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Participação do sistema endocanabinóide nas respostas comportamentais, hormonais e neuronais induzidas pela sobrecarga salina / Participation of the endocannabinoid system in behavioral, hormonal and neural responses induced by salt loadVechiato, Fernanda Maria Veanholi 10 April 2014 (has links)
O sistema endocanabinóide (eCB) tem sido reconhecido como um importante modulador da homeostase energética e recentemente estudos o apontam como um possível integrador da homeostase hidroeletrolítica. Estudos recentes do nosso laboratório demonstraram a participação do receptor canabinóide do tipo 1 (CB1R) no controle da secreção neurohipofisária em resposta a expansão hipertônica do volume extracelular. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho visou esclarecer a participação do sistema eCB, particularmente do CB1R, nas respostas neuronais, neuroendócrinas e comportamentais induzidas pela sobrecarga salina de 4 dias (SS). Uma vez que os animais em SS apresentam hipofagia induzida pela hiperosmolalidade, buscou-se avaliar as vias de integração do controle da homeostase energética e do balanço hidroeletrolítico por meio da introdução de um grupo em dieta pareada (pair fed, PF). De forma a investigar a hipótese acima, utilizou-se como ferramenta farmacológica o agonista seletivo CB1R, araquidonil-2-cloroetilamida (ACEA - 0,1g/5L), administrado por via intracerebroventricular (icv). Inicialmente, nosso trabalho mostrou que a SS promoveu aumento da expressão de CB1R tanto nos núcleos supra-óptico (NSO) e paraventricular (NPV) do hipotálamo quanto em estruturas da lâmina terminal [órgão subfornicial (SFO), o órgão vasculoso da lâmina terminal (OVLT) e o núcleo pré-óptico mediano (MnPO)]. Tais observações foram reforçadas pela análise microscópica destas regiões cerebrais por imunofluorescência, que evidenciou aumento da imunomarcação para CB1R no NPV, NSO e SFO em animais submetidos a SS. Estes resultados também mostraram que a maioria dos terminais pré-sinápticos CB1R-positivos estão localizados predominantemente na porção ventral do NSO, na qual predominam neurônios vasopressinérgicos. Os dados mostram ainda que todas as respostas induzidas pela SS foram revertidas após a reintrodução dos líquidos (RL, água e NaCl 0,3M). Já no grupo PF, não foram observadas alterações na expressão de CB1R em nenhuma das áreas avaliadas. No entanto, após a RL, os animais PF apresentaram hipoosmolalidade plasmática e aumento da expressão de CB1R na LT, sendo este último efeito aparentemente mediado por um aumento da expressão deste receptor no SFO. Em animais normoidratados, a administração central de ACEA produziu um aumento significativo na ingestão alimentar, sendo esta resposta ausente nos animais submetidos a SS, apesar do aumento da expressão de CB1R no hipotálamo verificada neste grupo. Entretanto, o pré-tratamento com ACEA foi capaz de potencializar a ingestão de água induzida pela SS, não produzindo efeitos significativos sobre este parâmetro no grupo PF. Este estudo demonstrou ainda que a SS não alterou as concentrações plasmáticas de angiotensina II (ANGII), porém promoveu aumento signficativo nas concentrações plasmáticas de corticosterona, vasopressina (AVP) e ocitocina (OT), além de diminuir a secreção de peptídeo natriurético atrial (ANP). Em animais submetidos a SS, o prétratamento com ACEA potencializou a secreção de corticosterona e preveniu o aumento da secreção de AVP e OT. Por outro lado, não foram observados efeitos da administração de ACEA sobre a secreção de ANP e ANGII induzida pela SS. Após a RL, o grupo SS apresentou normalização das concentrações plasmáticas hormonais, não sendo observados quaisquer efeitos da administração de ACEA nestas condições experimentais. No grupo PF, por sua vez, após a RL foi observada diminuição na secreção de OT e aumento nas concentrações plasmáticas de ANGII, efeitos estes não alterados pelo pré-tratamento com ACEA. Em conjunto, nossos dados sugerem que o CB1R participa ativamente das respostas homeostáticas comportamentais e neuroendócrinas desencadeadas pela SS, sendo estas respostas especificamente relacionadas ao controle da homeostase hidrossalina e não secundárias à