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Politický systém Venezuely po r. 1999: Od demokracie k autoritářství? / Political system of Venezuela after 1999. From democracy to authoritarianism?Hönigová, Nina January 2011 (has links)
The Master's thesis Political System of Venezuela after 1999: From Democracy to Authoritarism? deals with the functional analysis of the contemporary political system of Venezuela. It includes a very complex overview of the crucial legal changes and political events that have shaped the system since 1999. The main constitutional institutions as well as the activities of the civil society are examined from the perspective of the Schumpeter's minimalistic definition of democracy and analyzed more in depth using the qualitative concepts of democracy. The thesis includes a brief introduction to the problematic of the democracy definitions, the hybrid regimes theory and some undemocratic forms of government. On the basis of empirical observations the thesis characterizes the crucial democratic institutions and works with the qualitative analysis of their contemporary functioning. An important part of the thesis is dedicated to the role and space of the civil society, the media and the role of political parties which represent the vital tool of the evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the new socio-economic system of Socialism of the XXIst century. This term introduced by the president of the republic Hugo Chávez Frías comprises the ideas of revolution, social equality and elements of the...
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Jednostranické režimy ve srovnání: Čína, Malajsie a Singapur / Single-Party Regimes in Comparison: China, Malaysia and SingaporeKlapal, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis Single-Party Regimes in Comparison: China, Malaysia and Singapore is devoted to non-democratic regimes in which one party dominates and which legitimize by the concept of Asian values. The first part deals with the most important typologies and to approaches to explore single-party regimes. The second part introduced changes and the very concept of Asian values according to which democracy is unsuitable for Asian countries because of cultural differences. Other parts are devoted to describe the regimes in China, Malaysia and Singapore, which are classified into different typologies. The aim of the work is to show that Asian values don't explain the genesis of these regimes or their forms of non- democratic governance.
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Fenomén digitální propasti v době rozvoje demasifikovaných médií / The phenomenon of the digital divide in the time of the expansion of demassificated mediaPečiva, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The final thesis deals with the mapping of the use of network media as one of the tools of political communication during events, that are called Arab Spring (Arab revolution). It is based on the hypothesis, that some people in non-democratic countries are able to effectively deal with information and are able to spread it efficiently among themselves and beyond their country through network media. All this despite of the fact that in these modes is censorship, restriction or Internet blocking. It provides the evidence, that the use of the network media is, that they help to inform the world about events in the country, that held protests or riots. Social networks are not used to organize and coordinate protests, as they were often attributed by the media. Network media acted more as an alternative channel of information to the outside of the country.
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Mezi demokracií a autoritářstvím. Typologie hybridních režimů s důrazem na koncept kompetitivního autoritářství / Between democracy and authoritarianism. Typology of hybrid regimes with emphasis on the concept of competitive authoritarianismDrahokoupil, Štěpán January 2011 (has links)
The diploma paper addresses an issue of a discussion about hybrid regimes, which deals with problems of hard classification of regimes on scale of democracy, authoritarianism. The paper proves from methodological point of view that it is possible to use concept of hybrid regimes and presents the most important concepts. The two case studies of countries Peru and Ukraine are studied within the frame of the concept of competitive authoritarianism. A part of the paper deals with Czech literature about the hybrid regimes.
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"Moravská" skrytá církev / "Moravian" hidden ChurchNedorostek, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the text is a description of the causes of creation, functioning and especially activities, of "Moravian" hidden Church. For these purposes 16 interviews were collected using oral history method. These interviews were analyzed through Grounded theory method. As the basic factors affecting the activity of "Moravian" hidden Church the analysis indicated: the degree of openness of activities and measure of their own individual initiative. The thesis consists of five chapters. The introduction presents state of research, described the sources from which it was drawn, it also presented the methodology and definitions based on the methodology. The second chapter introducesthe basic terms fundamental for conceptual point of view. The third chapter describes the context changes and trends within the Catholic Church in the twentieth century, chronologically, of course, it also describes the situation of the Catholic Church in communist Czechoslovakia. The fourth chapter in the first part deals with hidden Church phenomenon in Czech landsand then brings the history, specifics and characteristics of "Moravian" branches, including the integration process. Then it analyzes the hidden church activities of "Moravian" branches, including theoretical model. The conclusion summarizes the findings arising from...
