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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Viscoelastic flows of PTT fluid

Sibley, David N. January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Psychophysics and modeling of depth perception

Lugtigheid, Arthur Jacobus Pieter January 2012 (has links)
How do we know where objects are in the environment and how do we use this information to guide our actions? Recovering the three-dimensional (3D) structure of our surroundings from the two-dimensional retinal input received from the eyes is a computationally challenging task and depends on the brain processing and combining ambiguous sources of sensory information (cues) to depth. This thesis combines psychophysical and computational techniques to gain further insight into (i) which cues the brain uses for perceptual judgments of depth and motion-in-depth; and (ii) the processes underlying the combination of the information from these cues into a single percept of depth. The first chapter deals with the question which sources of information the visual system uses to estimate the time remaining until an approaching object will hit us; a problem that is complicated by the fact that the variable of interest (time) is highly correlated to other perceptual variables that may be used (e.g. distance). Despite these high correlations we show that the visual system recovers a temporal estimate, rather than using one or more of its covariates. In the second chapter I ask how extra-retinal signals (changes in the convergence angles of the eyes) contribute to estimates of 3D speed. Traditionally, extra-retinal signals are reputed to be a poor indicator of 3D motion. Using techniques to isolate extra-retinal signals to changes in vergence, we show that judgments of 3D speed are best explained on the basis that the visual system computes a weighted average of retinal and extra-retinal signals. The third and fourth chapters investigate how the visual system combines binocular and monocular cues to depth in judgments of relative depth and the speed of 3D motion. In chapter three I show that differences in retinal size systematically affect the perceived disparityde defined depth between two unfamiliar targets, so that a target with a larger retinal size is seen as closer than a target with a smaller retinal size at the same disparity-defined distance. This perceptual bias increases as the retinal size ratio between the targets is increased but remains constant as the absolute sizes of the targets change concurrently while keeping the retinal size ratio constant. In addition, bias increases as the absolute distance to both targets increases. I propose that these findings can be explained on the basis that the visual system attempts to optimally combine disparity with retinal size cues (or in the case of 3D motion: changing disparity information with looming cues), but assumes that both objects are of equal size while they are not. In chapter 4 these findings are extended to 3D motion: physically larger unfamiliar targets are reported to approach faster than a smaller target moving at the same speed at the same distance. These findings cannot be explained on the basis of observers' use of a biased perceived distance, caused by differences in the retinal size (as found in chapter 3). I conclude that, in line with contemporary theories of visual perception, the brain solves the puzzle of 3D perception by combining all available sources of visual information in an optimal manner, even though this may lead to inaccuracies in the final estimate of depth.

