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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beiträge zur Silicium-Chalcogen-Chemie einschließlich analoger Germanium-, Zinn- und Bleiverbindungen

Herzog, Uwe 14 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist die Synthese und Charakterisierung neuer Organosilicium-Chalcogen-Verbindungen (Chalcogen: Schwefel, Selen, Tellur), sowohl mit acyclischen, als auch mono- und polycyclischen Strukturen. Dabei konnten in vielen Fällen auch isostrukturelle Verbindungen mit Germanium- oder Zinnatomen anstelle von Silicium aufgebaut werden. Insgesamt wurden 42 der dargestellten Verbindungen auch durch Röntgenkristallstrukturanalysen charakterisiert. In cyclischen und polycyclischen Verbindungen war es damit auch möglich, die auftretenden Konformationen der Ringe- bzw. Ringsysteme zu bestimmen und die Resultate mit den Ergebnissen von DFT-Berechnungen zu vergleichen. Die NMR-Spektroskopie war parallel zu Kristallstrukturanalysen und GC/MS Messungen die Methode der Wahl zur Charakterisierung der dargestellten Verbindungen. Dabei boten sich neben der 1H und 13C NMR auch die 29Si, 119Sn, 207Pb, 77Se, und 125Te NMR Spektroskopie an, da man direkt die Elemente analysiert, die die Ringsysteme aufbauen, was zu einer weit höheren Strukturempfindlichkeit führt. Vor allem beim Vergleich von 77Se und 125Te NMR Daten analoger Selen- und Tellurverbindungen ergaben sich lineare Korrelationen sowohl der chemischen Verschiebungen als auch der Kopplungskonstanten 1JSiE bzw. 1JSnE mit Faktoren von ca. 2.5. Ähnliche Korrelationen konnten auch zwischen 29Si und 119Sn bzw. 119Sn und 207Pb NMR chemischen Verschiebungen gezogen werden. Von einigen Verbindungen konnten durch 29Si MAS NMR Spektroskopie auch die Tensorhauptwerte der chemischen Verschiebung ermittelt werden. Parallel dazu wurden mittels GIAO und IGLO Verfahren die 29Si NMR chemischen Verschiebungen ausgehend von den aus den Kristallstrukturanalysen zugänglichen Geometrien berechnet. Neben cyclischen Verbindungen konnten unter Verwendung des sperrigen Hypersilylrestes auch eine Reihe acyclischer Verbindungen mit der Sequenz Si–E–Si bzw. Si–E–Sn dargestellt und z. T. auch strukturell charakterisiert werden.

Copper gallium diselenide solar cells [electronic resource] : processing, characterization and simulation studies / by Pushkaraj R Panse.

Panse, Pushkaraj. January 2003 (has links)
Includes vita. / Title from PDF of title page. / Document formatted into pages; contains 204 pages. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of South Florida, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references. / Text (Electronic thesis) in PDF format. / ABSTRACT: The goal of this research project was to contribute to the understanding of CuGaSe2/CdS photovoltaic devices, and to improve the performance of these devices. The initial part of the research dealt with the optimization of a Sequential Deposition process for CuIn(Ga)Se2 absorber formation. As an extension of this, a recipe (Type I Process) for CuGaSe2 absorber layer fabrication was developed, and the deposition parameters were optimized. Electrical characterization of the thin films and completed devices was carried out using techniques such as Two-Probe and Three-Probe Current-Voltage, Capacitance-Frequency, Capacitance-Voltage, and Spectral Response measurements. Structural/chemical characterization was done using XRD and EDS analysis. Current densities of up to 15.2 mA/cm2, and Fill Factors of up to 58% were obtained using the Type I CuGaSe2 Process. VOC's, however, were limited to less than 700 mV. / ABSTRACT: Several process variations, such as changes in the rate/order/temperature of depositions and changes in the thickness of layers, resulted in little improvement. With the aim of breaking through this VOC performance ceiling, a new absorber recipe (Type II Process) was developed. VOC's of up to 735 mV without annealing, and those of up to 775 mV after annealing, were observed. Fill Factors were comparable to those obtained with Type I Process, whereas the Current Densities were found to be reduced (typically, 10-12 mA/cm2, with the best value of 12.6 mA/cm2). This performance of Type II devices was correlated to a better intermixing of the elements during the absorber formation. To gain an understanding of the performance limitations, two simulation techniques, viz. SCAPS and AMPS, were used to model our devices. / ABSTRACT: Several processing experiments and SCAPS modeling indicate that a defective interface between CuGaSe2 and CdS, and perhaps a defective absorber layer, are the cause of the VOC limitation. AMPS simulation studies, on the other hand, suggest that the back contact is limiting the performance. Attempts to change the physical back contact, by changes in the absorber processing, were unsuccessful. Processing experiments and simulations also suggest that the CuGaSe2/CdS solar cell involves a true heterojunction between these two layers. / System requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader. / Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Photoluminescence Intermittency of Semiconductor Quantum Dots in Dielectric Environments

