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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bebyggelsenamnen i Bureå, Burträsks och Lövångers socknar i Skellefteå kommun jämte studier av huvudleder och nybyggesnamn

Lundström, Ulf January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with place-names in the southern part of the municipality of Skellefteå in the province of Västerbotten, more precisely the parishes of Bureå, Burträsk and Lövånger. It consists of three different sections, first a survey of the settlement names in each parish, then a section on the second elements in these place-names, and finally a study of names of more recent settlements. The earliest place-names here are names like Blacke, Bureå, Bäck, Kräkånger and Lövånger. The second elements in the names from the medieval expansion period are mark, böle, byn, träsk, sjön and vattnet. Placenames of Nordic, Sami and Finnish origin are found in Skellefteå. The name Lossmen has its origin in Ume Sami and was then borrowed into Finnish. Originally Sami names are Gorkuträsk, Jäppnästjärnliden, Lubboträsk, Sittuträsk and Tavträskliden. The thesis consists of interpretations of the names on parishes, villages, farms and summer pastures, and in Bureå and Lövånger also the names of seasonal fishing stations. The second major section deals with the second elements included in village names, alternative village names, names of parts of villages and farm names. Here the second elements in place-names in Bureå, Burträsk and Lövånger are accounted for, as are the names in the parishes of Byske, Jörn and Skellefteå. This is followed by a discussion of the second elements in Västerbotten and quite often in other parts of Norrland as well. The third major section consists of an analysis of the names of recent settlements in the area. These were established from the 1730s and up to 1870. Founding settlements was a way of providing livelihoods for a rapidly growing population. The study comprises 726 names, of which 269 are in the primary area of investigation, the parishes of Bureå, Burträsk and Lövånger. Extensive comparisons are made continually with conditions in the parishes of Byske, Jörn and Skellefteå in the northern area. The aim of the study is to determine in greater detail what characterises the names of more recent settlements in the municipality of Skellefteå in terms of categories of settlement names, their frequency and distribution within the area. A comparison is also made between Skellefteå and the municipality of Vännäs (Hagervall 1986). One of Hagervall’s findings is that many names are not based on existing features. This thesis shows, however, hardly any cases of stereotype naming in Västerbotten and that in nearly all cases the names refer to features.

Toward Sustainable Community: Assessing Progress at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Jones, Kayla Brooke 08 1900 (has links)
Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, an intentional community of roughly 70 members in Northeastern Missouri, is working to create societal change through radical sustainable living practices and creation of a culture of eco-friendly and feminist norms. Members agree to abide by a set of ecological covenants and sustainability guidelines, committing to practices such as using only sustainably generated electricity, and no use or storage of personally owned vehicles on community property. Situated within the context of a sustainability study, this thesis explores how Dancing Rabbit is creating a more socially and ecologically just culture and how this lifestyle affects happiness and well-being.

Le troupeau et les moyens de sécurisation des campements pastoraux : une étude de la gestion des troupeaux de la Communauté Rurale de Tessekre, dans le Ferlo sénégalais / The herd and the security means of pastoral settlements. A study of management of the herds of Tessekre, Ferlo, Senegal : a study of management of the herds of Tessekre, Ferlo, Sénégal

