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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Legalita preemptivní sebeobrany / Legality of preemptive self-defence

Davidová, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
The legality of pre-emptive self-defence The Master's thesis deals with one of the key issues of current international law, the right to pre-emptive self-defence. The work is divided into six parts, including introduction, four chapters and conclusion. After an introductory part the first chapter deals with the sources of international laws regulating the right to self-defence, their system and the way in which they interact with each other. This chapter seeks to analyse the impact of those sources on the development of right to pre-emptive self-defence. The main attention is devoted to the primary and secondary sources of international law regulating the right to self-defence, such as the U.N. Charter, customary international law, the judicial decisions of the International Court of Justice and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists. The second chapter first focuses on the concept of classical self-defence. It then goes on to examine the two traditional doctrinal approaches to the interpretation of the scope of the right to self-defence, the restrictive school of thoughts and the extensive school of thoughts. The next chapter relates to the prohibition of the use of force under international law. The last chapter first analyses the concept of pre-emptive self-defence from the...

Didaktika a charakteristika veřejných a profesních kurzů sebeobrany / Didactics and characteristics of public and professional courses of selfdefense

Zumr, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Title: Didactics and characteristics of public and professional courses of selfdefense Objectives of the theses: Characterize the public and professional self-defense courses and describe their methodology Method: In the work was used theoretical-descriptive strategy grounded on qualitative research methods of data collection based on information system of personal experience and information obtained controlled interview with instructors police and self-defense instructors in the civilian sphere. Results: The methodology of teaching self-defense in a civil and professional spheres was used. Also was characterized the difference in the focus of these courses. Key words: Selfdefense, combat sports, martial arts, professional and civilian self-defense courses

Vliv fyziologického stresu na rychlost reakce v sebeobranné situaci / Influence of physiological stress on the reaction time in self - defense movements/situations

Kokta, Miroslav January 2015 (has links)
Název práce: Vliv fyziologického stresu na rychlost reakce v sebeobranné situaci Cíl práce: Cílem práce je zjistit, jaký vliv bude mít fyziologický stres způsobený krátkodobým maximálním zatížením na rychlost jednoduché reakce na vizuální podnět a vysvětlit změny pro oblast sebeobrany a boje zblízka. Metody práce: Na skupině dobře trénovaných osob v oblasti sebeobrany, boje zblízka či bojových sportů (věk: r=29,0 6,6 let; pohlaví: m, n:10), byla aplikována dotazníková metoda pro zjištění základních údajů, charakteru aktivit, které provozují, zdravotního stavu a dalších faktorů ovlivňujících reaktometrii. Následně byli probandi podrobeni reaktometrii zařízením Vienna test system pro zjištění úrovně jednoduché reakce na vizuální podnět. Každý proband absolvoval maximální zatížení na bicyklovém ergometru, aby krátce po skončení zatěžování opakoval reakční test. Po ukončení testu byl probandům odebrán vzorek krve pro zjištění hladiny laktátu v krvi. Naměřené hodnoty reakčních časů byly porovnány pomocí párového t-testu, ostatní možné determinanty pomocí korelační analýzy. Výsledky práce: U sledovaného souboru došlo vlivem krátkodobé maximální zátěže ke statisticky významnému zlepšení jednoduché reakční rychlosti na vizuální podnět a pohotovostního rozměru této reakce, a to v rozmezí 7-10%. Byl potvrzen...

Příslušníci zásahové jednotky Policie České republiky a sebeobrana / Members of the intervention unit of the Czech police and self-defense

Wittmann, Stanislav January 2015 (has links)
The name Bachelor: Members of the intervention unit of the Czech police and self-defense The objective of work: The aim of this work is to determine the actual state of subsidized hours of self-defense and martial arts at work, find out whether the members themselves consider the number of hours devoted to training and sufficient self-defense as compared with instructors who create clock, determine the number of hours devoted to self-defense and úpolovým members of sports in his spare time and to evaluate the most frequent suggestions to improve the concept of self- defense, both by members and instructors. Evaluate each intervention unit and the final is evaluated as a whole. The results then process and interpret research results. Method: Research of this thesis was carried out with the help of the survey, the research tool is a form of questionnaires. These questionnaires will be part of the thesis. Results: The research of this thesis gave the following results. Members evaluate the time spent in self-defense as an adequate job. Training in self-defense work in emergency units dedicated to two hours per week. In his spare time, he enjoys sports, self-defense and úpolovým 37 members surveyed, a majority of them. The most common consensus among members and instructors in the design to improve the...