Minimising human annotation for scalable person re-identification

Wang, Hanxiao January 2017 (has links)
Among the diverse tasks performed by an intelligent distributed multi-camera surveillance system, person re-identification (re-id) is one of the most essential. Re-id refers to associating an individual or a group of people across non-overlapping cameras at different times and locations, and forms the foundation of a variety of applications ranging from security and forensic search to quotidian retail and health care. Though attracted rapidly increasing academic interests over the past decade, it still remains a non-trivial and unsolved problem for launching a practical reid system in real-world environments, due to the ambiguous and noisy feature of surveillance data and the potentially dramatic visual appearance changes caused by uncontrolled variations in human poses and divergent viewing conditions across distributed camera views. To mitigate such visual ambiguity and appearance variations, most existing re-id approaches rely on constructing fully supervised machine learning models with extensively labelled training datasets which is unscalable for practical applications in the real-world. Particularly, human annotators must exhaustively search over a vast quantity of offline collected data, manually label cross-view matched images of a large population between every possible camera pair. Nonetheless, having the prohibitively expensive human efforts dissipated, a trained re-id model is often not easily generalisable and transferable, due to the elastic and dynamic operating conditions of a surveillance system. With such motivations, this thesis proposes several scalable re-id approaches with significantly reduced human supervision, readily applied to practical applications. More specifically, this thesis has developed and investigated four new approaches for reducing human labelling effort in real-world re-id as follows: Chapter 3 The first approach is affinity mining from unlabelled data. Different from most existing supervised approaches, this work aims to model the discriminative information for reid without exploiting human annotations, but from the vast amount of unlabelled person image data, thus applicable to both semi-supervised and unsupervised re-id. It is non-trivial since the human annotated identity matching correspondence is often the key to discriminative re-id modelling. In this chapter, an alternative strategy is explored by specifically mining two types of affinity relationships among unlabelled data: (1) inter-view data affinity and (2) intra-view data affinity. In particular, with such affinity information encoded as constraints, a Regularised Kernel Subspace Learning model is developed to explicitly reduce inter-view appearance variations and meanwhile enhance intra-view appearance disparity for more discriminative re-id matching. Consequently, annotation costs can be immensely alleviated and a scalable re-id model is readily to be leveraged to plenty of unlabelled data which is inexpensive to collect. Chapter 4 The second approach is saliency discovery from unlabelled data. This chapter continues to investigate the problem of what can be learned in unlabelled images without identity labels annotated by human. Other than affinity mining as proposed by Chapter 3, a different solution is proposed. That is, to discover localised visual appearance saliency of person appearances. Intuitively, salient and atypical appearances of human are able to uniquely and representatively describe and identify an individual, whilst also often robust to view changes and detection variances. Motivated by this, an unsupervised Generative Topic Saliency model is proposed to jointly perform foreground extraction, saliency detection, as well as discriminative re-id matching. This approach completely avoids the exhaustive annotation effort for model training, and thus better scales to real-world applications. Moreover, its automatically discovered re-id saliency representations are shown to be semantically interpretable, suitable for generating useful visual analysis for deployable user-oriented software tools. Chapter 5 The third approach is incremental learning from actively labelled data. Since learning from unlabelled data alone yields less discriminative matching results, and in some cases there will be limited human labelling resources available for re-id modelling, this chapter thus investigate the problem of how to maximise a model's discriminative capability with minimised labelling efforts. The challenges are to (1) automatically select the most representative data from a vast number of noisy/ambiguous unlabelled data in order to maximise model discrimination capacity; and (2) incrementally update the model parameters to accelerate machine responses and reduce human waiting time. To that end, this thesis proposes a regression based re-id model, characterised by its very fast and efficient incremental model updates. Furthermore, an effective active data sampling algorithm with three novel joint exploration-exploitation criteria is designed, to make automatic data selection feasible with notably reduced human labelling costs. Such an approach ensures annotations to be spent only on very few data samples which are most critical to model's generalisation capability, instead of being exhausted by blindly labelling many noisy and redundant training samples. Chapter 6 The last technical area of this thesis is human-in-the-loop learning from relevance feedback. Whilst former chapters mainly investigate techniques to reduce human supervision for model training, this chapter motivates a novel research area to further minimise human efforts spent in the re-id deployment stage. In real-world applications where camera network and potential gallery size increases dramatically, even the state-of-the-art re-id models generate much inferior re-id performances and human involvements at deployment stage is inevitable. To minimise such human efforts and maximise re-id performance, this thesis explores an alternative approach to re-id by formulating a hybrid human-computer learning paradigm with humans in the model matching loop. Specifically, a Human Verification Incremental Learning model is formulated which does not require any pre-labelled training data, therefore scalable to new camera pairs; Moreover, the proposed model learns cumulatively from human feedback to provide an instant improvement to re-id ranking of each probe on-the-fly, thus scalable to large gallery sizes. It has been demonstrated that the proposed re-id model achieves significantly superior re-id results whilst only consumes much less human supervision effort. For facilitating a holistic understanding about this thesis, the main studies are summarised and framed into a graphical abstract.

