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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Srovnání právních aspektů eugenických programů USA a nacistického Německa / A comparison of legal aspects of eugenics programs in the USA and Nazi Germany

Gregor, Adam January 2014 (has links)
Resumé This thesis titled ,,Comparison of legal aspects of eugenics programs of USA and nazi Germany" elaborates an interesting area of legal history, which describes and compares state eugenics policies of the United States in the 1st half of the 20th century and similarly motivated population policy of nazi Germany. The main sources of this legislation are thoughts associated with struggle against genetic degeneration of population gene pool, which takes place because of reproduction of physically and mentally ,,defective", who pass these indispositions on next generations, and, according to laws of heredity, weaken the human race. In the thesis I distinguish original Galtonʻs and Ploetzʻs eugenics and so called racist eugenics, whose motive is protection and purification of specific social group. The thesis is divided into five chapters, which are further divided into sub-chapters and other additional parts. The emphasis is put on the second, the third and the fourth chapter, whereas the first and the fifths are included in the work, because I considered it a good idea to complete the story of eugenics throughout the history till present. The first chapter contains brief narration about presence od eugenics in societies from pre - state structures till the end of the 19th century, when the first eugenics...

Rasová hygiena v nacistickém Německu / Racial Hygiene in Nazi Germany

Setničková, Klára January 2014 (has links)
Racial hygiene in Nazi Germany Bc. Klára Setničková Dissertation called Racial hygiene in the Nazi Germany briefly describes the development of the world eugenics emphasizing in the first place its birth and development in Germany and its progressive applying in practice. Reader will find here information concerning the "negative" eugenics covered by Nuremberg laws, sterilization and extermination of mentally ill people or people of "bad" racial origin etc. Also the "positive" eugenics will be mentioned, founding the Lebensborn houses, Germanization of the children etc. Then the work slowly goes toward the Conference at Wansee, to the birth of the idea of final solution of the Jewish question, description of selected concentration camps and ghettos. As a logical outcome of this work I consider joining of the last chapter concerning the Nuremberg Process with German medical practioners charged of brutal experiments on people. Even description as such of the selected experiments is not missing, or mentioning of anthropological survey dealing with collections of Jewish skeletons differing from the norm. Also due to this collection many innocent any healthy people died. This dissertation strives to give a complete view of the issue of the Nazi racial hygiene from its roots when no one expected it was...

Oceňování nemovitostí metodou hedonické ceny

Parolková, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the identification of real estate price determinants through a hedonic pricing model. The thesis is focused on understanding of the heterogeneity and complexity of real estate market. For the hedonic pricing models are used selling prices of real estate in New York state from period 2009 to 2016. As determinants of the prices are considered real estate attributes. These attributes are first investigated in several groups, demographic factors, educational attainment, racial structure, environmental characteristics and location. According to partial results, the final model is created, which includes the determinants with the greatest impact on real estate prices. For purpose of this theses the regression method with time effect is used.

Výuka rasové a národnostní problematiky v hodinách zeměpisu na základní škole / Teaching racial and national issues in Geography lessons in primary

HORKÁ, Šárka January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is a view of the way of teaching racial and national issues in Geography lessons at primary schools. The first part of the work is focused on the way how this topic is presented and taught at primary schools in different regions of the Czech Republic. The other part is based on a didactical analysis of particular books and worksheets for Geography available on the market. The thesis contains as well an originally designed teaching material explaining the topic of racial and national issues.

Vliv kontroverzních témat na (ne)úspěch Tea party / The influence of the controversial issues on (non)success of the Tea Party

Vlčanová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the present thesis is to determine whether the Tea Party candidatesʼ attitudes towards selected controversial issues influenced their electoral success and the success of the Tea Party movement as a whole. The thesis consists of two parts, theoretical and empirical. In the theoretical part the author focuses on the historical perspective of the political and party system in the United States of America, bipartism and position of third parties in the system. It also includes a brief analysis of the Democratic and Republican parties. Next, the author examines the Tea Party phenomenon - its genesis, structure, purposes and ideals. The subsequent section deals with three controversial issues, i.e. abortion, LGBT rights, and race, which reflect an ideological cleavage among the american public. The empirical part presents a case study entitled The influence of controversial issues on the (non)success of the Tea Party candidates, which deals with attitudes of the House and Senate Tea Party candidates who won the 2010 congressional elections towards the above- mentioned controversial issues.

Postavení Nejvyššího soudu v americkém politickém systému a význam jeho rozhodování pro politický proces ve Spojených státech amerických. / The position of the Supreme Court in the American political system and the significance of its decision-making for the political procedure in the USA.

