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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sanační princip v českém insolvenčním právu / Reorganization in Czech bankrupcy law

Uhlíř, Filip January 2011 (has links)
In tried to describe a rescue principle in Czech bankrupcy law in this work. I mean reorganization as a solution of the bankrupcy. I describe economic motivations of the single participants of the insolvent process in this work. I also describe priciples of this process. I try to ilustrate these principles on the instant case of bankrupcy. I picked up Sazka a.s. purposes. I made financial analysis of this company. I define key problem which went this company bankrupt. I focused on the biggest financial aces in this process and their moves. I tried to foreshow further development at the end.

Marketingová komunikace sázkové kanceláře Sazkabet / Marketing communication of the betting agency Sazkabet

Hančl, Josef January 2020 (has links)
Title: Marketing communication of the betting agency Sazkabet Objectives: The main goal of this thesis is to design a marketing communication, that will help to retain existing customers and to address new ones who belong to target group. Methods: There were used qualittative methods in this thesis. Specifically, there were three semi-structured interviews with employees of the betting office Sazkabet, who work with individual marketing tools. An analysis of texts, documents, websites and social media was also used. Results: The analysis found that the betting agency Sazkabet does not use all marketing tools as effectively as it could. I suggest to the company specific improvements in advertising, sales promotion, digital marketing, influence marketing and sponsorship. Likewise, I recommend a plan for the use of individual marketing instruments for 2021 Keywords: Marketing communication mix, odds betting, hazard, Sazka a.s.

Pohybové schopnosti u žáků mladšího školního věku zapojených do projektu Sazka Olympijský víceboj / Motor abilities in younger school age children that took part in project Sazka Olympijsky viceboj

Benešová, Barbora January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to ascertain results in test battery in young school age children, specifically aged 6.-9. years, who took part in project Sazka Olympijský víceboj. We were especially focused on disciplines of Olympijský diplom, which examine motor abilities by using motor tests. Unfortunately, because of Covid-19 pandemic situation, we had to request the results of mentioned tests from elementary schools, and also from organisation, that manages the whole project. The data we have received were from three elementary schools from Central Bohemian Region and Prague. All data were from first stage of elementary school and were measured between 2016-2020, because these data were the most current ones. The practical part of this thesis was formed as quantitative form of research. Population was composed of 92 schoolchildren, who took part in project Olympijský diplom between 2016- 2020 and were in first, second and third year of elementary school during these years. Girls were included in total count of 51 and boys were included in total count of 41. We have analysed collected data from different aspects. The aim of our interest were average values according to gender, school year and also comparison of class with orientation on sports and casual class. The research part of this thesis...

Správa a řízení společností (Corporate governance) na příkladu SAZKA, a.s. / Corporate governance on the example of company SAZKA, a.s.

Bártová, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the Thesis is to examine the level of keeping of Corporate Governance in the Czech Republic after 1990. Theoretic part of the Thesis examines the Theory of the Firm and Theory of Corporate Governance as a result from the Theory of the Firm. Analytic part of the Thesis analyses creation of Corporate Governance in the process of Privatization during transformation of Economy in the Czech Republic with current reflection of document Principles of Corporate Governance OECD. Analysis of level of using and keeping of Corporate Governance is made on example of company SAZKA, a.s. The Discussion and the End of the Thesis describe realized facts, serious failures of top management and also representatives of Shareholders during Corporate Governance of SAZKA, a.s., failure of Codex Principles of Corporate governance and impact to the economy of the company and its fall into the insolvency.

Nástin vývoje financování českého sportu po roce 1989 / An outline of the development of the Czech sport financing after 1989

Benešová, Tina January 2016 (has links)
Title: An outline of the development of the Czech sport financing after 1989 Objectives: The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the development of the czech sport financing from the selected resources after 1989 till the present situation and it's prospect included in The concept sports funding 2016 - 2025 SPORT 2025 Methods: The basic method used in this thesis is the method of document analysis. Fundamental documents include legislative documents, especially The Lottery Act and its updating and The Act on Promotion of Sports. Aditional resources represent analytic and comparative studies prepared by ČOV, ČUS and MŠMT conception. Another method is statistic analysis of quantitative data, in form of termporal lines, which are processed into basic charts and diagrams. Results: In recent 25 years have been significant changes in sports funding established. The turning point is considered the year 2011, when czech sport lost two stable financial resources. Primarily the company Sazka, a.s. went bankrupt, secondarily the amendment of the lottery act was accepted and has discontinued offtakes for public utility objects. Since then an optimal sports funding system is sought. State sports support shows a long-term downward trend and belongs to the lowest rank in the EU comparison. efforts to improve...

Dopady legislativních změn v oblasti loterií na financování sportu obcemi / Impact of legislative changes in the realm of lotteries on the funding of sports by municipalities

Krupicová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This Master´s thesis deals with the impact of legislative changes in the realm of lotteries on the funding of sports by municipalities. This issue is explored in the practical part and the town of Jindřichův Hradec was used as an example. The aim of the thesis is to characterize the system of the funding of sports. Also, the thesis compares and contrasts the legislative state of the Act No 202/1990 Coll. of lotteries and similar games before and after its amendment which came into force on 1st January 2012. Finally, the thesis describes and assesses the support of sport clubs and sport associations by the town of Jindřichův Hradec, including practical calculations of the effects the law amendment had on the local handball club and its financial resources. It was found out that, in comparison with similar-scale cities, the town of Jindřichův Hradec provided above-average financial resources into the field of sport. The comparison of subsidy rules revealed that the new subsidy program presents the improvement, especially with the following aspects. First, there is the introduction of the preferred sport clubs institution. Second, there is the cancellation of the initial division into categories. Third, there is the establishment of the independence of the grant committee members. After an initial hesitation, the town approached the division of the money gained from lotteries very transparently and it usually tied up the allocation of the revenues to a current subsidy system. As far as the local handball club is concerned, there was palpable a positive change between the periods before and after the amendment.

Převzetí společnosti skrze insolvenční řízení (SAZKA, a.s.) / Takeover of through insolvency proceedings (SAZKA, a.s.)

Nedvědová, Nikola January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with takeovers in the Czech environment according to the Insolvency Act No. 182/2006 Coll., which passed an amendment to the 1. 1. 2008. There are methods of resolving insolvency of the debtor and principles of insolvency proceedings which should be followed during the insolvency process. Work distinguishes friendly and hostile takeover. The theoretical part provides an overview of possible ways of takeover, the reasons that motivate new owners to think about a possible takeover and globally applicable defense strategies. Another theoretical starting point is consideration of the reorganization of the company, which may be conducted by both the debtor and of the creditor(s). The practical part describes the hostile takeover of SAZKA from its history, through description of the key moments of crisis to insolvency proceedings which resulted in the bankruptcy of the debtor. Subsequent hostile takeover was directed by PPF and KKCG, which bought up commitment wagers and therefore became important creditors (controlling the betting and lottery activities) and later winner of the tender for the sale of the entire company. This case is a textbook example of takeover of the company, which had fallen into financial distress. The battle for the largest lottery company in the country was very hard, long and eventually resulted in a very profitable business, which fell into the arms of a single owner.

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