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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimizacija postupka revitalizacije otpadnog kvasca iz industrije piva za primenu u pekarskoj industriji / OPTIMIZATION OF REVITALIZATION PROCEDURE OF WASTE YEAST FROM BREWERY FOR APPLICATION IN BAKING INDUSTRY

Dodić Siniša 16 May 2002 (has links)
<p><strong>Apstrakt je obrađen tehnologijama za optičko prepoznavanje teksta (OCR).</strong></p><p>U cilju revitalizacije otpadnog kvasca iz industrije piva za primenu u pekarskoj industriji, kao polazna osnova za ispitivanje primenjivani su dvostepeni i jednostepeni postupak proizvodnje predfaza indirektnog postupka proizvodnje hleba, razvijeni na Tehnolo&scaron;kom fakultetu u Novom Sadu. Sprovedena su istraživanja optimizacije postupka revitalizacije otpadnog pivskog kvasca. Optimizacija je obuhvatila sastav podloge, procesne parametre proizvodnje i tehniku fermentacije. Definisan je optimalni postupak revitalizacije otpadnog pivskog kvasca i primenjen je za različite generacije i sojeve otpadnog pivskog kvasca, pri čemu je utvrđeno da otpadni pivski kvasac nulte i prve generacije nije potrebno aktivirati, dok je za kvasac starije generacije neophodno da prođu postupak aktivacije za primenu u pekarskoj industriji. Jednostepeni postupak proizvodnje predfaza u postupku aktivacije pivskog kvasca pokazao se u pogledu efekata aktivacije prihvatljiviji od dvostepenog<br />postupka. Ispitana je i trajnost otpadnog pivskog kvasca za primenu u pekarskoj industriji pri čemu je utvrdeno da otpadni pivski kvasac nije preporučljivo čuvati duže od devet dana pre njegove aktivacije. Definisan postupak je pozitivno ocenjen u pogledu tokova fermentacionih procesa za vreme proizvodnje, uticaja na svojstva hlebnog testa i uticaja na kvalitet hleba kao gotovog proizvoda. Razrađeno je idejno re&scaron;enje postrojenja za revitalizaciju otpadnog pivskog kvasca.</p> / <p><strong>Abstract was processed by technology for Optical character recognition (OCR).</strong></p><p>The aim was revitalization of beer industry waste yeast, and its application in bakery industry. A basis for investigation was one- step and two-step process for prephases production in indirect procedure for bread manufacturing, which is developed on Faculty of Technology at Novi Sad. It was investigated optimization of revitalization procedure of brewing yeast waste. Optimization contained substrate composition, proces parameters for manufacturing and fermentation technique. It is optimated revitalization of brewing yeast waste and applied for different generations and subspecies. For brewing yeast waste from initial and first generation activation is not necessary, but for olden yeast generation and its application in bakery industry, activation is necessary. In prephases production, one step activation procedure of brewing yeast had better effectiveness thay two step procedure. Durability of brewig yeast waste was also investigated. It is concluted that brewing yeast waste is not recommended for storage longer than 9 days before its activation. Defined procedure in a vijew of mahufacturing fermentative processes, influence on bread dough properties and bread quality are marked pozitively. It is also defined a pattern of projects for ravitalization of brewing yeast waste.</p>

Smanjenje ukupnog kapaciteta vodenih ekosistema i primena vodonik-peroksida u regulaciji ubrzane eutrofizacije i cvetanja cijanobakterija / Decrease of the total capacity of aquatic ecosystems and the application of hydrogen peroxide in the regulation of accelerated eutrophication and blooming of cyanobacteria

Važić Tamara 16 November 2020 (has links)