Manoli, Claire 14 December 2012 (has links)
Dans les pays du Sud, l'élevage est soumis au défi de l'augmentation de la demande en produits animaux, qui devrait doubler à l'horizon 2050. Parallèlement, face aux changements globaux en cours (climat, démographie et pression sur les ressources, urbanisation), la question de la vulnérabilité des populations qui vivent de l'élevage se pose comme une question de plus en plus forte. Cette thèse se propose d'étudier les systèmes d'élevages pastoraux au regard de ces deux enjeux, de production et de sécurisation, et de répondre à la question suivante : quelles sont les relations entre les moyens de sécurisation mis en place par les campements pastoraux et la gestion technique et économique des troupeaux ? Cette question est traitée pour le cas de la communauté rurale de Tessekre, située dans la réserve sylvo-pastorale du Ferlo, au Sénégal, en zone sahélienne. Cette zone est quasi-exclusivement dédiée à l'élevage pastoral et fournit 25 % de la viande consommée à Dakar. Une approche pluri-disciplinaire a été mise en place, associant des travaux en zootechnie système sur le troupeau et des travaux en socio-économie sur la sécurisation des ménages. Le concept de sécurisation mobilisé dans ce travail se définit comme la capacité à durer sur le long terme en mobilisant différents moyens de sécurisation que sont: l'accumulation des troupeaux ; la diversification des activités et des revenus ; la mobilité à grande distance ; l'organisation de la famille. Dans une première partie du travail, des trajectoires sur le long terme des campements, de leurs activités et de leurs troupeaux ont été établies sur 16 campements. Ces trajectoires ont permis de voir comment étaient combinés les moyens de sécurisation dans les campements et d'établir des profils de sécurisation des campements. Couplées à une analyse statistique de la diversité des systèmes d'activités pour 508 campements de Tessekre, ces étapes ont permis de caractériser la diversité des contributions des troupeaux à la sécurisation. Dans une deuxième partie du travail, un suivi zootechnique de 10 campements a permis de caractériser la conduite technique et la gestion économique des troupeaux pendant une période d'un an. Cette étude a montré que, même une bonne année sur le plan climatique, et même pour des profils sécurisés, il n'y a pas forcément d'épargne réalisée grâce au troupeau. De plus, les troupeaux ovins sont apparus très exploités. Une épargne a pu être réalisée pour une partie seulement des troupeaux bovins ; et, même s'ils sont épargnés, les bovins contribuent à satisfaire les besoins monétaires des campements. De plus, des éléments de conduite technique (gardiennage, grande transhumance au Saloum, opérations des béliers Tabaski) ont été traités et reflètent les contraintes notamment d'organisation de la main d'œuvre familiale auxquels sont soumis les éleveurs. L'étude fine des opérations Tabaski en élevage ovin montre une diversité dans les façons de commercialiser et acheter les mâles alors que la conduite est plus homogène. Seuls les profils sécurisés ont pu mettre en place des opérations de grande ampleur. Dans une dernière partie, c'est un moyen de sécurisation particulier qui a été traité : celui de la mobilité des jeunes migrants à la recherche de diversification. Des entretiens ont été menés avec 12 personnes, dans les campements et en milieu urbain. Ces entretiens révèlent les différences de points de vue au sein du campement notamment en ce qui concerne la commercialisation des animaux : entre jeunes plus attirés par les modes de vie urbains, plus « gaspilleurs » ; et chefs de famille, garants de la sécurisation des campements et plus favorables à l'accumulation des troupeaux. Ce travail permet d'établir des ponts entre la sécurisation des campements, qui est un objet plus habituel des sciences humaines et le troupeau, objet des zootechniciens. / In tropical countries, the livestock sector has to answer to a great challenge: an increase in animal products demand from the markets, which is predicted to double until 2050. Simultaneously, global changes such as climate changes, demographic increase and pressure over natural resources highlight vulnerability issues of rural population depending on livestock activities. Therefore, livestock activities have to face to this double challenge. This thesis proposes to study pastoral livestock systems regarding this double challenge. In this thesis, our aim is to answer to the following question: what are the relations between security means used by pastoral settlements and the technical and economical management of the herds? This question is applied on the rural community of Tessekre, in the sylvopastoral reserve of Ferlo, Senegal. This Sahelian zone of Ferlo is nearly exclusively dedicated to pastoral livestock activities and provides 25 % of the meat consumption of Dakar. A pluri-disciplinary approach is here presented : we associated livestock farming systems approaches to study the herd, to socioeconomic approaches in order to study the security of pastoral settlements. Concept of security used in this thesis is defined as: the ability for pastoral settlements to last over the long term, using four different security means. These security means are: accumulation of the herds, diversification of activities and incomes, long distance mobility; familial organization.In a first step, long term trajectories of settlements, their herds and activities have been established for 16 settlements. It was therefore possible to describe how the means of security were used and combined in the settlements and to establish distinct security profiles. This approach was coupled with a statistical analysis of the diversity of systems of activities of the 508 settlements in Tessekre and resulted in the characterization of the diversity of possible contributions of the herds to settlements security. In a second step, a monitoring of the herds in 10 settlements was realized during one year. This study gave data about technical and economic management of the herds. We showed that, even during a year marked by good climatic conditions, and even for secured profiles, accumulation of the herds was not always possible. High off-take rates of sheep herds were always realized during the year of monitoring. Regarding bovine herds, accumulation was possible for a part of the herds; in all cases, even if they were accumulated, bovine contributed to monetary needs of the settlements. Technical management was studied through several elements: sheepherding, long distance transhumance to Saloum, Tabaski rams sales. This study highlights constraints in the organization of familial workers. The study on Tabaski sales showed a diversity in the ways herders sell and purchase rams, whereas herd technical management is more homogeneous. Only the secured profiles are able to realize Tabaski sales at a great scale. In a third step, a particular security means was studied: the mobility of young migrants looking for diversification. 12 interviews were realized both in the settlements and in Dakar. These interviews revealed the different point of views existing in the settlements, regarding animal sales: the ones of the young more attracted by urban and consumerists ways of life and the ones of the family chieves, more attached to the accumulation of the herds, a warranty for settlement's security.

