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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dominanzverhältnisse, Interaktionen und räumliche Verteilung von Barsch, Plötze und Seeforelle in der mesotrophen Talsperre Saidenbach

Kahl, Uwe 17 October 2003 (has links)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die in der mesotrophen Talsperre Saidenbach bedeutendsten Fischarten (Plötze, Barsch, Seeforelle) bezüglich ihrer Populationsstruktur, der Nahrung und der Habitatnutzung untersucht. Ziel war einerseits, die Analyse der Ausgangssituation und der Umsteuerungsphase bezüglich biomanipulationsbedingter Effekte, um einen späteren Vorher-Nachher-Vergleich innerhalb des Ganzseenexperimentes zu ermöglichen. Andererseits sollte untersucht werden, ob die Hypothese des konkurrenzbedingten juvenilen Flaschenhalses der Barsche auch auf große und tiefe Gewässer übertragbar ist und welche Faktoren die Zusammensetzung der Fischartengemeinschaft steuern. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass der trophische Status eines Gewässers nicht die alleinige Steuergröße für die Dominanzverhältnisse in Fischartengemeinschaften ist. Entgegen den Erwartungen dominierten in der Talsperre Saidenbach trotz mesotropher Verhältnisse Plötzen. Eine bedeutende Einflussgröße auf die Dominanzverhältnisse ist die Habitatvariabilität, die auch durch die Morphometrie des Gewässers bestimmt wird. In großen und tiefen Gewässern besteht im Gegensatz zu kleinen und flachen Gewässern die Möglichkeit der Ausbildung zusätzlicher Umweltgradienten (z. B. vertikaler Temperaturgradient). Diese Gradienten erhöhen die Habitatdiversität innerhalb des Gewässers und bilden damit weitere Nischen aus, welche wiederum eine zusätzliche Nischentrennung zwischen konkurrierenden Gruppen ermöglichen. Die höhere Effizienz der Plötzen gegenüber Barschen bei der Nutzung von Zooplankton im Freiwasser scheint eine weitere Ursache für die Dominanz der Plötzen in dem stark pelagisch geprägten Nahrungsnetz der Talsperre Saidenbach zu sein. Darüber hinaus war die Barschpopulation durch die Prädation von piscivoren Barschen in der Talsperre Saidenbach wesentlich stärker beeinflusst als die Plötzenpopulation, was generell ein ausschlaggebender Faktor für die Plötzendominanz in mesotrophen Gewässern sein kann. Barsch, Plötze und Seeforelle wiesen vor allem während der Schichtungsperiode eine räumliche Trennung sowohl in horizontaler als auch in vertikaler Richtung innerhalb des Gewässers auf. Der Grad der Piscivorie der bisher besetzten Seeforellen war noch zu gering, um einen wirksamen fraßbedingten Einfluss auf die Plötzenpopulation ausüben zu können. Für Seeforellen konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Grad der Piscivorie mit zunehmender Länge steigt. Überwiegend piscivor ernährten sich die Seeforellen in der Talsperre Saidenbach ab einer Länge von 50 cm. Sowohl Barsch als auch Plötze zeigten in der Talsperre Saidenbach ein gutes Wachstum. Nach etwa vier Jahren erreichten beide Arten ein Größenrefugium vor Prädation durch andere Raubfische. Plötzen erreichten ein höheres Alter als Barsche und verblieben damit länger in diesem Größenrefugium. Das führte zu einer Akkumulation großer Plötzen im Gewässer. Plötzen aller Größen waren ausgeprägt zooplanktivor. Im Zooplanktonanteil der Nahrung traten fast ausschließlich Daphnien auf. Mit dieser Ernährungsweise übten Plötzen einen hohen Fraßdruck auf das große filtrierende Zooplankton aus. Sowohl 0+ Barsche als auch ältere Barsche nutzten zu einem hohen Anteil Zooplankton als Nahrungsressource. Somit waren die juvenilen Barsche nicht zu einem frühzeitigen Nahrungswechsel zu benthischen Makroinvertebraten gezwungen. Zwischen juvenilen Barschen und Plötzen bestand nur eine geringe Überlappung der Nahrungsnischen. Die erweiterte Nischentrennung von Barsch und Plötze in großen und tiefen Gewässern reduziert sowohl die interspezifische als auch die intraspezifische Konkurrenz. Unter diesen Bedingungen sind Barsch und Plötze fähig, in großen Mengen zu koexistieren ohne dabei Kümmerwachstum zu zeigen. Ein juveniler Flaschenhals existiert trotz der Plötzendominanz offenbar in großen und tiefen Gewässern nicht, so dass die Flaschenhalshypothese auf kleine und flache Gewässer mit geringer Habitatdiversität beschränkt werden muss.

