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Characterizing the Molecular Structure and Reactivity of Natural Organic Matter in The EvergladesHuang, Wenxi 27 April 2016 (has links)
Mangroves are the dominant vegetation in Everglades estuarine environment and are known to contain polyphenols such as tannins, which present similar fluorescence properties as some amino acid fluorophores. In the present study, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/MS) was used to quantify gallic acid, which is a normal monomer of polyphenols. The quantitative GC/MS analytical method was developed using gallic acid and tannic acid standards to quantify the false ‘protein-like’ fluorescence in DOM. The present study also compared the optical properties, reactive species (RS) production and radical scavenging ability of DOM from different regions of the Everglades and a correlation was observed between DOM composition and its photo-productivity. In general, the reactive species quantum yield decreased with increased DOM redox potential. The RS formation rates were controlled by the DOC and CDOM abundace. Normalized RS formation rates were shown to be influenced by DOM aromaticity and molecular weight characteristics
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Characterization of <i>in vitro</i> Antioxidant Capacity of Different Pawpaw Pulp Extracts in Relation to Their Ability to Delay Rancidity in Turkey Muscle HomogenatesPeters, Trisha E. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Antioxidant Capacity of Pawpaw Pulp Extracts from Different Levels of RipenessHarris, Grant G. 05 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Synthesis and Characterization of New Active Barrier PolymersMahajan, Kamal 14 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Konstruktion av avgassystem till MC i syfte att förbättra dess motorkaraktär / Construction of exhaust system for MC in order to improve its engines characteristicsVesterberg, Mats January 2020 (has links)
Detta kandidatexamensarbete behandlar design och konstruktion av ett nytt avgassystem för en motorcykel. Utvecklingen grundar sig på resultat från en körning i bromsbänk av motorcykeln utrustad med original avgassystem, där det visar sig att det finns en påtaglig dipp i vridmoment mellan 4000 och 6500 rpm. Samt på resonemang kring avgassystemets geometri och dess inverkan på motorns egenskaper. Dessa resonemang grundar sig i sin tur på fysikaliska principer. Målet med projektet är att utveckla ett avgassystem som påverkar motorn på det sätt att vridet i motorns mellanregister ökar för att utradera den påvisade dippen i mellanregistret samtidigt som det fortfarande ska uppfylla de krav svensk lagstiftning ställer på motorcyklar angående ljudnivå. Resonemangen på vilka avgassystemet utformas behandlar cylinderspolning, lågtryckspulser, avgasernas hastighet, avgassystemskonfiguration och cylinderparning. Det beslutas att systemet ska utformas på så sätt att avståndet till kollektorer blir så långt som möjligt i tillgängligt utrymme, att avgassystemet ska vara av 4-2-1 konfiguration och att cylinder 4 och 1 respektive 2 och 3 ska paras ihop. Avgassystemet tillverkas med enbart handverktyg och består till största del av standarddelar. Efter konstruktion så testas det nya systemet med en körning i bromsbänk och en ljudmätning. Den resulterade grafen från körningen i bromsbänken visar att dippen i vridmoment mellan 4000 och 6500 varv utraderades samtidigt som momentet ökade lite genom hela registret. Maximala vridmoment ökade från 103,7 Nm (Newtonmeter) med original avgassystem till 106,6 Nm med det nya. Toppeffekten ökade från 115,7 hk (hästkrafter) till 122,5 hk. På grund av att tillgång till verkstad försvann i och med pandemiutbrottet våren 2020 så beslutades att inte tillverka någon ljuddämpare, istället inhandlades och monterades en standardiserad fullflödesljuddämpare. Ljudmätningar visar att målet med ljudnivån inte uppnåtts. För att vara lagligt så får den maximala ljudnivån vid 5200 rpm inte överstiga 93 dB (decibel). Det nya systemet uppmättes till 109,4 dB vid 5200 rpm och klarar därmed inte ljudnivåkravet. Projektet visar att det är möjligt att markant påverka motorkaraktären med ändringar i avgassystemets geometri och konfiguration. Detta projekt visar dock bara på vad summan av förändringarna åstadkommer och kan inte ge specifika svar på vilka ändringar som står för vilken del av resultatet. / This bachelor's thesis deals with the design and construction of a new exhaust system for a motorcycle. The development is based on the results on a dyno run of the motorcycle equipped with the original exhaust system as well on reasonings regarding the exhaust system geometry and its impact on engine characteristics. These reasonings, in turn, are based on physical principles. The dyno run with the original exhaust system showed a significant dip in torque between 4000 and 6500 rpm. The aim of the project is to develop an exhaust system that affects the engines performance in a way that results in the increase of the engines midrange torque in order to erase the detected dip in the midrange while still fulfilling the requirements Swedish legislation imposes on motorcycles regarding noise pollution. The reasoning on which the exhaust system is designed deals with cylinder scavenging, low pressure pulses, exhaust speed, exhaust system configuration and cylinder pairing. It is decided that the system shall be designed in such a way that the distance to collectors is as far as possible in the available space, that the exhaust system shall be of 4-2-1 configuration and that cylinders 4 and 1 and 2 and 3 shall be paired. The exhaust system is manufactured using hand tools only and consists mostly of standardized parts. After construction, the new system is validated with a dyno run and sound level measurements. The resulting graph from the dyno run of the motorcycle equipped with the new exhaust system shows that the dip in torque between 4000 and 6500 rpm was erased while the overall torque increased slightly throughout the register. Maximum torque increased from 103.7 Nm with the original exhaust to 106.6 Nm with the new. The peak power increased from 115.7 hp to 122.5 hp. Sound measurements indicate that the aim for the sound level has not been achieved. To be legal, the maximum noise level at 5200 rpm must not exceed 93 dB. The new system was measured at 109.4 dB at 5200 rpm and thus does not meet the sound level requirement. The project shows that it is possible to significantly influence the engine character with changes in the geometry and configuration of the exhaust system. However, this project only shows what the sum of the changes achieves and cannot provide specific answers as to which changes account for what part of the result.