Habitat informel dans les quebradas de Valparaíso : dynamiques d'appropriation / The informal settlements in the quebradas of Valparaiso : dynamic of ownership

Pino Vásquez, Andrea Patricia 07 December 2012 (has links)
L'occupation illégale de terrains dans les quebradas et la construction de véritables quartiers populaires en dehors de l'ordre établi, trouve leur point de départ dans une crise structurale d'identité du logement social à Valparaiso, Chili. On ne peut pas considérer ces actions, comme une réponse mécanique à une carence. Il s'agit d'un processus social, étroitement lié aux rapports entre les forces sociales ; où la caractéristique essentielle est d'avoir construit un milieu résidentiel « auto construit», dans l'illégalité. Par ailleurs, les quebradas comme unités territoriales et rémanentes naturelles se trouvent dans un processus constant d'occupation et de dégradation, puisqu'il n'existe pas de stratégies urbaines précises et particulières pour ce type d'environnement, en supposant qu'elles disparaîtront ainsi d'elles-mêmes, sans considérer les bénéfices qu'elles produisent pour toute la ville comme contrôleurs climatologiques. Alors dans ces conditions, quelles sont les valeurs propres des quebradas qui devront être prises en compte dans les approches futures d'urbanisation? Peuvent-elles être intégrées dans une planification urbaine particulière ? Les normes de construction en vigueur pourront être modifiées en poursuivant une intégration réelle à la ville et une administration intégrale de son patrimoine naturel? Pourront-elles devenir comme des parcs urbains qui incluent le logement social ? Nous parlerons de quebradas puisque l'usage courant à Valparaiso est d'utiliser ce terme pour désigner des petites vallées encaissées dès que l'on s'éloigne du la plaine littorale. / The illegal occupation of land in the quebradas, and the building of real neighborhoods outside the established order, find their point of departure in a structural crisis of identity of social housing in Valparaiso, Chile. It is impossible to consider these actions as a mechanical response to deficiency. It is a social process, closely linked to the relationship between the social forces, it's essential characteristic being the construction of residential self built neighborhoods, in total illegality. The quebradas as territorial and persistent natural units are in a proces of constant occupation and degradation, since there are no precise and specific urban strategies for this type of environment, assuming that they will disappear, without considering the benefits they produce for the whole city as climate controllers. Under these conditions, what are the values of the quebradas that should be taken into account in future approaches to urbanization? Can they be integrated into a special urban planning? May the current construction standards be modified by pursuing a real integration in the city and a full administration of its natural heritage? Will they become like urban parks that include social housing? We will talk about quebrada, since it is common in Valparaiso to use this term in reference to small valleys incised as soon as one moves away from the coastal plain.