Influence of waterfalls on patterns of association between trout and Natal cascade frog Hadromophryne natalensis tadpoles in two headwaterstreams of the Ukhahlamba Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site

Karssing, Jeffery Robert 06 1900 (has links)
Current literature suggests that little, if any, research has been conducted in South Africa to determine the impact of alien invasive trout on indigenous amphibian biodiversity. The primary aim of the research project was to establish whether waterfalls are seasonally important in protecting the indigenous Natal Cascade Frog Hadromophryne natalensis tadpole populations from predation by alien rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and brown trout Salmo trutta at two sampling areas located at Injesuthi and Monk‟s Cowl Nature Reserve within the uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site (UDPWHS). The dissertation argues in favour of a biotic rationale, namely trout predation, as being the primary cause for the decline of H. natalensis tadpoles below the waterfalls and systematically negates the influence of geo-physical (abiotic) environmental factors on tadpole abundance. Habitat isolation and fragmentation is identified as a latent threat to the continued persistence of H. natalensis populations in the UDPWHS. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

The potential role of ABC transporters as factors influencing drug susceptibility in the salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Kroyer, 1837)

Heumann, Jan H. January 2014 (has links)
Efficient control of sea lice is a major challenge for the sustainable production of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar (Linnaeus, 1758)). These marine ectoparasites feed on mucus, skin and blood of their hosts, thereby reducing the salmon’s growth rate and overall health. In the northern hemisphere, the most prevalent species is Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1837). In 2006, global costs of sea lice infections are estimated to have exceeded €300 million, with the majority spent on a limited number of chemical delousing agents. Emamectin benzoate (EMB; SLICE®), an avermectin, has been widely used since its introduction in 2000, due to its convenient administration as an in-feed medication and its high efficacy against all parasitic stages of L. salmonis. However, over-reliance on a single or limited range of medicines favours the emergence of drug resistance and, as a result, the efficacy of this compound in treating L. salmonis has decreased in recent years, as reported from e.g. Chile, Norway, Scotland and Canada. Declining efficacy underlines the need for an improved understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying EMB drug resistance in L. salmonis. Elucidation of these mechanisms would allow for improved monitoring tools, earlier detection of developing resistance, extended usability of current delousing agents and development of new parasiticides. The work described in this thesis sets out to examine the molecular mechanisms underlying EMB resistance in L. salmonis. In earlier studies, research in nematodes and arthropods has linked drug efflux transporters belonging to the family of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters to ivermectin (IVM) resistance, a parasiticide with high chemical similarity to EMB. ABC transporters such as permeability glycoprotein (P-gp), transport a wide range of substrates, including drugs, and have been suggested to provide a potential molecular mechanism through which EMB resistance might be mediated in sea lice. As an example of such mechanisms, increased expression of P-gp is one of the causative factors for drug resistance in human cancer cells and avermectin resistance in nematode parasites such as Caenorhabditis elegans or Haemonchus contortus. Initial research involved screening for novel salmon lice P-gps that might contribute to EMB resistance. A novel P-gp, SL-PGY1, was discovered using a combined bioinformatic and molecular biological approach. The expression was compared in two well-characterised L. salmonis strains differing in their susceptibility to EMB (S = susceptible, R = resistant). Prior to EMB exposure, mRNA levels did not differ from