Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rarefaction.""
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Optimisation, analyse et comparaison de méthodes numériques déterministes par la dynamique des gaz raréfiés / Optimization, analysis and comparison of deterministic numerical methods for rarefied gas dynamicsHerouard, Nicolas 05 December 2014 (has links)
Lors de la rentrée atmosphérique, l’écoulement raréfié de l’air autour de l’objet rentrant est régi par un modèle cinétique dérivé de l’équation de Boltzmann ; celui-ci décrit l’évolution d’une fonction de distribution des particules de gaz dans l’espace des phases, de dimension 6 dans le cas général. La simulation numérique déterministe de cet écoulement requiert donc le traitement d’une quantité considérable de données, soit un espace mémoire et un temps de calcul importants. Nous étudions dans ce travail différents moyens de réduire le coût de ces calculs. La première approche est une méthode permettant d’optimiser la taille de la grille de vitesses discrètes employée dans le calcul par une prédiction de l’allure des fonctions de distribution dans l’espace des vitesses, en supposant un faible déséquilibre thermodynamique du gaz. La seconde approche consiste à essayer d’exploiter les propriétés de préservation asymptotique des schémas Galerkin Discontinu, déjà établies dans le cadre du transport linéaire des neutrons, qui permettent de tenir compte des effets de la couche limite cinétique sans que celle-ci soit résolue par le maillage, alors que les méthodes classiques (comme les Volumes Finis) imposent l’utilisation de maillages très raffinés en zone de proche paroi. Dans une dernière partie, nous comparons les performances respectives de ces schémas Galerkin Discontinu et de quelques schémas Volumes Finis, appliqués au modèle BGK sur un cas simple, en étudiant en particulier leur comportement près des parois et les conditions aux limites numériques. / During the atmospheric re-entry of a space engine, the rarefied air flow around the body is determined by a kinetic model derived from the Boltzmann equation, which describes the evolution of a distribution function of gas molecules in the phase space, this means a 6-dimensional space in the general case. Consequently, a deterministic numerical simulation of this flow requires large computational ressources, both in memory storage and CPU time. The aim of this work is to reduce those ressources, using two different approaches. The first one is a method allowing to optimize the size of the discrete velocity grid used for the computation by a prediction of the shape of the distributions in the velocity space, assuming that the gas is close to thermodynamic equilibrium. The second approach is an attempt to use the asymptotic preservation properties of Discontinuous Galerkin schemes, already established for neutron transport, which allow to take into account the effects of kinetic boundary layers even if they are not resolved by the mesh, while classical methods (such as Finite Volumes) require very refined meshes along the direction normal to the walls. In a last part, we compare the performances of these Discontinuous Galerkin schemes with some classical Finite Volumes schemes, applied to the BGK equation in a simple case, and pay particular attention to their near-wall behavior and numerical boundary conditions.
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Προσομοίωση ιξώδους συσσωμάτωσης και διασποράς σε κοκκώδη υλικάΜιχάλης, Βασίλειος 22 November 2011 (has links)
Ο στόχος της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η περαιτέρω κατανόηση και ποσοτική σύνδεση φαινομένων μεταφοράς που λαμβάνουν χώρα σε πορώδη μέσα με τα αντίστοιχα φαινόμενα στην κλίμακα λίγων πόρων. Η επέκταση των αποτελεσμάτων από την κλίμακα πόρου στην κλίμακα του πορώδους μέσου δεν είναι προφανής και για το λόγο αυτό η τοπολογία και μορφολογία της πορώδους δομής αντιμετωπίζονται εδώ με δίκτυα πόρων, με έμφαση στα φαινόμενα που λαμβάνουν χώρα στις διασταυρώσεις, αλλά και με ψηφιακές αναπαραστάσεις της δομής με βάση μικροφωτογραφίες δείγματος του υλικού. Συγκεκριμένα, στην εργασία αυτή εξετάζεται η διασπορά μορίων διαλυμένης ουσίας σε δίκτυα πόρων, παρουσιάζεται μία καινούργια τεχνική ανακατασκευής ανομοιογενών πορωδών υλικών και αναπτύσσεται μια μέθοδος προσομοίωσης της ροής αερίων δια μέσου ανακατασκευασμένων πορωδών υλικών στη μεταβατική περιοχή ροής όπου η μέση ελεύθερη διαδρομή των μορίων ενός αερίου είναι συγκρίσιμη με το μέγεθος των πόρων οπότε και παύει να ισχύει η συνήθης παραδοχή του συνεχούς.
