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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parâmetros tecnológicos, aceitação sensorial e sensação de saciedade após consumo de hambúrguer bovino com adição de fibra de trigo e teor de gordura reduzido / Technological parameters, sensory acceptance and satiety after consumption of beef burger with wheat fiber addition and reduced fat

Larissa Tátero Carvalho 14 August 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de diferentes adições de fibra de trigo em substituição a carne e gordura sobre características tecnológicas, de aceitação sensorial e de satisfação da fome em hambúrguer bovino. A princípio, o objetivo era desenvolver hambúrgueres com diferentes adições de farelo de aveia com substituição parcial e total do teor de gordura, no entanto, os resultados em relação à aceitação sensorial foram bastante negativos. Em função disso, a proposta foi alterada para a inclusão de diferentes níveis de adição de fibra de trigo em substituição a carne e gordura. Cinco diferentes tratamentos foram processados: hambúrguer com 77,6% de carne bovina, 19,4% de toucinho, 0% de fibra de trigo e água (Controle), hambúrguer com 68,9% de carne bovina, 17,2% de gordura suína, 1,6% de fibra de trigo e 9,4% de água (1,5% de Fibra), hambúrguer com 60,1% de carne bovina, 15,0% de gordura suína, 3,1% de fibra de trigo e 18,8% de água (3% de Fibra), hambúrguer com 51,4% de carne bovina, 12,8% de gordura suína, 4,7% de fibra de trigo e 28,1 de água (4,5% de Fibra) e hambúrguer com 42,6% de carne bovina, 10,7% de gordura suína, 6,3% de fibra de trigo e 37,5% de água (6% de Fibra). Foram analisados teores de proteínas, lipídios, umidade, cinzas, pH, textura, cor, perda após cocção e redução de diâmetro. Para avaliação sensorial utilizou-se a escala hedônica de nove pontos, com 103 consumidores que avaliaram os parâmetros sabor, textura, suculência e aceitação global. A análise de saciedade foi realizada com 34 avaliadores que anotaram em uma escala visual analógica o quanto estavam sentindo de fome antes e a cada hora após o consumo, até 3 horas. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e teste de Tukey ao nível de 5%. Na análise físico-química e centesimal, quanto maior a adição de fibra de trigo menor o teor de proteína e lipídio. A umidade foi maior quando o teor de carne/gordura foi reduzido e a fibra de trigo aumentada no hambúrguer. Nas análises de cinzas, pH e perdas após cocção não houve diferença significativa (p>0,05). Na redução de diâmetro quanto maior a redução de carne/gordura e maior a adição de fibra de trigo menor o diâmetro do hambúrguer. Na análise de textura, houve uma correlação negativa entre adição de fibra de trigo e dureza. Para elasticidade, a amostra Controle diferiu significativamente (p<0,05) das amostras 4,5% de Fibra e 6% de Fibra. Para a mastigabilidade, quanto maior a quantidade de carne/gordura e menor a quantidade de fibra de trigo maior a energia requerida para mastigar o alimento. E, para coesividade, não houve diferença significativa (p>0,05). Na análise de cor, não houve diferença significativa (p>0,05) nos atributos a* e b* porém, no atributo L* todas as amostras diferiram significativamente (p<0,05) da amostra Controle. Na análise sensorial, as amostras Controle, 1,5% de Fibra, 3% de Fibra e 4,5% de Fibra obtiveram os maiores valores entre 6,64 e 7,63 e, a amostra com 6% de Fibra obtive os menores valores entre 5,82 e 6,91. Na análise de saciedade verificou-se uma redução da sensação de fome logo após o consumo do hambúrguer e um aumento da sensação de fome ao longo de três horas e, ao final, a sensação de fome retornou ao patamar inicial. Assim, a fibra de trigo pode ser usada como um substituto de carne/gordura em hambúrguer bovino somente até o nível de 3% de Fibra. / The aim of this study was evaluate the different effects of adding wheat fiber to replace meat and fat on technological characteristics of sensory acceptance and hunger satisfaction in beef burger. At first, the aim was to develop burgers with different effects of adding oat bran to replace partial and total of fat, however, the results regarding the sensory acceptance were very negative. Because of this, the proposal was modified to include different levels of adding wheat fiber to replace the meat and fat. Five different treatments were processed: hamburger with 77,6% of beef, 19,4% of fat, 0% wheat fiber and water (Control), hamburger with 68,9% of beef, 17,2% of pork fat, 1,6% of wheat fiber and 9,4% of water (1,5% Fiber), hamburger with 60,1% of beef, 15,0% of pork fat, 3,1% of wheat fiber and 18,8% of water (3% Fiber), hamburger with 51,4% of beef, 12,8% of pork fat, 4,7% of wheat fiber and 28,1% of water (4,5% Fiber) and hamburger with 42,6% of beef, 10,7% of pork fat, 6,3% of wheat fiber and 37,5% of water (6% Fiber). Protein concentrations, fat, moisture, ash, pH, texture, color, loss after cooking and reduction in diameter were determined. For sensory evaluation a hedonic scale of nine points was used, with 103 consumers who evaluated the flavor, texture, juiciness and overall acceptance parameters. Satiety analysis was performed with 34 evaluators who noted down on a visual analog scale how much they were feeling hungry before and every hour after consumption, up to 3 hours. The results were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey\'s test at 5% level. In physical-chemical and centesimal analysis, the higher the addition of low wheat fiber protein, the lower the protein and lipid content. The moisture was higher when the content of meat/fat was reduced and the wheat fiber increased in the burger. In the analyzes of ash, pH and losses after cooking there was no significant difference (p>0,05). In diameter reduction, the higher the reduction of meat/fat ratio and the higher the wheat fiber addition, the lower the hamburger diameter was. In texture analysis, there was a negative correlation between addition of wheat fiber and hardness. For elasticity, the Control Fiber sample differed significantly (p<0,05) from samples 4,5% Fiber and 6% Fiber. For chewability, the greater the amount of meat/fat and the lower the amount of wheat fiber, the higher the required energy to chew food. And for cohesiveness, there was no significant difference (p>0,05). In color analysis, no significant difference (p>0,05) in the attributes a* and b* but in the L* attribute all samples differed significantly (p<0,05) from Control. In the sensory analysis, the Control, 1,5% Fiber, 3% Fiber and 4,5% Fiber samples obtained the highest values between 6,64 and 7,63 and the 6% Fiber sample got the lowest values between 5,82 and 6,91. In satiety analysis, a reduction in the feeling of hunger had been found right after the hamburger consumption, a hunger increase over a period of three hours, and at the end the feeling of hunger returned to the initial level. Thus, wheat fiber can be used as a substitute for meat/fat beef burger only until the level of 3% Fiber.

