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Consumer decision making in a complex environment : Examining the decision making process of socially responsible mutual fund investorsNilsson, Jonas January 2010 (has links)
During the last few decades, "regular people" have become increasingly involved with investing in the stock market. One way of doing this, which has become more and more popular, is to invest in mutual funds. The mutual fund industry has, due to its explosive growth, been described as a success story of the 20th century. These days, sources report that over 70% of the Swedish population actively invests in mutual funds. This thesis is an investigation into consumer decision making regarding one specific type of mutual fund: Socially Responsible Investment (SRI). SRI profiled mutual funds are different from "regular" mutual funds in that they incorporate social, ethical, and environmental (SEE) criteria. In this manner, SRI profiled mutual funds could be said to have two separate dimensions. The regular financial dimension has the purpose of generating a high level of financial return while managing risk. The socially responsible dimension, on the other hand, focuses on incorporating SEE issues into the investment process. However, consumers that desire to choose mutual funds that will both perform well financially and have a good socially responsible dimension face a more difficult decision than consumers who choose to invest in "regular" mutual funds. As each of the dimensions come with its own set of challenges which the consumer must overcome, choosing an appropriate combination of these is a difficult task. In this manner, consumers of SRI profiled mutual funds have to navigate through a complex decision making environment to arrive at a good choice. Based in this notion of decision making in complex environments, this thesis investigates how consumers combine their "traditional" financial objectives with their "additional" SEE consideration and examines the impact of personal factors related to these two areas on consumer investment in SRI profiled mutual funds. Four separate essays on these topics, each investigating a specific stage in the Engel-Kollat-Blackwell (1968) consumer decision making process, are presented. Moreover, in order to understand how complexity impacts consumer decision making in the area, the results of each study are analyzed against a conceptual framework focusing on the complexity of the market. The results show that consumers of SRI profiled mutual funds care about both financial and SEE issues. However, how consumers combine these in their decision making differs. Factors, such as the stage of the purchase decision making process, personal abilities, preferences, and perceptions are found to impact consumer decision making. Against this background, this thesis generates an increased understanding of consumer decision making in complex decision making environments in general and of SRI profiled mutual funds in particular.
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From ethical investment to investment ethics: Towards a normative theory of investment ethicsCronin, John Daniel January 2004 (has links)
This study explores the contemporary practice of Ethical and Socially Responsible Investment and concludes that it is based on an ad hoc construct of empirically derived principles, driven mainly by the commercial self-interest of large financial institutions and fund managers. It explores the relationship between investment and morality, to posit a background theory of investment ethics. The study then proposes a move away from the narrow focus of ethical investment to a broader concern for investment ethics. The study introduces the discipline of investment ethics and examines the criteria that form the basis of morality in investment decisions. The resultant theory is intended to be of practical significance in the business and investment domains and to assist potential investors to evaluate investment opportunities in the context of a consistent set of substantive normative ethical principles.
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Determining the environmentally responsible behaviour of tourists while visiting selected resorts in LimpopoMaboya, M. K. 05 1900 (has links)
B. Tech. (Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Faculty of Human Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / Tourism is a fast-developing industry globally, and the impacts of tourism are
exceedingly diverse. The relationship between the environment and tourism has
assumed a unique position in research through the development of tourism studies
over the years. From an economic viewpoint, tourism is aimed at bringing income to
local communities. It also could also increase and spread economic development,
thus reducing the inequalities in income distribution by providing and creating
employment opportunities. However, from an ecological standpoint, tourism poses a
threat to the delicate environment.
Thus, the pressure on natural resources remains a major problem globally, and the
fact that tourism-related activities and facilities such as resorts contribute to the
scarcity and overuse of resources is of great concern. The rapid growth in tourist
numbers poses a significant threat to natural resources, more so tourists are
significant consumers of natural resources such as water and electricity while on
holiday. Overuse and depletion of these natural resources can cause environmental
degradation in and around a destination. Even though some tourists hold positive
environmental attitudes, they may not behave environmentally responsible while
visiting resorts, because they want to experience the destination in full.