Domy doby římské a stěhování národů v Čechách / The Roman Age and Migration Period Houses in Bohemia

Forró, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The master's thesis summarizes existing knowledge of both post houses and sunken floor buildings in the Roman Age and Migration Period in Bohemia. It analyzes a collection of 131 sunken floor houses and available records about the post houses. The sunken floor building were divided in several groups according to preserved traces of their contruction which enables a comparison of the situation in Bohemia with that of neighboring areas. Using statistical methods helped to determine mutual relations between features and to identify certain regional differences. Both kinds of buildings were evaluated from the construction and functional point of view. The knowledge of post houses served as the basis for analyzing a season of an excavation of 1959 in Zalužany, dist. Příbram. Key words Bohemia - Roman Age - Migration Period - settlements - prehistoric construction

The early medieval cutting edge of technology : an archaeometallurgical, technological and social study of the manufacture and use of Anglo-Saxon and Viking iron knives, and their contribution to the early medieval iron economy

Blakelock, Eleanor Susan January 2012 (has links)
A review of archaeometallurgical studies carried out in the 1980s and 1990s of early medieval (c. AD410-1100) iron knives revealed several patterns, with clear differences in knife manufacturing techniques present in rural cemeteries and later urban settlements. The main aim of this research is to investigate these patterns and to gain an overall understanding of the early medieval iron industry. This study has increased the number of knives analysed from a wide spectrum of sites across England, Scotland and Ireland. Knives were selected for analysis based on X-radiographs and contextual details. Sections were removed for more detailed archaeometallurgical analysis. The analysis revealed a clear change through time, with a standardisation in manufacturing techniques in the 7th century and differences between the quality of urban and rural knives. Analysis of cemetery knives revealed that there was some correlation between the knife and the deceased. Comparison of knives from England, Dublin and Europe revealed that the Vikings had little direct impact on England's knife manufacturing industry, although there was a change in manufacturing methods in the 10th century towards the mass produced sandwich welded knife. This study also suggests that Irish blacksmiths in Dublin continued their 'native' blacksmithing techniques after the Vikings arrived. Using the data gathered a chaîne opértoire of the iron knife was re-constructed, this revealed that there was a specific order to the manufacture process and decisions were not only influenced by the cost of raw materials, the skill of the blacksmith and the consumer status, but also by cultural stimulus.

Managing the impact of informal settlements on the performance of primary school learners in Kagiso.

21 October 2008 (has links)
M.Ed. / There are remarkable differences in the academic performance between the learners residing in informal settlements and those from townships (formal settlements). Learners from informal settlements perform very poorly as compared to learners from formal settlements. From the literature review, the factors leading to study problems are identified as environment, lack of resources, available time and place to study. The socio-economic background affects a child at every point in his or her academic career. The purpose of this study was to explore ways and means of managing the negative impact of the informal settlements on the academic performance of primary school learners of Kagiso. It was also to investigate possible solutions and provide them in the form of guidelines to the Department of Education as intervention strategies to address management on the impact of informal settlements on learner performance. This was a qualitative research. The study explored the impact of the informal settlements and its management in the performance of primary school learners through in- depth interviews and observations. The researcher conducted interviews with a sample drawn from primary school principals, educators, learners and affected parents in Kagiso. The data were analyzed separately by eliciting the unique experiences of respondents and led to common emerging themes. Measures to ensure trustworthiness have been applied in the research and ethical measures have been strictly adhered to. Trustworthiness consists of four components: creditability, transferability, dependability and conformability. Validity and reliability were ensured by the use of the participant’s own language as raw as it is, in data recording. Findings from the research in line with literature review suggested that the informal settlements have a negative impact on learners. Inadequate housing and overcrowding deprive the child of privacy. Homework and study is done against a noisy background. This can be managed by all stakeholders taking part in the intervention strategies that influence policy formulation regarding the at-risk learners in Kagiso. Recommendations ensuing from this study will contribute to the development of intervention strategies to address management concerning this impact. The recommendations will be forwarded to the Department of Education and other relevant state departments. / Prof. J.R. Debeila

Úloha osadnictví v izraelsko-palestinském konfliktu / The Role of Settlements in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Hledík, Vojtěch January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the influence of the settlements on the peace process. It views the settlements as one of the problematic points of the permanent status. It also tries to outline the possibilities of future development of this problem regarding present situation. First part of the thesis presents historic moments that are important for this issue. The second part offers different views of the structure of settlements in the West Bank. The third part deals with the legal dimension of settlements, local administration, and the land-seizure methods. The fourth part is about political representation of the settlers, and also about anti-settler movements. The last part defines settlements as an obstacle in the peace process, and deals with perspectives of future disengagement possibilities.

