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Operationssjuksköterskors uppfattningar om det intraoperativa teamarbetet : En kvalitativ intervjustudieGidlund, Åsa, Karlsson, Rebecka January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: I en operationssal arbetar ett multiprofessionellt team. För att effektivt kunna bedöma och utvärdera kvaliteten på det intraoperativa teamarbetet, samt stärka patientsäkerheten, är det av stor betydelse att få en djupare förståelse för operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser kring begreppet teamarbete. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa operationssjuksköterskors uppfattningar om det intraoperativa teamarbetet. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med 14 operationssjuksköterskor från två sjukhus i mellersta Norrland. Insamlad data analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Utifrån analysen framkom tre kategorier och tio underkategorier. De tre kategorierna var: Operationssjuksköterskans upplevelser av sin roll i teamet, Interaktionen mellan de olika yrkeskategorierna i teamet och Betydelsen av att utveckla och förbättra teamet. Att planera arbetet och ligga steget före beskrevs som att ha kontroll över situationen. Ett väl fungerande teamarbete präglades av tydlig kommunikation och att bekräfta varandra stärkte teamkänslan. Slutsats: Studien belyser en rad faktorer kring operationssjuksköterskornas uppfattningar om vad som kan bidra till ett väl fungerande intraoperativt teamarbete. Mer forskning av kvalitativ ansats behövs för att tydliggöra och få en större förståelse av operationssjuksköterskans upplevelser i samband med detta. / Background: The operating room is a place where multidisciplinary teamwork is carried out. In order to effectively assess and evaluate the quality of intraoperative teamwork, and enhance patient safety, it is of great importance to gain a deeper understanding of operating room nurses’ perceptions around the concept of teamwork. Aim: The purpose of the study was to describe operating room nurses’ perceptions of the intraoperative teamwork. Method: Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 14 operating room nurses at two hospitals in north central Sweden. Collected data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Result: Three categories and ten sub-categories emerged from the analysis. The three categories were: Operating room nurses’ perceptions of their professional role in the team, Interaction between professionals in the team and, The importance of building and improving the team. To plan work and stay ahead were described as achieving control of the situation. Effective teamwork was characterized by clear communication and, team spirit was strengthened by acknowledging each other. Conclusion: This study demonstrates a number of factors surrounding the operating room nurses’ perceptions of what may contribute to a high functioning intraoperative teamwork. Further research with a qualitative approach is needed to clarify and gain a greater understanding of operating room nurses’ perceptions in the context of teamwork.
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Stockholm Arlanda Airport : En undersökning av upplevelser och logistik av en storflygplats och dess påverkan på resandetEkdahl Skytt, Jennie, Vulic, Marija January 2012 (has links)
The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how the logistic and the configuration of the terminal buildings and the perceptions of the passengers at Stockholm Arlanda Airport are related to each other, and what effect it has on the passengers and their traveling within the airport. The focus will be on the logistic at all four terminal buildings that is within the Airport. To create a perception of the logistic at the Airport and how it is related to the passengers perceptions, the investigators need to make knowledge of the terminal buildings, and thereby try to link the logistic with the perception of the experience room. Swedavia is the company that own, operate at and manage Stockholm Arlanda Airport. The investigators will make an interview with employees at Swedavia to get a more profound understanding of how the company is thinking about the logistic issues that they need to overlook. There will also be interviews with travelers to get their perception of the logistic, design and atmosphere at the Airport. Observations will also be made at various times at the Airport with focus on all of the terminal buildings. The investigators use qualitative and quantitative methods to reach a result. To achieve a result, the investigators will use theories and scientific facts and other available facts that will be helpful to reach a result that will be analyzed. / Denna uppsats handlar om Stockholm Arlanda Airport och syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur logistiken och utformningen i upplevelserummet hänger ihop, samt vilken påverkan detta har på resenärerna och resandet inom flygplatsen. Fokus kommer att läggas på logistiken i de fyra terminalbyggnaderna som finns inom flygplatsen. I undersökningen ses terminalbyggnaderna över för att skapa en uppfattning om logistiken och på så vis försöka koppla ihop logistiken med upplevelserummet. Swedavia är det företag som är verksam och driver Stockholm Arlanda Airport. Det är med de anställda inom Swedavia som intervjuer kommer att ske för att få en djupare förståelse hur företaget tänker i de logistikfrågor som eventuellt behöver ses över. Intervjuer kommer även att ske med resenärer för att få deras uppfattning om logistik, design och atmosfär inom flygplatsen. Förutom intervjuer kommer även observationer att genomföras på flygplatsen vid olika tillfällen och tider på dagen. De metoder som har använts i undersökningen för att komma fram till de resultat som behövs är kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Detta uppnås genom att göra undersökningar i form av intervjuer, observationer, tillgänglig fakta, samt med hjälp av olika lämpliga teorier för att på bästa möjliga sätt komma fram till ett resultat som har analyserats fram.
