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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Réordonnancement de candidats reponses pour un système de questions-réponses / Re-ranking of candidates answers of a question-answering system.

Bernard, Guillaume 06 June 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse a été de proposer une approche robuste pour traiter le problème de la recherche dela réponse précise à une question.Notre première contribution a été la conception et la mise en œuvre d’un modèle de représentation robuste de l’informationet son implémentation. Son objectif est d’apporter aux phrases des documents et aux questions de l’informationstructurelle, composée de groupes de mots typés (segments typés) et de relations entre ces groupes. Ce modèle a été évalué sur différents corpus (écrits, oraux, web) et a donné de bons résultats, prouvant sa robustesse.Notre seconde contribution a consisté en la conception d’une méthode de réordonnancement des candidats réponsesretournés par un système de questions-réponses. Cette méthode a aussi été conçue pour des besoins de robustesse, ets’appuie sur notre première contribution. L’idée est de comparer une question et le passage d’où a été extraite une réponse candidate, et de calculer un score de similarité, en s’appuyant notamment sur une distance d’édition.Le réordonnanceur a été évalué sur les données de différentes campagnes d’évaluation. Les résultats obtenus sontparticulièrement positifs sur des questions longues et complexes. Ces résultats prouvent l’intérêt de notre méthode, notreapproche étant particulièrement adaptée pour traiter les questions longues, et ce quel que soit le type de données. Leréordonnanceur a ainsi été évalué sur l’édition 2010 de la campagne d’évaluation Quaero, où les résultats sont positifs. / The objective of this work is to introduce a new robust approach to treat the problem of finding the correctanswer to a question.Our first contribution is the design and implementation of a robust representation model for information. The aim is torepresent the structural information of sentences of documents and questions structural information. This representation iscomposed of typed groups of words (typed segments) and relations between these groups. This model has been evaluatedon several corpus (written, oral, web) and achieved good resultats, which proves his robustness.Our second contribution consisted is the design of a re-ranking method of a set of the candidate answers output by thequestion-answering system. This re-ranking method is based on the structural information representation. The general ideais to compare a question and a passage from where a candidate answer was extracted, and to compute a similarity score by using a modified edit distance we proposed.Our re-ranking method has been evaluated on the data of several evaluation campaigns. The results are quite goodon long and complex questions. These results show the interest of our method : our approach is quite adapted to treatlong question, whatever the type of the data. The re-ranker has been officially evaluated on the 2010 edition of the Quaeroevaluation campaign, with positives results.

Mémoires croisées : retour sur l'expérience coloniale et la guerre d'indépendance à travers trois générations d' "Algériens", "Harkis" et "Pieds Noirs" / Cross-memories : feedback on the colonial experience and the independance war through three generations of "Algerians", "Harkies" and "Black Feet people"

Kydjian, Maïlys 09 September 2016 (has links)
En France, aujourd’hui, cohabitent des protagonistes de l’histoire franco-algérienne qui ont pu occuper des positions antagonistes, ainsi que leurs descendants ; ils sont communément appelés « algérien », « harki » et « pied-noir ». Cette thèse présente l’étude croisée des processus de construction mémorielle après la guerre d’indépendance algérienne dans ces trois groupes socio-historiques. Les récits des histoires de famille ont été confrontés à l’Histoire écrite par les historiens. Le corpus se compose de personnes nées pendant la période coloniale, ayant vécu la guerre et la migration vers la France hexagonale, ainsi que des personnes de la génération de leurs enfants et de leurs petits-enfants.A partir de la constitution des familles, y compris dans leur dimension transnationale, nous proposons d’interroger les processus de transmission des souvenirs et leurs réappropriations par les individus de ces trois générations. A travers le croisement de ces mémoires, la pertinence de la catégorisation socio-historique est questionnée, qu’il s’agisse de constructions mémorielles ou d’appartenance. Ces mémoires, souvent opposées dans leur regard sur les événements, s’inscrivent sur un territoire au récit national commun, mais dans lequel elles ne se retrouvent pas toujours. Nous nous intéressons également aux représentations de soi et de l’Autre, construites à partir de cette histoire franco-algérienne et à leurs conséquences sur la cohésion sociale aujourd’hui. / Protagonists of the French-Algerian History, as well as their descendants, which occupied antagonistic positions during the independence war, cohabit in France nowadays. They are commonly called « Algerians », « Harkis » and « Black Feet people ». This thesis presents a cross-study of memorial construction processes after the Algerian Independence War within these three socio-historical groupes. Family history narratives have been confronted to History written by historians. The corpus is composed of persons born during the colonial period, having experienced the war and the migrations towards France, as well as their children and grandchildren.We examine the mechanisms of transmiting memories and their re-appropriation by individuals belonging to these three generations. We take into account families relationships and their transnational dimension. By crossing these memories, the relevance of the socio-historical categories is questioned, checking whether they reflect a memorial construction or a sense of belonging. These memories, often in opposition to each other, take part of a common national narrative into which people don’t completely identify themselves. We are also interested in the representations of oneself and otherness as an outcome of French-Algerian history and in their consequences on current social cohesion.

