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How to create value through strategic product sample promotions : A L'Oréal case studyJedenmark, Maria, Eckerbom, Mikaela January 2012 (has links)
The Swedish beauty industry face challenges with product samples as a promotion technique. The lack of a defined strategy results in a random distribution, which leads to weak ROI. However, product samples could be used proactively as a strategic marketing tool creating long-term brand value. This thesis provides a framework for L’Oréal to fulfill their objectives of using product samples – from strategy formation to tactical practice. Davies’s (1992) model “Using promotions as part of a strategic plan” is used as a sorting mechanism. We created a three-step process based on the model as a structure for this thesis: strategy preparation, strategy implementation, and strategy follow-up. Qualitative interviews and a quantitative survey proved that different product sample types require different strategies depending on the aim of the promotion. As a complement, targeted product samples via GlossyBox enabled L’Oréal to gain market insight and use product samples more strategically.
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Effect Of Estimation In Goodness-of-fit TestsEren, Emrah 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In statistical analysis, distributional assumptions are needed to apply parametric procedures. Assumptions about underlying distribution should be true for accurate statistical inferences. Goodness-of-fit tests are used for checking the validity of the distributional assumptions. To apply some of the goodness-of-fit tests, the unknown population parameters are estimated. The null distributions of test statistics become complicated or depend on the unknown parameters if population parameters are replaced by their estimators. This will restrict the use of the test. Goodness-of-fit statistics which are invariant to parameters can be used if the distribution under null hypothesis is a location-scale distribution. For location and scale invariant goodness-of-fit tests, there is no need to estimate the unknown population parameters. However, approximations are used in some of those tests. Different types of estimation and approximation techniques are used in this study to compute goodness-of-fit statistics for complete and censored samples from univariate distributions as well as complete samples from bivariate normal distribution. Simulated power properties of the goodness-of-fit tests against a broad range of skew and symmetric alternative distributions are examined to identify the estimation effects in goodness-of-fit tests. The main aim of this thesis is to modify goodness-of-fit tests by using different estimators or approximation techniques, and finally see the effect of estimation on the power of these tests.
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Effektive Beobachtung von zufälligen Funktionen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von AbleitungenHoltmann, Markus 10 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Es wird die Versuchsplanung für die Approximation zufälliger Funktionen untersucht, wobei sowohl deterministische Spline-, stochastisch-deterministische Krigingverfahren als auch Regressionsverfahren jeweils unter Verwendung von Ableitungssamples betrachtet werden. Dabei wird das mathematische Gerüst für den Beweis einer allgemeinen Äquivalenz zwischen Kriging- und Splineverfahren entwickelt. Für den in den praktischen Anwendungen wichtigen Fall der Verwendung endlich vieler nichthermitescher Samples wird ein Versuchsplanungsverfahren für zufällige Funktionen mit asymptotisch verschwindender Korrelation entwickelt. Ferner wird der Einfluss von Ableitungen auf die Varianz von (lokalen) Regressionsschätzern untersucht. Schließlich wird ein Verfahren zur Versuchsplanung vorgestellt, das durch Regularisierung mittels gestörter Kovarianzmatrizen Prinzipien der klassischen Versuchsplanung im korrelierten Fall nachahmt.