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Inomhusmiljön i förskolan och vilka faktorer som påverkar den.Ljungberg, Sandra, Markström, Sara January 2011 (has links)
Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning som bygger på guidade rundvandringar och intervjuer med sex pedagoger från tre olika förskolor, både på småbarnsavdelningar och på syskonavdelningar. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilken betydelse pedagoger tillmäter inomhusmiljöns utformning i förskolan med avseende på barns tillgångar till material och aktiviteter för sin utveckling och sitt lärande. Kunskapsöversikten redogör för ett historiskt perspektiv om hur förskolans inomhusmiljö har utvecklats och exempel ges på pedagogiska influenser som förskolorna kan ta idéer ifrån. Den belyser även miljöaspekten utifrån olika styrdokument och litteratur. Resultatet visar på att förskolornas inomhusmiljö har en fast objektiv miljö som utformas utifrån de resurser som finns tillgängliga för att få den subjektiva miljön i verksamheten. Pedagogerna skapar rum i rummen och när de utformar miljön utgår de från barnens intressen och tycker att det är av vikt att variera materialet i inomhusmiljön. Diskussionen reder ut resultatet att förskolorna har traditionella miljöer och material och att de till viss del är inspirerade av pedagogiska influenser. Pedagogerna själva har en viktig roll i verksamheten därför att den objektiva miljön begränsar hur tillgänglig miljön är för barnen. De utformar miljön utifrån barnens intressen som träder fram i förskolemiljön och utifrån läroplanens riktlinjer. / The study is a qualitative study based on guided tours and interviews with six pedagogues from three different preschools, both in small children departments and in sibling departments. The purpose of this study was to examine which meaning pedagogues attach the indoor environment design in preschool with regard to children's access to materials and activities for their development and learning.The knowledge review presents a historical perspective on how the preschool indoor environment has developed and examples are given to educational influences that preschools can take ideas from. It also highlights the environmental aspect from various policy documents and literature. The results show that the preschools indoor environment has a fixed objective environment designed according to the resources available to form the subjective environment. The pedagogues create room in the rooms and when designing the environment they proceed from the interests of children and think it is important to vary the materials in the indoor environment. The discussion sorts out the result that the examined preschools have traditional environments and materials and that they partly are inspired by pedagogical influences. The pedagogues themselves have an important role in the indoor environment because the objective environment limits the children's availability in the environment. The pedagogues design the indoor environment from the children's interests that occurs in the preschool environment and from the curriculum guidelines.