each other, while, after 24 h exposure, a 2.9-fold increase in SL-PGY1 mRNA expression was observed in the R strain. SL-PGY1 appears not to be a major factor contributing to reduced EMB susceptibility, although it could play a role, as expression levels increased upon exposure to EMB. A further four additional drug transporters (ABC C subfamily) were also discovered showing high homology to multidrug-resistance proteins (MRP). The relative expression levels of each MRP was compared in the strains S and R, before and after exposure to EMB. No significant changes were found in their expression patterns. If ABC drug transporters mediate the efflux of EMB and thereby reduce the intracellular concentrations of the drug in exposed animals, the inhibition of those ABC drug transporters was expected to lead to higher intracellular levels of EMB. This could result in an enhanced toxic effect when EMB is co-administered with an inhibitor. Two known inhibitors of human P-gps and MRPs, cyclosporin A (CSA) and verapamil (VER), were co-administered with EMB. CSA increased the toxic effect of EMB in both tested strains, implying that the targets of CSA are expressed at comparable levels and that they may be part of the mechanism conferring EMB resistance. VER increased the toxic effect of EMB in the R strain, but had no significant effects on the S strain. This implies that the expression of factors inhibited by VER differs between the two L. salmonis strains. It is hypothesised that a number of ABC transporters with distinct, yet overlapping patterns of inhibitor specificity are affected by those inhibitors. The search for drug-resistance conferring genes was complemented with a systematic, genome-wide survey of ABC transporters in L. salmonis to find additional members of this important gene family. Next-generation high-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) was employed to assemble a reference transcriptome from pooled total RNA of salmon lice at different development stages. The transcriptome was assembled against the L. salmonis genome and annotated. Thirty-nine putative ABC transporters were found. Of further interest were transcripts of the subfamily B, C and G, as they contain drug-transporting ABC proteins. For the ABC B subfamily, one full (SL-PGY1) and three half transporter transcripts were found. Only full transporters are known to transport drugs and SL-PGY1 is apparently not a major factor contributing to EMB resistance. Fourteen ABCC sequences were found – 11 MRPs and 3 homologues to sulfonylurea receptors. Of interest are MRPs, as they contribute to drug detoxification in humans and invertebrates. Four MRPs had been identified previously and their expression ratios did not differ between S and R strain parasites. Seven sequences belonging to ABCG subfamily were found. However, none of the L. salmonis ABCG transcripts identified showed sufficient homology to known drug transporters in other species. With the currently limited understanding of the mechanisms conferring EMB resistance, monitoring the susceptibility of L. salmonis subpopulations is essential. Dose-response bioassays are currently widely used. Tests with pre-adult II or adult parasites requires relatively large numbers of parasites (~150) to conduct this type of bioassay, which may not always be available. Addressing this issue, we tested the feasibility of a single-dose bioassay (requiring fewer test animals than dose-response bioassays) to discriminate between L. salmonis strains with differing EMB susceptibility. This alternative approach uses time-course toxicity analysis, where the toxic effect of EMB is monitored over time. After clearly defining the effect criteria, we found that it is possible to discriminate between those L. salmonis strains. However, while requiring fewer test animals, time course toxicity analysis is more labour-intensive, but the alternative design can be suitable under certain circumstances. The work reported here has provided new knowledge concerning the mechanisms of EMB resistance in sea lice. Several novel putative drug transporters have been identified, an important first step toward unravelling the complex interactions of genes involved in EMB resistance in this commercially important parasite.

