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A Study of the Microstructural Evolution and Static Recrystallization of Magnesium Alloy AZ-31Kistler, Harold Michael 12 May 2012 (has links)
The present study focuses on the evolving microstructure of Mg alloy AZ31. The material is subjected to channel die compression at room temperature to simulate a reduction stage in the rolling process. Samples are annealed to provoke recovery, static recrystallization, and grain growth. Annealing is carried out at three temperatures for times ranging from 10s to 10,000s. The material’s response is exhibited through the use of data collection methods such as microhardness, optical microscopy, and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Methodology behind experimentation and data collection techniques are documented in detail. Conclusions are made about the effects of the compression and annealing processes on the material’s microstructure. The Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov (JMAK) model is introduced, and a simple recrystallization kinetics plot is attempted.
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Klimatet i omklädningsrummet-Om elevers upplevelser utav omklädningsrummet i anslutning tillForsmark, Hanna January 2010 (has links)
I detta arbete har jag undersökt vad elever känner inför att befinna sig i omklädningsrummet innan och efter idrottslektionen. Jag har därmed undersökt om det förekommer oro hos eleverna inför situationen samt om det finns skillnader i flickors och pojkars föreställningar. Syftet har varit att undersöka elever i 10-12 års ålderns känslor inför intima situationer i slutna rum. Jag vill synliggöra elevers uppfattningar för pedagoger och vuxna inom skolan för att de ska kunna agera. Genusforskning har legat som grund för att se till flickor och pojkars upplevelser av omklädningsrummet. Tillsammans med Bourdieus habitusteori har elevers olika uppfattningar till situationen i omklädningsrummet diskuterats. Metoden var till störst del kvantitativ och enkäter användes. De öppna svarsalternativen behandlades kvalitativt och det var 129 elever som deltog. Det visade sig att de flesta eleverna alltid kände sig bekväma i omklädningsrummet, dock får inte de som kände sig obekväma negligeras. Det fanns inga signifikanta skillnader mellan flickor och pojkars upplevelser men emellertid kände sig pojkar i en viss utsträckning bekvämare än flickorna i omklädningsrummet. Vidare framgick att många elever kände sig obekväma inför att visa sig nakna inför andra. / In this paper I have examine how pupils feel about the changing-room before and after the Physical education. I have therefore investigated if it exist uneasiness among the pupils about the situation and if there is any differences between girls and boys experiences. The purpose of this paper have been to examine 10-12 years age pupils feelings about intimacy in closed rooms. I want to illustrate pupils experiences of the changing-room to teachers and adults in the school so that they could act. Genderstudies has been used as a foundation in my work to observe girls and boys experiences of the changing-room. Discussions have been made together with Bourdieus habitustheory to pupils different opinion of the situation in the changing-room. The method was first of all quantitative with questionnaires, but some open alternatives were treated qualitative, 129 pupils participate. It was proved to be most common that the pupils always felt comfortable in the locker room, although those who didn`t should not be ignored. It was no significant differences between girls and boys experiences other than that boys in som way felt more comfortable in the changing-room than the girls. Further appear that several pupils felt uncomfortable to be present of others when they were naked.
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ManiLoco: A Locomotion Method to Aid Concurrent Object Manipulation in Virtual RealityDayu Wan (13104111) 15 July 2022 (has links)
<p>In Virtual Reality (VR), users often need to explore a large virtual space within a limited physical space. However, as one of the most popular and commonly-used methods for such room-scale problems, teleport always relies on hand-based controllers. In applications that require consistent hand interaction, such teleport methods may conflict with the users' hand operation, and make them uncomfortable, thus affecting their experience. </p>
<p>To alleviate these limitations, this research designs and implements a new interactive object-based VR locomotion method, ManiLoco, as an eye- and foot-based low-cost method. This research also evaluates ManiLoco and compares it with state-of-the-art Point & Teleport and Gaze Teleport methods in a within-subject experiment with 14 participants.</p>
<p>The results confirm the viability of the method and its possibility in such applications. ManiLoco makes the users feel much more comfortable with their hands and focus more on the hand interaction in the application while maintaining efficiency and presence. Further, the users' trajectory maps indicate that ManiLoco, despite the introduction of walking, can be applicable to room-scale tracking space. Finally, as a locomotion method only relied on VR head-mounted display (HMD) and software detection, ManiLoco can be easily applied to any VR applications as a plugin.</p>
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Augmented Reality Intentions in Social Networking and Retail AppsDavid, Alsius 08 1900 (has links)
This dissertation contributes to IS research by explaining user intentions while using AR features in mobile social networking and retail app contexts. It consists of three essays, which use partial least squares modeling to analyze different consumer behavior models. The first essay examines the influence of quality, human, and environmental factors on AR reuse intention in a mobile social networking context. The second essay introduces position relevance, a new construct essential to AR research in e-commerce, and it looks at the influence of this construct and app involvement on user purchase intention, while using view-in-room features on mobile retail apps. The third essay examines the influence of service quality and visual quality on recommendation intention of mobile retail apps while using view-in-room features compared to shopping without using these AR features.
