Spelling suggestions: "subject:"electoral""
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Etude sur le renouvellement normatif du droit des contrats / Study about the normative renewal of contract lawMaisonnat, Bérangère 12 December 2018 (has links)
L’étude du renouvellement normatif du droit des contrats conduit à présenter le phénomène avant d’envisager sa portée. En premier lieu, ce phénomène est aisément observable et met en évidence deux crises : une « crise de croissance » et une « crise de normativité ». Toutes deux confirment une tendance à l’instrumentalisation des normes qui se veulent désormais harmonisatrices, protectrices, modèles ou encore persuasives. La part de nouveauté réside dans leur texture, leur élaboration ou encore leur mise en œuvre. Et les difficultés engendrées par ce renouvellement concernent l’articulation des diverses normes qui régissent le droit des contrats, ainsi que leur intégration au sein de l’ordre juridique interne.En second lieu, il s’agit de se questionner sur l’intérêt et l’influence de ce renouvellement à travers sa capacité à produire des effets sur le modèle contractuel. Au regard de la récente réforme, le renouvellement normatif a vraisemblablement participé à la modernisation du Code civil puisque des mouvements convergents vers la souplesse contractuelle et la sécurité juridique sont observés. Cependant, la limite des effets de ce renouvellement apparaît car il ne provoque pas une modélisation du droit des contrats qui permettrait de maintenir une cohérence malgré les transformations majeures à l’œuvre en la matière. / The study of the normative renewal of contract law requires a general presentation of the phenomenon before taking an in-depth look at its impact. Firstly, this phenomenon is easily noticeable and calls attention to two crisis : a “growth crisis” and a “normative crisis”. Both highlight a tendency to exploit norms by making them instruments of harmonization, protection, standardization or persuasion. The innovation comes from their substance, their elaboration or their enforcement, however, the articulation of the various contract law norms and their integration within the domestic legal order raise many issues that need to be addressed. Secondly, this renewal’s potentiality to influence and impact contractual models needs to be questioned. Taking the recent reform into account, it seems that the normative renewal has taken a major role in the modernization of the Civil code. Indeed, converging movements towards both contractual flexibility and legal security are visible. However, this normative renewal movement is still unable to promote a modelling of contract law that would allow it to maintain its coherence in spite of the major transformations taking place. As such, the normative renewal of contract law shows its limits.
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A indústria brasileira no limiar do século XXI: uma análise da sua evolução estrutural, comercial e tecnológica / Brazilian manufacturing at the turn of the 21st century: an analysis of its structural, trade and technological evolutionMorceiro, Paulo César 10 October 2018 (has links)
A indústria de transformação, que havia liderado o crescimento econômico do Brasil nas cinco décadas precedentes a 1981 na fase de industrialização, perdeu dinamismo desde início dos anos oitenta. Desde 1981, o produto manufatureiro brasileiro cresceu pouco e abaixo da modesta taxa de crescimento do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) do Brasil. Com isso, o setor manufatureiro tem contribuído cada vez menos para a formação do PIB brasileiro e encolhido bastante relativo a indústria global, desde 1981 até 2017. Esta pesquisa realiza uma avaliação da estrutura produtiva e tecnológica bem desagregada setorialmente da indústria de transformação brasileira, desse modo, ela oferece um diagnóstico mais detalhado da perda de dinamismo industrial. Esta pesquisa procurou responder as seguintes perguntas: i) os setores manufatureiros diminuíram participação no PIB de maneira uniforme ou foi concentrado setorialmente? ii) os setores intensivos em conhecimento e tecnologia seguem uma trajetória de desindustrialização normal ou prematura? (iii) o tecido industrial do país está mais oco ou rarefeito nos anos 2000? (iv) o país é um montador que faz pouca transformação industrial em algum segmento manufatureiro? (v) os segmentos industriais que mais importaram insumos e componentes são também aqueles que mais exportaram? Ou seja, o Brasil tem uma inserção ativa nas cadeias globais de valor (CGV)? (vi) os setores de serviços são relevantes na realização de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) no país de modo que a desindustrialização é irrelevante da perspectiva tecnológica? Para responder essas perguntas foram criadas sérias inéditas de longo prazo