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Patienters erfarenheter av att delta i forskning : En litteraturöversikt / Patients’ experiences of participating in research : A literature reviewBlommé, Nina January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Forskning- och utvecklingsarbete är något som bedrivs på många håll inom hälso- och sjukvården. Detta innebär att många patienter som söker vård och behandling kan komma att tillfrågas om att delta i forskning. En person som är sjuk, och i behov av vård, kan uppleva att man i patientrollen hamnar i en beroendeställning i förhållande till vårdpersonalen. Patienten är den hjälpsökande och vårdpersonalen är de som på grund av kunskap och förmåga att hjälpa patienten har en starkare ställning. Att vara patient och medverka i forskning kan innebära att patienten får ökad uppmärksamhet men patienten kan också uppleva att beroendeställningen gentemot vårdpersonalen förstärks. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters erfarenheter av att delta i forskning. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har gjorts där tio vetenskapliga, kvalitativa artiklar, med begränsning vuxna patienter, har utgjort grunden till resultatet. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i fyra kategorier, vilka är; Överväganden inför beslut om att delta i forskning, Meningsfullhet av att delta i forskning, Upplevelse av hinder i samband med forskning samt Från känslan av stöd – till känslan av övergivenhet. Diskussion: Resultatet har diskuterats i relation till livsvärldsperspektivet enligt Dahlberg och Segesten. Tre aspekter av resultatet kommer särskilt att diskuteras: Barriärer för ett forskningsdeltagande kontra viljan att delta, Beroendeställningen till vårdpersonal -en riskfaktor för både patienten och forskningen samt Patientens delaktighet och autonomi i samband med beslutsfattande om att delta i forskning. / Background: Research and development is conducted in many areas of health care. This means that many patients seeking care and treatment may be asked to participate in research. A person who is ill and in need of care can experience him/herself, in the role of patient, ending up in a position of dependence in relation to health care professionals. The patient is seeking help and health care staff are those who by virtue of knowledge and ability to help patients have a stronger position. Being a patient and participating in research may thus imply receiving increasing attention, but also inferiority or dependency. Aim: The aim was to describe patients’ experiences of participating in research. Method: A literature review was performed based on results from ten qualitative articles, limited to adult patients with experience of participating in research. Results: The results are presented in four categories; exploring the decision to participate in research, Meaningfulness of participating in research, Perception of barriers related to research and from the feeling of support – to the feeling of abandonment. Discussion: The result has been discussed in relation to the life-world perspective according to Dahlberg and Segesten. Three main aspects of the results will be discussed; Barriers for participating in clinical trials versus willingness to participate, dependency on health care professionals – a risk factor both for the patient and the research trial, and the patient’s autonomy and participation in the decision-making about research.
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Three-partner dancing: placing participatory action research into practice within and indigenous, racialised & academic spaceChow, Winnie 16 August 2007 (has links)
Historically, most research on Indigenous peoples has been framed by Western empirical positivism which fundamentally conflicts with Indigenous circular ways of knowing. Current research governing bodies, scholars, and Indigenous communities have generated new theories and guidelines for research structures that support respectful and meaningful practices with Indigenous peoples. Participatory action research (PAR) attempts to address the unequal power structures inherent in research relationships: participants set the agenda for the research and are co-researchers in the project. In this study, I placed PAR theory into action to problematize research practices and to generate new discourses for research within an Indigenous context.
The Lil’wat Nation and I collaborated on a PAR project in 2006-2007 that led to the formation of the Lil’wat Girls’ and Women’s Affirmation Group. Through the process of reflection-in-action we identified several opportunities for growth as we examined PAR theory in practice. Using decolonizing research methods and a metaphor of the Lil’wat s7istken (pit house), the model of practice wove between three distinct worlds with divergent protocols and pedagogies: the worlds of the Lil’wat, academia, and the researcher’s racialized lived experiences. This model of practice aimed to disrupt the essentialized dichotomies of Indigenous and non-Indigenous relationships and to problematize research practices for the academic and research communities to consider for their practice. The findings exposed several lessons at sites of praxis pertaining to the intersection of PAR theory and practice: definition of the community; ethics in the community; racialized researcher space; and PAR incongruence. The model was intended not as a “how to” manual, but as an entry point for discussions to advance respectful decolonizing research practices.