Examining fish quality : the evaluation of the use of lipids as a measure of condition in wild Atlantic salmon

Howe, Alexandra Jane January 2015 (has links)
Considering the response of organisms to their environment is difficult; it is made more so if population numbers cannot be closely monitored. In such cases different methods of population assessment are required. This thesis uses lipids as a measure of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) quality and investigates its usefulness in indicating fish condition. The first study examines the relationship between fish total lipid content and W[sub]R condition factor; this study clearly demonstrates that there is a significant positive relationship between the condition factor of a fish and its total lipid content. In the following study the lipid storage between the different tissues of the Atlantic salmon is considered. This indicates that the red muscle and the adipose tissues hold higher concentrations of lipid than the white muscle. However, the white muscle makes up the majority of lipid tissue mass in the Atlantic salmon so contains the bulk of stored lipid in a fish, at low concentration. The next study investigates the effect of spawning on Atlantic salmon condition. Salmon can be seen preferentially conserving lipid in their musculature and drawing down the lipid stored in their adipose tissues. The following study looked at one key lipid group, triacylglycerides, in salmon. Triacylglycerides are energetically important in fish and this study found that the spawning process depleted triacylglyceride reserves, but that the red muscle conserves triacylglycerides even after spawning. The final study considers the relationship between maternal quality and egg quality, identifying that longer Atlantic salmon produce eggs with more lipid after spawning migration. Egg lipid concentrations were comparably maintained between fish. Monitoring quality in this way is a useful tool to determine population wellbeing and help indicate where populations are compromised.

Conséquences de l’acclimatation à différents régimes thermiques sur les taux métaboliques standards des tacons du saumon de l’Atlantique(Salmo salar)

Beauregard, David 06 1900 (has links)
Les poissons vivant au sein d’une rivière sont soumis à des variations circadiennes de température pouvant influencer la croissance, la digestion et le métabolisme standard. Les modèles bioénergétiques utilisant les fonctions métaboliques pour déterminer la croissance d’un poisson ont souvent été élaborés avec des poissons acclimatés à des températures constantes. Ces modèles pourraient sous-estimer l’énergie dépensée par un poisson soumis à des températures fluctuantes. En utilisant la respirométrie par débit intermittent, les objectifs de ce travail étaient : (1) de quantifier les différences entre les taux métaboliques standards de poissons acclimatés à une température constante (20.2 oC ± 0.5 oC) et à des fluctuations circadiennes de température (19.8 oC ± 2.0 oC; 19.5 oC ± 3.0 oC) et (2) comparer deux méthodologies pour calculer les taux métaboliques standards de poissons sujets aux fluctuations circadiennes de températures : respirométrie (a) en température constante ou (b) en température fluctuante. Les poissons acclimatés à des fluctuations circadiennes de température ont des taux métaboliques standards plus élevés que des poissons acclimatés à une température constante. À 20.2 oC ± 0.5 oC, les taux métabolique standards ont été de 25% à 32% plus bas pour des poissons maintenus à une température constante que pour des poissons gardés sous des fluctuations circadiennes de température. Les méthodologies utilisées pour estimer les taux métaboliques standards de poissons sujets aux fluctuations de température offrent des résultats similaires. / Fish that inhabits river are subjected to circadian fluctuations in water temperature. These fluctuations can influence growth, digestion and metabolic processes. Bioenergetic models are traditionally modeled using data recorded from fish kept at constant water temperatures. These models could underestimate the energy spent by fish subjected to fluctuating temperatures. Thus, with intermittent-flow respirometry, the objectives of this study were to: (1) quantify the differences between standard metabolic rates of fish acclimatized to a constant temperature (20.2 oC ± 0.5 oC) and two circadian fluctuating temperatures (19.8 oC ± 2.0 oC; 19.5 oC ± 3.0 oC) and (2) compare two methodology for calculate standard metabolic rates of fish subjected to circadian fluctuating temperatures: intermittent-flow respirometry with (a) constant temperature or (b) fluctuating temperatures. Fish held at circadian fluctuating temperatures have higher standard metabolic rates than fish acclimatized to a constant temperature. At 20.2 oC ± 0.5 oC, standard metabolic rates was 25% to 32% lower for fish held at constant temperature than for fish held under circadian fluctuations. However, results of the two different strategies used to calculate standard metabolic rates of fish subjected to circadian fluctuating temperatures did not differ.

