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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transformações recentes no emprego formal da indústria de transformação do Brasil: evidências para as décadas de 1990 e 2000

Fernandes, Maria de Fátima Diógenes 06 November 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-08T14:44:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 4323558 bytes, checksum: 409bfa86ef0aebaed28f8ba5bfb838bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-11-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work investigates the behavior of formal employment in the Brazilian manufacturing industry and changes in the level of specialization of its production structure from the 1990. The information used was obtained from the RAIS database. The regional distribution of employment and salaries was measured by the Gini and indexes of participation, to identify clusters of employment, according to the microregions, adopted the LISA, to measure the specialization of regional industrial structures we used the K-index. The results showed distinct behaviors of industrial employment in the decades of 1990 and 2000. At first, the changes in the internal and external macroeconomic restrict its capacity of generate occupations by the industrial sector, implying the loss of its relative participation in employment front of the tertiary sector. In 2000, facing a favorable internal and external scenario we observed a recovery in industrial employment, although with reduced salary levels despite the increase the level of education of workers. Since 1994, there has been a dislocation in employment towards the less developed regions. The spatial redistribution of the companies mainly affected intensive segments in the natural resources and labor. The results allow us see that most of the adjustments suffered by Brazilian industry, in the analyzed period, was transferred to the working class, either through higher unemployment, or by reduction in salary levels. Also conclude that companies relocated, rather than contribute to alleviate the regional disparities, benefited these to increase its competitiveness. / Este trabalho investiga o comportamento do emprego formal na indústria de transformação brasileira e as alterações no nível de especialização da sua estrutura produtiva, a partir dos anos 1990. As informações utilizadas foram obtidas junto ao banco de dados RAIS. A distribuição regional do emprego e dos salários foi medida pelos índices de participação e Gini; para identificação dos clusters de emprego, segundo as microrregiões, adotou-se o LISA; para medir a especialização das estruturas industriais regionais utilizou-se o K-index. Os resultados mostraram comportamentos distintos do emprego industrial nas décadas de 1990 e na de 2000. Na primeira, as mudanças no contexto macroeconômico interno e externo restringiram a capacidade de gerar ocupações por parte do setor industrial, implicando perda de sua participação relativa no emprego frente ao setor terciário. Na década de 2000, diante de um cenário interno e externo favorável, observou-se uma recuperação do emprego industrial, embora com redução dos níveis salariais apesar da elevação do nível de instrução dos trabalhadores. A partir de 1994, verifica-se um deslocamento do emprego em direção às regiões menos desenvolvidas. A redistribuição espacial das empresas afetou principalmente os segmentos intensivos em recursos naturais e trabalho. Os resultados permitem constatar que boa parte dos ajustes sofridos pela indústria brasileira, no período analisado, foi repassada à classe trabalhadora, seja através de maior risco de desemprego seja por redução nos níveis salariais. Também se conclui que as empresas relocalizadas, ao invés de contribuírem para atenuar as disparidades regionais, beneficiaram-se destas para ampliar sua competitividade.

A copa do mundo de futebol em Porto Alegre : a realocação dos moradores afetados pela duplicação da Avenida Tronco

