, an object corresponds to a single vector. In the proposed study, an object is represented by a set of points. In general, this new representation can be used in many real-world applications and carries much more local information, but the retrieval and learning problems become very challenging. The Hausdorff distance is the common distance function to measure the similarity between two point sets, however, this metric is sensitive to outliers in the data. To address this issue, a novel similarity function is defined to better capture the proximity of two objects, in which a one-to-one mapping is established between vectors of the two objects. The optimal mapping minimizes the sum of distances between each paired points. The overall distance of the optimal matching is robust and has high retrieval accuracy. The computation of the new distance function is formulated into the classical assignment problem. The lower-bounding techniques and early-stop mechanism are also proposed to significantly accelerate the expensive similarity search process. The classification problem over the point-set data is called Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) in the machine learning community in which a vector is an instance and an object is a bag of instances. The fifth contribution is to convert the MIL problem into a standard supervised learning in the conventional vector space. Specially, feature vectors of bags are grouped into clusters. Each object is then denoted as a bag of cluster labels, and common patterns of each category are discovered, each of which is further reconstructed into a bag of features. Accordingly, a bag is effectively mapped into a feature space defined by the distances from this bag to all the derived patterns. The standard supervised learning algorithms can be applied to classify objects into pre-defined categories. The results demonstrate that the proposal has better classification accuracy compared to other state-of-the-art techniques. In the future, I will continue to explore my research in large-scale data analysis algorithms, applications and system developments. Especially, I am interested in applications to analyze the massive volume of online data.

Efficient exploitation of similar subexpressions for query processing

Zhou, Jingren, Larson, Per-Ake, Freytag, Johann Christoph, Lehner, Wolfgang 13 December 2022 (has links)
Complex queries often contain common or similar subexpressions, either within a single query or among multiple queries submitted as a batch. If so, query execution time can be improved by evaluating a common subexpression once and reusing the result in multiple places. However, current query optimizers do not recognize and exploit similar subexpressions, even within the same query. We present an efficient, scalable, and principled solution to this long-standing optimization problem. We introduce a light-weight and effective mechanism to detect potential sharing opportunities among expressions. Candidate covering subexpressions are constructed and optimization is resumed to determine which, if any, such subexpressions to include in the final query plan. The chosen subexpression(s) are computed only once and the results are reused to answer other parts of queries. Our solution automatically applies to optimization of query batches, nested queries, and maintenance of multiple materialized views. It is the first comprehensive solution covering all aspects of the problem: detection, construction, and cost-based optimization. Experiments on Microsoft SQL Server show significant performance improvements with minimal overhead.

Teaching In-Memory Database Systems the Detection of Hardware Errors

Lehner, Wolfgang, Habich, Dirk, Kolditz, Till 18 January 2023 (has links)
The key objective of database systems is to reliably manage data, whereby high query throughput and low query latency are core requirements. To satisfy these requirements, database systems constantly adapt to novel hardware features. Although it has been intensively studied and commonly accepted that hardware error rates in terms of bit flips increase dramatically with the decrease of the underlying chip structures, most database system research activities neglected this fact, leaving error (bit flip) detection as well as correction to the underlying hardware. Especially for main memory, silent data corruption (SDC) as a result of transient bit flips leading to faulty data is mainly detected and corrected at the DRAM and memory-controller layer. However, since future hardware becomes less reliable and error detection as well as correction by hardware becomes more expensive, this free ride will come to an end in the near future. To further provide a reliable data management, an emerging research direction is employing specific and tailored protection techniques at the database system level. Following that, we are currently developing and implementing an adopted system design for state-of-the-art in-memory column stores. In our lightning talk, we will summarize our current state and outline future work.


