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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genetic and Functional Studies of LociAssociated with Atrial Fibrillation

Gore Panter, Shamone Robinette January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Small RNAs of <i>Shigella dysenteriae</i>

Broach, William H. 22 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Transgenic resistance against Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) and analysis of the viral p23 protein as pathogenicity determinant in citrus

Soler Calvo, Nuria 02 September 2013 (has links)
El virus de la tristeza de los cítricos (Citrus tristeza virus; CTV) es el agente causal de unas de las enfermedades virales de los árboles cítricos más devastadoras en el mundo. CTV está restringido al floema en su huésped cítrico natural, y ha desarrollado tres proteínas supresoras de silenciamiento que actúan a nivel intra-(p23 y p20) e intercelular (p20 y p25) para superar la fuerte defensa antiviral del huésped. La interferencia de RNA, una aproximación basada en el uso de dsRNA para desencadenar el silenciamiento de RNA, ha sido utilizada ampliamente para generar plantas transgénicas resistentes a virus. Considerando el importante papel de p23, p20 y p25 en la patogénesis de CTV, hemos transformado plantas de lima Mexicana con un vector intrón-horquilla que porta la secuencia completa en versión no traducible de los genes p25, p20, p23 y el extremo 3¿-UTR de la cepa T36 de CTV, para intentar silenciar su expresión en células infectadas. Se ha observado resistencia completa a la infección viral en tres líneas transgénicas, manteniéndose todas sus propagaciones asintomáticas y libres de virus tras ser inoculadas mediante injerto con CTV-T36, tanto en el portainjertos no transgénico como directamente sobre la variedad transgénica. La acumulación de siRNA derivados del transgén fue necesaria pero no suficiente para lograr resistencia frente a CTV en las plantas. Al inocular propagaciones de las líneas transgénicas inmunes con una cepa de CTV divergente, la resistencia fue parcialmente superada, destacando la importancia de la identidad de secuencia en el mecanismo subyacente a la interferencia de RNA. Este trabajo es el primero en que se consigue resistencia completa a CTV en un huésped cítrico muy sensible, actuando simultáneamente sobre los tres supresores virales de silenciamiento mediante interferencia de RNA. La proteína p23 codificada por el virus es además un importante factor de patogenicidad. La expresión ectópica de p23 en plantas de cítricos induce aberraciones fenológicas semejantes a síntomas de CTV. Para estudiar en más detalle el papel de p23 en la patogénesis de CTV, se ha sobre-expresado en lima Mexicana el gen p23 de CTV T36 y tres versiones truncadas del mismo bajo el control del promotor 35S del virus del mosaico de la coliflor (Cauliflower mosaic virus). Solo la versión truncada, que expresa los aminoácidos del 1 al 157 (p23-¿157) indujo síntomas similares a los producidos por CTV, aunque más suaves que los inducidos por la expresión de la proteína p23 entera (209 aminoácidos), permitiendo delimitar la región responsable de la patogénesis de p23 en cítricos a un fragmento de 157 aminoácidos que incluye el dedo de zinc y los motivos básicos flanqueantes de la proteína. La actividad de p23 como supresor de silenciamiento de RNA en N. benthamiana se perdía en todos los mutantes de p23 probados, lo cual indica que la supresión de silenciamiento implica a la mayoría de las regiones de la proteína. Para profundizar más en el papel de p23 en la patogénesis, en un siguiente paso hemos restringido la expresión de transgenes derivados de p23 a células asociadas al floema de lima Mexicana mediante el uso del promotor especifico de floema del virus del moteado amarillo de la comelina (Commelina yellow mottle virus, CoYMV). Se transformó lima Mexicana con construcciones que portaban el gen p23 completo, ya sea de la cepa agresiva de CTV T36 o de la suave T317, o con un fragmento que comprende el dedo de zinc y los motivos básicos flanqueantes de la primera, todas ellas bajo el control bien del promotor de CoYMV o bien del promotor constitutivo 35S. La expresión de estas construcciones en el floema dio lugar a aberraciones semejantes a los síntomas específicos de CTV, pero no a los síntomas inespecíficos observados cuando se expresaba p23 de forma constitutiva. Por otra parte, la apariencia e intensidad de las aberraciones fenotípicas más notorias similares a síntomas inducidos por CTV generadas por la expresión