da participação dos setores manufatureiros no PIB. Também foi obtida uma tabulação especial do IBGE com informações para 258 subsetores industriais que permitiu avaliar o grau de adensamento produtivo deles. E por fim foram utilizados dados das Contas Nacionais do Brasil, das matrizes de insumo-produto e de investimento setor por setor para fazer um retrato setorial da produção e uso de P&D, através de técnicas de insumo-produto. Os resultados encontrados permitem concluir que o desenvolvimento industrial brasileiro está estagnado desde 1981 e a manufatura apresenta uma retração de longo prazo do produto manufatureiro real per capita. Esta pesquisa também apresentou uma abordagem setorial da desindustrialização pelo PIB de forma inédita, revelando que parte da desindustrialização brasileira é normal (ou esperada) e parte é prematura (e indesejada), dado o nível de desenvolvimento do Brasil. A desindustrialização prematura ocorreu nos setores intensivos em tecnologia, que também possuem baixo grau de adensamento produtivo ao importar parcela substantiva dos insumos e componentes intensivos em P&D. Também foi constatado que o Brasil se insere de forma passiva nas CGV, pois as classes industriais que mais importaram insumos e componentes não exportaram. Por fim, os setores de serviços - que ganharam bastante peso no PIB nas últimas décadas - conduzem no Brasil poucos investimentos em P&D e em menor magnitude que os setores manufatureiros. Portanto, da perspectiva tecnológica, a prematura mudança estrutural rumo aos serviços tem implicações relevantes quanto ao progresso tecnológico futuro do Brasil. / Brazilian manufacturing sector, which had led Brazil\'s economic growth in the five decades preceding 1981 in the industrialization phase, lost dynamism since the early 1980s. Since 1981, Brazilian manufacturing product grew slightly below the modest growth rate of Brazil\'s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). With this, manufacturing sector has contributed less and less to the formation of the GDP. Brazilian manufacturing sector has also shrunk a lot relative to the global manufacturing from 1981 to 2017. This research makes an evaluation of the productive and technological structure well disaggregated sectorally of the Brazilian manufacturing industry, thus offering a detailed diagnosis of the loss of industrial dynamism. This research sought to answer the following questions: i) have the manufacturing sectors decreased their share in GDP uniformly, or have been sectorally concentrated? ii) are knowledge and technology intensive sectors following a trajectory of normal or premature de-industrialization? iii) are the production chains of the country more hollow or rarefied in the 2000s? iv) is the country an assembler who does little industrial transformation in some manufacturing subsector? v) are the manufacturing subsectors that more imported inputs and components also the ones that more exported? That is, Brazil has an active insertion in global value chains (GVC)? vi) are services sectors relevant in conducting research and development (R&D) in Brazil so that de-industrialization is irrelevant from the technological perspective? To answer these questions, the author created an unpublished long-term series of the participation of manufacturing sectors in GDP. A special tabulation of Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics was also obtained, with data for 258 manufacturing subsectors, which allowed evaluating the degree of productive densification. Finally, data from Brazil\'s National Accounts, input-output matrices, and investment matrices were used to make a sectoral portrait of the production and use of R&D, through input-output techniques. Results showed that Brazilian manufacturing development is stagnant and occurs a long-term retraction of real per capita manufacturing output since 1981. This research also presented a sectoral approach to deindustrialization by GDP in an unpublished way, reporting that part of Brazilian deindustrialization is normal (or expected) and part is premature (and undesirable) given the level of development of Brazil. Premature deindustrialization occurred in the technology-intensive sectors, which also have a low degree of productive densification by importing a substantial portion of the inputs and R&D-intensive components. It was also observed that Brazil inserts passively in the GVC since the manufacturing classes that more import inputs and components do not export. Finally, service sectors - which have gained considerable weight in GDP in recent decades - conducted little investment in R&D in Brazil and to a lesser extent than manufacturing sectors. Therefore, from the technological perspective, the premature structural change towards services has relevant implications for the future technological progress of Brazil.
