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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the Quality of Grey Literature and its use in Information Synthesis during Systematic Literature Reviews / Om kvaliteten på Grey litteratur och dess användning i Information Synthesis under systematiska litteraturöversikter

Yasin, Affan, Hasnain, Muhammad Ijlal January 2012 (has links)
Context: The Internet has become a vital channel for disseminating and accessing scientific literature for both the academic and industrial research needs. Nowadays, everyone has wide access to scientific literature repositories, which comprise of both “white” and “Grey” literature. The “Grey” literature, as opposed to “white” literature, is non-peer reviewed scientific information that is not available using commercial information sources such as IEEE or ACM. A large number of software engineering researchers are undertaking systematic literature reviews (SLRs) to investigate empirical evidence in software engineering. The key reason to include grey literature during information synthesis is to minimize the risk of any bias in the publication. Using the state of the art non-commercial databases that index information, the researchers can make the rigorous process of searching empirical studies in SLRs easier. This study explains the evidence of Grey literature while performing synthesis in Systematic Literature Reviews. Objectives: The goals of this thesis work are, 1. To identify the extent of usage of Grey Literature in synthesis during systematic literature reviews. 2. To investigate if non-commercial information sources primarily Google Scholar are sufficient for retrieving primary studies for SLRs. Methods: The work consists of a systematic literature review of SLRs and is a tertiary study and meta-analysis. The systematic literature review was conducted on 138 SLRs’ published through 2003 until 2012 (June). The article sources used are IEEEXplore, ACM Digital Library, Springer-Link and Science Direct. Results: For each of the selected article sources such as ACM, IEEEXplore, Springer-link and Science Direct, we have presented results, which describe the extent of the usage of Grey literature. The qualitative results discuss various strategies for systematic evaluation of the Grey literature during systematic literature review. The quantitative results comprise of charts and tables, showing the extent of Grey literature usage. The results from analysis of Google Scholar database describe the total number of primary studies that we are able to find using only Google Scholar database. Conclusion: From the analysis of 138 Systematic Literature Reviews (SLRs’), we conclude that the evidence of Grey literature in SLRs is around 9%. The percentage of Grey literature sources used in information synthesis sections of SLRs is around 93.2%. We were able to retrieve around 96 % of primary studies using Google Scholar database. We conclude that Google Scholar can be a choice for retrieving published studies however; it lacks detailed search options to target wider pool of articles. We also conclude that Grey literature is widely available in this age of information. We have provided guidelines in the form of strategies for systematic evaluation of Grey literature. / Sammanhang: Internet har blivit en viktig kanal för att sprida och få tillgång vetenskaplig litteratur för både akademiska och industriella forskningsbehov. Numera har alla bred tillgång till vetenskaplig litteratur förråd, som omfattar både "vit" och "grå" litteratur. Den "grå" litteratur, som motsats till "vita" litteratur, är icke-vetenskapligt granskad vetenskaplig information som inte är tillgänglig med kommersiella informationskällor såsom IEEE och ACM. Ett stort antal forskare software engineering genomför systematiska litteraturöversikter (systemkameror) för att undersöka empiriska bevis programvaruteknik. Den viktigaste orsaken till att omfatta grå litteratur under Information syntes är att minimera risken för att partiskhet i publikationen. Använda toppmoderna icke-kommersiella databaser som indexerar information kan forskarna göra rigorösa processen att söka empiriska studier i systemkameror lättare. Denna studie förklarar bevis på grå litteratur när de utför syntes i systematiska litteraturöversikter. Mål: Målen med detta examensarbete är, 1. För att identifiera omfattningen av användningen av Grey litteratur i syntes under systematisk litteratur recensioner. 2. För att undersöka om icke-kommersiella informationskällor främst Google Scholar är tillräckliga för att hämta primära studier för systemkameror. Metoder: Verket består av en systematisk litteraturgenomgång av systemkameror och är en tertiär studie och metaanalys. Den systematiska litteraturstudie genomfördes på 138 systemkameror "publiceras via 2003 till 2012 (juni). Artikeln används källorna är IEEEXplore, ACM Digital Library, Springer-Link och Science Direct. Resultat: För vart och ett av de utvalda artikeln källor såsom ACM, IEEEXplore, Springer-länk och Science Direct, har vi presenterat resultat, som beskriver omfattningen av användningen av grå litteratur. De kvalitativa resultaten diskuterar olika strategier för systematisk utvärdering av grå litteratur under systematisk litteraturöversikt. De kvantitativa resultaten består av diagram och tabeller, som visar omfattningen av Grey litteratur användning. Resultaten från analys av Google Scholar-databasen beskriver det totala antalet primära studier som vi kan hitta med enbart Google Scholar databas. Slutsats: Av analysen av 138 systematiska litteraturöversikter (systemkameror) kan vi dra slutsatsen att bevisen för grå litteratur i systemkameror är cirka 9%. Den procentuella andelen Grey litteraturkällor som används i avsnitt informations syntes av systemkameror är cirka 93,2%. Vi kunde hämta omkring 96% av primära studier med Google Scholar databas. Vi drar slutsatsen att Google Scholar kan vara ett val för hämta publicerade studier dock, det saknar detaljerade sökalternativ för att rikta större pool av artiklar. Vi avslutar också att grå litteratur är allmänt tillgänglig i denna tid av information. Vi har försett riktlinjer i form av strategier för systematisk utvärdering av Grey litteratur. / Affan Yasin : Skype id (affan.yasin) Ijlal Hasnain: Skype id (bluesols)

