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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ASCHLIMAN, SARA LYNNE 01 July 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Detecting Structure in Activity Sequences: Exploring the Hot Hand Phenomenon

Hammack, Taleri Lynn 25 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Pragmatic Encroachment, Evidentialism, and Epistemic Rationality

Reed, James 04 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Teaching and Learning of Sophisticated Argumentative Writing Based on Dialogic Views of Rationality in High School Language Arts Classrooms: A Formative and Design Experiment

Ryu, Sanghee January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Thought Without Language: an Interpretationist Approach to the Thinking Mind

Jaworski, Michael Dean 09 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Hegel's logic of absolute idealism and his political argument: The conceptuality of actuality

Smetona, Matthew January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation is about the theoretical foundation of Hegel’s political argument. Its goal is to comprehend the basic structure of that argument by articulating the conceptual framework Hegel employs when he asserts that the particular set of political institutions he is arguing for is rational. Its argument is that the criterion Hegel employs in his conception of rationality is that an object is rational if and only if it is comprehended by thought in and through the holistic inferential system of concepts he refers to as the Concept (der Begriff). Hegel’s final argument in the Science of Logic is that there can be no actual object that is not “rational,” i.e., that is not constituted, in all of its determinations, by the unified activity of thinking that is the Concept. Consequently, it is argued that the rationality, and therewith the actuality, of Hegel’s rational state depicted in the Philosophy of Right derives from the fact that it is comprehended by thought in and through the totality as thought that is the Concept. Further, because the Science of Logic demonstrates the totality of actuality to be the constituted reflection of the Concept itself to itself, and because the Philosophy of Right depicts the objectivemental form of actuality in particular, it is argued that the Philosophy of Right is nothing more than the determinate reflection of the Science of Logic, the repetition of the movement of the pure logical Concept depicted therein at its highest level of determinateness. The comprehension by thought of the object of right in and through the Concept in the Philosophy of Right is therefore the Concept’s comprehension of itself, and this rational comprehension is indicated by Hegel through his presentation of the Philosophy of Right as the determinate reflection of the Science of Logic. This unified logical interpretation of Hegel’s political philosophy is opposed not only to recent “practical” interpretations which dispense entirely with Hegel’s theoretical philosophy, but also to recent transcendental interpretations which incorrectly attribute to Hegel the position that the determining activity of thought is limited to the form of the object of its cognition. / Political Science

Mothering, Class and Rationality: Individualisation and household dynamics.

Duncan, Simon January 2005 (has links)
No / Class theorists ask for research on the 'paradox of class' - the fact that while class appears to be materially just as important as ever, it hardly features as part of a self-conscious social identity. At the same time mothering is usually seen as a classless activity. This paper describes class based differences in how mothers combine employment and caring for their children, how they divide labour with their partners, and how they choose childcare. These are not simple structural divisions between working class and middle class, but instead refer to more nuanced social identities. These class based differences in mothering present different mixes of choice and constraint, or of 'rationality' and 'preference' in choosing alternative courses of action. However, theories focusing on classless individualised preference (Hakim) and class-based rationality (Goldthorpe) do not go far beyond a tautological description of these alternatives. Rather, the paper shows how preference and rationality are socially and culturally created through the development of career as an identity, through biographical experience, through relations with partners, and through the development of normative views in social networks.

Nietzsche or Aristotle: The implications for social psychology

Sullivan, Paul W. 07 March 2016 (has links)
Yes / In this article, I argue that there is a divide in social psychology between a mainstream paradigm for investigating the flow of power in a largely competitive social life (such as social cognition, social identity theory, and discourse analysis) and a fringe paradigm for investigating the experience of flourishing in conditions of social learning (such as ‘the community of practice metaphor’, ‘dialogical theory’, ‘phenomenological analysis’). Assumptions of power and flourishing demand different conceptions of the self and the social world (e.g. a strategic subject or motivated tactician in a social group versus a reflective learner/artist in a community of practice). The first goal of this article is to reveal the assumptions that lead to this new classification. The second goal is to draw dotted lines to the blind-spots within these paradigms that each reveals. These blind spots are: 1) internal goods could be useful to consider for the power paradigm and external goods for the flourishing paradigm; 2) communicative rationality is underplayed within the power paradigm; while instrumental rationality is underplayed for the flourishing paradigm; 3) judgements and skill are underplayed in the power paradigm; self-interested motivations are underplayed in the flourishing paradigm.

Vilka typer av nyheter har drivit stora prisförändringar hos börsnoterade europeiska fotbollsklubbar? : Är prisförändringarna ekonomiskt rationella? / Which types of news have driven large price movements in listed European football clubs? : Are the price movements economically rational?