Issac, Abey 14 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The experimental studies presented in this thesis deal with the photoluminescence intermittency of semiconductor quantum dots in different dielectric environments. Detailed analysis of intermittency statistics from single capped CdSe/ZnS, uncapped CdSe and water dispersed CdSe/ZnS QDs in different matrices provide experimental evidence for the model of photoionization with a charge ejected into the surrounding matrix as the source of PL intermittency phenomenon. The distribution of the dark state lifetimes can be described by a power law over a wide range while that of bright state can be described by a power law at shorter times followed by an exponential decay. The lifetimes of the bright and dark states are influenced by the dielectric properties of the surrounding environment. Our experimental results show that the lifetime of the dark state increases with the dielectric constant of the matrix. This is very clear from the linear correlation between αoff and f (ε). We propose a self-trapping model to explain the increase of dark state lifetimes with the dielectric constant of the matrix. A charge will be more stabilized in a medium with high dielectric constant. An energetically more favourable state for an electron in a high dielectric medium decreases the return probability which eventually increases the duration of the off-time. Moreover, the self-trapping model establishes a general model for distribution of states in a matrix. We like to mention, that in the case of bright states, a qualitative observation is the cross over of the on-time power law behavior to an exponential one. The power law part of the decay is nearly matrix independent while the exponential decay, which limits the maximum on-time, strongly depends on dielectric properties of the environment. The exponential part of the on-time probability decays much faster in a high dielectric medium and there exists a linear relation between the time constant of the exponential decay and f (ε). Theoretical background has been provided for the observed results using the recently published DCET model which correlates PL intermittency of QDs with properties of the environment. This supports our previous conjecture of a general model for matrix controlled blinking process. The disagreement between experimentally observed dependence of αoff and f (ε) for different matrices with that of the static tunnelling model proposed by Verberk is due to the fact that the tunneling model considers only an electron transfer between a QD and spatially distributed trap states in vacuum. These states are already stabilized states. It does not assume any medium in between. Therefore, matrix dependent blinking kinetics can not be explained quantitatively by tunneling model even though tunneling between a QD and spatially distributed trap states gives a power law distribution for the blinking kinetics. DCET is a more general (dynamic) model. The bright and dark state parabolas contain QD, charge and the matrix. Therefore, this model could in principle explain matrix dependent blinking kinetics in a better way, for example, the energy difference between the minima of the bright and dark state parabolas (-ΔG0) is defined by the stabilization energy of the system provided by the matrix. However, due to lack of the relevant intrinsic parameters we did not compare this relationship and dependence qualitatively. / Betrachtet man die Fluoreszenz einzelner Farbstoffmoleküle oder Halbleiternanokristalle bei kontinuierlicher Anregung, so stellt man fest, dass die im Zeitverlauf beobachtete Intensität einer stochastischen Variation unterliegt, d. h. dass das Chromophor zwischen emittierenden und nicht emittierenden Zuständen, auch Hell- und Dunkelzuständen genannt, hin- und herschaltet. Dieses als Blinken bekannte Phänomen ist physikalisch wie auch technologisch herausfordernd, lässt es doch einerseits die Realisierbarkeit einer Reihe von quantenoptischen Anwendungen, so z. B. auf dem Gebiet der Quantenkryptographie, dem Quantum Computing oder der optischen Schaltungstechnik auf Basis einzelner Quantenobjekte, in naher Zukunft möglich erscheinen. Andererseits setzt es gewissen Anwendungen, die auf die permanente Sichtbarkeit des Chromophors aufbauen, Grenzen, so zum Beispiel der Verwendung als Lumineszenzmarker in der medizinischen Diagnostik. Weiterhin ist festzustellen, dass das Blinken kritisch von den äußeren Bedingungen und von den Umgebungsparametern abhängt. Aus diesen und anderen Gründen ist ein fundamentales Verständnis der physikalischen Ursachen und der Wechselwirkungsprozesse unerlässlich. Die Forschung dazu steckt noch in den Kinderschuhen. Basierend auf umfangreiche Messungen der Fluoreszenzzeitreihen einzelner Nanokristalle aus CdSe und CdSe/ZnS in verschiedenen Umgebungen, zeigt diese Dissertation exemplarisch den Einfluss der Dielektrizitätsparameter auf das Blinken. Zur Erklärung des Sachverhalts wird ein so genanntes Self-Trapping-Modell zu Rate gezogen. Demnach kommt es zu einer Ionisation des Quantenobjekts und anschließender Ladungstrennung, woraufhin die abgetrennte Ladung für eine gewisse Zeit in der Umgebung lokalisiert bleibt. Die Dauer der Lokalisierung und damit der emittierenden und nicht emittierenden Perioden hängt von der dielektrischen Funktion des umgebenden Materials ab. Dies ist als direkter Nachweis für den photoinduzierten Ladungstransfer als Ursache des Fluoreszenzblinkens zu deuten. Die Arbeit demonstriert, dass die experimentellen Zeitreihen die charakteristischen Merkmale eines diffusionsgesteuerten Ladungstransferprozesses besitzen und nimmt dabei den gegenwärtigen wissenschaftlichen Diskurs über geeignete theoretische Modelle des Fluoreszenzblinkens auf.

