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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Slovenská próza v německých překladech a její recepce po roce 1968 / Slovak prose in German translation and its reception after 1968

Kášová, Eva January 2014 (has links)
KÁŠOVÁ, Eva. Slovak Prose in German Translations after 1968 (Reception as a Way of Building the Picture of Slovak Culture and Identity) [MA Thesis]. Charles's University in Prague. Faculty of Arts. Department of Central European Studies. Supervisor: Doc. PhDr. Rudolf Chmel, DrSc. Degree of qualification: Master. Prague: Faculty of Arts, Charle's University, 2014. 73 p. The main topic of this MA thesis is a literary critical reflection of Slovak prose in German translations after 1968. The thesis focuses on cultural-literary reflections of Slovak prose in German linguistic context. The author analyses the reviews from German and Austrian linguistic area, while pointing out the differences in literary works in different (though close) linguistic contexts. The theoretical background of the thesis lies in imaginological theories and the author characterizes four basic perspectives of reading Slovak literature based on them. Her aim is to formulate an objective and complex image of the literary critical opinion on Slovak literature in the aforementioned areas. The thesis is divided into three chapters with an introduction and a conclusion. Keywords: Review. Reflection. Translation. German linguistic context. Imagology. Image.

Diabetes Mellitus e doença periodontal: uma revisão sistemática / Diabetes Mellitus and periodontal disease: systematic review

Jussara Maria Villasbôas de Andrade 28 January 2009 (has links)
Diabetes Mellitus está associado a diversos tipos de complicações, envolvendo diferentes áreas do organismo, dentre elas, o periodonto. A correlação entre diabetes e doença periodontal é uma constante preocupação entre os dentistas uma vez, que comprovada esta associação, surgirão novos conceitos para diagnóstico e tratamento das respectivas doenças. O presente estudo apresenta uma revisão sistemática, tendo como fonte principal dos estudos as bases eletrônicas de dados disponíveis na Internet (Medline, Scielo, Lilacs, HealthStar, SciSearch) e, como foco, os estudos transversais, longitudinais e de caso controle. Esta revisão sistemática procura estudar as evidências científicas de 26 estudos sobre a associação entre diabetes e doença periodontal, buscando contribuir para o entendimento do processo saúde-doença periodontal, através das evidências para o estabelecimento de fatores de risco. Dos 26 estudos analisados, 73% deles apresentaram significância estatística da associação diabetes e doença periodontal,confirmando assim que o diabetes é um fator de risco para o estabelecimento da doença periodontal. Desta forma, o estudo pretende fortalecer a importância da atuação do dentista na saúde integral do indivíduo diabético e em ações de promoção e prevenção de saúde bucal. / Diabetes Mellitus is associated with various types of complications, which involved differents areas of the organism, including the periodontium. The association between diabetes and periodontal disease is, nowadays, a constant preoccupation between the dentists, and if this inter-relationship is proved, will appear new concepts to diagnosis and treatment for those diseases. This present study presents a systematic review and the main source of studies is the eletronic databases available in the internet (Medline, Scielo, Lilacs, HealthStar, SciSearch). It focus on case control, longitudinal and cross sectional studies. This systematic review aims to obtain the scientific evidences of the 26 studies about the association between diabetes and periodontal disease. Besides it applies for contribute to understand the health-periodontal disease process, the evidences to establish the risk factors. 73% of the total studies obtained statistics evidence about the association between diabetes and periodontal disease. This fact confirmed that diabetes is a risk factor of establishment of periodontal disease. This study tends to strengthen the importance of professional action in the integral health of the diabetic and the promotion and preventing actions in bucal health.

Diabetes Mellitus e doença periodontal: uma revisão sistemática / Diabetes Mellitus and periodontal disease: systematic review