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Taphonomy of a Late Cretaceous mosasaur specimen from Oktibbeha County, MississippiMoffitt, Joseph 07 August 2020 (has links) (PDF)
The taphonomy and paleoecology of a well-preserved mosasaur (DSM 10716) are reported from Oktibbeha County, Mississippi. The mosasaur was recovered from the Prairie Bluff Chalk, the exact stratigraphic position and age confirmed using established foraminiferal zonation for the Late Cretaceous of the U. S. Gulf Coastal Plain. A species identification of Mosasaurus cf. hoffmanni Mantell is given using shape and structure of the quadrate and jugal, as well as tooth counts for the dentary, maxilla, and pterygoid. DSM 10716 exhibits well-preserved trace fossils including feeding traces and the remains of encrusting bivalves. The associated fossils are probed for similar phenomena to modern whale falls and other ancient carcass falls. Based on associated fossils present on DSM 10716, evidence for a mobile scavenger stage, a possible enrichment opportunist stage, and a reef stage is established. No chemosynthetic organisms were detected to suggest the existence of a sulfophilic stage.
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Modélisation numérique de l’abattage humide comme procédé d’assainissement de l’air / Numerical modeling of aerosol particles scavenging by drops as a process of air depollutionCherrier, Gaël 01 December 2017 (has links)
Ce doctorat est consacré à la modélisation de l’abattage humide comme procédé d’assainissement de l’air. Les situations d’abattage humide étudiées concernent des particules d’aérosol de diamètre aérodynamique variant entre 1 nm et 100 µm capturées dans l’air par des gouttes d’eau de diamètre compris entre 80 µm et 600 µm (nombre de Reynolds de goutte dans la gamme [1 ; 100]). La modélisation de l’assainissement de l’air par abattage humide nécessite deux phases complémentaires. La première étape consiste à définir un noyau de capture calculant le débit d’aérosols capturés par une goutte dans une situation qui peut être complexe de par la grande variété de collectes différentes (brownienne, phorétique, électrostatique et inertielle). La deuxième étape repose sur la définition d’une approche de simulation numérique des phénomènes prenant place dans l’abattage humide. À cet effet, l’approche de simulation de l’abattage humide proposée comporte une modélisation RANS pour simuler l’écoulement de l’air, une approche lagrangienne donnant la trajectoire des gouttes d’eau et une méthode eulérienne permettant de suivre l’évolution du champ de concentration en particules d’aérosol. Ainsi, la capture de particules d’aérosol par des gouttes d’eau est modélisée via l’implémentation du noyau de capture précédemment défini dans un terme puits au sein du modèle Diffusion-Inertia de Zaichik et al., (2004) / This PhD-Thesis is dedicated to the numerical modeling of aerosol particles scavenging by drops. Investigated situations are about aerosol particles of aerodynamic diameter ranging from 1 nm to 100 µm captured in the air by water drops of diameter varying between 80 µm and 600 µm, with corresponding droplet Reynolds number ranging between 1 and 100. This air depollution modeling is achieved in two steps. The first step consists in obtaining a scavenging kernel predicting the flow rate of aerosol particles captured by a drop in a situation where several collection mechanisms may take place (Brownian, phoretic, electrostatic and inertial scavenging). The aim of the second step is to propose a numerical simulation modeling the scavenging phenomenon. To do so, the scavenging simulation includes a RANS modeling for the air flow, a Lagrangian approach for the drops and an Eulerian approach for the aerosol particles. Thus, aerosol scavenging by drops is modeled by implementing the collection kernel defined previously into a sink term in the Diffusion-Inertia model of Zaichik et al., (2004)
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Etude expérimentale in situ du potentiel de lessivage de l'aérosol atmosphérique par les précipitations / Experimental study in situ conditions of below-cloud scavenging of atmospheric aerosol by precipitationsDepuydt, Guillaume 09 December 2013 (has links)
En cas de rejets de polluants ou de radionucléides dans l’atmosphère, l’estimation du lessivage des particules d’aérosol atmosphérique par les précipitations est une donnée essentielle pour évaluer la contamination de la biosphère. De nombreuses études se sont déjà intéressées à ce processus de dépôt humide, mais la plupart d’entre elles sont d’ordre théoriques ou ont été menées en laboratoire. Cette étude a donc pour objectif d’améliorer la connaissance du potentiel de lessivage des particules d’aérosol par les précipitations par une approche expérimentale en conditions in situ. Durant plusieurs mois, trois sites aux environnements distincts en termes de climatologie et d’empoussièrement ambiant ont été instrumentés pour disposer d’une palette de situations précipitations/empoussièrement la plus variée possible. Un disdromètre laser et un granulomètre (compteur électrique et/ou optique) ont mesurés respectivement les caractéristiques des précipitations et les concentrations de particules à une résolution temporelle élevée et sur une large gamme de diamètre. L’utilisation