hipofagia induzida pela hiperosmolalidade. Desta forma, conclui-se que a participação do CB1R na homeostase hidroeletrolítica ocorre em paralelo e independentemente da modulação exercida por este receptor sobre a homeostase energética. / The endocannabinoid system (eCB) has been recognized as an important modulator of energy homeostasis and recent studies suggest that this system may play a possible integrator role on hydromineral homeostasis. Recent studies from our laboratory demonstrated the involvement of the type 1 cannabinoid receptor (CB1R) in the control of neurohypophyseal secretion in response to hypertonic extracellular volume expansion. Therefore, the present study aimed to clarify the involvement of the ECB system, particularly of CB1Rs, in neuronal, neuroendocrine and behavioral responses induced by 4 days of salt load (SS). Since the animals submitted to SS exhibit a well known state of hyperosmolality-induced hypophagia, we attempted to evaluate the integrated control of energy homeostasis and hydroelectrolytic balance through the introduction of a paired diet group (pair fed, PF). In order to achieve these goals, this study employed as a pharmacological tool the CB1R selective agonist, arachidonoyl-2\'-chloroethylamide (ACEA-0.1g/5L), administered intracerebroventricularly (icv). Initially, our work showed that SS increased the expression of CB1R in both supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular (PVN) nuclei of the hypothalamus, as well as in the structures of the lamina terminalis [subfornical organ (SFO), organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT) and median preoptic nucleus (MnPO)]. These observations were reinforced by the microscopic analysis of these brain regions by immunofluorescence, which showed increased immunostaining for CB1R in the PVN, SON and SFO in animals submitted to SS. These results also showed that most of the presynaptic CB1R-positive terminals are located predominantly in the ventral part of the SON, which is characterized by the presence of vasopressinergic neurons. The data also showed that all SS-induced responses were reversed after reintroduction of fluids (RF, water and 0,3M NaCl). On the other hand, no changes in the expression of CB1R in any of the evaluated areas were observed in the PF group. However, after RF, PF animals showed hypoosmolality and increased expression of CB1R in the LT, being the latter effect apparently mediated by increased expression of this receptor in SFO. In euhydrated animals, the central administration of ACEA produced a significant increase in food intake, being this response absent in animals submitted to SS, despite the increased expression of CB1R in the hypothalamus observed in this group. However, pretreatment with ACEA was able to potentiate SS-induced water intake, producing no significant effect on this parameter in the PF group. This study also demonstrated that SS did not alter plasma concentrations of angiotensin II (ANG II), but significantly increased plasma concentrations of corticosterone, vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT), and decreased the secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP). In animals submitted to SS, pretreatment with ACEA enhanced the secretion of corticosterone and prevented the increased secretion of AVP and OT. Moreover, no effect of ACEA was observed on the SS-induced ANG II and ANP secretion. After RF, the SS group showed normalization of hormonal plasma concentrations, and no effects of ACEA administration were verified under these experimental conditions. After RF, the PF group exhibited a decrease in OT secretion and increased plasma concentrations of ANG II, effects that were not altered by pretreatment with ACEA. Taken together, our data suggest that CB1Rs actively participate in behavioral and neuroendocrine homeostatic responses triggered by SS, and that these responses were specifically related to the control of hydromineral homeostasis and not secondary to the hyperosmolality-induced hypophagia. Therefore, we conclude that the involvement of CB1R in electrolyte homeostasis occurs in parallel and independently of the modulation exerted by this receptor on energy homeostasis.