Η επίδραση της ανάμειξης μέσα σε πόρους ή στις διασταυρώσεις πόρων/ρωγμών στη διασπορά μορίων διαλυμένης ουσίας σε πορώδη μέσα ερευνήθηκε μέσα από την ανάπτυξη και χρήση διαφορετικών τεχνικών προσομοίωσης με έμφαση στις λεπτομέρειες της ροής και της μεταφοράς μάζας στην περιοχή της διασταύρωσης. Βρέθηκε ότι μία νέα μέθοδος τυχαίου περιπάτου αναπαράγει με καλή ακρίβεια το συντελεστή διασποράς σε χαμηλές και μεσαίες τιμές του Peclet, χάρη στο γεγονός ότι λαμβάνει υπ’ όψη την ανάντι της ροής κίνηση των σωματιδίων και τους διαφορετικούς χρόνους παραμονής μέσα σε κάθε κλάδο.
Παράλληλα αναπτύχθηκε μία καινοτόμος μέθοδος ανακατασκευής πορωδών μέσων. Η τεχνική στηρίζεται στο διφασικό πρότυπο δικτύου Boltzmann, το οποίο περιγράφει την εξέλιξη συστημάτων υγρού-αερίου υπό την επίδραση της διεπιφανειακής τάσης. Ο μηχανισμός αυτός οδηγεί στη δημιουργία συσχετισμένων δομών, όπου τόσο η μορφολογία του πορώδους μέσου όσο και ο βαθμός συσχέτισής του καθορίζονται από τις λειτουργικές παραμέτρους του προτύπου. Η τεχνική εφαρμόστηκε επιτυχώς σε πραγματικό δείγμα εδάφους με αφετηρία την πληροφορία που δίνεται από μία μικροφωτογραφία μίας στατιστικά χαρακτηριστικής τομής του.
Τέλος, μελετήθηκε η ροή αερίων σε πορώδη μέσα, σε πεπερασμένους αριθμούς Knudsen, όπου η μέση διάμετρος των πόρων είναι της ίδιας τάξης με τη μέση ελευθέρα διαδρομή των μορίων του αερίου. Η μελέτη έγινε με τη μεσοσκοπική μέθοδο DSMC. Ο έλεγχος της αξιοπιστίας της μεθόδου και της παρούσας υλοποίησής της έγινε μέσω της μελέτης της ισοθερμοκρασιακής ροής αερίου μεταξύ παραλλήλων πλακών. Παράλληλα υπολογίστηκε το δυναμικό ιξώδες αερίου σε συνθήκες υψηλής αραίωσης και παρουσιάστηκε η εξάρτησή του από τον αριθμό Knudsen. Βρέθηκε ότι τα αποτελέσματα προσεγγίζονται ικανοποιητικά από μία αναλυτική έκφραση τύπου Bosanquet που συσχετίζει το αποτελεσματικό ιξώδες με την τιμή του στο όριο του συνεχούς και με τον αριθμό Knudsen. Επιπρόσθετα μελετήθηκε για πρώτη φορά με τη μέθοδο DMSC η ροή αερίων σε υπολογιστικά ανακατασκευασμένες πορώδεις δομές. Επιβεβαιώθηκε το φαινόμενο του Klinkenberg και η γραμμική εξάρτηση του συντελεστή διαπερατότητας από την αντίστροφη πίεση. Τέλος χρησιμοποιήθηκε μια διαφορετική προσέγγιση στο πρόβλημα υπολογισμού της ροής στη μεταβατική περιοχή μέσω ανάπτυξης προτύπου δικτύου Boltzmann, κατάλληλα τροποποιημένου για ροές σε συνθήκες αραίωσης. Το πρότυπο δοκιμάστηκε τόσο στην περίπτωση ροής μεταξύ παραλλήλων πλακών όσο και σε ροή σε πορώδη μέσα όπου η συμφωνία με τη μέθοδο DSMC βρέθηκε πολύ ικανοποιητική. / The aim of the present study is the further understanding and quantification of transport phenomena in porous media and their connection with the phenomena in the scale of a few pores. The extension of the results from the pore-scale to the scale of the porous medium is not obvious and for this reason the representation of the porous medium is treated both with pore-networks and digital reconstruction. Specifically, in this study it is examined the dispersion of molecules of a solute in porous networks, a new reconstruction technique is presented for heterogeneous granular materials and also a methodology is developed for the study of gas flow in reconstructed porous media in the transient regime, where the mean free path of the gas molecules is comparable with the characteristic length of the pores and thus the continuum description is no longer valid.
