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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekonomické zhodnocení církevních restitucí u vybraných římskokatolických farností České republiky

Smetanová, Marie January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concerned with the problematics of church restitution. It focuses on the history of property acquisition of the churches and religious groups and the newly adopted law no. 428/2012 Sb. A comparison of financing of the churches by the state before and after adopting this law has been carried out in the thesis. There is also an analysis of economic management of the selected Roman Catholic parishes and the results of a survey concerning people's awareness of church restitution.

Právně-historické zázemí nedostatků a problémů procesu privatizace státního majetku po roce 1989 / Legal and Historical Background of Shortcomings and Problems of State Property Privatization after 1989

Šorf, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce Legal and Historical Background of Shortcomings and Problems of State Property Privatization after 1989 The Doctoral Thesis provides a comprehensive analysis of the legal - historical background of the shortcomings and problems of the process of privatization of state property after 1989 in the Czechoslovak (Czech) Republic in relation to each of the fundamental privatization methods - i.e. small privatization, large privatization (inl. coupon privatization) and restitution. The Doctoral Thesis introduces the historical context of the adoption of relevant legal norms, then provides a detailed legal analysis of their shortcomings and focuses on problems induced by their application. With regards to the identified shortcomings and problems, the Doctoral Thesis analyzes the forms of their mitigation; i.e. addresses the not only the amendments of the respective privatization legal acts, but also the decisions of the general courts as well as the Constitutional court which contributed to their righteous interpretation. Despite the fact that from the time perspective, the first half of 90- s is the decisive period for the Doctoral Thesis, one can identify several overlaps until the present time given by the inconclusive character of several privatization processes. The remarkable...

Znárodnění a konfiskace v letech 1945 - 1948 / Nationalization and confiscation between 1945 and 1948

Holfeld, Christian January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals primarily with the so-called first stage of the nationalization process in Czechoslovakia, which took place between 1945 - 1948, and the post-war confiscations of the same period, as well. The objective of the thesis is particularly to describe and analyze the then relevant legal regulations and place them adequately in the historical context. The content of the five thematic chapters is adapted to this topic. First, it attempts to define the basic concepts of nationalization, appropriation, socialization, expropriation and confiscation. Subsequently, it examines the basic historical roots of the concept of nationalization. It does so especially by comparing the approaches to proprietary rights through the prism of two dominant ideologies, namely liberalism and socialism. The core of the thesis consists of the nationalization and confiscation decrees themselves and the issues related. The National Institute of Administration was closely associated with this issue, as well. From the legislator's point of view, it was also necessary to distinguish which assets were to be confiscated and which, on the other hand, nationalized. The film industry first, followed by mines and large industrial enterprises, the food industry, banking and insurance companies were subject to...

Možnosti a meze sociokulturní animace historických českých klášterů / The possibilities and the limits of the sociocultural animation of the historic Czech monasteries

Bezděková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with the animation of the historic monasteries in the Czech Republic. On the selected examples the practical part of the master's thesis explores the possibilities and the limits of the sociocultural use of the monastic buildings in today's society. The master's thesis also responds to the current events and it brings the summary of the issues of the state property settlement with churches which significantly affects the activities of the religious orders. There are also examples of the successful international animation projects in the master's thesis.

Restituční spory dle zákona č. 229/1991 Sb. / Restitutional disputes under Act 229/1991 Coll.

Hubl, David January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of restitution disputes according to Act No. 229/1991 Coll. on the regulation of ownership relations with land and other agricultural property. The reason for this topic was the experience of the author of the diploma thesis on restitution disputes, scope and judicial jurisprudence dealing with this issue. The thesis deals with the procedural aspects of restitution disputes, as well as with the substantive law-making aspect of both legal regulation and rich judicial jurisprudence. The diploma thesis systematically describes the most important types of restitution disputes - disputes about the restitution of original removed real estate, disputes about the existence of claims of entitled persons to compensation for immovable properties which can not be restituted, disputes about the correct value of claims of authorized persons and disputes about the grant of specific substitute real estates owned by the Czech Republic as a replacement for real estate that can not be restituted. The work emphasizes the breakthrough and current judicial jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic and the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic. In the thesis, the author considers the importance of this case law and gives the case law a connection with the...

Restituční spory dle zákona č. 229/1991 Sb. / Restitutional disputes under Act 229/1991 Coll.

