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Sportovní centrum / Sports CenterBorchová, Karin Unknown Date (has links)
This master thesis deals with designing sports center in Havlíčkův Brod. It is an individually standing object, which is located on plot No. 653/1 in Havlíčkův Brod, in cadastre unit Havlíčkův Brod. The object of the sports center has two above-ground floor and basement. In the basement are designed storage spaces and underground garage. Vertical structures are made of cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame, space between columns is made of ceramic blocks and reinforced water-resistant walls. Horizontal structures are made of cast-in-place reinforced slabs. The foundations are designed as a cast-in-place foundation slab serves waterproofing basement. The roof is designed as a warm flat green roof. The building is insulated with contact thermal insulation system. The work includes project documentation for the construction.
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Escape room - En flykt från den traditionella matematikundervisningen : Elevers kommunikativa arbete kring problemlösningsstrategier med och utan digitala verktyg i mellanstadiet / Escape room - An escape from the traditional ways of teaching mathematics : Pupils communicative work around problem-solving strategies with and without digital tools in middle schoolGamalan, Simona, Spångberg, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
This study intends to find out how two different teaching methods affect pupils'communicative ability in the problem-solving process. This through the use of smallgroup work. This study also has a comparative aspect and intends to compare atraditional teaching method with the innovative Game-based learning theory, whichadvocates that learning can take place through gamification. In order to achieve theaim of the study, an inquiry was carried out in four different small groups in gradefour (ages 10–11). The result of the inquiry indicated that the mean value of thenumber of communication clusters presented per minute was higher in the groupsthat worked with traditional learning than those that worked with gamified learningthrough the use of Escape room. / Denna studie har för avsikt att ta reda på hur två olika undervisningssätt påverkarelevers kommunikativa förmåga inom problemlösningsprocessen. Detta genomanvändandet av smågruppsarbeten. Studien har även en jämförande aspekt somhandlar om att jämföra ett traditionellt undervisningssätt med den nytänkandeGame-based learning theory som förespråkar att lärande bör ske genom spelifiering.För att uppnå syftet med studien genomfördes en undersökning i fyra olikasmågrupper i årskurs fyra (ålder 10–11 år). Resultatet från undersökningen pekadepå att medelvärdet av antal uppvisade kommunikationskluster per minut var högrehos grupperna som arbetade med traditionellt lärande än de som arbetade medspelifierat lärande genom användandet av Escape room.
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National Inquiry of Clinical Nurse Leadership in the Operating RoomSlater, Michelle McHugh January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Institute for Digital Research and New Offices for the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities located in the Columbia Heights Neighborhood of Washington, D.C.Myers, Pollyann Elizabeth 24 June 2015 (has links)
The proposed 42,000 square foot facility is envisioned to be a satellite office for both the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities, as well as a digital research institute. The institute seeks to provide integrated collaboration with the NEA and NEH, although it is also open to collaboration with other organizations related to arts and humanities scholarship.
The proposed site is located at the intersection of 14th Street and Park Rd NW, in the Columbia Heights neighborhood of Washington, D.C. At this time, the neighborhood is experiencing a revival in development that began approximately 10-15 years ago. Community residents describe the site as being the "core area" of the neighborhood and also consider it to be the number one priority area for redevelopment of the entire neighborhood.
Strategically locating the building at the main intersection of the neighborhood facilitates community involvement and cognition as well as encourages the surrounding arts and humanities related organizations to become more closely involved with the NEA and NEH and their research. This development is meant to be a cultural marker.
Functionally, this facility will utilize the most advanced information technology and the most extensive humanities and arts related databases as tools for scholarly research. / Master of Architecture
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Factors underlying registered nurse interactions in a multicultural tertiary healthcare perioperative areaHerbert, Suzan Margaret 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCur)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Disruptive behaviour among health care providers in high stress areas such as the
perioperative setting has been linked to negative patient safety. Conflicts of power, role and
personality lead to communication failure, which are identified as the leading root cause of
medication errors and wrong site surgery.
The aim of the study was to explore and describe the factors underlying registered nurse
(RN) interactions in a tertiary healthcare perioperative area.
A non-experimental, descriptive, exploratory study with self-administered survey using a
quantitative approach was used. The total population of N=52 participants working in the
perioperative area of a Middle Eastern tertiary healthcare centre were invited to participate in
the study and the response rate was n=44, 85%. A structured self-administered
questionnaire was used to collect the data. Reliability and validity was assured by means of
a pilot study and consultation with nursing experts and a statistician.
