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Directing For the Small Professional Theatre: Directing "Nothing Sacred"Williams, Robert Hunter 01 January 2008 (has links)
The challenges of producing and directing small professional theatre in any metropolitan area are many. This thesis is concerned with the process of finding a producing theatre, casting, rehearsal and staging the play, "Nothing Sacred" by George F. Walker, in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. Unlike many thesis projects this one was conducted completely outside of the university setting and is thus a true reflection of the small professional theatre community.
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Posvátný prostor v čase gotického myšlení, umění a architektury. / Sacred space - In the era of gothic thinking, art and architectureSobek, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The thesis entitled Sacred space in the era of Gothic thinking, art and architecture deals with a certain specification of the sacred space, the function and meaning of the medieval church, events leading to the beginnings of Gothic art which left its imprint on the general medieval art and whose influence radiates from the 12th century and ends in the 15th century An essential part of the text is dedicated to using the given rules in the sacred space of the castle Karlstein.
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[pt] Hiera Grammata: expressão grega, significa Sagradas
Escrituras; está na perícope da Segunda Epístola Timóteo
3,1417. É uma locução única no Novo Testamento. Os
objetivos desta dissertação são a análise lingüística-
morfológica e semântica da expressão; identificar seus
aspectos funcionais no ambiente vital da comunidade
primitiva e sua colaboração para Igreja atual. Os
sinônimos para Hiera Grammata na Bíblia são: Biblia ta
Hágia - os Livros Santos (1Mc 12,9), Graphais Hagiais -
Escrituras Santas (Rm 1,2); expressões semelhantes extra-
bíblicas: Hieron Grammaton - Sagradas Escrituras em Filon
de Alexandria e Flavio Josefo , e Hieras Graphas -
Sagradas Escrituras nos escritos pós-apostólicos. Hiera
Grammata expressa as escrituras hebraicas [Tanak] em sua
versão grega Septuaginta [LXX - Setenta). No Sitz im
Lebem da igreja de Éfeso a locução Hiera Grammata exercia
uma diversidade de funções, entre elas a função
apologética: defender a comunidade cristã primitiva dos
falsos ensinamentos do gnosticismo que, em sua heresia,
diminuía e/ou excluía o valor simbólico e sagrado da
tradição de fé da Escritura inspirada por Deus
[theopneustos] confundindo os cristãos; função
kerigmática: as Hieras Grammata foram um instrumento útil
[ophélimos] na evangelização dos judeus da diáspora e dos
gentios, pois as Sagradas Escrituras tem o poder de dar
sabedoria para salvação através da fé em Cristo Jesus
(2Tm 3,15). A natureza e as funções das Hiera Grammata
concedem-lhe carga semântica e sentido teológico cujos
significados pedagógico, salvífico e transcendente estão
a serviço da identidade e da missão dos discípulos e
missionários de Cristo hoje. / [en] Hiera Grammata: A Greek expression which means the Sacred
Scriptures. This is in the Second Epistle to Timothy
3,1417. It is a unique locution in the New Testament. The
purpose of this dissertation are the linguistic-
morfological and semantic analysis of the expression;
identify its functional aspects in the vital envirornment
of the primitive community; and its contribution to the
current Church. The synonym to Hiera Grammata in the Bible
are: Biblia ta Hagia - the Holy Books (1Mc 12,9), Graphais
Hagiais - the Holy Scriptures (Rm 1,2); similar extra
biblical expression are: Hieron Grammaton - Sacred
Sacriptures in the post-apostolic writing. Hiera Grammata
expresses the Hebraic Scriptures [Tanak] in its Greek
version [LXX]. In the Sitz im Leben Ephesus`s Church the
locution Hiera Grammata had a diversity of functions, among
them the apologetic one: protect the primitive christian
community from the fake gnosticism teaching, thatin its
heresy, reduced and/or excluded the symbolic and sacred
value of the faith tradition in the Scripture inspired by
[theopneustos]; confusing the christians, kerygmatic
function: the Hiera Grammata were a useful instrument
[ophelimos] in the evangelization of the Diaspora`s Jews
and pagans, because of that the Sacred Scripture are able
to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in
Christ Jesus (2Tm 3,15). The nature and the functions of
the Hiera Grammata give them a semantic load and
theological sense and its pedagogical, savior and
transcendent meanings are at the service of identity and
mission of Christ`s disciples and missionaries nowadays.