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Pokrytí sektorových zadavatelů institutem veřejných zakázek / Coverage of sectoral ordering parties with Public Contracting InstituteBradáčová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The main object of my diploma thesis is to quantify an amount of costs invested in contracts awarded in conformity with rules stated in the act on public contracts. Theoretical part dwells on contents of directives whereas practical part uses data comparison -- amount of public contracts obtained from Information System and accounting statements obtained from the Creditinfo -- Albertina and Report database accessible from VŠE local network. Commented conclusions of analysis -- determined ratios are low and mostly do not exceeds 50 %. Simultaneously is not possible to determine a rule which could be broadly utilized on specified types of public contracts.
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Adoption of the Innovation System Concept in SwedenEklund, Magnus January 2007 (has links)
<p>In 2001 Sweden founded the government agency of VINNOVA, named after the OECD-endorsed innovation system concept. Criticising the common assumption that countries are passive and uncritical recipients of the approaches promoted by the OECD, this dissertation tries to show that Swedish actors were in fact very active and strategic as they contributed to the national adoption of the concept.</p><p>With inspiration from conceptual history and Quentin Skinner’s analysis of the rhetorical use of concepts, this study focuses on the research funding reform process between 1995 and 2001, investigating how actors trying to defend the contested institution of sectoral research used the innovation system concept to rhetorically legitimise their project. To compare these uses with earlier ways of discussing innovation in Sweden, the innovation debate that arose in relation to the industrial crises of the 1970s and 1990s has also been studied.</p><p>It was found that the early Swedish innovation debate had paid little attention to the university sector. When <i>Research 2000</i> in 1998 proposed that researcher-dominated research councils should be given control over sectoral research funding, a coalition in favour of industrially relevant research mobilised to protect its influence over research funding. The concept was now appropriated and used to rhetorically reframe the universities as part of a system with the main function of promoting innovations. By using the concept it was also possible to draw on the legitimacy offered by the OECD and science.</p>
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Adoption of the Innovation System Concept in SwedenEklund, Magnus January 2007 (has links)
In 2001 Sweden founded the government agency of VINNOVA, named after the OECD-endorsed innovation system concept. Criticising the common assumption that countries are passive and uncritical recipients of the approaches promoted by the OECD, this dissertation tries to show that Swedish actors were in fact very active and strategic as they contributed to the national adoption of the concept. With inspiration from conceptual history and Quentin Skinner’s analysis of the rhetorical use of concepts, this study focuses on the research funding reform process between 1995 and 2001, investigating how actors trying to defend the contested institution of sectoral research used the innovation system concept to rhetorically legitimise their project. To compare these uses with earlier ways of discussing innovation in Sweden, the innovation debate that arose in relation to the industrial crises of the 1970s and 1990s has also been studied. It was found that the early Swedish innovation debate had paid little attention to the university sector. When Research 2000 in 1998 proposed that researcher-dominated research councils should be given control over sectoral research funding, a coalition in favour of industrially relevant research mobilised to protect its influence over research funding. The concept was now appropriated and used to rhetorically reframe the universities as part of a system with the main function of promoting innovations. By using the concept it was also possible to draw on the legitimacy offered by the OECD and science.