Potassium nutrition on tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) has an impact on production, postharvest behavior, and fruit sensory profile

Daoud, Bashar 05 February 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Quantitative Descriptive Analysis and Development of a Lexiconal Language for Pueraria Lobata (Kudzu) Leaves and Utilization of Pueraria Lobata (Kudzu) Root Starch in Conventional Milk Yogurt

Imamoglu, Husniye 01 May 2010 (has links)
Fresh Pueraria Lobata (kudzu) leaves were evaluated by sensory descriptive analysis. Covariate analysis determined the effects of leaf size and time on 32 sensory variables. Best fit polynomial regressions over time were determined for responses affected. Correlation analyses were executed on attributes in each of the sensory groupings with those variables which were significantly affected by time. Sensory properties of dried kudzu leaves were compared by using three different drying techniques: Convection oven, vacuum and food dehydrator. Covariate analysis determined the effects of leaf size, days, dryers and their interaction on 44 sensory variables. The fitted response regressions were determined for the significant attributes by size and time. Correlation analyses were executed on attributes. The effects of storage (0-42 days) on sensory characteristics of conventional milk yogurt with kudzu and corn starches were evaluated to determine relationships of desirable sensory characteristics. Covariate analysis determined the effects of day, starch type, dose and their interactions on 52 sensory variables. Time and starch interaction were significant (P?0.05) for two sensory responses (starchy/flavor and denseness/texture hand-held). Forty three sensory responses had a time response while 11 variables were affected by starch. The sensory variables affected by time were: 15 of 17 aroma, 13 of 17 flavor, six of eight appearance and six of six basic taste(s) and texture hand-held attributes. Best fit polynomial regressions over time were determined for responses affected. Correlation analyses of the sensory groupings included those significantly affected by time. Response surface methodology was applied to determine starch and dose effect on yogurt products. Furthermore, titratable acidity (TA) and viscosity measurements of yogurt with kudzu/corn starch were evaluated to show interactions between day, dose and starch. No significant (P>0.05) response for pH regarding starch type, starch dose and time. Analyses of variance of attribute ratings for the TA of yogurt showed no significant (P>0.05) differences between starches. Unstirred yogurt viscosity had no significant (P>0.05) response over time for both kudzu and corn starch. Stirred yogurt viscosity had responses to day, dose and starch. In addition, scanning electron microscopy study revealed a difference in microstructure of starch in yogurt by time.