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Screening of endocrine disrupting compounds in Swedish rivers : with focus on organic flame retardants and perfluoroalkylated substancesRibeli, Erik January 2014 (has links)
The occurrence of chemical contaminants in the environment is one of the key issues the world isfacing today. Special effort has been put on the screening of endocrine disrupting compounds(EDCs), substances that have been shown to have adverse effects on the endocrine system. EDCs are mainly found in pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), but also other products covering almost all categories of our daily life. EDCs can be both organic, such as the persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and inorganic, e.g. heavy metals. Today, all kinds of EDCs are currently being investigated on a large scale. Two EDC sub-categories that have gained increased public attention during the last years are organic flame retardants (FRs) and per- and polyfluoroalkylated substances (PFASs). Both categories have shown to be bioaccumulating, persistent and toxic, which has led to banning of several substances in both categories. However, as both FRs and PFASs are considered to be emerging POPs, their fate and behaviour in the environment are still in great need of research. FRs and PFASs often end up in surface waters due to their disinclination of getting removed in waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) and their persistence. Thus, the objective of this project was to provide a snapshot of the current situation of FRs and PFASs in Swedish rivers, including both smaller streams and bigger rivers. Grab water samples were taken at 25 sites for FRs and 44 for PFASs in rivers all over Sweden. The results showed that sparsely populated areas such as the northern part of Sweden generally showed lower concentrations of PFASs in the water than the southern part did. The summarised concentrations of FRs ranged from 37 ng L-1 to 4.6 μg L-1, and from 0.59 ng L-1 to 59 ng L-1 for the detected PFASs, which was in good comparison to previous studies carried out on surface water in Europe. The percentile composition, the so-called fingerprint, showed significant differences between the southern part and the northern part for both FRs and PFASs, but also great similarities between some of the rivers with the highest measured PFASs concentrations. The highest loads of both FRs and PFASs were detected in Delångersån, which is one of the smaller rivers screened and likely to be affected by a nearby industrial point source. The European environmental quality standard of 0.65 ng L-1 of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) was exceeded in 12 of all 44 sampled rivers.
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Nutrition Knowledge and Dietary Habits of Farmers Market PatronsMayes, Lindsey M. 01 January 2013 (has links)
A balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables has been strongly associated with weight management, improved overall health, and decreased incidence of chronic disease. Availability of locally grown produce is associated with a higher intake of fruits and vegetables; there were 7,864 farmers markets operating in the U.S. in 2012, a 9.6% increase from 2011. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the demographics, nutrition knowledge, and dietary habits of farmers market patrons at ten diverse markets in Kentucky. A total of 153 surveys were collected; the average age of study participants was 46 ± 21 year. Respondents reported consuming an average of 2.1 ± 1.3 fruit servings and 2.9 ± 1.6 vegetable servings per day. As well, 49% of the market patrons indicated they had an advanced or professional knowledge of nutrition. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being "extremely important", 59% of the patrons ranked having nutrition information listed on recipes as an 8 or above. Market patrons are specifically interested in the salt (87%), fat (74%), and calorie (72%) content of recipes. Results indicate that most farmers market patrons have a good knowledge of nutrition and are interested in evaluating nutrition information.
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The validation of a performance-based assessment batteryWilson, Irene Rose 01 January 2002 (has links)
Legislative pressures are being brought to bear on South African employers to
demonstrate that occupational assessment is scientifically valid and culturefair.
The development of valid and reliable performance-based assessment
tools will enable employers to meet these requirements. The general aim of
this research was to validate a performance-based assessment battery for the
placement of sales representatives. A literature survey examined alternative
assessment measures and methods of performance measurement, leading to
the conclusion that the combination of the work sample as a predictor
measure and the managerial rating of performance as a criterion measure
offer a practical and cost-effective assessment process to the sales manager.
The empirical study involved 54 sales persons working for the Commercial
division of an oil marketing company, selling products and services to the
commercial and industrial market. By means of the empirical study, a
significant correlation was found between performance of sales
representatives in terms of the performance-based assessment battery for the
entry level of the career ladder and their behaviour in the field as measured by
the managerial performance rating instrument. The limitations of the sample,
however, prevent the results from being generalised to other organisations.