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Handlingsutrymme : En kvalitativ studie - ur ett socialsekreterarperspektiv, gällande insatser för barn till föräldrar med psykisk sjukdomTodorovac, Elizabeth, Lennartsson, Annika January 2009 (has links)
How does a social welfare officer know when a parent with mental illness or behavioral symptoms is harmful to the children? As a social you are confronted with different ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. The social welfare officers have to follow their own authorities, laws, guidelines and regulations while at the same time do everything to satisfy their clients’ needs. This inconsistency can sometimes be difficult to handle. The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge and a better understanding of how social welfare officers handles their elbow room in the field of actions to support the children of parents with mental illness. We have conducted a qualitative study where we interviewed six social welfare officers using the “vinjett” method. All social welfare officers included in the study are working with children of parents with mental illness. By using Michael Lipsky’s theory of Street-Level Bureaucrats we intended to get an understanding of how social welfare officers would act in specific situations. Our study shows that social welfare officers’ first contact is with the parents for a judgment of their capacity as parents. The results shows that the social welfare officers, who we interviewed, felt that they had a wide elbow room with resources to determine and shape different actions for the children of parents with mental illness but at the same time they experienced different barriers which may limit the alternatives in their decision-making. The majority of the social welfare officers in our study felt that they were aware of the power and control they possesses, which also are defined in Lipsky’s theory.
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Cepstral Deconvolution Method For Measurement Of Absorption And Scattering Coefficients Of MaterialsAslan, Gokhan 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Several methods are developed to measure absorption and scattering coefficients of materials. In this study, a new method based on cepstral deconvolution technique is proposed. A reverberation room method standardized recently by ISO (ISO 17497-1) is taken as the reference for measurements. Several measurements were conducted in a physically scaled reverberation room and results are evaluated according to these two methods, namely, the method given
in the standard and cepstral deconvolution method. Two methods differ from each other in the estimation of specular parts of room impulse responses essential for determination of scattering coefficients. In the standard method, specular part
is found by synchronous averaging of impulse responses. However, cepstral deconvolution method utilizes cepstral analysis to obtain the specular part instead of averaging. Results obtained by both of these two approaches are compared for five different test materials. Both of the methods gave almost same values for absorption coefficients. On the other hand, lower scattering coefficient values
have been obtained for cepstral deconvolution with respect to the ISO method.
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Developing A Tool For Acoustical Performance Evaluation Throughout The DesignOzgenel, Caglar Firat 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Performance of the buildings has always been a concern for the architects. With the enhancements in the technology, it is possible to measure, analyze and evaluate the performance of an architectural design before it is built via simulation tools developed. With the evaluation of the analysis performance of the concerned space can be upgraded if simulation tools are employed throughout the design process. However, even though the simulation tools are developed for the acoustical simulation and performance analysis, it is not always simple to integrate the simulation tools to whole design process because of both specific knowledge required for the usage of the tools and the nature of the acoustical simulation tools. Within the scope of the thesis, a simulation tool, which does not require advanced knowledge on acoustics and which provides rapid feedbacks about the performance of the design for the enhancement of the performance is developed using method of image sources.
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Experiments On Natural Ventilation In A Room And Real Source-Sink PairsSubudhi, Sudhakar 10 1900 (has links)
The present work consists of two parts: experimental study of natural ventilation in a model room and the flow associated with a source-sink pair.
The first part describes the natural ventilation of a model room of size 300mmx
300mm x 300mm with water as the fluid medium. It is insulated by air gaps on the four sides and at the top. A constant heat flux of 3148W/m2 has been maintained on the bottom surface of the room. This ‘room’ is surrounded by a large exterior tank containing water. The changes in temperature of the bottom, the interior and the exterior have been measured using T-type thermocouples. There are three openings each on two opposing sides of the model room. For any experiment, only one opening on each side is kept open. Fluid enters or leaves these openings and the flow is driven entirely by buoyancy forces. Three configurations have been studied: (1) The bottom opening at the inlet side and the top opening at the outlet side are open, (2) the bottom opening at the inlet side and the middle opening at the outlet side are open, and (3) the middle opening at the inlet side and the top opening at the outlet side are open. Shadowgraph technique is used for visualization. The buoyancy causes flow to enter through the bottom opening and leave through the top opening. At the openings, buoyant jets are observed and which have higher or lower relative densities. The buoyant jet at the inlet interacts with the plumes on the heated bottom plate. From these visualizations, it appears that free convection at bottom plate will be affected by the buoyant jets at the openings and the degree to which it is affected depends on the position and size of openings and distance between inlet and outlet. The flow rate due to the natural ventilation depends on the bottom surface heat flux and the height difference between the openings. The temperatures of the floor, the interior and the exterior are calculated using a simple mathematical model (Hunt and Linden [1999]). The mathematical model assumes well mixed conditions within the room and accounts for losses at the openings. The values of temperatures obtained in the experiments are reasonably well predicted by the mathematical model.