Jussara Maria Villasbôas de Andrade 28 January 2009 (has links)
Diabetes Mellitus está associado a diversos tipos de complicações, envolvendo diferentes áreas do organismo, dentre elas, o periodonto. A correlação entre diabetes e doença periodontal é uma constante preocupação entre os dentistas uma vez, que comprovada esta associação, surgirão novos conceitos para diagnóstico e tratamento das respectivas doenças. O presente estudo apresenta uma revisão sistemática, tendo como fonte principal dos estudos as bases eletrônicas de dados disponíveis na Internet (Medline, Scielo, Lilacs, HealthStar, SciSearch) e, como foco, os estudos transversais, longitudinais e de caso controle. Esta revisão sistemática procura estudar as evidências científicas de 26 estudos sobre a associação entre diabetes e doença periodontal, buscando contribuir para o entendimento do processo saúde-doença periodontal, através das evidências para o estabelecimento de fatores de risco. Dos 26 estudos analisados, 73% deles apresentaram significância estatística da associação diabetes e doença periodontal,confirmando assim que o diabetes é um fator de risco para o estabelecimento da doença periodontal. Desta forma, o estudo pretende fortalecer a importância da atuação do dentista na saúde integral do indivíduo diabético e em ações de promoção e prevenção de saúde bucal. / Diabetes Mellitus is associated with various types of complications, which involved differents areas of the organism, including the periodontium. The association between diabetes and periodontal disease is, nowadays, a constant preoccupation between the dentists, and if this inter-relationship is proved, will appear new concepts to diagnosis and treatment for those diseases. This present study presents a systematic review and the main source of studies is the eletronic databases available in the internet (Medline, Scielo, Lilacs, HealthStar, SciSearch). It focus on case control, longitudinal and cross sectional studies. This systematic review aims to obtain the scientific evidences of the 26 studies about the association between diabetes and periodontal disease. Besides it applies for contribute to understand the health-periodontal disease process, the evidences to establish the risk factors. 73% of the total studies obtained statistics evidence about the association between diabetes and periodontal disease. This fact confirmed that diabetes is a risk factor of establishment of periodontal disease. This study tends to strengthen the importance of professional action in the integral health of the diabetic and the promotion and preventing actions in bucal health.

Träning för bättre teamarbete

Sjölin, Camilla January 2014 (has links)
Sjölin, C. Träning för bättre samarbete. En litteraturstudie om simulering som verktyg för att förbättra teamarbetet i akuta situationer. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Hälsa och samhälle. Institutionen för vårdvetenskap, 2014.Bakgrund: En Intensivvårdssjuksköterska ska kunna samarbeta i ett team kring den akut sjuka patienten och för att teamet ska fungera behöver inte bara tekniska färdigheter utan även icketekniska så som kommunikation, ledarskap och att ta sin roll i teamet utvecklas. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka hur simuleringsövningar påverkar teamarbetet i akuta situationer. Metod: Litteratur har sökts via Cinahl, Pubmed och the Cochrane librery, sökord som användes var bland annat intensive care, critical care, interprofessional, teamwork, inservice training och simulation. Resultatet visar att direkt efter simulering uppnås förbättringar inom kommunikation, rolluppfyllnad och självförtroendet förbättras, men några artiklar visar att om förbättringen ska befästas bör upprepade simuleringar ske.Nyckelord: Intensivvård, Interprofessionella team, litteraturstudie, simuleringsövning, Teamwork / Sjölin, C. Training for better teamwork. A literature review of simulation as a tool to improve teamwork in emergency situations. Degree project, 15 credit points. Malmö University: Health and society, Department of Nursing, 2014.Background: A Critical Care Nurse needs to collaborate in a team around the acute ill patient and for the team to function requires not only technical skills but also non-technical such as communication, leadership and to take the role as a team member. The Purpose of this study was to investigate how simulation training affect teamwork in emergency situations. Method: The literature has been reviewed using Cinahl, Pubmed and the Cochrane library. The search terms among others were intensive care, critical care, interprofessional teamwork, inservice training and simulation. The Result: Directly after simulation the results show improvements in communications, assuming a role and confidence. For sustainable results there is a need for repeated training. Keywords: Intensive care, Interprofessional team, Review, Simulationtraining, Teamwork

Föräldrars upplevelser, känslor och erfarenheter av att ha ett cancersjukt barn : En litteraturöversikt