The effect of the mixing in the pores or the junctions of the pores on the dispersion of molecules of a solute in porous media is examined through various simulation techniques with emphasis on the details of the flow and mass transport in the area of the junction. It was found that a new random-walk technique is reproducing with good accuracy the dispersion coefficient for low and average values of the Peclet number, due to the fact that it takes into account the backwards, with respect to the main direction of the flow, movement of the molecules and the different residence time in each branch.
Furthermore, a new reconstruction technique was developed for porous media. The technique is based on 2-phase lattice Boltzmann model, which describes the evolution of a gas-liquid system under the influence of the surface tension. This mechanism leads to the creation of correlated structures, where the morphology of the porous medium and the correlation factor are determined by the operating parameters of the model. The technique was applied successfully for the reconstruction of a real soil sample, starting from the information that is solely given from a microphotograph of a statistically adequate section of the material.
Finally, the gas flow through porous media was examined at moderate Knudsen numbers, where the mean diameter of the pores is of the same order of magnitude with the mean free path of the gas molecules. The study was done mainly with the mesoscopic DSMC technique. The credibility of the technique was examined through the study of the isothermal gas flow through parallel plates. Additionally, the dynamic viscosity of a gas under rarefaction conditions was calculated and its dependence on the Knudsen number was shown. It was found that the results are approximated satisfactorily with an analytical Bosanquet-type equation that relates the effective viscosity with its value at the continuum limit and with the Knudsen number. Furthermore, it was studied for the first time with the DSMC method the gas flow through reconstructed porous media. The Klinkenberg effect was confirmed and the linear dependence of the permeability coefficient on the inverse pressure was shown. Finally an alternative approach was used for the calculation of gas flow though porous media in the transient regime through the development of a lattice Boltzmann model suitably modified for rarefied gas flows. The model was tested for the case of flow through parallel plates as well as for the case of flow through porous media and the agreement with the DSMC method was very satisfactory.