A retextualização em inglês/língua estrangeira em contexto acadêmico na perspectiva da linguística sistêmico-funcional

Santos, Sulany Silveira dos January 2016 (has links)
Esta tese investiga, sob a perspectiva da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY e MATTHIESSEN, 2004,2014), os processos de retextualização empregados por estudantes de inglês como língua estrangeira na produção de textos em contextos acadêmicos. O conceito retextualização (MARCUSCHI, 2001) constitui-se na produção de um novo texto a partir de um ou mais texto(s)-fonte e trata-se de prática comum em contextos acadêmicos. Tem-se como objetivo verificar as operações de retextualização relacionadas às metafunções da linguagem – ideacional, interpessoal e textual - e como essas se materializam nos respectivos sistemas léxico-gramaticais e no gênero específico no qual se enquadram. O corpus constituise de retextualizações produzidas a partir de diferentes texto(s)-fonte. Os resultados indicam que as estratégias de retextualização estão intimamente relacionadas ao conhecimento da função que etapas e fases dos gêneros desempenham na construção de significados. Procurase contribuir para as práticas de escrita em ILE em contextos acadêmicos, oferecendo uma abordagem sistêmico-funcional dos processos de retextualização envolvidos no desenvolvimento dessa habilidade. / This study investigates, under the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY and MATTHIESSEN, 2004, 2014), the retextualization processes learners of English as a Foreign Language use when writing texts in academic contexts. Retextualization (MARCUSCHI, 2001) is understood as the production of a new text based on one or more source-texts and is a recurrent practice in academic contexts. The study investigated the processes of retextualization related to the metafunctions of language –ideational, experiential and textual- and their realization in the respective lexicogrammar structures as well as in the specific genre to which they are related. The corpus comprises retextualizations produced from different source-texts. The results indicate that the retextualization strategies are intimately connected to the knowledge of the function the stages and phases of the genres play in the construction of meaning. The purpose of the study is to contribute to writing practices of English as a Foreign Language in academic contexts, putting forward a systemic-functional approach to the retextualization processes involved in the development of writing skills.