Dynamics of astaxanthin, tocopherol (Vitamin E) and thiamine (Vitamin B1) in the Baltic Sea ecosystem : Bottom-up effects in an aquatic food web

Häubner, Norbert January 2010 (has links)
The thesis combines laboratory experiments and field expeditions to study production, transfer and consumption of non-enzymatic antioxidants and thiamine in an aquatic food web. In particular, I (1) documented spatial and seasonal variation of tocopherols and carotenoids in the Baltic Sea pelagic food web, and (2) examined the effects of abiotic and biotic factors on tocopherol, carotenoid and thiamine concentrations in phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish. Moderate differences in temperature and salinity affected α-tocopherol, β-carotene and thiamine production in microalgae. Furthermore, the results suggest that acute stress favors the expression of non-enzymatic antioxidants rather than enzymatic antioxidants. Because production of α-tocopherol, β-carotene and thiamine differ markedly between microalgae, the availability of non-enzymatic antioxidants and thiamine is likely to be highly variable in the Baltic Sea and is difficult to predict. The transfer of non-enzymatic antioxidants from phytoplankton to zooplankton was biomass dependent. The field expeditions revealed that phytoplankton biomass was negatively associated with α-tocopherol concentration in mesozooplankton. Thus, increased eutrophication of the Baltic Sea followed by an increase in phytoplankton biomass could decrease the transfer of essential biochemicals to higher levels in the pelagic food web. This could lead to deficiency syndromes, of the kind already observed in the Baltic Sea. Astaxanthin is synthesized from precursors provided by the phytoplankton community. Thus biomass dependent transfer of astaxanthin precursors from phytoplankton to zooplankton could be responsible for astaxanthin deficiency in zooplanktivorous herring. Astaxanthin in herring consists mostly of all-Z-isomers, which are characterized by low bioavailability. Therefore, astaxanthin deficiency in salmon could be explained by the low concentration of this substance and its isomeric composition in herring.

Estructura poblacional y demografía genética en poblaciones de trucha común (Salmo trutta) del Pirineo catalán

Fernández Cebrián, Raquel 22 March 2012 (has links)
In the present study an amplification and genotyping system for 9 microsatellite loci has been developed and used to genotype brown trout (Salmo trutta) individuals. This system has allowed, on one hand, to efficiently analyze the brown trout population structure from Catalan Pyrenees basins and, on the other, to describe their genetic demography. The complexity of evolutionary processes occurred in the area and the different scale of space-time in which they took place make difficult to draw a general pattern relating structure and genetic demography of brown trout populations in the Catalan Pyrenees. However, results fit with the population structure suggested for the Mediterranean brown trout populations, which consist of small interconnected demes forming metapopulations. In the studied Pyrenean basins, the reproductive strategy and the connectivity between demes mitigate the genetic drift expected from the estimated effective population sizes. / El sistema de 9 loci microsatélites desarrollado en este trabajo resulta muy eficiente para el análisis de la estructura poblacional y la demografía genética de las poblaciones de trucha común (Salmo trutta) en las cuencas del Pirineo. La complejidad de los procesos evolutivos ocurridos durante las glaciaciones del cuaternario en el Pirineo y la diferente escala espacial y temporal en que estos han tenido lugar impiden establecer un patrón general que relacione la estructura poblacional y la demografía genética en las poblaciones de trucha común del Pirineo catalán. Sin embargo, los resultados obtenidos están de acuerdo con la estructura poblacional sugerida para las poblaciones mediterráneas de trucha común, que se consideran constituidas por pequeñas agrupaciones locales interconectadas que constituyen metapoblaciones. En todas las cuencas del Pirineo parece que hay una tendencia a que la estrategia reproductora y la interconexión entre los grupos limiten los efectos perjudiciales de la deriva.