Magno, Felipe January 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi interpretar como está sendo conduzido o processo de realocação dos moradores afetados por uma das obras para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol na cidade de Porto Alegre, a duplicação da Avenida Tronco. O estudo é do tipo interpretativo, com análise qualitativa, sendo realizado através de pesquisa documental, diários de campo e entrevistas gravadas. A amostra é do tipo intencional, na qual os documentos, os locais e os sujeitos foram escolhidos conforme sua capacidade de disponibilizar informações relevantes para pesquisa. Na pesquisa documental foram considerados os documentos oficiais pertencentes aos poderes executivo, legislativo e judiciário, nas três esferas governamentais envolvidas na duplicação da Avenida Tronco que são: a federal; a estadual; e a municipal. Ademais, foram considerados como fonte de informação não oficial os blogs pertencentes a três entidades populares envolvidas diretamente no processo de realocação dos moradores afetados pela obra que são: o Comitê Popular da Copa em Porto Alegre; o Ponto de Cultura Quilombo do Sopapo; e o Fórum Estadual de Reforma Urbana do Rio Grande do Sul. As observações relatadas por meio de diários de campo ocorreram em duas frentes. A primeira nos locais da obra, e a segunda nas reuniões onde foram discutidas as questões referentes à mesma. As reuniões observadas foram as das Câmaras Temáticas para a Copa de 2014 em Porto Alegre, do Gabinete de Planejamento Estratégico da Prefeitura Municipal, e as do Comitê Popular da Copa em Porto Alegre. As entrevistas realizadas foram semiestruturadas, com roteiro elaborado, sendo conduzidas a partir de um conjunto de perguntas abertas em uma ordem específica. Os sujeitos entrevistados foram: os gestores públicos responsáveis pelo processo de realocação; os lideres comunitários das localidades afetadas; e os representantes de entidades governamentais e não governamentais envolvidos indiretamente nesse processo. Na análise de conteúdo, primeiramente foi feita a seleção e o recorte dos documentos a serem submetidos à análise. A seguir, foram criadas categorias analíticas baseadas inicialmente na literatura específica da área, que foram complementadas com outras categorias que emergiram a partir da exploração do material. Por fim, foram estabelecidas ligações dentro das categorias e relações entre elas, a fim de alcançar o objetivo proposto. A análise dos dados indicou que a condução do processo de realocação dos moradores atingidos pela obra não está se dando da forma ideal. Os resultados apontam para falhas da gestão pública em três aspectos fundamentais: na tomada de decisão sobre a obra, que não contou com a participação dos moradores afetados; na política habitacional inexistente, substituída por ações emergenciais de realocação; e o não cumprimento dos acordos estabelecidos com os moradores. O estudo não foi capaz de trazer benefícios imediatos para a comunidade pesquisada. Entretanto, os resultados poderão auxiliar na redução dos impactos negativos, em especial nas comunidades mais carentes, advindos, diretamente ou não, da realização de megaeventos esportivos. / The aim of this study was interpret the process of relocation of residents affected by one of the works for the FIFA World Cup in Porto Alegre, the duplication of Avenida Tronco. The study is the interpretive type, with qualitative analysis being conducted by the documentary, daily field research and recorded interviews. The sample is intentional type, in which the documents, subjects and places were chosen according to their capacity to provide information relevant to research. In the documentary research were considered official documents pertaining to executive, legislative and judicial powers, the three spheres of government involved in duplication of Avenida Tronco: federal, states and cities. Moreover, they were considered as a source of unofficial information blogs belonging to three popular entities directly involved in the relocation of residents affected by the work that is the case: the Comitê Popular da Copa in Porto Alegre, the Ponto de Cultura Quilombo Sopapo and Fórum Estadual de Reforma Urbana do Rio Grande do Sul. The observations reported by daily field occurred on two fronts. The first places in the site where the works are going on, and the second in the meetings where issues were discussed: Câmaras Temáticas for the 2014 World Cup in Porto Alegre, of the Gabinete de Planejamento Estratégico da Prefeitura Municipal, and of the Comitê Popular da Copa in Porto Alegre. The interviews were semistructured, with elaborate script, being conducted from a set of open questions in a specific order. The interviewees were: public managers responsible for the relocation process, the community leaders of the affected localities, and representatives of governmental and nongovernmental entities indirectly involved in this process. The content analysis was initially made the selection and cropping of the documents to be submitted for analysis. The following analytical categories initially based on the literature of the area, which were complemented with other categories that emerged from the exploration of the material. Finally, connections were made within the categories and relationships between them in order to achieve the proposed objective. Data analysis indicated that the conduct of the relocation of residents affected by the work process is not taking place optimally. The results point to failures of public management in three key aspects: decision making about the work, not with the participation of affected residents; nonexistent in housing policy, replaced by emergency actions relocation; and non-compliance with established agreements with the locals. The study was not able to bring immediate benefits to the community studied. However, the results may assist in reducing negative impacts, especially in the poorer communities, arising, directly or not, the realization of mega sporting events.