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Participação do sistema endocanabinóide nas respostas comportamentais, hormonais e neuronais induzidas pela sobrecarga salina / Participation of the endocannabinoid system in behavioral, hormonal and neural responses induced by salt loadFernanda Maria Veanholi Vechiato 10 April 2014 (has links)
O sistema endocanabinóide (eCB) tem sido reconhecido como um importante modulador da homeostase energética e recentemente estudos o apontam como um possível integrador da homeostase hidroeletrolítica. Estudos recentes do nosso laboratório demonstraram a participação do receptor canabinóide do tipo 1 (CB1R) no controle da secreção neurohipofisária em resposta a expansão hipertônica do volume extracelular. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho visou esclarecer a participação do sistema eCB, particularmente do CB1R, nas respostas neuronais, neuroendócrinas e comportamentais induzidas pela sobrecarga salina de 4 dias (SS). Uma vez que os animais em SS apresentam hipofagia induzida pela hiperosmolalidade, buscou-se avaliar as vias de integração do controle da homeostase energética e do balanço hidroeletrolítico por meio da introdução de um grupo em dieta pareada (pair fed, PF). De forma a investigar a hipótese acima, utilizou-se como ferramenta farmacológica o agonista seletivo CB1R, araquidonil-2-cloroetilamida (ACEA - 0,1g/5L), administrado por via intracerebroventricular (icv). Inicialmente, nosso trabalho mostrou que a SS promoveu aumento da expressão de CB1R tanto nos núcleos supra-óptico (NSO) e paraventricular (NPV) do hipotálamo quanto em estruturas da lâmina terminal [órgão subfornicial (SFO), o órgão vasculoso da lâmina terminal (OVLT) e o núcleo pré-óptico mediano (MnPO)]. Tais observações foram reforçadas pela análise microscópica destas regiões cerebrais por imunofluorescência, que evidenciou aumento da imunomarcação para CB1R no NPV, NSO e SFO em animais submetidos a SS. Estes resultados também mostraram que a maioria dos terminais pré-sinápticos CB1R-positivos estão localizados predominantemente na porção ventral do NSO, na qual predominam neurônios vasopressinérgicos. Os dados mostram ainda que todas as respostas induzidas pela SS foram revertidas após a reintrodução dos líquidos (RL, água e NaCl 0,3M). Já no grupo PF, não foram observadas alterações na expressão de CB1R em nenhuma das áreas avaliadas. No entanto, após a RL, os animais PF apresentaram hipoosmolalidade plasmática e aumento da expressão de CB1R na LT, sendo este último efeito aparentemente mediado por um aumento da expressão deste receptor no SFO. Em animais normoidratados, a administração central de ACEA produziu um aumento significativo na ingestão alimentar, sendo esta resposta ausente nos animais submetidos a SS, apesar do aumento da expressão de CB1R no hipotálamo verificada neste grupo. Entretanto, o pré-tratamento com ACEA foi capaz de potencializar a ingestão de água induzida pela SS, não produzindo efeitos significativos sobre este parâmetro no grupo PF. Este estudo demonstrou ainda que a SS não alterou as concentrações plasmáticas de angiotensina II (ANGII), porém promoveu aumento signficativo nas concentrações plasmáticas de corticosterona, vasopressina (AVP) e ocitocina (OT), além de diminuir a secreção de peptídeo natriurético atrial (ANP). Em animais submetidos a SS, o prétratamento com ACEA potencializou a secreção de corticosterona e preveniu o aumento da secreção de AVP e OT. Por outro lado, não foram observados efeitos da administração de ACEA sobre a secreção de ANP e ANGII induzida pela SS. Após a RL, o grupo SS apresentou normalização das concentrações plasmáticas hormonais, não sendo observados quaisquer efeitos da administração de ACEA nestas condições experimentais. No grupo PF, por sua vez, após a RL foi observada diminuição na secreção de OT e aumento nas concentrações plasmáticas de ANGII, efeitos estes não alterados pelo pré-tratamento com ACEA. Em conjunto, nossos dados sugerem que o CB1R participa ativamente das respostas homeostáticas comportamentais e neuroendócrinas desencadeadas pela SS, sendo estas respostas especificamente relacionadas ao controle da homeostase hidrossalina e não secundárias à