específica en floema del gen p23 se relacionó positivamente con la agresividad de la cepa origen utilizada. Además, la expresión en tejidos floemáticos del fragmento de p23 que comprende el dominio de dedo de zinc y los motivos básicos flanqueantes fue suficiente para inducir síntomas semejantes a los producidos por la infección con CTV, confirmando así que la región N-terminal delimitada por los aminoácidos 1 y 157 podría determinar, al menos en parte, la patogénesis de CTV en lima Mexicana. / Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is the causal agent of one of the most devastating viral diseases of citrus trees in the world. CTV is phloem-restricted in natural citrus hosts, and has evolved three silencing suppressor proteins acting at intra- (p23 and p20) and inter-cellular level (p20 and p25) to overcome strong host antiviral defense in citrus. RNA interference (RNAi), an approach based on using dsRNA to trigger RNA silencing, has been widely used for generating transgenic plants resistant against viruses. Considering the important role of p23, p20 and p25 in CTV pathogenesis, we have transformed Mexican lime plants with an intron-hairpin vector carrying full untranslatable versions of genes p25, p20, p23 and the 3¿-UTR from the CTV strain T36, to attempt silencing their expression in CTV-infected cells. Complete resistance to viral infection was observed in three transgenic lines, with all their propagations remaining symptomless and virus-free after graft-inoculation with CTV-T36, either in the non-transgenic rootstock or directly in the transgenic scion. Accumulation of transgene-derived siRNAs was necessary but not sufficient for CTV resistance. Challenging immune transformants with a divergent CTV strain resulted in partial breakage of the resistance, stressing the importance of sequence identity in the underlying RNAi mechanism. This is the first evidence that it is possible to achieve full resistance to CTV in a highly sensitive citrus host by targeting simultaneously its three viral silencing suppressors through RNAi. The p23 protein encoded by the virus is additionally an important pathogenicity factor. Ectopic expression of p23 in transgenic citrus plants induces developmental aberrations resembling CTV symptoms. To explore in more detail the role of p23 in CTV pathogenesis, the p23 gene from CTV T36 and three truncated versions thereof under the control of the Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter were used to transform Mexican lime. Only the truncated version expressing amino acids 1 to 157 (p23¿158-209) elicited CTV-like symptoms, similar to, albeit milder than, those incited by expressing the whole p23 protein (209 amino acids), thus delimiting the region responsible for p23 pathogenesis in citrus to a 157 amino acid fragment including the Zn finger and flanking basic motifs of the protein. RNA silencing suppressor activity of p23 in N. benthamiana was abolished by all mutants tested, indicating that silencing suppression involves most p23 regions. To better define the role of p23 in CTV pathogenesis, we next restricted the expression of p23-derived transgenes to phloem-associated cells in Mexican lime plants by means of using the phloem-specific promoter from Commelina yellow mottle virus (CoYMV). Constructions carrying the complete gene p23 from either the severe T36 or the mild T317 CTV strains, or a fragment comprising the zinc-finger and flanking basic motifs from the former, either under the control of the CoYMV promoter or the constitutive 35S promoter were used for genetic transformation of Mexican lime. Expression of these constructs in the phloem incited aberrations resembling CTV-specific symptoms, but not the unspecific symptoms observed when p23 was constitutively expressed. Moreover, appearance and intensity of the most notorious CTV-like phenotypic aberrations induced by the phloem-specific expression of the p23 gene were positively related with the aggressiveness of the source CTV strain used. Additionally, expression in phloem-tissues of the p23 fragment comprising the zinc-finger domain and flanking basic motifs was sufficient to induce CTV-like symptoms, corroborating that the N-terminal region (delimited by amino acids 1 and 157) determines, at least in part, CTV pathogenesis in Mexican lime. / Soler Calvo, N. (2013). Transgenic resistance against Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) and analysis of the viral p23 protein as pathogenicity determinant in citrus [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31631

