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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vart tog klassmorfar vägen? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om generationsöverskridande samarbete i skolan. / Where did class-grandpa go? : A qualitative interview study about intergenerational cooperation in school

Fasth, Moa-Lee January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Idag är det brist på utbildade lärare och pedagoger i svenska skolor, därtill ärarbetsmiljön och arbetsbelastning bidragande faktorer för att de lämnar yrket. Unga saknarvuxna förebilder i dagens samhälle och det relationella samspelet är viktigt men däremotbristande i skolmiljön. Forskning visar att generationsöverskridande samarbeten har positivpåverkan på både den fysiska och psykosociala hälsan. Syfte: Att undersöka betydelsen av generationsöverskridande samarbeten i skolan. Frågeställningar: Hur upplever äldre och personal betydelsen av generationsöverskridandesamarbeten? Vilket är den upplevda effekten av generationsöverskridande möten i skolanenligt äldre och personal? Vilken påverkan upplever äldre och personal att generationsöverskridande relationer har på skolans verksamhet? Metod: Kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats och deskriptiv design tillämpades fördjupgående förståelse för klassförfäders och personalens upplevelser och erfarenheter ombetydelsen av generationsöverskridande arbete i skolan. Empirin samlades in genom niosemistrukturerade intervjuer via Zoom med deltagare från tre skolor i Sverige. Deltagarnavaldes genom ett avsiktligt urval av äldre och personal. Intervjuerna transkriberades ochanalyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Social inlärningsteori och ekologisksystemteori är studiens teoretiska referensramar. Resultat: Generationsöverskridande samarbeten i skolan har betydelse för skolan, vilket differentieras genom två dimensioner av påverkan där den ena handlar om verksamheten ochpedagogiken, och den andra är den psykosociala påverkan. Den första kategorin visar attklassförfäder i skolan bidrar till ett positivt förhållningssätt och perspektiv sinsemellangenerationerna, ömsesidigt kunskapsutbyte mellan generationerna och, sociala relationer ochgemenskap. Den andra kategorin visar att klassförfäder fungerar som ett hälsofrämjandekomplement i skolan som stöd för personal, elever och vårdnadshavare vilket har främjatutökade kreativitetszoner med tryggt utforskande för elever. Slutsats: Relationella samspel bör prioriteras för att främja elevernas välmående och framtidautveckling. Skolornas resursbrister och lärarnas ökade arbetsbelastning bidrar till mindrefokus på kunskapsinlärning, vilket påverkar möjligheterna för elever att skapa goda relationertill vuxna. / Background: Today, there is a shortage of trained teachers and educators in Swedish schools.Additionally, the work environment and workload are contributing factors to their leaving theprofession. Young people lack adult role models in today's society, and relational interactionis important but lacking in the school environment. Research shows that intergenerationalcollaborations have a positive impact on both physical and psychosocial health. Purpose: To investigate the importance of intergenerational collaborations in schools. Research Questions: How do older adults and school staff perceive the significance ofintergenerational collaborations? What is the perceived effect of intergenerational meetings inschools according to older adults and staff? What impact do older adults and staff perceivethat intergenerational relationships have on the school's operations? Method: A qualitative method with an inductive approach and descriptive design was appliedto gain an in-depth understanding of the experiences and perceptions of class elders and staffregarding the significance of intergenerational work in schools. Data were collected throughnine semi-structured interviews via Zoom with participants from three schools in Sweden.Participants were selected through purposive sampling of older adults and staff. Theinterviews were transcribed and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Social learningtheory and ecological systems theory serve as the theoretical frameworks for the study. Results: Intergenerational collaborations in schools are significant, differentiated through twodimensions of impact: operational and pedagogical, and psychosocial. The first categoryshows that class elders in schools contribute to a positive attitude and perspective amonggenerations, mutual knowledge exchange, and social relationships and community. Thesecond category indicates that class elders act as a health-promoting complement in schools,providing support for teachers, students, and guardians, which has fostered expanded zones ofcreativity and safe exploration for students. Conclusion: Relational interactions should be prioritized to promote the well-being andfuture development of students. Resource shortages in schools and increased teacherworkload contribute to less focus on knowledge acquisition, affecting students’ opportunitiesto establish good relationships with adults.

