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Marknadsföring som konkurrenskraft under julhandeln : En studie av köpcentrum i StockholmsområdetSjöö, Susanne, Andersson, Maria January 2009 (has links)
Shopping is one of the most important social activities today and the majority of all shopping takes place in Shopping Centres. The number of Shopping Centres has increased and it is important to attract visitors by using the right marketing strategy. Christmas is an extra important period because the turnover normally increases three times in December compared to a “normal” month. The purpose of this study is to analyze the marketing of Shopping Centres during the Christmas period, and analyze how this marketing contributes to the visitors’ choice of Shopping Centre. This is a positivistic study that combines a quantitative and a qualitative method. This study concludes that range of stores and distance are the most important factors when a visitor decides which Shopping Centre to visit. During Christmas it is important to create a Christmas feeling, preferably made by offering decorations and music. The visitors appreciate entertainment but that do not affect their choice of Shopping Centre. Outdoor commercial and magazines are appropriate media channels when the goal is to reach a large quantity of potential visitors, and Shopping Centres should communicate range of stores, distance and a Christmas feeling.
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The Influencing Factors of Customer Trust to Great Discount Online Shops : Based on the Chinese MarketLeng, Jun, Zhang, Ting January 2013 (has links)
With the increasing popularity of online shopping, various new business models are emerging in this area. A successful example is great discount online shops, which quickly attract the attention from Chinese online shopping customers. In order to avoid the risk perception of customers caused by information asymmetry, and maintain competitiveness, great discount online shops should increase their customers’ trust. In this research, a number of key factors are tested from both sellers’ aspect and customers’ aspect. The finding shows both objective influencing factors, such as security, reputation of the online shop, reputation of the products’ brands, sellers’ service quality, and customers’ cognitive factors, such as perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, have significant correlation with customers’ trust to great discount online shop. Among them, the objective influencing factors are more influential and have stronger effect on customers’ trust in ability, integrity and benevolence to the online shops. These findings will further shed light on how to build trust with the customers of great discount online shops.
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Opinion Shopping : Förekommer det bland svenska företag och revisorer?Johansson, Maria, Öjeryd, Marcus January 2011 (has links)
Ett företags finansiella rapporter och interna system ska granskas oberoende av en revisor och granskningen ska utmynna i en revisionsberättelse. För företag är det värdefullt att erhålla en ren revisionsberättelse då en oren skapar bekymmer för företaget, i form av misstro mot det från utomstående intressenter. Ämnet opinion shopping berör frågan om det är möjligt för företag att ”byta sig till” en önskvärd revisionsberättelse, och knyter samman dels företags incitament för att byta sig till en önskvärd revisionsberättelse samtidigt som det ifrågasätter revisorernas oberoende och revisionskvaliteten. Tidigare studier om opinion shopping har visat att motivet till det finns, men de flesta studier har kommit fram till att försök till opinion shopping misslyckas och efterföljande revisorer agerar oberoende. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om det finns indikationer att opinion shopping förekommer i Sverige. Ämnet har studerats främst i USA och på grund av skillnader mellan länderna är det intressant att undersöka den svenska revisionsmarknaden. För att uppfylla syftet har revisionsberättelser studerats hos 437 företag som bytt revisorer under åren 2000-2008 och 437 företag som inte bytt revisorer. Med hjälp av en kvantitativ metod bestående av statistiska tester granskas påverkan av oberoende variabler på den beroende variabeln, revisionsberättelsens utformning första året den nye revisorn skriver under revisionsberättelsen. Resultatet av studien visar att försök till opinion shopping kan förekomma i Sverige. Dock visar djupare analyser att det inte finns bevis för att det går att lyckas med opinion shopping på den svenska revisionsmarknaden. Vår studie kommer alltså fram till att motiv till opinion shopping kan förekomma bland svenska företag men möjligheten för framgångsrik opinion shopping är väldigt liten.
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Tillitens nödvändiga förutsättningar? : En undersökning av svenska konsumenters köpbeteende vid näthandel inom landet och gentemot Polen, Tyskland och USAJohansson, Per, Sjölin, Henry January 2011 (has links)
I och med att människor runt omkring i världen idag kopplas ihop med hjälp av ny teknik och kommunikationsmedier är det intressant att studera hur konsumenter från ett visst land ser på handel med andra länder på nätet. Denna studie syftar till att skildra vilka faktorer på landsnivå som gör att svenska konsumenter väljer att näthandla en digitalkamera från ett land framför ett annat. Mer specifikt utreder studien svenska konsumenters köpbeteende vid näthandel inom landet och gentemot Polen, Tyskland och USA. Tidigare forskning har visat att tillit har en viktig betydelse vid handel mellan länder och näthandel (Michaelis et al, 2008; Connolly & Bannister, 2008). Därför kopplas landsfaktorerna i studien ihop med en egenkonstruerad tillitsmodell som bygger på tidigare teorier om tillit. Med hjälp av en enkätundersökning som genomfördes bland studenter på Uppsala Universitet kom denna studie fram till att faktorer som språk, informationsteknologins utveckling samt lagar och förordningar alla påverkar tilliten vid näthandel. Respondenterna i enkätundersökningen föredrog att handla från svenska webbsidor i första hand, sedan i turordning amerikanska, tyska, och i sista hand polska.