Dynamic regulation of co-transcriptional processes during neuronal maturation

Fernandes, Ana Miguel 21 August 2020 (has links)
Koordinierte Phosphorylierung der C-terminale Domäne von RNA Polymerase II (RNAPII) ist essentiell für eine effiziente Kupplung von naszierender RNA Synthese und co-transkriptionalem RNA Prozessierens. Zirkuläre RNAs (circRNAs) sind eine neue Klasse von RNA Molekülen mit hoher Prävalenz in neuronalen Zelltypen. Die Biogenese von circRNAs ist noch ungeklärt, insbesondere die Frage warum das Intron upstream der circRNA während der Transkription des circRNA Exons zurückbehalten wird um Rück-Spleißen zu ermöglichen. Verschiede Belege suggerieren, dass unzulängliche Rekrutierung des Spleiceosoms zur circRNA Formation führen kann. In dieser Arbeit untersuche ich die Mechanismen die zu Defekten in der Erkennung und des Spleißens des Introns upstream der circRNA führen. Mit diesem Ziel erfasste ich die genomweite Verteilung von chromatinassoziierter RNAPII mit verschiedenen Phosphorylierungen, sowie Spleißfaktoren und Transkriptionsreglern mittels ChIP-seq in neuronaler Differenzierung von murinen embryonalen Stammzellen zu dopaminergen und Motoneuronen. Während der gesamten Differenzierung, aber insbesondere in den differenzieren Neuronen, konnten circRNAs detektiert werden. In meiner Arbeit finde ich, dass circRNAs detektiert werden, wenn Gene hohe Levels an mRNA exprimieren und, dass die Produktion von circRNA mit einer Dysbalance zwischen dem Laden der RNA-Polymerase II auf die DNA und dem Rekruitieren der Splice-Maschinerie zusammen hängt. Um funktionell mit den Pausier-Mechanismen der RNA-Polymerase II zu interferieren, habe ich einen ''promotor-proximal-pausing'' Faktor depletiert. Dabei stellte ich fest, dass diese Depletion genügt, um die circRNA Levels in embryonalen Stamzellen zu erhöhen. Die Ergebnisse die in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, beschreiben die Beteiligung des Pausierens der RNA-Polymerase II and der Formierung von circRNAs. / Coordinated phosphorylation of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) C-terminal domain is essential for efficient coupling of nascent RNA synthesis with co-transcriptional RNA processing events. Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are a novel class of RNAs whose biogenesis remains ill understood, namely why the upstream intron is not spliced before the circRNA-exon is fully transcribed. Indirect evidence suggests that altered spliceosome recruitment can lead to circRNA formation. To investigate the mechanisms that may be involved in deficient recognition and splicing of introns upstream of exons included in circRNAs, I mapped the chromatin occupancy of RNAPII phosphorylated forms, splicing factors, and transcription regulators by ChIP-seq during mouse ESC differentiation to dopaminergic and spinal motor neurons. CircRNAs are detected throughout differentiation, peaking in differentiated neurons, as expected. I found that circRNAs are detected when genes express high levels of mRNA, and that circRNA production is associated with an imbalance between RNAPII loading and recruitment of the splicing machinery. To mechanistically interfere with pausing mechanisms, I depleted an RNAPII promoter-proximal pausing factor, and found that it was sufficient to increase the formation of circRNAs in stem cells. Results shown in this work implicate RNAPII regulation mechanisms in the formation of circRNAs.

Expressão e seleção de microRNAs no músculo esquelético de homens saudáveis submetidos ao treinamento físico aeróbio\" / MicroRNA-206 skeletal muscle-specific modulates pattern of expression in myogenesis in response to endurance training in human

