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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Je serai partout suivi de Entre l'Orient et l'Occident : la représentation de soi des écrivaines-voyageuses de la première moitié du XXe siècle. Les cas d'Alexandra David-Néel, Ella Maillart et Annemarie Schwarzenbach

Hélie, Annick 10 February 2024 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise porte sur l'écriture de soi dans les récits de voyage d'écrivaines-voyageuses. La première partie de ce mémoire, Je serai partout, est un récit de voyage autofictionnel divisé en 28 courts chapitres. Annick, la narratrice-personnage, évoque ses rencontres, ses amours et ses désirs qui sont à l'image de son existence : en perpétuel mouvement avec une propension à la fuite. Son départ pour l'Inde coïncide avec un évènement personnel bouleversant qui transforme profondément ses convictions et ses projets. Le voyage devient alors une véritable quête de soi où elle remet en question ses choix personnels, ses désirs de tout quitter et son errance constante. Le récit entremêle les temps, oscillant entre les souvenirs de pérégrinations passées et le présent de sa découverte de l'Inde. La narration privilégie une perspective intime en s'attardant aux expériences personnelles du personnage. Le voyage, le changement et la liberté sont les thématiques au cœur de cette histoire. La deuxième partie de ce mémoire porte sur l'analyse de la représentation des écrivaines-voyageuses de la première moitié du XXe siècle. Nous y étudions les cas d'Alexandra David-Néel, d'Ella Maillart, et d'Annemarie Schwarzenbach afin d'observer comment ces écrivaines se définissent et se représentent à travers les thématiques du voyage. Notre hypothèse est qu'elles se construisent comme des êtres entre deux mondes : d'un point de vue social entre les normes du féminin et du masculin, mais aussi d'un point de vue géographique entre l'Orient et l'Occident. C'est pourquoi le premier chapitre présente l'opposition partielle et le détachement à la vie occidentale permis par le voyage. Nous abordons notamment des manifestations de leur liberté, laquelle s'exprime par le brouillage de la frontière entre les genres par leur habillement et leur posture. Dans le second chapitre, nous nous penchons sur l'affirmation et la représentation de soi à travers la découverte de l'Ailleurs. Le clivage Orient/Occident est le rivet de cette analyse. Nous y examinons les différentes façons de parler de soi, de l'expression de la vulnérabilité à l'autohéroïsation, puis nous évoquons la relation de nos auteures avec l'altérité. Ne souhaitant pas nous cantonner à l'étude biographique de nos auteures, l'ensemble de cette recherche et l'analyse textuelle du corpus reposent sur différentes théories, à savoir : la géopoétique, l'orientalisme, les études de genre et bien sûr les études critiques sur le récit de voyage. / This Master's thesis focuses on the self-writing in the travel stories of female traveler-writers. The first part, Je serai partout, is an autofictional travelogue divided into 28 short chapters. The story revolves around Annick, the narrator-character. She evokes a lot about her encounters, especially her lovers and her desires which are a reflection of her existence: in perpetual motion and inclined to flee. Her departure for India coincides with an overwhelming personal event which profoundly transforms her convictions and her projects. Then, the trip becomes a real quest of herself where she questions her personal choices, her desires to leave everything and her constant wandering. The story intertwines the times, oscillating between memories of past wanderings and the present in her discovery of India. The narration favors an intimate perspective by focusing on the character's personal experiences. Travel, change and freedom are the themes at the heart of this story. The second part deals with the analysis of the representation of female traveler-writers of the first half of the 20th century. We study the cases of Alexandra David-Néel, Ella Maillart, and Annemarie Schwarzenbach in order to observe how these writers define and represent themselves through the themes of travel. Our hypothesis is that they construct themselves between two worlds: from a social point of view between the norms of the feminine and the masculine, but also from a geographical point of view between the East and the West. The first chapter presents their partial opposition and detachment from Western life allowed by travel. We discuss in particular with the manifestations of their freedom, which is expressed by blurring the line between genders through their clothing and posture. In the second chapter, we look at self-affirmation and self-representation through the discovery of Elsewhere. The East / West divide is the rivet of this analysis. Then, we examine the different ways of speaking about oneself, from the expression of vulnerability to self-heroization, then we evoke the relationship of our authors with otherness. Not wishing to confine ourselves to the biographical study of our authors, all of this research and the textual analysis of the corpus are based on different theories, namely: geopoetics, orientalism, gender studies and, of course, critical studies on travel narratives.