Assessment of Lead Chalcogenide Nanostructures as Possible Thermoelectric Materials

Gabriel, Stefanie 26 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The assembly of nanostructures into “multi”-dimensional materials is one of the main topics occurring in nanoscience today. It is now possible to produce high quality nanostructures reproducibly but for their further application larger structures that are easier to handle are required. Nevertheless during their assembly their nanometer size and accompanying properties must be maintained. This challenge was addressed in this work. Lead chalcogenides have been chosen as an example system because they are expected to offer great opportunities as thermoelectric materials. Three different ways to achieve assemblies of lead chalcogenide nanostructures were used and the resulting structures characterized with respect to their potential application as thermoelectric material. The first means by which a “multi”-dimensional assembly of lead chalcogenide quantum dots can be produced is the formation of porous structures such as aerogels and xerogels. A procedure, where the addition of an initiator such as oxidizers or incident radiation is unnecessary, is introduced and the formation process studied by absorption spectroscopy. The time-consuming aggregation step could be significantly reduced by employing a slightly elevated temperature during gelation that does not lead to any observable differences within the resulting gel structures. After either supercritical or subcritical drying, highly porous monolithic gel structures can be achieved. During the gel formation the size and the shape of the particles changed and they were directly linked together. Nevertheless the resulting porous structures remain crystalline and size dependent effects of the optical properties could be shown. Gels produced from a mixture of PbS and PbSe QDs show a homogenous distribution of both materials but it is not clear to what extent they form an alloy. Although the particles are directly linked together the resulting porous structures possess a very high resistivity and so it was not possible to characterize the semiconductor aerogels with regard to their thermoelectric properties. To achieve an enhanced conductivity porous structures containing PbS and Au nanoparticles have been produced. As has been seen for the pure semiconductor gels the size of the PbS quantum dots has increased and elongated particles were formed. In contrast to the PbS QDs the Au nanoparticles did not change their size and shape and are unevenly distributed within the PbS network. Through the use of the gold nanoparticles the conductivity could be increased and although the conductivity is still quite small, it was possible to determine Seebeck coefficients near room temperature for a mixed semiconductor-metal gel. The second means by which QD solids could be formed was by the compaction of the QD building blocks into a material that is still nanostructured. Therefore the synthesis of PbS was optimized to achieve sufficient amounts of PbS quantum dots. The ligands used in the synthesis of the QDs unfortunately act as an insulating layer resulting in QD solids with resistivities as high as 2 Gigaohm. For this reason different surface modification strategies were introduced to minimize the interparticle distance and to increase the coupling between the QDs so as to increase the conductivity of the resulting quantum dot solids. One very promising method was the exchange of the initial ligands by shorter ones that can be destroyed at lower temperatures. By such heat treatments the resistivity could be decreased by up to six orders of magnitude. For the pressing of the quantum dots two different compaction methods (SPS and hydraulic pressing) were compared. While the grain growth within the SPS pressed samples is significantly higher the same densification can be achieved by a cold hydraulic pressing as well as by SPS. The densification could be further increased through the use of preheated PbS QDs due to the destruction of the ligands. Samples which had been surface modified with MPA and subsequently thermally treated show the best results with respect to their thermopower and resistivities. Nevertheless the conductivity of the QD solids is still too high for them to be used as efficient thermoelectric materials. The final assembly method does not involve QDs but instead with one dimensional nanowires. Therefore a synthesis was developed that enables the formation of PbS nanowires of different diameters and one that is easy up-scalable. By the use of a less reactive sulfur precursor and an additional surfactant the formation of nuclei is significantly retarded and within an annealing time of two hours nanowires can be formed presumably by an oriented attachment mechanism. Single crystalline nanowires with a diameter of 65-105 nm could be achieved with the longest axes of the nanowires being parallel to [100]. The resulting nanowires were used as building blocks for film formation on glass substrates by an easily implemented method that requires no special equipment. To characterize the films with a view to their possible application as a thermoelectric material, surface modifications of the films were performed to improve the charge transfer in the films and the Seebeck coefficients of the resulting films measured. Therefore the previous approach of using MPA was applied and a subsequent thermal treatment demonstrated very promising results. In addition an crosslinking ligand was used for surface treatment that leads to similar results as was observed for the thermally treated MPA approach. Both approaches lead to an order of magnitude decrease in the resistivity and due to the fewer grain boundaries present in the films composed of nanowires as compared to the QD assemblies the conductivity is significantly higher. The Seebeck coefficient measurements show that the thermal treatment only slightly affects the Seebeck coefficients. Therefore a significantly higher power factor could be achieved for the nanowire films than for the QD solids.

Theoretical studies of compressed xenon oxides, tin selenide thermoelectrics, and defects in graphene

Worth, Nicholas Gower January 2018 (has links)
Enormous advances in computing power in recent decades have made it possible to perform accurate numerical simulations of a wide range of systems in condensed matter physics. At the forefront of this progress has been density functional theory (DFT), a very popular approach to tackling the complexity of quantum-mechanical systems that very often strikes a good balance between accuracy and tractability in light of the finite computational resources available to researchers. This thesis describes work utilising DFT methods to tackle two distinct problems. Firstly, the theoretical prediction of stable and metastable periodic structures under specified conditions using the ab initio random structure searching (AIRSS) method, which involves a large scale exploration of the Born-Oppenheimer energy surface, and secondly the use of a vibrational self-consistent field (VSCF) approach to investigate the effects of nuclear motion and anharmonicity in crystal systems, which involves a local exploration of the Born-Oppenheimer energy surface. The AIRSS crystal structure prediction method is here applied to a study of defect structures in graphene. It is also applied to a study of the xenon-oxygen binary system under a range of geological pressures (83–200 GPa). Novel xenon oxide structures are predicted and characterised theoretically. This work was carried out in collaboration with an experimental study of the system at the lower end of the pressure range. The VSCF approach to investigating anharmonicity is here applied to the study of tin selenide (SnSe), a material that has recently been shown to demonstrate consider- able promise as a thermoelectric material. In this thesis, the effects of the anharmonic nuclear motion on the vibrational and electronic properties of SnSe are investigated quantitatively.