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Etude des mécanismes physiques induits pas un actionneur plasma appliqué au contrôle d’écoulements raréfiés super/hypersoniques dans le cadre de rentrées atmosphériques / Study of physical mechanisms induced by a plasma actuator for super/hypersonic rarefied flows applied to atmospheric entriesCoumar, Sandra 18 December 2017 (has links)
Ces dernières années, les missions spatiales bénéficient d'un regain d'intérêt. Cependant, lorsqu’arrive laphase d’entrée dans l’atmosphère, nous faisons encore face à d’importantes difficultés. Afin de répondre àce problème, une nouvelle technique est proposée : le contrôle par plasma pour augmenter la force detraînée sur le véhicule et ainsi, décroître sa vitesse. Dans cette thèse, un actionneur plasma est testé danstrois écoulements supersoniques (N1(M2-8Pa), N2(M4-8Pa) and N3(M4-71Pa)) et un hypersonique (M20-0.062Pa), ces écoulements étant simulés par la soufflerie MARHy.L’actionneur plasma induit des modifications de l’écoulement autour du modèle étudié, comme unemodification de la géométrie de l’onde de choc et une augmentation de l’angle de choc. Afin de mieuxcomprendre les phénomènes gouvernant ces modifications, la pression Pitot, la température surfacique etvolumique, les données électroniques et des mesures spectroscopiques ont été analysées. Les résultatsmontrèrent que deux types d’effets interviennent : thermiques (surface et volume) et l’ionisation. De plus, il aété démontré que ces effets n’ont pas la même importance suivant les conditions d’écoulements.L’actionneur plasma lui-même a été modifié dans un but d’amélioration. En particulier, deux types degénérateurs ont été étudiés pour alimenter la cathode : DC et pulsé. Finalement, il est montré que pour unepuissance de décharge de 80 W, une augmentation de 13% de la traînée et donc, une diminution de plus de25% des flux de chaleur peuvent être attendus. Par conséquent, les actionneurs plasma semblent être descandidats idéaux pour les missions spatiales et les (r)entrées atmosphérique. / Space missions are arousing renewed interest in these recent years. However, when coming to the entryinto the atmosphere, major issues are still to be considered. To answer this problem, a new Entry DescentLanding technique is proposed: plasma actuation to increase the drag force over the vehicle body and thus,decrease its speed. In this thesis, a plasma actuator is tested in three supersonic rarefied flows (N1(M2-8Pa), N2(M4-8Pa) and N3(M4-71Pa)) and a hypersonic one (M20-0.062Pa), all generated by the wind tunnelMARHy.The plasma actuator induces flow modifications over the studied model, such as a change in the shock waveshape and an increase in the shock wave angle. In order to better understand the phenomena governingthese modifications, Pitot pressure, surface and gas temperature, electron data and spectroscopicmeasurements were analyzed. The results shown that two types of effects are involved: thermal (bulk andsurface) and ionization. Moreover, it was demonstrated that these effects had not the same importancedepending on the flow conditions.The plasma actuator was also modified in order to improve it. In particular, two types of generators wereused to biase the cathode: DC and pulsed. Finally, it was shown that, for a discharge power of 80 W, a 13%increase in the drag force could be expected and thus, a decrease in the heat load over the model body ofmore than 25%. Therefore, plasma actuators seem to be promising applications for space missions andatmospheric entries.
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Développement de la technique de vélocimétrie par marquage moléculaire pour l'étude expérimentale des micro-écoulements gazeux / Development of molecular tagging velocimetry technique for experimental study of gaseous microflowsSamouda, Feriel 13 December 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur le développement de la technique de Vélocimétrie par Marquage Moléculaire (Molecular Tagging Velocimetry - MTV) pour l’étude expérimentale des micro-écoulements gazeux internes. Les micro-écoulements gazeux sont des écoulements raréfiés, caractérisés par un nombre de Knudsen non négligeable. L’analyse de la littérature montre un besoin crucial de données expérimentales de grandeurs locales relatives aux micro-écoulements gazeux. Ces données permettraient une discussion pertinente de la précision et des limites d’applicabilité des différents modèles théoriques proposés dans la littérature pour l’étude du régime de glissement, régime raréfié le plus souvent rencontré en microfluidique gazeuse. Dans