The Health Research Ethics Committee of the University of Stellenbosch approved the
study. Permission for the study to be done in the tertiary care centre was obtained from the
Internal Ethical Review Board and the Nursing Executive. Informed written consent was
obtained from the participants. Anonymity and confidentiality was respected.
The data was analysed with the assistance of a statistician and presented in frequencies,
tables and histograms. The responses were compared using Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-
Wallis ANOVA and Spearman’s Rank correlation, on a 95% confidence level. Only one
factor showed a significant result, following Spearman’s Rank correlation that an association
exists between work experience and lateral violence (p≤0.045239). The open-ended
questions were categorized into themes and respect and communication emerged as factors
necessary in teamwork and task management
The level of respect and open communication between RNs were seen as important factors
for interacting with colleagues in the workplace and if poor, affects team work. An area of
concern was the high number of neutral responses to the statements on morale and conflict.
Underpinned by the literature and the outcomes of this study, it is recommended that strong
leadership is required to implement regular team building activities. Furthermore,
perioperative staff should be monitored for emotional fatigue which results from conflict
situations in order to avert adverse patient care events. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Steurende gedrag onder gesondheidsorgwerkers in hoë gespanne areas soos in die
perioperatiewe omgewing, word gekoppel aan negatiewe pasiënt veiligheid. Konflikte van
mag, rol en persoonlikheid lei tot mislukking van kommunikasie wat geïdentifiseer word as
die hoofoorsaak van foute by die toediening van medikasie en verkeerde plek vir chirurgie.
Die doel van die studie was om die faktore te ondersoek en te beskryf wat onderliggend is
aan geregistreerde verpleeg (GV) interaksies in ’n tersiêre gesondheidsorg perioperatiewe
’n Nie-eksperimentele, beskrywende, ondersoekende studie met ’n self-administrerende
opname deur ’n kwantitatiewe benadering, was gebruik. Die totale populasie van N=52
deelnemers wat in die perioperatiewe area van ’n Midde-Oosterse tersiêre
gesondheidsorgsentrum werk, was uitgenooi om deel te neem aan hierdie studie en die
responskoers was n=44, 85%. ’n Gestruktureerde self-administrerende vraelys was gebruik
om die data te kollekteer. Betroubaarheid en geldigheid was verseker deur die gebruik van
’n loodsprojek en konsultasie met verpleegdeskundiges, asook ’n statistikus.
Die Gesondheidsnavorsingsetiekkomitee aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch het die studie
goedgekeur. Toestemming vir die uitvoer van die studie by die tersiêre gesondheidssentrum
was verkry van die Interne Etiese Oorsigraad en die Uitvoerende Verplegingsbestuur.
Ingeligte geskrewe toestemming was verkry van die deelnemers. Anonimiteit en
vertroulikheid was gerespekteer.
Die data was geanaliseer met die hulp van ’n statistikus en aangebied in frekwensies, tafels
en histogramme. Die response was vergelyk deur van Mann-Whitney U-toets, Kruskal-Wallis
ANOVA of Spearman se Rangkorrelasie op ’n 95% vertroulikheidsvlak gebruik te maak.
Slegs een faktor het ’n beduidende resultaat getoon, dat daar ’n assosiasie bestaan tussen
werkservaring en laterale geweld (p≤0.045239), deur Spearman se Rangkorrelasie te volg.
Die ope-vrae was gekategoriseer in temas. Respek en kommunikasie het as noodsaaklike
faktore vir spanwerk en taakbestuur na vore gekom.
Die vlak van respek en ope kommunikasie tussen geregistreerde verpleegsters was gesien
as belangrike faktore vir interaksie met kollegas in die werkplek en indien dit swak is,
affekteer dit spanwerk. ’n Area van besorgdheid was die hoë aantal neutrale response op
die stellings oor moraal en konflik. Ondersteun deur die literatuur en die uitkomste van die
studie, word dit aanbeveel dat sterk leierskap vereis word om gereelde spanbou aktiwiteite
te implementeer. Verder behoort perioperatiewe personeel gemonitor te word vir emosionele
moegheid wat spruit uit konfliksituasies, ten einde nadelige pasiëntsorg af te weer.