Rôle de la sirtuine 1 dans la modulation de la réponse des cardiomyocytes au stress RE et à l’apoptose / Role of the sirtuine 1 in the modulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress response and apoptosis in cardiomyocytes

Prola, Alexandre 30 June 2014 (has links)
Des altérations de fonctions physiologiques du réticulum endoplasmique (RE) induisent un processus appelé stress RE. Dans le domaine cardiovasculaire, plusieurs travaux ont montré que le stress RE contribue au développement de la majorité des pathologies cardiaques. En réponse au stress RE, la réponse UPR (Unfolded Protein Response) est activée afin de restaurer l’homéostasie du RE et de permettre la survie de la cellule. Néanmoins, dans le cas d’un stress RE excessif ou prolongé, les altérations ne pouvant plus être compensées, la cellule est éliminée par apoptose contribuant au développement de la pathologie cardiaque. Une thérapie prometteuse pour lutter contre ce type de pathologie consisterait donc à moduler la réponse au stress RE afin d’inhiber l’apoptose des cardiomyocytes. Au cours de ma thèse, je me suis intéressé aux modifications induites en réponse au stress RE dans le cœur et au rôle de la sirtuine 1 (SIRT1) dans la modulation de cette réponse. SIRT1 est une déacétylase activée par différents stress cardiaques et connue pour favoriser la survie cellulaire. D’une part, j’ai mis en évidence que le stress RE induit une modification importante de l’architecture des cardiomyocytes et en particulier une augmentation des contacts RE/mitochondries associée à une altération de la fonction mitochondriale. D’autre part, en utilisant une lignée cellulaire (H9c2), des cardiomyocytes de rat adulte et des souris invalidées pour SIRT1, j’ai démontré in vitro et in vivo (i) que SIRT1 est activée et joue un rôle cardioprotecteur en réponse au stress RE, (ii) que SIRT1 limite la réponse UPR en régulant spécifiquement la voie PERK, et (iii) que SIRT1 régule la voie PERK en déacétylant le facteur d’initiation de la traduction, eIF2 sur deux résidus lysine. Ces résultats montrent donc pour la première fois que SIRT1 est impliquée dans la régulation de la réponse apoptotique au stress RE des cardiomyocytes et suggèrent que cette déacétylase serait une cible thérapeutique intéressante pour prévenir l’apoptose dans les pathologies cardiaques liées au stress RE. / Impairment of physiological functions of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) induces the so-called ER stress. ER stress has been implicated in many cardiovascular diseases including ischemic heart, hypertrophy and heart failure. To overcome the deleterious effect of ER stress, an evolutionarily conserved adaptive response known as Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) is activated in order to restore ER homeostasis and promote cell survival. Nevertheless, in the case of prolonged or severe ER stress, apoptotic cell death is ultimately activated to eliminate stressed cells, thus contributing to the development of the pathology. The modulation of ER stress response, in order to reduce cardiomyocyte apoptosis, thus appears as a promising therapeutic strategy for such pathologies. During my Ph.D thesis, I studied the modification that occur during ER stress response in the heart and the role of the sirtuine 1 (SIRT1) in the modulation of this response. SIRT1 is a deacetylase activated in response to many cardiac stresses to promote cell survival. First, we showed that ER stress induces important structural modifications of cardiomyocytes and in particular an increase in contact sites between ER and mitochondria associated with an alteration of the mitochondrial function. Secondly, using a cell line (H9c2), freshly isolated adult rat ventricular cardiomyocytes and SIRT1-KO mice, we demonstrated in vitro and in vivo (i) that SIRT1 is activated and plays a cardioprotective role in ER stress response, (ii) that SIRT1 attenuates the UPR by specifically regulating the PERK pathway, and (iii) that SIRT1 modulates PERK axis by deacetylating the translation initiation factor, eIF2on two lysine residues. Collectively, our results provide the first evidence that SIRT1 modulates ER stress-induced apoptosis in the heart and suggest that this deacetylase may represent a therapeutic target to prevent apoptosis in cardiac pathologies associated to ER stress.