Novel Misfit Layer Systems: Synthesis and Characterization

Anderson, Michael D., 1980- 09 1900 (has links)
xxiv, 265 p. : ill. (some col.) / Stabilizing mechanisms and design considerations for generating misfit layer compounds with a variety of different structural motifs were explored using designed precursors consisting of elemental layers. Layer order in the precursor film and the behavior of binary reaction couples was used to avoid undesirable reaction intermediates. Electron diffraction patterns of CuCr2 Se4 were inconsistent with prior reports that this compound has the spinel structure and were more consistent with a hexagonal R 3 ̄ structure. STEM imaging also suggests CuCr2 Se4 prepared using the compositionally modulated kinetic trapping approach is a new polymorph of the spinel structure. Electrical and magnetic properties were consistent with prior literature reports. Magnetic susceptibility measurements show pronounced hard and easy axes of magnetization not previously documented, which are consistent with a hexagonal crystal symmetry. The [{(PbSe)m }0.99 (WSe2 )n ] r and [{(PbSe)m }1.00 (MoSe2 )n ] r systems were investigated by STEM, XRD and density functional theory (DFT) modeling. No crystallographic registration between MSe and TSe 2 layers was observed and the diffraction observed in the hk 0 and hkl directions, where h = k = 0, can be described by diffraction from discrete layers of finite thickness. A distortion of the MX structure for m > 4 was documented. The distortion in MSe layers was largest for m = 2 and independent of TSe2 thickness. A novel family of compounds, [{(FeSe)m }1+y (NbSe 2 )n ]r , were synthesized inspired by a geological precedent. Single FeSe and NbSe2 layer thicknesses ((0.571 ± 0.005) nm and (0.653 ± 0.002) nm respectively) are consistent with literature values for the binary compounds. STEM-HAADF images of the [{(FeSe) 5 }1+y (NbSe2 )5 ]r revealed a multilayer structure with two distinct structural subunits. STEM-EELS analysis of the film showed no intermixing between the Nb and Fe regions within the limit of the measurement. Another family of misfit layer compounds, [{(NbSe2 )m }1+y (CuCr2Se4)n]r, designed to test requirements for a stable misfit layer compound, were successfully synthesized. STEM analysis of the [{(NbSe2 )5 }1+y (CuCr2 Se4 ) 1 ]r compound showed a well segregated film with two distinct subunit structures. Thicknesses for individual layers of NbSe2 or CuCr2 Se4 ((0.648 ± 0.004) nm and (1.76 ± 0.01) nm respectively) are consistent with prior literature reports of the individual binary compounds. This dissertation includes previously published and unpublished co-authored material. / Committee in charge: Dr. Mark C. Lonergan, Chair; Dr. David C. Johnson, Advisor; Dr. James Hutchison, Member; Dr. Catherine Page, Member; Dr. Stephen Gregory, Outside Member; Dr. Ian M. Anderson, Honorary Member

Síntese eletroquímica e caracterização de filmes finos de compostos da forma BiSe(X), com X = Cu, Fe ou Co / Electrochemical synthesis and characterization of thin films of compounds in the form bise(x), with x = cu, fe or co