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Mahi whanau (2) : reflecting on the use of consensus cardsort as an effective process for whanau Maori to construct a future narrative. A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Social Practice, Unitec New Zealand /O'Reilly, Denis Christopher. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.SP)--Unitec New Zealand, 2008. / Cardsort is a generic name for any process that uses statements written on cards and has participants sieve, cluster or rank ideas or statements. When the participants themselves create the statements in question this process is consensus cardsort. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 134-145).
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Um estudo sobre escolhas léxico-gramaticais de duas professoras de inglês em um diário dialogadoRocha, Sabrina da Costa 04 September 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-09-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Situated in the field of Applied Linguistics, this case study focuses on a dialogue journal and addresses issues such as reflective teacher development (PIMENTA & GHEDIN, 2002; ZEICHNER, 2002), the teacher-researcher (FREEMAN, 1996; LÜDKE, 2001), and journal writing as a possibility for teachers to (re)interpret and (re)evaluate their own discursive practices (LIBERALI, 1999; REICHMANN, 2001; ZABALZA, 2004, amongst others). In the light of these considerations, this case study focuses on a reflective dialogue journal produced over five months by two EFL public school teachers in northeastern Brazil, in 2007. The study aims at investigating how the teachers make meaning of their own experiences, that is, how they represent their practice in the fourteen selected narratives through their lexical-grammatical choices. Taking into account that discourse is a practice of signifying the world (FAIRCLOUGH, 1992), and on adopting Systemic-Functional Grammar (HALLIDAY, 1994) as the theoretical framework grounding this study, more specifically, the transitivity system, the main objective of this study is to examine the representation of teaching experience through Processes and Participants (HALLIDAY, 1994) in 126 primary clauses and in 29 projected clauses. Results reveal that Beatriz´ experience is mainly represented by mental Processes, while Clarisse‟s experience is represented mostly by relationals. It can be seen that Beatriz problematizes her own practice, questioning, while Clarisse characterizes and compares their practices, counseling. As to the mental projections, teachers´ representations are constituted by material and relational Processes, indicating doing and being in terms of challenges and (dis)pleasures regarding the classroom and the profession. In sum, on giving visibility to language teachers´ work, research practice, and to collaborative construction of knowledge, this study is a contribution to EFL continued teacher development. / Situado no campo da Lingüística Aplicada, este estudo de caso sobre um diário dialogado envolve questões como a formação crítico-reflexiva do professor (PIMENTA e GHEDIN, 2002; ZEICHNER, 2002), o professor como pesquisador de sua prática (FREEMAN, 1996; LÜDKE, 2001) e a produção diarista como possibilidade para professores (re)interpretarem e (re)avaliarem suas próprias práticas discursivas (LIBERALI, 1999; REICHMANN, 2001; ZABALZA, 2004, dentre outros). À luz desses pressupostos, este estudo de caso abarca a produção de um diário dialogado ao longo de cinco meses por duas professoras de inglês como língua estrangeira (Beatriz e Clarisse, seus nomes fictícios), atuando em escolas na rede pública em uma região nordestina, em 2007. Esta pesquisa objetiva investigar como as professoras dão sentido às próprias experiências, ou seja, como representam a prática docente nas catorze narrativas selecionadas, por meio de suas escolhas léxico-gramaticais. Considerando que o discurso é uma prática de significar o mundo (FAIRCLOUGH, 1992) e utilizando a Lingüística Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY, 1994) como ferramenta teórico-metodológica, mais especificamente, o sistema de Transitividade, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo específico examinar a representação da experiência docente no diário, através de Processos e Participantes (HALLIDAY, 1994) em 126 orações primárias e 29 orações projetadas. Os resultados revelam que a experiência de Beatriz é representada principalmente por Processos mentais, inscrevendo o pensar, sentir e perceber, enquanto que a experiência de Clarisse é representada mais freqüentemente por Processos relacionais, inscrevendo o ser. Verificou-se que Beatriz problematiza sua própria prática em sala de aula, questionando, enquanto que Clarisse caracteriza e compara a prática de ambas, principalmente aconselhando. Em relação às projeções mentais, as representações das professoras são constituídas por Processos materiais e relacionais, indicando o fazer e o ser em relação a desafios e (des)prazeres na sala de aula e na profissão. Concluindo, ao dar visibilidade ao trabalho docente, à prática investigativa e à construção colaborativa do conhecimento, esta pesquisa é uma contribuição para a área de formação continuada de professores de língua estrangeira.