Lien entre la Lysyl-ARNt-synthétase et la calréticuline dans le cadre de la mort tumorale immunogénique / Relation between lysyl-tRNA-synthetase and calreticulin in the context of immunogenic tumor cell death

Gdoura, Abdelaziz 06 June 2011 (has links)
En réponse aux inducteurs de la mort cellulaire immunogénique, la calréticuline (CRT) est transportée depuis sa localisation orthotopique dans la lumière du réticulum endoplasmique (RE) vers la surface cellulaire où elle va jouer un rôle de signal puissant d’endocytose à l’endroit des cellules présentatrices d’antigène. Ici nous rapportons qu’une autre protéine, la lysyl-ARNt-synthétase (KRS), est exposée à la surface des cellules stressées où elle colocalise avec la CRT au niveau des radeaux lipidiques. La déplétionde KRS à l’aide d’ARNs interférents annihile l’exposition de la CRT induit par les anthracyclines ou les rayonnements UVC. A l’inverse de la CRT, KRS est aussi retrouvée dans le surnageant des cellules stressées. De plus, la protéine KRS recombinante (KRSr) est ici incapable d’influencer la liaison de laCRT recombinante à la surface cellulaire. Et KRSr ne possède pas la capacité de stimuler des macrophages in vitro. Enfin nous révélons que le statut de phosphorylation d’eIF2α constitue un critère différentiel entre l’oxaliplatine et la cisplatine, capable de rendre compte de l’incapacité de cette dernière à entrainer l’exposition de la CRT, et ce malgré une très grande ressemblance chimique entre ces deux composés. Ces résultats mettent donc en exergue la contribution respective de KRS et du stress du RE dans l’émission du signal prototypique de la mort immunogénique. / In response to immunogenic cell death inducers, calreticulin (CRT) translocates from its orthotopiclocalization in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the surface of the plasma membrane where it serves as a potent engulfment signal for antigen-presenting cells. Here, we report that another protein, the lysyl-tRNA-synthetase (KRS), was exposed on the surface of stressed cells, on which KRS co-localized with CRT in lipid rafts. Depletion of KRS with small interfering RNAs suppressed CRT exposure induced by anthracyclines or UVC light. In contrast to CRT, KRS was also found in the supernatant of stressed cells. Recombinant KRS (rKRS) protein was unable to influence the binding of recombinant CRT to the cell surface. Moreover, rKRS protein was unable to stimulate macrophages invitro. Finally, we reveal that the phosphorylation status of eIF2α constitute a differential criteria between oxaliplatin and cisplatin (CDDP), accounting for the incapacity of CDDP to trigger the exposure ofCRT, despite their structural and chemical similarities. These results underscore the respective contribution of KRS and ER stress to the emission of the prototypic signal of immunogenic cell death.

Desenvolvimento e calibração de um tanque de reaeração equipado com grade oscilante / Development and calibration of a reaeration tank equipped with oscillating grids