Mendes, Paulo de Carvalho Dias 26 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Bruna Rodrigues (bruna92rodrigues@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-09-20T13:42:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissPCDM.pdf: 3450913 bytes, checksum: 84b54d1d49257840a2f202608f7dba57 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-21T13:02:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissPCDM.pdf: 3450913 bytes, checksum: 84b54d1d49257840a2f202608f7dba57 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-21T13:02:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissPCDM.pdf: 3450913 bytes, checksum: 84b54d1d49257840a2f202608f7dba57 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-21T13:02:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissPCDM.pdf: 3450913 bytes, checksum: 84b54d1d49257840a2f202608f7dba57 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-26 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / The present work is based on the literature related to the Bi2Se3 compound, which is present in current researches as a topological insulator and is also well known for thermoelectricity applications. In this work the electrochemical synthesis of a material containing Bi, Se and X (X = Cu, Fe or Co) was carried out searching for a composition of Bi and Se in accordance with the stoichiometry of Bi2Se3. The third element, X, was used in the electrodeposition baths considering the Bi2Se3 literature, which presents doping and interaction with other elements for this compound. The synthesis conditions were determined based on studies using cyclic voltammetry. The main material studied was the ternary compound containing Bi, Se and Cu. The films obtained were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. It was found out that baths containing sulfuric acid were adequate for obtaining films of Bi, Se and Cu but a bath containing glycerol and sodium citrate was necessary for including Fe on the material. Some magnetic properties of the films obtained were also studied and paramagnetic behaviour was observed for the samples. / O presente trabalho fundamente-se na literatura relacionada com o composto Bi2Se3. Esse composto está presente na literatura atual de isolantes topológicos e também é conhecido por suas propriedades termoelétricas. Nesse trabalho foi realizada a síntese eletroquímica de um material contendo Bi, Se e X (X = Cu, Fe or Co) buscando obter composições de Bi e Se adequadas à estequiometria do Bi2Se3. O terceiro elemento, X, foi utilizado nos banhos de eletrodeposição considerando estudos da literatura para o Bi2Se3 que tratam de sua dopagem ou interação com outros elementos. As condições de síntese foram determinadas com base em estudos utilizando voltametria cíclica. O principal material estudado foi o composto ternário de Bi, Se e Cu. Os filmes obtidos foram caracterizados por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, espectroscopia dispersiva de raios X, difração de raios X e espectroscopia Raman. Foi verificado que banhos contendo ácido sulfúrico foram adequados para obter filmes de Bi, Se e Cu, mas um banho contendo glicerol e citrato de sódio foi necessário para incluir Fe no material. Algumas propriedades magnéticas dos filmes obtidos também foram estudadas e o comportamento paramagnético foi observado para as amostras.

Preparation and Optical Properties of Hybrid Assemblies of Metallic Gold Nanoparticles and Semi-Conducting CdSe Quantum Dots