<p>Dugoročno re&scaron;enje problema povećanog ukupnog kapaciteta vodenih ekosistema, posledičnog ubraznja eutrofizacije i cvetanja potencijalno toksičnih cijanobakterija podrazumeva smanjenje priliva nutrijenata, kao i eliminaciju vi&scaron;ka nutrijenata iz samog vodenog ekosistema, naročito azota i fosfora. Kao re&scaron;enje ovog&nbsp; problema&nbsp; se&nbsp; predlaže&nbsp; istovremena&nbsp; upotreba&nbsp; seta&nbsp; poznatih&nbsp; alternativnih&nbsp; metoda,&nbsp; označenih zajedničkim&nbsp; nazivom&nbsp; ekomanipulacija,&nbsp; koji&nbsp; uključuje:&nbsp; mehaničko&nbsp; uklanjanje&nbsp; makrofita&nbsp; i&nbsp; biomase cijanobakterija, upotreba plutajućih ostrva, masovno izlovljavanje ribe.<br />Izvr&scaron;ena&nbsp; je&nbsp; procena&nbsp; mehaničkog&nbsp; uklanjanja&nbsp; trske&nbsp; (Phragmites&nbsp; australis)&nbsp; u&nbsp; kontekstu&nbsp; za&scaron;tite&nbsp; i preči&scaron;ćavanja vodenih ekosistema i kao energetskog resursa na teritoriji Vojvodine. Procenjeno je da je oko 0,98% povr&scaron;ine Vojvodine pokriveno trskom sa prosečnim prinosom od oko 2 kg/m 2 , odnosno oko 20 t/ha. Ko&scaron;enjem i uklanjanjem nadzemne biomase bi moglo da se ukloni do 333,20 kg/ha azota i 25,20<br />kg/ha&nbsp; fosfora.&nbsp; Pored&nbsp; povoljnih&nbsp; karakteristika&nbsp; trske&nbsp; kao&nbsp; energetske&nbsp; sirovine,&nbsp; tro&scaron;kovi&nbsp; obrade&nbsp; biomase trenutno prevazilaze potencijalnu zaradu, zbog čega ova makrofita ima veći značaj na lokalnom nivou. Ispitivana&nbsp; je&nbsp; efikasnost&nbsp; usvajanja&nbsp; nutrijenata direktno&nbsp; iz&nbsp; vodenog&nbsp; stuba putem&nbsp; uklanjanja&nbsp; nadzemne biomase trske iz PPES jedinica, kao i testiranje održivosti čitavog PPES sistema. Iako uklanjanje oko<br />800&nbsp; g&nbsp; nadzemne&nbsp; biomase&nbsp; trske&nbsp; može&nbsp; smanjiti&nbsp; ukupni&nbsp; kapacit&nbsp; do&nbsp; izvesne&nbsp; mere,&nbsp; dodatne&nbsp; vrednosti upotrebe&nbsp; PPES&nbsp; sistema&nbsp; poput usvajanja&nbsp; toksičnih&nbsp; materija,&nbsp; korisne&nbsp; upotrebe&nbsp; plastičnog&nbsp; otpadnog materijala, proizvodnje biljne biomase ovu metodu čini značajnim delom sistema ekomanipulacija. Kori&scaron;ćenjem&nbsp; puferskog&nbsp; sistema&nbsp; ekoremedijacije&nbsp; baziranog&nbsp; na&nbsp; izno&scaron;enju&nbsp; biomaske&nbsp; trske&nbsp; se&nbsp; takođe<br />obezbeđuje smanjenje ukupnog kapaciteta. Na taj način se može postići kontrola ubrzane eutrofizacije na četiri funkcionalna nivoa u dinamici ekosistema, koji podrazumevaju: sprečavanje priliva materija u vodeni&nbsp; ekosistem&nbsp; iz&nbsp; spolja&scaron;nje&nbsp; sredine&nbsp; izgradnjom&nbsp; mokrih polja,&nbsp; povećanje&nbsp; procesa&nbsp; razgradnje uvođenjem aeracije, preči&scaron;ćavanje mulja ili efluenta i manipulacija trskom u priobalju. Procenjena&nbsp; je&nbsp; efikasnost&nbsp; mehaničkog&nbsp; uklanjanja&nbsp; toksične&nbsp; biomase&nbsp; cijanobakterije&nbsp; vrste Planktothrix rubescens iz&nbsp; akumulacije&nbsp; Vrutci. Rezultati&nbsp; ukazuju&nbsp; na&nbsp; efikasnost&nbsp; ove&nbsp; metode&nbsp; u&nbsp; smanjenju&nbsp; ukupnog kapaciteta,&nbsp; međutim&nbsp; samo&nbsp; tokom&nbsp; perioda&nbsp; cvetanja.&nbsp; Ispitivana&nbsp; je&nbsp; sposobnost&nbsp; 14&nbsp; sojeva&nbsp; bakterija, izolovanih iz sakupljenje povr&scaron;inske skrame P. rubescens, da degradiraju cijanotoksin mikrocistin-LR. Degradacija toksina posle devet dana nije detektovana, &scaron;to je moglo da bude posledica dužeg perioda<br />adaptacije (lag faze) koji je bio potreban da bi se aktivirali odgovarajući geni i enzimski putevi odgovorni za biodegradaciju.<br />Ispitivana je efikasnost metode masovnog izlovljavanja babu&scaron;ke (Carassius gibelio) iz sektora IV jezera Palić. Na osnovu količine iznete biomase tokom probnog izlova 2016. godine i poznatog hemijskog sastava, procenjeno je da je masovnim izlovom moguće ukloniti značajnu količinu nutrijenata na nivou čitavog jezera. Uprkos efikasnosti i pratećim povoljnim promenama u ekosistemu, zbog složenosti lanca ishrane&nbsp; i&nbsp; uop&scaron;te&nbsp; jezerskog&nbsp; ekosistema&nbsp; se&nbsp; preporučuje&nbsp; primena&nbsp; pridruženih&nbsp; metoda&nbsp; biomanipulacije<br />ribljom fondom, kao i drugih metoda ekomanipulacije. Ispitivani su cijanocidni efekti vodonik-peroksida, kao dodatne metode u procesu revitalizacije jezera. Uzorci&nbsp; vode&nbsp; iz&nbsp; srpskih&nbsp; jezera Bečmenska&nbsp; bara (sektor&nbsp; Bečmen&nbsp; 3) i jezera&nbsp; Luda&scaron;&nbsp; i&nbsp; finskog&nbsp; jezera<br />K&ouml;yli&ouml;nj&auml;rvi su bili tretirani različiti koncentrcijama vodonik-peroksida. Analize sadržaja hlorofila a i intracelularnih&nbsp; mikrocistina,&nbsp; indeksa&nbsp; vijabilnosti&nbsp; pokretnih&nbsp; grupa&nbsp; necijanobakterijskog&nbsp; fitoplanktona, zooplanktona i osetljivosti makroinvertebrata, ukazale su na mogućnost efikasne selektivne supresije cijanobakterija ravnomernim apliciranjem 2-5 mg/L vodonik-peroksida. Uočena je različita osetljivost kod ispitivanih grupa organizama na dejstvo agensa, zbog čega je u primeni ove metode neophodan<br />dodatni oprez. Da bi se obezbedio uspe&scaron;an proces revitalizacije jezera, važno je da se metode ekomanipulacije prilagode stanju i karakteristikama jezera, a da se vodonik-peroksid koristi samo u slučaju potrebe. Na takav načinmože&nbsp; nesmetano&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp; odvija&nbsp; dugotrajan&nbsp; proces&nbsp; revitalizacije.