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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A terceira margem do rio: mercado e sujeitos na pintura de história de Antônio Parreiras / The third bank of the river: market and subjects in history painting of Antônio Parreiras

Lúcia Klück Stumpf 12 March 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por tema a pintura de história de Antônio Parreiras (1860-1937) realizada durante a Primeira República (1889-1930). Busca compreender a atuação do pintor no embrionário mercado das artes do entresséculos XIX-XX, com ênfase nas relações estabelecidas com os poderes públicos. Pretende mostrar como Parreiras foi capaz de estimular a demanda por pinturas decorativas para os espaços públicos que estavam sendo construídos ou reformados a fim de atender as necessidades do novo regime. Discute como, nestas obras, se combinaram ditames do encomendante e vontade do artista, que, para além de cumprir os contratos, imprimiu nos quadros sua visão da história nacional. Propõe uma compreensão das telas históricas de Parreiras analisadas à luz dos debates artísticos, intelectuais e historiográficos da época. Nesse sentido, salientamos o capítulo final da dissertação, dedicado à análise da representação dos indígenas em sua obra. Através desta investigação pretende-se iluminar o papel desempenhado por Antônio Parreiras em um ambiente marcado por disputas simbólicas renhidas. / The subject of this dissertation is the historical painting of Antônio Parreiras (1860-1937) produced during Brazilian\'s First Republic (1889-1930). It seeks to understand the painter\'s role in the embryonic art market between the XIX and XX centuries, emphasizing the establishment of relationships between him and the governments. It aims to show how Parreiras was able to stimulate the demand for decorative paintings for the public spaces that were being built or remodeled to meet the needs of the new regime. Furthermore, it discusses how, in his paintings, the ditames of the ordering party were combined with the will of the artist whom, besides fulfilling the contracts, imprinted on the paintings his vision of the national history. Parreiras\' historical canvases are important elements in the genesis process of our country\'s regional identities, throughout the making of republican ideal. This analysis intends to shed light on the part played by Antônio Parreiras in an artistic and intellectual environment marked by instability and hard fought contested symbolic disputes.

A terceira margem do rio: mercado e sujeitos na pintura de história de Antônio Parreiras / The third bank of the river: market and subjects in history painting of Antônio Parreiras

Stumpf, Lúcia Klück 12 March 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por tema a pintura de história de Antônio Parreiras (1860-1937) realizada durante a Primeira República (1889-1930). Busca compreender a atuação do pintor no embrionário mercado das artes do entresséculos XIX-XX, com ênfase nas relações estabelecidas com os poderes públicos. Pretende mostrar como Parreiras foi capaz de estimular a demanda por pinturas decorativas para os espaços públicos que estavam sendo construídos ou reformados a fim de atender as necessidades do novo regime. Discute como, nestas obras, se combinaram ditames do encomendante e vontade do artista, que, para além de cumprir os contratos, imprimiu nos quadros sua visão da história nacional. Propõe uma compreensão das telas históricas de Parreiras analisadas à luz dos debates artísticos, intelectuais e historiográficos da época. Nesse sentido, salientamos o capítulo final da dissertação, dedicado à análise da representação dos indígenas em sua obra. Através desta investigação pretende-se iluminar o papel desempenhado por Antônio Parreiras em um ambiente marcado por disputas simbólicas renhidas. / The subject of this dissertation is the historical painting of Antônio Parreiras (1860-1937) produced during Brazilian\'s First Republic (1889-1930). It seeks to understand the painter\'s role in the embryonic art market between the XIX and XX centuries, emphasizing the establishment of relationships between him and the governments. It aims to show how Parreiras was able to stimulate the demand for decorative paintings for the public spaces that were being built or remodeled to meet the needs of the new regime. Furthermore, it discusses how, in his paintings, the ditames of the ordering party were combined with the will of the artist whom, besides fulfilling the contracts, imprinted on the paintings his vision of the national history. Parreiras\' historical canvases are important elements in the genesis process of our country\'s regional identities, throughout the making of republican ideal. This analysis intends to shed light on the part played by Antônio Parreiras in an artistic and intellectual environment marked by instability and hard fought contested symbolic disputes.