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簽訂自由貿易協定之貿易與福利效果 / Estimates of the Trade and Welfare Effects of FTA吳米琪, Wu, Mi Chi Unknown Date (has links)
近年來雙邊甚或區域間簽訂自由貿易協定之風盛行,本文欲探討其影響。參考Caliendo and Parro(2015)的方法,以考慮部門異質性、投入產出連結以及中間財貿易之模型,計算1995-2013年間三個模型的福利效果。旨在分別檢視1995-2005年間WTO成立十年之影響、2005-2013年間全球120份自由貿易協定生效之效果,以及韓國此段期間內簽訂自由貿易協定之成果。本文結果顯示,WTO於1995年成立至其後10年間,確實為會員國帶來正面影響,總體而言,多數國家福利效果變動率為正。到了2005-2013年,全球有120份區域貿易協定生效,亦提升多數國家的福利,然成長幅度不如1995-2005來的顯著。惟韓國受惠於其簽訂自由貿易協定的成效,福利成長得與先前維持相近水準。此外,透過不同模型間的比較,本文發現各模型間的福利效果有明顯差異,顯示現今複雜的國際分工鏈下,完善考量部門間的互動因素實為衡量國際貿易效果的重要課題。
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Mainstreaming av integration : Om översättning av policy och nätverksstyrning med förhinder inom den regionala utvecklingspolitiken, 1998 – 2007 / Mainstreaming integration policy : On translation of policy and network governance with a hindrance in Swedish regional development policy,1998-2007Andersson, Ragnar January 2011 (has links)
Det här är en fallstudie av hur integrationspolitiska mål översätts tvärsektoriellt inom den regionala utvecklingspolitiken: i en rad olika sammanhang på nationell, regional och kommunal nivå. I studien beskrivs och analyseras hur idén om integration genom mainstreaming översätts till den regionala utvecklingspolitiken, för att fortsätta med en fördjupad analys av det regionala tillväxtpartnerskapet i Östergötland samt olika lokala kommunala tillväxtpartnerskap. Avslutningsvis jämförs resultaten från Östergötland med utvecklingen i landets övriga 20 regionala tillväxtpartnerskap. I avhandlingen visas att det fanns höga ambitioner om att genomföra en mainstreaming, bland annat med hjälp av nätverksstyrning. Så skedde också i olika målsättningstexter och beslut. Men när dessa målsättningar och beslut skulle omvandlas till aktiviteter, fullföljdes inte mainstreamingen. Man avstod helt från att göra något inriktat mot invandrare eller så genomfördes olika former av säråtgärder för invandrare. Avhandlingen visar dock på stora skillnader mellan olika aktörer och sammanhang. I vissa fall var man nära på att uppfylla kraven på en mainstreaming, i andra valde man att inte försöka. I avhandlingen visas också att hinder för genomförandet varit föreställningar om invandrare och invandrarfrågor som ej bidragande i ekonomiska tillväxtsammanhang, brist på styrningskompetens och resurser samt ett bristande kunnande om hur man skulle mainstreama integration. / This is a case study of how the Swedish migrant policy is cross-sectorally translated into the regional development policy area: at national, regional and municipal levels. The study describes and analyzes first how the idea of integration through mainstreaming is translated into the regional development policy. Secondly it conducts an in-depth analysis of the Regional Growth Partnership in the region of Östergötland as well as various municipality based growth partnerships. Finally, the results are compared with the development of other Regional Growth Partnerships (21 in total) in Sweden. The thesis shows that there were high ambitions for implementing the idea of mainstreaming integration, including the use of network governance. This also was reflected in other objectives and decisions. But when these goals and decisions were to be transformed into activities, the mainstreaming they were not completed. All actors refrained from implementing the proposed mainstreaming model; but some did implement various forms of side-stream measures for migrants. The thesis reveals large differences between different actors and contexts. In some cases, they were close to meeting the requirements of mainstreaming, in others they chose not to try at all. The thesis also shows that hindrances to translations were negatively related to the categorizations of immigrants, lack of management skills and resources and a lack of knowledge about how to mainstream integration of immigrants.
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Profesinių kvalifikacijų pripažinimo direktyvų nuostatų perkėlimo į nacionalinę teisę problematika / Challenges in the implementation of the provisions of the directives on the recognition of professional qualifications into the national lawMacelytė, Sandra 15 January 2007 (has links)
The present master paper investigates the challenges which are met while trying to implement the provisions of the directives on professional qualifications into national law. Despite the fact that the directives regulating the recognition of professional qualifications have already been implemented into the national law of the Republic of Lithuania after the new European Parliament and Council directive 2005/36/EC codifying all the existed directives on the recognition of professional qualifications, has been adopted, the competent authorities face new challenges trying to implement the provisions of new directives. Due to this fact, several stages of the implementation of the directives of European Union are distinguished.: the obligations Lithuania had to fulfil before the accession to EU and after the new Directive 2005/36/EC was adopted.