Conséquences de l’acclimatation à différents régimes thermiques sur les taux métaboliques standards des tacons du saumon de l’Atlantique(Salmo salar)

Beauregard, David 06 1900 (has links)
Les poissons vivant au sein d’une rivière sont soumis à des variations circadiennes de température pouvant influencer la croissance, la digestion et le métabolisme standard. Les modèles bioénergétiques utilisant les fonctions métaboliques pour déterminer la croissance d’un poisson ont souvent été élaborés avec des poissons acclimatés à des températures constantes. Ces modèles pourraient sous-estimer l’énergie dépensée par un poisson soumis à des températures fluctuantes. En utilisant la respirométrie par débit intermittent, les objectifs de ce travail étaient : (1) de quantifier les différences entre les taux métaboliques standards de poissons acclimatés à une température constante (20.2 oC ± 0.5 oC) et à des fluctuations circadiennes de température (19.8 oC ± 2.0 oC; 19.5 oC ± 3.0 oC) et (2) comparer deux méthodologies pour calculer les taux métaboliques standards de poissons sujets aux fluctuations circadiennes de températures : respirométrie (a) en température constante ou (b) en température fluctuante. Les poissons acclimatés à des fluctuations circadiennes de température ont des taux métaboliques standards plus élevés que des poissons acclimatés à une température constante. À 20.2 oC ± 0.5 oC, les taux métabolique standards ont été de 25% à 32% plus bas pour des poissons maintenus à une température constante que pour des poissons gardés sous des fluctuations circadiennes de température. Les méthodologies utilisées pour estimer les taux métaboliques standards de poissons sujets aux fluctuations de température offrent des résultats similaires. / Fish that inhabits river are subjected to circadian fluctuations in water temperature. These fluctuations can influence growth, digestion and metabolic processes. Bioenergetic models are traditionally modeled using data recorded from fish kept at constant water temperatures. These models could underestimate the energy spent by fish subjected to fluctuating temperatures. Thus, with intermittent-flow respirometry, the objectives of this study were to: (1) quantify the differences between standard metabolic rates of fish acclimatized to a constant temperature (20.2 oC ± 0.5 oC) and two circadian fluctuating temperatures (19.8 oC ± 2.0 oC; 19.5 oC ± 3.0 oC) and (2) compare two methodology for calculate standard metabolic rates of fish subjected to circadian fluctuating temperatures: intermittent-flow respirometry with (a) constant temperature or (b) fluctuating temperatures. Fish held at circadian fluctuating temperatures have higher standard metabolic rates than fish acclimatized to a constant temperature. At 20.2 oC ± 0.5 oC, standard metabolic rates was 25% to 32% lower for fish held at constant temperature than for fish held under circadian fluctuations. However, results of the two different strategies used to calculate standard metabolic rates of fish subjected to circadian fluctuating temperatures did not differ.

Estudio de las variaciones espaciales y temporales de la diversidad genética de la trucha común, Salmo trutta, en ríos de la Península Ibérica