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Druhá československá republika v teoretické perspektivě / The second Czechoslovak republic in theoretical perspectiveDuraj, Matouš January 2016 (has links)
This thesis will deal with a topic of the second Czechoslovak republic as a case of authoritarian situation, which transforms into authoritarian regime. The regime of the second republic will be compared with similar cases of interwar Portugal and Austria. Also, conditions of establishing democracy and its preservation, the influence of individual branches of the nondemocratic right on breakdown of democracy, authoritarian situation and building of authoritarian regime will be analyzed. In the end, this thesis will focus on cases of borrowing elements of fascist political style by mentioned regimes.
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Obraz masových médií v dystopických filmech natočených od 70.v let 20. století / The reflection of mass media in dystopian movies shot from 1970s.Ševců, Josef January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive and focused reflection with regard to role of mass media in selected dystopian films, respectively in movies where some significant dystopian elements do appear. This thesis is based on themes that have been the content of bachelor thesis written by the same author and expands on it - however, the bachelor thesis analysed exclusively three novels (Brave New World, 1984 and Fahrenheit 451). Nevertheless this thesis does not include any film adaptation of these novels. Within this work a wider range of resources was employed as it allows highlighting multiple topics associated with the mass media. The main theme is therefore related to the use of mass media and their impact on society. The thesis contains interpretation (from media studies perspective) of a total of 12 films, which are then divided into three categories based on the prevailing perception of the role of mass media. The first part is focused on the mass media as a constitutive element of dystopian regimes. In this case the mass media affect the society as a whole. The second part deals with the films, in which, in which the media significantly influence the lives of specific individuals (although the whole society may not be affected). Finally, the third part includes movies, in...
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Provádění staveb a jejich změn / Construction of buildings and their alterationsDvořák, Stanislav January 2012 (has links)
I have chosen this topic, because I am interested in building and related issues. Another reason for the selection of the work is that the construction industry is very promising, dynamic and lucrative field. The thesis is devided into five chapters with appendix. The work begins with a historical introduction to construction law and its major developmental milestones in the Czech Republic. The sources of public constructional law are discussed in detail in the following passage of the first chapter. Basic terms of construction law, relevant to the processing of the dissertation are defined in chapter 2. The issue of public administration that is related to the construction is described in chapter 3. Realization modes are described in chapter 4. First is called "free" mode, which is used in case of less technologically challenging projects and a minimum of intervening in the public and private interests (chapter 4.1). Second is the reporting regime and institute planning information given in section 4.2. And third, I consider the most important an authorization regime. In the authorization regime are carried out all constructions, if is not established that the reporting regime is sufficient or "free". To alternatives of authorization regime are dedicated separate subchapters. Public contracts (4....
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Přehled zvláštních režimů ochrany u jednotlivých druhů autorských děl včetně srovnání s ochranou obecnou / An outline of special regimes of protection with respect to individual types of copyrighted works including the comparison with the general protection regimeLukenda, Milan January 2012 (has links)
Overview of special protection regimes of copyright works including the comparison with the general protection regime Object and purpose of this work is to explore the special protection regimes of copyright works. But before I start to deal with these regimes, I find necessary to, at least in brief, outline the historical development and basic concepts of copyright law. In my opinion special protection regimes can not be examined without knowledge of these basics. In the next chapter, I will discuss the general protection regime of copyright works. I think it is a sort of bridge between first general chapters on one side and specialities of special protection regimes of copyright works on the other. Copyright law has traditionally belong to private law, so I will explore different interventions to author rights and the means of protection, typically aimed at compensating injured. However, certain aspects of copyright law are so important to society that it is protected by criminal and administraticve means, and those belong to public law. For this area is typical preventive repressive method of solving infringements. Thus compensating injured is on the second place, the primary is to protect society from such undesirable phenomena. In the last part of this work, I'll get to the very core of this work,...
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Provádění staveb a jejich změn / Construction of buildings and their alterationsSurovcová, Vendula January 2014 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is the construction of buildings and their alterations. The aim is to describe and analyze legislation permitting constructin of buildings and their alterations, and draw attention to the news, which brought major amendment to the Building Act effective from 1. 1. 2013. The thesis consists of eight chapters, an introduction and a conclusion. At the beginning there is a brief historical development of legislation of construction of buildings and their alterations in the Czech Republic. The second chapter is divided into four parts and is focused on sources of public construction law. In the third chapter defines the basic concepts of building law, which is relevant in the context of the construction of buildings and their alterations. The fourth chapter describes the problems of public administration. The fifth chapter describes possibility of construction of buildings and their alterations. In the sixth chapter discussed the various modes of construction of buildings. The chapter is divided into four parts according to each mode. There is a detailed analysis of the free mode, the reporting mode and authorization regime. The following are alternatives to building permits - notice of building projects certified by an authorized inspector and public contract. Seven last...
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