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Virtual reality and postural control: The virtual moving room paradigmFreeman, Hannah R. 10 December 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Virtual reality (VR) is becoming increasingly important in balance training. However, the influence of VR generated visual perturbation, through the novel virtual moving room paradigm, is unknown. Thirty healthy individuals had their static balance assessed on a BTrackS balance plate under eight different conditions: baseline eyes open and eyes closed with and without VR, unexpected toward and away moving VR perturbation, and expected toward and away moving VR perturbation. Multiple statistical analyses were conducted, and the results revealed significantly higher postural sway variables in the unexpected moving toward trials compared to the other moving room conditions; significantly higher postural sway variables in the eyes open no VR compared to VR; and significantly higher postural sway variables in the eyes closed no VR compared to VR. This study provides evidence that VR can be used as a safe and low-cost balance training tool by exposing individuals to fall-prone situations and increasing their balance confidence.
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Operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser av kommunikation med teammedlemmar i operationssalen : Systematisk litteraturstudieLögdahl, Tobias, Ziolkowska, Joanna January 2023 (has links)
BAKGRUND: Varje år drabbas mellan 93 000 och 110 000 patienter av vårdskador. Dessa vårdskador bidrar till patientlidande. Som en del av god omvårdnad har operationssjuksköterskan ansvar att skydda patienten. Den legitimerade operationssjuksköterskan ska enligt kärnkompetensen teamarbete ansvara och samverka för patienten med andra kompetensgrupper. När teamet brister i samarbete och i kommunikation påverkas patientsäkerheten negativt.SYFTE: Att beskriva operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser av kommunikation med teammedlemmar i operationssalen.METOD: En systematisk litteraturstudie med kvalitativ design genomfördes. Artiklar söktes i PubMed, Cinahl och Idunn. 22 vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades enligt Evans (2002) beskrivande syntes.RESULTAT: Två teman framkom i resultatet. Aspekter som främjar kommunikation med subteman: ömsesidig respekt, kunskapsöverföring i teamet, teamkännedom och samarbete. Aspekter som hindrar kommunikation med subteman: hierarki och olämpligt beteende, tidsbrist och stress och distraktioner i operationsmiljö. SLUTSATS: Operationssjuksköterskor kan komma att behöva få ökad förståelse av främjande och hindrande aspekter kring kommunikation. Då ömsesidig respekt och teamkännedom för varandra kan öka möjligheten till effektivt samarbete och god kommunikation. Operationssjuksköterskor kan vid förståelse för de hindrande aspekterna sträva efter att skapa bättre förutsättningar för en välfungerande kommunikation i teamet på individ och organisationsnivå. / BACKGROUND: Each year, between 93,000 and 110,000 patients suffer from health care injuries. These medical injuries contribute to patient suffering. The patient is exposed to a vulnerable situation in the operating room. As part of good nursing, an operating room (OR) nurse has the responsibility to protect the patient. According to the core competency of teamwork, the licensed surgical nurse must be responsible for the patient and collaborate with other skill groups. When the team lacks cooperation and communication, patient safety is negatively affected. PURPOSE: To describe operating room nurses experience of communication with team members in the operating room .METHOD: A systematic litterature study with a qualitative design was carried out. Articles were searched in the databases PubMed, Cinahl and Idunn. 22 articles were analyzed according to Evans (2002) describing synthesis. RESULTS: Two themes emerged in the results. Aspects that promote communication with subthemes: mutual respect, knowledge transfer in the team, team knowledge and cooperation. Aspects that obstacles communication with subthemes: hierarchy and inappropriate behavior, lack of time and stress and distractions in the operating room.CONCLUSION: Operating room nurses may need to gain an increased understanding of promoting and hindering aspects of communication. Since mutual respect and team knowledge of each other within can increase the possibilty of effective cooperation and good communication. When operating room nurses understand the hindering aspects, they can strive to create better conditions for well-functioning communication in the team at individual and organizational level.