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Place Among the Displaced: Envisioning Preservation of a Metis Settlement in MontanaSakariassen, Emily 29 September 2014 (has links)
The focus of this study is on the South Fork of the Teton River Canyon Settlement, a previously unevaluated historic settlement associated with the history of the Métis in Montana. The site is located along the South Fork of the Teton River, approximately thirty miles west of Choteau, Montana, and was once occupied by Métis families fleeing persecution for alleged involvement in the Northwest Rebellion of 1885. The study establishes precedent for the site's inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places and addresses the potential for the site's designation as a Traditional Cultural Property, despite the challenges inherent in such an approach.This study contributes to both existing documentation of the Métis narrative across the state of Montana and to the ongoing discussion among historic preservation professionals concerning the viability and possible revision of National Register Bulletin 38: Guidelines for Evaluating and Documenting Traditional Cultural Properties.
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Le sacré dans le cinéma arabo-musulman : un interdit ambigu / The Sacred in the Arab-muslim filmKhelif, Ahmed 20 December 2018 (has links)
Le cinéma est né dans un univers profane où l’homme cherchait à évoluer grâce à la machine. L'origine du 7ème art n’est pas en liaison directe avec des pratiques religieuses ou cérémonielles comme pour la peinture ou le théâtre. Le cinéma n’est pas le fruit d’une expression religieuse, et pourtant le sacré n'a cessé d'y apparaître sous de multiples formes. Robert Bresson a pu, dans ses films, sacraliser le quotidien de n’importe quel homme, en construisant l’espace morceau par morceau. Dans les œuvres de Tarkovski, le sacré prend forme grâce à l'évolution du personnage, qui se dépasse petit à petit. Cependant, dans le cinéma tunisien, le sacré est essentiellement lié au religieux. Que ce soit dans les films de Nacer Khemir, de Nouri Bouzid ou encore de Ridha Behi, le sacré est construit sur un axe vertical. Il s’agit d’un sacré qui se définit – principalement - grâce au lien existant entre l’homme et son Dieu. Est-ce alors l’islamisation de la politique cinématographique dans les pays arabes qui a renforcé cette superposition du sacré et du religieux ? Comment l’arabo-musulman pourrait tracer les lignes du sacré et ses limites alors qu’il ignore ce qu’il est ? / Cinema was born in a secular world where man tried to evolve through the machine. The origin of the 7th art is not connected with religious or ceremonial practices like painting or theater. The cinema is not the result of religious expression, yet the sacred has ceased to appear in many forms. Robert Bresson was able, in his films, sanctify the daily life of any man, constructing the space piece by piece. In the works of Tarkovsky, the sacred is taking shape thanks to the evolution of the character, which exceeds gradually. However, in Tunisian cinema, the sacred is essentially related to religion. Whether in films Nacer Khemir, Nouri Bouzid or Ridha Behi of the sacred is built on a vertical axis. This is a sacred that is defined - mainly - due to the relationship between man and his God. Is it then the Islamization of film policy in Arab countries reinforced this superposition of sacred and religious? How the Arab-Muslim could trace the lines of the sacred and its limits as he know what he is?