cette optique, un banc d’essais expérimental a été développé pour la mesure de champs de vitesses par MTV. La technique consiste à suivre des molécules traceuses d’acétone introduites dans le gaz en écoulement et qui deviennent phosphorescentes lorsqu’elles sont excitées par une source lumineuse UV. Les différents compromis pris en compte pour le développement de ce banc (choix du traceur et du matériau, conception du canal instrumenté,…), ainsi que les techniques d’acquisition et de traitement de signal sont détaillés dans le manuscrit. L’analyse expérimentale commence par une étude du signal de phosphorescence de l’acétone. Ensuite, la technique de vélocimétrie par marquage moléculaire est validée par la mesure de champs de vitesses dans des écoulements laminaires confinés en régime non raréfié. Les résultats obtenus sont comparés à des profils de vitesse théoriques d’un écoulement de Poiseuille à pression atmosphérique. Enfin, les premiers résultats obtenus à basse pression sont présentés et commentés. La détection du signal à un niveau de pression de 1kPa est encourageante et offre de nombreuses perspectives pour l’exploration d’écoulements en régime raréfié / This thesis focuses on the development of Molecular Tagging Velocimetry (MTV) technique for the experimental analysis of internal microflows of gases. Gaseous microflows are rarefied flows characterized by a non-negligible Knudsen number. A literature review highlights a crucial need of experimental data on velocity fields within gaseous microflows. These data are required for a relevant discussion on the validity and limits of applicability of the different boundary conditions proposed in the slip flow, which is a regime often encountered in gaseous microsystems. An experimental setup has been designed for analyzing by MTV the velocity distribution in microchannels. The technique consists in detecting the displacement of acetone molecules, introduced as tracers in a gas flow; these molecules exhibit phosphorescence once excited by a UV light source. The various compromises taken into account for the setup design (choice of tracer, laser, channel material and design, camera and intensifier…), as well as the acquisition and processing techniques are detailed in the manuscript. The experimental analysis starts with a study of the acetone phosphorescence signal. Then, the MTV technique is validated by velocity field measurements in internal laminar flows through a rectangular minichannel in non-rarefied regime. The obtained results are successfully compared to the theoretical velocity profile of a Poiseuille flow. Finally, preliminary results obtained at lower pressures are presented and commented. The signal detection at a pressure level as low as 1 kPa is encouraging and draws various perspectives for the exploration of rarefied regimes
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In this work, an analytical version of the method of discrete ordinates (ADO) is used
in developing solutions to problems of rarefied gases confined by two infinite parallel
plates with different chemical constitutions, that is, without the symmetry condition.
The modeling of problems (Poiseuille Flow and Thermal Creep) are performed using
the kinetic models of BGK and S, derived from the linearized Boltzmann equation.
In order to describe the interaction between gas and surface, we use the core of
Maxwell presenting a single accommodation coefficient and the Cercignani-Lampis
core defined in terms of the coefficients of accommodation of tangential momentum
and energy accommodation coefficient kinetics. A series of results are presented in
order to establish a comparison of surface effects to the problems presented. / Neste trabalho, uma vers ao anal´ıtica do m´etodo de ordenadas discretas (ADO) ´e
utilizada no desenvolvimento de solu¸c oes para problemas de gases rarefeitos confinados
por duas placas paralelas infinitas com constitui¸c oes qu´ımicas diferentes, isto
´e, sem a condi¸c ao de simetria. A modelagem dos problemas (Fluxo de Poiseuille e
Creep T´ermico) s ao realizados a partir dos modelos cin´eticos BGK e S, derivados
da equa¸c ao linearizada de Boltzmann. A fim de descrever o processo de intera¸c ao
entre o g´as e a superf´ıcie, utiliza-se o n´ucleo de Maxwell que apresenta um ´unico
coeficiente de acomoda¸c ao e o n´ucleo de Cercignani-Lampis definido em termos dos
coeficientes de acomoda¸c ao do momento tangencial e o coeficiente de acomoda¸c ao
da energia cin´etica. Uma s´erie de resultados s ao apresentados a fim de estabelecer
uma compara¸c ao dos efeitos de superf´ıcie para os problemas apresentados.