Základní aspekty sebeobrany / The basic aspects of self-defence

Stich, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
Title: The basic aspects of self-defence Objectives: The principal aim of this thesis is describe the basic aspects of self-defence, like criminological factors, phases of conflict, expression of stress and the legal problems of self-defence. Methods: Application, processing and interpretation of informations from scholarly publications. Results: The result of this thesis is summary of individual aspects of self-defence in common civil life. Keywords: self-defence, conflict, circumstances excluded lawlessnes

Legalita použití síly proti tzv. Islámskému státu / The Legality of the Use of Force against Islamic State

Mlčák, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the lawfulness of the use of force by the United States of America against the so-called Islamic State in the territory of Syria, in terms of Ius ad bellum. For this purpose, the thesis is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on assessing the subjectivity of the Islamic State. In particular, the subjectivity is examined with regard to the criteria arising from the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States and from professional experience. The Islamic State is assessed in terms of defined territory, permanent population, effective government, capacity to enter into relations with other states, independence and legitimacy. The second part deals with the legal regulation of the use of force in international relations. After the presentation of the historical development, the attention is paid especially to the UN Charter and the ensuing prohibition of the threat or use of force in international relations. In the context of the use of force against the Islamic State, legal exceptions to this prohibition, which could be used in the fight against the Islamic State, are presented. First, attention is paid to the exceptions resulting from the UN Charter, which are self-defense under Article 51 and actions under Chapter VII. Two types of...

Právní problematika sebeobrany - nutná obrana, krajní nouze. / Legal Issues of Self-Defense - Necessary Defense, Extreme Emergency.

Theodor, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
Title Legal Issues of Self-Defense - Necessary Defense, Extreme Emergency. Objectives The aim of this work is to analyze the legal issues of self-defense. Explanation of the terms necessary defense and extreme emergency. Point out problems in interpretations. Point out the issue of self-defense of IZS members. Drawing conclusions. Methods The method used in the creation of this thesis is to analyze the widest range of literature that deals with the issue and the Criminal Code. Further description of findings and conclusion. Results Explaining the terms necessary defense and extreme emergency and clarifying the issue of self-defense. Key words Law, self-defense, necessary defense, issues, extreme emergency.

Krav Maga a Kapap, izraelské bojové umění s československými kořeny / Krav Maga and Kapap, israeli martial arts the czechoslovak origin

Vodolán, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
Anotation Krav Maga is an Israeli combat systém, founded by Imi Lichtenfeld who was of Czechoslovak origin. This systém is currently gaining popularity, but there is no comprehensive publication describing its origin and developement. In addition to Krav Maga, there is even a less known, very similar, systém Kapap. This thesis chronologically describes what preceded the creation of Krav Maga and what it is based on. Then the thesis also involves the sporting career of Imi Lichtenfeld, the experience of his father and also historical events in Mandatory Palestine with regard to the creation of various fighting styles. The thesis deals with the developement of martial arts Krav Maga and older Kapap up to the present days. It offers an insight into the functioning of Krav Maga and Kapap in the world and even in the Czech republic and describes some current issues and events in Krav Maga and Kapap. It answers the most important questions of present days and possible future development of this combat systems and tries to outline the relationship between Krav Maga and Kapap. Keywords: Krav Maga, Kapap, Israel, martial arts and sports.

Sebeobrana v širších souvislostech / Self-defense in Broader Context

KOPEČNÝ, Roman January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the question of just and unjust violence and also compares approach to the just violence today and in the past. It presents comparison of systems of if-conception self-defense and MS-1 self-defense which comes from sindefendology. From this comparison is clear, why it is necessary to refuse all so called if-conceptions self-defense (jujitsu, aikijitsu, karate, kenjitsu or other similar systems). The two main sources of this thesis are sindefendology (science of self-defense) and Christian ethics. The criteria for ethical justification are following: St. Thomas Aquinas's Summa theologiae, Catechism of theCatholic Church and real possibilities of attacked person to defense (with regard to dangers, which come from the situation). It is necessary to distinguish between self-defensive and self-protective situations. This distinction helps to comprehend the nature of combat situation, and therefore also to choose the ethical acceptable actions on time. There are described some cases which shows importance of the knowledge of sindefendology about real possibilities of attacked person. Course of justice without the knowledge of sindefendology and ethics can be unjust for attacked man.

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