Pastor in the Shadow of Violence : Gustavo Gutiérrez as a Public Pastoral Theologian in Peru in the 1980s and 1990s

Kristenson, Olle January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation is a study of the role of Gustavo Gutiérrez as a public pastor in the 1980s and 1990s in Peru. His collaboration with the Lima newspaper La República from the early 1980s gave him a figurative pulpit from which he addressed the Peruvian public on specific occasions. The fundamental question in the dissertation is: How did Gutiérrez respond as pastor to the Peruvian public and how did he express his pastoral concern? The study analyses materials that has not been object for previous studies, such as theological essays and articles in newspapers and periodicals. With inspiration from discourse analysis four discourses have been identified in Gutiérrez’ texts.  These discourses interact and through this interaction Gutiérrez formulates his pastoral message. For the socio-political analysis two political discourses are used, the radical and the liberal. The radical political discourse deals with justice for the poor and liberation from oppression as a condition for peace and harmony in society, which are in focus for the liberal political discourse. With the Catholic theological discourse Gutiérrez sets the socio-political analysis in relation to Catholic doctrine and through the pastoral theological discourse he gives reason for hope and inspiration to action. As an advocate for a theology of life, Gutiérrez urges those who read and listen to him to break the pattern of death and opt for this theology of life. In his role as pastor, Gutiérrez speaks words of comfort and encouragement but also words of admonition and warning to those in power who have the capacity to transform society.

Utopia/distopia e discurso totalitário : uma análise comparativo-discursiva entre Admirável Mundo Novo, de Huxley, e A República, de Platão

Wojciekowski, Mauricio Moraes January 2009 (has links)
Esta Dissertação de Mestrado examina o tema Utopias/Distopias e o discurso totalitário em duas obras de caráter e gênero distintos: A República, de Platão (Filosofia), e Admirável Mundo Novo, de Aldous Huxley (Literatura). Tendo como objetivo principal a comparação de elementos narrativos, temáticos e ideológicos encontrados nessas duas obras, utiliza como metodologia a análise embasada em referenciais da Literatura Comparada e da Teoria da Literatura (Narratologia e a Tematologia), da Análise do Discurso Francesa, dos estudos da obra de Platão e de estudos sociológicos. Esta análise segue a sequência de apresentação dos pressupostos teóricos, análise das obras de Platão e de Huxley (em seus aspectos internos e externos), para, finalmente, apresentar um quadro comparativo com os discursos totalitários retirados dessas obras - discursos esses que são analisados em pormenores. Por fim, esta Dissertação culmina com a compreensão de que o tema utopia/distopia, e os discursos acerca dele, não se restringe somente à literatura ficcional, mas pode ser encontrado em estudos filosóficos e políticos, e no nosso dia a dia. / This thesis examines the theme of Utopia/Dystopia and the totalitarian discourse in two works of different nature and genre: Plato's Republic (a work of Philosophy) and Brave New World (a work of Literature) by Aldous Huxley. The thesis' main objective is to compare narrative, thematic and ideological elements. In order to perform this analysis, the author will make use of methodologies taken from Comparative Literature, Literary Theory (Narratology and Thematology), the French school of Discourse Analysis, studies on Plato's works and sociological studies. After presenting and explaining those theoretical references, the author shall perform an analysis of Plato's and Huxley's works, considering their internal and external aspects; afterwards, a final analysis shall be performed, comparing the totalitarian discourses contained within those works. After examining minutely those discourses, the thesis concludes by stating that the theme of Utopia/Dystopia is not restricted to fictional literature; it can be found, also, within the frame of philosophical and political studies, and in our day-to-day lives.

Sociedad y educación en España : las escuelas de formación profesional, 1923-1936 / Société et éducation en Espagne : les écoles de formation professionnelle, 1923-1936 / Society and education in Spain : the schools of vocational training, 1923-1936