Sensory Evaluation, Frequency of Food Consumption and Metabolic Responses to a Test Breakfast Meal in Middle-Aged Adults

Bodnaruc, Alexandra 11 September 2018 (has links)
Facing the growing prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D), the development of nutritionalinterventions allowing not only optimal glycemic control but also promoting postprandial satietyand overall satisfaction constitutes an interesting therapeutic avenue. This study was carried outin two parts, with the first part informing the second one.The first part was conducted in 61 middle-aged adults with or without prediabetes orT2D and aimed to assess the influences of gender/sex and health status on the relative rankingof the importance of eight common determinants of food choices as well as the sensoryevaluation and the frequency of consumption of almonds, pistachios, avocados, oatmeal, andeggs. Data analysis showed that 1) participants perceived “taste and own food preferences” ashaving the greatest influence on their food choices, 2) women attributed more importance to their“own food-related health beliefs” (p=0.040), while men reported a higher influence of the“recommendations of a health professional” (p=0.065), 3) almonds’ and pistachios’ taste wasrated the highest, and 4) taste ratings of pistachios (β=0.323, p=0.018) and avocados (β=0.604,p<0.001) were positively associated with their frequency of consumption by participants.Based on the sensory evaluation of the five foods, almonds were included in the testmeal of the second part of this study. The latter was conducted in 7 middle-aged men with T2Dand aimed to assess the effects of the types of macronutrient subtypes contained in isocaloricmacronutrient-matched meals on the postprandial glycemic, hormonal (insulin and glucagon-likepeptide-1 (GLP-1)) and appetite responses. The control meal contained white bread, butter andcheese, and the test meal contained white bread and almonds. Data analysis showed that thetest meal was associated with 1) lower postprandial glycemia (p=0.014), 2) higher postprandialGLP-1 serum concentrations (p=0.044) as well as 3) decreased hunger (p=0.032) and increasedfullness (p=0.014). There were no meal-associated differences in postprandial serum insulinconcentrations.Results highlight the importance of taste and food preferences and point out somegender/sex-related differences in the determinants of food choices. They also support thebeneficial effects of almonds, a food that seemed well appreciated by men and women, on keytherapeutic targets of T2D management.

Effects of freezing and thawing on sensory quality and thiamin content of spaghetti and meat sauce after reheating in conventional or microwave oven

Blomquist, Cindy Lou. January 1985 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1985 B55 / Master of Science

Faisabilité de la production au Mexique de fromages de chèvre additionnés de piment : aspects technologiques, sensoriels, sanitaires et économiques / Feasibility of the goat cheese with chili pepper production in Mexico : technological, sensorial, sanitary and economical aspects