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Être chef d’établissement : étude clinique auprès de chefs d’établissement ayant participé à des groupes d’analyses des pratiques / Being a headmaster : a clinical survey among headmasters who experimented with group analyses of their own professional practiceBotté Allain, Françoise 13 January 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la fonction de chef d’établissement. Le travail s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une approche clinique d’orientation psychanalytique et s’appuie sur la mise en œuvre de six entretiens cliniques auprès de chefs d’établissement ayant expérimenté des dispositifs d’analyse de pratiques professionnelles. Dans la première partie, l’expérience de la chercheuse elle-même comme chef d’établissement est relatée dans la perspective d’affiner le questionnement à la base de l’étude. Puis, la méthodologie de l’entretien clinique utilisée pour ce travail ainsi que l’approche théorique choisie sont présentées. L’analyse des textes officiels ainsi que celle de plusieurs recherches et témoignages concernant cette fonction de chef d’établissement, sous l’angle de son évolution récente, en fait ressortir les spécificités actuelles. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l’analyse des six entretiens et à leur mise en perspective. Ces analyses montrent qu’occuper un tel poste influe profondément sur l’identité professionnelle du titulaire, ce dernier se trouvant très mobilisé par l’attention à apporter aux relations humaines dans cette fonction de direction. La question de la formation à mettre en œuvre pour préparer les chefs d’établissement à cette nouvelle situation professionnelle se trouve posée. Enfin, les témoignages des praticiens sur les dispositifs d’analyse de pratiques auxquels ils ont participé permettent d’envisager que ce type de formation puisse leur procurer un accompagnement utile pour négocier au mieux les aspects relationnels de cette profession. Ce dispositif d’analyses de pratiques pourrait ainsi occuper une place plus large au sein de leur formation. / The following thesis tackles the subject of being a headmaster. This experience is related from a psychoanalytical point of view and uses six different examples of headmasters who have experimented with analysing their own practice. The first part narrates my story as a former headmaster so as to offer a better understanding of which questions to ask the other headmasters. Then, the essay revolves around the methodology and theoretical approach I used for this work. Analysing the acts of the official gazette as well as the research work and testimonies made by some of my peers on the subject allowed me to enhance the current specificities of the job. The second part details the six interviews I had with my fellow headmasters. They all said that having such a position had a deep impact on their professional identity and that it taught them to put the emphasis on human relationships in their job. This raises the question of the training one has to elaborate to prepare young headmasters to cope with their new position. Finally, the interviewees mentioned the group sessions they took part in to analyse their professional practice, insisting that these sessions helped them better negotiate the relational aspects involved by their job. Thus, this essay develops the idea that setting up group sessions to help headmasters analyse their professional practice should play a bigger part in their training.
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A prática docente no ensino de ciências no Ciclo II do Ensino Fundamental /Moreira, Cláudio. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Maria Lombardi Daibem / Banca: Alice Helena Campos Pierson / Banca: Renato Eugênio da Silva Diniz / Resumo: O presente trabalho buscou enfocar as práticas docentes no ensino de ciências nas séries finais do Ensino Fundamental, na atualidade, e os fundamentos teóricos que as embasam, assim como o nível de envolvimento dos professores com as propostas de inovações e/ou reorganizações curriculares para tal ensino. A pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, teve a participação de cinco professores de ciências que atuam em quatro escolas da rede pública estadual de São Paulo. Para a coleta de dados foram aplicados questionários, realizadas entrevistas individuais e grupais, observadas 25 (vinte e cinco) aulas desses professores e analisados seus planos de ensino e os livros didáticos adotados por eles. Através desses instrumentos tentou-se desvendar o retrato do ensino de ciências na atualidade e os entraves que limitam as práticas docentes para compreensão do que falta para que o ensino e a aprendizagem ocorram de modo mas satisfatório. Estes aspectos foram priorizados por serem relevantes como ponto de partida para qualquer processo de mudança no ensino. Conclui-se que, muito ainda há de ser feito, principalmente no campo da formação inicial e continuada de professores de ciências, visto que o ensino ministrado conserva os pressupostos da pedagogia tradicional, quando o desejável seria o ensino ativo, para o alcance da educação voltada para a alfabetização científica. / Abstract: This paper aims to give emphasis about practical teaching of science