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Föräldrars upplevelse av kontakten med sitt barn : En jämförelse mellan två neonatalavdelningar i SverigeLindahl, Christina January 2013 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Syfte: Att studera föräldrars upplevelse av att kunna tolka sitt barns behov och mående samt upplevda kompetens i föräldrarollen efter att barnet har vårdats på neonatalavdelning. Metod: En jämförande kvantitativ studie med deskriptiv explorativ design som är en del av ett större projekt som genomförts vid två neonatalavdelningar i Sverige. En vecka efter barnets utskrivning från neonatalavdelningen samt vid två månaders korrigerad ålder fick barnets mamma och pappa varsin enkät, innehållande bland annat en föräldra-attitydskala, hemskickad. Insamlade data matades in i Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) och redovisades med deskriptiv (md; median och range; minimum och maximum) och jämförande statistik (Chi-2-test och Mann-Whitney U-test). Resultat: En enda signifikant skillnad kunde ses mellan de två neonatalavdelningarna och det gällde föräldrarnas upplevelse att barnet tyckte om kontakt från dem i form av deras doft. På neonatalavdelning 2 svarade föräldrarna i högre grad att detta påstående stämde en vecka efter barnets utskrivning från neonatalavdelningen. Inga andra signifikanta skillnader ses vid jämförelsen av föräldrarnas enkätsvar från de två neonatalavdelningarna. Slutsats: Den enda signifikant skillnad som kunde ses anses av flera orsaker inte vara av särskilt hög betydelse. Följaktligen kan inga väsentliga skillnader ses mellan föräldrarnas upplevelse av sitt barns behov och mående samt upplevda kompetens i föräldrarollen beroende på om barnet vårdats på en neonatalavdelning där föräldrarna fick bo med sitt barn under hela vårdtiden och tidigt involveras i sitt barns vård eller om barnets vårdats på en neonatalavdelning med mindre föräldranärvaro. / ABSTRACT Aim: Studying parents' experience of being able to interpret their child's needs and well-being, and perceived competence in parenting after the child has been cared for in the neonatal unit. Method: A comparative quantitative study with a descriptive exploratory design that is part of a larger project conducted at two neonatal units in Sweden. A week after the child's discharge from the neonatal unit and at two months' corrected age, the child’s mother and father received a questionnaire sent to their home, containing among other things a parental attitude scale. Collected data were fed into the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and presented with descriptive (md; median and range; minimum and maximum) and comparative statistics (Chi-2 test and Mann-Whitney U test). Results: Only one significant difference was seen between the two neonatal wards and it was regarding the parents' experience that the child enjoyed contact from them in terms of their fragrance. In the neonatal unit 2 parents agreed to a greater extent that this claim was true a week after the child's discharge from the neonatal unit. No other significant differences were seen when comparing the parents' questionnaire responses from the two neonatal wards. Conclusion: The only significant difference that was found was for several reasons not considered to be of very high importance. Consequently, no significant differences was found between the parents perception of their child's needs and well-being, and perceived competence in the parental role, depending on whether the child received care in a neonatal unit where the parents were allowed to stay with their child throughout the whole hospital stay and early get involved in their child's care or if the child was admitted to a neonatal unit with less opportunity for parental presence.
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Liquides ioniques : structure et dynamique. / Room temperature ionic liquides : structure and dynamicsAoun, Bachir 14 December 2010 (has links)
Les Liquides Ioniques [LI] à température ambiante forment une nouvelle classe de matériaux, prometteurs dans des applications diverses. Les avantages que les LI soulèvent par rapport aux autres liquides moléculaires ou sels fondus résident dans la facilité à changer leurs propriétés intrinsèques en jouant sur la nature chimique de la combinaison [cation-anion]. Cependant, on n’est pas encore près à prédire les propriétés d’un LI en connaissant uniquement sa composition chimique. Par conséquent, nous avons fait des expériences de diffraction de rayons-x et de neutrons, complétées par une série de simulations de dynamiques moléculaires sur une famille de LI à bases de cations d’alkyl-methylimidazolium et d’anion Bromure. Ainsi, en changeant la longueur de la chaine alkyl, nous avons comparé la structure et la dynamique de trois LI de chaines ethyl, butyl et hexyl. La comparaison des résultats structuraux obtenus par la simulation avec ceux des rayons-x donnèrent complète satisfaction. Des résultats intéressants ont été obtenus, spécialement ceux issus de la comparaison de la structure et la dynamique du LI 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Bromide en phase cristalline et liquide. Par ailleurs, l’hétérogénéité en phase volumique a pu être quantifiée ce qui a permis de déterminer que la ségrégation augmente avec la longueur de la chaine alkyl cationique. / Room temperature ionic liquids constitute a class of materials with many promising applications in very diverse fields. Their potentiality stems from the fact that their properties are very different from those of typical molecular solvents and furthermore they can be tailored by modifying the combination of ions forming the liquid. However it is not yet possible to predict which species will produce a particular set of properties. Therefore we have done a systematic computer simulation study on a series of three room temperature ionic liquids based on the alkyl-methylimidazolium cation combined with the bromium anion. The length of the alkyl chain of the cation and the anions has been increased progressively, going from ethyl to butyl and hexyl, in order to explore the structural and dynamical changes brought about by such change. Simulation results are also compared satisfactorily to high-energy x-ray diffraction and quasi elastic neutron scattering data obtained by us. Our results show that the structure of liquid 1-ethyl-3methylimidazolium Bromide presents large similarities with the crystal one. This resemblance appears also when the local dynamics of the ethyl chain is investigated using neutron spectroscopy. Moreover we have quantified the heterogeneity found in the bulk state, finding that segregation is favored by the length of the cation’s alkyl chain.