Behavioural change is a complex process involving the interaction between numerous
variables of which attitude is only one attribute. Attitude itself is also a complex
attribute which is challenging to define and may involve multiple and even
contradictory values. Previous studies indicate that positive attitudes toward the
environment do not necessarily lead to environmentally responsible behaviour.
Researchers have found a weak relationship between attitudes and behaviour.
Although there is not a direct or linear relationship between attitude and behaviour,
they may have significant causal effects on behaviour. Suffice to say, however,
viiattitudes, especially strong specific and narrowly defined attitudes that have been
acquired through direct experience, that influence the person’s self-interest and are
accessible, have a strong effect on behaviour. For this reason, a general indication of
the variable ‘environmental attitudes’ was obtained by recoding the respondents’
identification and ratings of severe environmental problems when visiting LWR in
Limpopo. The measurement of environmental concern or rather behaviour is generally
regarded as an integrated component of broader attitudinal dispositions.
This study attempted to determine whether tourists are behaving in an environmentally
responsible manner while visiting selected resorts in Limpopo South Africa. This was
approached based on an empirical study which followed a quantitative research
design. A non-probability, convenience sampling method by means of a web-survey
was adopted. The target population for this study were tourists to all LWR (Limpopo
Wildlife Resorts) in Limpopo South Africa. Once the data was collected, it was
captured and processed by means of SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences).
Environmentally responsible behaviour of tourists visiting LWR was analysed by
means of descriptive statistics, using factor analysis and ANOVA. With the information
gathered, the researcher wanted to test if there was a difference in visitor behaviour
in comparison to their attitudes toward the environment. ANOVA was used to compare
the difference in visitor’s behaviour and attitudes while visiting resorts and the use of
factor analysis as a procedure was necessary for data reduction and summarisation.
Therefore, a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to investigate how
tourist environmentally responsible behaviour differs between visitor profiles.
The data showed that females agreed more strongly with statements empathetic to
the environment than male respondents did. Furthermore, the data showed that as
one becomes older, so the agreement with the opinion of empathetic opinion to the
environment becomes larger. The apathetic environmental opinion factor shows an
opposite tendency, namely as one grows older, the agreement with the apathetic
opinion factor becomes less. Awareness has become heightened, which is shown in
the visitor’s value of nature and leads to environmentally conscious behaviour and
activities to preserve the environment. Moreover, an increased concern of the
environment has made consumers more aware of the environmental impacts of their
viiipurchase decision concerning the service industry. The increased awareness of
environmental impacts of tourism has led to the emergence of tourist called, among
others, environmentally responsible tourist. Therefore, one can say that tourist as
consumers are becoming more aware of the importance of protecting the environment
and more involved in practising environmentally friendly behaviour while on holiday.
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O princípio da paternidade responsável: de suas diretrizes conceituais à influência sobre os efeitos decorrentes da filiação / The principle of responsable parenthood: the conseptual guidelines of their influence on the effects of membershipVanessa Ribeiro Corrêa Sampaio Souza 27 March 2012 (has links)