Indígenas estudantes nas graduações da UFRGS : movimentos de re-existência

Doebber, Michele Barcelos January 2017 (has links)
A presença indígena no Ensino Superior brasileiro é um fenômeno recente e, na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), lócus desta investigação, ocorre desde o ano de 2008, a partir da mobilização dos coletivos indígenas. Sua crescente demanda pelo acesso ao Ensino Superior motiva-se pela busca de apropriação de ferramentas da sociedade não indígena para a defesa de seus direitos, territórios e organização social. Como servidora técnica que se dedica a acompanhar os movimentos da política de ações afirmativas na UFRGS, realizei esta tese com o intuito de compreender o estar indígena universitário e como a instituição vem se mobilizando diante de tal presença. Trata-se de um estudo inspirado na etnografia, na cartografia e na pesquisa colaborativa, evidenciando os contornos da presença indígena na UFRGS no ir se fazendo da política. Assenta-se na convivência com indígenas no espaço acadêmico e em algumas terras de origem, conformando um estar-junto registrado no Diário de Campo e em conversas-entrevista. Também realizei pesquisa documental para dizer como a política foi se construindo em um processo conflitual de negociação entre universidade, lideranças e indígenas universitários, bem como para a análise de uma década de programa no que diz respeito ao perfil dos candidatos e dos ingressantes no processo seletivo específico. A partir dos temas que emergiram da escuta sensível como postura metodológica e, ancorada na perspectiva da decolonialidade e dos estudos de interculturalidade, apresento algumas contribuições para pensar a relação universidade-indígenas na atualidade. Foi possível identificar que, ao mesmo tempo em que avança em termos de acolhimento da diferença, a universidade segue perpetuando práticas eurocentradas de colonialidade do ser, do saber e do poder produtoras de exclusão no interior de uma política que se pretende inclusiva. No que toca aos indígenas universitários, experimentam o (des)encontro com as lógicas de ser e estar nesse espaço e a ambiguidade na relação de aproximação e afastamento, na qual a conexão com a vida é que define sobre permanecer (ou não) na universidade. Apropriam-se do universo acadêmico, dos conhecimentos ocidentais, e, ao mesmo tempo, re-existem através de uma presença disruptiva que se expressa na linguagem, nas diferentes temporalidades, na lógica comunal, no compromisso com a comunidade, na re-existência epistêmica. Desse modo, o estar sendo indígena universitário dá-se num espaço de fronteira entre dois universos opostos e complementares. Nesse lugar, habita a potência do pensar indígena que, atuando entre dois sistemas de pensamento (da ciência ocidental e o próprio), pode causar rupturas na episteme hegemônica. Dados da pesquisa mostram, ainda, que a presença indígena nos cursos de graduação da UFRGS oferece possibilidades de autorreflexão para a instituição, sobre suas práticas pedagógicas e seu papel social. A escuta, a construção de relações afetivas e de diálogo equitativo com os indígenas, bem como a postura receptiva aos conhecimentos originários, são ações fundamentais no exercício da interculturalidade e podem se constituir como práticas que tornem esse encontro fecundo, tanto para os povos originários, quanto para a própria universidade. / The indigenous presence in Brazilian Universities is a recent phenomenon and, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), where this research was conducted, occurs since the year 2008, having originated from the mobilization of indigenous groups. The search for ownership of tools of the non-indigenous society for the defense of their rights, territories and social organization has motivated the growing demand for access to higher education. As a technical worker dedicated to accompanying the affirmative action policy movements at UFRGS, I conceived this thesis with the objective of understanding the indigenous university existence and how the institution mobilizes itself in the face of such presence. This study is inspired by ethnography, cartography, and collaborative research, underscoring the contours of the indigenous presence in UFRGS in the creation an implementation of this politicies. It is based on the coexistence with indigenous people in the academic environment and some lands of origin, generating a being-together recorded in the field diary and in conversation-interviews. The author also carried out documentary research in order to tell how the policy was being built in a conflictive process of negotiation between University, leaders and indigenous university students, as well as for the analysis of a decade of the Program with respect to the profile of candidates and new entrants in the specific selection process. From the themes that emerged from sensitive listening as a methodological stance, and anchored in the perspective of decoloniality and intercultural studies, the author presents some contributions to think about the relationship Universityindigenous people today. It was possible to identify that, while advancing in terms of welcoming differences, the University continues to perpetuate Eurocentric practices of coloniality of being, knowledge, and power, producing exclusion within a policy that is intended to be inclusive. As far as indigenous University students are concerned, they experience the (dis)encounter with the logics of being and existing in that space, as well as the ambiguity in the relation of approach and withdrawal, in which the connection with life is what defines whether to remain (or not) in the University. They seize the academic universe, Western knowledge, and at the same time re-exist through a disruptive presence expressed in language, in different temporalities, in communal logic, in commitment to community, in epistemic re-existence. The existencebeing of indigenous university students occurs, therefore, in the borderline between two opposing and complementary universes. In this place, there inhabits the power of indigenous thinking, which, acting between two systems of thought (Western science and itself), can cause ruptures in the hegemonic episteme. Research data also show that the indigenous presence in undergraduate courses at UFRGS offers possibilities for self-reflection for the institution, its pedagogical practices, and its social role. Listening, building affective relations, plus an equitable dialogue with indigenous people, as well as receptive attitude to the original knowledge, are central actions in the exercise of interculturality and can become practices that make this encounter fruitful, for the native peoples, as well as for the University.