Prise en charge et évolution des jeunes enfants avec autisme / Interventions and outcome in young children with autism

Yianni-Coudurier, Chrystalla 16 January 2010 (has links)
Les bases neurobiologiques de l’autisme semblent actuellement bien établies. Cependant des interventions spécifiques paraissent pouvoir influencer le développement des enfants atteints, ou au moins diminuer les conséquences du trouble. Cette question est examinée à partir de l’évolution, sur un an, d’un échantillon de 77 enfants avec autisme, âgés de 3 à 5 ans. Après avoir décrit les caractéristiques de leurs prises en charge spécialisées et scolaires, nous étudions les relations entre leurs durées hebdomadaires et les caractéristiques individuelles des enfants. Nous présentons par la suite, les évolutions observées sur le plan de la symptomatologie et des comportements adaptatifs et nous examinons les liens entre les durées hebdomadaires des prises en charge et l’évolution des comportements adaptatifs. Nos résultats montrent des évolutions variables selon les domaines étudiés. L’étude statistique met en évidence des liens entre les durées des interventions et l’évolution des compétences adaptatives dans les domaines spécifiquement ciblés lorsque les durées hebdomadaires dépassent un certain seuil. / The neurobiological bases of autism seem now well established. However studies have shown that specific interventions could influence the development of children diagnosed with autism, or at least, reduce the effects of the disorder. We study this question based on one-year outcome of symptomatology and adaptive behaviours of a group of 77 autistic children, aged 3 to 5. First we describe both treatment of children in specialized settings and their inclusion in regular classroom settings. In a second time we study the correlation between the weekly hours of both types of interventions and the individual characteristics of children. Subsequently, we examine the relationships between the weekly hours of both interventions and the children’s progress on adaptive behaviours. Statistical analyses demonstrate significant links between the weekly hours of interventions and progress in the adaptive area specifically targeted when duration of weekly interventions exceeds a certain level.

Éduquer les enfants à l’architecture : médiations à l’école / Transmitting architecture to children : architectural education in schools