hipofagia induzida pela hiperosmolalidade. Desta forma, conclui-se que a participação do CB1R na homeostase hidroeletrolítica ocorre em paralelo e independentemente da modulação exercida por este receptor sobre a homeostase energética. / The endocannabinoid system (eCB) has been recognized as an important modulator of energy homeostasis and recent studies suggest that this system may play a possible integrator role on hydromineral homeostasis. Recent studies from our laboratory demonstrated the involvement of the type 1 cannabinoid receptor (CB1R) in the control of neurohypophyseal secretion in response to hypertonic extracellular volume expansion. Therefore, the present study aimed to clarify the involvement of the ECB system, particularly of CB1Rs, in neuronal, neuroendocrine and behavioral responses induced by 4 days of salt load (SS). Since the animals submitted to SS exhibit a well known state of hyperosmolality-induced hypophagia, we attempted to evaluate the integrated control of energy homeostasis and hydroelectrolytic balance through the introduction of a paired diet group (pair fed, PF). In order to achieve these goals, this study employed as a pharmacological tool the CB1R selective agonist, arachidonoyl-2\'-chloroethylamide (ACEA-0.1g/5L), administered intracerebroventricularly (icv). Initially, our work showed that SS increased the expression of CB1R in both supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular (PVN) nuclei of the hypothalamus, as well as in the structures of the lamina terminalis [subfornical organ (SFO), organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT) and median preoptic nucleus (MnPO)]. These observations were reinforced by the microscopic analysis of these brain regions by immunofluorescence, which showed increased immunostaining for CB1R in the PVN, SON and SFO in animals submitted to SS. These results also showed that most of the presynaptic CB1R-positive terminals are located predominantly in the ventral part of the SON, which is characterized by the presence of vasopressinergic neurons. The data also showed that all SS-induced responses were reversed after reintroduction of fluids (RF, water and 0,3M NaCl). On the other hand, no changes in the expression of CB1R in any of the evaluated areas were observed in the PF group. However, after RF, PF animals showed hypoosmolality and increased expression of CB1R in the LT, being the latter effect apparently mediated by increased expression of this receptor in SFO. In euhydrated animals, the central administration of ACEA produced a significant increase in food intake, being this response absent in animals submitted to SS, despite the increased expression of CB1R in the hypothalamus observed in this group. However, pretreatment with ACEA was able to potentiate SS-induced water intake, producing no significant effect on this parameter in the PF group. This study also demonstrated that SS did not alter plasma concentrations of angiotensin II (ANG II), but significantly increased plasma concentrations of corticosterone, vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT), and decreased the secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP). In animals submitted to SS, pretreatment with ACEA enhanced the secretion of corticosterone and prevented the increased secretion of AVP and OT. Moreover, no effect of ACEA was observed on the SS-induced ANG II and ANP secretion. After RF, the SS group showed normalization of hormonal plasma concentrations, and no effects of ACEA administration were verified under these experimental conditions. After RF, the PF group exhibited a decrease in OT secretion and increased plasma concentrations of ANG II, effects that were not altered by pretreatment with ACEA. Taken together, our data suggest that CB1Rs actively participate in behavioral and neuroendocrine homeostatic responses triggered by SS, and that these responses were specifically related to the control of hydromineral homeostasis and not secondary to the hyperosmolality-induced hypophagia. Therefore, we conclude that the involvement of CB1R in electrolyte homeostasis occurs in parallel and independently of the modulation exerted by this receptor on energy homeostasis.