A paternidade responsável se destaca no contexto da Constituição de 1988, refletindo seus efeitos para todo o sistema. Os pais, ao assumirem esse status, passam a ser titulares de diversas obrigações sendo verdadeiro afirmar que deles, de alguma forma, sempre se exigiu certo tipo de responsabilidade. Seu conteúdo, todavia, é que variou no histórico da construção da família brasileira. A proteção aos filhos, anteriormente mais formalista e restrita à aplicação de medidas de suspensão ou destituição do poder familiar (pátrio poder), cedeu espaço para outros valores. Atualmente, cabe aos pais, em essência, a formação e a emancipação da pessoa do filho. Assistir, educar e criar são as ações básicas que informam a sua responsabilidade, sendo ainda titulares do dever de inserir o menor no contexto da família e da sociedade. A igualdade, a solidariedade e a autonomia se mesclam ao encargo parental, a bem da formação física e psíquica da prole. Mas, é necessário observar que o dever de cuidado, imposto constitucionalmente aos pais, é transferido para os filhos após a maioridade, por meio de uma lógica de reciprocidade e vulnerabilidade. Assim, passam estes a ser responsáveis pela assistência e pelo cuidado dos ascendentes doentes ou, por qualquer outro motivo, necessitados. Considerado o fato de que a verdadeira parentalidade é aquela que cria o estado concreto de pai-filho, reflexo do cumprimento da responsabilidade, é forçoso concluir pela inexistência de seus efeitos jurídicos nos casos em que o vínculo restou fixado pela simples formalidade do registro. Defende-se, então, para o fim de eximir os filhos de seus deveres, a desconstituição do vínculo registral ou a inocuidade de seus efeitos, sempre que os pais não tenham cumprido responsavelmente as suas funções em benefício da prole. As normas jurídicas constitucionais e infraconstitucionais legitimam tal prerrogativa, afastando as obrigações dos filhos cujos direitos fundamentais não foram respeitados pela incúria daqueles que tinham contrariamente o encargo de assistir e cuidar. / The responsible parenthood stands out in the context of the 1988 Constitution, reflecting its effects on the entire system. Parents, as assuming this status, become holders of various obligations, being true say of them that, somehow, always demanded a certain kind of responsibility. Its contents, however, is what varied in the historic construction of Brazilian family. The children protection, previously more formal and restricted to the application of measures of suspension or dismissal of family power (patria potestas) gave way to other values. Currently, parents have, in essence, training and empowerment of the individual child. Assist, educate and create are the basic actions that inform their responsibility and even the duty holders to enter the child in the family and society. Equality, solidarity and autonomy are mixed to parental burden for the sake of physical and emotional training of the offspring. But it should be noted that the duty of care, first imposed on parents, based on vulnerability of children, is transferred from the majority of these through a logic informed by reciprocity. So are the children to be responsible for assistance and care of patient risings, or for any other reason, need. Considering the fact that the true parenting is one that creates the actual state of parent-child reflecting the fulfillment of responsibility, it is clear that there was no legal effect in cases where parenting remained fixed for the simple formality of registration. It is argued, then, for the purpose of shielding children from their responsibilities, the registral deconstitution the bond or the safety of its effects when parents have not fulfilled the duties for de benefit of minor children. The constitutional and infraconstitutional legal order legitimize this prerogative, away the duties and obligations from those whose fundamental rights werent respected by the carelessness of those who had the burden of doing so.
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HÅLLBARHETSARBETET PÅ LARGE CAP – ÄR DET LÖNSAMT? : En studie av CSR avseende EPS och DuPontBlank, Lina, Edlund, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att kartlägga i vilken utsträckning företag på en svensk marknad arbetar med CSR och även att identifiera ett eventuellt samband mellan hållbarhetsarbetets utsträckning och lönsamhet i form av EPS och DuPont. Dessa lönsamhetsmått representerar dels ett investeringsperspektiv, dels ett internt företagsperspektiv. Metod: En kvantitativ studie har gjorts på Stockholmsbörsens Large Cap med en indelning av företagen på en hållbarhetsskala. Datan har analyseratstillsammans med lönsamhetsmåtten EPS och DuPont genomkorstabulering samt en statistisk analys. Slutsats: Denna studie finner att det finns ett engagemang för CSR inom LargeCap och det finns ett negativt samband mellan CSR-arbete och EPS.Studien finner inget samband mellan CSR-arbete och DuPont. Det finns en obalans i prioriteringen av TBL där det ekonomiska perspektivet är det främsta.