The main objective of this paper is to analyse problematical issues regarding the transposition of directives on recognition of regulated professional qualifications into national law. The attempt was made to disclose the main features of the systems regarding recognition of regulated professional qualifications. A great deal of attention is alloted to the analysis of the process of recognition, the presumptions and the development of General system of recognition and Sectoral directives. The main legal documents on professional qualifications as well as provisions of the new law are widely discussed.
Currently more and more emphasis... [to full text]
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Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos : histórico, cenário da gestão e os acordos setoriais no estado de São PauloFagliari, Raphael Augusto 17 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Daniele Amaral (daniee_ni@hotmail.com) on 2017-10-03T20:18:19Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-08-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / The National Policy of Solid Waste (NPSW), instituted by the federal law nº 12.305/2010, establishes the guiding principles, legal instruments and objectives to order the actions and practices of waste management in Brazil. Among the proposed principles and instruments, the shared responsibility for the products life cycle and the reverse logistic are inducers of a new management model and a great challenge as well. To assist in its operationalization, the NPSW institutes the Sectoral Agreements (SA) and, in São Paulo State, the SA were established by the Commitment Terms of Reverse Logistics (CTRL). Seeking to bring this scenario to light, the current research proposes to present and analyze the implementation of CTRL in São Paulo State. For this, it is presented the historical of the 12.305/2010 law approval process and the waste management scenario post-NPSW. The data and information collection
occurred through bibliographic and documentary review, and the CTRL case study was developed with an application of questionnaires and interviews. The State of São Paulo presents 10 signed CTRL, with 08 sectors participating in this research. Inconsistencies were identified regarding the definition of targets and the results obtained by the sectors, which adopted, in most, different metrics. The Secretariat for the Environment of São Paulo State played a fundamental role in stimulating and directing the terms, being the main responsible for establishing them juridically in a legal instrument, acting also in the definition of targets. The participation of different actors in the realization of shared responsibility is still deficient, with a greater accountability to manufacturers. The involvement of cooperatives and public authorities is not a reality yet, which have importance and role beyond the perception of CRTL subscribers. Most of the sectors use support tools (software and GIS) and affirm to have reached the established targets, having as the main difficulty the low interest and participation of the others chain members. It is concluded that the NPSW, despite the slow evolution, should stimulate new and necessary solid waste management practices in Brazil, having the sectoral agreements as a pillar for the reverse logistics and shared responsibility effectiveness. / A Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS), instituída pela Lei federal nº 12.305/2010, estabelece os princípios norteadores, instrumentos legais e objetivos para ordenar as ações e práticas de gestão de resíduos no Brasil. Dentre os princípios e instrumentos propostos, a responsabilidade compartilhada pelo ciclo de vida dos produtos e a logística reversa apresentam-se como indutores de um novo modelo de gestão, e também um grande desafio. Para auxiliar sua operacionalização, a PNRS institui os acordos setoriais (AS) e, no Estado de São Paulo, os AS foram estabelecidos por Termos de Compromisso de Logística Reversa (TCLR). Buscando trazer à luz esse cenário, a presente pesquisa se propõe a apresentar e analisar a implantação dos TCLR no Estado de São Paulo. Para tanto, é apresentado o histórico do processo de aprovação da Lei 12.305/2010 e o cenário da gestão de resíduos pós-PNRS. A coleta de dados e informações ocorreu por meio de revisão bibliográfica e documental, e o estudo de caso dos TCLR se desenvolveu com a aplicação de questionários e entrevistas. O Estado de São Paulo apresenta 10 TCLR firmados, sendo que 08 setores participaram desta pesquisa. Foram identificadas
inconsistências referentes ao estabelecimento de metas e os resultados obtidos pelos setores, os quais adotam, em sua maioria, métricas diferentes. A Secretaria do Meio Ambiente teve papel fundamental no estimulo e condução dos termos, sendo o principal responsável por estabelecê-los juridicamente em um instrumento legal, além de atuar na definição de metas. A participação de diferentes atores na efetivação da responsabilidade compartilhada é deficiente, havendo maior responsabilização aos fabricantes. O envolvimento de cooperativas e do poder público ainda é insuficiente, os quais têm importância e papel que vão além daqueles percebidos pelos signatários de TCLR. A maioria dos setores faz uso de ferramentas de suporte (softwares e SIGs) e afirma ter alcançado as metas estabelecidas, tendo como principal dificuldade o baixo interesse e participação dos demais membros da cadeia. Conclui-se que a PNRS, apesar da lenta evolução, deve estimular novas e necessárias práticas de
gestão de resíduos sólidos no Brasil, tendo os acordos setoriais como pilar para efetivação da logística reversa e responsabilidade compartilhada.