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Integrierte Modellierung von Durchflussdynamik und salinarer Stofftransportprozesse unter Berücksichtigung anthropogener Steuerungen am Beispiel der Unstrut / Integrated modelling of flow discharge and saline solute transport processes under consideration of anthropogenic management strategies in the Unstrut river basinVoß, Frank January 2005 (has links)
Durch die Stilllegung der Kali-Gewinnung und -Produktion zwischen 1990 und
1993 sowie die begonnene Rekultivierung der Kali-Rückstandshalden haben sich
die Salzfrachteintragsbedingungen für die Fließgwewässer
im "Südharz-Kalirevier" in Thüringen zum Teil deutlich verändert.
Aufgrund erheblich geringerer Salzeinträge in die Vorfluter Wipper und
Bode ist es möglich geworden, zu einer ökologisch verträglichen Salzfrachtsteuerung
Die Komplexität der zugrunde liegenden Stofftransportprozesse im Einzugsgebiet
der Wipper macht es jedoch unumgänglich, den Steuerungsvorgang nicht nur
durch reine Bilanzierungsvorgänge auf der betrachteten Steuerstrecke zu
erfassen (so wie bisher praktiziert), sondern auch die Abflussdynamik im
Fließgewässer und den Wasserhaushalt im Gebiet mit einzubeziehen.
Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit dienen zum einen einer Vertiefung der Prozessverständnisse
und der Interaktion von Wasserhaushalt, Abflussbildung sowie Stofftransport
in bergbaubeeinflussten Einzugsgebieten am Beispiel der Unstrut bzw.
ihrer relevanten Nebenflüsse.
Zum anderen sollen sie zur Analyse und Bewertung eines Bewirtschaftungsplanes
für die genannten Fließgewässer herangezogen werden können.
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Erstellung eines prognosetauglichen Steuerungsinstrumentes,
das für die Bewirtschaftung von Flusseinzugsgebieten unterschiedlicher
Größe genutzt und unter den Rahmenbedingungen der bergbaubedingten salinaren
Einträge effektiv zur Steuerung der anthropogenen Frachten eingesetzt werden
Die Quellen der anthropogen eingeleiteten Salzfracht sind vor allem die
Rückstandshalden der stillgelegten Kaliwerke.
Durch Niederschläge entstehen salzhaltige Haldenabwässer, die zum Teil
ungesteuert über oberflächennahe Ausbreitungsvorgänge direkt in die Vorfluter
gelangen, ein anderer Teil wird über die Speichereinrichtungen gefasst
und gezielt abgestoßen.
Durch Undichtigkeiten des Laugenstapelbeckens in Wipperdorf gelangen ebenfalls
ungesteuerte Frachteinträge in die Wipper.
Ein weiterer Eintragspfad ist zudem die geogene Belastung.
Mit Hilfe detaillierter Angaben zu den oben genannten Eintragspfaden konnten
Modellrechnungen im Zeitraum von 1992 bis 2003 durchgeführt werden.
Durch die Ausarbeitung eines neuartigen Steuerungskonzeptes für das Laugenstapelbecken
Wipperdorf, war es nun möglich, die gefasste Haldenlauge entsprechend
der aktuellen Abflusssituation gezielt abstoßen zu können.
Neben der modelltechnischen Erfassung der aktuellen hydrologischen Situation und der Vorgabe
eines Chlorid-Konzentrationssteuerzieles für den Pegel Hachelbich, mussten dabei
weitere Randbedingungen (Beckenkapazität, Beckenfüllstand, Mindestfüllstand,
Kapazität des Ableitungskanals, usw.) berücksichtigt werden.
Es zeigte sich, dass unter Anwendung des Steuerungskonzeptes die Schwankungsbreite
der Chloridkonzentration insgesamt gesehen deutlich verringert werden konnte.
Die Überschreitungshäufigkeiten bezüglich eines Grenzwertes von 2 g Chlorid/l
am Pegel Hachelbich fielen deutlich, und auch die maximale Dauer einer
solchen Periode konnte stark verkürzt werden.