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A Morphable Entry System for Small Satellite Aerocapture at MarsJannuel Vincenzo V Cabrera (12537673) 12 May 2022 (has links)
<p> </p>
<p>As space agencies look to conduct more scientific missions beyond Earth orbit, low-cost access to space becomes indispensable. Small satellites (smallsats) fulfill this need as they can be developed at a fraction of the cost of traditional large satellites. Consequently, smallsats are being envisioned for planetary science missions at several destinations including Mars. However, a significant challenge for interplanetary smallsats is performing fully-propulsive orbit insertion because modern smallsat propulsion technologies have limited total velocity change capabilities. At destinations with significant atmospheres, this challenge can be circumvented via <em>aerocapture</em>, a technique that uses a single atmospheric pass to convert a hyperbolic approach trajectory into a captured elliptical orbit. Aerocapture has been shown to enable significant propellant mass savings as compared to fully-propulsive orbit insertion, making it an attractive choice for smallsats. Performing aerocapture with smallsats requires a suitable vehicle design that satisfies the associated control requirements and volumetric constraints. To address this requirement, this dissertation proposes the <em>morphable entry system </em>(MES), a conceptual deployable entry vehicle that utilizes shape morphing to follow a desired atmospheric flight profile during aerocapture. The aerocapture performance of the MES at Mars is investigated using a six degree-of-freedom aerocapture simulation environment. The shape morphing strategy employed by the MES is shown to be feasible for targeting desired angle of attack and sideslip angle profiles that lead to successful orbit captures. Furthermore, the robustness of the MES to simulated day-of-flight uncertainties while employing angle of attack control is demonstrated through a Monte Carlo dispersion analysis. The major contributions of this research as well as areas of future work are described.</p>
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A Study of Mode Dependent Energy Dissipation in 2D MEMS ResonatorsDoreswamy, Santhosh January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
With the advent of micro and nano electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS), there has been rapid development in the design and fabrication of sensitive resonant sensors. Sensitivity of such devices depends on the resonant frequency and the quality factor (Q). The Q of these devices are dependent on process induced prestress in the structural geometry, interaction with the external environment, and the encapsulation method. For high frequency sensors operating in air and under encapsulation condition, the Q is dominated by structural and fluid-structure interaction losses. In this thesis, we set out to study the dominant energy dissipative mechanisms that are constituent of the experimentally observed loss (Q-factor) in two specific test geometries—uncapped and capped circular MEMS drumhead resonators.
Considering the importance of various factors, we consider four important problems pertaining to the uncapped as well as capped resonators. In the first problem, the most important factors perhaps are the acoustic radiation losses emanating from the annular plate, and the effect of added mass effect on the natural frequencies of the annular plate. The second problem is to investigate the dominant contribution of squeeze film losses and acoustic radiation losses with respect to various natural frequencies of the annular plate. The third problem is to consider the effect of prestress on the natural frequencies of the annular plate and its associated fluid-structure interaction losses (quality factors due to squeeze film damping and acoustic radiation losses). The fourth problem is to study the dominant fluid-structure interaction losses and structural losses that are constituent of experimentally measured Q-factors of the encapsulated annular plate (conceptual representation of MEMS device under packaged conditions).
In the first problem, we study the mode dependent acoustic radiation losses in an uncapped drumhead microresonator which is represented by a annular circular plate fixed at its outer edge, suspended over a fixed substrate. There are two main effects which are associated with such systems due to the fluid-structure interaction. First is the “added mass effect,” which reduces the effective resonance frequency of the structure. The second is the acoustic radiation loss from the top side of the resonator, that affects the quality factor of the vibrating structure. In deriving the analytical solution, we first obtain the exact mode shapes of the structure ignoring any effect of the surrounding fluid (air) on the mode shape. Subsequently, we use these mode shapes to study the effect of the surrounding fluid on the associated natural frequencies and the Q-factor. The effect of “added mass” on the frequencies of the structure is found to be negligible. However, the acoustic radiation losses found to be significant. Additionally, we found that the variation in Qac over the first few modes (< 40 MHz) is marked with a local maximum and a minimum. Beyond this range, Qac increases monotonically over the higher frequency modes. It is also found that such kind of variation can be described using different acoustics parameters. Finally, comparing the acoustics radiation loss based quality factor with the experimental results for the uncapped drumhead resonator, the acoustic damping dominates only at higher modes. Therefore, our second problem forms the basis of finding other fluid-related damping.