Cultural factors and academic achievement of secondary school female learners

Masiyazi-Ngorima, Frederick Mateu Chinemwi 25 August 2009 (has links)
The aim of this quantitative study was to determine whether there were significant relationships between cultural factors and academic achievement of secondary school female learners in the Chimanimani district of Manicaland in Zimbabwe. According to literature, home environment variables, school environment variables and learner variables influence academic achievement of learners. The home environment includes family's expectations, the family's socio-economic status, exposure to role models and child-rearing practices. The school environment includes teacher's attitudes and the curriculum. Learner variables encompass self-concept, gender role concepts as well as the learner's attitude and aspirations. The empirical research found significant correlations between all cultural factors and academic achievement, particularly in English and at times in mathematics. These correlations were low but positive. The investigation also revealed that diverse age groups did not differ significantly in academic achievement in mathematics or in English. However, females from diverse socio-economic backgrounds differed significantly in their academic achievements. / Psychology of Education / M.Ed.(Psychology of Education)

Promoting student success by tapping into the resilience of the at-risk student : a South African higher education perspective

Van Vuuren, Nicolene 11 1900 (has links)
Throughput rates and student retention are a burning concern that all higher education institutions share, as student dropout rates remain high. Promoting student academic success has become imperative. This study is concerned with students who display innate resilience and overcome adversities in their personal lives, but fail to demonstrate resilience when it comes to being academically successful. The objective of this study was to explore: (1) the personal resilience in at-risk students who overcome adversities in their personal lives, but fail to demonstrate resilience when it comes to being academically successful and (2) how their personal resilience can be tapped into to promote academic success. A mixed methods approach was used, employing both quantitative and qualitative methods. At-risk students at a particular higher education institution were identified using their study records. From these students a subgroup of resilient students were selected by means of a resilience questionnaire. This group completed a pre-interview questionnaire, resulting in 10 students being selected on the grounds of being information rich cases of the at-risk resilient student. Through the process of social constructivism and dialogue between the researcher and the participants, themes were identified and analysed using an inductive data analysis style. The data was finally linked to supportive literature. The primary finding was that the same protective factors that can assist a student in developing innate resilience, can also cause the student to be placed academically at- risk. The study further revealed, that if the environment in which students find themselves does not allow them to negotiate for resources, these students' innate resilience alone cannot assist them to overcome the challenges of higher education. The researcher concludes that higher education institutions in their attempts to retain and assist students should be encouraged to tap into students’ innate resilience to develop their academic resilience / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Cultural factors and academic achievement of secondary school female learners

Masiyazi-Ngorima, Frederick Mateu Chinemwi 25 August 2009 (has links)
The aim of this quantitative study was to determine whether there were significant relationships between cultural factors and academic achievement of secondary school female learners in the Chimanimani district of Manicaland in Zimbabwe. According to literature, home environment variables, school environment variables and learner variables influence academic achievement of learners. The home environment includes family's expectations, the family's socio-economic status, exposure to role models and child-rearing practices. The school environment includes teacher's attitudes and the curriculum. Learner variables encompass self-concept, gender role concepts as well as the learner's attitude and aspirations. The empirical research found significant correlations between all cultural factors and academic achievement, particularly in English and at times in mathematics. These correlations were low but positive. The investigation also revealed that diverse age groups did not differ significantly in academic achievement in mathematics or in English. However, females from diverse socio-economic backgrounds differed significantly in their academic achievements. / Psychology of Education / M.Ed.(Psychology of Education)

Promoting student success by tapping into the resilience of the at-risk student : a South African higher education perspective