Ghelli, Roberta 20 November 2017 (has links)
Expression identitaire de l’histoire et de la culture, l’architecture occupe une place importanteparmi les débats de la société contemporaine. Elle reste pourtant l’apanage de « spécialistes »,car peu connue et peu comprise par le plus grand nombre. L’émergence du profil de« l’architecte médiateur », expert dans la transmission de l’architecture, témoigne de l’effortde diffuser une culture partagée. Le milieu scolaire constitue alors une cible fondamentalepour ces professionnels. Ils s’engagent dans des dynamiques pédagogiques originales pouréduquer les enfants une discipline peu abordée par l’Éducation nationale. Au croisement entrela sociologie de l’architecture, de l’éducation, des professions, la thèse replace cesdynamiques dans le contexte de leur émergence, analyse les dispositifs qui leur donnent vie,puis les effets, en particulier au travers d’une expérimentation.Au vu de nos investigations, le système d’éducation à l’architecture s’organise à la marge desenseignements scolaires traditionnels sur un substrat favorable, issu de la reconnaissance del’architecture en tant qu’enjeu sociétal, de la promulgation de politiques culturelles etéducatives dédiées, du dynamisme professionnel des architectes. Il se construit sur la mise enplace « d’actions éducatives », coordonnées par un binôme enseignant-architecte médiateur :une dimension collective du travail mise en œuvre dans le cadre de dispositifs d’actionoriginaux (magistral, expérientiel, partenarial). De tels dispositifs génèrent des effetsd’apprentissage chez les élèves et de transformation des pratiques (culturelles etprofessionnelles) chez les autres acteurs (enseignants et communauté scolaire ; architectesmédiateurs et milieu professionnel). La recherche combine plusieurs sources : des analysesdocumentaires, 41 entretiens semi-directifs, 25 études de cas d’actions éducatives en France,l’expérimentation d’une action éducative sur quatre classes de la Métropole bordelaise.Finalement, les résultats montrent la complexité des géométries collaboratives en acte,l’originalité des pratiques pédagogiques mises au point, ainsi que la fragilité du système. Lathèse enrichit les réflexions sur la « mutation » des activités professionnelles des architectes ettrace des perspectives sur le développement du système d’éducation à l’architecture. / As an identitarian expression of history and culture, architecture is an important topic innowadays society’s debate. Nevertheless, it remains a specialists’ privilege, being sparselyknown or understood. The rising of the profile of “mediator-architect”, an expert inarchitectural transmission, testifies to the will to diffuse a mutual architectural culture. Theschool setting is a fundamental target for this professionals. They get involved in originalpedagogical dynamics to teach children about architecture, sparsely tackled issue by theFrench educational system. Halfway between sociology of education, of culture and ofprofessions, the thesis situates these dynamics in the context of their emergence, analyses thedevices to achieve them and describes their effects by an experimentation.In light of our investigations, French architecture educational system is organised outside ofthe traditional scholar teachings, on the basis of a favourable substrate, itself based on therecognition of architecture as societal stake, of the promulgation of dedicated cultural andeducational policies, of architects’ professional dynamism. It is built on the implementation of“educational actions” coordinated by a teacher-mediator team: a working collectivedimension described by unique action devices (lectures, experiences, partnerships). Suchdevices impulse a particular socialisation to architecture, generating learning effects on pupilsand transformation of practices (both cultural and professional) on teachers, mediatorarchitectsand other actors of their working environment. This research combines manysources: documentary analysis, 41 semi-directive interviews, 25 case studies of educationalactions in France, the experiment of an educational action in Bordeaux’s metropolitan area.The results point out the complexity of collaborative geometries, the originality ofpedagogical experiences, as well as the system’s fragility. This thesis enriches the reflexionsof mutations in the architects’ professional activities and present an outlook of futuredevelopments of architectural education.

Educação física escolar e inclusão: uma análise a partir do desenvolvimento motor e social de adolescentes com deficiência visual e das atitudes dos professores / Scholar physical education and inclusion: a reflection from motor and social development of blind adolescents and teacher\'s attitudes

Marcia Greguol Gorgatti 07 December 2005 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar aspectos da aptidão física de 24 adolescentes cegos (12 de escolas regulares e 12 de uma escola especial) e sua percepção sobre as aulas de educação física. Também foram analisadas as atitudes de noventa professores de educação física com relação à inclusão de alunos com deficiências nas escolas regulares. Quanto à atitude dos professores, verificou-se que as maiores preocupações foram sobre sua falta de preparo e a escassez de estrutura da escola para receber, de forma adequada, alunos com deficiências. No que se refere aos testes de aptidão física, os alunos da escola especial apresentaram resultados superiores e uma melhor evolução em praticamente todas as variáveis pesquisadas. Quanto à aceitação e à competência percebidas, novamente os alunos da escola especial demonstraram resultados mais positivos do que seus colegas de escolas inclusivas, afirmando serem mais participativos nas aulas e sentindo-se mais bem aceitos pelos colegas e pelo professor. Por fim, com relação ao conceito dos adolescentes cegos sobre educação física, observou-se que aqueles da escola especial apresentaram um conceito mais relacionado à saúde, à convivência com os amigos e ao ganho de independência. Já os das escolas inclusivas destacaram com mais força o conceito de educação física vinculado ao esporte e, em alguns casos, não conseguiram perceber sua importância enquanto disciplina escolar. Os dados mostraram que ainda são necessários ajustes para que a inclusão nas aulas de educação física seja de fato vantajosa para os alunos com deficiências / The aim of this study was to assess fitness aspects of 24 blind adolescents (12 from inclusive schools and 12 from a special school) and their perceptions about physical education classes. It was also analyzed the attitudes of ninety physical education teachers toward the inclusion of handicapped students in regular schools. About teachers? attitudes, it was verified that major concerns were insufficient knowledge of teachers and poor facilities in schools to adequately receive handicapped students. With regard to fitness tests, students from special schools presented better results and evolution in almost all assessed variables. About perceived acceptance and competence, students from special school again showed more positive results than their colleagues from inclusive schools, asserting to be more participative in classes and more accepted by their classmates and their teachers. At last, with regard to blind adolescents? concept about physical education, it was verified that those from special school had a concept more related with health, friendship and autonomy gain. By the other hand, the adolescents from inclusive schools detached strongly physical education concept entailed to sport and, in some cases, they didn\'t get to perceive its importance as a school discipline. Results showed that still some agreements are necessary for inclusion in physical education classes to be advantageous for handicapped students