Björnström, Alva, Norman, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Varje år drabbas ungefär 400 000 barn i världen av cancer. Cancer är en livshotande sjukdom som innebär en intensiv period av tuffa behandlingar. När ett barn får en cancerdiagnos ställs livet på sin ända och allt runt omkring tappar betydelse. I dessa stunder är det viktigt för vårdpersonal att se hela den familj som står bakom barnet.  Syfte: Syftet var att studera föräldrars upplevelser, känslor och erfarenheter av att ha ett cancersjukt barn. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med deskriptiv design innehållande originalartiklar med kvalitativ metod. Kvalitetsgranskning av studierna utfördes med SBU:s granskningsmall och resultatet analyserades med Fribergs analysmodell.   Resultat: Resultatet visade tre huvudkategorier: Psykisk och fysisk påverkan, stöd och förändringar i vardagen med totalt åtta subkategorier. Föräldrar upplevde en stor psykisk påverkan i form av chock och förnekelse som sedan övergick i reaktioner som sorg samt rädsla. För att hitta ett sätt att ta sig igenom vardagen behövde många föräldrar finna hopp och se positivt på framtiden. Praktiskt och känslomässigt stöd från vårdpersonal och närstående ansågs viktigt för att öka tryggheten. Efter barnets cancerdiagnos förändrades hela världsbilden och föräldrar fick hitta nya sätt att klara av vardagen.   Slutsats: Föräldrar påverkades både psykiskt och fysiskt. Sjuksköterskan behöver därmed ha kunskap om hur ett cancerbesked kan ge uttryck och hur man bemöter människor i kris. / Background: Each year approximately 400 000 children in the world are diagnosed with cancer. Cancer is a life-threatening disease that involves a difficult period of intensive treatments. When a child receives a cancer diagnosis, their lives are turned upside down and everything around them loses significance. In these moments it's important to consider the entire family behind the child.  Aim: The aim was to study parents' experiences and emotions of having a child affected by cancer.  Method: A literature review with descriptive design using original articles with a qualitative method. Quality review of the studies was performed using SBU´s template and the results were analyzed using Friberg´s analysis model.  Result: The result was divided in three main categories: Psychological and physical impacts, support, and changes in everyday life. These categories were split into eight subcategories. Parents experienced psychological impacts that included trauma and denial, that then turned into reactions such as grief and fear. To find a way to get through everyday life many parents needed to find hope and see the future in a positive way. Practical and emotional support from healthcare professionals and relatives was considered important to increase security. After the child's cancer diagnosis, the whole world changed, and the parents had to find new ways to cope with everyday life.   Conclusion: Parents were affected both psychologically and physically. The nurse therefore needs to have knowledge about how a cancer diagnosis can manifest and how to support people in crisis.

Os estudos do som no cinema: evolução quantitativa, tendências temáticas e o perfil da pesquisa brasileira contemporânea sobre o som cinematográfico / Film sound studies: quantitative developments, thematic tendencies and the profile of the film sound studies contemporary Brazilian research

Alves, Bernardo Marquez 30 September 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação pretende mapear e discutir o pensamento sonoro cinematográfico dos pesquisadores brasileiros contemporâneos através de uma revisão sistemática que aborda a evolução quantitativa, as tendências temáticas e o perfil da pesquisa brasileira contemporânea sobre o som no cinema. Os estudos selecionados para tal investigação e análise foram os livros, as teses, as dissertações e os artigos acadêmicos nacionais que contemplam o universo sonoro cinematográfico, publicados no Brasil no período entre os anos 2001 e 2011, e que articulam essencialmente questões que não são específicas da trilha musical / This master thesis aims to map and discuss the film sound thinking of contemporary brazilian researches through a systematic rewiew that approach the quantitative developments, the thematic tendencies and the profile of Brasilian contemporary film sound studies. The studies selected for this research and analysis were national books, doctoral theses, master´s theses and academic articles the address the universe of film sound published in Brasil between 2001 and 2011, and essentially articulate issues that are not specific of the film score

Os estudos do som no cinema: evolução quantitativa, tendências temáticas e o perfil da pesquisa brasileira contemporânea sobre o som cinematográfico / Film sound studies: quantitative developments, thematic tendencies and the profile of the film sound studies contemporary Brazilian research

Bernardo Marquez Alves 30 September 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação pretende mapear e discutir o pensamento sonoro cinematográfico dos pesquisadores brasileiros contemporâneos através de uma revisão sistemática que aborda a evolução quantitativa, as tendências temáticas e o perfil da pesquisa brasileira contemporânea sobre o som no cinema. Os estudos selecionados para tal investigação e análise foram os livros, as teses, as dissertações e os artigos acadêmicos nacionais que contemplam o universo sonoro cinematográfico, publicados no Brasil no período entre os anos 2001 e 2011, e que articulam essencialmente questões que não são específicas da trilha musical / This master thesis aims to map and discuss the film sound thinking of contemporary brazilian researches through a systematic rewiew that approach the quantitative developments, the thematic tendencies and the profile of Brasilian contemporary film sound studies. The studies selected for this research and analysis were national books, doctoral theses, master´s theses and academic articles the address the universe of film sound published in Brasil between 2001 and 2011, and essentially articulate issues that are not specific of the film score

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