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Hur operationsteamet upplever att faktorer påverkar kommunikationen i teamet på operationssalen : En systematisk litteraturstudieLeijon, Emma, Gladewitz, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund Säker vård ingår i de sex kärnkompetenserna, detta innebär att undvika vårdrelaterade skador vid kirurgiska ingrepp och i förlängningen minska patientens lidande. Säkerhetsarbete är grundläggande i arbetsuppgifterna hos en operationssjuksköterska. Den vanligaste orsaken till vårdskador är brist i kommunikationen mellan olika professioner. Syfte Att beskriva hur operationsteamet upplever att faktorer påverkar kommunikationen i teamet på operationssalen. Metod Kvalitativ litteraturstudie med systematisk ansats. 20 kvalitativa artiklar inkluderades. Litteraturanalysen har genomförts i fyra huvudsteg och presenteras som beskrivande syntes. Huvudresultat I denna studie presenteras de faktorer som operationsteamet upplever främja kommunikationen samt hämmar kommunikationen på operationssalen. En vänlig atmosfär var en faktor som upplevdes främja kommunikationen. Det resulterade i att teammedlemmarna vågade ställa frågor och uttrycka sina åsikter. De faktorer som upplevdes som hämmande för kommunikation var bland annat att det spelades musik eller att det var hög ljudnivå på operationssalen. Slutsats De faktorer som operationsteamet upplevde som främjande för kommunikationen upplevdes bidra till en öppen kommunikation och respekt för varandra. De faktorer som operationsteamet upplevde som hämmande bidrog till att deltagarna upplevde att det blev svårt att kommunicera med varandra och att kommunikationen uteblev eller blev störd. / Background Safe care is included in the six core competencies, this means avoiding care-related injuries during surgical procedures and, by extension, reducing the patient's suffering. Safety work is fundamental in the duties of an operating theatre nurse. The most common cause of medical injuries is a lack of communication between different professions. Aim To describe how the operating team experiences that factors affect communication in the team in the operating room. Method Qualitative literature study with a systematic approach. 20 qualitative articles were included. The literature analysis has been carried out in four main steps and is presented as a descriptive synthesis. Main results In this study, the factors that the operating team experiences to promote communication as well as inhibit communication in the operating theater are presented. A friendly atmosphere was a factor that was experiences to promote communication. This resulted in the team members daring to ask questions and express their opinions. The factors that were experiences as inhibiting communication were, among other things, that music was played or that there was a high noise level in the operating theatre. Conclusion The factors that the surgery team experienced as promoting communication were perceived to contribute to open communication and respect for each other. The factors that the operating team experienced as inhibiting contributed to the participants' perception that it became difficult to communicate with each other and that communication was absent or disrupted.
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Room Temperature Processed Molybdenum Oxide Thin Film as a Hole Extraction Layer for Polymer Photovoltaic CellsLi, Bohao 07 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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The Dilemma of Woolf's Androgyny: A Close Look at Androgyny in <em>A Room of One's Own</em> and <em>Orlando</em>.Holman, Crystal Gail 01 August 2001 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis explores Woolf's concept of androgyny through a comparison of her nonfiction essay A Room of One's Own and her fiction-fantasy novel Orlando. Recent and past critical writings on Woolf and androgyny have been consulted, as well as primary sources including her works, private letters, and diaries. Woolf's concept of androgyny embodies a fundamental dilemma. In A Room of One's Own, Woolf calls for spiritual and mental androgyny while avidly supporting physical, social, and cultural differences between men and women. In Orlando, Woolf creates a character who is unable to reach mental androgyny because of social conditioning of gender and sex roles. The dilemma lies in Woolf's embrace of stereotypical ideas that distinguish men and women, while in the end, such differences inhibit the mental and spiritual androgyny she exalts. The findings shed new light on Woolf and the controversy of her "androgynous vision" by exposing the fundamental dilemma.
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Online and Face-To-Face Orthopaedic Surgery Education MethodsAustin, Erin, Glenn, L. Lee 01 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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