Zástěra, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The thesis "Role of the U.S. Supreme Court in American system of government and the importance of Court's decisions for the political process in the United States of America" deals with the institutional role U.S. Supreme Court has in American system of government and puts emphasis on Court's decisions and their practical consequences on the politics in the United States. In history of the country the Court was an influential decision-making body on many occasions. Although shortly after the federation was established many intended to put the Court in position where weak powers given to it would not enable the institution to fully play its role of the guardian that keeps an eye on the constitutionality of adopted laws, at the beginning of the 19th century the Court found its place and became exactly what it was originally intended to be. Decision in Marbury v. Madison gained the Court the crucial power of judicial review. The power of judicial review completely changed the role of the institution that finally became the guardian of the Constitution. This thesis outlines the institutional position of the judicial branch and especially the position of the Supreme Court in American system of government. It also focuses on the political aspects of the nomination process of Supreme Court Justices and...

Zákaz rasové diskriminace v judikatuře Evropského soudu pro lidská práva / The prohibition of discrimination on grounds of race in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights

Falteisková, Sabina January 2014 (has links)
The Prohibition of Racial Discrimination in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights The subject of this thesis is the prohibition of racial discrimination on a regional scale, which is discussed in relation to the European Court of Human Rights and its case law. The aim of this work is to present the prohibition of racial discrimination, as embodied in the most important international legal documents from the beginning of the twentieth century with a special focus on the rules contained in the legal documents of the Council of Europe, and the protection granted by the European Court of Human Rights. Race and ethnicity is seen mainly in terms of the Roma ethnicity, which is obviously not the only one who is in Europe facing the racial discrimination. Given the scope of the thesis it is not possible to address more groups belonging to the above mentioned category. The subject matter is elaborated by methods such as compilation, comparison and partially also analysis. The introductory chapter of the thesis contains general interpretation of equality and non-discrimination with explanations of important terms and concepts. The next chapter provides an overview of the prohibition of racial discrimination in human rights documents of the key international organizations. Closer attention in this...

Gilberto Freyre a proměna obrazu otroka v brazilské společnosti 20. století / Gilberto Freyre and the transformation of the image of the slave in Brazilian society of the 20th century

Töžérová, Denisa January 2014 (has links)
The thesis will focus on the issue of slavery and its reflection in Brazilian society and in Brazilian historiography of the 20th century. This phenomenon decisively affected the Brazilian history, society and culture. The work focuses on the personality and work of Gilberto Freyre, whose review of the importance of slavery in Brazilian history marked an important intellectual turning point. This paper is an analysis of his most important work. The final section focuses on the most important Freyre's theory and the opinions of other experts.

Rozpory uvnitř abolicionistického hnutí ve Spojených státech amerických / Tensions Within the Abolitionist Movement in the United States of America

Dvořáková, Irena January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the abolitionist movement in the United States of America and approaches it as an internally disunited movement. It focuses on the conflicts between its most influential representatives, including William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass. Different motives of the anti-slavery leaders' involvement in the matter are analyzed and used to explain the arguments among these. Attention is given to the problem of racial oppression as one of the main forces having determined not only the development of the abolitionist movement but also the events following the 1865 Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, mostly the rise of the Black nationalism movement and of black racism. Even though many abolitionists saw slavery as based on racism and, therefore, endeavored to reach its abolition, in practice, many of them refused to acknowledge racial equality between white and African American people. This paradox is one of the central problems of American abolitionism examined in the thesis. The first three chapters discuss abolitionist ideas of William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, and David Walker with focus on their distinct and opposing views. The fourth chapter deals with the emancipation of women as it was closely linked to the emancipation of slaves; the...

Vyobrazení Windrush generace v díle Malý Ostrov od Andrey Levy a Osamělí Londýňané od Samuela Selvona / The portrayal of the Windrush generation in Andrea Levy's Small Island and Samuel Selvon's The Lonely Londoners

Hemžalová, Simona January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is concerned with the portrayal of the Windrush generation, the first wave of immigrants coming to Britain from its former colonies, in Andrea Levy's Small Island (2004) and Samuel Selvon's The Lonely Londoners (1956). The theoretical part of the thesis outlines the socio-historical and cultural overview of the rising immigration to Britain after the Second World War, which according to the selected secondary sources contributed to the increase of racism and discrimination, namely against people of Caribbean origin. The thesis further presents principal concepts of postcolonial and Anglophone Caribbean literature and examines both authors' personal experience with immigration as well as the idiosyncratic features of their writing. These are essential for understanding the literary works of the selected authors and the subsequent interpretation of their literary depiction of the immigrant experience. The practical part of the thesis relies on the theoretical part and focuses on the comparison of the two novels, their presentation and view of the so-called Windrush generation with specific attention paid to their form and content. Simultaneously, the work examines how the literary depictions of the immigrant experience correspond to the theory presented. Moreover, the thesis...

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