A refuncionalização do espaço urbano na cidade criativa: reflexões a partir do 4º Distrito em Porto Alegre – RS

Contassot, Pedro Toscan Pittelkow January 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo a refuncionalização do espaço urbano através dos princípios que compõem a cidade criativa, tomando como ponto de partida o 4º Distrito de Porto Alegre – RS. O surgimento de grupos ligados à economia criativa, à economia do conhecimento e à economia da experiência promove uma transformação das funções urbanas, dialogando com a preservação das formas urbanas e do patrimônio histórico cultural. O 4º Distrito, região subutilizada na zona periférica do centro da cidade desde o processo de desconcentração industrial, é escolhido por esses profissionais em função dos baixos valores de troca do solo. A área ressurge como espaço central nas discussões sobre planejamento urbano a partir da possibilidade de retomada do seu crescimento econômico. Nesse âmbito, a pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender a ocorrência do processo de substituição de funções ligadas à indústria pela economia criativa, identificar qual a percepção dos grupos locais acerca da região e analisar como opera o planejamento estratégico nesse contexto Através de estudos relacionados à refuncionalização de áreas degradadas após a transição para a economia pós-fordista, e de entrevistas com empreendedores da economia criativa e moradores do 4º Distrito, se buscou compreender o caso da região como um fragmento de uma ordem mais ampla de revalorização do solo urbano nas áreas centrais. Com a ampliação de setores da economia ligados à informação e à cultura, considerados produtos centrais na primeira fase do Século XXI, promove-se a valorização de um fragmento histórico esquecido da cidade de Porto Alegre. A pesquisa aponta o pioneirismo da cidade criativa em um momento inicial do processo de refuncionalização da região. Posteriormente a essa dinâmica, o planejamento estratégico e as parcerias público-privadas se apresentam como caminhos para a revalorização do solo urbano. / This research's object of study is the re-functionalization of the urban space through the principles that make up the creative city, taking as a starting point the 4th District of Porto Alegre - RS. The emergence of groups linked to creative economy, knowledge economy and experience economy promotes a transformation of the urban functions, dialoguing with the preservation of urban forms and cultural-historical heritage. The 4th District, underutilized region in the peripheral zone of the city center since the process of industrial deconcentration, is chosen by these professionals due to the low soil exchange values. The area reappears as a central space in the discussions about urban planning based on the possibility of resuming its economic growth. In this scope, the research aims to understand the occurrence of the process of substitution of functions linked to the industry by creative economy, to identify the perception of local groups about the region and to analyze how the strategic planning operates in this context. Through studies related to the re-functionalization of degraded areas after the transition to post-Fordist economy, and through interviews with entrepreneurs of the creative economy and residents of the 4th District, an attempt was made to understand this case as a fragment of a broader revaluation order of urban land in central areas. With the expansion of sectors of the economy linked to information and culture, considered to be central products in the first phase of the XXI Century, it is promoted the valuation of a forgotten historical fragment of the city of Porto Alegre. The research points to the pioneering of the creative city in an initial moment of the process of re-functionalization of the region. Subsequent to this dynamic, strategic planning and public-private partnerships are presented as ways to revalue urban land.

Estéticas audiovisuais na redemocratização Argentina : símbolos entre publicidade e cinema na obra de Eliseo Subiela