Rico Gómez, María Luisa 30 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse comment la Dictature de Primo de Rivera (1923-1930) a créé un projet de formation professionnel technique-industriel qui a servi à moderniser l’économie du pays, au service d’une conception corporativede l’Etat. Pour la première fois, au travers les Décrets Royaux du Statut d’Enseignement Industriel de 1924 et du Statut de Formation Professionnelle de 1928, le nouveau gouvernement réalisé centralisait tous les canaux de formation industriel du jeune ouvrier et de la classe moyenne au moyen de la création des écoles élémentaires et supérieures du travail. L'État prétendait atteindre deux buts : la modernisation économique du pays et le maintien de la structure sociopolitique traditionnelle au moyen d’un discours et d’une organisation corporative. Au mème temps, cette thèse analyse comme avec l’arrivée de la Seconde République (1931-1936), le projet de Primo de Rivera de l’instruction technique de l’ouvrier n’a pas se développer comme le Statut de Formation Professionnelle l’avait prévu en 1928, car principalement son objectif était de favoriser l’alphabétisation du pays à l’intérieur des valeurs démocratiques et libérales / The present thesis analyzes how the Dictatorship of Primo of Rivera (1923-1930) created a project of industrial vocational training who was serving to modernize the economy of the country, to the service of a corporate conception of the State. For the first time, across the Statute of Industrial Education of 1924 and of the Statute of Vocational Training of 1928 the new government was centralizing all the channels of industrial formation of the working young person and of the middle class across the creation of the elementary and high industrial schools. The aims were: economic modernization of the country and to support the socio-political traditional structure by means of a speech and a corporate organization.At the same time, this thesis analyzes like with the arrival of the Second Republic (1931-1936), the corporate and economic sense of the industrial vocational training of the worker was relegated to a background. As what mainly was claimed it was to favor the literacy of the country inside the democratic and liberal values, the project of the dictatorship of the technical instruction of the worker could not be developped as the Statute of Vocational training had raised in 1928 / La presente tesis analiza como la Dictadura de Primo de Rivera (1923-1930) creó un proyecto de formación profesional técnico-industrial que servía para modernizar la economía del país, al servicio de una concepción corporativa del Estado. Por primera vez, a través del Estatuto de Enseñanza Industrial de 1924 y del Estatuto de Formación Profesional de 1928 el nuevo gobierno centralizaba todos los canales de formación industrial del joven obrero y de la clase media a través de la creación de las escuelas elementales y superiores de trabajo. El objetivo era alcanzar dos fines: la modernización económica del país y mantener la estructura socio-política tradicional mediante un discurso y una organización corporativa. Al mismo tiempo, estudia como con la llegada de la Segunda República (1931-1936), el proyecto corporativo de la instrucción técnica del obrero no se pudo desarrollar tal como lo había planteado el Estatuto de Formación Profesional en 1928, ya que lo que mayormente se pretendía era favorecer la alfabetización del país dentro de los valores democráticos y liberales.

Utopia/distopia e discurso totalitário : uma análise comparativo-discursiva entre Admirável Mundo Novo, de Huxley, e A República, de Platão

Wojciekowski, Mauricio Moraes January 2009 (has links)
Esta Dissertação de Mestrado examina o tema Utopias/Distopias e o discurso totalitário em duas obras de caráter e gênero distintos: A República, de Platão (Filosofia), e Admirável Mundo Novo, de Aldous Huxley (Literatura). Tendo como objetivo principal a comparação de elementos narrativos, temáticos e ideológicos encontrados nessas duas obras, utiliza como metodologia a análise embasada em referenciais da Literatura Comparada e da Teoria da Literatura (Narratologia e a Tematologia), da Análise do Discurso Francesa, dos estudos da obra de Platão e de estudos sociológicos. Esta análise segue a sequência de apresentação dos pressupostos teóricos, análise das obras de Platão e de Huxley (em seus aspectos internos e externos), para, finalmente, apresentar um quadro comparativo com os discursos totalitários retirados dessas obras - discursos esses que são analisados em pormenores. Por fim, esta Dissertação culmina com a compreensão de que o tema utopia/distopia, e os discursos acerca dele, não se restringe somente à literatura ficcional, mas pode ser encontrado em estudos filosóficos e políticos, e no nosso dia a dia. / This thesis examines the theme of Utopia/Dystopia and the totalitarian discourse in two works of different nature and genre: Plato's Republic (a work of Philosophy) and Brave New World (a work of Literature) by Aldous Huxley. The thesis' main objective is to compare narrative, thematic and ideological elements. In order to perform this analysis, the author will make use of methodologies taken from Comparative Literature, Literary Theory (Narratology and Thematology), the French school of Discourse Analysis, studies on Plato's works and sociological studies. After presenting and explaining those theoretical references, the author shall perform an analysis of Plato's and Huxley's works, considering their internal and external aspects; afterwards, a final analysis shall be performed, comparing the totalitarian discourses contained within those works. After examining minutely those discourses, the thesis concludes by stating that the theme of Utopia/Dystopia is not restricted to fictional literature; it can be found, also, within the frame of philosophical and political studies, and in our day-to-day lives.