Alves, Cleber Renê 14 May 2014 (has links)
O treinamento físico aeróbio (TFA) foi estabelecido como uma conduta importante capaz de alterar a musculatura esquelética humana. Os microRNAs (miRs) surgiram como importantes reguladores de processos biológicos, modulando a expressão de genes pós-transcricionalmente. Os myomiRs são miRs específico do músculo esquelético, em especial o miR-206, que é necessário para uma eficiente regeneração das fibras musculares esqueléticas. No entanto, a expressão do miR-206 em resposta ao TFA, não é completamente comprendida. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar os padrões de expressão dos myomiRs na musculatura esquelética humana. Doze voluntários saudáveis foram biopsiados pré e pós-treinamento físico. As expressões gênicas e proteicas envolvidas na miogênese foram observadas, incluindo; PAX-7, MYF5, MYOD, MRF4, MYOG, CD31 e FSTL. Além disso, a freqüência cardíaca (FC), pressão arterial média (PAM), consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2max), fluxo sanguineo no antebraço (FSA) e condutância vascular no antebraço (CVA), foram avaliados. Ademais, os myomiRs foram analisados por PCR em tempo real. O treinamento físico aeróbio foi realizado durante 16 semanas. Todas as variáveis foram reavaliadas após o treinamento. Os indivíduos apresentaram um aumento nas expressões dos myomiRs, em especial do miRs-206 de 93%. Estas alterações foram acompanhadas por aumento nas expressões dos genes; PAX-7, MYOD, MYF5, MFR4, MYOG e FSTL, respectivamente. No entanto, quando analisamos as expressões proteicas, houve redução na FSTL e PAX-7, de 24%, 29%, respectivamente. Além disso, em MYOD, CD31, MYOG e MHC houve aumentos de 21%, 41%, 79% e 94%, respectivamente. Ademais, houve uma diminuição na frequência cardíaca de reposuso de 12,5% e aumentos no VO2pico, FSA e CVA de 14,1%, 68%, 63%, respectivamente. Estes resultados sugerem que em indivíduos saudáveis o miRs-206 é altamente expresso após o treinamento físico aeróbio, dessa forma, modulando localmente processos miogênicos regenerativos em homens saudáveis / Endurance training (ET) has been established as an important phenotype capable of altering the human skeletal muscle. MicroRNAs (miRs) have emerged as important regulators of numerous biological processes by modulating gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. The myomiRs are particulars miRs of muscles, in special skeletal muscle-specific miR-206 that is required for efficient regeneration muscle fiber. However, the expression of myomiRs and in special miR-206 in response to ET in human skeletal muscle is not completely understood. Twelve healthy volunteers were biopsied pre and post period endurance training. Most of the biological processes involved in the transcriptional regulation were observed, including PAX-7, MYF5, MYOD, MRF4, MYOG, CD31 and FSTL, analyzed by real time PCR. Moreover, heart rate (HR), mean blood pressure (MBP), maximal exercise capacity (VO2peak) forearm blood flow (FBF) and forearm vascular conductance (FVC) were evaluated. The myomiRs levels analyzed by real-time PCR. Endurance training was performed for 16 weeks. All variables were re-assessed following completion of the training period. After endurance training, the individuals showed an increase in myomiRs, in special of 93% in human skeletal muscle in miRNA-206 levels. These alterations were accompanied by increase in PAX-7, MYOD, MYF5, MFR4, MYOG and FSTL gene expression, respectively. However, when analyzed by western blot comparing pre and post period there were reduction in FSTL of 24% and PAX-7 of 29% in protein levels, but in MYOD, CD31, MYOG and MHC there were increase of 21%, 41%, 79% and 94% in protein levels, respectively. In addition, there was a decrease in hear rate of 12.5% and increases in VO2peak of 14.1%, FBF of 68% and FVC of 63%.These results suggest that in healthy individuals the miR-206 is highly expressed after endurance training, thus modulating locally important parts in myogenic processes in humans

Recherche des partenaires de l’ARN hélicase à boîte DEAD de levure Ded1 / Identifying and characterizing the protein partners of the yeast DEAD-box “helicase” Ded1

