Spelling suggestions: "subject:"realistic"" "subject:"realistically""
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Knihovna pro generování realistických modelů stromů / Generation of Realistic Tree Models LibraryPafčo, Tomáš Unknown Date (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to propose algorithms for procedural generation of realistic three-dimensional tree models and implement them as a library. This library uses a set of 92 mostly numerical parameters as an input and enables to export generated model into 3DS or OBJ file. It's an objective library, written in C++ language and designed mainly for MS Windows platform. Proposed algorithms are able to generate specific biologic species of broadleaf and coniferous trees.
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Paralelizace sledování paprsku / Parallelization of Ray TracingČižek, Martin January 2009 (has links)
Ray tracing is widely used technique for realistic rendering of computer scenes. Its major drawback is time needed to compute the image, therefore it's usually parallelized. This thesis describes parallelization and ray tracing in general. It explains the possibility of how can be ray tracing parallelized as well as it defines the problems which may occur during the process. The result is parallel rendering application which uses selected ray tracing software and measurement of how successful this application is.
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Realistické zobrazení mraků a kouře / Realistic Rendering of Smoke and CloudsKopidol, Jan January 2008 (has links)
This work discourses about methods of rendering volumetric data such as clouds or smoke in computer graphics and implementation of this feature to existing application. The first part is summary of techniques and tricks used in computer graphics to display such objects in scene, their pros and cons and the most used techniques of displaying volumetric data. Next part is more closely focused to choosed technique of rendering volumetric data with consideration of light behavior inside the volume (also called participating media) and basic relationships used used in computation. In following part of work there is short list of applications - renderers used to realistic rendering of scene, which are suitable for implementation of selected volumetric data rendering algorithm. Selected application - Blender is describled more deeply including its inner structure, especially rendering engine. Last part of work is dedicated to design, implementation and integration of rendering algorithm itself.
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Fotorealistické zobrazování 3D scén / Photorealistic Rendering of 3D ScenesVlnas, Michal January 2020 (has links)
This thesis proposes a concept of sampling, especially for path tracing like algorithms, for faster convergence of the scene, using a local radiance approximation in the scene with hemispherical harmonics, which allows more effective way of ray casting on the given surface. In the first part, the basics of photorealistic rendering are introduced together with commonly used algorithms for image synthesis. The mathematical apparatus used in this thesis is defined in the second part of the thesis. Subsequently, existing solutions in this area are presented. The following chapter summarizes state-of-the-art methods in this branch. The rest of this thesis is focused on proposal and implementation of already mentioned extension.
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Realistická vizualizace alkoholických nápojů pomocí distribuovaného raytracingu / Realistic Visualisation of Alcoholic Beverages Using Distributed RaytracingFabík, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This work is about a realistic visualization technique called raytracing. It studies its original form, its extensions and optimizations. Raytracing casts rays through pixels and follows their propagation in the scene, according to the physical laws. It enables rendering of correct shadows, reflections and refractions. Distributed raytracing serves for better visualization and advanced effects. One ray is replaced with a beam of rays that allows soft shadows, fuzzy translucency, depth of field and antialiasing. With the increasing number of rays, the render time rises as well, so it is needed to use some optimization techniques and tools. A way of using this rendering method for visualization of alcoholic beverages is also described.
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Kvalitní zobrazení stínů pro složité světelné zdroje / High-Quality Shadow Rendering from Complex Light SourcesNavrátil, Jan January 2016 (has links)
V interaktivních aplikacích jsou stíny tradičně zobrazovány s pomocí algoritmu založeným na stínových mapách. Nevýhodou toho algoritmu je, že stínová mapa, reprezentovaná texturou, má pouze omezené rozlišení. To může vést k nepěkným vizuálním artefaktům objevujících se na hranách stínů. Tato práce představuje postup, který je založen na vylepšené deformaci textury. To umožní zobrazit scénu obsahující složité světelné zdroje, zredukovat artefakty na hranicích stínů a také vylepšit kvalitu stínů bez ohledu na typu scény a její konfiguraci.
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Literární dílo na pomezí romantismu a realismu / Literary work between romanticism and realismMikulová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with detection of romantic and realistic components in three selected novels, traditionally placed on the border between romanticism and realism, and more closely examines if their ambiguity in terms of literary movement is from a contemporary point of view up-to-date and relevant, and what constitutes it. This main goal is preceded by the need to define the most complex concepts of literary romanticism and realism, including their specific characteristics, tendencies and distinct feautures. Particular analyses are developed according to a preselected warp whose individual items are universal aspects of a literary work such as subject matter, plot, narration, characters, space-time and language devices which are monitored, on the basis of conclusions rendered in a theoretical part of this thesis, for a particular degree of romantic and realistic heritage. Within each analysis we were able to decide which aspects of the work are fully or rather consistent with the principles of romanticism and which are conversely in accordance with realistic tradition. The subsequent summary analysis helped to answer the question whether the work as a whole is closer to romanticism or realism. Recognition of different forms of realationship between romantic and realistic principle that naturally...
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Benchmark pro zařízení s podporou OpenGL ES 3.0 / Benchmark for OpenGL ES 3.0 DevicesKimer, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of benchmark application for the OpenGL ES 3.0 devices using the realistic real-time rendering of 3D scenes. The first part covers the history and new features of the OpenGL ES 3.0 graphics library. Next part briefly describes selected algorithms for the realistic real-time rendering of 3D scenes which can be implemented using the new features of the discussed library. The design of benchmark application is covered next, including the design of online result database containing detailed device specifications. The last part covers implementation on Android and Windows platforms and the testing on mobile devices after publishing the application on Google Play. Finally, the results and possibilites of further development are discussed.
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Moderní techniky realistického osvětlení v reálném čase / Modern Methods of Realistic Lighting in Real TimeSzentandrási, István January 2011 (has links)
Fyzikálně přijatelné osvětlení v reálném čase je často dosaženo použitím aproximací. Současné metody často aproximují globální osvětlení v prostoru obrazu s využitím schopností moderních grafických karet. Dva techniky z této kategorie, screen-space ambient occlusion a screen-space directional occlusion jsou popsány detailněji v této práci. Screen-space directional occlusion je zobecněná verze screen-space ambient occlusion s podporou jednoho difúzního odrazu a závislostí na směrové informaci světla. Hlavním cílem projektu bylo experimentování s těmito metodami. Pro uniformní distribuci náhodných vzorek pro obě metody byla použita Halton sekvence. Pro potlačení šumu je použita bilaterální filtrace, která bere do úvahy geometrické vlastnosti scény. Metody jsou dál zrychleny použitím nižších rozlišení pro výpočet. Rekonstrukce výsledků do původní velikosti pro vytvoření konečného obrazu je realizována pomoci joint bilateral upsamplingu. Kromě metod globálního osvětlení byly v práci použity aj metody pro mapování stínů a HDR osvětlení.
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Realistické zobrazení budovy s proměnným osvětlením / Realistic Rendering of a Building with Varying Lighting ConditionsNavrátil, Jan January 2008 (has links)
This paper is focused on realistic rendering of interior environments with varying lighting conditions. It proposes methods of setting properties of light sources to achieve a specific scene appearence. It mainly works with light comming from a sky and sun to the scene and describes this light in relation to weather conditions, time of day and overcast factor. The goal is creating easily configurable system in which a single parameter change leads to significant change of lighting conditions. All these changes should be presented in a short video.
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