Duvoisin, Aline Almeida January 2018 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, estudamos o encantamento das estéticas audiovisuais cinematográficas e publicitárias de Eliseo Subiela a fim de averiguar a ideia de realidade que elas ajudam a construir. Buscamos entender as propostas estéticas cinematográficas que se distanciaram dos realismos durante o período de redemocratização da Argentina, partindo do pressuposto de que esse distanciamento é resultado de uma aproximação entre os campos cinematográfico e publicitário. Consideramos inicialmente os conceitos de desencantamento e reencantamento do mundo para entender as diferenças de encantamento entre esses dois campos comunicacionais, recorrendo a Max Weber, Antônio Flávio Pierucci, Wolfgang Schluchter, Jürgen Habermas, David Morgan, Jesus Martín-Barbero, Alkis Kontos e Rudy Albino de Assunção. O contato com estudiosos do imaginário – como Gilbert Durand, Mircea Eliade e Carl Gustav Jung – veio para dissipar o antagonismo que permeava os dois conceitos sociológicos. A partir disso, adotamos o imaginário como heurística e optamos pelo uso do termo encantamento, entendendo que os seres humanos entram em contato com o mundo sempre através de imagens e que são incapazes de se desvencilhar da magia. Desenvolvemos uma reflexão sobre valores e tendências simbólicas que permeiam as imagens técnicas e os campos cinematográfico e publicitário. Para isso, mobilizamos teóricos das imagens – como Vilém Flusser, Jacques Aumont, Arlindo Machado, Hans Belting e Régis Debray; pesquisadores da publicidade geral e argentina – como Jean Baudrillard, Malena Contrera, Raúl Eguizábal e Orlando Aprile; e estudiosos do cinema geral e argentino – como Jacques Aumont, Edgar Morin, Claudio España, Ricardo Manetti, Alberto Ciria e José Luis Visconti. Inspiramo-nos na mitocrítica durandiana para elaborar um método de interpretação específico para o caso estudado. Interpretamos simbolicamente redundâncias percebidas num corpus de 30 comerciais e seis filmes de Subiela. Percebemos que a cinematografia subieliana mostra abertura ao universo simbólico, revelando aspectos da realidade concreta que fizeram emergir certos símbolos. Os comerciais desse realizador argentino, embora em muitos casos apresentem tendências simbólicas semelhantes a dos filmes, se mostram mais fechados ao imaginário, ocultando a origem dos símbolos e decepando sua multivalência. Aventamos que o retorno à realidade mítica através da cinematografia de Subiela pode se relacionar com a necessidade de encontrar um sentido depois do horror vivenciado durante os anos que antecederam a redemocratização. / In this dissertation, we study the enchantment of Eliseo Subiela‟s cinematographic and advertising audiovisual aesthetics in order to ascertain the idea of reality that they collaborate to build. We intend to understand cinematographic aesthetics proposals that move away from realisms in the period of re-democratization of Argentina, assuming that this distance was result of an approximation between cinematographic and advertising fields. We initially considered the concepts of disenchantment and re-enchantment of the world in order to understand enchantment differences between these communicational fields, resorting to Max Weber, Antônio Flávio Pierucci, Wolfgang Schluchter, Jürgen Habermas, David Morgan, Jesus Martín-Barbero, Alkis Kontos and Rudy Albino de Assunção. The contact with scholars of imaginary – such as Gilbert Durand, Mircea Eliade and Carl Gustav Jung – came to dispel the antagonism that permeated the two sociological concepts. From this, we adopt the imaginary as heuristic and we choose to use the term enchantment, understanding that humans always come into contact with the world through images and they are unable to get rid of magic. We develop a reflection on values and symbolic tendencies that permeate technical images and cinematographic and advertising fields. For this, we mobilized image theorists – such as Vilém Flusser, Jacques Aumont, Arlindo Machado, Hans Belting and Régis Debray; researchers of general and Argentine advertising – such as Jean Baudrillard, Malena Contrera, Raúl Eguizábal and Orlando Aprile; and scholars of general and Argentine cinema – such as Jacques Aumont, Edgar Morin, Claudio España, Ricardo Manetti, Alberto Ciria and José Luis Visconti. We draw inspiration from Durand's mythocritique to elaborate a method of interpretation specific to the case studied. We interpret symbolically perceived redundancies in a corpus of 30 commercials and six films directed by Subiela. We realize that Subiela‟s cinematography shows openness to symbolic universe, revealing aspects of concrete reality that have given rise to certain symbols. The commercials of this Argentine director, although in many cases they have similar symbolic tendencies to those of films, they are more closed to the imaginary, hiding the origin of symbols and cutting of its multivalence. We point out that return to mythic reality through Subiela's cinematography can be related to the need to find meaning after the horror experienced during the years leading up to re-democratization.