The second part of the work is concerned with the interaction of a source -sink pair. The source consists of fluid issuing out of a nozzle in the form of a jet and the sink is a pipe that is kept some distance from the source pipe. Such source -sink pairs are observed in many situations including data centers, and collection of fresh water from a large reservoir that has also a discharge of pollutants. The main parameters of the problem are source and sink flow rates, the axial and lateral separations of the source and sink, and the angle between the axes of source and sink. Of concern is the percentage of source fluid that enters the sink as a function of these parameters. The experiments have been carried in a large glass water tank. The source nozzle diameter is 6mm and the sink pipe diameter is either 10mm or 20mm. The horizontal and vertical separations and angles between these source and sink pipes are adjustable. The Reynolds numbers of the source jet is about 3200. Experiments were done with the sink flow rate equal to, lower or higher than the source flow rate. The flow was visualized using KMnO4 dye and planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF). The velocity fields for some cases were obtained using Particle Image Velocitymetry (PIV). To obtain the efficiency (that is percentage of source fluid entering the sink pipe), titration method is used. A small amount of hydrochloric acid (HCL) is added in the jet fluid through the overhead tank and the fluid collected at the sink is titrated with the Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as base and Phenolphthalein as the pH indicator. The main characteristics of the jet, without a sink, were measured using PIV. The velocity profiles, jet widths and volume flow rates at various axial locations were obtained and compared with results reported in the literature for similar Reynolds number jets. For 100%, 70%, 50% and 25% efficiencies or removals and for zero lateral separations, the sink flow rate is about 1.5 times the flow rate predicted on the basis of jet properties at that point in the absence of a sink. The sink flow rate to obtain a certain efficiency increase dramatically with lateral separation; for example, when the lateral separation is about one half jet width, the required sink flow rate to obtain a certain efficiency increases by about five times. The sink diameter and the angle between source and the sink axes don’t influence efficiencies as much as the lateral separation. Data from our all experiments have been consolidated in the form of correlations that can be used for design of appropriate sinks for removal of heat and pollutants.
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Robuste Spracherkennung unter raumakustischen UmgebungsbedingungenPetrick, Rico 14 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Bei der Überführung eines wissenschaftlichen Laborsystems zur automatischen Spracherkennung in eine reale Anwendung ergeben sich verschiedene praktische Problemstellungen, von denen eine der Verlust an Erkennungsleistung durch umgebende akustische Störungen ist. Im Gegensatz zu additiven Störungen wie Lüfterrauschen o. ä. hat die Wissenschaft bislang die Störung des Raumhalls bei der Spracherkennung nahezu ignoriert. Dabei besitzen, wie in der vorliegenden Dissertation deutlich gezeigt wird, bereits geringfügig hallende Räume einen stark störenden Einfluss auf die Leistungsfähigkeit von Spracherkennern.
Mit dem Ziel, die Erkennungsleistung wieder in einen praktisch benutzbaren Bereich zu bringen, nimmt sich die Arbeit dieser Problemstellung an und schlägt Lösungen vor. Der Hintergrund der wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten ist die Erstellung von funktionsfähigen Sprachbenutzerinterfaces für Gerätesteuerungen im Wohn- und Büroumfeld, wie z.~B. bei der Hausautomation. Aus diesem Grund werden praktische Randbedingungen wie die Restriktionen von embedded Computerplattformen in die Lösungsfindung einbezogen.
