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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

English Out-of-School Activities - A Way of Integrating Outwards?

Larsson, Brita January 2012 (has links)
AbstractThe aim of this essay is to identify English out-of-school activities among students with an immigrant background to find out to what extent English out-of-school activities have an impact on the students’ results at the National Test of English.An additional aim is to find out if English out-of-school activities are a way of integration outwards or vice versa if the lack of English out-of-school activities is a sign of integration inwards. The present study is based upon a questionnaire with closed questions, which was filled in by 54 third graders enrolled in the Child and Recreation Programme. The informants are divided into two groups, one of which is a control group of native Swedish students. The study showed a tendency that students with an immigrant background who are not involved in English out-of-school activities obtain lower grades in English and that they integrate inwards by using their native language on the Internet, listening to music and watching films from their home country. Furthermore, the study showed that there is a slight difference between native Swedish students and students with an immigrant background as regards computer habits.Keywords: English out-of-school activities, integration, third language acquisition, informal learning, computer habits, National Test of English, the third culture

AM[OU] : um estudo terapêutico-desconstrucionista de uma paixão / AM[OU] : a therapeutic-deconstructionist study of a passion

Marim, Márcia Maria Bento, 1970- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Miguel / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T01:31:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marim_MarciaMariaBento_M.pdf: 10371201 bytes, checksum: 8f9b8e471c02bb1b48d75666337bdd5b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa, que partiu da constatação da longevidade de práticas de ensino de matemática escolar, mobilizadoras de rastros de significação de práticas de ensino de matemática sugeridas pelos Atividades Matemáticas (AM - SEE/CENP/SP), teve o propósito de investigar modos diversos de os participantes dela significarem essa longevidade, a fim de se compreender do que essa longevidade poderia ser um sintoma. Para isso, nos inspiramos nos espectros citacionais de dois filósofos - Ludwig Wittgenstein e Jacques Derrida - e nos orientamos por uma atitude metódica de caráter terapêutico- -desconstrucionista. Trouxemos para a discussão a noção de 'performance' em encenações narrativas da linguagem, nas quais a linguagem é entendida como ação, ou seja, os jogos de linguagem são vistos como jogos de cenas ou encenações da linguagem. O corpus da pesquisa foi constituído por entrevistas filmadas - entrevistas individuais feitas com professores do município de Pitangueiras/SP e com professores que atuaram na equipe de matemática da CENP/SP e uma entrevista interativa feita com cinco professores que atuam nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental no município de Pitangueiras/SP - e por questionários semiestruturados respondidos pelos professores do mesmo município. As entrevistas foram descritas gramaticalmente na forma de mapas espectrais-gramaticais (mapas EG). Estes se constituíram em instrumentos facilitadores para a descompactação das camadas de significação identificadas nas encenações narrativas das entrevistas para, então, submetê-las à terapia desconstrucionista. Nossas encenações da linguagem trouxeram, terapeuticamente, os choques de sentidos e as semelhanças de família percebidas nas camadas de significação dos encadeamentos discursivos dos nossos entrevistados. Tais choques e semelhanças foram identificados nos vários jogos de linguagem nos quais nossos entrevistados se envolveram; jogos estes que valorizaram ou não a longevidade das práticas de ensino escolar de matemática mobilizadoras de rastros de significação de práticas sugeridas pelos AM e que mobilizaram crenças de como se dá o ensino escolar. Com relação às semelhanças de família, encontramos remissões, dentre outras, que apontam para uma longevidade de rastros do paradigma construtivista e do ensino intuitivo nas práticas de pesquisa e nas de ensino escolar de matemática. As descrições gramaticais nos mapas EG constituíram uma visão panorâmica de significações vindas, espectralmente, a partir da longevidade de práticas de matemática de ensino escolar sugeridas pelos AM / Abstract: We carried out this research, which began from the finding of the longevity of teaching practices of school mathematics, mobilizers of the signification traces of teaching practices of mathematics suggested by Mathematical Activities (MA - SEE/CENP/SP), aiming to investigate about several modes of the participants of this research signify the longevity in order to understand that this could be a symptom. We inspired ourselves in the quotation spectres of two philosophers - Ludwig Wittgenstein and Jacques Derrida - and we outlined ourselves in the methodical attitude of the therapeutic and deconstructionist character. We brought for the discussion, the notion of performance in narrative stagings of language, on which this is understood as action, ie, the language games are seen as games of scenes or language stagings. The research corpus consisted in filmed interviews and semi structured questionnaires, both applied to teachers of the municipality of Pitangueiras, State of São Paulo. The filmed interviews were, namely, individual interviews performed to teachers of the municipality, others to teachers who worked in the mathematics team of the CENP, and a interactive interview performed to five teachers which work in the early grades of the elementary education in Pitangueiras. The interviews were grammatically described as spectral grammatical maps (SG-maps), the facilitating instruments for decompacting of signify layers identified in the narrative stagings of the interviews for, then, subjecting them to the deconstructionist therapy. Our language stagings brought therapeutically the shock of senses and family similarities, realized in the signify layers of the discursive concatenations. Such shocks and similarities were identified on several language games, on which our interviewee involved themselves, and which valorised or not the longevity of teaching practices of school mathematics, mobilizers of the signification traces of practices suggested by MA, and that mobilize belief of how is school education. Regarding the family similarities, we found remissions, among others, which point out to a longevity of the traces of constructivist paradigm, and of intuitive teaching in the research practices and in the school teaching of mathematics. Grammatical descriptions on SG-maps consisted in a panoramic vision of signifies resulting spectrally from the longevity practices of teaching mathematics suggested by MA / Mestrado / Ensino de Ciencias e Matematica / Mestra em Multiunidades em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática

Förändringar Kring Fritidshemslärarens Yrkesroll : Hur har olika förändringar genom tiden förändrat kvaliteten och syftet på fritidshemmet? När är barn elever och när får barn vara barn?

Lindberg, Nanette, Gustafsson, Lena January 2021 (has links)
In this essay we have compared the after-school activities from the present day to how they were composed 15 years ago, as well as shedding light on some of the changes our profession has undergone in pace with a changing society. We observed that this subject has been brought up many times before, after reading multiple works, and the issue one would want to clarify is whether this change has been for the better or for the worse. Have these changes benefited the students, educators and the after-school activities or have they brought complications and deteriorations? The governing documents have been amended; the environment and pre-requisites have been transformed. We have disassembled the various governing documents and the pre-requisites as well as the significance of the relations that we, as after-school teachers, rely on on a day-to-day basis which we then need to relate ourselves to. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the development of the after-school activities on several levels and analyze the implications of these changes or lack thereof for everyone involved out of several aspects. Nanette portrays the conditions from fifteen years ago whereas Lena depicts present-day conditions. The issues being treated are as follows: What is the difference between Lena’s and Nanette´s professional roles based on both of their reports as well as the governing documents? What does the conception of “meaningful after-school activities” entail and which contributing factors can have an impact on it? Nanette´s report uses the terms children and parents whereas Lena´s report uses students and legal guardians. What implications does this change in the use of terms have and what is the purpose behind it? Out of which ethical perspectives can we interpret our actions in the reports? The changes that have been observed are found in the use of terms, resources as well as the varying amount of access to the premises, the view on children's free play and the educational level of employees, much of which can be connected to an interpretation of the curriculum's use of the term meaningful after-school activities. On the other hand, what we observed not to have changed is the ethical thought process and the ethical theories one relies on during decision-making as an educator. Whether these changes have led for better or worse has no unequivocal answer as of now due to the causal links being complex by other factors being at play, economy, as well as conditions varying between schools. Furthermore, we have noticed that, even though this has been a recurring subject to be brought up, we can still conclude that further reflection and research on this subject is needed.

Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos veiklos modernizavimas edukacinių novacijų kontekste / Modernization of general education school activities in the context of educational novations

Kvietkauskaitė, Sandra 28 February 2011 (has links)
Dinamiškos aplinkos reikalavimai įpareigoja švietimo institucijas nuolat keistis, persvarstyti ne tik naujus konceptualius veiklos principus, mokyklos narių naujų, neįprastų vaidmenų prisiėmimą (novatoriaus,kaitos iniciatoriaus,tarpininko,įgyvendintojo), bet ir diskutuoti apie optimalesnes valdymo strategijas,modelius, metodus. Todėl iš esmės turi būti kuriama nauja mokyklos veiklos erdvė. Visa tai lemia edukacinių novacijų ir jų diegimo procesų tyrimų poreikį, modernizuojant bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų veiklą. Tyrimo objektas: miesto ir rajono bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų veiklos modernizavimo ypatumų edukacinių novacijų kontekste vadovų ir pedagogų vertinimai. Tikslas: ištirti miesto ir rajono mokyklų veiklos modernizavimo ypatumus edukacinių novacijų kontekste, vadovų ir pedagogų požiūriu. Šiame darbe naudoti tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros, švietimo dokumentų analizė, nestandartizuota apklausa raštu, duomenų analizė ir interpretavimas. Tyrimo imtis. Tyrime dalyvavo 203 respondentai: 182 pedagogai, 21 vadovas iš Šiaulių ir Kelmės regionų mokyklų. Darbo teorinėje dalyje analizuojamos edukacinių novacijų sampratos ir raiškos teorinės interpretacijos; bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos veiklos modernizavimo procesas vadovų ir pedagogų veiklos kaitos procese.Empirinėje dalyje siekta identifikuoti miesto ir rajono mokyklų veiklos modernizavimo ypatumus edukacinių novacijų kontekste, vadovų ir pedagogų požiūriu; atlikti lyginamąją miesto ir rajono mokyklų pedagogų ir vadovų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Dynamic environmental conditions require the continuous change of educational institutions, a review of new conceptual operational principles and the assumption of novel unusual roles (those of novator, change initiator, mediator, implementer) by the school members, as well as a discussion of more optimal resources, management strategies, models, and methods. Therefore fundamentally new expanse of school activities should be developed. All this leads to the need for research into educational novations and their deployment in modernising the general education school activities. The subject of the research: The leadership and teacher assessment of the characteristics of city and district general education school activity modernization in the context of educational novations. The goal: A research into the characteristics of city and district general education school activity modernization in the context of educational novations from the leadership and teachers’ viewpoint. In the present paper, the following research methods were employed: the scientific literature and educational documentation analysis, a non-standardized written questionnaire survey, data analysis and interpretation. The research sample: 203 respondents participated in the research: 182 teachers and 21 heads of Šiauliai and Kelmė regional schools. The theoretical part of the paper provides the analysis of the theoretical interpretations, the classification, and the implementation of the concept and expression... [to full text]

Du är världens sämsta fröken! : En essä om ett moraliskt dilemma och problemskapande beteende

Åqvist, Helena January 2017 (has links)
Det här är en vetenskaplig essä som är skriven med utgångspunkt i ett självupplevt dilemma. När jag skrivit denna essä har jag gjort det med syfte att, via reflektion och litteraturstudier, få förståelse för varför jag handlat som jag gjort och för att få nya perspektiv på hur jag kan agera när jag hamnar i nya dilemman. Det vet jag med säkerhet att jag kommer att göra, då jag som lärare arbetar med människor. I min essä har jag också undersökt om det lågaffektiva bemötandet är en etiskt riktig metod och om arbetssättet stämmer överrens med skolans värdegrund. Jag har som diskussionspartner i detta hermeneutiska arbete bland annat tagit hjälp av filosofer, psykologer och styrdokument för skolans verksamhet. Med dessa och deras olika teorier om etik, moral, förnuft, empati, värdegrund och lågaffektivt bemötande har jag kommit fram till att: med kunskap om valda teorier i kombination med erfarenhet och praktiskkunskap kan du som pedagog göra klokast möjliga val ut ur dilemman. När jag undersökt det lågaffektiva arbetssättet och dess metoder, har jag kommit fram till att om du är väl påläst och därför har förståelse för hur du ska använda dig av metoden är det ett bra arbetssätt ur en pedagogs synvinkel. Är du däremot inte väl påläst kan det ha direkt motsatt effekt. / This is a scientific essay that is written from a self-perceived dilemma. While writing this essay I do it with a purpose and with reflection on literature studies. I´m trying to get an understanding why I acting the way I do and to get a new perspective of how I´m going to act when similar situations occur. Which I know I will when working with children. In my essay, I also examine whether low arousal approach attention is an ethically correct approach and if that way of work matches the school's values. In this hermeneutic work I discuss with philosophers, psychologists, and research into the regulatory documents you relate to when you work in a school. With these and theories about duty ethics, discourse ethics, morality, common sense, empathy, core values and low arousal approach I reach the understanding that: With these theories combined with experience and practical knowledge give you a possibility to make wise decisions in a dilemma. I come to the conclusion that if you are well versed with the low arousal approach method it can be a good method to use from the perspective of a teacher. The effects of the method will become useless if you don’t have the knowledge how to use it.