Vera Rodríguez, Manuel 28 July 2006 (has links)
Se ha analizado las causas de la distribución espacial de la variabilidad genética del ADN mitocondrial en poblaciones de trucha común de la cuenca del Duero y de los Pirineos Orientales. En total se han analizado de novo 49 localidades, 13 en la cuenca del río Duero y 36 en los principales ríos del Pirineo oriental. Además se analizaron las fluctuaciones temporales en 14 de las localidades del Pirineo Oriental. Estudios previos indican un marcado contraste de los patrones de diversidad entre ambos territorios.En la cuenca del río Duero los análisis confirmaron la presencia de los dos linajes matriarcales descritos previamente, el linaje Atlántico (AT) y el linaje Duero (DU). Los análisis de la varianza molecular (AMOVA) siguiendo una jerarquía hidrográfica sugirieron una alta estructuración de las poblaciones coincidente con los patrones ictiológicos observados en la cuenca. El linaje DU parece haber estado presente permanentemente en la cuenca interior del Duero, mientras que las zonas más próximas a la desembocadura han padecido diversas colonizaciones de trucha del linaje AT, que reflejarían los cambios climáticos ocurridos en el Cuaternario. Se ha detectado una discrepancia en el límite entre ambos grupos definidos por genes nucleares (alozimas) y el ADN mitocondrial. Estas discrepancias pueden ser debidas a un efecto más severo de la deriva genética en el ADN mitocondrial que en los marcadores nucleares. Sin embargo, en este trabajo se han observado evidencias a favor de selección en el ADN mitocondrial del linaje DU que también explicaría estas discrepancias.El análisis más exhaustivo en las cuencas de los Pirineos orientales, permitió detectar nuevos haplotipos mitocondriales de los linajes Adriático (AD) y Mediterráneo (ME). En esta región, los AMOVAs confirmaron que las diferencias entre poblaciones dentro de río son más importantes que las diferencias entre ríos. No obstante se observó un patrón de aislamiento por distancia en toda la zona, reflejo de la estructuración de las poblaciones en la cuenca del río Ebro. Además, aunque los AMOVAs mostraron que el componente temporal de la variación es inferior al espacial, las fluctuaciones temporales en la comparación matriarcal de las poblaciones resultaron estadísticamente significativas. Estas fluctuaciones están asociadas tanto a la deriva genética como a procesos de flujo génico entre poblaciones próximas. Dentro de las cuencas, los componentes de diferenciación entre afluentes son, en general, superiores a los obtenidos dentro de cada afluente, patrón que parece estar extendido en la trucha común. Los estudios a escala microgeográfica en la Noguera Vallferrera y Noguera Cardós (afluentes del Noguera Pallaresa) reprodujeron este patrón de diferenciación. Los tamaños efectivos y la tasa de migración entre ambos ríos fueron similares a los descritos en poblaciones noratlánticas. Los tamaños efectivos de las hembras (Nef), calculados a partir del ADN mitocondrial fueron menos de la mitad del tamaño efectivo total tanto en la Noguera Vallferrera como en el resto de localidades pirenaicas estudiadas. Estos bajos tamaños efectivos de las hembras serían también responsables de las fluctuaciones temporales observadas. Los ejemplares repoblados parecen hibridar poco con los nativos, pero su presencia podría intensificar indirectamente los procesos de deriva genética y complicar la conservación de los patrimonios genéticos nativos.Con la salvedad de la existencia de selección que favorece a los haplotipos del linaje DU, los procesos poblacionales que regulan la distribución de la variabilidad genética en la cuenca del Duero y en los Pirineos Orientales podrían ser parecidos y caracterizados por la existencia de múltiples demes interconectados a lo largo del curso fluvial. / Brown trout populations from the River Duero basin and from Eastern Pyrenees rivers were analyzed to assess the reasons for contrasting patterns of genetic diversity. Altogether genetic diversity has been analyzed in 49 new collections, 13 from the River Duero basin and 36 from the main rivers of Eastern Pyrenees. Moreover, temporal samples from 14 Pyrenean locations were sampled to analyse temporal stability of the described structure. In these two areas previous studies indicated a strong contrast among diversity patterns in both territories. Results in the Duero basin confirmed the presence of the Atlantic (AT) and the Duero (DU) matriarchal lineages both previously described in this river basin. The analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) based on the hydrographical hierarchy indicated a high level of population structuring, in accordance with the icthiological pattern observed in this basin. The DU lineage permanently occupied the internal area of the River Duero basin, whereas zones close to the mouth of the river have suffered diverse waves of colonisations of trout belonging to the AT lineage, which would reflect the changes happened in the Quaternary. Discrepancies in the limits between both groups defined by nuclear genes (allozymes) and mitochondrial DNA have been detected. These discrepancies could be due to a more intense effect of genetic drift in mitochondrial DNA than in nuclear markers. Nevertheless, evidences in favour of selection in the mitochondrial DNA of the DU lineage have been described in this work, which also would explain this discrepancy. A detailed analysis of brown trout populations from rivers in the Eastern Pyrenees detected new mitochondrial haplotypes of the Adriatic (AD) and the Mediterranean (ME) lineages. In this region, the AMOVAs indicated that differences between populations within river were larger than differences between rivers. Nevertheless, a pattern of isolation by distance was observed in the whole zone, reflecting population structure within the River Ebro. The AMOVAs showed that the temporal component of the variation is lower than the spatial component, but the temporal fluctuations in the matriarchal comparison of the populations were statistically significant. These fluctuations were associated to both genetic drift and gene flow among close populations. Generally in the river basins, higher differentiation between than within stream was observed. This pattern seems to be widespread in brown trout. The studies on microgeographical scale undertaken in the Noguera Vallferrera and Noguera Cardós (tributaries of Noguera Pallaresa) reproduced the above pattern of differentiation. Effective population sizes and migration rate between both rivers were similar to those described in North-Atlantic populations. In the Noguera Vallferrera as well as in the rest of Pyrenean populations, the female effective sizes (Nef), calculated from mitochondrial DNA were less than a half of the total effective sizes detected. These low female effective sizes also contribute to the observed temporal fluctuations. Hatchery individuals hybridise poorly with the native one, but its presence could indirectly intensify genetic drift and complicate the conservation of the native genetic resources.In spite of selection favouring haplotypes of the DU lineage, population processes controlling the distribution of genetic variability in the Duero and the Eastern Pyrenees river basins could be similar and characterized by the existence of interconnected multiple demes throughout the fluvial course.