Hubl, David January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of restitution disputes according to Act No. 229/1991 Coll. on the regulation of ownership relations with land and other agricultural property. The reason for this topic was the experience of the author of the diploma thesis on restitution disputes, scope and judicial jurisprudence dealing with this issue. The thesis deals with the procedural aspects of restitution disputes, as well as with the substantive law-making aspect of both legal regulation and rich judicial jurisprudence. The diploma thesis systematically describes the most important types of restitution disputes - disputes about the restitution of original removed real estate, disputes about the existence of claims of entitled persons to compensation for immovable properties which can not be restituted, disputes about the correct value of claims of authorized persons and disputes about the grant of specific substitute real estates owned by the Czech Republic as a replacement for real estate that can not be restituted. The work emphasizes the breakthrough and current judicial jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic and the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic. In the thesis, the author considers the importance of this case law and gives the case law a connection with the...

Privatizační proces v ČR v období transformace a po vstupu do EU / The privatisation process in the Czech Republic during transition and after accession to the European Union

Pihrt, Josef January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the transformation and privatization process in the Czech Republic since 1989 to period when Czech Republic is the member of European Union. It also aims to verify the validity of theorems formulated in an introduction and called "First Transformation Law" and "First Privatization Law". The privatization process in the Czech Republic is unique in terms of volume of assets privatized and the privatization methods used. The text is focused on different methods of privatization (small privatization, large privatization, restitution). A separate section is devoted to voucher privatization and the closely related issue of privatization investment funds. The process of privatization of banks carried out in 1999-2001 is also analyzed. Particular attention is paid to less known facts which had a major impact on the transformation and privatization process.

Vývoj pozemkového vlastnictví na území ČR, role a zásahy státu / Development of land property on the territory of Czech Republik, role and interference of the state

Kubeš, Karel January 2012 (has links)
The thesis maps and analyzes the development of landed property on the territory of the contemporary Czech Republic since 1918 until the beginning of the 21st century. A special attention is devoted to the role and interference of the state into the development of this field. An essential part of the text comprises an introduction to the proprietary rights. The thesis presents a structural insight into the landed property system and its significance not just for the actual legal development on the territory of the contemporary Czech Republic but also for the ability to meet the basic existential needs of people living on this territory during particular, more or less historically important time periods. In more detail, it deals with the development of landed property after 1918, 1948 and 1989. It examines the issues of land reforms, socialization period and agrarian collectivization as well as the more recent ones. These include the process of restitution and privatization of landed property. Besides analyzing the contemporary legislation de lege lata, the author also addresses the proposals de lege ferenda. Simultaneously, the author devotes attention to the state land ownership; therefore, in the broader context, the question of the contemporary role of the state as the land owner is analyzed,...

Dlouhodobé produkční a strukturální změny v zemědělství v Kraji Vysočina a jejich dopad na budoucí rozvoj konkrétní farmy / Long-term production and structure changes within agriculture in Vysočina district and the impact of these upon the future development of a specific farm

Brož, David January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with statistic analysis of long term trends in production and structural indicators in agriculture in Vysocina district during the years 2000 to 2015. Theoretical part explains agriculture development, characteristics of production factors, subsidies and also land resources of the Czech Republic. The practical part of the thesis concentrates on the most significant crops in the district and on the yields of those crops. Further more, the thesis focuses on the most significant categories of farm animals. The thesis concentrates on a specific farm which is analyzed the same way. On the basis of statistical methods there are found point and interval forecasts of farm animals state and also forecasts of structural and production indicators. The resulting indicators characterize the development in Vysocina district and its future considering current trends. The results of the thesis are summarized into a perspectives of agriculture development in Vysocina district and into recommendations for the selected farm. The data for the thesis were gathered from the yearbooks of the Czech Statistical Office, definitive data of harvest of agriculture crops for respective years, and farmer portal.

Pozemková reforma po roce 1918 a právní úprava církevních restitucí / LAND REFORM AFTER 1918

Pačes, Ota January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis provides a comprehensive historical analysis of the relation between the state and the Church and the legal norms that are relevant to this issue and tries to interpret individual key provisions. It reveals the intentions of the Republican legislators to cope with Maltese grievances and the Latifunds, the efforts to redistribute large territorial units to smaller farmers and thus to start economic production. The diploma thesis also focuses on the consequences of the first land reform, which in the end did not fully fulfill the original expectations. For this reason, the legislators proceeded to review it, which is also analyzed in the diploma thesis. It also addresses the controversial question of the nature of ecclesiastical property, which in the past was in another position than it would be after the process of straightening relations with churches and religious societies. The thesis seeks to answer the question whether the concept of restitution of ecclesiastical property respects the concept of land reform.

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