Righetto, Marcos Margarido 29 April 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a calibração e o desenvolvimento de um tanque de reaeração, equipamento que gera turbulência com intensidade controlável por meio de grade oscilante. Foram realizadas adequações ao projeto inicial de construção do tanque, idealizado por ROMA, onde se buscou o equilíbrio e as limitações de funcionamento para que, em futuros trabalhos, o tanque possa ser utilizado sob condições adequadas sem a presença de \"ruídos\" que venham a interferir nos resultados. A calibração do tanque foi realizada levantando-se o coeficiente de reaeração \'K IND.2\' para dois tipos de grades, 256 malhas/\'M POT.2\' e 1024 malhas/\'M POT.2\' constituídas por barras de seção medindo 10 x 10 mm, em diversas freqüências de oscilações sob condições controladas de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar. Com auxílio de um medidor eletroquímico de oxigênio dissolvido e de um contador de rotação, pôde-se acompanhar a reoxigenação da água e avaliar a freqüência de oscilação das grades. A desaeração da massa de água, necessária para a calibração do tanque, foi promovida por Stripping provocado por cavitação forçada à temperatura ambiente com injeção de nitrogênio. A taxa de reaeração \'K IND.2\' foi calculada por medidas da variação do oxigênio dissolvido em função do tempo provocada por agitação mecânica para determinada freqüência de oscilação da grade. Os resultados obtidos forneceram as curvas de reaeração em função da freqüência de oscilação e do tipo de grade utilizada em cada ensaio que, através do uso de planilha eletrônica, determinaram-se os valores de concentração de saturação (Cs) e coeficiente de reoxigenação (\'K IND.2\') com o uso de regressão não linear. / This work presents a reaeration tank development and its calibration, equipment that generates controlled intensity turbulence produced by oscillating grid. An adaptation on the original design idealized by Roma was made improving the equilibrium of the oscillating grid mechanism and defining the limits of functionality of the device. These are important aspects for future research on experimental turbulence generation since that the use of equipment free of undesirable disturbing noise are of fundamental importance. Tank calibration was obtained through the evaluation of the reaeration coefficient \'K IND.2\' using two types of oscillating grids, 256 and 1024 meshes/\'M POT.2\', constructed with 10 x 10 \'MM POT.2\' square section bars. Experimental runs were conducted under controlled conditions of air temperature and humidity, for several oscillating frequencies for each grid. The necessary water mass desaeration was obtained by ambient temperature stripping, induced by forced cavitation and nitrogen injection. Reaeration coefficients were calculated from data obtained from dissolved oxygen concentration measurements as function of time for each grid size and oscillating frequency combination. As results, reaeration curves with reaeration coefficients as function of oscillating frequency and grid type are presented.

Principais condicionantes das alterações no modelo de comercialização de energia elétrica: retrospectiva e análise crítica. / Mains conditionals of alterations in model wholesale energy market: retrospective and critical analysis.

Silva, Edmilson Ferreira da 19 August 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar as principais alterações no modelo institucional do setor elétrico brasileiro, ocorridas a partir de 1995, apresentando as justificativas das transformações, algumas vezes radicais, no modo de funcionamento do Setor Elétrico Brasileiro. Objetiva-se, com a realização deste trabalho, possibilitar uma melhor compreensão das principais alterações, relacionando-as com o contexto da história do setor elétrico brasileiro. Com o objetivo de resgatar a operacionalidade do Setor Elétrico Brasileiro, foi implementado em meados dos anos 90 o Projeto RE-SEB Projeto de Reestruturação do Setor Elétrico Brasileiro, focado no aumento da capacidade de expansão do porque gerador e na atração de investimentos privados, garantindo-se a eficiência do processo via estimulo da competição. Vale ressaltar que o modelo RE-SEB serviu de base para o modelo vigente, concretizado em Lei no ano de 2004. O principal resultado da primeira etapa de mudanças (Projeto RESEB) foi a criação do Mercado Atacadista de Energia Elétrica, ambiente virtual de comercialização de energia. Nos anos de 2001 e 2002 ocorreu o racionamento de energia elétrica, que impactou profundamente o modelo institucional. Na verdade, esta crise serviu para abrir os olhos da sociedade e do setor para a necessidade de melhorias adicionais àquelas que já se haviam processado, tornando claras as lacunas que o Projeto RE-SEB não havia logrado preencher. Nesse contexto, com a entrada de um novo governo, em 2003, o setor elétrico passou por uma nova reformulação e foi instituído um novo arcabouço legal com o objetivo de adaptar o modelo antigo ao objetivo desse governo, além de incorporar as lições aprendidas no período de racionamento. / This work has the objective of presenting the main changes in the Brazilian electrical sector institutional model, stating the whole environment and the reasons that motivated the deep changes occurred since 1995, strongly influencing the operation of the Brazilian Electrical System. It is expected that after this work it would be possible to get a better comprehension of these amendments, relating them to the context Electrical Sector history in Brazil. In order to recover the financial and expansion feasibility of the Brazilian Electric System, it was implemented the Project RE-SEB - Restructuring Project of the Brazilian Electric System in the mid of the 90, aiming at increasing the system capacity expansion, improving the appeal for private investments in efficient way, by stimulation the competition. This first stage of the sector reform has been the basis for the current model. The main result of the RE-SEB project was the creation of the Wholesale Electric Energy Market, a virtual environment for the trade in energy. In 2001 and 2002, it was necessary to rationing the electricity market, which deeply impacted the institutional model. In fact, the crisis was essential to open the eyes of society and industry to the need of further improvements, making clear the gaps that the Project RE-SEB has not filled in. In this context, the government beginning in 2003, established a new effort to improve the institutional model, giving rise to a new legal framework, taking advantage of the Re-SEB experience as well as incorporating the lessons learned during the period of rationing.