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Hållbarhetsredovisning i börsnoterade casino- och nätspelföretag : en komparativ studie om företags ansvarsföretagande för att stävja spelberoende / Sustainability reporting of listed online casino companies : a comparing study about the reporting of companies work to promote responsible gamingHaager, Johan, Suen, Wan-Long January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Den ökade tillgängligheten av casino- och sportspel på nätet står i en komplicerad relation till spelproblem eftersom det numera är tillgängligt på flera olika plattformar. Företag i EU-länder med över 500 medarbetare i genomsnitt måste från räkenskapsåret 2017 upprätta hållbarhetsredovisning, i dessa förväntas företag med casino- och nätspelsverksamhet redovisa hur de arbetar mot att stävja spelproblem. Detta har företag tidigare frivilligt upprättat i sin hållbarhetsredovisning, något som gjort att jämförbarheten mellan företag ansetts vara problematisk. Syfte: Undersökningen syftar till att, mellan företag, jämföra det redovisade sociala ansvarstagandet över tid för att uppfatta effekter av globala ramverk och direktiv inom hållbarhetsredovisning. Teoretisk referensram: Tidigare studier om hållbarhetsredovisning inom casino- och nätspelsföretag har tillsammans med legitimitet- samt institutionella teorin tillämpats för att analysera det empiriska materialet. Metod: Studien har utgått från ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt och empiriska data är inhämtad från sex börsnoterade företags hållbarhetsredovisningar från åren 2013–2017. Meningarna har kvantifierats, poängfördelats och tolkats utifrån en kodningsmanual. Resultat: Majoriteten av företagen i studien har förändrat sin redovisning om socialt ansvarstagande under årens gång. Alla företag ter sig ur ett positivt perspektiv redovisa de negativa aspekterna i anknytning till spelproblem. Resultatet visar även att det är svårt att jämföra olika företags hållbarhetsredovisningar eftersom innehållet skiljer sig, något som även tidigare studier om hållbarhetsredovisningar påpekar. / Problematization: The increased availability of casino and sport games online has a complicated relationship to problem gaming. For companies in the European Union, a sustainability report must be established if a company has an average of 500 employees during the year. It is expected that companies that are running as an online game operator also reports its work in restraining gambling problems, something that earlier has been optional to account and have made the comparability of sustainability reports problematic. Purpose: The purpose of this study has been to, between companies, compare the reporting of the social responsibilities over time to comprehend the effects of global guidelines and directions within sustainability reporting. Frame of reference: Earlier studies about sustainability reporting within online casino companies have been used in combination with the legitimacy theory and the institutional theory to analyze the quantitative data. Method: The study has been issued from a quantitative approach and the data has been collected from six listed companies who have established a sustainability report for the years 2013-2017. Sentences have been quantified, interpreted and given a score from a coding manual. Results: Most of the companies in the study has developed its reporting of the social responsibilities during the years. All companies appear to write in a positive way about the negative aspects in connection to problem gaming. The result shows that it is hard to compare companies’ sustainability reports because of the difference in the information, something that earlier studies in the field points out.
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Previous issue date: 2007-05-16 / Transmit an image of social responsible has each day more importance for companies. It is because a strong trademark is formed by much more than simple physical characters of the product or service, but by subjective values. This view shows the institutional advertising as a tendency, once it is an instrument which has the capacity to pass some intangible and subjective ideas. The objective of this study is verify if universities consider the social responsible of the companies important to form the trademark image of some products/services. The conceptual way that we use in this work was the functionalist school; specifically Lazarsfeld and Lasswell who looks for verify the effect of the communications with the public. For this, we did a quantity study with the technique of experience, it is, we move one variable to observe the effect caused. The experimental group received advertising with the argue that we are looking for while the control group received advertising from the same companies but with any other kind of argue. Comparing the groups we verify how the argue social responsibility impact the image of the company.