La pratique du graphisme d'auteur par le roman graphique : exploration de l'identité féminine

Garand, Marie 17 April 2018 (has links)
En sondant la pratique du graphisme d'auteur et le roman graphique, ce mémoire définit une zone convergeant entre le design graphique, les arts visuels et la création littéraire. Il présente deux points de vue : un panorama informatif du graphisme d'auteur et du roman graphique accompagné d'un regard réflexif sur ma pratique de graphiste auteur. Le contexte de ma recherche porte sur l'exploration de territoires identitaires féminins à travers les concepts de fragment, de mémoire, d'autofïction et de monoparentalité. La problématique de recherche est issue de cette question : le graphisme peut-il être utile socialement et servir à améliorer une communauté ? Cette volonté d'engagement social a donné naissance à un projet de praticienne en graphisme d'auteur : l'écriture et l'illustration d'un roman graphique dans lesquelles je prends position en livrant une vision personnelle et positive de la monoparentalité.

Missionarische Zeugnis an Israel im Licht von Römer 9-11 : eine missiologisch-exegetische Untersuchung zur israelogischen Verhältnisbestimmung von Israel und Kirche / The missionary witness to Israel in the light of Romans 9-11 : a missiological-exegetical study of the relationship between Israel and the church

Schneider-Wentrup, Swen Sandor 12 1900 (has links)
Text in German / This thesis deals primarily with the questions: Is Israel constantly chosen by God or have the devine promises gone over to the chuch? Are jews to be saved without the sacrifice of Christ? Should jews be missionised as gentiles alike? To give responses, the followings steps are worked out: At first an overview on the israelological models that have been opined during church- history is presented. Secondly church-documents are analyzed in spite of their missiological content. Thirdly an exegesis of Romans 9-11 is offered. Following this, those of the church-documents, whose israelology is closest to the witness of scripture, are presented. Finally a conclusion is offered, which states, that jews are constantly chosen, but not to be saved in another manner as gentiles. Therefore the church is continually obliged to bear the Gospel also to Israel. Jews and gentiles alike are to be saved by nothing but the blood of Jesus. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Eschatologie als Motiv der Ethik bei Paulus / Eschatology as a motivation for ethics in Paul

Schaller, Markus 03 1900 (has links)
Text in German, summaries in English and German / Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, wie die paulinische Ethik von der Eschatologie bestimmtwird. Ausgehend von einer Untersuchung der hellenistisch-römischen Jenseitserwartung und ihren (möglichen) ethischen Implikationen werden der 1. Thessalonicherbrief, der1. Korintherbrief und der Römerbrief hinsichtlichdesVerhältnisses von Ethik und Eschatologie analysiert. Durch Bestimmung und Zuordnung eschatologischer Einzelmotive zu ethischen Weisungen wird die These erhoben, dass eschatologische Motive primär der Begründung exklusivethischer Mahnungen dienen, wenngleich sie auch bei inklusiv-ethischen Themen zum Einsatz kommen.Zugleich zeichnet sich ab, dass das (von Paulus charakterisierte)ethisch-moralische Versagen und die Hoffnungslosigkeit der Heiden sowie die Hoffnung und der ethische Anspruch an Christen in Korrelation zueinander stehen. / This thesis examines how Paul’s ethical teaching is determined by his eschatology. Based on a survey of Hellenistic-Roman expectations regarding the hereafter and their potential ethical implications, this study examines 1 Thessalonians, 1 Corinthians and Romans in order to understand the relation between ethics and eschatology. By identifying and matching individual eschatological motifs with ethical directives the thesis proposed that eschatological motifs are primarily utilized as the foundation for exclusive ethical exhortations, although they also appear in the context of inclusive ethical issues. At the same time, it becomes clear that the moral-ethical depravity and hopelessness of the Gentiles (as they are characterised by Paul) as well as hope and the ethical demands on Christians on stand in correlation with each other / New Testament / D. Th. (New Testament)