Taxonomic review and comparative morphology of the species of the genus Isistius Gill, 1864 (Chondrichthyes, Squaliformes: Dalatiidae) / Revisão taxonômica e morfologia comparada das espécies do gênero Isistius Gill, 1864 (Chondrichthyes: Squaliformes: Dalatiidae)

Petean, Flávia de Figueiredo 27 January 2015 (has links)
The genus Isistius Gill, 1864, which belongs to the family Dalatiidae, currently has three valid species: Isistius brasiliensis Quoy & Gaimard, 1824, I. plutodus Garrick & Springer, 1964 and I. labialis Meng, Zhu & Li, 1985. The most common species, I. brasiliensis, has a wide geographic distribution, and can be found in subtemperate and tropical seas; a comparative analysis of specimens from different localities has never been done. This study has thoroughly analyzed the morphological variation of this species along its distribution, elucidating that it represents only one species, and I. labialis becomes a junior synonym. The other species, I. plutodus, is known from only few specimens, raising doubts about their validity since I. brasiliensis is widely distributed. A detailed comparative analysis of these individuals was undertaken to test the validity of this species. The representatives of all the nominal species within Isistius were studied, identifying them morphologically and re-describing them through more precise characters. Therefore, this study analyzed minutely the external morphology, such as coloration, dentition, dermal denticles, body proportions, and internal morphology, such as the skeleton and musculature, of the known species, also covering morphometric and meristic aspects, to better define the genus and provide relevant morphological subsidies that may integrate future phylogenetic analysis of genera within the family / O gênero Isistius Gill, 1864, pertencente à família Dalatiidae, atualmente apresenta três espécies válidas: Isistius brasiliensis Quoy & Gaimard, 1824, I. plutodus Garrick & Springer, 1964 e I. labialis, Meng, Zhu & Li, 1985. A espécie mais comum, I. brasiliensis, tem uma ampla distribuição geográfica e pode ser encontrada em mares subtemperados e tropicais; uma análise comparativa detalhada de exemplares provenientes de diferentes localidades nunca foi feita. Este estudo examinou detalhadamente a variação morfológica desta espécie ao longo de sua distribuição, elucidando que ela representa apenas uma espécie, além de I. labialis ter se tornado um sinônimo júnior. A outra espécie, I. plutodus, é conhecida apenas por alguns exemplares, levantando dúvidas acerca de sua validade, dado que I. brasiliensis é amplamente distribuído. Foi feita uma análise comparativa detalhada destes indivíduos a fim de testar a validade da espécie. Estudaram-se representantes de todas as espécies nominais de Isistius, identificando-os morfologicamente e os redescrevendo através de caracteres mais precisos. Assim, este estudo analisou detalhadamente a morfologia externa, como coloração, dentição, dentículos dérmicos, proporções corporais, e interna, como esqueleto e musculatura, das espécies conhecidas além de examinar aspectos morfométricos e merísticos que auxiliaram na melhor definição do gênero e forneceram subsídios morfológicos relevantes que podem integrar futuras análises filogenéticas dentro da família

A relação figura-fundo e as estruturas infra-lógicas na construção da identidade psicossocial de pessoas com transtornos severos do comportamento / The relation figure and ground and the infra-logical structures in the building of the psycho-social identity of people with severe drawbacks of behaviour