teachers of high school nowadays, as well to concern about theorical embasaments of teaching and learning and so their involvement when facing innovation and/or reorganization purposes related to this matter. The research based on qualitative data had 05 science teachers from public schools of São Paulo State and the data were gathered through 25 questionnaires, individual and grupal interviews and 25 times observation of classes by these teachers when doing that. Their schedules (plans of work), school methods adopted by high schools were still subjected to a study. By those instruments the portrait of science nowadays was the goal to face problems that this work can cause to education process, in order to bring comprehension to the lacks of teacher's practice to make them the way to a better job in education (satisfaction ways of doing this). These points of view were considered initial to any change in education process. Finally, there are so much things to do in education mainly about professional career, about its beginning and in its continuing of science teachers, cause their job still has traditional pedagogic practices and the ideal way to work could be actually being active when teaching, in order to reach scientific alphabetization in educational process. / Mestre
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Quelles contextualisations pour l'enseignement du français hors de France ? / Which contextualization of the teaching of French outside of France ?Doucet, Céline 23 September 2011 (has links)
Quelles contextualisations pour l’enseignement du français hors de France ?Cette thèse se propose d’étudier la problématique de la contextualisation de l’enseignement du français hors de France. Basé sur des enquêtes de terrain menées en Louisiane et en Australie Occidentale, ce travail de recherche s’inscrit dans une démarche compréhensive et cherche, d’une part, à analyser les orientations didactiques mises en œuvre pour l’enseignement du français en portant une attention particulière aux éventuelles formes de contextualisation présentes dans cet enseignement et, d’autre part, à donner des éléments de réponse explicitant les raisons de ces choix. A partir de l’étude de deux terrains présentés d’un point de vue historique et sociolinguistique, cette recherche interroge la perspective de l’enseignement du français hors de France entre universalisme et contextualisation en tentant d’éclairer sa construction et d’explorer les principaux facteurs de contextualisation, avant de proposer quelques pistes pour une évolution. / Which contextualization of the teaching of French outside of France ?The purpose of this thesis is to study the contextualization of French-language didactics outside France. Based on fieldwork conducted in Louisiana and Western Australia, this research is part of a comprehensive approach. Firstly, I will analyse the didactic guidelines for French-language teaching with a close look at the eventual forms contextualization. Secondly, I will explain the reasons for these choices.This research is based on the historical and sociolinguistic study of two cases examining whether the teaching of French outside France is strictly based on a universal perspective or whether it can be contextualized. I will also analyse the factors of contextualization involved and will suggest some means of evolution.
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O contexto escolar e as situações de ensino em ciências : interações que se estabelecem na aprendizagem entre alunos e professores na perspectiva da teoria dos campos conceituaisTauceda, Karen Cavalcanti January 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa versa sobre o aprender a aprender dos diferentes sujeitos/atores em situações de ensino problematizadoras e diversificadas, produzidas na dinâmica do contexto escolar. A aprendizagem, neste estudo, é considerada como um “evento” relacionado à diferentes contextos histórico-culturais, em uma unidade dinâmica, cujos sujeitos-atores estão inseridos, provocando múltiplas situações produtoras da aprendizagem. As situações e as interações entre os sujeitos envolvidos no ato de aprender, foram problematizadas em uma escola pública de Porto Alegre/RS, o Colégio Estadual Júlio de Castilhos, entre 2011 e 2013, junto aos alunos de 1º ano do ensino médio na disciplina de biologia, e a estudantes do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia (IFRS-campus Porto Alegre), do curso de Licenciatura em Ciências da Natureza: Química e Biologia, participantes do PIBID (Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência), entre julho de 2012 a dezembro de 2013. Na perspectiva de uma pesquisa em ação, foram analisados os conceitos construídos (os invariantes operatórios), e identificou-se as dificuldades para determinar as situações-problema mais adequadas para promover as conceituações em ciências. Mas nas interações que se estabelecem dialeticamente na escola, o professor também aprende, modifica-se. É na sala de aula que este professor irá desenvolver o seu processo investigativo para aprender a ensinar, construindo conceitos relacionados ao ensino de ciências, em um aprender a aprender. No processo de aprender a aprender, o professor compreende a dinâmica relacionada ao aprender a