Tripathi, Laxmi Narayan January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis summarizes the methods of preparation and optical properties of hybrid assemblies of Au NPs and cadmium selenide (CdSe) QDs. First chap-ter deals with the literature survey and theoretical aspects of plasmonics and discussions on optical excitations of metal (plasmons) and semiconducting QDs (excitons). Variation of energy levels of CdSe QDs and its optical properties i e. absorption and emission properties under strong confinement regime have been discussed with respect to effective mass approximation (EMA) model. This is followed by the discussion on optical properties of Au NPs and rods, describing absorption properties, based on Mie theory. Size and shape depen-dent variation of absorption properties. Theoretical discussions of collective effects in QDs assemblies and plasmonic interactions with the QDs assemblies i.e. plasmonic Dicke effect and metal nanoantenna interaction with CdSe QDs arrays is provided. In the second chapter a discussion on experimental techniques used for the study is provided. It starts with a discussion on the synthesis methods for CdSe QDs and Au NPs/rods with different capping ligands. Different techniques of preparation of CdSe QDs assemblies and their hybrid with metallic nanoparti-cles has been discussed. Further discussion on optical microscopy techniques, confocal, near field scanning microscopy (NSOM), Brewster angle microscopy and electron microscopy techniques i. e transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy and thermogravimetry analysis of the samples is provided. In the third chapter the details of the different self-assembly methods of preparation of hybrid assemblies of CdSe QDs and Au NPs /rods are given. The different strategies are used for different type of hybrids. In first method of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) , effect of different capping agents, core size, and number ratios of Au NPs/rods to CdSe QDs, effect of anisotropy of Au NPs on the LB films of CdSe QDs assemblies is discussed. In another method of dip coating several control parameters like dip time, concentration of the solution and dip speed of transferring an aligned GNRs is given. Finally a combination of LB and dip coating methods is described for transferring aligned GNRs over a compact layer of CdSe QDs. At the end, a section is devoted to hit and trials of self-assemblies of hybrid of GNRs and CdSe QDs using LB method, the failures of which resulted in devising a method which uses a combination of LB and dip coating. In fourth chapter effects of plasmons on the collective emission of CdSe QDs assemblies are investigated. A plasmonic tuning of photoluminescence from semiconducting QD assemblies using Au NP in different ratio and different packing density has been discussed. We have described how the emission from a closed pack assemblies, prepared with different packing densities depends on the packing density and extent of spectral overlap between QD photolumi-nescence and the metal nanoparticle absorbance. We have provided possible evidence for plasmon mediated coherent emission enhancement from some of these assemblies from the case of strong spectral overlap between CdSe QDs and Au nanoparticle. In fifth chapter, we have demonstrated non local far field enhancement of PL in QDs assemblies induced by isolated and partially aligned GNRs nano-antenna located on such assemblies. It is shown that the emission is also anisotropic with the maxima being near such GNRs assembly which decays to finite, nonzero and significantly large values even away from the vicinity of any such assemblies. For this novel effect it is shown to have a clear spec-tral dependence. It is shown to be maximum when the longitudinal surface plasmon resonance absorption maxima is resonant with the CdSe QD photolu-minescence maxima and the excitation wavelength and is always non-existent for the off resonant case. We have also shown that finite difference time do-main simulations could model some of the observed near field effects but the far field effects could not be modelled in such simulations.