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Framgångsfaktorer för köpcentrumEliasson, Emil, Haapalehto, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Framgångsfaktorer för Köpcentrum Nivå: C-uppsats inom ämnet marknadsföring Författare: Emil Eliasson & Anna Haapalehto Handledare: Lars Steiner Datum: 2011-06 Syfte: Huvudsyftet med detta examensarbete är att ta reda på vilka faktorer som behövs för att ett köpcentrum ska bli framgångsrikt. Vad efterfrågar konsumenterna i dagsläget om vilka preferenser de har till ett köpcentrum. Metod: Vi valde att genomföra en kvantitativ metod till detta examensarbete. Först genomförde vi en datainsamling, för att sedan kunna framställa en enkät som vi skickade ut till personer mellan 20-30 år. Förutom den primärdata vi använde har vi även använt oss av sekundärdata som utgörs av forskningsartiklar och litteratur som passade till vårt ämne. Resultat & slutsats: Svarspersonerna ansåg att nöjesattribut är viktigt för att ett köpcentrum ska bli framgångsrikt. Andra framgångsfaktorer är parkeringstillgång, matställen, evenemang och säkerhet. Det som saknas i Gävles butikutbud i nuläget enligt svarspersonerna är butiker som Zara, Topshop, Monki och second hand butiker. Något som inte ansågs vara viktigt är lekrum, gym och skönhetssalonger. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: I vår studie har vi valt att bortse från den ekonomiska aspekten och den geografiska aspekten. För fortsatt forskning bör fler personer tillfrågas i enkätundersökningen. Gå djupare in på de framgångsfaktorer vi presenterat i detta examensarbete, hitta ytterligare data som förstärker arbetet. Intervjua ett fastighetsföretag som arbetar med köpcentrum för att få mer resonemang om hur de tänker kring ämnet. Uppsatsens bidrag: Det finns sedan tidigare liknande uppsatser inom detta ämne. Vi har valt att rikta in oss på vilka faktorer som eftersträvas hos kunderna för att ett köpcentrum ska bli framgångsrikt. Den här studien ger en förståelse över hur personer som är 20-30 år tänker och tycker kring vad som krävs för att ett köpcentrum i Gävle ska kunna bli framgångsrikt. Det påvisar även att nöjesattribut är en viktig faktor för att ett köpcentrum ska bli populärt. Nyckelord: Köpcentrum, framgångsfaktorer / Summary Title: Factors of Success in Shopping Centres Level: Bachelor thesis, 15 credits in Business Administration Authors: Emil Eliasson & Anna Haapalehto Supervisor: Lars Steiner Date: 2011-06 Aim: The main purpose with this paper is to establish the factors that are of importance when creating a successful shopping centre. What are the consumers asking for and what their preferences to shopping centers are. Method: We chose to use the quantitative research method in our paper. To begin with we collected data, and then we developed a survey that we sent out to people in the age between 20-30 years. Besides the primary data we used, we also used secondary data from science articles, journals and other literature suited to our subject. Conclusion: The respondents considered that entertainment is a factor of importance in the success of a shopping centre. Other factors of success are parking space, food, events and security. Something that is missing in Gävle at this point is stores like Zara, Topshop, Monki. Something that was not of importance to our respondents was a play area to children, gym or beauty salons. Suggestions for future research: In our study we chose to ignore the economic aspect as well as the location aspect. In suggestions for future research we recommend to broaden the surveys to more respondents, and to deepen into the factors of success that we have established. We also suggest to find more data to strengthen our study. Another aspect could be to interview a real estate company to know their opinion. Contribution: There already are similar papers in this subject. What we did was to establish was what customers find is important factors of success. This study contributes with an understanding in what customers in the age of 20-30 considers is important in order to make a shopping centre successful. Our contribution is also that entertainment is an important factor of success to make a shopping centre popular. Key words: Shopping centre, factors of success
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Shoppingturism : Konsumentens motiv att besöka en shoppingdestinationIsraelsson-Karlsson, Gabriella, Ollinen, Athena January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Customer Loyalty of Amazon : how to build a long lasting relationship?Aihie Lin, Zhouni, Yan, Shiying January 2012 (has links)
Aim: The purpose of the study is to do the research that under the e-commerce business model, the impact factors of customer loyalty in an online shopping environment, how to improve the customer loyalty and how to build a long lasting customer relationship. Design/Methodology/approach: Through to the questionnaire survey research, design and collect sample data, combine with the Amazon Company’s current operating mode and the theoretical, and also got the second data. In order to make the data become more and more reliable. Findings: The studying on improving customer loyalty under the B2C e-commerce model is significant for theory and practice. On the background of Amazon company,which is the biggest e-commerce company in America, according to the relevant literature and field surveys,the paper brings forward the importance of customer loyalty at the e-commerce business. It could come to the conclusion is how to improve the customer loyalty and then how to build the long lasting customer relationship. Contribution: The paper according to the characters of the online shopping and combine with the literature about the e-commerce and customer loyalty research, Put forward a certain hypothesis, through questionnaire survey on customers, and statistical analysis of the relationship between customer loyalty and its influence factors make an empirically evaluation. The paper gives contribution to the e-commerce business, how to build the long lasting customer relationship.