aprender do estudante. Nas dificuldades da aprendizagem de alunos e professores formados e em formação, a professora investigadora modificou-se através da reflexão sobre as suas próprias dificuldades de aprendizagem para resolver as situações-problema, no enfoque de Gérard Vergnaud (1990), dos campos conceituais. Nesta análise, o conhecimento está organizado em situações-problema, e é a partir da resolução destas situações que os sujeitos que aprendem, desenvolverão as suas conceituações. O contexto de ensino dos formadores de professores também é problematizado nesta pesquisa. Nas investigações de formação inicial e continuada, as situações/contextos sociais direcionaram a aprendizagem em ciências, reforçando a ideia de que aprender a aprender através da ressignificação dos conceitos prévios em situações problematizadoras, é fundamental para aprender a ensinar. Quando não existe esta conexão, identificam-se dificuldades para a aprendizagem do professor, pois ele simplesmente repete sem significação alguns conceitos transmitidos na academia, reproduzindo muitas vezes, a metodologia tradicional de ensino. Constatou-se neste estudo, que um professor que não é formado em um contexto investigativo, onde a sua prática na sala de aula não é o fundamento para elaboração de conhecimentos ressignificados da academia, é um professor que provavelmente, não reconhece como elemento para a aprendizagem de seus alunos, a investigação. Portanto, o aprender e o ensinar ciências se realizam no contexto cuja essência deve ser a investigação, pois é permeado por situações de ensino que se constituem no contexto histórico-cultural dos sujeitos da aprendizagem. As argumentações desta tese foram fundamentadas a partir da reflexão-ação nos referenciais de Vergnaud (1990, 2003), Ausubel (1980, 2000), Vygotsky (!988), Moreira (2002, 2011), Freire (2004), Demo (1999), Nóvoa (1992) e Schön (1997). / The study deals on the learning to learn of the different subjects/actors in teaching situations problematizing and diversified, produced in the dynamics of the school context. Learning, in this study, it is considered as an "event" related to different contexts historical-cultural in a dynamic unity, whose subject-actors are inserted, causing multiple situations producing learning. The situations and the interactions between the individuals involved in the act of learning, were analyzed in a public school in Porto Alegre/RS, the State College Julio de Castilhos, between 2011 and 2013, together with the students of 1ST year of secondary education in the discipline of biology, and the students of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology (IFRS-campus Porto Alegre), of degree course in Natural Sciences: Chemistry and Biology, participants of PIBID (Institutional Program of Scholarships to Teaching), between july 2012 and december 2013. From the perspective of a research in action, were análisados concepts built (the invariant operative), and we identified the difficulties to determine the problem situations most suitable to promote the conceptions in sciences. But in the interactions that are dialectically in the school, the teacher also learns, modifies itself. It is in the classroom that the teacher will develop your investigative process to learn how to teach, constructing concepts related to the teaching of science, in a learning to learn. In the process of learning to learn, the teacher understands the dinâmca related to learning to learn of student. In the learning difficulties of students and teachers trained and training, the teacher researcher has changed through reflection of their own learning difficulties to solve problem situations, at focus of Gérard Vergnaud (1990), in the conceptual fields. In this analysis, the knowledge is organized in problem situations, and is from the resolution of these situations that the subjects who learn, develop their conceptualizations. The context of teaching the teacher trainers also is problematized in this research. In investigations of initial and continuing training, the situations / social contexts has influenced learning in sciences, reinforcing the idea that learning to learn through the Resignification of the previous concepts in problem-solving situations, it is essential to learn to teach. When there not is this connection, identifies difficulties for the learning of the teacher, because he simply repeats without signification some concepts transmitted in the academy, reproducing often many times, the traditional methodology of teaching. It was found in this study that a teacher who is not formed in a research context, where his practice in the classroom not the basis for the elaboration of new meanings of academic knowledge, is a teacher who probably does not recognize as an element for the learning of their students, research. Therefore, the learning and teaching science if perform in the context whose essence must be the research, because it is permeated by teaching situations that is constitute in the historical-cultural context of the subjects of learning. The arguments of this thesis were based from the reflection-action on reference Vergnaud (1990, 2003), Ausubel (1980, 2000), Vygotsky (! 988), Moreira (2002, 2011), Freire (2004), Demo (1999) Nóvoa (1992) and Schon (1997).
