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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verfassungsschutzbericht ...

07 January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Die Gartenaufseher im Grossen Garten

Melzer, Stefanie 17 January 2020 (has links)
Der Dresdner Große Garten ist seit 1800 eine öffentliche Anlage. Bereits damals kam es zu Nutzungskonflikten. Aufseher hatten und haben bis heute über Gewässerregulierung, Verkehrsschilder, Nistkästen, freilaufende Hunde, Spielgeräte, Diebstahl und Vandalismus zu wachen. Ihr Anstellungsverhältnis, ihr Dienstalltag aber auch Kuriositäten werden geschildert.

Recognition of Fine Skin Movements on a Fingertip / Recognition of Fine Skin Movements on a Fingertip

Dragula, Peter Unknown Date (has links)
Heutzutage beeinflusst die Biometrie mehr und mehr unsere Leben. Diese Technologie soll uns Sicherheit und auch Bequemlichkeit erschaffen. Biometrische Systeme ersetzen jeden Tag ältere Sicherheitssysteme und die Firmen versprechen sich mehr Leistung zu bekommen. Aber trotzdem kann man über viele Bereiche der Biometrie sagen, dass sie noch zurückgeblieben sind. In meiner Arbeit analysiere ich den Zustand der ganzen biometrischen Industrie, ich lerne die neuesten Technologien kennen. Die Mängel dieser Industrie sind noch deutlich und es müssen noch viele Innovationen durchgesetzt werden. Ich widme mich meistens der Sicherheit der biometrischen Systeme, konkret orientiere ich mich auf die Fingerabdruckstechnologie. Nach der Analyse der neuesten Angriffe und Sicherheitsvorgänge, werte ich die Technik der Erkennung der feinen Hautbewegungen der Fingerspitzen aus.

Human-Computer Interaction And Online Users’ Trust: Measurement of online users’ trust in websites, its relationship with user experience and security usability / Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und Nutzervertrauen : Die Erfassung von Vertrauen in Websites vor dem Hintergrund von Nutzererleben und Sicherheitsaspekten

Bär, Nina 18 July 2014 (has links)
Users’ trust in online situations is influenced by various characteristics of human-computer interaction. Looking at the increasing scope of services online, it remains an up-to-date issue, expanding its meaning for both informational and transactional websites. In this work, the Scale for Online Users’ Trust (SCOUT) was developed to assess the trustworthiness of both types of websites. Based on the scale, the effects of user experience on users’ trust were examined in several studies. For informational websites, hedonic qualities appeared to be significant predictors of trustworthiness in addition to usability. The effects could be confirmed for transactional websites. Furthermore, perceptions of security aspects were investigated in a set of studies. The effects of customer ratings, fictitious graphical elements, web assurance seals and interactive security-related feedback on users’ trust were analyzed. Findings from all together 11 studies of this work allow for inferences for website design that could support academics and practitioners in designing for trustworthy web environments. / Nutzervertrauen in Websites ist sowohl auf informationalen als auch auf transaktionalen Websites nach wie vor ein entscheidender Faktor für erfolgreiche Online-Situationen. In dieser Arbeit wird die Entwicklung des Fragebogens SCOUT (Scale for Online Users’ Trust) beschrieben, mit dem die Vertrauenswürdigkeit von Websites beider Kategorien gleichermaßen erfasst werden kann. Darauf aufbauend wurde die Wirkung des Nutzererlebens auf Vertrauen in mehreren Studien untersucht. Für informationale Websites ergaben sich hedonische Merkmale und Usability als signifikante Prädiktoren von Vertrauenswürdigkeit. Diese Effekte konnten für transaktionale Websites bestätigt werden. Zusätzliche wurde geprüft, wie Kundenbewertungen, fiktive grafische Elemente, Gütesiegel und interaktive sicherheitsrelevante Rückmeldungen auf Nutzervertrauen wirken. Aus insgesamt elf Studien lassen sich Empfehlungen für eine vertrauensförderliche Website-Gestaltung ableiten.