The impact of host-country environment and home-host country distance on the configuration of international service activities

Gooris, Julien 24 September 2013 (has links)
In the realm of globalization, international sourcing of services contributes to reshape firm’s value chains as the physical dispersion of these activities increases. This reorganization does not simply lead to the replication of domestic activities in a destination providing resource advantages, but, in most cases, it implies profound modifications of the flows of activities, including the reconsideration of the boundaries of the firm. Global sourcing strategies, also called offshoring, seek to increase firm’s efficiency by combining the exploitation of foreign locational advantages with process redesign. When aggregated, these firm-level strategies translate into considerable international exchanges to a point that flows of intermediate services represent about 73% of the total of international trade in services for 2005 (OECD, 2009). These activities present a high degree of heterogeneity in terms of functions concerned, the related domestic industries, motivations, destinations, organizational structure or scope. This wave of internationalization, because of its relative novelty, growth and rapid diversification, draws the interest from the public, political and academic spheres but the comprehension of the determinants shaping the configuration and organization of these activities still remain largely unknown. Based on four essays, this PhD thesis addresses the impact of host-country characteristics and distance factors on the configuration of international sourcing activities in the dimensions of location, governance model and scope of activities.<p><p>The first paper studies the country-specific determinants of the interdependent choices of destination and governance model in the global sourcing of services. I explore the simultaneity of these decisions and I jointly estimate their determinants using implementation-level data. Derived from comparative advantages, host-country uncertainty and the global dispersion of tasks, I present three classes of factors driving global sourcing configurations: resource arbitrages, host-country risk and communication barriers. Empirical results confirm that locations with resource or capabilities advantages specific to services – low labour cost, education and labour supply – attract more offshoring activities. However the pursued resource advantages differ depending on the governance model. Country attractiveness for captive implementations presents a higher positive sensitivity to the education-intensive resources, while outsourcing strategies have a greater cost-cutting orientation coming from labour cost arbitrages. Furthermore, the risks inherent to the host-country, in the form of weak formal institutions and inexperience in the destination, have the dual effect of deterring location attractiveness, while they foster the adoption of the outsourcing model compared to the captive one. Communication barriers coming from geographic distance, cultural and linguistic differences have the simultaneous effect of discouraging global sourcing in those locations while, to overcome these constraints, firms favor higher integration with the use of captive models. <p><p>This second paper further explores the mechanisms through which home-host country distances affect the choice of governance mode in service offshoring. Using a Transaction Cost Economics approach, I explore the comparative costs of the hierarchical and contractual models to show that different dimensions of distance (geographic, cultural and institutional), because they generate different types of uncertainties, impact offshore governance choices in different ways. Empirical results confirm that, on the one hand, firms are more likely to respond to internal uncertainties resulting from geographic and cultural distance by leveraging the internal controls and collaboration mechanisms of a captive offshore service center. On the other hand, they tend to respond to external uncertainties resulting from institutional distance by limiting their foreign commitment and leveraging the resources and local experience of third party service providers. Finally, I find that the temporal distance component (time zone difference) of geographical dispersion between onshore and offshore countries plays a dominant role over the spatial distance component.<p><p>The third section then concentrates on the impact of the institutional environment (regulative) on international sourcing activities. To exploit country-specific advantages, firms that source activities from abroad are forced to integrate the institutional environment into the choice not only of host-country, but also of governance model for their offshore activities. Considering inefficient institutions as drivers of transaction costs, this conceptual paper explores the impact of the host-country regulative environment in the interdependent decisions of country selection and governance model (captive or outsourcing) in firms’ global sourcing strategies. I consider two classes of assets: transferred assets for knowledge/information flows, and local assets sourced from the host location. I show that each class involves specific institutional risks for offshoring practices. In turn, because of the different institutional exposures of the captive model and the outsourced one, the institutional risks associated with transferred and local assets have different implications for the choice of governance model. Firms react to institutional risks relative to transferred assets by internalizing their activity, but they bypass inefficient institutions for local assets using outsourcing. Based on the interaction of the institutional risks relative to each class of assets, I then obtain sufficient conditions that give the firm-optimal combinations of country selection and governance model.<p><p>The last section studies how firm-level and country-level risks affect the scope of the process operated in the foreign unit. To prevent appropriation hazard for proprietary content, firms choose a particular disaggregation of the value chain. We argue that, in response to the lack of control offered by internalization and the lack of protection provided by host-country institutions for protecting proprietary content, firms reduce the scope of their activities. In other words, they exploit existing complementarities between the tasks of their value chain using a higher disaggregation of their process and therefore reducing appropriation value for outsiders. Based on a sample of 750 international sourcing projects, regression results on the scope of offshore activities confirm that firms prefer to source discrete tasks rather than entire processes when they lack the protection of internalization and external institutions. In addition, experience modifies these relationships. On the one hand, inexperienced firms do not rely on this slicing mechanism to prevent the loss of control implied by an outsourcing model. On the other hand, the effect of weak institutional protection is perceived as more stringent for inexperienced firms. When host-country institutions are deficient, these firms, compared to the experienced ones, have a higher propensity to operate discrete tasks rather than entire processes.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Location and Relocation of Seismic Sources