Etude de la compressibilité AC des isolants topologiques 3D HgTe et Bi2Se3 : mise en évidence d'états massifs excités de surface / Probing AC electronic compressibility of 3D HgTe and Bi2Se3topological insulators at high electric fields : evidence for excitedmassive surface states

Inhofer, Andreas 05 April 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, j’étudie la compressibilité électronique de deux isolants topologiques tridimensionnels : Le tellurure de mercure (HgTe) sous contrainte et le séléniure de bismuth (Bi2Se3).Je présente des mesures d’admittance électronique à basse température résolues en phase sur une large gamme de fréquence. Cela permet d’extraire la capacité quantique associé à la densité d’états et la résistivité des matériaux étudiés.Nous montrons qu’un isolant topologique intrinsèque présente une réponse dominée par les états de surface topologiques sur une large gamme d’énergie qui s’étend au-delà du gap de transport du matériau massif. Ce régime, appelé « écrantage de Dirac », est caractérisé par une compressibilité électronique proportionnelle à l’énergie de surface et une haute mobilité.Dans la suite, nous nous intéressons à la limite de ce régime. Nous observons qu’à haute énergie et sous l’influence de forts champs électriques perpendiculaires, des états excités massifs de surface sont peuplés ce qui se manifeste expérimentalement de différentes façons : Une chute dans la constante de diffusion électronique, un pic de conductivité ainsi que l’apparition d’un deuxième type de porteurs en magnéto-transport et de métastabilité dans la relation charge-tension.Un modèle théorique basé sur un traitement quasi-relativiste du Hamiltonien de surface est présenté. Il permet d’identifier la dépendance en énergie et champ électrique des états massifs de surface.Cette thèse est complémenté par des résultats expérimentaux sur Bi2Se3 obtenu par croissance sur nitrure de bore mettent en évidence l’importance de la pureté des interfaces d’isolants topologiques. / This thesis discusses the electronic compressibility of two representative three dimensional topological insulators: Strained mercury telluride (HgTe) and bismuth selenide (Bi2Se3).I present low temperature phase-sensitive electron admittance data over a broad frequency range. This allows to extract the quantum capacitance related to the density of states and the resistivity of the investigated materials.We show that the response of an intrinsic topological insulator is dominated by topological surface states over a large energy range exceeding the bulk material’s transport gap. This regime, named “Dirac screening” is characterized by an electron compressibility proportional to the surface Fermi level and a high mobility.Subsequently, we investigate the limits of this regime. At high energy and large perpendicular electric fields we observe the population of excited massive surface states. Experimentally, these manifest themselves in multiple signatures: A drop in the electronic diffusion constant, a peak in the conductivity, appearance of a second carrier type in magneto-transport and meta-stability in the charge-voltage relation.A theoretical model based on a quasi-relativistic treatment of the surface Hamiltonian is presented. It allows to identify the electric field and energy dependence of the massive surface states.This thesis is complemented by experimental results on Bi2Se3 grown on boron nitride, where we demonstrate the importance of clean surfaces for the study of electronic properties in topological insulators.

CdTe Back Contact Engineering via Nanomaterials, Chemical Etching, Doping, and Surface Passivation

Bastola, Ebin January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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