(AU) / Passar a imagem de socialmente responsável tem cada vez mais importância para as empresas. Isso porque uma marca forte é formada por muito mais do que simples atributos físicos de um produto ou serviço, mas por valores subjetivos. Esse cenário aponta a propaganda institucional como uma tendência, já que se trata de um instrumento capaz de passar conceitos intangíveis e subjetivos. O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se o universitário considera a responsabilidade social empresarial um atributo importante para a formação de imagem de marca de certos produtos/serviços. O percurso teórico utilizado foi o da escola funcionalista, ênfase para Lazarsfeld e Lasswell, que buscavam verificar o alcance da comunicação junto ao público. Para tanto, desenvolvemos uma pesquisa quantitativa com a técnica do experimento, ou seja, manipulamos uma variável para observarmos o efeito produzido. O Grupo Experimental recebeu anúncios com o argumento que queríamos observar enquanto o Grupo de Controle recebeu anúncios das mesmas empresas com outro argumento qualquer. Na comparação entre grupos, verificamos de que forma o apelo responsabilidade social empresarial melhora a imagem da empresa anunciante.(AU)
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A dispensação responsável: entre o ensino formal e a prática profissional / Responsible dispensing: formal education versus professional practiceBezzegh, Nadine Judith [UNIFESP] 30 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
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Publico-10966.pdf: 734581 bytes, checksum: 0b90b2763bc1b7ba57c96354f220ec83 (MD5) / A comercialização de medicamentos ao lado da automedicação tem favorecido distorções no processo de dispensação de medicamentos com o qual se confronta o Técnico em Farmácia. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho se dispõe a avaliar a formação do técnico em Farmácia para o exercício da dispensação responsável. Envolve a caracterização do perfil sócio-demográfico e experiência profissional dos alunos, a identificação de seus conhecimentos e atitudes em relação ao Uso Racional dos Medicamentos, a identificação, na perspectiva dos alunos, dos limites e possibilidades do exercício profissional ético na dispensação e a realização de uma dinâmica grupal com o objetivo de reflexão sobre a dispensação responsável. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa. Neste sentido foi usado questionário com questões fechadas e abertas incorporando perfil da população, conhecimentos e atitudes em relação ao Uso Racional dos Medicamentos e a questão ética relacionada à dispensação dos medicamentos. No tocante aos limites da prática ética, foi utilizado um Grupo Focal, tendo em vista identificar um espaço de reflexão sobre a dispensação responsável. Os dados quantitativos foram tabulados e a abordagem qualitativa recorreu à análise de conteúdo. Os resultados evidenciaram um alunato de maior idade, já inserido no mercado de trabalho, com predominância de mulheres. Dispondo de conhecimento adequado sobre o uso racional dos medicamentos e da legislação correspondente, observou-se menor consistência no plano das atitudes associada à referência à inaplicabilidade da legislação na prática. Os alunos referem a necessidade de preparo do balconista no tocante à ética. A realização do Grupo Focal possibilitou um momento de reflexão efetivo no sentido da revisão de posicionamentos pessoais sobre a ética na dispensação através da elaboração coletiva da dinâmica grupal. Se o diagnóstico apontou para a necessidade de ser trabalhada a preparação do aluno para o desempenho prático da dispensação, o Grupo Focal apontou para a propriedade de inclusão no ensino de espaços para a reflexão e o debate sobre a ética na dispensação, recorrendo a dinâmicas grupais com participação ativa do aluno, como recurso a ser considerado no planejamento do curso. / Pharmaceutical technicians have been facing distortions in the dispensing of medicines process caused by the manner of sale medicaments associated to selfmedication. Taking into consideration this context, the herein study has as objective the evaluation of the pharmaceutical technician formation for empowering him to provide a responsible dispensing. It involves the characterization of the social demographic profile and experience of the students; the assessment of their knowledge and attitudes regarding Rational Use of the Medicines; the limits and possibilities for an ethical professional practice regarding drugs dispensing; and the use of a group dynamics aiming at the reflection about a responsible dispensing. This research has a quantitative and qualitative approach. For this purpose, it was used a questionnaire containing both open and closed questions about the population profile, knowledge and attitudes about the Rational Use of Medicines and the ethical issue on drugs dispensing. For evaluating the ethical aspects a Focal Group was used in order to motivate and enable the students to reflect about responsible dispensing. The quantitative data were tabulated and the qualitative approach was analyzed. The results showed that most of the students were in their adult age, already in the working market, and most of them female sex. It was observed that, in spite of an adequate knowledge on the rational use of medicines and on the corresponding legislation, the pharmaceutical technicians have difficulty in dispensing with ethical practice. The students refer to the need for well prepared pharmacy clerks regarding ethics. The use of the Focal Group allowed a moment of useful reflection to review personal positions on drugs dispensing by the collective performance of this kind of group dynamics. While the diagnosis pointed towards the need for preparing the student for his ethical practice on the dispensing performance, the Focal Group pointed towards the need for reflection and debate on the dispensing ethics, through group dynamics with the student’s active participation, as a resource to be considered when planning the course. / TEDE / BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações
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Superendividamento do consumidor : perspectivas jurídicas em direção à implementação do crédito responsávelBackes, Simone Regina January 2018 (has links)
Le surendettement des consommateurs, compris comme l'incapacité de l'individu, de bonne foi, de payer toutes ses dettes de consommation, actuelles et futures, sans compromettre son minimum existentiel, est un phénomène social qui nécessite une régulation spécifique. Cette législation qui se fait nécessaire se réfère non seulement à la réglementation du traitement du surendettement, mais aussi à la réglementation de la protection du consommateur sur le marché du crédit par la mise em place du crédit responsable et des normes visant à prévenir le surendettement. Dans ce contexte, on examine comment la loi a abordé les instruments de protection des consommateurs qui mettent en œuvre des limites et encouragent les contrats responsables avec les fournisseurs. Dans le présente étude, nous analyserons d'abord les devoirs des institutions financières dans l'octroi du crédit et le contenu du paradigme du crédit responsable comme mécanisme pour empêcher ce processus individuel d'appauvrissement qui pourrait avoir des répercussions globales sur la stabilité du système de crédit. Dans le deuxième point, nous discuterons du rôle du principe de confiance et de l'information en tant que mécanisme pour étendre la responsabilité du fournisseur envers le consommateur de bonne foi. Enfin, reconnaissant la condition de vulnérabilité du consommateur endetté et la nécessité d'une intervention de l'Etat dans la promotion de ses droits fondamentaux, nous proposons l'inclusion normative de nouveaux devoirs et de sanctions plus sévères pour encourager le respect du crédit responsable. / O superendividamento do consumidor, entendido como a incapacidade do indivíduo, de boafé pagar a totalidade de suas dívidas de consumo, atuais e futuras, sem comprometer seu mínimo existencial, é um fenômeno social que exige regulamentação específica. Essa necessária legislação refere-se não somente à regulamentação do tratamento do superendividamento, mas também à regulamentação da proteção do consumidor no mercado de crédito por meio de normas que busquem a prevenção do superendividamento e a implementação do crédito responsável. Nesse contexto, investigamos como o direito tem endereçado instrumentos de proteção ao consumidor que implementem limites e incentivem a contratação responsável pelos fornecedores. No presente estudo, analisaremos, primeiramente, os deveres das instituições financeiras no fornecimento de crédito e o conteúdo do paradigma do crédito responsável como mecanismo de prevenção a esse processo individual de empobrecimento que pode ter reflexos globais na estabilidade do sistema de crédito. No segundo ponto, discutiremos o papel do princípio da confiança e da informação como mecanismo de expansão da responsabilidade do fornecedor frente ao consumidor de boa-fé. Por fim, reconhecendo a condição de vulnerabilidade do consumidor endividado e a necessidade de intervenção do Estado na promoção dos seus direitos fundamentais, propomos a inclusão normativa de novos deveres e de penalidades mais rígidas para incentivar o cumprimento do crédito responsável. / Consumer over-indebtedness, understood as the person’s incapability, in good faith, of paying all of their current and future consumer debts, without compromising their existential minimum, is a social phenomenon that requires specific regulation. This necessary legislation refers not only to the regulation of the treatment of over-indebtedness, but also to the regulation of consumer protection in the credit market by means of norms that seek to prevent over-indebtedness and the implementation of responsible lending. In this context, we investigate how the law has addressed consumer protection instruments that implement limits and encourage responsible lending by suppliers. In the present study, we will first analyze the duties of financial institutions in the provision of credit and the content of the responsible lending paradigm as a mechanism to prevent this individual process of impoverishment that may have global repercussions on the stability of the credit system. In the second point, we will discuss the role of the principle of trust and information as a mechanism for expanding supplier responsibility towards the consumer in good faith. Finally, recognizing the vulnerability of the over-indebted consumer and the need for State intervention in promoting their fundamental rights, we propose the normative inclusion of new duties and more rigid penalties to encourage compliance with the responsible lending.