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Contribuições da abordagem instrumental para o estudo da atividade de operação em salas de controle : da interface ao coletivo / Contributions de l´approche instrumentale pour l´étude de l'activité d'opération en salles de contrôle : de l'interface au collectif / Contributions of the instrumental approach to the study of the operational activity in control rooms : from the interface to the collectiveBenoit-Gonin, Léonard 21 February 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie l’activité d’opération en salle de contrôle, du point de vue de l’usage des technologies de présentation d’informations. L’évolution de ces technologies, principalement marquée par la réduction de la surface d’affichage d’informations opérationnelles à travers de la substitution des anciens tableaux synoptiques par les écrans d’ordinateur, a provoqué des transformations importantes dans l’activité des opérateurs tels que la perte de la vision globale et une croissante exigence de la mémoire à court terme. Toutefois, à l’heure actuelle, de nouvelles technologies – comme les videowalls, par exemple - permettent l’affichage de données opérationnelles en grandes surfaces, ouvrant la possibilité de surmonter les difficultés citées ci-dessus.L’objectif de ce travail est, d’une part, recenser dans quelles conditions de tels dispositifs de grand format peuvent représenter un appui opérationnel effectif, étant donné que dans la principale situation analysée le videowall n’était pas utilisé par les opérateurs et, d’autre part, explorer l’influence du process industriel dans l’utilisation de l’interface de contrôle de process. Ces questions sont abordées à la lumière de deux approches conceptuelles: celle de l’évolution des technologies de présentation d’information en salles de contrôle et celle de l’approche instrumentale. Les résultats auxquels nous sommes arrivés montrent que, pour être effectif, un videowall doit appuyer la construction de la vision globale du process, la mémoire à court terme et l’activité collective, aspects qui possèdent des configurations variables selon le process industriel contrôlé par les opérateurs. L’analyse des situations du point de vue de l’approche instrumentale permet de comprendre que l’effectivation de l’usage du videowall est également influencée par le processus de conception des écrans et que le contrôle du process industriel a lieu à travers de l’appropriation systémique des artefacts par les opérateurs, desquels le videowall doit faire partie. / This PhD dissertation studies the operational activity in control rooms, from the point of view of the use of the technologies of information presentation. The evolution of these technologies, mainly marked by the reduction of the display area of operational information through the substitution of the old synoptic panels by the computer monitors, caused important transformations in the operational activity such as the loss of the global vision and a rising exigence of the short-term memory. Meanwhile, nowadays new technologies – such as the videowalls – enable the exhibition of operational data in large surfaces, giving the opportunity of supporting the above mentionned aspects. The aim of this paper is, firstly, identify the conditions under which such large screens could represent an effective operacional help, since in the main analysed situation the videowall has no operational use, secondly, to explore the influence of the industrial process in the use of the interface. These questions are tackled by two conceptual approaches: the one of the evolution of the technologies of information presentation in control rooms and the one of the instrumental approach. The results to wich we came show that, in order to be effective, a videowall must support the construction of the global vision, the short-term memory and the collective activity, aspects that have different characteristics according to the industrial process controlled by the operators. The analysis of the work situations from the point of view of the instrumental approach allows understanding that the effectiveness of the use of the videowall is also influenced by the screen design process and that the control of the industrial process occurs through the systemic appropriation of the artefacts by the operators. / Esta tese estuda a atividade de operação em sala de controle, sob o ponto de vista do uso das tecnologias de apresentação de informações. A evolução destas tecnologias, principalmente marcada pela redução da área de exibição de informações operacionais através da substituição dos antigos painéis sinópticos pelos monitores de computador, provocou transformações importantes na atividade dos operadores tais como a perda da visão global e uma crescente exigência da memória de curto prazo. Entretanto, nos dias atuais, novas tecnologias – como os videowalls, por exemplo - permitem a exibição de dados operacionais em grandes superfícies, abrindo a possibilidade de suplantar as dificuldades mencionadas acima. O objetivo deste trabalho é, por um lado, recensear sob que condições tais dispositivos de grande formato podem representar um apoio operacional efetivo, já que na principal situação analisada o videowall não era utilizado pelos operadores e, por outro, explorar a influência do processo industrial na utilização da interface de controle de processo. Estas questões são abordadas à luz de duas abordagens conceituais: a da evolução das tecnologias de apresentação de informação em salas de controle e a da abordagem instrumental. Os resultados a que chegamos mostram que, para ser efetivo, um videowall precisa apoiar a construção da visão global do processo, a memória de curto prazo e a atividade coletiva, aspectos que possuem configurações variáveis segundo o processo industrial controlado pelos operadores. A análise das situações sob o ponto de vista da abordagem instrumental permite compreender que a efetivação do uso do videowall é também influenciada pelo processo de concepção das telas e que o controle do processo industrial ocorre através da apropriação sistêmica dos artefatos pelos operadores, dos quais deve fazer parte o videowall.