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An Exploration of the Shopping ExperienceFung, Juliana January 2010 (has links)
Recreational shopping has long been of interest to business academics and practitioners, but research on it has been underdeveloped in the leisure field. Although the leisure literature and business literature represent distinct perspectives, there appears to be many significant parallels between recreational shopping and leisure. The purpose of this study was to examine the intrinsic meanings of shopping; to explore the experiential aspects of the recreational shopping experience (including the influences of the retail environment on individuals who regularly engage in recreational shopping). This study took place in Toronto, Ontario. The sample included five female self-proclaimed recreational shoppers. The researcher accompanied each participant on a shopping excursion which took place at a shopping mall selected by the participant. Data were collected through three qualitative methods. First, participant observation involved the researcher walking alongside the participant as she shopped. Following the shopping session, the researcher conducted an in-depth face-to-face interview with each participant; the interview was guided by a set of open-ended questions. In addition, this study utilized photo-elicitation in which the participants were asked to photograph ‘anything’ that made an impression during their visit to the mall. The photographs offered tangible illustrations of shopping experiences and were used as a catalyst for discussion during the interviews. The data was analyzed using Grounded Theory coding which lead to the identification of two main themes and six respective subthemes. The emergent themes are all connected to the key idea that shoppers are motivated by their expectations and desires when they partake in the recreational shopping activity. Shopping offers numerous opportunities that provide immediate hedonic pleasure as well as intrinsic rewards. Such opportunities often include, the ‘before and after’ phases of experiences of acquisition and unexpected discoveries, the positive interactions which occur both inside and outside a retail environment, and lastly, the individual’s use of shopping as a means of self-expression and a tool to manage their self image. Satisfaction, spontaneity, familiarity, mastery, accomplishment, and feelings of escape were all present in these shopping experiences. The findings also described the role of shopping malls as a leisure space and as facilitators of recreational shopping activities. Furthermore, this study demonstrated that shopping can offer a profound leisure experience for many people and the activity should not only be researched in terms of just ‘recreational shopping’ or ‘utilitarian shopping.’ Rather, the findings indicate several overlaps between the two types of shopping and further research is needed to more fully understand the complexities of the activity.
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Consumers’ Attitude towards Online Shopping : Factors influencing Gotland consumers to shop onlineSultan, Muhammad Umar, Uddin, Md. Nasir January 2011 (has links)
In the era of globalization electronic marketing is a great revolution. Over the last decade maximum business organizations are running with technological change. Online shopping or marketing is the use of technology (i.e., computer) for better marketing performance. And retailers are devising strategies to meet the demand of online shoppers; they are busy in studying consumer behavior in the field of online shopping, to see the consumer attitudes towards online shopping. Therefore we have also decided to study consumer’s attitudes towards online shopping and specifically studying the factors influencing consumers to shop online. The population selected for the research is Gotland, and narrowed down to Gotland University students, University cafeteria and Gotland Public library, the sample size selected for this research is 100 and we have used convenience sampling technique. Our findings indicated that among the four factors selected for this research the most attractive and influencing factor for online shoppers in Gotland is Website Design/Features, following convenience the second most influencing and thirdly time saving. Results have also showed that security is of important concern among online shoppers in Gotland. The research has also found that there are some other factors which influence online shoppers including, less price, discount, feedback from previous customers and quality of product. For the second research question i.e. who are online shoppers in term of demography: the correlation results for the age and attitudes towards online shopping has showed that elderly people are not so keen to shop online. Whereas for education it is concluded that higher education makes online shopping less attractive, for the income the correlation results are so weak hence we could not conclude anything out of it. It is expected that this study will not only help retailers in Gotland to devise successful strategies for online shoppers but it will also provide a base for similar studies in the felid of consumer attitudes towards online shopping.
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Metrosexual men’s shopping habits : study of the modern men’s clothing brand selectionJanowska, Karolina January 2008 (has links)
Metrosexual men living in Växjö travel to other bigger cities in order to purchase desirable clothing. They are highly concerned about expressing desirable image through clothing, brand selection and personal attachments. Strong appearance and fashion awareness as well as desire for refreshing their wardrobe and image update categorize them as early adopters of new clothing collections. Metrosexual men are favorite brand switchers, which means brand loyal to few clothing brands within product category.
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