Avalos de la Cruz, Dora Angélica 06 March 2007 (has links)
Au Mexique, les fromages de chèvre ne sont pas très consommés en dehors des zones de production. Dans cette étude a été évalué : si l’ajout de piment (Capsicum annuum var. jalapeño) pouvait rendre les fromages de chèvre plus populaires auprès des consommateurs ; l’effet antibactérien d’un extrait aqueux de piment sur des bactéries d’intérêt alimentaire et la faisabilité économique d’une entreprise intégrée production-fabrication de fromage pimenté. La technologie de fabrication a été mise au point. Onze fromages avec quatre concentrations de capsaicinoïdes (0, 5, 10 et 15 ppm) ont été évalués par deux jurys non experts : Français et Mexicains. Les Français ont bien apprécié les fromages sans piment et peu pimentés avec jalapeño rouge et capsaicinoïdes et les Mexicains les peu et moyennement pimentés, quelle que soit la provenance du caractère brûlant. L’appréciation des fromages diminue avec l’augmentation de la couleur. Les souches de yaourt (S. thermophilus et Lb. delbrueckii) se sont révélées plus sensibles à l’extrait aqueux de piment et les bactéries Gram négatives étudiées n’ont pas montré aucun effet. Une entreprise intégrée est financièrement attractive et peu sensible à une variation de 15 % des coûts de l’alimentation du troupeau, de la main d’œuvre, de la somme des deux et de 8 % sur le taux de rentabilité ; elle est sensible mais faisable à une variation (15 %) du prix de vente du produit (fromage) et très sensible à la diminution en 50 % du rendement ; elle n’est pas économiquement intéressant si produit seulement du lait / In Mexico, the goat’s cheeses are not very much consumed outside production zones. The objective of this study was to obtain a cheese with chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum var. jalapeño). The technology, sensorial parameters for acceptance, hygienic and economical aspects were analyzed. A simple manufacturing process of goat cheeses with chilli pepper was developed. Eleven cheeses with fourth concentrations of capsaicinoids (0, 5, 10 and 15 ppm) were evaluated by two untrained groups: Mexicans and French. Cheeses without chilli pepper and lightly spiced (5 ppm) with red jalapeño and capsaicinoids were well appreciated by French subjects. These cheeses as well as fairly spiced ones (10 ppm), whatever the source of spiciness, were appreciated by Mexicans. The appreciation of cheeses decrease with the increase in red colour intensity. Yoghourt bacteria (S. thermophilus and Lb. delbrueckii) appeared more sensitive to the aqueous red pepper jalapeño extract and no effect could be shown on the studied negative Gram bacteria. The economic survey showed that a goat’s exploitation production-spiced cheese manufacture is profitable. The project is not very sensitive to a variation of 15% in cost of food, labour, sum of both and to 8% of profit rate. It is sensitive but feasible with a variation (15%) of the selling price of the cheese and very sensitive to a decrease of 50% in output and it is not economically interesting if the company produces only milk

Desenvolvimento de sorvete simbiótico de maçã e avaliação do efeito dos ingredientes na sobrevivência dos probióticos no produto e in vitro, utilizando técnicas dependentes e independentes de cultivo / Development of synbiotic apple ice-cream and effect of ingredients on probiotics survival in the product and in vitro, using culture-dependent and culture-independent techniques