Stolperstein Terrorismusbekämpfung: Scheitert der europäische Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts im Angesicht des internationalen Terrorismus?

Wetzel, Jens 29 January 2014 (has links)
Die EU hat sich verpflichtet einen Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts (RFSR) zu errichten. Der Schutz persönlicher Freiheitsrechte, die Wahrung von Rechtsstaatlichkeit und die Gewährung (innerer) Sicherheit sind seither ein zentrales Integrationsziel der Union und wurden im zunehmenden Maße „europäisiert“. Der internationale Terrorismus stellt dabei eine der bedeutendsten Motivationen, aber auch eine der größten Bewährungsproben dar. Gelingt es der EU die Integration im Bereich der inneren Sicherheit weiter voranzutreiben ohne dabei Freiheit und Rechtsstaatlichkeit in den Schatten zu drängen. Dieser Problemstellung wird mit einer exemplarischen Analyse zentraler Antiterrorismusmaßnahmen nach 9/11 nachgegangen.

No-Fly-Region for Multicopter Applications

Pasupuleti, Richie Gabriel Martin 17 June 2016 (has links)
Now-a-days safety systems and their advanced features have become a major part of human lives. People are ready to pay accordingly for the features they get for and very enthusiastic towards technology and latest trends. One such thing is drone or multicopter. These days everybody is getting interested in drones to buy, not only the fact that it is used in various scientific ways, sports and recreation purposes but also the latest advancements that was taking place in the development of light weight flying vehicles has made many scientific researchers, multinational companies and almost all the people to turn their eye towards the development of drones. And many companies are doing research for development of new safety features which can be called as the safety for the future. Some companies already introduced drones into the market and are used in different ways for different purposes. The usage of this vehicles depends on how intelligently one uses these multicopters. This thesis introduces a feature that adds safety to the multicopters to prevent them from flying to no-fly-regions. The work in this thesis is done to provide an approach by the usage of Raspberry Pi 2 B for multicopter applications as the main development board. It also helps the multicopter to prevent entering the NFR by detecting the NFRs around them intelligently and avoid them so there shouldn\'t be any problem or damage for the multicopters. Here we use GPS sensor for getting the NMEA data as input to know the latitude and longitude positions and then transferred to RPI2 B which allows us to know the latitude and longitude positions and then transfer this data into database to store the data through a wireless medium i.e., Wi-Fi medium. Based on the information stored in database we can see the location in a graphical manner using the open street maps (OSM). After that different checks are performed to avoid the NFR : (i) We will check if the current point lies inside or outside the no-fly-region based on the map information of NFR using the Point in Polygon algorithm and then (ii) we are using some area based detection 4 algorithm to check the distance from the point to line using Paul Brouke algorithm to see how far is the next NFR from the current point and avoiding it and the information is updated and stored in the database accordingly .(iii) Later, if the multicopter is out of all no-fly-region then the distance to the next NFR or nearest ones is analyzed and the information will be used for safety purpose. By using geometry and algorithms we are checking and finding out the NFRs and avoid entering into the NFR space. If the point is detected inside a no-fly-region then the last point outside this region will be detected which is marked as safe and the multicopter will be backtracked to the previous point before entering the no-fly-region i.e., the safe point. This paper not only aims at multicopter safety but also throws light into the future systems that are going to be developed in the field of Car-2-X, ensuring extended safety of the passengers.

Securitising the state and the nation? / Sicherheitsdiskurse und polnische Außenpolitik (1999-2006)