Etude du maintien de l'homéostasie tissulaire après induction d'un stress chronique du RE / Study of tissue homeostasis after a chronic ER stress

Demay, Yohan 22 January 2014 (has links)
Le réticulum endoplasmique (RE) joue un rôle majeur dans la conformation des protéines. L’accumulation de protéines non- ou mal-conformées dans le RE induit un stress qui peut être résolu par la réponse aux protéines mal-conformées (UPR). Un stress chronique du RE entraine une apoptose dépendante de l’UPR et se traduit par un déséquilibre de l’homéostasie tissulaire. Bien que l’apoptose dépendante d’un stress du RE soit observée et à l’origine d’un grand nombre de maladies humaines, les mécanismes pro-apoptotiques ainsi que ceux favorisant l’homéostasie tissulaire en réponse à un stress chronique du RE restent à ce jour méconnus. Cette thèse apporte une meilleure compréhension de ces mécanismes grâce à un nouveau modèle d’induction de stress du RE chez la drosophile basé sur la surexpression de la préséniline. L’apoptose observée dans ce modèle dépend d’une répression au moins transcriptionnelle du gène anti-apoptotique diap1 par la branche PERK/ATF4 de l’UPR, alors que les voies pro-apoptotiques classiquement impliquées dans l’apoptose en réponse à un stress du RE chez les mammifères ne semblent pas être impliquées. Par ailleurs, la branche PERK/ATF4 active la voie JNK par l’intermédiaire de la petite GTPase Rac1 et de la MAP3K Slipper qui sont activées dans les cellules apoptotiques. Cette activation aboutit à l’expression de Dilp8, un peptide ressemblant à l’insuline qui cause un retard de développement et permet ainsi de remplacer partiellement les cellules éliminées par apoptose. Dans notre modèle, les mécanismes classiquement décrits dans le maintien de l’homéostasie tissulaire chez la drosophile tels que la prolifération compensatoire ou la réparation des tissus ne semblent pas avoir de rôle majeur. Ces résultats établissent, une nouvelle voie qui participe à l’homéostasie tissulaire dans un nouveau modèle de stress chronique du RE / The Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) plays a major role in protein folding. The accumulation of unfolded proteins in the ER induces a stress which can be resolved by the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR). The chronicity of ER-stress leads to UPR-induced apoptosis and in turn to an unbalance of tissue homeostasis. Although ER stress-dependent apoptosis is observed in a great number of devastating human diseases, how cells activate apoptosis and promote tissue homeostasis after chronic ER-stress remains poorly understood. During my thesis we have established of a novel model of chronic ER-stress using the Drosophila wing imaginal disc as a model system. We have validated that Presenilin (Psn) overexpression induces chronic ER-stress in Drosophila associated to a PERK/ATF4-dependent apoptosis requiring the down-regulation of the anti-apoptotic diap1 gene. Interestingly, the classical pro-apoptotic pathways described in mammals do not seem implicated in Psn-overexpression-dependent apoptosis. PERK/ATF4 also activated the JNK pathway through the small GTPase Rac1 and the MAP3K Slipper activation in apoptotic cells, leading to the expression of Dilp8. This insulin-like peptide caused a developmental delay, which partially allowed the replacement of apoptotic cells. The other mechanisms involved in tissue homeostasis in Drosophila, i.e. compensatory homeostasis and wound healing, do not seem to have a major role in our model. These results establish a new pathway that participates in tissue homeostasis thanks to a novel chronic Drosophila ER stress model