Matias, Natalia Silva 02 February 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da substituição total ou parcial do leite (M-x1) por extrato de soja (S-x2) e/ou WPI combinado com inulina (PI-x3) em formulações de sorvete simbiótico de maçã sobre a viabilidade e sobrevivência de L. acidophilus La-5 e B. animalis Bb-12 através de condições gastrointestinais simuladas in vitro e monitorar mudanças morfológicas das células durante períodos de estresse gastrointestinal em uma das formulações, bem como investigar características tecnológicas (overrun, taxa de derretimento e dureza instrumental) e aceitação sensorial. Para este fim, um desenho experimental para misturas simples (simplex-centroid) foi utilizado, incluindo um ponto axial, utilizando diferentes proporções de x1, x2, x3. Foram estudadas oito formulações de sorvete simbiótico de maçã durante o armazenamento congelado por até 84 dias. Os sorvetes mostraram-se satisfatórios como veículos para La-5 e Bb-12 (cerca de 7,5 log ufc/g), mesmo ao final do período de 84 dias de armazenamento a -18 °C. Em todas as formulações, a análise por qPCR combinada com o uso de propidium monoazide (PMA-qPCR) evidenciou que os probióticos resistiram ao ensaio in vitro, com níveis significativos de sobrevivência, atingindo taxas de sobrevivência superiores a 50%. Além disso, imagens de microscopia eletrônica de varredura evidenciaram células com diferenças morfológicas, sugerindo alterações fisiológicas em resposta ao estresse induzido durante o ensaio in vitro. Um modelo linear e um especial cúbico foram obtidos para os parâmetros de overrun e de dureza, respectivamente, mostrando que os fatores leite, extrato de soja e isolado proteico de soro + inulina influenciaram fortemente esses parâmetros tecnológicos. No entanto, a taxa de derretimento foi pouco afetada por tais fatores. O modelo especial cúbico mostrou que a interação binária (S-PI) e ternária (M-S-PI) resultou em maiores valores de dureza. Para este parâmetro específico, a combinação recomendada dos ingredientes é de 3,7% de leite em pó, 1,3% de extrato de soja e 5,0% PI. Os escores médios de aceitabilidade sensorial variaram de 5,6 a 8,0. A aceitabilidade geral do sorvete produzido apenas com o PI foi menor quando comparada a ao sorvete de leite (M), embora uma grande frequência de escores tenha sido observada na área da escala compreendendo as opiniões \"gostei ligeiramente\" (escore 6) e \"gostei extremamente\" (escore 9) para todas as formulações de sorvete avaliadas. Apesar de todas as formulações terem conferido resistência às cepas sob estresse, a variação encontrada na sobrevivência de La-5 e Bb-12 sugere que a tolerância é, de fato, afetada pela escolha da matriz alimentar. Os resultados também mostraram que, além de ser um alimento nutritivo, as formulações de sorvete que tiveram a substituição parcial do leite em pó poderiam assegurar aos consumidores um produto funcional com baixo teor de lactose, enquanto sorvetes sem leite em pó oferecem um alimento funcional sem lactose. / The aim of this study was to assess the effect of the total or partial replacement of milk (M-x1) by soy extract (S-x2), and/or WPI combined with inulin (PI-x3) in synbiotic apple ice cream formulations on the viability and survival of L. acidophilus La-5 and B. animalis Bb-12 through in vitro simulated gastrointestinal (GI) conditions and to monitor cells morphological changes during gastrointestinal stress in one of the formulations, as well as investigating technological features (overrun, meltdown rate, instrumental hardness) and sensory acceptability. For this purpose, an experimental design for simple mixtures (simplex-centroid) was used including an axial point, using different proportions of x1, x2, x3. Eight formulations of synbiotic apple ice cream were studied during frozen storage for up to 84 days. The ice creams showed to be satisfactory vehicles for La-5 and Bb-12 (populations around 7.5 log cfu/g), even after the whole storage period (84 days/-18°C). In all formulations, the propidium monoazide qPCR (PMA-qPCR) analysis evidenced that probiotics could resist to the in vitro GI assay, with significant survival levels, achieving survival rates exceeding 50%. Additionally, scanning electron microscopy images evidenced cells with morphological differences, suggesting physiological changes in response to the induced stress during the in vitro assay. A linear and a special cubic models were obtained for the overrun and hardness parameters showing that factors milk, soy extract, and whey protein isolate + inulin strongly influenced these technological parameters. However meltdown rate was slightly affected by the factors studied. The special cubic model showed that the binary (S-PI) and tertiary (M-S-PI) interactions resulted in higher hardness values. For this specific parameter, combination of the factors is recommended to be 3.7% milk, 1.3% soy extract, and 5.0% PI. The sensory acceptability mean scores ranged from 5.6 to 8.0. The overall acceptability of the ice cream produced only with PIn was lower when compared to milk based ice cream (M), even though a high frequency of scores was observed in the scale area comprising the opinions \"liked slightly\" (score 6) and \"liked extremely\" (score 9) for all ice cream formulations evaluated. Although all formulations provided resistance to the probiotic strains under GI stress, the variation found in La-5 and Bb-12 survival suggests that GI tolerance is indeed affected by the choice of the food matrix. The results also showed that, besides being a nutritious food, the ice cream formulations that had the partial replacement of milk powder could assure consumers a functional product with low content of lactose, whereas ice creams with no milk powder offer a lactose-free functional food.

Развој и вредновање сензорских и инструменталних метода за оцјену текстурних својстава тјестенине / Razvoj i vrednovanje senzorskih i instrumentalnih metoda za ocjenu teksturnih svojstava tjestenine / Development and evaluation of sensory and instrumental methods for assessment textural properties of pasta