In the second problem, we explore the fluid losses due to squeeze film damping in the uncapped drumhead micro resonator. In this case, the squeeze film loss is due to the flow of the fluid film between the bottom surface of the annular plate and the fixed substrate. Based on the literature survey, it is found that the squeeze film damping reduces with increase in the air-gap thickness and the operating frequencies respectively. However, the squeeze film effect can not be ignored at lower frequencies. In order to investigate the contribution of squeeze film damping in uncapped resonator, we determine squeeze-film damping based quality factor Qsq corresponding to different modes of the resonators using FEM based software, ANSYS. On comparing Qsq with the experiments, we found that Qsq matches well with the experiments corresponding to the lower modes. Therefore, it is found that Qsq dominates at low frequencies (< 20 MHz) and Qac plays significant role at high frequencies (> 40 MHz). Both types of damping should be considered while modeling the fluid damping in uncapped resonator. In the next study, we discuss the effects of prestress on the resonant frequencies and quality factor.
In the third study, we discuss the applicability of thin-plate theory with prestress and membrane theory in computing the frequencies and quality factor due to acoustic and squeeze film losses in the uncapped drumhead resonator. In the first two studies, although the quality factor due to acoustic losses and the squeeze film captures the correct trend of the experimental results, there is a mismatch between the experimental and theoretical frequencies computed with added mass effect. In order to improve the computation of frequencies corresponding to measured modes, we first used membrane theory to predict the frequencies, and finally we quantify that there exists discrepancy between computed and the corresponding experimental frequencies with error of about 8–55%. Since, both the membrane as well as thin plate theory without prestress do not correctly model the frequencies, we used the thin plate theory with prestress. For a prestress level of 96 MPa, we found the match between the computed frequencies and the corresponding quality factors with the measured values. However, we also found that there exists strong dependence of prestress on the acoustic radiation loss, with decrease in the acoustic loss based quality factors with increase in the prestress level. In the subsequent problem, we focus on the computation of losses in capped drumhead resonator which leads to a design possibility of improving the quality factor by containing the acoustic radiation losses.
In the fourth problem, we study the structural and fluid-structure interaction losses which are dominant constituent of net Q-factor observed in experiments due to encapsulation of uncapped drumhead resonator. Essentially, the geometry of the capped resonator constitutes upper and lower cavities subjected to fluid-structure interaction losses on both sides of the annular plate. The dominant fluid-structure interaction loss is found to be due to squeezing action acting simultaneously in the upper and lower cavities. However, as we go to the higher modes, squeeze film damping become very small and the damping due to structure related losses such as clamping and thermoelastic losses becomes significant. We found the thermoelastic damping to be the dominant source of structural damping at higher resonant modes, whereas, the clamping losses are found to be relatively smaller. Finally, on comparing the net quality factor with the experimental results, we observed that the squeeze film losses are dominant at lower frequencies, and thermoelastic losses dominate at the higher frequencies. However, there remains some discrepancy between theoretical and experimental Q-factors particularly over higher frequency range. Such discrepancy may be due to some unaccounted factors which may be explored to improve the modeling of damping in capped resonators.
The emphasis of this work has been towards developing a comprehensive understanding of different dominant dissipative mechanisms, classified into the fluid-structure interaction and the structural losses, that are constituent of the Q-factor at various resonant modes of uncapped and capped drumhead resonators.