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Terminallokalisering och införande av merge-in-transit i ett distributionsnätverk för klädprover / Location for a terminal with a merge-in-transit solution for a clothing company’s sample distributionKlasson, Josefin, Lindblom, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet är att undersöka om en merge-in-transit-lösning kan användas vid distributionen av prover inom ett klädföretag för att säkerställa låga kostnader, korta ledtider och kontroll. Metod – En fallstudie har gjorts i samarbete med Didriksons för att uppnå studiens syfte. Datainsamlingsmetoder såsom intervjuer och dokumentstudier har legat till grund för insamlandet av empiri, som kontinuerligt har analyserats mot studiens teoretiska ramverk. Därigenom har studiens resultat utformats. Resultat - Resultatet visar på att en merge-in-transit (MIT)-lösning skulle vara att föredra inom klädbranschen på grund av de tidskrav som finns på snabba leveranser. Vidare framgår det att det är av största vikt att få kommunikationen mellan aktörerna i försörjningskedjan att integrera om en MIT-lösning ska användas. En MIT-lösning kan sänka de direkta transportkostnaderna med 69 procent, samtidigt som studien tyder på att kapitalbindningen och tullkostnaderna minskas. Ökade lagerhållningskostnader kommer att uppstå på grund av inhyrandet i en terminal med MIT-tjänsten som tillkommer. Vad gäller ledtiden kommer den totala ledtiden att reduceras med 15 procent, vilket innebär att leverantörerna fårlängre tid på sig att producera och kan minska antalet delleveranser. Genom att leverantörerna producerar mer till första delleveransen får försäljarna mer i sin första leverans, och därigenom genereras en bättre helhetsförståelse över kollektionen som i sin tur leder till bättre beställningsunderlag och mer intäkter. Gällande kontrollaspekten kan den likställas med den konroll som finns i dagsläget. Implikationer - Studiens resultat har tagits fram utan att ta hänsyn till prototypstadiet, vilket gör att den komplexitet som råder inom klädbranschen har utelämnats. Resultatet kan ändå vara till hjälp för företag som funderar på att förändra sin distributionskanal, men innan förändringen bör noggrannare kvantitativa kostnadsberäkningar utföras än de som gjorts i denna studie. Vidare rekommenderas det att utvärdera flertalet tredjepartslogistiker om huruvida de kan vara aktuella partners vid en MIT-lösning, samt hur förutsättningarna för integrationen mellan aktörernas informationssystem ser ut. / Purpose - The purpose is to investigate if a merge-in-transit-solution can be used in the distribution of cloth samples within a cloth company to reduce costs, shorten lead time and maintain control. Method - A case study was conducted in cooperation with Didriksons to achieve the purpose of the study. Methods such as interviews and documentation studies were the basis for the collection of empirical data, which has continuously been analyzed against the study's theoretical framework. Thereby the study findings were generated. Findings - The findings show that a merge-in-transit (MIT) solution would be preferable in the clothing industry due to the time constraints available for fast delivery. Furthermore, it appears that it is vital to get the communication between actors in the supply chain to integrate if an MIT solution should be used. A MIT solution can reduce the direct transport costs by 69 percent, while the study shows that the capital and tariff costs are reduced. Increased inventory costs will be incurred due to hiring a terminal with the MIT service that will be added. As far as lead time, the total lead time is reduced by 15 percent, meaning that suppliers have more time to produce and can reduce the number of deliveries. If the suppliers produce more to the first delivery, it will generate that the salesman can get a better overview of the collection, which make the purchasing process easier and results in higher revenue. When it comes to the control, it can be equated with the control in the current situation. Implications - The study findings has been made regardless to the prototype stage, which means that the complexity of the clothing industry has been omitted. The result can still be helpful for companies that are searching for a solution to transform their distribution channel. Thus more quantitative calculations need to be conducted before any implementations. Furthermore, it is recommended to evaluate the majority of third party logistics providers to whether they can be relevant partners for a MIT solution.
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Numerical simulation of water-cooled sample holders for high-heat flux testing of low-level irradiated materialsCharry León, Carlos Humberto 12 January 2015 (has links)
The promise of a vast source of energy to power the world and protect our planet using fusion technology has been the driving force for scientists and engineers around the globe for more than sixty years. Although the materialization of this ideal still in the distance, multiple scientific and technological advances have been accomplished, which have brought commercial fusion power closer to a reality than it has ever been. As part of the collaborative effort in the pursuit of realizable fusion energy, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is being developed by a coalition of nations of which the United States is a part of. One critical technological challenge for ITER is the development of adequate plasma facing materials (PFMs) that can withstand the strenuous conditions of operation. To date, high heat flux (HHF) testing has been conducted mainly on non-irradiated specimens due to the difficulty of working with radioactive specimens, such as instrument contamination. In this thesis, the new Irradiated Material Target Station (IMTS) facility for fusion materials at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), in which the HHFs are provided by water-wall plasma-arc lamps (PALs), is considered for neutron-irradiated specimens, especially tungsten. The facility is being used to test irradiated plasma-facing components materials for magnetic fusion reactors as part of the US-Japan plasma facing components evaluation by tritium plasma, heat and neutron irradiation experiments (PHENIX). In order to conduct HHF testing on the PFMs various sample holders designs were developed to accommodate radioactive specimens during HHF testing.