Pestorić Mladenka 30 December 2011 (has links)
<p>Сензорска анализа представља јединствено средство за праћење органолептичких својстава хране уз примјену људских чула, јер је најближа потрошачкој оцјени и уједно веома поуздан тест у пружању свеобухвтане оцјене квалитета прехрамбеног производа. Она представља најважнију референцу наспрам резултата добијених хемијским или инструменталним методима и њиховим поређењем омогућује прихватање, одабир или побољшање било којег другог метода.<br />Имајући у виду сву комплексност текстурних својстава тјестенине, као и важност објективизације појединих њених сегмената у циљу задовољења тржишта, праћења производње и задовољења важећих одредби правилника и прописа, у овом раду спроведена је објективна сензорска оцјена одабраних текстурних својстава тјестенине, као и њихова оцјена примјеном инструменталних метода.<br />Испитивања су спроведена на комерцијалним узорцима сушене тјестенине облика шпагете, поријеклом од домаћих и страних произвођача, најчешће присутних у већим тржним центрима наше земље. Поред анализе хемијског састава и својстава при кувању, на формираном сету узорака шпагета спроведена су испитивања одабраних текстурних својстава сушених и куваних облика примјеном сензорске оцјене и инструменталних одређивања.<br />Упркос добрим слагањима резултата добијених инструменталних одређивањим и сензорском оцјеном од стране панела одабраних оцјењивача, дошло се до закључка да поједини инструментални методи могу наћи добру примјену у предикцији објективне сензорске оцјене појединих текстурних својстава и тиме допринијети побољшању квалитета тјестенине облика шпагета током технолошког процеса производње, али да не могу безрезервно бити прихваћени као алтернатива објективној сензорској оцјени у предикцији потрошачке прихватљивости овог прехрамбеног производа на тржишту.</p> / <p>Senzorska analiza predstavlja jedinstveno sredstvo za praćenje organoleptičkih svojstava hrane uz primjenu ljudskih čula, jer je najbliža potrošačkoj ocjeni i ujedno veoma pouzdan test u pružanju sveobuhvtane ocjene kvaliteta prehrambenog proizvoda. Ona predstavlja najvažniju referencu naspram rezultata dobijenih hemijskim ili instrumentalnim metodima i njihovim poređenjem omogućuje prihvatanje, odabir ili poboljšanje bilo kojeg drugog metoda.<br />Imajući u vidu svu kompleksnost teksturnih svojstava tjestenine, kao i važnost objektivizacije pojedinih njenih segmenata u cilju zadovoljenja tržišta, praćenja proizvodnje i zadovoljenja važećih odredbi pravilnika i propisa, u ovom radu sprovedena je objektivna senzorska ocjena odabranih teksturnih svojstava tjestenine, kao i njihova ocjena primjenom instrumentalnih metoda.<br />Ispitivanja su sprovedena na komercijalnim uzorcima sušene tjestenine oblika špagete, porijeklom od domaćih i stranih proizvođača, najčešće prisutnih u većim tržnim centrima naše zemlje. Pored analize hemijskog sastava i svojstava pri kuvanju, na formiranom setu uzoraka špageta sprovedena su ispitivanja odabranih teksturnih svojstava sušenih i kuvanih oblika primjenom senzorske ocjene i instrumentalnih određivanja.<br />Uprkos dobrim slaganjima rezultata dobijenih instrumentalnih određivanjim i senzorskom ocjenom od strane panela odabranih ocjenjivača, došlo se do zaključka da pojedini instrumentalni metodi mogu naći dobru primjenu u predikciji objektivne senzorske ocjene pojedinih teksturnih svojstava i time doprinijeti poboljšanju kvaliteta tjestenine oblika špageta tokom tehnološkog procesa proizvodnje, ali da ne mogu bezrezervno biti prihvaćeni kao alternativa objektivnoj senzorskoj ocjeni u predikciji potrošačke prihvatljivosti ovog prehrambenog proizvoda na tržištu.</p> / <p>Sensory analysis represents the unique tool for determination of organoleptic properties of food using human senses, because it is highly correlated with the consumers&rsquo; opinion. At the same time it is very reliable test for obtaining the comprehensive evaluation of foodstuffs quality. Moreover, the sensory analysis is the most important reference versus the results of chemical or instrumental methods, and their comparison enables adoption of any other method used for determination of sensory properties. Bearing in mind the complexity of the textural properties of pasta and the significance of objectivity of its methodology, this thesis conducted the objective evaluation of selected sensory textural properties of pasta and their evaluation by the instrumental methods as well. Nine commercial spaghetti samples produced by foreign and domestic producers were chosen for the study. The selected textural properties of dry and cooked spaghetti determined by sensory and instrumental methods comprised shape. The obtain results showed that applied instrumental methods provided reliable prediction of the objective sensory evaluation of certain spaghetti textural properties. Thus, their use may contribute to the improvement of spaghetti quality during production process. Despite the good agreement between the results obtained by instrumental and sensory methods, the instrumental methods could not be unconditionally accepted as the alternative to sensory evaluation in predicting consumers&rsquo; acceptance of spaghetti on the market.</p>

Fizičke i senzorske karakteristike funkcionalnih prehrambenih namaza na bazi celuloznih hidrokoloida i brašna pogače uljane tikve / Physical and sensory characteristics of functional food spreads based on cellulose hydrocolloids and flour of pumpkin seed cake