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Availability, Allocation and Sharing of Water in a River BasinPatel, Shivshanker Singh January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The economic growth and the increase in population has led to an increased demand for water for various purposes such as domestic consumption, irrigation, industrial use, power generation, navigation, recreation, and ecological requirements. With the increase in population, the per-capita water availability is continuously decreasing. Due to increase in demand and accompanying scarcity of water the conflict among the potential users of the resource is on raise. Hence, the allocation of the available water resource is a big challenge as the intersect oral and inter-regional water allocation is often competing and conflicting in nature.
In the above context a good model to manage the available water resources would require reliable inputs on the available water resources. In the first part of this thesis we compare different techniques that are typically used for modeling the river water flow. Time series analysis (ARIMA) is compared with machine learning techniques such as support-vector regression (SVR) and neural network models. The performance of these techniques is compared by applying them to a long-term time-series data of the inflows of three tributaries of the river Cauvery into the Krishnaraja Sagar reservoir (KRS). Flow data over a period of 30 years from three different observation points established in upper Cauvery river sub-basin is analyzed. Specifically, a multi-layer feed forward network trained with a back-propagation algorithm and support vector regression with epsilon-insensitive loss function is compared with the ARIMA models. It is found that the performance of support vector regression model is superior to those of the other techniques considered.
The second part of our thesis is to develop a model for optimal water allocation to the
different sectors with the aim of maximizing the total utility of available water resource in a river basin. A hydro-economic modeling framework is developed that incorporates the economic assessment of the value of water. This inter-sectoral allocation problem is studied in the context of enforcing certain minimum water rights to every person for domestic use and a certain minimum irrigation need set out by the contingency plans of the state agriculture department in Cauvery river basin. A non-linear optimization model is built to obtain an optimal inter-sectoral water allocation policy. The study evaluates the economic impact of different parameters of competing demands such as water availability, population, basic water right (quantity), ground water contribution, and crop benefit. The optimal policies that implements the water allocation priorities as set out by the National Water Policy (2012) are compared. Further, results show that the basic water right can be secured for essential needs with optimal management of available surface and ground water resources.
In the third part of thesis, we study the conflict of water sharing that arises between sectors/regions. We consider the river water-sharing problem between two agents along a river. Each agent has a stated claim to the river water. The Absolute Territorial Sovereignty (ATS) and Absolute Territorial Integrity (ATI) principles are promoted by different agents along the river as a means to maximize their individual benefit. However, these principles are invariably considered to be unjust by one or more of the other agents. Hence, it is preferred to have a negotiated water treaty that is perceived to be equitable and just by all. A one way downstream stream bilateral bargaining model can be used to guide the negotiated water treaty between the agents. In this bargaining framework we introduce the issue of negative externalities imposed by the upstream agent on the downstream agent/s in the form of pollution and/or flooding. This imposes a cost on the downstream agent to mitigate losses due to the negative externalities. A bargaining model that incorporates the impact of negative externalities is developed to guide the negotiated treaties. We identify individually rational bargaining strategies for a two agents transferable utility one way downstream river water sharing problem. The results characterize the agreement and disagreement points for bilateral trading
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