Mulher camponesa à sua própria imagem: uma investigação do retrato fotográfico / -

Corrêa, Débora Klempous 04 June 2019 (has links)
A produção cafeeira da segunda metade do século XIX não só atraiu fotógrafos para atestar reconhecimento à nova elite agrária, por meio do retrato em estúdio, como também gerou subsídios à imigração europeia para trabalhar nas fazendas de café. No sistema de colonato, a unidade de produção era familiar, mas a mulher, mesmo conjugando o trabalho na roça com o de subsistência, não era considerada trabalhadora rural. A mecanização da produção, a concentração da propriedade de terra e a aprovação de direitos trabalhistas no campo geraram uma expulsão em massa desses trabalhadores para as cidades, surgindo a figura da boia-fria. Mesmo com sua força de trabalho considerada individualmente, as mulheres ganhavam menos que os homens, enfrentavam o preconceito por andar de pau-de-arara, além de assumir uma segunda jornada na criação dos filhos e nas tarefas domésticas. Movimentos de retorno ao campo por meio da ocupação de latifúndios improdutivos foram se consolidando a partir da década de 1960, mas essa nova estrutura social construída nos acampamentos mantinha a mesma tradição patriarcal, em que o homem assume as posições de liderança e o título da terra, quando dividida. As mulheres exigiram seus direitos criando diferentes movimentos de emancipação, em busca de reconhecimento do seu trabalho, direitos previdenciários e mais participação política, e essas mudanças conquistadas foram alavancadas por políticas públicas de equidade de gênero no campo a partir de 2003. Não só o papel social da mulher camponesa de reforma agrária mudou, como também a imagem que ela tem de si. Nesse contexto que algumas mulheres do Assentamento Dandara, na cidade de Promissão, estado de São Paulo, foram retratadas fotograficamente e conduziram a forma como gostariam de ser vistas. As produções fotográficas foram acompanhadas de análise individual e coletiva, fabulações de si e dos seus pares pela mediação da memória e do imaginário. / The coffee production of the second half of the 19th century draw not only photographers that acknowledged the new rural elite\'s recognition through the practice of studio portraits, but also enabled the migration of European workers to the coffee plantations. In the system of \"colonato\", the production unit was typically familiar, but women were not considered rural workers per se, even though they worked both at home and in the farms. Production mechanization, property concentration of land and new labour legislation forced a huge migration of these rural workers to big cities, giving birth to the \"boias frias\". Women, even though regarded as an individual work force, were paid less than men and had to face prejudice for sharing the \"pau-de-arara\" system of transportation. They also faced a second working day burden by raising the children and keeping up with housework. From the 1960\'s on, the return of these people to rural areas was marked by the occupation of unproductive land properties. This new social structure built in the settlements, though, kept the same patriarchal traditions, in which men hold leadership positions and own the land titling. Women, then, started to demand their own rights by creating different emancipation movements focused on having their work recognized, as much as access to retirement rights and political emancipation. Those changes were accomplished with the support of new gender equity public policies and helped change not only the social role of the peasant women involved in the agrarian reform but the image these women had of themselves. It is in this context that some women from Dandara settlement, in Promissão city, São Paulo state, were portraited in photographs by deciding the way they wanted to be seen. These photographic productions were followed by individual and collective analyses, as much the fabulation of themselves and their rural peers through memory and imaginary.

Planning : a source of education

Kuzwayo, Tidimalo Angela January 1998 (has links)
A discourse Submitted to the Faculty of Architecture, University of The Witwatersrand, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Master of Science in Development Planning. / Andrew Chakane 2018

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