Modeföretagens affärsidéer bygger idag på en hög konsumtion av plagg med korta livscykler och produkter skickas snabbt ut på marknaden. Detta är möjligt genom kapade ledtider och effektiviserade designprocesser, vilket i sin tur leder till låga priser. Denna effektiva verksamhet gör att delar i processerna måste prioriteras bort. En följd av detta är trendkänsliga plagg som är skapade för nuet. Plaggen är inte längre skapade att hålla en längre tid och fyller ett kortsiktigt behov hos kunden. En stor mängd av textilier behöver därför tas om hand till följd av den höga konsumtionstakten. Vår tes är att man med denna deponi kan skapa nya säljbara produkter som är attraktiva för kund. Förslaget som undersöks i rapporten är konsumtionsalternativet re-design. Med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med insatta i branschen skapas en förståelse för ämnet. Detta tillsammans med teori kring hållbara designprocesser ger grund till en kravspecifikation för re-design. En deltagande observation utförs för att få en inblick i second handkunders konsumtionsvanor. Utifrån dessa metoder samt teorin tas tre produktidéer fram och prototyper skapas för att användas vid kundintervjuer. Dessa intervjuer utvärderas och tillsammans med teorin bildar de en bas för vår modell av optimal re-design. Empirin sammanställs och besvarar frågan om re-design som konsumtionsalternativ kan vara en fungerande lösning på deponiproblemet. Svaret blir att med hjälp av den teoretiska referensramen samt vår modell borde konceptet re-design som teori fungera. I teorin hävdas att om konsumenterna har tillräckligt med kunskap kan de göra genomtänkta konsumtionsval. Dock är verkligheten mycket mer komplex än modellen visar, vilket gör att det finns ett glapp mellan vår modell och realitet. / Program: Textil produktutveckling och entreprenörskap

上海下崗職工硏究: 社會支持系統、個人回應與再就業 = A study of the unemployed in Shanghai : social support systems, individual responses & reemployment. / Study of the unemployed in Shanghai: social support systems, individual responses & reemployment / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / ProQuest dissertations and theses / Shanghai xia gang zhi gong yan jiu: she hui zhi chi xi tong, ge ren hui ying yu zai jiu ye = A study of the unemployed in Shanghai : social support systems, individual responses & reemployment.

January 2000 (has links)
On the hypotheses, all except those relating to the appraisal of intensity and financial welfare were supported. / Some differences were found between western theories and the findings of the study. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) / The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among three major variables. The first variable is the active responses from Xiagang Zhigong, the unemployed workers with Chinese characteristics, which consisted of cognitive appraisal and job search behaviors for reemployment. The second one is the multiple social support systems which are composed of informal social support, financial welfare and formal services. And the third one is reemployment status. Triangulation of data collection methods, including a questionnaire survey and an in-depth interview, was used to gather and analyze data in order to describe basic features of those variables, and to test the following hypotheses. (1) The more social support Xiagang Zhigong obtain, the stronger their active responses will be. (2) The more active their cognitive appraisal are, the more job search behaviors they will engage in. (3) The more job search behaviors they finish, the better their reemployment status will be. / The research findings about the three variables are as follows. First, Xiagang Zhigong's active responses were found to be not positive enough. They basically felt that their unemployment was externally driven, and that unemployment was a very serious problem. Concerning their job search behaviors, informal contacts through friends, relatives and former colleagues were most frequently used to find jobs, followed by formal channels through the government and direct applications for jobs by themselves. Secondly, it was found that Xiagang Zhigong were not able to get sufficient social support. They got only a little informal social support from relatives, ex-colleagues and friends, which was mostly emotional support. The financial welfare they obtained was minimum. Very few unemployed workers were covered by more than one financial assistance program. Most of them were able to get assistance to meet their basic needs at a subsistence level. Moreover, the formal services they got were also not sufficient. Most of them got nothing. Thirdly, the data showed that about forty percent of Xiagang Zhigong found job successfully. Generally, the successful workers started to hunt job six months after they lost their job, and that they got their new position after ten months' job seeking. Nevertheless, they were dissatisfied with the reemployment quality in terms of income, position and the job as a whole. / 顧東輝. / 論文(博士)--香港中文大學, 2000. / 參考文獻 (p. 370-404) / 中英文摘要. / Adviser: Mok Bong-ho. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 61-08, Section: A, page: 3351. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest dissertations and theses, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / School code: 1307. / Lun wen (bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2000. / Can kao wen xian (p. 370-404) / Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Gu Donghui.

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