Li, Ka Lok January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is a comprehensive summary of four papers on the development and application of new strategies for locating tremor and relocating events in earthquake catalogs. In the first paper, two new strategies for relocating events in a catalog are introduced. The seismicity pattern of an earthquake catalog is often used to delineate seismically active faults. However, the delineation is often hindered by the diffuseness of earthquake locations in the catalog. To reduce the diffuseness and simplify the seismicity pattern, a relocation and a collapsing method are developed and applied. The relocation method uses the catalog event density as an a priori constraint for relocations in a Bayesian inversion. The catalog event density is expressed in terms of the combined probability distribution of all events in the catalog. The collapsing method uses the same catalog density as an attractor for focusing the seismicity in an iterative scheme. These two strategies are applied to an aftershock sequence after a pair of earthquakes which occurred in southwest Iceland, 2008. The seismicity pattern is simplified by application of the methods and the faults of the mainshocks are delineated by the reworked catalog. In the second paper, the spatial distribution of seismicity of the Hengill region, southwest Iceland is analyzed. The relocation and collapsing methods developed in the first paper and a non-linear relocation strategy using empirical traveltime tables are used to process a catalog collected by the Icelandic Meteorological Office. The reworked catalog reproduces details of the spatial distribution of seismicity that independently emerges from relative relocations of a small subset of the catalog events. The processed catalog is then used to estimate the depth to the brittle-ductile transition. The estimates show that in general the northern part of the area, dominated by volcanic processes, has a shallower depth than the southern part, where tectonic deformation predominates. In the third and the fourth papers, two back-projection methods using inter-station cross correlations are proposed for locating tremor sources. For the first method, double correlations, defined as the cross correlations of correlations from two station pairs sharing a common reference station, are back projected. For the second method, the products of correlation envelopes from a group of stations sharing a common reference station are back projected. Back projecting these combinations of correlations, instead of single correlations, suppresses random noise and reduces the strong geometrical signature caused by the station configuration. These two methods are tested with volcanic tremor at Katla volcano, Iceland. The inferred source locations agree with surface observations related to volcanic events which occurred during the tremor period.

Motstånd och kommunikation under en organisationsförändring : en kvalitativ fallstudie inom en kommunal verksamhet / Resistance and communication during an Organizational change : a qualitative case study in a municipal enterprise