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Modeling evaporation in the rarefied gas regime by using macroscopic transport equationsBeckmann, Alexander Felix 19 April 2018 (has links)
Due to failure of the continuum hypothesis for higher Knudsen numbers, rarefied gases and microflows of gases are particularly difficult to model. Macroscopic transport equations compete with particle methods, such as the direct simulation Monte Carlo method (DSMC) to find accurate solutions in the rarefied gas regime. Due to growing interest in micro flow applications, such as micro fuel cells, it is important to model and understand evaporation in this flow regime. To gain a better understanding of evaporation physics, a non-steady simulation for slow evaporation in a microscopic system, based on the Navier-Stokes-Fourier equations, is conducted. The one-dimensional problem consists of a liquid and vapor layer (both pure water) with respective heights of 0.1mm and a corresponding Knudsen number of Kn=0.01, where vapor is pumped out. The simulation allows for calculation of the evaporation rate within both the transient process and in steady state. The main contribution of this work is the derivation of new evaporation boundary conditions for the R13 equations, which are macroscopic transport equations with proven applicability in the transition regime. The approach for deriving the boundary conditions is based on an entropy balance, which is integrated around the liquid-vapor interface. The new equations utilize Onsager relations, linear relations between thermodynamic fluxes and forces, with constant coefficients that need to be determined. For this, the
boundary conditions are fitted to DSMC data and compared to other R13 boundary conditions from kinetic theory and Navier-Stokes-Fourier solutions for two steady-state, one-dimensional problems. Overall, the suggested fittings of the new phenomenological boundary conditions show better agreement to DSMC than the alternative kinetic theory evaporation boundary conditions for R13. Furthermore, the new evaporation boundary conditions for R13 are implemented in a code for the numerical solution of complex, two-dimensional geometries and compared to Navier-Stokes-Fourier (NSF) solutions. Different flow patterns between R13 and NSF for higher Knudsen numbers are observed which suggest continuation of this work. / Graduate
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Macroscopic description of rarefied gas flows in the transition regimeTaheri Bonab, Peyman 01 September 2010 (has links)
The fast-paced growth in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), microfluidic fabrication, porous media applications, biomedical assemblies, space propulsion, and vacuum technology demands accurate and practical transport equations for rarefied gas flows. It is well-known that in rarefied situations, due to strong deviations from the continuum regime, traditional fluid models such as Navier-Stokes-Fourier (NSF) fail. The shortcoming of continuum models is rooted in nonequilibrium behavior of gas particles in miniaturized and/or low-pressure devices, where the Knudsen number (Kn) is sufficiently large.
Since kinetic solutions are computationally very expensive, there has been a great desire to develop macroscopic transport equations for dilute gas flows, and as a result, several sets of extended equations are proposed for gas flow in nonequilibrium states. However, applications of many of these extended equations are limited due to their instabilities and/or the absence of suitable boundary conditions.
In this work, we concentrate on regularized 13-moment (R13) equations, which are a set of macroscopic transport equations for flows in the transition regime, i.e., Kn≤1. The R13 system provides a stable set of equations in Super-Burnett order, with a great potential to be a powerful CFD tool for rarefied flow simulations at moderate Knudsen numbers.
The goal of this research is to implement the R13 equations for problems of practical interest in arbitrary geometries. This is done by transformation of the R13 equations and boundary conditions into general curvilinear coordinate systems. Next steps include adaptation of the transformed equations in order to solve some of the popular test cases, i.e., shear-driven, force-driven, and temperature-driven flows in both planar and curved flow passages. It is shown that inexpensive analytical solutions of the R13 equations for the considered problems are comparable to expensive numerical solutions of the Boltzmann equation. The new results present a wide range of linear and nonlinear rarefaction effects which alter the classical flow patterns both in the bulk and near boundary regions. Among these, multiple Knudsen boundary layers (mechanocaloric heat flows) and their influence on mass and energy transfer must be highlighted. Furthermore, the phenomenon of temperature dip and Knudsen paradox in Poiseuille flow; Onsager's reciprocity relation, two-way flow pattern, and thermomolecular pressure difference in simultaneous Poiseuille and transpiration flows are described theoretically. Through comparisons it is shown that for Knudsen numbers up to 0.5 the compact R13 solutions exhibit a good agreement with expensive solutions of the Boltzmann equation.
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