&nbsp; Zbog&nbsp; složenosti&nbsp; problema&nbsp; povećanja ukupnog&nbsp; kapaciteta,&nbsp; ubrzane&nbsp; eutrofizacije&nbsp; i&nbsp; procesa&nbsp; revitalizacije,&nbsp; neophodno&nbsp; je&nbsp; obezbediti multidisciplinarni&nbsp; pristup,&nbsp; pripremu&nbsp; akcionog&nbsp; plana&nbsp; i&nbsp; sprovođenje&nbsp; metoda&nbsp; pod&nbsp; strogo&nbsp; kontrolisanim uslovima.</p> / <p>A long-term solution for the problem of increased total capacity in water ecosystems, and consequently accelerated eutrophication and potentially toxic cyanobacterial blooms, implies the restriction of nutrient inputs to the water bodies, as well as elimination of additional nutrients directly from water ecosystems,especially nitrogen and phosphorus. As a solution for this problem, it is proposed to simultaneously use a &nbsp; set&nbsp; of&nbsp; alternative&nbsp; methods,&nbsp; entitled&nbsp; as&nbsp; ecomanipulation,&nbsp; that&nbsp; include:&nbsp; mechanical &nbsp; removal&nbsp; of macrophytes and cyanobacterial biomass, floating islands, extensive fishing. Mechanical removal of Common reed (Phragmites australis) was estimated for the purpose of protection and&nbsp; purification&nbsp; of&nbsp; water&nbsp; ecosystems,&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; an energy&nbsp; source&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; Vojvodina&nbsp; region.&nbsp; It&nbsp; was estimated that about 0,98% of the Vojvodina region is covered with common reed, with an average yield of 2 kg/m2, eg about 20 t/ha. By harvesting and removing of above-ground biomass, it would be possible to&nbsp; remove&nbsp; up&nbsp; to&nbsp; 333.20&nbsp; kg/ha&nbsp; of&nbsp; nitrogen&nbsp; and&nbsp; 25.20&nbsp; kg/ha&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; phosphorus.&nbsp; Besides&nbsp; favorable characteristics as an energy source, the cost of biomass processing currently exceeds potential revenues, hence this macrophyte is more significant at the local level.&nbsp; The efficiency of nutrient absorption directly from the&nbsp; water column by removal of the reed biomass incorporated in the PPES unites was examined, as well as testing the&nbsp; sustainability of the whole PPES system. Although&nbsp; removal&nbsp; of&nbsp; about&nbsp; 800&nbsp; g&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; above-ground&nbsp; reed&nbsp; biomass&nbsp; can&nbsp; decrease&nbsp; the&nbsp; total capacity up to a certain extent, additional values of PPES usage like the uptake of toxic compounds,useful use of plastic waste material, production of plant biomass makes this method important part&nbsp; of ecomanipulation system. The use of a buffer system of ecoremediation based on the removal of reed biomass also provides a reduction in total capacity. In this way,&nbsp; control of accelerated eutrophication can be achieved at four functional levels in ecosystem dynamics, which include: preventing the&nbsp; inflow of matter into the aquatic ecosystem from the external environment by building artificial wetlands, increasing the decomposition process by introducing aeration, sludge or effluent treatment, and reed manipulation in the coastal area. The efficiency of mechanical removal of toxic biomass&nbsp; of cyanobacteria Planktothrix rubescens from the Vrutci reservoir was estimated. The results indicate the effectiveness of this method in reducing the total capacity, but only during the blooming period. The ability of 14 bacterial strains, isolated from collected&nbsp; P. &nbsp; rubescens&nbsp; surface&nbsp; scum,&nbsp; to&nbsp; degrade&nbsp; cyanotoxin&nbsp; microcystin-LR&nbsp; was&nbsp; investigated. Degradation of toxin after nine days was not detected, which could be a consequence of a longer period