Flory, Elizabete Villibor 29 June 2004 (has links)
Nossa Dissertação teve sua origem no contato com as idéias e com o trabalho clínico de Michael Wernet, nosso professor na Universidade de Freiburg-Alemanha e supervisor dos estágios que realizamos na instituição na qual é o psicólogo responsável. A apresentação do referencial teórico que embasa nosso trabalho inicia-se com a abordagem gestaltista de Wernet acerca do desenvolvimento do ato de perceber (Affolter, apud Wernet), o que implicou a exposição de conceitos básicos da Teoria da Gestalt (Wertheimer, Köhler, e comentadores como Castilho-Cabral, Engelmann, Ramozzi-Chiarottino). Tal perspectiva foi complementada com a apresentação da abordagem de Ayres acerca da Integração Sensorial e com o estabelecimento de relações entre o desenvolvimento do ato de perceber, segundo Affolter, e a construção do real segundo Piaget. O método utilizado em nossa dissertação foi o “estudo de caso". Analisamos comportamentos de cinco sujeitos (entre 22 e 44 anos), todos com transtornos severos do comportamento e danos no funcionamento cerebral. Nosso objetivo foi mostrar o sentido dos atos dos sujeitos, que compreendemos ser expressão da lei da pregnância de Max Wertheimer, e a tentativa de reorganizá-los visando a socialização dos sujeitos. A partir dessa compreensão, a intervenção que pudemos produzir tornou-se conseqüentemente pregnante, uma vez que cada etapa foi “requerida" pela anterior, representando uma mudança qualitativa em nossa relação com os sujeitos em questão. Os resultados mostram o sucesso de nosso intento: de um modo geral, constatamos uma diminuição na freqüência de surtos, uma substituição de comportamentos com seqüelas negativas para o sujeito por condutas alternativas sem as seqüelas anteriores, bem como uma melhoria na possibilidade de interação com o outro. / Our dissertation sprung from the contact with the ideas and the clinical work of Michael Wernet, our Professor in the University of Freiburg – Germany, and supervisor of the courses which we attended in the institution where he is the psychologist in charge. The theoretical basis of our work is compounded by the gestaltic approach of Wernet to the development of the act of perceiving (Affolter, apud Wernet), which led us to the basic concepts of the Theory of the Gestalt and latter commentaries on it (Wertheimer, Köhler, Castillo-Cabral, Engelmann, Ramozzi-Chiarottino). Such point of view was complemented by the approach of Ayres concerning the Sensorial Integration as well as by the establishment of connections between the development of the act of perceiving, according to Affolter, and the construction of the reality, according to Piaget. The methodology of our work is based on five case-studies. We examined the behaviour of five subjects (between 22 and 44 years-old), all of them with severe prejudices of behaviour and damaged cerebral functions. Our purpose was to show that their actions had a constructive meaning, which we believe to be the expression of the “law of pregnancy" of Max Wertheimer. It was also our objective to try to reorganize the subjects, aiming at their further socialization. Following this point of view, the result was that our intervention became pregnant, since each stage was demanded by the previous one. That represented a change of quality in our relationship with the subjects. The results point to the achievement of our goal: generally speaking, we obtained a decrease in the frequency of break-downs as well as a substitution of the so called “self aggressive behaviour" for other ways of response without negative sequels. Another result was the improvement of the possibility of the subjects to interact with other people.

Repercussões morfológicas no timo de ratos jovens submetidos à desnutrição proteíca e à renutrição precocemente corrigida. / Morphologic repercussions in young rat thymus submitted to protein undernourishment and early corrected re-nourishment.