Kritische Situationen bei der modelltechnischen Frachtzusteuerung traten nur dann auf, wenn
Niedrigwasserverhältnisse durch die Simulationsberechnungen noch unterschätzt wurden.
Dies hatte deutliche Überschreitungen der Zielvorgaben für den Pegel Hachelbich
zur Folge.
Mit Hilfe des Steuerungsalgorithmus konnten desweiteren auch Szenarienberechnungen
durchgeführt werden, um die Auswirkungen zukünftig zu erwartender Salzfrachten
näher spezifizieren zu können.
Dabei konnte festgestellt werden, dass Abdichtungsmaßnahmen der Haldenkörper
sich direkt positiv auf die Entwicklung der Konzentration in Hachelbich
Durch zusätzlich durchgeführte Langzeitszenarien konnte darüber hinaus
nachgewiesen werden, dass langfristig eine Grenzwertfestlegung auf 1,5
g Chlorid/l in Hachelbich möglich ist, und die Stapelkapazitäten dazu ausreichend
bemessen sind. / As a consequence of general closure and conversion of potash-industries
between the years 1990 and 1993 and due to the beginning of recultivation activities on the potash stockpiles
the load of dissolved potassium salt of rivers in the "Südharz-Kalirevier" in the German federal state of
Thuringia has considerably changed. The extremely decreased salt inputs into the tributaries of Wipper and Bode
were accompanied by a change in salt load management towards a system controlled with respect to river ecology.
Due to the high complexity of salt transport processes in the Wipper catchment,
the existing operation rules cannot comply with the present requirements, so that a comprehensive knowledge of
water balance processes and river flow dynamics have to be included in management strategies.
On the one hand this investigation aims to analyse the processes and the interaction of water balance, runoff generation and solute transport
in catchment areas influenced by salt mining activities such as the case in the river Unstrut and its relevant tributaries. On the other hand
the results of this study can help to analyse and assess sustainable management plans for the above mentioned river basins. Thus the main
objective of this study is to develop an integrated, predictive management tool, that can be applied for catchment areas of different
spatial scales and for the effective use of controlled discharge of anthropogenic salt solution taking into account the basic input conditions
from salt mining activities.
The most important sources of anthropogenic salt inputs into the river stream are the salt loads from the potash stockpiles near the disused
mines. Due to usual precipitation salt solution leaches from the stockpiles, which partly reaches the river streams uncontrolled by lateral
interflow processes. Another part is being gathered in reservoirs and than discharged according to special system operation rules. As well
dissolved salt loads comes into the Wipper by leakage processes out of the reservoir in Wipperdorf. Furthermore geogenic input is another
important emission pathway.
With detailed information about these different emission pathways, model simulations were performed within the period from 1992 to 2003. After the
technical implementation of a new management strategy for the reservoir in Wipperdorf, now it was possible to push off the stored lye according
to the actual runoff situation in the river stream. Beside a fully modell aided description of the whole actual hydrological situtation and
provided control values for chloride concentration at the gauging station in Hachelbich, also other boundary conditions had to be considered
for this purpose (such as reservoir capacity, actual fill level, minimum fill level, drain capacity etc.).
It turned out, that the application of the new management strategy led to a clear decreased range in chloride concentration. Frequencies of
exceeding a critical value of 2 g chloride/l at gauging station in Hachelbich enormously declined and the maximum duration of such periods
could rigorously be shortened. Particluar critical situations in calculating potential lye discharge only occured when measured flow discharge
was underestimated through model simulations. In this case control values for the gauging station in Hachelbich could not be achieved.
With this new management tool scenario simulations were executed to analyse the effects of expected amounts of lye in future. These
theoretical studies showed the decreasing trend in chloride concentration if restorations measures at the stockpiles would be continued.
Longterm scenario runs also showed, that a threshold value of 1,5 g chloride/l in Hachelbich could be achieved and existing storage
capacities therefor will be sufficiently dimensioned.
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