de ce couplage instrumental original a permis de déterminer les potentiels de lessivage pour des particules de la gamme nanométrique à supermicronique et pour différents types de précipitations (chutes de neige et pluies avec des hyétogrammes spécifiques). Dans un premier temps, le coefficient de lessivage ᴧ (paramètre décrivant la cinétique du processus) a été calculé en considérant l’effet global d’une précipitation. Cette approche « macroscopique » est limitée par l’influence de processus « concurrents », tels que l’advection ou les sources d’émissions de particules à proximité des sites de mesures. Pour minimiser l’impact de ces processus sur nos résultats, une seconde méthodologie basée sur la résolution temporelle élevée de l’instrumentation utilisée a été définie. Par cette approche « intra-évènementielle », les coefficients de lessivage ᴧ sont calculés sur de courtes périodes de temps, permettant ainsi d’étudier l’influence de la variabilité du diamètre des particules et des caractéristiques des précipitations sur ces coefficients. Les résultats obtenus par les deux types d’approches ont mis en évidence la nécessité de prendre en compte le diamètre des particules et les caractéristiques des précipitations pour modéliser fidèlement le lessivage des particules d’aérosol atmosphérique. En comparant les résultats des deux types de précipitations, la prédominance du lessivage par des chutes de neige par rapport au lessivage par la pluie a été illustrée. L’importance du diamètre des particules lessivées a été démontrée. Entre le mode « ultrafin » et le mode « grossiers », la variation du coefficient de lessivage est d’un ordre de grandeur (entre environ 2.10¯³et 2.10¯⁴ s¯¹). Le potentiel de lessivage minimum est obtenu pour des particules d’environ 100 nm, ce qui est cohérent avec la théorie du « Greenfield gap » (entre 0,1 et 1 µm). Pour les besoins de la modélisation, une paramétrisation robuste entre le coefficient de lessivage ᴧ et le diamètre des particules d’aérosol (de 10 nm à 10 µm) a été établie. Différentes relations entre le coefficient ᴧ et l’intensité pluviométrique sont proposées aussi pour différentes gammes de diamètre de particules et comparées notamment aux valeurs implémentées actuellement dans le modèle ldX utilisé à l’Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire. / In case of release of pollutant or radionuclides into the atmosphere, estimate of below-cloud scavenging of aerosol particles by precipitation (or washout) is an essential data to evaluate contamination of the biosphere. Many studies have already shown an interest to this wet deposition process, but most of them are theoretical or have been conducted in laboratories conditions. This study in situ conditions aims to improve knowledge of below-cloud scavenging of aerosol particles by precipitation. For several months, three sites with separate environments in terms of climate and ambient dust have been instrumented to have such a varied palette of precipitation/dust conditions as possible. A laser disdrometer and a granulomètre (electrical and/or optical counter) measure respectively precipitations characteristics and particles concentrations with a high temporal resolution (one minute). The use of this original instrumental coupling has allowed determining washout potentials for the nanometric size range of particles aerosol to the supermicronique size range and for different types of precipitation (snowfalls and rainfalls with specifics hyetograms).Initially, below-cloud scavenging coefficients ᴧ (parameter describing kinetic of this process) were calculated considering the gobal effet of a precipitation. This “macroscopic” approach is limited by the influence of “concurrent” processes, as advection or local emissions of aerosol particles close to the measurements sites. To minimise effect of these processes on our results, a second methodology based on the high temporal resolution of the instrumentation used was defined. With this “intra-event” approach, washout coefficients are calculated on short time scales, allowing study of impact of the variability of aerosol size and precipitations characteristics on these coefficients.Results obtained with the two approaches highlighted the need of considering particles diameter and characteristics of precipitation to model accurately below-cloud scavenging of aerosol particles. Comparing results for both type of precipitation, predomination of below-cloud scavenging by snowfalls compared with below-cloud scavenging by rainfalls was shown. The importance of the scavenged aerosol diameter was demonstrated. From the “ultrafine” size range to coarse mode of particles, below-cloud scavenging coefficient varies by an order of magnitude (from 2.10¯³ to 2.10¯⁴ s¯¹). Minimum potential is obtained for particles of about 100 nm, which is consistent with theory of “Greenfield gap” (from 0.1 to 1 µm). For modeling needs, a robust parametrization between washout coefficient ᴧ and aerosol particles diameter (from 10 nm to 10 µm) has been established. Also some relationships between coefficient ᴧ and rainfall intensity are proposed for different particles size range and compared in particular with values implemented in model ldX currently used at the French Institute of Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety.