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Você vai pesquisar sobre a nossa escola?- dificuldades e potencialidades no cotidiano de uma escola pública municipal de Niterói, RJ / Youll research about our school? difficulties and potentialities in the daily life of a public school in Niteói, RJLidiane Maciel Moraes Bentes 03 July 2013 (has links)
O Texto aqui apresentado é fruto da pesquisa realizada com o no cotidiano na Escola Municipal Tiradentes, onde a pesquisadora atua como professora do primeiro segmento do Ensino Fundamental. Este cotidiano, geralmente vivenciado como um espaçotempo da repetição e da mesmice, foi se colocando com acontecimento, no sentido dado por Geraldi (2010), o lugar donde vertem as perguntas, revelando dificuldades e potencialidades, sobre as quais a pesquisadora debruçou-se, desafiando-se a questionar o que aparentemente já lhe era tão conhecido. Guiada pela questão: que possibilidades são criadas nos enfrentamentos cotidianos?, observei e registrei no caderno de campo situações ocorridas na escola e que suscitaram conversas com outros sujeitos da escola professores, pedagogas, alunos/as familiares dos alunos/as. Também foram privilegiadas as narrativas da própria pesquisadora, que buscou dar novos sentidos às práticas observadas e realizadas. A tentativa foi de avançar de uma visão crítica sobre a escola que ainda a esvazia de suas possibilidades para um olhar complexo que a reconhece como território de luta e produção de novos caminhos. Entre outros, autores destacam-se os diálogos com Garcia, Alves, Zaccur, Esteban, Araújo, Morais e Freire, especialmente por reforçarem a importância da pesquisa sobre a própria prática pedagógica. Debruçar sobre algumas das situações inesperadas do cotidiano pode ser apontada como uma das reflexões que contribuem para pensar o trabalho da professora pesquisadora. / The text presented is the result of research conducted with and daily life at the Municipal School Tiradentes, where the researcher works as teacher in the first segment of Elementary Education. This everyday, usually experienced as a space-repetition and sameness, was posing as event, in the sense given by Geraldi (2010), the place where the questions shed, revealing difficulties and potenctialities, over which the researcher has looked, daring to question what you apparently already was so well known. Guided by the question: what opportunities are created in everyday confrontations? Observed and recorded in the field notebook situations occurring at school and raised conversations with other school subjects - teachers, educators, students / families of the students /. Were also privileged narratives of the researcher, who sought to give new meanings to practices observed and performed. The attempt was to advance from a critical view of the school that still renders your chances to a complex look that recognizes as territory control and production of new ways. Among others authors, we highlight the dialogues with Garcia, Alves, Zaccur, Esteban, Araujo, Morais and Freire, especially by reinforcing the importance of research on our own teaching practices.
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Instituto fanal cuja história: tradição, tecnologia e inovação na formação continuada de professores(as) / Instituto fanal cuja história: tradition, technology and innovation in the continuing education of teachersJuliana Gomes de Macedo 29 August 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho buscou fazer um levantamento histórico do Instituto Superior de Educação do Rio de Janeiro ISERJ sob o enfoque político-pedagógico além de trazer conceitos e ações práticas de formação continuada dos(as) professores(as). Dentro dessa proposta, a pesquisa aborda questões relativas as Novas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação como uma possibilidade complementar de formação continuada dos(as) professores(as) no Colégio de Aplicação CAP-ISERJ. O estudo foi realizado a partir da metodologia de pesquisa-ação pois acredita-se que este tipo de pesquisa favorece as discussões e a produção de conhecimentos entre todos os envolvidos pesquisador(a) e participantes. Essa pesquisa propicia uma relação profunda entre as ações e as resoluções de problemas num âmbito coletivo, cooperativo e participativo (THIOLLENT, 1997). A pesquisa foi realizada dentro do campus de trabalho da pesquisadora o que favoreceu a interlocução dos atores envolvidos permitindo o retorno ao meio pesquisado, não se limitando ao meio acadêmico. Desta forma, foi proposto ao final do trabalho, a criação de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, o Campus Online, baseado nas propostas do Ensino Online (SANTOS, 2006) que difere da tradicional Educação a Distância. A implementação do Campus Online implica em várias questões políticas, financeiras e pedagógicas contudo é motivada pelo desejo e necessidade de transformação das práticas pedagógicas. / This paper was intended to make a historical survey of Instituto Superior de Educação do Rio de Janeiro - ISERJ - from the political and pedagogical standpoint and also bring practical concepts and actions of teachers continuing education. Within this proposal, the research addresses issues concerning New Information and Communication Technologies as a complementary possibility to the teachers continuing education in Colégio de Aplicação - CAP-ISERJ. The study was conducted using the methodology of action research because it is believed that this type of research favors the discussion and the production of knowledge among all involved - the researcher and participants. This research provides a deep relationship between actions and resolutions of problems within a collective, cooperative and participatory scope. (Thiollent, 1997). The survey was conducted in the campus where the researcher works, which favored the dialogue among the actors involved. Thus, it was proposed at the end of the work, the creation of a virtual learning environment, Campus Online, based on proposals of Online Education (SANTOS, 2006) that differs from the traditional distance education. The implementation of Campus Online involves many political, financial and educational issues but it is motivated by the desire and the need for teaching practice transformation.
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