Syften med bild i fritidshem : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med fem lärare i fritidshem / Purposes with arts in after-school activities : A qualitative interview study with five after-school teachers

Hallqvist, Susann, Larsson, Julia January 2018 (has links)
Forskning visar att bildskapande kan användas på många olika sätt. I fritidshemmet är det vanligt att man utgår ifrån läroplanen när man planerar aktiviteter som rör bild. Även elevers intressen och behov ligger till grund för hur man arbetar. Utifrån de syften pedagoger har med en bildaktivitet formas aktiviteten. Med hjälp av denna studie ville vi få en djupare förståelse för varför fritidslärare arbetar med bild. Ämnet har undersökts genom intervjuer med fem lärare i fritidshem. Resultatet visar att bildaktiviteter i fritidshemmet kan användas för att ge elever utvecklad förståelse för människors olika förutsättningar och att elevernas intresse ofta ligger till grund för vilka aktiviteter som genomförs. Även pedagogens utbildning i och intresse av bild påverkar arbetet.

Porovnání mimoškolních aktivit dětí mladšího a staršího školního věku / Comparison of after-school activities of children younger and older school-age

Slejšková, Eliška January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes comparison of free-time activities of children according to school age. The aim of this diploma thesis is to determine and evaluate the influence of parents on the choice of free-time activities and preferences of activities within the age. The teoretical part introduces definitions of terms related to this topic and also introduces individual possibilities of extracurricular activities and extracurricular education. The practical part will be elaborated in the form of a questionnaire survey and in the end supplemented by my own observation for comparison of parents' influence with the questionnaire survey.

Mokinių prosocialaus elgesio raiška bei reakcijų ir ketinimų elgtis nepasitenkinimą sukeliančiose situacijose ypatumai / Expression of pupils’ pro-social behaviour and characteristic features of pupils’ reactions to and intentions to behave in a certain way in discontent-provoking situations

Grendienė, Monika 31 May 2010 (has links)
Darbe tyrimo objektu pasirinktus mokinių prosocialaus elgesio raišką bei reakcijas ir ketinimus elgtis nepasitenkinimą sukeliančiose situacijose buvo siekiama tikslo nustatyti mokinių prosocialaus elgesio raišką bei reakcijų ir ketinimų elgtis nepasitenkinimą sukeliančiose situacijoje ypatumus. Siekiant atsakyti į tyrimo tikslą, buvo keliami šie uždaviniai: nustatyti mokinių prosocialaus elgesio raišką lyties aspektu; nustatyti mokinių reakcijas ir ketinimus elgtis nepasitenkinimą sukeliančiose situacijose lyties aspektu; išsiaiškinti dalyvavimo popamokinėje veikloje sąsajas su mokinių prosocialiu elgesiu bei reakcijomis ir ketinimais elgtis nepasitenkinimą sukeliančiose situacijose; išsiaiškinti savijautos ir požiūrio į mokyklą sąsajas su mokinių prosocialiu elgesiu bei reakcijomis ir ketinimais elgtis nepasitenkinimą sukeliančiose situacijose. Tyrime buvo keliamos šios hipotezės: pirma, mergaitėms būdingesnis prosocialus elgesys nei berniukams, jos rečiau reaguotų agresyviai jų nepasitenkinimą sukeliančiose situacijose; antra, prosocialus elgesys būdingesnis dalyvaujantiems popamokinėje veikloje mokiniams ir trečia, popamokinėje veikloje dalyvaujantys mokiniai jų nepasitenkinimą sukeliančiose situacijose rečiau reaguotų agresyviai, negu nedalyvaujantys bendraamžiai. Tyrime dalyvavo 544 (289 mergaitės ir 255 berniukai) aštuntų – devintų klasių mokiniai parinkti taikant klasterinę atranką. Tiriant mokinius taikytas apklausos raštu metodas. Tyrimas parodė, kad mergaitėms... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the paper is the expression of pupils’ prosocial behaviour and their reactions to and intentions to behave in a certain way in discontent-provoking situations. The aim of choosing such an object is to define the expression of pupils’ prosocial behaviour and the characteristic features of their reactions to and intentions to behave in a certain way in discontent-provoking situations. In order to pursue the aim of research, the following objectives were set: to determine the expression of pupils’ prosocial behaviour on the aspect of gender; to outline pupils’ reactions to and their intentions to behave in a certain way in discontent-provoking situations on the aspect of gender; to find a correlation between the participation in after-school activities and pupils’ prosocial behaviour and their reactions to and intentions to behave in a certain way in discontent-provoking situations; to discover links between pupils’ feeling about school, their attitude to school and pupils’ prosocial behaviour and their reactions to and intentions to behave in a certain way in discontent-provoking situations. This research was focused on the following hypotheses: first, prosocial behaviour is more common in girls than in boys. Girls would rarely behave aggressively in discontent-provoking situations. Second, prosocial behaviour is more common in pupils participating in after-school activities. Third, pupils participating in after-school activities would behave aggressively in... [to full text]