Nikolić Ivana 13 October 2015 (has links)
<p>Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje mogućnosti proizvodnje funkcionalnog niskoenergetskog prehrambenog namaza na bazi bra&scaron;na od semena tikve golice i hidrokoloida ugljenohidratnog porekla.<br />Utvrđivanju ove mogućnosti prethodilo je potpuno karakterisanje i definisanje sastavnih komponenti namaza. To su bra&scaron;no od semena tikve golice i prehrambeni hidrokoloidi na bazi vlakana. Bra&scaron;no od semena tikve golice analizirano je radi određivanja njegovih fizičko&ndash;hemijskih karakteristika, funkcionalnih svojstava, mikrobiolo&scaron;ke ispravnosti i mikrostrukturalne prirode. Analizama bra&scaron;na stečen je uvid u fizičke, nutritivne i mikrobiolo&scaron;ke karakteristike i u svojstva pona&scaron;anja, s ciljem utvrđivanja mogućnosti primene bra&scaron;na od semena tikve u daljem radu. Takođe, ispitane su dve vrste hidrokoloida ugljenohidratnog porekla metodom mikrostrukturalne analize, metodom određivanja raspodele veličina čestica, reolo&scaron;kim određivanjima i teksturalnim karakterisanjem sistema. Cilj ovog ispitivanja je definisanje vrste i koncentracije vlakana u gel strukturi hidrokoloida, koja ima sposobnost da ostvari ulogu nosača bra&scaron;na, odnosno kontinualne faze u namazu. Time je predviđeno i pona&scaron;anje ugljenohidratnih hidrokoloida u prehrambenom sistemu tipa namaza.<br />Nakon definisanja sastavnih komponenti, radi utvrđivanja optimalnih svojstava namaza, analizirani su namazi sa različitom vrstom i koncentacijom vlakana u gel sistemu i različitim udelom primenjenog hidrokoloida u sastavu namaza. Pri ispitivanju značajnosti uticaja promenljivih faktora na svojstva dobijenih namaza kori&scaron;ćena je metoda planiranja eksperimenta (DOE&ndash;design of experiment) u okviru koje je primenjen potpuni faktorijalni dizajn. Takođe, međusobna linearna zavisnost<br />između pojedinih promenljivih određena je metodom korelacije sa ciljem utvrđivanja povezanosti parametara senzorske analize sa instrumentalno određenim karakteristikama.<br />Cilj objedinjenja svih analiza je definisanje sastava namaza optimalnih svojstava i formulacija niskoenergetskog prehrambenog namaza na bazi bra&scaron;na od semena tikve.<br />Na osnovu prikazanih rezultata istraživanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije izvedeni su zaključci da je bra&scaron;no od semena tikve golice nutritivno i biolo&scaron;ki vrlo vredna sirovina dobre održivost, bez patogenih mikroorganizama i da predstavlja pogodnu sirovinu za proizvodnju namaza. Takođe, hidrokoloid Vivapur MCG 611F se odlikuje<br />povoljnijim reolo&scaron;kim i teksturalnim svojstvima od hidrokoloida Vitacel WFG HS73, jer tiksotropno protiče, ima veći stepen uređenosti i povezanosti strukture sa izraženom elastičnom prirodom koja mu omogućava manju podložnost deformacijama i čini ga pogodnim za proizvodnju namaza.<br />Na osnovu analize uticaja promenljivih faktora, koji se odnose na sastav namaza, zaključeno je da posmatrani namazi predstavljaju realne reolo&scaron;ke sisteme i da sastav namaza izraženo utiče na njihove reolo&scaron;ke, teksturalne i senzorske osobine.<br />Na osnovu sprovedenih istraživanja zaključuje se da je moguća proizvodnja niskoenergetskog namaza na bazi bra&scaron;na od semena tikve golice. Pri tome namaz treba da sadrži 80% MCG zamenjivača masti (na masu namaza) koncentracije hidrokoloidnog gela 7% i 20% bra&scaron;na od semena tikve golice (na masu namaza). Namaz optimalnih svojstava je polidisperzan sistem sa uređenom strukturom u<br />kojoj su čestice primenjene količine bra&scaron;na uklopljene u kontinuiranu mrežu hidratisanih MCG vlakana i potpuno obložene dostupnom količinom zamenjivača masti. Zahvaljujući takvoj organizaciji i strukturi sistema optimalni namaz ispoljava dobre reolo&scaron;ke karakteristike, optimalnu mazivost, dobro prijanjanje na povr&scaron;inu i laku manipulaciju namazom tokom proizvodnje i tokom primene. Dobijeni namaz predstavlja nutritivno vredan proizvod koji se na osnovu sastava i zdravstvenog uticaja komponenti može svrstati u funkcionalne prehrambene proizvode.</p> / <p>The main objective of this study was to determine the possibility of production the low-fat functional food spreads based on flour of pumpkin seed and carbohydrate<br />hydrocolloids.<br />That included complete characterization of components of the spreads, the flour of hull&ndash;less pumpkin seed and fiber based food hydrocolloids. Flour of pumpkin seed was analyzed in order to determine its physico&ndash;chemical characteristics, functional characteristics, microbiological safety and microstructural nature. These analyses of flour defined the physical, nutritional and microbiological characteristics and behavior of flour, with the aim of determine the possibilities of its application in further work.<br />Also, two types of carbohydrate based hydrocolloids were examined by microstructural aspect, by particle size distribution, rheological determinations and textural characterization. The aim of these analysis was to define the type and concentration of fibers in the gel structure of hydrocolloids, which has the ability of to flour carrier and the role of continuous phase in the spread. This predicted<br />the behavior of carbohydrate based hydrocolloids in the food system such as spreads.<br />The determination of main components of the spreads was followed by determination of optimal properties of the spreads, which included analysis of spreads with different type and concentrations of fibers in the gel system and the<br />different amount of the applied hydrocolloid. To determine the significance of the influence of variable factors on the properties of the obtained spreads, the method of design of experiment (DOE) was used, with applied full factorial design. Also, correlation between certain sensory and instrumentally determined parameters was defined.<br />The aim of all analysis was to define the composition of the spread with optimal properties and to formulate the low&ndash;fat food spread based on flour of pumpkin seed<br />Based on the results obtained within this doctoral thesis, it was concluded that the flour of pumpkin seed cake is nutritionally and biologically very valuable raw material<br />with good sustainability, without pathogenic microorganisms, thus it is a suitable raw material for the production of spread. Also, Vivapur MCG 611F was characterized as hydrocolloid with better rheological and textural properties than the hydrocolloid Vitacel WFG HS73, because of its thixotropic flow properties, higher degree of<br />networking and pronounced elastic nature of structure that provides lower susceptibility to deformation and makes it suitable for the production of spread.<br />Based on the influence of variable factors, related to the composition of spreads, it was concluded that the observed spreads were real rheological systems and that the<br />composition of spreads signifficantly influenced on their rheological, textural and sensory characteristics. Obtained resultes of this research suggested that the production of low&ndash;fat food spread based on flour of pumpkin seed is possible. This spread contains 80% of MCG 611F fiber based hydrocolloid ( on the mass of the spread) with gel concentration of 7% and 20% of flour of pumpkin seed cake ( on the mass of the spread). The spread with optimal properties is poydisperse system with compact structure in which the flour particles are incorporated into continious network of hydrated MCG fibers and completly coated with avaliable amount of fat relacer. Due to this organization and structure of the system, optimal spread exhibits good properties for manipulation during production and application, such as good rheological characteristics, optimal spreadability and good adhesion to the surface. Obtained spread is nutritionaly valuable food product which can be classified into functional food product based on the composition and health inffluance.</p>