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"De bem com a vida": o sagrado num mundo em transformação.Siepierski, Carlos Tadeu 07 December 2001 (has links)
Tendo como pano de fundo a visibilidade alcançada pelos evangélicos em décadas recentes, tanto pelo seu extraordinário crescimento numérico, quanto pela sua surpreendente presença no campo político, o trabalho procura analisar, dentro do campo neopentecostal, a especificidade da Igreja Renascer em Cristo. Ao mesmo tempo que ela apresenta um discurso voltado para jovens e empresários de classe média, com uma estética que combina de forma inédita o sagrado com elementos da indústria do entretenimento e da comunicação de massa, constitui-se como um poderoso empreendimento gerenciado segundo uma racionalidade empresarial moderna. Sua capacidade de mobilização se manifesta através de megaeventos,que ampliam ainda mais sua visibilidade, estendendo sua influência além dos seus limites institucionais. É esse poder de mobilização que o campo político-partidário tenta apropriar, sem ter, contudo, o mesmo êxito que o empreendimento religioso, já que a capacidade de arregimentação que a igreja demonstra possuir, se funda no sagrado e para ele retorna. O que está em jogo, mais do que o poder político, é o poder simbólico, ou seja, a capacidade do discurso religioso de encampar na sua lógica segmentos cada vez mais amplos da experiência de vida, em domínios considerados profanos, e conferir-lhes novos significados, frente às incertezas de um mundo em transformação. / Members of evangelic protestant denominations have achieved in recent decades a new visibility in Brazil, owing as much to an extraordinary increase in their numbers as to their unexpected presence in the political arena. It is against the background of such developments that this research attempts to analyze the specificity of the church Renascer em Cristo within the neopentecostal religious field. While it appeals to young people and to middle class businessman, by means of aesthetic devices which surprisingly bring together sacred elements, mass media, and the entertainment industry, the church has turned into a powerful enterprise managed according to principles of modern entrepreneurial rationality. Its capacity to mobilize people is displayed in gigantic shows, which give it a greater visibility and extend its influence beyond its institutional boundaries. It is this mobilization capacity that politicians try to gather in their support in the political arena, without, however, having the same success as the religious enterprise. In fact, the power displayed by the church in gathering such support is based on sacredness and to sacredness it must return. More than political power, then, what is in fact at stake is symbolic power, or the capacity for a religious discourse to encompass within its own logic wider and wider segments of the profane life experience of the people, and confer upon them new meanings, in light of the uncertainties of a world in transformation.
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Georges Bataille e Michel Leiris: a experiência do sagrado (1930-1940) / Georges Bataille and Michel Leiris: the experience of the sacred (1930-1940)Goyatá, Júlia Vilaça 23 November 2012 (has links)
O tema do sagrado é central na antropologia desde a sua origem. Esta pesquisa propõe o enfrentamento da noção através das lentes de Georges Bataille (1897-1962) e Michel Leiris (1901-1990) na França dos anos 1930, tendo em vista o cruzamento de suas experiências intelectuais e de suas formulações teóricas. Toma-se como ponto de partida para a análise a \'sociologia sagrada\' por eles anunciada no Collège de Sociologie (1937-1939), que reclama o sagrado em dupla articulação: ao mesmo tempo que conceito explicativo ele funciona também como uma prática, uma maneira de ver e também de agir sobre o mundo. Em meio aos debates da época empreendidos pela intelectualidade e os movimentos de vanguarda sobre as possíveis formas da ação política, tendo em vista sua ligação com a arte, o sagrado aparece nos trabalhos de Bataille e Leiris como uma alternativa surpreendente. O intuito é rever uma tradição de debates em torno do conceito a partir das formulações radicais e originais destes autores, indicando como se relacionam, cada qual à sua maneira, com a teoria social precedente. / The sacred has been a central subject of anthropological investigations since its origins. This research proposes an approach to the concept through the eyes of George Bataille (1897-1962) and Michel Leiris (1901-1990) in 1930s France, having in sight the crossing of their intellectual experiences and their theoretical formulations. We assume the sacred sociology, proposed by both authors during the years of the Collège de Sociologie (1937-1939), as a starting point to claim the use of the sacred in a double framing: functioning as an explanatory concept, it would also work as a praxis, a way of seeing and acting upon the world. Amid the debates of the time, undertook by intellectuals and the avant-garde movements about the possible paths of political actions and its connections with art forms, the sacred appears in the works of Bataille and Leiris as a striking alternative. The goal is to retrace a tradition of debates involving the concept through both authors formulations at the same time radical and original , showing how they relate, each in their own way, with the former social theory.