Hofmann, Anna 21 September 2009 (has links)
Polen wird in Westeuropa häufig als ein Land wahrgenommen, in dem Sicherheitsfragen eine im Vergleich zu den faktischen Bedrohungen unverhältnismäßig große Bedeutung zugemessen wird. Gleichzeitig klagt es aber über das gegenseitige Nichtverstehen: Der „außenstehende Westeuropäer“ sei in seiner unwissenden Perspektive nicht in der Lage, die wahren Gründe für das ausgeprägte polnische Sicherheitsdenken zu durchschauen. Die Arbeit ist darauf ausgerichtet, Einblick in das Innere der polnischen Sicherheitspolitik zu gewähren. Sie untersucht die sicherheitspolitische Sinnbildung und den Stellenwert von Sicherheit in der Außenpolitik, um festzustellen, dass die Konstruktion der Sicherheit in Polen auf historische, kulturelle und politische Referenzen zurückgreift, denen häufig ein symbolischer Wert zugeschrieben wird. In theoretischer Hinsicht greift die Studie auf Überlegungen aus der Außenpolitikforschung und den Security Studies zurück. Sie nimmt den Gedanken auf, dass die Außenpolitik auf einem gesellschaftlich konstruierten Deutungssystem basiert, das die Grenzen des politisch Möglichen bestimmt und verwendet einen diskursiven Begriff der „Sicherheit“. Sie baut auf den Erkenntnissen konstruktivistisch und kritisch geprägter Ansätze aus der sicherheitspolitischen Forschung der „Kopenhagener Schule“ um Ole Wæver und Barry Buzan auf, die in Form der Theorie der securitization zusammengefasst wurden. Die Dissertation präsentiert Ergebnisse einer diskursanalytischen Untersuchung öffentlicher Debatten über die Außenpolitik, die in Polen in den Jahren 1999-2006 geführt wurden. Untersucht wurden zwei Sektoren von Sicherheit: die Konstruktion der politischen Sicherheit in den Narrationen über Russland und den Westen sowie die Konstruktion der gesellschaftlichen Sicherheit innerhalb des Europadiskurses. Als Ergebnis entsteht zum einen ein Überblick über die diskursiven Mechanismen und Ressourcen, die die Artikulation von Sicherheitsinteressen sowie ihre Legitimierung in der Öffentlichkeit ermöglichen. Zum anderen stellt die Analyse unterschiedliche Wirkungsmechanismen im Zusammenspiel zwischen der Nationalisierung und der Transnationalisierung fest, was die verbreitete Sicht differenziert, dass Transnationalisierung in Polen automatisch als eine Gefahr wahrgenommen wird. / Poland is often perceived in Western Europe as a country which attaches much more importance to security issues than its real threats demand. At the same time it complains of mutual non-understanding: the outsiders from Western Europe are blamed for not being able to see through the good reasons for the pronounced polish security thinking. The study aims at allowing an insight in the internal logic of the polish security policy. It analyses how meaning is constructed in the security policy and which importance security will be attached to security in the foreign policy in order to realize that the construction of security in Poland uses historical, cultural and political references with symbolic value. The theoretical framework of the study is based on Foreign Policy Analysis and Security Studies. It incorporates the idea that the foreign policy is grounded on a socially constructed meaning system that determines the limits of political opportunities and employs a discursive definition of security. It follows the constructivist and critical approaches in the Security Studies, especially the theory of securitization by Ole Wæver and Barry Buzan from the Copenhagen School. The dissertation presents the results of the discourse analysis which investigates the public debates on foreign policy from 1999 till 2006. It analyses two sectors of security: the construction of the political security in the narration about Russia and the West as well as the construction of the societal security within the discourse about Europe. As a fist result emerges an overview of mechanisms and resources that enable the articulation of security interests and their public legitimation. As a second outcome the study ascertains diverse mechanisms in the interaction between nationalization and transnationalization, which differentiates the general opinion stating that the transnationalization is perceived in Poland automatically as a threat.

Secure Network Coding: Dependency of Efficiency on Network Topology

Pfennig, Stefan, Franz, Elke January 2013 (has links)
Network Coding is a new possibility to transmit data through a network. By combining different packets instead of simply forwarding, network coding offers the opportunity to reach the Min-Cut/Max-Flow capacity in multicast data transmissions. However, the basic schemes are vulnerable to so-called pollution attacks, where an attacker can jam large parts of the transmission by infiltrating only one bogus message. In the literature we found several approaches which aim at handling this kind of attack with different amounts of overhead. Though, the cost for a specific secure network coding scheme highly depends on the underlying network. The goal of this paper is on the one hand to describe which network parameters influence the efficiency of a certain scheme and on the other hand to provide concrete suggestions for selecting the most efficient secure network coding scheme considering a given network. We will illustrate that there does not exist “the best” secure network scheme concerning efficiency, but all selected schemes are more or less suited under certain network topologies.