Sensory evaluation and quality assessment of an alternative inner coating film in yogurt cartons

Arding, Fredrik January 2015 (has links)
The dairy food industry is continuously striving towards products with higher quality and longer shelf-life available to the customer at low prices. Arla Foods in Linköping, Sweden, is currently investigating the possibilities of changing the material in yogurt packaging containers by replacing the currently used carton with a different and cheaper alternative. A successful switch will give the company an economical advantage without affecting the sensory attributes (smell, taste, sight, and consistency), aroma profile or other important trademarks of the yogurt. This study is designed to examine and compare yogurt that has been stored in different packaging cartons, one coated with a single-layered low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and one coated with a currently used multi-layered ethylene-vinyl alcohol (EVOH). The study was based on the analysis and measurement of sensory attributes performed by experts, physical properties in laboratory and chemical composition in GC-FID/MS together with a discriminative test where a group of people would identify any difference between the yogurts. Together, these analyses would provide an explanation about any differences between the packaging materials by connecting physical, chemical and/or sensory characteristics. The collected results would give a better and more comprehensive picture than each analysis would do separately. The results from the study show that there is a difference between yogurts stored in LDPE-based containers and yogurts stored in EVOH-based containers and that the product was chemically affected, mainly by the level of oxygen in contact with the food. The overall assessment is that the largest difference was discovered in the taste.

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