Johansson, Sara, Wrangenby, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Organisationer påverkas idag av vår föränderliga värld. Kommunala verksamheter är en verk-samhet som ständigt är i kontakt med organisationsförändringar där en av de främsta anled-ningarna till misslyckande är förändringsmotstånd. Det är därför centralt att studera vilka faktorer som orsakar förändringsmotstånd inom en kommunal verksamhet. I en organisationsförändring har ledaren en viktig roll för att genomdriva förändringen lyckosamt. För att ledaren ska ha möjlighet att genomföra en lyckad organisationsförändring krävs en god kommunikation. Det är därför centralt att studera hur en enhetschef kan kommunicera för att hantera det upplevda förändringsmotståndet. Syftet med denna studie är därmed att bidra med kunskap kring varför förändringsmotstånd uppkommer samt hur detta kan hanteras av enhetschefer via kommunikation. Studien har genomförts via en kvalitativ metod där intervjuer samt observationer är underlag för det presenterade empiriska materialet. Intervjuerna genomfördes på en enhet inom vård och omsorg som genomgått en omlokalisering för cirka tre år sedan. Intervju-erna utfördes med hjälp av sammanlagt elva anställda där två var enhetschefer, en projektledare, fyra gruppledare och fyra medarbetare. De anställdas anställningstid varierade för att tillgodose alla perspektiv under omlokaliseringen. Denna studie består av en teoretisk referensram som bland annat behandlar organisationsförändringar, förändringsmotstånd samt kommunikation vid organisationsförändringar. Teorin beskriver nio orsaker till förändringsmotstånd samt identifierar olika former av förändringsmotstånd. För att belysa kommunikationen beskrivs bland annat olika tillvägagångssätt som en organisation kan använda sig av vid förmedling av information samt en strategisk kommunikation. Intervjuerna resulterade i många känslomässiga uttryck där de anställda förmedlade att omlokaliseringen bidrog till många negativa känslor. Vi har identifierat åtta faktorer som orsakar förändringsmotstånd utifrån vår teoretiska referensram. Utifrån vårt empiriska material kan vi även fastställa att kommunikationen var bristande samt att de anställda föredrog en strategisk kommunikation, till följd av den uttryckta kritiken har vi utformat en strategisk kommunikation som är tillämpningsbar inom denna enhet. / Organizations are today affected by our changing world. Municipal enterprises are organiza-tions that are constantly in contact with organizational changes, where one of the main reasons for failure is the resistance to change. It is therefore crucial to study which factors that can cause the resistance to change. In an organizational change, the leader has an important role to make the change successful. In order for the leader to be able to implement a successful organ-izational change, good communication is required. It is therefore crucial to study how a unit manager can communicate to handle the perceived change resistance. The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge about why resistance to change occurs and how unit managers through communication can manage this. The study has been conducted through a qualitative method where interviews are the basis for the empirical material. The interviews were held on a health and social care unit that had relocation for almost three years ago. A total of eleven employees where interviewed, two were unit managers, one project manager, four group lead-ers and four co-workers. The time of their employment varied to accommodate all perspectives during the relocation. This study consists of a theoretical framework that deals with organiza-tional changes, the resistance to change and the communication during organizational changes. The theoretical framework describes nine reasons why resistance to change occurs and identi-fies different forms of change resistance. In order to highlight the communication, various approaches are described which an organization can use for convey information and strategic communication. The interviews resulted in many emotional expressions where the employees described that the relocation contributed too many negative feelings. We can identify eight factors that causes resistance to change based on our theoretical framework. Based on our em-pirical material, we can also determine that the communication was lacking, and that employ-ees preferred a strategic communication. As a result of the expressed critique we have designed a strategic communication that is applicable within this unit.

State Sector Relocations in Sweden : A Municipality-Level Panel Data Analysis on the Effects of Relocation on Regional Development

Grennborg, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, the effects that state sector relocations have on regional development in Sweden are investigated. In January 2017, a government report was released, suggesting the relocation of 10 000 state sector jobs from the capital of Stockholm to other parts of Sweden in order to enhance the preconditions for regional development in the destination localities. This thesis aims to investigate which effects that state sector relocations and state sector jobs have on regional development. Three determinants were used to find these effects: the share of state sector employees, the state sector employee growth rate and a dummy variable which denoted four separate occasions of larger relocations. Three of those relocations were executed as a compensation for military base closures. With a fixed effect panel data analysis, it was possible to investigate the effects of these three determinants and a number of control variables on two regional development variables: average income growth and net migration rate. The data used consists of panel data for the years 2006-2015 on a municipality level, with 264 included municipalities, in Sweden and derived from Statistics Sweden. The results showed that the state sector employee growth rate-variable had a positive effect on average income growth. However, the state sector relocation dummy had a negative effect on average income growth. These contradictory results, might be due to the military base closures which occurred a couple of years before the relocations, blurring the positive effects from the relocations. The state sector job-variables had no significant effect on net migration rate, and no obvious long-term effects were found as the share of state sector employees did not show any significant effects on average income growth.

Řešení dopravy v centru Havlíčkova Brodu / Traffic situation in the city centre of Havlíčkův Brod and its solution

Tobek, Miroslav January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is the solution of the traffic situation in the city center of Havlíčkův Brod. Mainly the ground road number II/150 adjustment, which consist in the modification of the two-way traffic to one-way traffic organization in the streets Dolní, Žižkova and Na Ostrově by using the analogy of a roundabout layout, is solved within this thesis. All mentioned modifications simplify the traffic situation, improve the orientation and increase the security and the traffic flow mainly in relation to pedestrians and cyclists. Another part of this thesis is focused on revitalization of the public spaces in front of the community center called Ostrov and junction of existing cycle tracks situated on the both banks of the Sázava river. In relation to this topic the adjustment of rainwater sewerage system, low-voltage above ground network, public lighting, communication electric cables, fire brigade signal lights and low-pressure gas pipeline is also solved.