Effect of Exercise and Respiratory Training on Clinical Progression and Survival in Patients with Severe Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension

Grünig, Ekkehard, Ehlken, Nicola, Ghofrani, Ardeschir, Staehler, Gerd, Meyer, F. Joachim, Juenger, Jana, Opitz, Christian F., Klose, Hans, Wilkens, Heinrike, Rosenkranz, Stephan, Olschewski, Horst, Halank, Michael January 2011 (has links)
Background: Even though specific agents for the treatment of patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH) are available, in PH patients, physical capacity and quality of life (QoL) are often restricted and survival is reduced. Objectives: This study prospectively investigated the long-term effects of respiratory and exercise training in patients with severe chronic PH regarding safety, time to clinical worsening and survival. Methods: Fifty-eight consecutive patients with severe PH on stable disease-targeted medication received exercise and respiratory training in hospital for 3 weeks and continued at home. They were prospectively followed for 24 ± 12 months. Primary endpoints were time to clinical worsening and survival. Adverse events and changes in the 6-min walking test, QoL, WHO functional class and gas exchange were secondary endpoints and were evaluated at baseline and at weeks 3 and 15. Results: All patients tolerated the exercise training well without severe adverse events. In week 15, 6-min walking test results were significantly improved compared to baseline (by 84 ± 49 m, p < 0.001), as well as QoL scores, WHO functional class (from 2.9 ± 0.5 to 2.6 ± 0.6, p < 0.01), peak oxygen consumption (from 12.5 ± 3.0 to 14.6 ± 3.9 ml/min/kg, p < 0.001), heart rate at rest (from 75 ± 12 to 61 ± 18 beats/min, p < 0.001) and maximal workload (from 65 ± 21 to 80 ± 25 W, p < 0.001). Survival at 1 and 2 years was 100 and 95%, respectively. Fifteen events occurred during the follow-up. Conclusion: This study indicates that exercise and respiratory training as add-on to medical treatment may improve exercise capacity and QoL, and that they have a good long-term safety in the described setting. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Monitoring Bicycle Safety through GPS data and Deep Learning Anomaly Detection

Yaqoob, Shumayla, Cafiso, Salvatore, Morabito, Giacomo, Pappalardo, Giuseppina 02 January 2023 (has links)
Cycling has always been considered a sustainable and healthy mode of transport. Moreover, during Covid-19 period, cycling was further appreciated. by citizens as an individual opportunity of mobility. As a counterpart of the growth in the num.ber ofbicyclists and of riding k:ilometres, bicyclist safety has become a challenge as the unique road transport mode with an increasing trend of crash fatalities in EU (Figure 1). When compared to the traditional road safety network screening. availability of suitable data for crashes involving bicyclists is more difficult because of underreporting and traffic flow issues. In such framework, new technologies and digital transformation in smart cities and communities is offering new opportunities of data availability which requires also different approaches for collection and analysis. An experimental test was carried out to collect data ftom different users with an instrumented bicycle equipped with Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and cameras. A panel of experts was asked to review the collected data to identify and score the severity of the safety critical events (CSE) reaching a good consensus. Anyway, manual observation and classi.fication of CSE is a time consu.ming and unpractical approach when large amount of data must be analysed. Moreover, due to the complex correlation between precrash driving behaviour and due to high dimensionality of the data, traditional statistical methods might not be appropriate in t.bis context. Deep learning-based model have recently gained significant attention in the lit.erature for time series data analysis and for anomaly detection, but generally applied to vehicles' mobility and not to micro-mobility. We present and discuss data requirements and treatment to get suitable infonnation from the GNSS devices, the development of an experimental :framework: where convolutional neural networks (CNN) is applied to integrate multiple GPS data streams of bicycle kinematics to detect the occurrence of a CSE.

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