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O princípio da paternidade responsável: de suas diretrizes conceituais à influência sobre os efeitos decorrentes da filiação / The principle of responsable parenthood: the conseptual guidelines of their influence on the effects of membershipVanessa Ribeiro Corrêa Sampaio Souza 27 March 2012 (has links)
A paternidade responsável se destaca no contexto da Constituição de 1988, refletindo seus efeitos para todo o sistema. Os pais, ao assumirem esse status, passam a ser titulares de diversas obrigações sendo verdadeiro afirmar que deles, de alguma forma, sempre se exigiu certo tipo de responsabilidade. Seu conteúdo, todavia, é que variou no histórico da construção da família brasileira. A proteção aos filhos, anteriormente mais formalista e restrita à aplicação de medidas de suspensão ou destituição do poder familiar (pátrio poder), cedeu espaço para outros valores. Atualmente, cabe aos pais, em essência, a formação e a emancipação da pessoa do filho. Assistir, educar e criar são as ações básicas que informam a sua responsabilidade, sendo ainda titulares do dever de inserir o menor no contexto da família e da sociedade. A igualdade, a solidariedade e a autonomia se mesclam ao encargo parental, a bem da formação física e psíquica da prole. Mas, é necessário observar que o dever de cuidado, imposto constitucionalmente aos pais, é transferido para os filhos após a maioridade, por meio de uma lógica de reciprocidade e vulnerabilidade. Assim, passam estes a ser responsáveis pela assistência e pelo cuidado dos ascendentes doentes ou, por qualquer outro motivo, necessitados. Considerado o fato de que a verdadeira parentalidade é aquela que cria o estado concreto de pai-filho, reflexo do cumprimento da responsabilidade, é forçoso concluir pela inexistência de seus efeitos jurídicos nos casos em que o vínculo restou fixado pela simples formalidade do registro. Defende-se, então, para o fim de eximir os filhos de seus deveres, a desconstituição do vínculo registral ou a inocuidade de seus efeitos, sempre que os pais não tenham cumprido responsavelmente as suas funções em benefício da prole. As normas jurídicas constitucionais e infraconstitucionais legitimam tal prerrogativa, afastando as obrigações dos filhos cujos direitos fundamentais não foram respeitados pela incúria daqueles que tinham contrariamente o encargo de assistir e cuidar. / The responsible parenthood stands out in the context of the 1988 Constitution, reflecting its effects on the entire system. Parents, as assuming this status, become holders of various obligations, being true say of them that, somehow, always demanded a certain kind of responsibility. Its contents, however, is what varied in the historic construction of Brazilian family. The children protection, previously more formal and restricted to the application of measures of suspension or dismissal of family power (patria potestas) gave way to other values. Currently, parents have, in essence, training and empowerment of the individual child. Assist, educate and create are the basic actions that inform their responsibility and even the duty holders to enter the child in the family and society. Equality, solidarity and autonomy are mixed to parental burden for the sake of physical and emotional training of the offspring. But it should be noted that the duty of care, first imposed on parents, based on vulnerability of children, is transferred from the majority of these through a logic informed by reciprocity. So are the children to be responsible for assistance and care of patient risings, or for any other reason, need. Considering the fact that the true parenting is one that creates the actual state of parent-child reflecting the fulfillment of responsibility, it is clear that there was no legal effect in cases where parenting remained fixed for the simple formality of registration. It is argued, then, for the purpose of shielding children from their responsibilities, the registral deconstitution the bond or the safety of its effects when parents have not fulfilled the duties for de benefit of minor children. The constitutional and infraconstitutional legal order legitimize this prerogative, away the duties and obligations from those whose fundamental rights werent respected by the carelessness of those who had the burden of doing so.
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