Utopia/distopia e discurso totalitário : uma análise comparativo-discursiva entre Admirável Mundo Novo, de Huxley, e A República, de Platão

Wojciekowski, Mauricio Moraes January 2009 (has links)
Esta Dissertação de Mestrado examina o tema Utopias/Distopias e o discurso totalitário em duas obras de caráter e gênero distintos: A República, de Platão (Filosofia), e Admirável Mundo Novo, de Aldous Huxley (Literatura). Tendo como objetivo principal a comparação de elementos narrativos, temáticos e ideológicos encontrados nessas duas obras, utiliza como metodologia a análise embasada em referenciais da Literatura Comparada e da Teoria da Literatura (Narratologia e a Tematologia), da Análise do Discurso Francesa, dos estudos da obra de Platão e de estudos sociológicos. Esta análise segue a sequência de apresentação dos pressupostos teóricos, análise das obras de Platão e de Huxley (em seus aspectos internos e externos), para, finalmente, apresentar um quadro comparativo com os discursos totalitários retirados dessas obras - discursos esses que são analisados em pormenores. Por fim, esta Dissertação culmina com a compreensão de que o tema utopia/distopia, e os discursos acerca dele, não se restringe somente à literatura ficcional, mas pode ser encontrado em estudos filosóficos e políticos, e no nosso dia a dia. / This thesis examines the theme of Utopia/Dystopia and the totalitarian discourse in two works of different nature and genre: Plato's Republic (a work of Philosophy) and Brave New World (a work of Literature) by Aldous Huxley. The thesis' main objective is to compare narrative, thematic and ideological elements. In order to perform this analysis, the author will make use of methodologies taken from Comparative Literature, Literary Theory (Narratology and Thematology), the French school of Discourse Analysis, studies on Plato's works and sociological studies. After presenting and explaining those theoretical references, the author shall perform an analysis of Plato's and Huxley's works, considering their internal and external aspects; afterwards, a final analysis shall be performed, comparing the totalitarian discourses contained within those works. After examining minutely those discourses, the thesis concludes by stating that the theme of Utopia/Dystopia is not restricted to fictional literature; it can be found, also, within the frame of philosophical and political studies, and in our day-to-day lives.

O poder das idéias: a construção e a demolição da imagem presidencial de Carlos Lacerda

Oliveira, André Lopes de 21 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by André Lopes de Oliveira (andrelopes@gmail.com) on 2018-07-22T01:59:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - O poder das idéias - André Oliveira.pdf: 1633317 bytes, checksum: 0d09c47af462b3f4217e57a2dcd8c9f1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diego Andrade (diego.andrade@fgv.br) on 2018-07-30T13:39:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - O poder das idéias - André Oliveira.pdf: 1633317 bytes, checksum: 0d09c47af462b3f4217e57a2dcd8c9f1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-30T13:53:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - O poder das idéias - André Oliveira.pdf: 1633317 bytes, checksum: 0d09c47af462b3f4217e57a2dcd8c9f1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-21 / O presente trabalho trata da análise da construção e demolição da imagem presidencial de Carlos Lacerda, jornalista, vereador da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, deputado federal, governador da Guanabara e pré-candidato às eleições presidenciais, previstas para ocorrer em 1965, ano em que se encerrava seu mandato como governador. Tratamos da maneira como Lacerda utilizou o período à frente da Guanabara como plataforma para construir sua candidatura, e de como ela foi afetada pelo movimento civil-militar ocorrido em 31 de março de 1964, que levou à deposição do presidente João Goulart e à instauração de um regime militar no Brasil. / Ce travail présente une analyse de la construction et de la démolition de l’image présidentielle de Carlos Lacerda, journaliste, conseiller municipal de Rio de Janeiro, député fédéral, gouverneur de la Guanabara, et pré-candidat aux élections présidentielles, qui devraient avoir lieu en 1965, l’année où finissait son mandat comme gouverneur. On étudie la manière dont Lacerda a profité de la période comme chef politique de la Guanabara comme une plateforme pour construire sa candidature et comment celle-ci a été atteinte par le mouvement civil-militaire du 31 mars 1964, qui a déposé le président João Goulart et a instauré un régime militaire au Brésil.

A gênese do nacional-socialismo na Alemanha do século XIX e a autodefesa judaica / The genesis of National Socialism in nineteenth-century Germany and the Jewish self defense