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Rumsutformningens inverkan på dagsljuset i kontorslokaler / The impact of room configuration regarding daylight harvesting in officesHolmström, Andreas, Fyhr, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
Public buildings are considered to be the most power consuming buildings in the world. To reduce power consumption earlier studies propose greater use of natural daylight to illuminate surroundings, hallways and areas where to preform common work tasks and where artificial lighting is only used for the actual work space and places where higher light levels are required. In office buildings with available daylight, it has been shown that people have a greater general well-being, improved health, reduced absenteeism and increased productivity. The purpose of this study is to investigate how different room configurations can increase the amount of daylight in offices. The essay is based on an experimental study in the form of a questionnaire in which participants have evaluated and documented their perceptions of the visual properties regarding daylight. The evaluation has been carried out with scale models of different room configurations, but with the same window size and window positions. The results show that a room configuration with embrasures provides the most effective daylight harvesting. Embrasures contribute with maximum visibility, brightness and provide maximum light scattering. Room configurations with rounded corners have proven to give the most even light ratio between the light and dark areas of a room where the light is also spread most evenly along the walls. According to an evaluation of the visual properties of daylight, a room with rounded corners is perceived to be the most comfortable room and provide the softest and gentlest light impression. The study is limited to evaluate the amount of daylight and the visual properties of daylight in large office spaces designed based on energy-efficient passive houses with thick facade walls. / Offentliga byggnader räknas som de byggnader som har störst energianvändning i världen. För att sänka energianvändningen föreslås ökad användning av dagsljus för att lysa upp omgivning, korridorer och platser för allmänna arbetsuppgifter och där den artificiella belysningen endast används vid arbetsytor och platser där högre ljusnivå krävs. I kontorsbyggnader med tillgängligt dagsljusinsläpp har det också visats att människor har ett ökat allmänt välbefinnande, bättre hälsa, minskad frånvaro och ökad produktivitet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur olika rumsutformningar kan bidra till ökat tillvaratagande av dagsljus i kontorslokaler. Undersökningen bygger på en experimentell studie i form av en enkätundersökning där testpersoner har utvärderat och dokumenterat sina uppfattningar kring dagsljusets visuella egenskaper. Utvärderingen har genomförts i skalmodeller med olika rumsutformningar men samma fönstermått och fönsterplacering. Resultaten har visat att rumsutformningar med fönstersmygar ger det mest effektiva dagsljusinsläppet i en kontorslokal. Smygar bidrar med högst synbarhet, ljushet och uppfattas ge mest ljusspridning. Rumsutformningar med rundade hörn har enligt dagsljusmätningar visat ge jämnast ljusförhållande mellan de ljusa och mörka delarna av ett rum där ljuset också sprids jämnast efter väggarna. Enligt en utvärdering av dagsljusets visuella egenskaper anses ett rum med runda hörn mest behaglig att vistas i samt ger det mjukaste och mildaste ljusintrycket. Undersökningen är avgränsad till att utvärdera dagsljusmängd och dagsljusets visuella egenskaper i stora kontorslokaler utformade enligt krav för energieffektiva passivhus med djupa fasadväggar.
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A Descriptive Study of the Value Systems of Selected NursesPoldrugach, Fredric 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the various values that influence nurses within the hospital, and ascertain, through comparison, any significant differences between the values of the floor nurse and the values of the emergency room nurse, The value systems (Tribalistic, Egocentric, Conformist, Manipulative, Sociocentric, and Existential) were developed by Clare W. Graves as the "Levels of Psychological Existence."
A values test was utilized in order to collect data. The "Values for Nursing" test was administered to 161 nurses in a large metropolitan city in Texas. Specific hypotheses regarding value differences in nursing groups were tested.
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