Die Argumentation beginnt bei der Beschreibung der raumakustischen Umgebung und der Ausbreitung von Schallfeldern in Räumen. Es wird theoretisch gezeigt, dass die Störung eines Sprachsignals durch Hall von zwei Parametern abhängig ist: der Sprecher-Mikrofon-Distanz (SMD) und der Nachhallzeit T60. Um die Abhängigkeit der Erkennungsleistung vom Grad der Hallstörung zu ermitteln, wird eine Anzahl von Erkennungsexperimenten durchgeführt, die den Einfluss von T60 und SMD nachweisen. Weitere Experimente zeigen, dass die Spracherkennung kaum durch hochfrequente Hallanteile beeinträchtigt wird, wohl aber durch tieffrequente.
In einer Literaturrecherche wird ein Überblick über den Stand der Technik zu Maßnahmen gegeben, die den störenden Einfluss des Halls unterdrücken bzw. kompensieren können. Jedoch wird auch gezeigt, dass, obwohl bei einigen Maßnahmen von Verbesserungen berichtet wird, keiner der gefundenen Ansätze den o. a. praktischen Einsatzbedingungen genügt.
In dieser Arbeit wird die Methode Harmonicity-based Feature Analysis (HFA) vorgeschlagen. Sie basiert auf drei Ideen, die aus den Betrachtungen der vorangehenden Kapitel abgeleitet werden. Experimentelle Ergebnisse weisen die Verbesserung der Erkennungsleistung in halligen Umgebungen nach. Es werden sogar praktisch relevante Erkennungsraten erzielt, wenn die Methode mit verhalltem Training kombiniert wird. Die HFA wird gegen Ansätze aus der Literatur evaluiert, die ebenfalls praktischen Implementierungskriterien genügen. Auch Kombinationen der HFA und einigen dieser Ansätze werden getestet.
Im letzten Kapitel werden die beiden Basistechnologien Stimm\-haft-Stimmlos-Entscheidung und Grundfrequenzdetektion umfangreich unter Hallbedingungen getestet, da sie Voraussetzung für die Funktionsfähigkeit der HFA sind. Als Ergebnis wird dargestellt, dass derzeit für beide Technologien kein Verfahren existiert, das unter Hallbedingungen robust arbeitet. Es kann allerdings gezeigt werden, dass die HFA trotz der Unsicherheiten der Verfahren arbeitet und signifikante Steigerungen der Erkennungsleistung erreicht. / Automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems used in real-world indoor scenarios suffer from performance degradation if noise and reverberation conditions differ from the training conditions of the recognizer. This thesis deals with the problem of room reverberation as a cause of distortion in ASR systems. The background of this research is the design of practical command and control applications, such as a voice controlled light switch in rooms or similar applications. Therefore, the design aims to incorporate several restricting working conditions for the recognizer and still achieve a high level of robustness. One of those design restrictions is the minimisation of computational complexity to allow the practical implementation on an embedded processor.
One chapter comprehensively describes the room acoustic environment,
including the behavior of the sound field in rooms. It addresses the speaker room microphone (SRM) system which is expressed in the time domain as the room impulse response (RIR). The convolution of the RIR with the clean speech signal yields the reverberant signal at the microphone.
A thorough analysis proposes that the degree of the distortion caused by reverberation is dependent on two parameters, the reverberation time T60 and the speaker-to-microphone distance (SMD). To evaluate the dependency of the recognition rate on the degree of distortion, a number of experiments has been successfully conducted, confirming the above mentioned dependency of the two parameters, T60 and SMD. Further experiments have shown that ASR is barely affected by high-frequency reverberation, whereas low frequency reverberation has a detrimental effect on the recognition rate.