Dagberg, Michael, Yap, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det som skiljer fotbollsbranschen från övriga företag är att framgång i inte enbart mäts i ökade marknadsandelar eller intäkter utan även utifrån sportsliga framgångar. Traditionell finansteori med utgångspunkt i ekonomisk rationalitet kontrasterar en känslobaserad beteendeekonomi för att förklara vad som driver fotbollsklubbars aktiepriser. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera och kartlägga vilka typer av nyheter som har drivit stora prisförändringar och analysera om det finns andra faktorer än ekonomiskt rationella som påverkar aktiepriserna. Avgränsningar: Uppsatsen undersöker alla upp- och nedgångar med en residual större än 7 % för tio av totalt 22 börsnoterade fotbollsklubbar i Europa som återfinns på STOXX Football Index. Tidsperioden är 2015-04-05 till och med 2016-04-04 och vald utifrån Thomson Reuters Eikons detaljerade nyhetsbevakning. Aktieurvalet är gjort utifrån de språk författarna behärskar väl. Metod: Historisk kvantitativ data kring aktiekursernas slutpriser har inhämtas från databasen Thomson Reuters Eikon i syfte att identifiera större procentuella upp- och nedgångarna. Därefter har en kartläggning av offentlig kvalitativ information som korrelerar med upp- respektive nedgångar systematiskt inhämtats från databasen samt kompletterats med offentlig information från fotbollsklubbarnas hemsidor, matchresultat och nyhetssidor. Resultat: Studien visar att aktieemissioner och sportsliga resultat är de vanligaste orsakerna till de största upp- respektive nedgångarna hos fotbollsaktier. Många upp- och nedgångar kan förklaras med traditionell finansteori men förekomst av ekonomiskt icke-rationellt beteende visar ett behov av en vidareutveckling av Gordons formel med hänsyn även till sportslig utdelning. / Background: What distinguishes the football industry from other companies is that success in football is not only measured in increased market share or higher revenues but also measured in sporting success. Traditional finance theory based on economic rationality contrasts with an emotionally-based behavioral economics to explain what drives football clubs share prices. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify and map the types of news that have driven large price movements and to analyze whether there are factors other than economically rational that affect share prices. Limitations: The paper examines all the day's gains and losses with a residual greater than 7% for ten of the total 22 listed football clubs in Europe that can be found on the STOXX Football Index. The time period is 2015-04-05 upto 2016-04-04 and selected according to Thomson Reuters Eikons detailed news. The stock selection is made on the basis of the language that the writers know well. Method: Historical quantitative data on shares end prices are obtained from the database Thomson Reuters Eikon in order to identify larger percentage of ups and downs. Subsequently, a survey of public quality information that correlates with the up and downs has been systematically collected from the database and supplemented with public information from the football clubs' websites, match results and additional news pages. Results: The study shows that share issues and the sporting results are the most common cause of major ups and downs of football shares. Many ups and downs can be explained by traditional financial theory, but the presence of economically non-rational behaviour shows a need for further development of Gordon’s formula with consideration of sporting dividend.


FILIPE AUGUSTO SILVEIRA DE SOUZA 14 October 2008 (has links)
[pt] O aumento dos custos sociais, ambientais, e humanos gerados pela atividade econômica vem suscitando um debate na sociedade com um todo, e na academia em particular, acerca da necessidade de uma ação integrada das corporações e dos demais constituintes da sociedade, na restauração dos danos ocorridos e, sobretudo, na prevenção dos potenciais danos futuros. A temática da racionalidade, imperiosa e inerente ao debate suscitado, não vem ocupando uma posição de destaque sendo, em muitos casos, ignorada, sobretudo aquela de natureza substantiva. No âmbito da Ética de Negócios vem ganhando reconhecimento, sobretudo a partir da década de 90, a Teoria dos Stakeholders, cujo ponto central reside na revisão e ampliação das obrigações corporativas, opondo-se à visão neoclássica, baseada no conceito de agência, que sustenta ser a única responsabilidade social dos gestores da companhia a maximização da riqueza dos acionistas. Destacam-se, no âmbito desta teoria, duas vertentes principais: instrumental e normativa. Ao passo que esta defende a revisão das obrigações corporativas incondicionalmente, aquela a sujeita à busca de uma performance superior. A potencial associação da vertente normativa com a racionalidade de natureza substantiva e da instrumental com a racionalidade homônima é um fator fundamental na estruturação desta pesquisa, a qual objetivou descrever, através de um estudo de caso, como se dá a co-existência das duas racionalidades acima em uma empresa cujos objetivos, missão e visão, revestem-se de valores manifestamente substantivos. / [en] The increase in social, environmental and human costs generated by economic activity has brought along a discussion within society as a whole, in the academic environment most particularly, regarding the urge for an integrated action coming from corporations and other society members in the direction of restoration of existing damage and, above all, in the prevention of potential future ones. The Rationality subject, predominant in and inherent to the proposed debate, has not been playing an important role, being in many cases simply ignored - mostly the one of Substantive nature. In the field of Business Ethics, mainly from the 90´s on, the Stakeholder Theory - which core lays on the revision and broadening of corporate obligations, as opposed to the neoclassical vision based on the Agency Theory, defending the maximization of stakeholders´ wealth as the only social responsibility of management - has been gaining acknowledgement. In the heart of this theory, two mainstreams can be highlighted: the Instrumental and the Normative. While the later stands for the unconditional revision of corporate obligations, the former subjects them to the search of a superior performance. The potential association of the Normative stream with the Substantive Rationality and of the Instrumental stream with the Rationality that goes under the same name is the fundamental basis for the structuring of this research, which intends to describe, based on a case study, how the two above mentioned Rationalities coexist in a company which mission and vision are based on typically Substantive values.

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