Jaewoo Shin (17069089) 29 September 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">In recent years, massive amounts of data have been generated from various types of devices or services. For these data, update-intensive workloads where the data update their status periodically and continuously are common. The Log-Structured-Merge (LSM, for short) is a widely-used indexing technique in various systems, where index structures buffer insert operations into the memory layer and flush them into disk when the data size in memory exceeds a threshold. Despite its noble ability to handle write-intensive (i.e., insert-intensive) workloads, LSM suffers from degraded query performance due to its inefficiency on index maintenance of secondary keys to handle update-intensive workloads.</p><p dir="ltr">This dissertation focuses on the efficient support of update-intensive workloads for LSM-based indexes. First, the focus is on the optimization of LSM secondary-key indexes and their support for update-intensive workloads. A mechanism to enable the LSM R-tree to handle update-intensive workloads efficiently is introduced. The new LSM indexing structure is termed the LSM RUM-tree, an LSM R-tree with Update Memo. The key insights are to reduce the maintenance cost of the LSM R-tree by leveraging an additional in-memory memo structure to control the size of the memo to fit in memory. In the experiments, the LSM RUM-tree achieves up to 9.6x speedup on update operations and up to 2400x speedup on query operations.</p><p dir="ltr">Second, the focus is to offer several significant advancements in the context of the LSM RUM-tree. We provide an extended examination of LSM-aware Update Memo (UM) cleaning strategies, elucidating how effectively each strategy reduces UM size and contributes to performance enhancements. Moreover, in recognition of the imperative need to facilitate concurrent activities within the LSM RUM-Tree, particularly in multi-threaded/multi-core environments, we introduce a pivotal feature of concurrency control for the update memo. The novel atomic operation known as Compare and If Less than Swap (CILS) is introduced to enable seamless concurrent operations on the Update Memo. Experimental results attest to a notable 4.5x improvement in the speed of concurrent update operations when compared to existing and baseline implementations.</p><p dir="ltr">Finally, we present a novel technique designed to improve query processing performance and optimize storage management in any secondary LSM tree. Our proposed approach introduces a new framework and mechanisms aimed at addressing the specific challenges associated with secondary indexing in the structure of the LSM tree, especially in the context of secondary LSM B+-tree (LSM BUM-tree). Experimental results show that the LSM BUM-tree achieves up to 5.1x speedup on update-intensive workloads and 107x speedup on update and query mixed workloads over existing LSM B+-tree implementations.</p>

SAP HANA distributed in-memory database system: Transaction, session, and metadata management

Lehner, Wolfgang, Kwon, Yong Sik, Lee, Juchang, Färber, Franz, Muehle, Michael, Lee, Chulwon, Bensberg, Christian, Lee, Joo Yeon, Lee, Arthur H. 12 January 2023 (has links)
One of the core principles of the SAP HANA database system is the comprehensive support of distributed query facility. Supporting scale-out scenarios was one of the major design principles of the system from the very beginning. Within this paper, we first give an overview of the overall functionality with respect to data allocation, metadata caching and query routing. We then dive into some level of detail for specific topics and explain features and methods not common in traditional disk-based database systems. In summary, the paper provides a comprehensive overview of distributed query processing in SAP HANA database to achieve scalability to handle large databases and heterogeneous types of workloads.

Query processing on low-energy many-core processors

Lehner, Wolfgang, Ungethüm, Annett, Habich, Dirk, Karnagel, Tomas, Asmussen, Nils, Völp, Marcus, Nöthen, Benedikt, Fettweis, Gerhard 12 January 2023 (has links)
Aside from performance, energy efficiency is an increasing challenge in database systems. To tackle both aspects in an integrated fashion, we pursue a hardware/software co-design approach. To fulfill the energy requirement from the hardware perspective, we utilize a low-energy processor design offering the possibility to us to place hundreds to millions of chips on a single board without any thermal restrictions. Furthermore, we address the performance requirement by the development of several database-specific instruction set extensions to customize each core, whereas each core does not have all extensions. Therefore, our hardware foundation is a low-energy processor consisting of a high number of heterogeneous cores. In this paper, we introduce our hardware setup on a system level and present several challenges for query processing. Based on these challenges, we describe two implementation concepts and a comparison between these concepts. Finally, we conclude the paper with some lessons learned and an outlook on our upcoming research directions.

Hierarchisches gruppenbasiertes Sampling

Rainer, Gemulla, Berthold, Henrike, Lehner, Wolfgang 12 January 2023 (has links)
In Zeiten wachsender Datenbankgrößen ist es unumgänglich, Anfragen näherungsweise auszuwerten um schnelle Antworten zu erhalten. Dieser Artikel stellt verschiedene Methoden vor, dieses Ziel zu erreichen, und wendet sich anschließend dem Sampling zu, welches mit Hilfe einer Stichprobe schnell zu adäquaten Ergebnissen führt. Enthalten Datenbankanfragen Verbund- oder Gruppierungsoperationen, so sinkt die Genauigkeit vieler Sampling-Verfahren sehr stark; insbesondere werden vor allem kleine Gruppen nicht erkannt. Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit hierarchischen gruppenbasiertem Sampling, welches Sampling, Gruppierung und Verbundoperationen kombiniert. / In times of increasing database sizes it is crucial to process queries approximately in order to obtain answers quickly. This article introduces several methods for achieving this goal and afterwards focuses on sampling, yielding appropriate results by using only a subset of the actual data. If database queries contain join or group-by operations, the accuracy of many sampling methods drops significantly; especially small groups are not recognized. This article is concerned with hierarchical group-based sampling, which combines sampling, grouping and joins.

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