of&nbsp; adaptation&nbsp; (lag&nbsp; phase)&nbsp; that&nbsp; was&nbsp; needed&nbsp; for&nbsp; activation&nbsp; of&nbsp; certain&nbsp; genes&nbsp; and&nbsp; enzyme&nbsp; pathways responsible for biodegradation. The efficiency of extensive fishing of Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) from the sector IV of Lake Palić was investigated. Based on the amount of removed biomass during the trial catch in 2016, and the known chemical composition of fish, it was estimated that extensive fishing can remove a significant amount of nutrients at the level of the entire lake. Despite the efficiency and following favorable changes in the ecosystem,&nbsp; due&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; complexity&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; food&nbsp; chain&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; lake&nbsp; ecosystem&nbsp; in&nbsp; general,&nbsp; the&nbsp; use&nbsp; of associated methods of biomanipulation with fish stock, as well as other methods of ecomanipulation, is recommended.<br />The potential of cyanocidal effects of hydrogen peroxide, as an auxiliary method in the&nbsp; process of lake revitalization, was investigated. Water samples from Serbian lakes Bečmenska bara (sector Bečmen 3) and Lake Luda&scaron;, as well as Finnish Lake K&ouml;yli&ouml;nj&auml;rvi, were treated with different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. Analysis of contents of chlorophyll a and intracellular microcystins, viability index of&nbsp; non-cyanobacterial&nbsp; moving&nbsp; phytoplankton,&nbsp; zooplankton,&nbsp; and&nbsp; sensitivity&nbsp; of&nbsp; macroinvertebrate indicated the possible efficiency of the selective suppression of cyanobacteria by uniform application of 2-5 mg/L of hydrogen peroxide in the water column. Examined groups of organisms expressed different sensitivity towards the applied concentrations of the agent, which is the reason for additional caution in the &nbsp; application of this method.In order to provide successful lake revitalization, it is important to adjust methods of ecomanipulation to the condition and characteristics of the lake, and also to use hydrogen peroxide only when it is necessary.In this way, the long recovery process can proceed smoothly. Due to the complexity of the problem of increased total capacity, accelerated eutrophication, and the process of revitalization, it is necessary to provide a multidisciplinary approach, preparation of an action plan and implementation of methods under strictly controlled conditions.</p>

Revitalizacija i sagorevanje otpadnih transformatorskih i motornih ulja u funkciji zaštite životne sredine / Revitalization and combustion of waste transformer and motor oils in the function of environmental protection

Đorđić Dragiša 10 June 2020 (has links)
<p>U doktorskoj disertaciji je realizovano ispitivanje revitalizacije, parametara sagorevanja i emisije otpadnih transformatorskih i motornih ulja, kao i njihovih dizel me&scaron;avina. Dobijeni eksperimentalni rezultati ukazuju da se nakon revitalizacionog tretmana značajno pobolj&scaron;avaju izolaciona svojstva transformatorskog ulja, &scaron;to je veoma važno za bezbedan rad transformatora, za&scaron;titu životne i radne sredine. Pored toga, rezultati eksperimentalnog ispitivanja procesa sagorevanja ukazuju da se otpadna transformatorska i motorna ulja i njihove me&scaron;avine sa dizelom mogu koristiti kao gorivo u generatorima toplote male snage i u raznim granama procesne industrije, te mogu smanjiti probleme u vezi sa za&scaron;titom životne sredine.</p> / <p>The doctoral thesis cover the testing of revitalization, combustion parameters and emissions of waste transformer and motor oils, as well as their diesel mixtures. The experimental results obtained indicate that after the revitalization treatment, the insulating properties of the transformer oil are significantly improved, which is very important for the safe operation of transformer, environmental protection and work environment. In addition, the results of an experimental test of the combustion process indicate that waste transformer and motor oils and their mixtures with diesel can be used as fuel in low power heat generators and in various branches of the process industry, and can reduce environmental issues.</p>

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