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O sagrado na literatura infantil e juvenil em processo de transformação: da ordem humanista/religiosa das origens na colonização para o novo homem em processo em nosso tempo / The sacred in the children and juvenile literature in transformation process: humanist/religious order of the origins in the colonization to the new man in process in our timeLopes, Cristiano Camilo 29 October 2012 (has links)
Desde os primórdios, a literatura infantil e juvenil tem acompanhado as transformações do homem e da sociedade e tem servido de palco para essas mudanças. Em diferentes épocas e lugares, podem-se observar produções literárias que reproduzem a experiência humana e tudo o que com ela se relaciona. Dentre essas relações está o sagrado, que se apresenta como um vínculo orgânico e universal. Nesta pesquisa, ao observar a trajetória do sagrado na literatura, identificam-se mudanças no modo como ele se manifesta, o que torna possível avaliar os elementos que projetaram essas transformações. Não se trata de um movimento linear, mas de um movimento espiralado que incorpora os elementos das modificações e, ao mesmo tempo, se projeta. Assim, propõe-se avaliar as transições do sagrado ao longo da história da literatura infantil e juvenil a partir de uma análise das principais manifestações literárias desde o período da colonização portuguesa no Brasil à contemporaneidade a fim de compreender como as transformações, ocorridas ao longo desse período, se refletem na sua configuração atual. Ao revisitar o ontem da literatura, pode-se compreender melhor o hoje, uma vez que o presente apresenta marcas do passado. Além de analisar excertos da produção literária da época da colonização ao início do século XIX, no período dos precursores da literatura infantil e juvenil brasileira, no período dos ideais do modernismo, na explosão da literatura infantil nos anos 1970 e na contemporaneidade, a pesquisa envolve, sobretudo, a análise comparada das obras dos autores Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen (Portugal) e Bartolomeu de Campos Queirós (Brasil). Ao compará-las, verifica-se uma nova configuração do sagrado em suas articulações. / Since the beginning, the children and juvenile literature has following the transformations of the man and of the society, and it has been serving as stage for such changes. In different times and places, literary productions that reproduce the human experience and everything related to it can be observed. Among these relations, there is the sacred, which presents itself as an organic and universal connection. In this research, when observing the trajectory of the sacred in the literature, changes in the way it manifests are identified, which enables us to evaluate the elements that designed such transformations. it is not about a linear movement, but it is a spiraled movement, which incorporates the elements of the modifications and, at the same time, it is projected. Therefore, it is proposed to evaluate the transitions of the sacred throughout the history of the children and juvenile literature, as form an analysis of the main literary manifestations since the period of the Portuguese colonization in Brazil to the contemporaneity, in order to encompass how the transformations, occurred throughout this period, reflect in its present configuration. When revisiting the \"yesterday\" of the literature, the \"today\" can be better understood, as it presents the marks of the past. Besides analyzing excerpts of the literary production of the colonization time until the beginning of the XIX century, in the period of the precursors of the Brazilian children and juvenile literature, in the period of the ideals of the modernism, in the boom of the children literature in the 1970s, and in contemporaneity, the research involves, above all, the compared analysis of the works from the authors Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen (Portugal) and Bartolomeu de Campos Queirós (Brazil). When comparing them, it is verified a new configuration of the sacred in their articulations.
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A música na cidade de São Paulo, 1765-1822 / The music in São Paulo city, 1765-1822Polastre, Claudia Aparecida 11 September 2008 (has links)
O trabalho investiga a atividade musical da cidade de São Paulo no período de 1765 a 1822 e verifica como a circulação da música entre as esferas profana e sagrada e o consequente processo de laicização dos espaços contribuiram para a ampliação das práticas de sociabilidade da época. A relação entre o produtor, no caso compositor ou músico, e as instituições atendidas, tais como as igrejas e as irmandades, ou os indivíduos, será abordada. Junta-se a esta relação aquela existente entre a recepção por parte do público e os diferentes meios de reprodução da música. Com esse estudo, estabelecemos o circuito musical sacro e profano no período. Evidenciam-se as atividades da Casa da Ópera no governo de D. Luís Antônio de Sousa Botelho Mourão e como elas propiciaram à cidade de São Paulo uma integração cultural às principais cidades do Brasil colonial. / This work investigates the musical activities of São Paulo city from 1765 to 1822 and verifies how the music circulation in the sacred as well as profane circles and its following process of democratization of spaces contributed for the growth of the socialization practices of the colonial society. The relationship between the producer - the composer or musician in this case, and the attended institutions such as churches, brotherhoods or even private contracts, will be discussed. Besides this relationship there is also the reception of the society during the period and the different ways of music reproduction. Studying this relationship we establish the church and profane musical circuit of the period. The activities of the house of opera during the government of D. Luís Antônio de Sousa Botelho Mourão gave to the city of São Paulo a cultural integration to the principal cities of colonial Brazil.
