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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza poptávky seniorů po cestovním ruchu / Demand analysis of senior segment in tourism

Poláková, Tereza January 2010 (has links)
The main theme of the diploma thesis is the senior's demand after the tourist services. The diploma thesis defines the main characteristics of the senior segment, its individual attributes and travel behaviour. It also presents the actual offer in tourism for this segment and its possible progress. The diploma thesis is divided into six chapters.

Vzdělávací potřeby seniorů a jejich motivace k dalšímu vzdělávání / Educational needs of elderly and their motivation for education

Kůnová, Jana January 2021 (has links)
The Diploma thesis titled Educational needs of elderly and their motivation for education has been aimed to provide an analysis of the current needs, interests and motivation in the area of education of elderly and introduce this issue to the public. The theoretical part of the thesis provides a brief overview of the basic terms and findings related to the topic of seniors' education. It comprises a description of opportunities, specific features and aspects of the issue, including existing and potential barriers. Amongst other things, this chapter emphasises a society-wide significance of the seniors' education, considering, in particular, the recent demographic trends. The thesis outlines future challenges, difficulties and possible solutions associated with education of the respective social group. Further, the theoretical part focuses on the phenomenon of motivation. It sums up basic findings gained to date, defines individual types of motivation as well as the function and role motivation plays in terms of participation in further education of adults, particularly seniors. The final practical part has been devoted to educational needs and motivation of seniors from an empirical point of view. The survey suggests reasons and motives leading to participation in follow-up education programmes and...

Edukace a aktivizace seniorů v sociálních zařízeních / Senior's Education and social mobilization in social facilities

Volfová, Alena January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on Education and motivating seniors in social institutions and it aims to map the possibilities of education for older people. First the theoretical part deals with the current theme of aging, attitudes of the society to the elderly people and also a range of institutional education for seniors. It also points to the fact that the loss of self-sufficiency and social placement into a residential facility must not forcibly terminate social human activity. The author describes the possible pitfalls of seniors' position in the constitutional device, the phase of adaptation and education. Second the practical part compares the qualitative conditions, features of educational work and the satisfaction of seniors with activation - educational programs in various types of residential facilities. The important finding is that a proportionately larger capacity of facilities in increasing the range of educational programs and the satisfaction of educators with creative work. Most of the interviewed seniors are satisfied with educational programs and particularly welcomes a common form of education, aimed at the enhancement of cognitive functions.

Sociální, zdravotní a etické aspekty týrání, zneužívání a zanedbávání seniorů v ústavní péči / Social, health and ethical aspects of elder abuse and neglect in residential setting

BUŽGOVÁ, Radka January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Zvyšování kvality sociální služby domova pro seniory v Karviné / Increasing quality of the social service of home for the elderly in Karviná

Mrlina, Rostislav January 2013 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou standardů kvality poskytovaných služeb, konkrétně zvyšováním kvality sociálních služeb Domova pro seniory v Karviné. Cílem práce bylo zjistit, jak se projevuje subjektivní vnímání pracovníků ohledně způsobu poskytování sociálních služeb na základě jejich poslání, zásad poskytování služeb, osobních cílů uživatelů služby a jejich chování a postojů. Teoretická část je zaměřena na definování kvality, a to v souvislosti s kvalitou poskytovaných služeb domova pro seniory, měření a zvyšování kvality sociálních služeb. Dále se zabývá přístupy zaměřené na člověka jako model, který může být vodítkem "dobré" služby v návaznosti na možné důkazy o zvýšení kvality poskytovaných pobytových služeb pro osoby vyššího věku. Ty vycházejí především ze standardů kvality poskytovaných služeb. Postoje a chování pracovníků jsou sledovány v rámci empirické části ve vybraných situacích, které jsou v organizaci považovány z hlediska přímé péče a ochrany práv uživatele za rizikové. Na základě výsledků z ohniskových skupin jsou vytvořena doporučení, která mohou být základem pro změny v pojetí kvality v dané pobytové sociální službě a nastavení programu jejího zvyšování. Klíčová slova: Sociální služby, domov pro seniory, kvalita, měření kvality, zvyšování kvality, kvalita života seniorů,...

VÝZNAM RODINY V PROCESU ZKVALITNĚNÍ INSTITUCIONÁLNÍ PÉČE O KLIENTY S DEMENCÍ / The Importance of Family in the Process of Improving the Institutional Care of Clients with Dementia

DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with circumstances of cooperation between members of a family of a person with dementia and social facility staff. The thesis examines the importance of cooperating family in the process of optimizing the institutional care of such clients. The text presents some modern approaches to the care of seniors who suffer from dementia, in which it is essential to know the sufferer's personal biography. Of a great importance not only in this regard is the cooperating family which by placing the senior in a social care institution should not dispose of responsibility towards him or her. Of important are also the approach of the institution and the activity of the facility staff which should engage the family members into the process of providing care to their family member.

Etické aspekty práce pracovníků Charitní pečovatelské služby Oblastní charity Klatovy / Ethical aspects of the work of in the Charity care service of Klatovy Regional Charity

MAJEROVÁ, Stanislava January 2019 (has links)
The master thesis focuses on caring facilities and service, specifically the Charity care service of the regional charity of Klatovy. The Master thesis points out how necessary and at the same time demanding is the work of caregivers. The Master thesis also includes the characteristics of the clientele with whom Caritas care facility most often cooperates - seniors. It also contains an analysis of ethical dilemmas and problems which arose from semi-structured interviews with respondents,who are employees of specific centers of Caritas care service. The thesis also contains improvement suggestions and coments of the ethical dilemmas and problems which are made using 4 ethical theories - utilitarianism, deontology, ethic of care and situational ethic.

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