Peer Support and Academic Resiliency for Recently Relocated High School Student

Kennebeck, Melanie Marie 01 January 2019 (has links)
Residential relocation requiring a change of school enrollment can negatively disrupt academic achievement, extracurricular participation, attendance, and ability to appropriately regulate emotions/behaviors. This disruption impacts military-affiliated students every 2 to 3 years. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively inform Student 2 Student’s (S2S’s) continued development and the Military Child Education Coalition’s (MCEC’s) pursuit of better serving newly relocated students. This will help the program to reach beyond good intentions and mitigate the perils of assuming that benefits occur without quantitative support. The three-factory model of Academic Resiliency was used as the theoretical framework guiding this study. Two American public high schools with similar demographics were requested to provide data for all new 9th through 12th graders, who enrolled in the school district for the first time during the 2018-19 academic year. A Mann-Whitney U was used to compare grade point averages (GPA), attendance percentages, number of extracurricular activities, and number of behavioral referrals for 179 students at a school with S2S to 97 students at a school without S2S. The 2 groups showed statistically significant differences across all 4 dependent variables. For example, the S2S group showed higher levels of extracurricular participation and fewer behavioral referrals than the control group. Additionally, a positive relationship between attendance and GPA was supported for the control group more than the S2S group. Overall, the results of this study quantitatively inform S2S’s continued development and the MCEC’s pursuit of better serving newly relocated students worldwide, which assists to create positive social change.

Generational and Transgenerational Issues of the Japanese American Internment : A Phenomenological Study

Mayeda, Karen A. 08 1900 (has links)
This study utilized a qualitative/phenomenological research methodology to examine the generational and transgenerational issues of five identified Japanese American families. To be included in this study, families were identified to contain at least one member who was interned during World War II or who had parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents who were interned. Semistructured interviews, including Adlerian lifestyle assessments, were conducted with the 28 research informants who represented the second, third, and fourth generations of their families.

New Brighton, Port Elizabeth c1903-1953 : a history of an urban African community

Baines, Gary Fred January 1994 (has links)
Bibliography: pages 266-283. / This thesis explores the history of New Brighton in the context of Port Elizabeth's political economy. This port city was essentially an entrepôt until primary industrialisation commenced after the First World War. Jobs in the footwear and motor assembly plants were the preserve of unskilled white (Afrikaans-speaking) workers recently arrived from the city's hinterland. A relatively stable African population grew in the absence of influx controls, and provided a large pool of unskilled labour. A fairly large Coloured population made it more difficult for Africans to acquire employment and skills. With the spurt in industrial growth from the mid- 1940s, Africans were increasingly employed in the manufacturing sector. But the majority of the African workforce still performed unskilled work at or below the minimum wage. Port Elizabeth's African population was amongst the most fully proletarianised but the poorest in the country. The changing labour needs of Port Elizabeth's employers meant that the powerful commercial-cum- industrial lobby sought to influence the City Council to ignore influx control measures introduced in the 1930s. Instead, routine control of New Brighton residents was dependent on a 'location strategy' which included the issue of registration cards as the key to obtaining houses and beer brewing privileges. The Advisory Board provided a channel for patronage dispensed by the Superintendent and a means of co-opting prominent residents and their supporters. The usual litany of social ills such as grinding poverty, overcrowding and breakdown of family structures led to the growth of a subculture of violence amongst some of the youth from the late 1940s. This fed into the simmering discontent caused by the Council's insistence on rent increases and the heightened political expectations caused by the defiance campaign, which irrupted 'in the 1952 riots. Meanwhile, a realignment of political forces in the local state had changed the balance of power in favour of those groups which advocated a tighter rein on labour regulation and the political activities of local Africans. Pressure from this source and the central state in the aftermath of the riots, was more telling than that of the 'liberal' lobby and business interests on the PECC. The combination of state repression and the Council's hastily introduced curbs on political activities reduced the likelihood of ANC-led resistance to the imposition of passes. In 1953 the Council finally jettisoned its 'liberalism' and introduced influx control measures and labour registration. It applied the full force of the law against New Brighton residents whose reputation for being a law-abiding community had served to vindicate the Council's 'progressive' policies towards Africans in the first place.

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