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Fictions d'apocryphes au XXeme siècle chez Borges, Boulgakov et Saramago. Théorie et parcours / XXth century Fictional Apocrypha by Borges, Bulgakov and Saramago. Theory and StudiesIvanovitch, Alexandra 08 December 2012 (has links)
Dans Naissance de Dieu. La Bible et l’historien, Jean Bottéro explique qu’il ne nous est resté que le livret de la pièce : la Bible. L’apocryphe en est le supplément. Outre les livraisons irrégulières et parcimonieuses, venues des sables d’Égypte entre autres, que nous a léguées l’histoire des découvertes archéologiques, il est un fonds incommensurable par lequel d’autres écrits apocryphes chrétiens nous sont parvenus : la littérature du XXe siècle. Borges, par tel poème se présentant comme un fragment de manuscrit apocryphe retrouvé, Boulgakov en insérant dans Master i Margarita [Le Maître et Marguerite] un évangile centré sur Pilate, Saramago avec son roman brûlot O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo [L’Évangile selon Jésus-Christ]: tous ont fourni des livraisons supplémentaires à ce que Jean Bottéro appelait la « pièce ». Les textes de notre corpus sont à lire comme des fictions d’évangiles apocryphes ; mais l’histoire de la (non-)réception des écrits apocryphes chrétiens depuis l’Antiquité ne nous enseigne-t-elle pas qu’ils furent très souvent considérés comme de la fiction ? Le canon biblique distingue les textes inspirés des autres, relégués au statut de fables ou d’inventions : et tout le reste est littérature… En outre, les apocryphes, antiques et modernes, attestés et fictifs, constituent autant de midrashim, parfois paradoxaux sur les Écritures. En quoi la notion de midrash, cette forme d’exégèse narrée et de narration interprétative, permet-elle de projeter un regard nouveau sur la théorie de l’intertextualité ? Conformément à ce que le sous-titre annonce, au terme de ces considérations plus théoriques, le dernier temps de la réflexion est consacré à l’étude plus détaillée des textes du corpus, à la lumière des critères qu’avait jadis dégagés Auerbach, dans Mimésis, pour distinguer la Bible des récits profanes. L’apocryphe, dans tous ses états et manifestations, nous invite à scruter les ‘définitions’, au sens étymologique du terme, à savoir les frontières de la Bible et la littérature. Plus encore que de livrer une étude thématique ou intertextuelle sur les réécritures de l’Évangile au XXe siècle, cette thèse entend reposer des questions – canoniques – de littérature générale, à travers un prisme biblique. / In Naissance de Dieu. La Bible et l’historien [The Birth of God. The Bible and the Historian], Jean Bottéro explains that we are left with the play’s libretto: the Bible. The apocrypha is the supplement. Apart from the irregular and parsimonious issues, notably from the sands of Egypt, transmitted to us by the history of archaeological finds, there is an immeasurable collection through which other apocrypha have come to us: XXth century literature. Borges, through his poems presenting themselves as apocryphal manuscripts which are lost and found, Bulgakov by inserting a Gospel centered on Pilate in his Master i Margarita [The Master and Margarita], Saramago with his O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo [The Gospel According to Jesus-Christ]: all have given supplements to what Jean Bottéro called the « libretto ». These texts are to be read as fictional apocryphal Gospels; but then again, the history of the (non-)reception Christian apocrypha encountered since Antiquity tells us that they were very often considered and read as mere fiction. The Biblical canon distinguishes the inspired texts from the rest, which is relegated to the status of fables or inventions: and all the rest is literature… Furthermore, the apocrypha, be it antique or modern, attested or fictional, constitute midrashim on the Sacred Scriptures, which are sometimes paradoxical. How does the notion of midrash -- a form of narrated exegesis and interpretative narration -- allow us to see differently the theory of intertextuality? As stated in our subtitle, after these more theoretical considerations, the last part of our dissertation is dedicated to a more detailed study of our body of texts, in the light of the criteria Auerbach used in Mimesis to distinguish the Bible from secular narratives. The apocrypha invite us to examine the ‘definitions’, in the etymological sense of the term, that is, the frontiers between the Bible and literature. More than a thematical or intertextual study, this dissertation strives to give answers to some of the canonical questions tackled by the theory of literature, through a Biblical prism.
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