Extraire la littérature médiévale : du fonds de l’Arsenal à la Bibliothèque universelle des romans / Extracting Medieval Literature : from the Arsenal’s Collection to the Bibliothèque universelle des romans

Maillet, Fanny 16 June 2016 (has links)
La Bibliothèque universelle des romans (1775-1789, 224 vol.) est une collection littéraire périodique à vocation vulgarisatrice, apparue sous l’initiative du marquis de Paulmy dont la bibliothèque personnelle (actuelle Arsenal) fournit le matériau de départ, et que celui-ci dirigea des commencements à l’année 1779. L’étude du traitement réservé à la littérature médiévale dans cette importante collection soulève plus généralement la question de sa réception à la fin du XVIIIe siècle et de la place qu’occupent la BUR et ses rédacteurs dans l’histoire des études littéraires. Notre travail a consisté d’abord à identifier les collaborateurs du périodique, leur rôle respectif et leurs sources. Le passage d’un réservoir précis de textes à une bibliothèque romanesque imprimée passe dans la BUR par la pratique de l’extrait, technique dont nous nous sommes attachés à montrer qu’elle aboutissait, de recherches en essais, à la formation d’un véritable genre critique. De ce corpus d’extraits émerge en effet, sous la plume des rédacteurs de la BUR, l’élaboration d’une histoire littéraire dont il s’agit de présenter ici les résultats. / The Bibliothèque universelle des romans (1775-1789, 224 vol.) is a literary periodical collection with a non-scientific claim, initiated by the marquis de Paulmy whose personal library (now the Arsenal Library) provided the first material. Paulmy managed it from the beginning until 1779. The way this important collection deals with medieval literature raises the general question of its reception at the end of the 18th century, and the role occupied by the BUR and its authors in the history of literary studies. Our work primarily consists in identifying the contributors, their relative part in the laboratory of the Arsenal, and their source materials. The transition from a specific corpus of texts to a printed library of novels requires, in the BUR, the practice of extracting, an approach, as we try to show, that results –from research to testing– in the creation of a real critical genre. From this corpus of extracts emerges indeed, under the pen of the BUR’s authors, the formulation of a literary history that we intend to present in this work.

Paul and ethnicity : a socio-historical study of Romans / Misheck Mutua Mbevi

Mbevi, Misheck Mutua January 2013 (has links)
Despite the fact that the majority of scholars agree that Paul’s letter to the Romans was written to address the Judean-Gentile ethnic divide in Rome, there is still a continued failure to follow through with the avenues that this position opens up for the study of Romans. Traditionally, Paul’s letter to the Romans has been read as a theological tractate, a reading that assumes an ideational or theological interpretation of the letter to the exclusion of Paul’s ethnic rhetoric present in the letter and how it might have related and even addressed the tangible relations between real-world Judeans and Gentiles in first century antiquity. This study investigates just that: how might Paul’s ethnic rhetoric have addressed the Judean- Gentile ethnic divide in Rome. After the introduction, the study reviews the current state of scholarship with regard to Paul and ethnicity in Romans. This then is followed by an elaborate socio-historical exploration of Judean-Gentile ethnicities and relations in ancient antiquity and the specific Roman context into which Paul’s letter was addressed. The impact of those relations to the origins of the early Christian movement in Rome and significant points of coherence between the socio-historical context and Paul’s letter are also established. Having established the socio-historical context, Paul’s ethnic rhetoric in Romans 1-4 is probed for how it might have addressed the Judean-Gentile ethnic divide and realised unity among them. / MA (New Testament), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Paul and ethnicity : a socio-historical study of Romans / Misheck Mutua Mbevi