Miriam Bettina Paulina Bergel Oelsner 29 June 2017 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é o estudo da vida dos judeus na Alemanha, a partir de msua saída do gueto ao final do século XVIII. Tive a preocupação em contextualizar a história do antijuda-ísmo, desde a chegada dos romanos na antiga Germânia no século II, ressaltando os momentos mais críticos, como a Primeira Cruzada em 1096 e o enforcamento do judeu Süß em 1738, por razões de animosidades políticas. O estudo rastreia o antissemitismo a partir dos acontecimen-tos da primeira metade do século XIX, permitindo compreender a eclosão dos horrores da Shoá, como o auge de um processo que se desenvolveu durante um longo período. Foram observadas tentativas de integração à sociedade alemã, envolvendo progressos curtos, entremeados por re-cuos, pontuados por movimentos dos próprios judeus, evidenciando o paradoxo entre a liber-dade adquirida pela saída do gueto, com a entrada na vida urbana, e os crescentes sentimentos antijudaicos, agora no seio da sociedade alemã, ocasionando o agravamento desses sentimentos, com os quais os judeus tiveram de conviver. O trabalho demonstra como essa integração se tornou estímulo para o recrudescimento de tendências antijudaicas latentes. O antissemitismo foi tomando, progressivamente, forma mais política e serviu de sustentação ao crescimento do na-cional-socialismo, que o tomou como bandeira, para dar sentido ao ódio gerado pelas tensões vigentes na nação germânica. A insatisfação decorrente da humilhação acarretada pela derrota da Primeira Guerra Mundial e pelo Tratado de Versalhes fez com que o movimento crescente em direção à Segunda Guerra Mundial ficasse aí determinado. A imagem dos judeus ficou as-sociada ao que passou a ser visto pelos setores reacionários e nacionalistas, como intimamente ligados à República de Weimar, levando os arianos a declarar guerra a tudo o que fosse oci-dental, judaico, liberal e iluminista. A maldição estava posta. Houve tentativas de reação judai-cas, objeto central deste estudo, a partir da fundação do Central Verein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens em 1893, que existiu até 1938, e é a reafirmação da identidade alemã dos judeus. A insistência dos judeus em constituir-se como parte integrante da sociedade alemã pôde ser verificada a posteriori. Foi uma tentativa derradeira, condenada ao fracasso, porém corajosa. A abertura dos arquivos de Moscou permitiu conhecer este processo e alimentou de informações preciosas o estudo aqui apresentado. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the life of the German Jews after leaving the ghetto at the end of the 18th Century. There was a concern to put the History of Anti-Judaism in con-text, ever since the Romans entered Ancient Germania, emphasizing critical moments such as the 1st Crusade and the hanging of the Jew Süss in 1738 because of political animosities. The study tracked Anti-Semitism from the events of the first half of the 19th century, allowing an understanding of the outburst of the horrors of the Holocaust as the peak of a long progressing process. Attempts of the Jews to become integrated in the German society were observed, with momentary progresses interspersed with retreats, punctuated by movements of the Jews them-selves in this integration process. There is a paradox between the freedom conquered by exiting the ghetto and entering the urban life and the growing anti-Jewish feelings within the German society with which they had to live. It is shown in this work how this integration became a stimulus for anti-Jewish revivals. Anti-Semitism became more and more political, supporting the growth of National Socialism that adopted it as a flag, in order to give a meaning to the hatred arising from the tensions present in the German population. Then the dissatisfaction re-sulting from the humiliation caused by the defeat in World War I and the Treaty of Versailles determined the increasing movement towards World War II. Reactionary and nationalist sectors associated the image of the Jews with the Weimar Republic and so the Arians declared war against everything considered Western, Jewish, liberal and enlightening. The curse was on. Jewish attempts to react, also featuring a confirmation of their German identity and their insist-ence in belonging to the German society, were the core of this study. In retrospect, the founda-tion of the CV can be considered a last and brave attempt, yet destined to fail. The opening of the Moscow archives allowed getting to know this process, providing valuable information for the present study.

Historie Vědy v sedmnáctém století: Věda, Náboženství a Otec Valentim Estancel S.J. / The history of science in the seventeenth century: Science, Religion and Priest Valentim Estancel S.J.

Rego Monturil, Frederico Guilherme January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to discuss the History of Science in the Modern Age. It is a historical- philosophical reflection on the relationship between Science and Religion in the seventeenth century through the trip, works and life of the Czech mathematician, astronomer and Jesuit priest Valentin Stancel in Moravia, Bohemia, Italy, Portugal and Brazil . This study seeks to redimension the participation of the priests of the Society of Jesus in the development of the modern era by higlighting the activity of the Jesuit priests in the political-religious and scientific transformations that occurred in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Europe, in the Orient and in Portuguese America. The present study aims to reflect on the scientific discoveries of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, especially in the fields of mathematics and astronomy; the new conception of man and world that springs from the political and religious transformations of reformist thought and cultural renaissance; the shock of the new scientific theories and experiences with the Sacred Scriptures and consequently with Christian-Aristotelian scholastic theology; besides contesting the lack of participation of priests, or even religion, in contributing for the development of science. The timeframe of the work takes place primarily...

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