Van Vuuren, Nicolene 11 1900 (has links)
Throughput rates and student retention are a burning concern that all higher education institutions share, as student dropout rates remain high. Promoting student academic success has become imperative. This study is concerned with students who display innate resilience and overcome adversities in their personal lives, but fail to demonstrate resilience when it comes to being academically successful. The objective of this study was to explore: (1) the personal resilience in at-risk students who overcome adversities in their personal lives, but fail to demonstrate resilience when it comes to being academically successful and (2) how their personal resilience can be tapped into to promote academic success. A mixed methods approach was used, employing both quantitative and qualitative methods. At-risk students at a particular higher education institution were identified using their study records. From these students a subgroup of resilient students were selected by means of a resilience questionnaire. This group completed a pre-interview questionnaire, resulting in 10 students being selected on the grounds of being information rich cases of the at-risk resilient student. Through the process of social constructivism and dialogue between the researcher and the participants, themes were identified and analysed using an inductive data analysis style. The data was finally linked to supportive literature. The primary finding was that the same protective factors that can assist a student in developing innate resilience, can also cause the student to be placed academically at- risk. The study further revealed, that if the environment in which students find themselves does not allow them to negotiate for resources, these students' innate resilience alone cannot assist them to overcome the challenges of higher education. The researcher concludes that higher education institutions in their attempts to retain and assist students should be encouraged to tap into students’ innate resilience to develop their academic resilience / Psychology / M. A. (Psychology)

Teachers of Color's Perception on Identity and Academic Success: A Reflective Narrative

Finau, Lynette Suliana Sikahema 18 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.

«Jeunes filles, voilà vos mères. Soyez dignes d’elles!» : modèles moraux et patriotiques de la femme française dans les biographies collectives féminines (1886-1893)

Le Rouzès-Ménard, Eveline 11 1900 (has links)
En France, lorsque l’éducation primaire est devenue laïque, gratuite et obligatoire avec les lois Jules Ferry (1881-1882), les pédagogues républicains valorisaient un enseignement par l’émulation. À l’aide de grandes figures de l’histoire nationale, ces acteurs souhaitaient fournir aux jeunes écoliers et écolières des exemples moraux et patriotiques, lesquels incarnaient les grandes vertus républicaines. En général, les modèles exposés aux garçons et aux filles sur les bancs d’école reflétaient et perpétuaient la division des sexes dans la société française : les images montrées aux garçons illustraient un rôle public, militaire et politique tandis que celles présentées aux filles indiquaient plutôt un rôle privé, domestique et maternel. La plupart des études réalisées jusqu’à présent se sont concentrées uniquement sur le contenu des manuels scolaires officiels. Cependant, les exemples féminins mis en évidence dans la littérature jeunesse, en particulier dans les populaires biographies collectives, n’ont pas encore fait l’objet de recherches historiques approfondies. Ce genre littéraire prisé par le public français de la fin du XIXe siècle, mais déprécié dans les cercles universitaires, offre pourtant un riche éventail de modèles pour la jeunesse. Ce mémoire propose ainsi une analyse des icônes morales, civiques et patriotiques dans trois biographies collectives féminines publiées dans la décennie suivant les réformes scolaires (précisément entre 1886 et 1893). Cette étude permet de mettre en lumière, voire de redéfinir, l’identité « féminine » et « française » véhiculée par les auteurs de ces œuvres, lesquels soumettent des modèles alternatifs, moins figés dans les conventions, qui s’éloignent des exemples traditionnels axés sur la différence sexuelle et introduits dans les ouvrages scolaires à la même époque. / As Jules Ferry’s Laws (1881-1882) rendered French primary education secular, mandatory and free, most republican pedagogues designed educational lessons developed on the principle of emulation. By promoting national historical figures and heroes, they mostly sought to provide moral and patriotic models, embodying republican values, to all young boys and girls. Many examples offered in classrooms illustrated and perpetuated a vision of French society based on the sexual division of labor: masculine icons expressed public, military, and political roles while feminine icons revealed private, domestic, and maternal attributes or responsibilities. Previous academic studies on the subject explored almost exclusively the content of primary official textbooks. Meanwhile, feminine models presented in children’s literature, especially within popular collective biographies, have not yet been the object of extensive historical research. Although this literary genre was consumed in great numbers by the public in fin-de-siècle France, it has until recently always been sidelined in academic studies. However, it can be argued that collective biographies showed a significant diversity of role models to French youth. Thereby, this Master’s thesis proposes an analysis of moral, civic, and patriotic icons, which schoolgirls were meant to emulate, included in three collective feminine biographies published during the years following Ferry’s school system reforms (between 1886 and 1893). This study attempts to define the « feminine » and « French » identity shaped by the authors of these books, which recommended less conventional and alternative models, different from traditional examples usually seen in official textbooks of the period.