In Memorian Andrej Aleksejevic Zhukov: Obituary

Miehe, Gudrun 14 December 2012 (has links)
Obituary for Andrej Aleksejevic Zhukov

Anmerkungen zur Geschichte der Gelehrsamkeit

Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 19 February 2015 (has links)
Die Erinnerungskultur schlägt um in Erinnerungskult. wenn das, was über alle Konstruktionsabsicht hinaus sich zum Wissensschatz angehäuft hat, als geplantes Produkt von Strategien, Methoden und Techniken erscheint: Unsere eigene Meisterschaft wird in die Vergangenheit projiziert. Indem wir die Gelehrten des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts zu unseren Kollegen machen und sie in ehemaliger Lebendigkeit auferstehen lassen, unterlaufen wir das Vergessen, das sie ereilt hat, und erhoffen ein ähnliches Schicksal für uns selbst. Aber ist die Gelehrtengeschichte heute nicht im gleichen Maße Rettung eines Vergessenen wie Nachahmung desselben?

Managing Scholar/Practitioner Tensions in Professional Programs: A Study of Library and Information Science Faculty

Rittenberger, Alexis D. 21 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

The public role of professionals: Developing and evaluating the civic-minded professional scale

Hatcher, Julie A. 13 October 2008 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This research provided understanding of the concept civic-minded professional. A civic-minded professional is one who is(a)skillfully trained through formal education, with (b) the ethical disposition as a social trustee of knowledge, and (c) the capacity to work with others in a democratic way, (d) to achieve public goods. Forty-four items were developed for the Civic-Minded Professional scale based on a multi-disciplinary literature review. The scale was part of an online survey distributed to a national sample of faculty in higher education (n=373)to evaluate the reliability (alpha = .95) and validity of the scale. Exploratory factor analysis reduced the scale to thirty-two item and five factors (i.e., voluntary action, citizenship, social trustee, identity and calling, consensus building).

Availability and Utilization of Sport Psychology Services for Injured College Athletes

Day, Chelsi January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The Influence of One Scholar on Another: A Citation Analysis of Highly Cited Authors in Instructional Design and Technology

Small, Tyler Randall 13 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
While many historical articles and chapters on the foundations of Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) have painted an accurate picture of the field, it has been 21 years since anyone has given emphasis to the relationships of influence among IDT scholars. Many have written on various elements of the field, emphasizing events according to their own experience, which have increased our overall understanding of IDT. However, without insight on the connections between these pieces, the field appears to be only a broad array of isolated silos, each filled with its own research interest. This research sought to discover IDT's genealogy of influence. Three main research questions were asked: "Currently, who are the most influential scholars in IDT?" "Who influenced today's most influential scholars?" and "What ideas were most influential in the scholars' relationships?" The ten most influential names in IDT were discovered, and their genealogies of influence were traced. The ideas that were most influential in the relationships between theorists were summarized into the following groups of fields: General Education, IDT (and its contributors), Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology, and Adult and Higher Education. This research found an IDT field that was very diverse but very connected. Another important result was much less expected: the prevalence of psychology as a significant influence on both past work and current big ideas. Implications are discussed, such as revising definitions of the field.

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