Nya fritidspedagoger - i spänningsfältet mellan tradition och nya styrformer

Andersson, Birgit January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study is to increase the knowledge and understanding of how leisure-time pedagogues´ professional identity is changed as a consequence of altered governance and resulting new tasks. More specifically the study is oriented towards understanding how external demands for quality accounts, assessments and documentation in leisure-time centers and schools, affect leisure-time pedagogues´ practice of their profession and professional identity, and how the leisure-time pedagogues relate to these demands. The empirical data are generated through interviews with 23 leisure-time pedagogues, 8 school leaders, document analyses, and a survey among 105 leisure-time pedagogues. The analysis draws on profession theories perspective and concepts like knowledge base, jurisdiction and discretion to understand what is central in the leisure-time pedagogues’ profession and in what direction the profession is developing: de-professionalization, professionalization or re-configuration. Bourdieu´s sociological theories with concepts of field, capital and habitus are also used for understanding of the leisure-time pedagogues´ positions, actions, and explicit relations to other professional groups. The results indicate dilemmas that the leisure-time pedagogues face related to far-going decentralisation, introduction of new public management, reduced resources, and closer links between leisure-time centres and schools. Working with traditional methods creates problems and it becomes hard to balance the work between leisure-time centre and school. The thesis shows that leisure-time pedagogues constantly conduct independent individual assessments that are mainly hidden. This has not been pointed out before but is linked to the leisure-time pedagogues´ professional identity. Assess­ment as an accounting task has on the other hand been added in connection with the transfer to the educational sector and altered forms of governance. Leisure-time pedagogues are both ambivalent and critical to these demands for transparency and accountability. Even though the leisure-time pedagogues are subjected to increased control and expected to work more with assessments in different forms, and are forced to reduce their professional work in leisure-time centres, we cannot entirely talk about de-professionalization. Also features of professionalization and signs of reconfiguration of the profession are visible. The thesis illustrates that the profession of leisure-time pedagogue is being reshaped and that the leisure-time pedagogues’ professional identity can be understood in different ways. The thesis also illustrates how a core of traditional knowledge base stands out as central for most of the professionals in the various professional identities that are found. The differences that are found are related to the local governance of schools’ organisation; to what extent the leisure-time pedagogues’ work is placed in the compulsory school day; and how strong the leisure-time pedagogues’ collective base is in the school unit.

Obecná škola v Dačicích v letech 1890-1953 / Primary school in Dačice in the years 1890-1953

HABROVÁ, Vendula January 2015 (has links)
The work describes lives of pupils at Elementary School in Dačice in the years 1890-1953. The chapters deal with the history of the town of Dačice, the information about the pupils, their education, anniversaries and memories and also their activities on behalf of the country during the war. The work also focuses on the political and other important events that happened within the given years, and whether and how they had an impact at school. The work mainly analyses extant sources chronicles.

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