As part of the effort to design sample holders that are compatible with the IMTS facility, numerical simulations were performed for different water-cooled sample holder designs with the commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software package, ANSYS™ FLUENT®. The numerical models are validated against experimental temperature measurements obtained from the IMTS facility. These experimentally validated numerical models are used to assess the thermal performance of two sample holder designs and establish safe limits for HHF testing under various operating conditions. The limiting parameter for the current configuration was determined for each sample holder design. For the Gen 1 sample holder, the maximum temperature reached within the Copper rod limits the allowable incident heat flux to about 6 MW/m². In the case of the Gen 2 sample holder, the maximum temperature reached within the Molybdenum clamping disk limits the allowable incident heat flux to about 5 MW/m².
In addition, the numerical model are used to parametrically investigate the effect of the operating pressure, mass flow rate, and incident heat flux on the local heat flux distributions and peak surface temperatures. Finally, a comparative analysis is conducted to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages associated with the main design modifications between the two sample holder models as to evaluate their impact in the overall thermal performance of each sample holder in order to provide conclusive recommendations for future sample holder designs.
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Goodness-of-fit Tests Based On Censored SamplesCigsar, Candemir 01 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, the most prominent goodness-of-fit tests for censored samples are reviewed. Power properties of goodness-of-fit statistics of the null hypothesis that a sample which is censored from right, left and both right and left which comes from uniform, normal and exponential distributions are investigated. Then, by a similar argument extreme value, student t with 6 degrees of freedom and generalized logistic distributions are discussed in detail through a comprehensive simulation study. A variety of real life applications are given. Suitable test statistics for testing the above distributions for censored samples are also suggested in the conclusion.
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Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry : Exploring the Limits of Different Sample Preparation StrategiesKollander, Barbro January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes two different sample preparation strategies for inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), and their ability regarding multi element quantification in complex samples. Sensitivity, repeatability, reproducibility and accuracy were investigated. The aim was to increase the over all efficiency, the speed of analysis, and/or the sensitivity of the analytical method. The intention was to measure analytes with concentrations ranging from ng/g to mg/g simultaneously. The aim was additionally to study chemical and physical processes occurring during the sample preparation, the sample transport to the plasma, and the atomization therein. In the first sample preparation strategy, a hydrophilic highly cross-linked iminodiacetate-agarose adsorbent, IDA-Novarose, was used for preconcentration of metal ions, and matrix elimination in natural water samples. The sorbent was synthesized with different binding capacities. The effect of the capacity on preconcentration, matrix elimination, and uptake capability at high flow rates was studied. For a high capacity IDA-Novarose (≥ 45 µmole/ml) quantitative uptake was seen even at high flow rates (100 ml/min) for Cu2+ with a high affinity to the adsorbent, and for Cd2+ with a moderate affinity. For lower capacities the uptake of Cd2+ was affected by the sample matrix and the flow rate. A method based on the determination of the conditional stability constant of the metal sorbent complex was suggested for the prediction of the sorbent capacity needed to obtain quantitative recovery and optimal matrix elimination. The sorbent was used in a flow system with online buffering for the analysis of a certified riverine water (SLRS-3), tap water and lake water. With few exceptions the results obtained by ICP-AES after preconcentration agreed well with the certified concentrations and results obtained by ICP-MS. The other sample preparation strategy discussed is a method for non digested biological samples from different animal organs for the multi element analysis by ICP-AES. This “mix and measure method” consists of a simple homogenization of the sample with a mixing rod in a small amount of neutral media, followed by dilution and direct measurement with ICP-AES. The total time of analysis is only a few minutes. The ability of this fast method to accurately quantify some elements of toxic, environmental, and/or physiological concern with the lowest possible sample dilution and the highest possible plasma load was evaluated. In 10 % liver slurry Cd, Co, and Sr, at concentration levels around 0.05 µg/g were quantified simultaneously with P and K around 2000 µg/g and with several other elements in between (Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Pb, and Zn). The relative standard deviation of repeated measurements of samples was around 5 - 6 % for regardless of the concentration of the element. The method was also used for fast screening of the elemental distribution in mice organs (brain, heart, kidney, liver, lung and spleen).
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