A literature survey concludes that, although several approaches exist which claim significant improvements, none of them fulfils the above mentioned practical implementation criteria. Within this thesis, a new approach entitled 'harmonicity-based feature analysis' (HFA) is proposed. It is based on three ideas that are derived in former chapters. Experimental results prove that HFA is able to enhance the recognition rate in reverberant environments. Even practical applicable results are achieved when HFA is combined with reverberant training. The method is further evaluated against three other approaches from the literature. Also combinations of methods are tested.
In a last chapter the two base technologies fundamental frequency (F0) estimation and voiced unvoiced decision (VUD) are evaluated in reverberant environments, since they are necessary to run HFA. This evaluation aims to find one optimal method for each of these technologies. The results show that all F0 estimation methods and also the VUD methods have a strong decreasing performance in reverberant environments. Nevertheless it is shown that HFA is able to deal with uncertainties of these base technologies as such that the recognition performance still improves.
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Transmission loss of vehicle sealsLi, Qi January 2008 (has links)
<p> Sound transmission loss of vehicle seals was studied in this thesis. Reverberation room test and semi-anechoic chamber test were respectively studied. By comparing the sound pressure level, sound intensity level and average sound power level at the receiving side, it proved that a simple sound pressure level test may obtain same measurement accuracy when there is little reflected sound. A semi-anechoic chamber was designed for testing sound transmission losses of the seals on a trial vehicle. By comparing the sound pressure levels between the location of the passenger ear and door area, it proved that most of outside sound energy passed through the door seals into the interior. The sound transmission losses of different sealing conditions were measured which included well sealed and imperfectly sealed conditions; Sound pressure levels at passenger’s ear in three different types of vehicles were also compared, these comparison results indicated this laboratory was capable of distinguishing different sealing conditions. The installation procedure was compared with the one in reverberation room test. Numerical analysis showed that the latter method produced a different compression shape which would definitely influence the sound insulation abilities of the seals.</p><p> The transmission mechanism of the acoustic waves through a vehicle seal was also discussed. Contact analysis showed high compression ratio leaded to tremendous inner stress intensity. But any further increase of the contact depth would not improve the effect of wind noise prevention. A vehicle seal with a complex shape was replaced by a simple model. The sound transmission theory of multiple partitions on the basis of mass law was applied. Whereas, compared with the experimental result, a different trend in the high frequency range was found. When taking the transmission though the side material and integration of incident angle into account, the result was quite similar to the experimental one. FEM analysis was also performed. The majority of sound power was believed to transmit along the seal wall into the interior instead of passing through the multiple partitions. A distorted circular duct model is believed to be close to the real geometry.</p><p> </p>
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Handlingsutrymme : En kvalitativ studie - ur ett socialsekreterarperspektiv, gällande insatser för barn till föräldrar med psykisk sjukdomTodorovac, Elizabeth, Lennartsson, Annika January 2009 (has links)
<p>How does a social welfare officer know when a parent with mental illness or behavioral symptoms is harmful to the children? As a social you are confronted with different ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. The social welfare officers have to follow their own authorities, laws, guidelines and regulations while at the same time do everything to satisfy their clients’ needs. This inconsistency can sometimes be difficult to handle. The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge and a better understanding of how social welfare officers handles their elbow room in the field of actions to support the children of parents with mental illness. We have conducted a qualitative study where we interviewed six social welfare officers using the “vinjett” method. All social welfare officers included in the study are working with children of parents with mental illness. By using Michael Lipsky’s theory of Street-Level Bureaucrats we intended to get an understanding of how social welfare officers would act in specific situations. Our study shows that social welfare officers’ first contact is with the parents for a judgment of their capacity as parents. The results shows that the social welfare officers, who we interviewed, felt that they had a wide elbow room with resources to determine and shape different actions for the children of parents with mental illness but at the same time they experienced different barriers which may limit the alternatives in their decision-making. The majority of the social welfare officers in our study felt that they were aware of the power and control they possesses, which also are defined in Lipsky’s theory.</p>
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