Senissar, Meriem 30 September 2013 (has links)
L’ARN hélicase à boite DEAD de la levure S.cerevisiae Ded1 est une protéine essentielle dont la fonction a été conservée au cours de l’évolution. Ses homologues fonctionnels sont impliqués dans le développement et le cycle cellulaire. Ded1 a longtemps été associée à l’étape de scanning de la région 5’UTR des ARNm au niveau de l’initiation de la traduction. Nous avons utilisé différentes approches comme les co-immunoprécipitations, des analyses de spectrométrie de masse, des tests de complémentation génétique, de séparation des complexes sur gradients de saccharose, des expériences de localisation in situ et d’enzymologie pour montrer que Ded1 interagissait physiquement avec des complexes cytoplasmique et nucléaire de liaison à la coiffe des ARNm. Nous avons également montré que Ded1 peut passer du noyau vers le cytoplasme par différentes voies d’export nucléaire. De façon intéressante, ses partenaires protéines sont capables de stimuler son activité ATPase. De plus, nous avons montré qu’il existait un lien génétique entre Ded1 et ses partenaires. Nous avons également montré que Ded1 colocalise partiellement avec ses partenaires dans des gradients de saccharose, suggérant que Ded1 pourrait être associée à certains mRNPs. Nos résultats encore préliminaires indiquent que Ded1 pourrait s’associer à d’autre ARNs coiffés. Ainsi, Ded1 pourrait remodeler les complexes associés à différentes étapes de la vie des ARN coiffés. / The budding yeast DEAD-box RNA helicase Ded1 is an essential yeast protein that is closely related to a subfamily of DEAD-box proteins that are involved in developmental and cell-cycle regulation. Ded1 is generally considered to be a translation-initiation factor that helps the 40S ribosome scan the mRNA from the 5' 7-methylguanosine cap to the AUG start codon. We have used IgG pulldown experiments, mass spectroscopy analyses, genetic experiments, saccharose gradients, in situ localizations, and enzymatic assays to show that Ded1 is a cap-associated factor that actively shuttles between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. We show that Ded1 physically interacts with various cap-associated factors and that its enzymatic activity is stimulated by these factors. By using various mutated proteins, we show that Ded1 is genetically linked to these factors. Ded1 comigrates with these factors on saccharose gradients, but the peak of Ded1 sediments slightly heavier than for the other factors, which suggests that Ded1 is predominately associated with a subset of the mRNPs. Finally, purification of the protein complexes associated with Ded1 and subsequent analysis by nanoLC-MS/MS indicates that Ded1 is associated with both nuclear and cytoplasmic mRNPs. Preliminary experiements showed that Ded1 can associate with other capped RNA. We conclude that Ded1 may function as a remodeling factor that is needed to form the different complexes associated with the different processing steps of the capped RNA.

Approches de fractionnement biochimique couplé à la transcriptomique dans l’étude systématique de la localisation subcellulaire et extracellulaire des ARNs

Lefebvre, Fabio Alexis 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Etude du complexe Dom34-Hbs1 ressemblant aux facteurs de terminaison : analyse fonctionnelle de ses rôles dans le contrôle qualité des ARN et dans la stimulation de la traduction par dissociation des ribosomes inactifs / Study of the termination factor like Dom34-Hbs1 complex : functional analysis of their roles in RNA quality control and in stimulating translation by dissociating inactive ribosomes

Van Den Elzen, Antonia 13 September 2013 (has links)
Après un cycle de la production des protéines, les sous-unités des ribosomes terminés sont dissociés, afin de les rendre disponibles pour de nouveaux cycles de traduction. Si lors de la traduction le ribosome pause, il ne pourra pas terminer la traduction et être recyclé par la voie classique. Un mécanisme de recyclage alternatif a évolué pour dissocier de tels ribosomes arrêtés. Un complexe composé des facteurs Dom34 et Hbs1 induit leur dissociation. Ce complexe est aussi impliqué dans des voies de contrôle qualité qui ciblent des ARN qui causent des arrêts ribosomiques. Dans cette thèse, l'importance de plusieurs sites fonctionnels du complexe Dom34-Hbs1 pour ces voies contrôle qualité des ARNs est étudiée. De plus, la relation entre ces voies et leurs détails sont examiné. Finalement, un nouveau rôle de Dom34-Hbs1, en dissociant des ribosomes inactifs ce qui rend leurs sous-unités disponibles pour de nouveaux cycles de la traduction, est décrit. / Protein production is a cyclic process that consists of four stages: initiation, elongation, termination and recycling. During recycling the subunits of terminated ribosomes are dissociated, to make them available for new rounds of translation. If ribosomes stall during translation, ribosomes cannot terminate properly and canonical recycling cannot occur. Cells have mechanisms to rescue these stalled ribosomes. A complex formed by the factors Dom34 and Hbs1 induces their dissociation. This compex in RNA quality control, targeting RNAs that cause ribosomal stalling. In this thesis the importance of several functional sites of the Dom34-Hbs1 complex for the degradation of these RNA sis investigated. Details of and therelationship between RNA quality control pathways in which the complex functions are further investigated. Finally, a new role of this complex, dissociating inactive ribosomes and there by making their subunits available to re-enter the translation cycle is described.