Mbevi, Misheck Mutua January 2013 (has links)
Despite the fact that the majority of scholars agree that Paul’s letter to the Romans was written to address the Judean-Gentile ethnic divide in Rome, there is still a continued failure to follow through with the avenues that this position opens up for the study of Romans. Traditionally, Paul’s letter to the Romans has been read as a theological tractate, a reading that assumes an ideational or theological interpretation of the letter to the exclusion of Paul’s ethnic rhetoric present in the letter and how it might have related and even addressed the tangible relations between real-world Judeans and Gentiles in first century antiquity. This study investigates just that: how might Paul’s ethnic rhetoric have addressed the Judean- Gentile ethnic divide in Rome. After the introduction, the study reviews the current state of scholarship with regard to Paul and ethnicity in Romans. This then is followed by an elaborate socio-historical exploration of Judean-Gentile ethnicities and relations in ancient antiquity and the specific Roman context into which Paul’s letter was addressed. The impact of those relations to the origins of the early Christian movement in Rome and significant points of coherence between the socio-historical context and Paul’s letter are also established. Having established the socio-historical context, Paul’s ethnic rhetoric in Romans 1-4 is probed for how it might have addressed the Judean-Gentile ethnic divide and realised unity among them. / MA (New Testament), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Humanity's rejection of God, the creator, according to Romans 1:18-32

Remezov, Anatoly 01 January 2002 (has links)
The author of dissertation considers that dependence of behavior of people on their attitude toward God the Creator is perhaps the first and the most important topic that comes to mind during the study of the present passage of the most fundamental Paul's epistle. We believe it is necessary to explore "false foundations" as we see as Paul opposes to them his ideology - ideology of worship to God the Creator. We affirm that Paul sees the main reason of immoral behavior in such area of man's activity as thinking that, in its tum, denies the Creator of every living thing of Earth and because of its incapability to rule over human passions is forced to look for an ideological basis for its acts. This thesis has also practical meaning because it demonstrates Paul's methodology of disproval of false theories of that time revealing their illogicality and senselessness. / Biblical and Ancient studies / M. Th (New Testament)

The role and position of women in Roman North African society

De Marre, Martine Elizabeth Agnès 11 1900 (has links)
In this thesis I have endeavoured to throw light on both the private and public aspect of the lives of women living in the Roman African provinces from the first century BC to the seventh century AD. Funerary inscriptions reveal that the role of women in private life was projected in a manner which reflected the ideals for Roman womanhood (pudicitia, castitas,fides and fecunditas), even when they clearly came of Afro-Punic stock. In terms of the quality of their lives Roman African women of the propertied status groups (about whom we know the most) had a good standard of living compared to other parts of the Roman Empire, and for example were well-educated in the urbanized areas compared to provinces such as Gaul. Roman African women of the elite also enjoyed a degree of autonomy enhanced by the increased financial independence granted to them in terms of Roman law, which enabled them to function as benefactors in their communities in the same way as their male counterparts, donating money for temples, baths and markets. In return for this they were duly recognized in honorary inscriptions by their communities. Although this public role may appear to be in conflict with the 'ideal' domestic or private role of the Roman matron, this activity was sanctioned by the fact that they were acting in the interests of male family members who were engaged in municipal careers. In the 2nd and 3rd centuries there are a few signs that women were beginning to act more in their own interests, but much of their public role faded with the increasing dominance of the Christian Church which prescribed a more limited role for women. The only exceptions occurred in the times of persecution through the temporary prominence gained by women as martyrs and confessors, although this prominence cannot be said to have advantaged women in general. During the Vandal and Byzantine period we know of only a few women, primarily those with connections to the elite at Rome and Constantinople, who acted with the independence and authority of their class. / D.Litt. et Phil. (Ancient History / Ancient and Near Eastern Studies

The two Mauretaniae : their romanization and the imperial cult

Gironi, Claudia 11 1900 (has links)
The 'Romanization' of the African provinces of Mauretania Tingitana and Mauretania Caesariensis was in fact a two-way process of exchange between Roman and African elements which resulted in a uniquely Romano-African civilization. The imperial cult highlights issues common to all Romanization processes, such as ruler-subject interaction and the role of local initiative in bringing about change, as well as unique issues such as the impact of politics on emperor-worship. The success of the imperial cult was hampered by the fact that only a select few - notably the wealthy local elite - derived direct benefit from the process, and by the fact that, because the pre-Roman Mauretaniae had no established ruler-cults, the imperial cult failed to assimilate with local tradition. As a result, the cult was unable either to make a decisive impact on the Romanization of the Mauretanians, or to achieve any real religious unity among them. / History / M.A. (Ancient History)

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