Aplicació de mètodes genètics en l'avaluació de la gestió per a la conservació de poblacions de truita comuna, Salmo trutta

Araguas Solà, Rosa M. 03 July 2009 (has links)
Durant anys, el principal mètode de gestió de les poblacions de truita comuna (Salmo trutta L.) ha estat la repoblació amb exemplars exògens. El seguiment genètic de les poblacions de truita comuna dels Pirineus orientals, realitzat en aquest tesi, indica que els al.lels procedents d'aquestes repoblacions estan conduint a una homogeneització de les poblacions naturals i a la pèrdua de la seva història evolutiva. D'aquí la importància de la detecció de la introgressió en el desenvolupament de noves estratègies de gestió i conservació de les poblacions d'aquesta espècie. En aquest treball, s'ha avaluat l'eficàcia de diferents marcadors i mètodes que ens ofereix la genètica de poblacions en la detecció de la introgressió present a les poblacions naturals. Alhora que s'ha analizat la influència que han tingut les reserves genètiques, aplicades amb posterioritat a les repoblacions, i que intenten equilibrar l'explotació i la conservació dels recursos genètics de les poblacions natives. / For many years, the primary strategy to maintain or increase brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) population size has been stocking with exogenous individuals. Results on genetic monitoring of brown trout populations in the eastern Pyrenees, carried out in this thesis, indicates that hatchery alleles are diluting native gene pools, leading to a genetic homogenization of native populations and the loss of evolutionary history of this specie. In this context, it is very important the continuous monitoting of the levels of introgression in wild populations to properly develop management and conservation strategies for populations of this specie. In this work, the efficiency of different genetic markers and methods for detecting introgression in natural populations has been evaluated. Moreover, we evaluated the influence of the new management approaches, genetic refuges, aimed to avoid introgression and preserve native genetic diversity remaining in wild populations.

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