Modelos computacionais baseados em aprendizado de máquina para classificação e agrupamento de variedades de tucumã (Astrocaryum aculeatum G. Mey.)

Ferreira Júnior, Mafran Martins 31 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Geyciane Santos (geyciane_thamires@hotmail.com) on 2015-12-02T21:18:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Mafran Martins Ferreira Júnior.pdf: 2373705 bytes, checksum: ffd481c7fb68c5e26d7888b9d927dd89 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-12-03T19:00:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Mafran Martins Ferreira Júnior.pdf: 2373705 bytes, checksum: ffd481c7fb68c5e26d7888b9d927dd89 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-12-03T19:14:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Mafran Martins Ferreira Júnior.pdf: 2373705 bytes, checksum: ffd481c7fb68c5e26d7888b9d927dd89 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T19:14:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Mafran Martins Ferreira Júnior.pdf: 2373705 bytes, checksum: ffd481c7fb68c5e26d7888b9d927dd89 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-07-31 / Não informada / The amazon biome has a range of natural resources with high economic value, which can be exploited in a sustainable way to generate jobs and income. Among these resources, we can spotlight the tucuman, native fruit from the Amazonian region used in cooking, crafts and sold by local producers. The tucuman palm tree presents many varieties within the same specie, each one differs from the other in its morphology, population, origin, among other factors. Scientifically, the tucuman taxonomic classification refers to its species. There isn’t yet a manual or an automatic way of classifying varieties of Astrocaryum aculeatum G. Mey., also known as Amazonian tucuman. The indication of the variety to which a fruit unit belongs is performed empirically and may be confused when there are fruits with a large difference in their characteristics. In this scenario, this study aimed to generate and evaluate computer models able to classify and get into groups four varieties of tucuman found in the Itacoatiara-AM region. The secondary objective of this study was to indicate which of the varieties have the best economic potential regarding to the harvested fruit characteristics. To generate the models, three machine learning techniques were used: Decision Trees and Artificial Neural Networks in the classification task, and to the grouping task the K-Means technique was applied, using Euclidean and Manhattan distance measurements. The results obtained based on the data set show that the models generated with machine learning techniques presented satisfactory indexes for predicting of varieties' classes of tucuman. / O bioma amazônico possui uma gama de recursos naturais com alto valor econômico, os quais podem ser explorados de maneira sustentável para gerar emprego e renda. Dentre esses recursos destaca-se o tucumã, fruta nativa da região utilizada na culinária, no artesanato e comercializada pelos produtores locais. A palmeira do tucumã apresenta ampla variedade dentro de uma mesma espécie, cada uma diferenciando-se quanto à sua morfologia, população, procedência, entre outros fatores. Cientificamente, a classificação taxonômica do tucumã é referente às suas espécies, ainda não existe nenhuma forma manual ou automática de classificar variedades da espécie Astrocaryum aculeatum G. Mey., também conhecida como tucumã do Amazonas. A indicação da variedade a qual uma unidade do fruto pertence é realizada de forma empírica, podendo ser confusa perante o aparecimento de frutos com grande diferença em suas características. Nesse cenário, esta pesquisa objetivou gerar e avaliar modelos computacionais capazes de classificar e agrupar quatro variedades de tucumã, encontradas na região do município de Itacoatiara-AM. O estudo teve como objetivo secundário indicar qual das variedades possui melhor potencial econômico quanto às características do fruto já colhido. Para gerar os modelos foram utilizadas três técnicas de Aprendizado de Máquina: Árvores de Decisão e Redes Neurais Artificiais na tarefa de classificação, e na tarefa de agrupamento a técnica K-Médias, usando as medidas de distância Euclidiana e de Manhattan. Os resultados obtidos com base no conjunto de dados mostram que os modelos gerados com as técnicas de aprendizado de máquina apresentaram índices satisfatórios para a predição de classes de variedades de tucumã.