Baptista, Josemberg da Silva 04 November 2008 (has links)
Verificou-se o metabolismo e as repercussões morfológicas no timo de forma qualitativa e quantitativa através de morfometria e estereologia.Utilizaram-se 30 ratos wistar () nos grupos Nutrido (N=10), Desnutrido (D=10) e Renutrido (R=10). O peso corporal e a ingestão foi maior no N, menor no D, e os R apresentaram valores médios em relação a estes grupos. Todos os outros parâmetros (ingestão de água, excreção de fezes e urina, %ingestão/peso corporal, %fezes/ingestão, água/peso corporal, %urina/água consumida e peso tímico) não obtiveram diferença estatística entre o N e R. O grupo D mostrou exuberante alteração nos componentes elásticos e fibrosos, menor calibre dos seus vasos, atrofia dos lóbulos tímicos (com limite córtex-medular muitas vezes indefinido), e grande quantidade de timócitos em apoptose no córtex e na medula. Poucos corpúsculos tímicos foram verificados no grupo D, diferindo dos animais N e R. Deste modo, afirma-se que os animais R conseguiram restituir a morfologia da glândula após intervenção nutricional. / The Metabolism and morphologic repercussions on thymus were verified in a qualitative and quantitative way by morfometric and stereologycal assessment. 30 wistar rats were used () in the Nourishment (N=10), Undernourishment (UN=10) and Re-nourishment (RN=10) groups. The body weight and ingestion were higher in N, lower in UN, and RN presented medium values in relation to the others groups. All the addicional parameters as water ingestion, faeces and urine excrecion, %ingestion/corporal weigh, %faeces/ingestion, water/corporal weight, %urine/water consumed and thymic weight, had no statistics difference between N and RN. The UN group showed exuberant modification on elastic and fibrous components, smaller caliber of their vessels, thymic lobule atrophy (with many times indefinite cortex-medular limit), and apoptose of timocytes in the cortex and medulla. Few thymic corpuscles were verified in UN group differing of the N and RN. Therefore, after nutricional intervencional, the gland morphology was reestablished.

A reprodução da metrópole: o projeto Eixo Tamanduatehy / The reproduction of the metropolis: the Axis Tamanduatehy project

Alvarez, Isabel Aparecida Pinto 05 February 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca, a partir da análise do projeto Eixo Tamanduatehy, compreender o processo de reprodução do espaço da metrópole contemporânea, no momento em que se assiste a transformações estruturais do capitalismo. Estas transformações apontam para uma transição entre a hegemonia do capital industrial e o crescimento e domínio do capital financeiro. Por um lado, o processo revela o papel central da metrópole, com a articulação, sob seu comando, de espaços mais amplos, numa divisão territorial do trabalho que reafirma a metrópole como centro de comando e gestão. De outro, internamente, o espaço revela amplas mutações, entre as quais a desativação de inúmeras unidades industriais e a produção momentânea de grandes vazios, encravados em meio a um tecido urbano densamente edificado. A partir da análise de um caso específico, a produção destes grandes vazios na metrópole é entendida como um momento do processo de reprodução. Tratam-se, em geral, de grandes áreas dotadas de construções, infra-estrutura e acessibilidade, mas cuja valorização estava relacionada ao uso para o qual foram construídas, no caso, a atividade industrial. Com as transformações econômicas, estas grandes propriedades são abandonadas e se desvalorizam. A reincorporação destas áreas ao circuito imobiliário-financeiro, muitas vezes, se realiza a partir do papel do Estado que se utiliza de diferentes instrumentos para reinscrever a propriedade privada no âmbito da valorização, permitindo-lhe um novo uso. É o caso de Santo André, por exemplo, que vem realizando desde 1998 um projeto apresentado como de requalificação urbana, abrangendo uma grande área da cidade, visando este objetivo. / This work searches, based on the Tamanduatehy Eixo project, to understand the space reproduction process of the contemporaneous metropolis, at the time when capitalism structural transformations are seen. These changes point at a transition between industrial capital hegemony and the growing and domain of the financial capital. On one hand, the process shows the main role of the metropolis, with the articulation, under its control, of the broader spaces, in a territorial division of the work which reaffirms the metropolis as the core of command and management. On the other hand, internally, the space reveals great mutations, among which the discontinuing of several industrial poles and the momentary production of big emptying, inserted in the middle of an urban tissue densely constructed. Based on a specific case analysis the production of this big emptying in the metropolis, is understood as a moment of the reproduction process. It is concerned, in general, with big areas endowed with buildings, infrastructure and accessibility whose valorization was related to the use for which they were built, in this case, for the industrial activity. Due to the economical changes, these big properties are abandoned and depreciated. The reintegration of these areas into the financial real estate circuit, many times, is performed according to the role of the State that uses different tools to inscribe anew the private property as to the valorization, granting it a new use. That is Santo Andres situation, for instance, which, since 1998, has been making a project defined as that of the urban requalification, comprising a big area of the city, aiming at this target.

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