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Estudo da coleta de energia a partir de oscilações não lineares induzidas por escoamento em uma asa finita / Energy harvesting study of nonlinear oscillation induced by the flow in a finite wingVieira, Wander Gustavo Rocha 10 April 2013 (has links)
A conversão de vibração em energia elétrica tem sido investigada por diversos grupos de pesquisa na última década. A principal motivação é a prospecção de fontes alternativas de energia elétrica para sistemas eletroeletrônicos remotamente operados e com fontes limitadas de energia. Diferentes mecanismos de transdução são investigados na literatura para a coleta de energia, entretanto, o piezelétrico tem se destacado devido à densidade de energia que proporciona e também facilidade de uso. Uma alternativa promissora que começa a ser estudada por alguns grupos de pesquisas é a conversão de energia de oscilações aeroelásticas em energia elétrica. Apesar da natureza destrutiva da maioria dos fenômenos aeroelásticos, eles apresentam um grande potencial para o estudo de novos mecanismos e sistemas para coleta de energia. A conversão piezelétrica de energia a partir de oscilações aeroelásticas lineares tem sido investigada. Entretanto, a geração piezoaeroelástica de energia pode se tornar mais atrativa e prática se realizada a partir sistemas aeroelásticos não lineares. A conversão se daria a partir de oscilações persistentes e com amplitude limitada (oscilações em ciclo limite – LCO) ocorrendo em um amplo intervalo de velocidades de escoamento. Define-se o objetivo deste projeto como a investigação numérica da conversão piezelétrica de energia a partir de oscilações aeroelásticas não lineares. Um modelo por elementos finitos para placa plana com piezocerâmicas é desenvolvido, respeitando-se as hipóteses de uma placa de von Kàrmàn. O carregamento aerodinâmico não estacionário é determinado a partir do método de malha de dipolos e uma aproximação do domínio do tempo obtida a partir da formulação apresentada por Roger. Os resultados eletroaeroelásticos são apresentados para asas com diferentes razões de aspecto investigadas em uma ampla faixa de velocidades e considerando-se diversos valores de resistores no domínio elétrico. / The converting of vibration into usable electrical energy has been investigated by several researches groups in the last decade. The main motivation is the possibility of obtaining alternatives electrical energy sources to power electronic system remotely operated and with limited energy sources. Different transduction mechanism has been presented in the energy harvesting literature. However the piezoelectric has been gained more attention because not only of its power density but also its ease of use. A promissory alternative that is becoming studied is the converting of aeroelastic oscillation into electrical energy. Despite of the destructive nature of unstable aeroelastic phenomena (such as, flutter), they present a great potential to the study of innovative mechanism to harvest energy. Although the piezoelectric energy conversion using linear aeroelastic has been investigated in the literature, the use of non linear aeroelastic system can be more practical and attractive. The non linear aeorelastic harvesting occurs by persistent oscillation and with limited amplitudes (Limited Cycle Oscillation – LCO) and can be performed by considerable velocity interval greater than the linear flutter speed. The objective of this work is to investigate the energy harvesting by non linear aeroelastic oscillation. A finite element model of a thin plate (with piezoceramics) is developed), using the non linear hypothesis of von Karman. The unstable aerodynamic loading is obtained by a doublet-lattice method (DLM) and with its time domain conversion using the Roger approximation. The eletroaeroelastic results are presented for several wings with different aspect ratios, and with different resistance values in the electrical domain. The eletroaeroelastic results of the generator wing are investigated for several airspeed greater than its linear flutter speed.
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Vergleich der Radikalreaktionen von Melatonin und strukturverwandten Indolaminen in unterschiedlichen Oxidationssystemen. / Comparison of the radical reactions of Melatonin and structure related Indolamines in different oxidation systems.Rosen, Joachim 02 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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