Expressão e seleção de microRNAs no músculo esquelético de homens saudáveis submetidos ao treinamento físico aeróbio\" / MicroRNA-206 skeletal muscle-specific modulates pattern of expression in myogenesis in response to endurance training in human

Cleber Renê Alves 14 May 2014 (has links)
O treinamento físico aeróbio (TFA) foi estabelecido como uma conduta importante capaz de alterar a musculatura esquelética humana. Os microRNAs (miRs) surgiram como importantes reguladores de processos biológicos, modulando a expressão de genes pós-transcricionalmente. Os myomiRs são miRs específico do músculo esquelético, em especial o miR-206, que é necessário para uma eficiente regeneração das fibras musculares esqueléticas. No entanto, a expressão do miR-206 em resposta ao TFA, não é completamente comprendida. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar os padrões de expressão dos myomiRs na musculatura esquelética humana. Doze voluntários saudáveis foram biopsiados pré e pós-treinamento físico. As expressões gênicas e proteicas envolvidas na miogênese foram observadas, incluindo; PAX-7, MYF5, MYOD, MRF4, MYOG, CD31 e FSTL. Além disso, a freqüência cardíaca (FC), pressão arterial média (PAM), consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2max), fluxo sanguineo no antebraço (FSA) e condutância vascular no antebraço (CVA), foram avaliados. Ademais, os myomiRs foram analisados por PCR em tempo real. O treinamento físico aeróbio foi realizado durante 16 semanas. Todas as variáveis foram reavaliadas após o treinamento. Os indivíduos apresentaram um aumento nas expressões dos myomiRs, em especial do miRs-206 de 93%. Estas alterações foram acompanhadas por aumento nas expressões dos genes; PAX-7, MYOD, MYF5, MFR4, MYOG e FSTL, respectivamente. No entanto, quando analisamos as expressões proteicas, houve redução na FSTL e PAX-7, de 24%, 29%, respectivamente. Além disso, em MYOD, CD31, MYOG e MHC houve aumentos de 21%, 41%, 79% e 94%, respectivamente. Ademais, houve uma diminuição na frequência cardíaca de reposuso de 12,5% e aumentos no VO2pico, FSA e CVA de 14,1%, 68%, 63%, respectivamente. Estes resultados sugerem que em indivíduos saudáveis o miRs-206 é altamente expresso após o treinamento físico aeróbio, dessa forma, modulando localmente processos miogênicos regenerativos em homens saudáveis / Endurance training (ET) has been established as an important phenotype capable of altering the human skeletal muscle. MicroRNAs (miRs) have emerged as important regulators of numerous biological processes by modulating gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. The myomiRs are particulars miRs of muscles, in special skeletal muscle-specific miR-206 that is required for efficient regeneration muscle fiber. However, the expression of myomiRs and in special miR-206 in response to ET in human skeletal muscle is not completely understood. Twelve healthy volunteers were biopsied pre and post period endurance training. Most of the biological processes involved in the transcriptional regulation were observed, including PAX-7, MYF5, MYOD, MRF4, MYOG, CD31 and FSTL, analyzed by real time PCR. Moreover, heart rate (HR), mean blood pressure (MBP), maximal exercise capacity (VO2peak) forearm blood flow (FBF) and forearm vascular conductance (FVC) were evaluated. The myomiRs levels analyzed by real-time PCR. Endurance training was performed for 16 weeks. All variables were re-assessed following completion of the training period. After endurance training, the individuals showed an increase in myomiRs, in special of 93% in human skeletal muscle in miRNA-206 levels. These alterations were accompanied by increase in PAX-7, MYOD, MYF5, MFR4, MYOG and FSTL gene expression, respectively. However, when analyzed by western blot comparing pre and post period there were reduction in FSTL of 24% and PAX-7 of 29% in protein levels, but in MYOD, CD31, MYOG and MHC there were increase of 21%, 41%, 79% and 94% in protein levels, respectively. In addition, there was a decrease in hear rate of 12.5% and increases in VO2peak of 14.1%, FBF of 68% and FVC of 63%.These results suggest that in healthy individuals the miR-206 is highly expressed after endurance training, thus modulating locally important parts in myogenic processes in humans

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