Personalentwicklung in der Altenpflege: Analyse des Konzepts und der Praxis des Führungsansatzes „Pflege den Pflegenden" unter Einbeziehung biblisch-diakonischer Grundprinzipien und Entwicklung eines integrativen Humoransatzes = Personnel development in the care for elderly: analysis of the concept and the application of the principle of leadership. -"care for the carers"- applying Biblical and pastoral principles on the basis of an integrative conception of humour

Kraus, Cornelius 31 March 2008 (has links)
Text in German / Die gesellschaftliche Situation ändert sich stetig. Während früher alte Menschen zu Hause von ihren Familien gepflegt wurden, übernehmen heutzutage oft Altenpfleger diese schwere Aufgabe. Betrachtet man die Altenpflege, so lässt sich erkennen, dass die Pflege alter, kranker oder im Sterben liegender Menschen für die Mitarbeiter physisch und psychisch sehr belastend ist. Angesichts dieser Tatsache, besteht die Notwendigkeit ein differenziertes Personalentwicklungskonzept, das biblisch diakonische Grundprinzipien widerspiegelt, zu formulieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt deren Möglichkeiten und Potentiale auf. Sie untersucht und beschreibt entsprechende Prinzipien, unter anderem anhand des Ansatzes H.U.M.O.R. und des Modells „Pflege den Pflegenden". Diese Konzepte wurden im „Luise-Schleppe-Haus und Schloss", einer der traditionsreichsten Altenhilfeeinrichtungen Baden-Württembergs entwickelt. Die Darstellung und Untersuchung dieser Konzepte, sowie die Sichtung weiterführender Literatur eröffnet neue Perspektiven für die Personalentwicklung in der Altenhilfe. Der christlich ethische Aspekt von Führung wird berücksichtigt. Auf der Basis der erarbeiteten Prinzipien der Mitarbeiterentwicklung gibt die Masterarbeit Anregungen für die Praxis. Formerly elderly people were taken care of at home by their families. Nowadays this difficult task is often assigned to professional nurses. In closer analysis of their task it becomes evident that helping the very old, ill and dying people constitutes a physical and mental strain. This necessitates the development a differentiated concept of human resource development that reflects the fundamental Biblical diaconal principles. This dissertation analyses the opportunities and potentials of such a concept. It researches and describes appropriate principles, amongst others the approach of H.U.M.O.R. and the model of Care for Caregivers (Pflege den Pflegenden). These concepts were developed in the "Luise-Schleppe-Haus und Schloss", a geriatric facilities in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, of long standing. The analysis combined with further literature opens up new perspectives for the human resource development in the care for the elderly and the ethical aspects of leaderhship in this context. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / M. Th. (Christian Leadership in Context)

Unequal Opportunities for Citizenship Learning? Diverse Student Experiences Completing Ontario’s Community Involvement Requirement

Horner Schwarz, Kaylan 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examined diverse students' experiences completing Ontario's community involvement requirement. An analysis of quantitative surveys and qualitative focus groups among 50 current and recently graduated secondary school students from widely contrasting socio-economic settings showed ways in which diverse participants perceived their community involvement activities, the support for community involvement in their schools, and their associated opportunities to develop capacity to make changes toward a more socially just world. Results indicated that low-income participants reported dissimilar experiences from high-income participants, in relation to the support for community involvement provided by school staffs, participants' direct or distant relationships with service recipients, and their sense of individual and collective agency to effect change. Thus, this study challenges the assumption that all students in Ontario have equal access to the citizenship education learning opportunities embedded in meaningful community involvement activities.

Unequal Opportunities for Citizenship Learning? Diverse Student Experiences Completing Ontario’s Community Involvement Requirement

Horner Schwarz, Kaylan 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examined diverse students' experiences completing Ontario's community involvement requirement. An analysis of quantitative surveys and qualitative focus groups among 50 current and recently graduated secondary school students from widely contrasting socio-economic settings showed ways in which diverse participants perceived their community involvement activities, the support for community involvement in their schools, and their associated opportunities to develop capacity to make changes toward a more socially just world. Results indicated that low-income participants reported dissimilar experiences from high-income participants, in relation to the support for community involvement provided by school staffs, participants' direct or distant relationships with service recipients, and their sense of individual and collective agency to effect change. Thus, this study challenges the assumption that all students in Ontario have equal access to the citizenship education learning opportunities embedded in meaningful community involvement activities.

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