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Improving linearity utilising adaptive predistortion for power amplifiers at mm-wave frequenciesValliarampath, J.T. (Joe) January 2014 (has links)
The large unlicensed 3 GHz overlapping bandwidth that is available worldwide at 60 GHz has resulted in renewed interest in 60 GHz technology. This frequency band has made it attractive for short-range gigabit wireless communication. The power amplifier (PA) directly influences the performance and quality of this entire communication chain, as it is one of the final subsystems in the transmitter. Spectral efficient modulation schemes used at 60 GHz pose challenging requirements for the linearity of the PA. To improve the linearity, several external linearisation techniques currently exist, such as feedback, feedforward, envelope elimination and restoration, linear amplification with non-linear components and predistortion.
This thesis is aimed at investigating and characterising the distortion components found in PAs at mm-wave frequencies and evaluating whether an adaptive predistortion (APD) linearisation technique is suitable to reduce these distortion components. After a thorough literature study and mathematical analysis, it was found that the third-order intermodulation distortion (IMD3) components were the most severe distortion components. Predistortion was identified as the most effective linearisation technique in terms of minimising these IMD3 components and was therefore proposed in this research. It does not introduce additional complexity and can easily be integrated with the PA. Furthermore, the approach is stable and has lower power consumption when compared to the aforementioned linearisation techniques. The proposed predistortion technique was developed compositely through this research by making it a function of the PA’s output power that was measured using a power detector. A comparator was used with the detected output power and the reference voltages to control the dynamic bias circuit of the variable gain amplifier. This provided control and flexibility on when to apply the predistortion to the PA and therefore allowing the linearity of the PA to be optimised. Three-stage non-linear and linear PAs were also designed at 60 GHz and implemented to compare the performance of the APD technique and form part of the hypothesis verification process.
The 130 nm silicon-germanium (SiGe) bipolar and complementary metal oxide semiconductor (BiCMOS) technology from IBM was used for the simulation of the entire APD and PA design and for the fabrication of the prototype integrated circuits (ICs). This technology has the advantage of integrating the high performance, low power intensive SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) with the CMOS technology. The SiGe HBTs have a high cut-off frequency ( > 200 GHz), which is ideal for mm-wave PA applications and the CMOS components were integrated in the control logic of the digital circuitry. The simulations and IC layout were accomplished with Cadence Virtuoso. The implemented IC occupies an area of 1.8 mm by 2.0 mm.
The non-linear PA achieves a of 11.97 dBm and an of -10 dBm. With the APD technique applied, the linearity of the PA is significantly improved with an of -6 dBm and an optimum IMD3 reduction of 10 dB. Based on the findings and results of the applied APD technique, APD reduced intermodulation distortion (especially the IMD3) and is thus suitable to improve the linearity of PAs at mm-wave frequencies. To the knowledge of this author, no APD technique has been applied for PAs at 60 GHz, therefore the contribution of this research will assist future PA designers to characterise and optimise the reduction of the IMD3 components. This will result in improved linear output power from the PA and the use of complex modulation schemes at 60 GHz. ## Die groot ongelisensieerde oorvleuelde bandwydte van 3 GHz wat wêreldwyd by 60 GHz beskikbaar is, het hernude belangstelling in 60 GHz-tegnologie tot gevolg gehad. Hierdie frekwensieband het dit aantreklik gemaak vir kortafstand-gigabis draadlose kommunikasie. Aangesien die drywingsversterker een van die finale subsisteme in die seintoestel is, het dit ’n direkte invloed op die werkverrigting en kwaliteit van die hele kommunikasieketting. Spektraaldoeltreffende modulasieskemas wat by 60 GHz gebruik word, stel uitdagende vereistes vir die lineariteit van die drywingsversterker. Om die lineariteit te verbeter, is daar tans verskeie eksterne linearisasietegnieke beskikbaar, soos terugvoer, vooruitvoer, omhullende eliminasie en -restorasie, lineêre versterking met nie-lineêre komponente en predistorsie.
Hierdie tesis het ten doel om die distorsiekomponente wat by millimetergolffrekwensies in drywingsversterkers gevind word, te ondersoek en te karakteriseer en om te bepaal of ’n aanpassende predistorsielinearisasietegniek geskik is om hierdie distorsiekomponente te verminder. Na ’n deeglike literatuurstudie en wiskundige analise is gevind dat die derde-orde-intermodulasiedistorsiekomponente (IMD3) die ergste distorsiekomponente was. Predistorsie is geïdentifiseer as die mees effektiewe linearisasietegniek om hierdie IMD3-komponente te minimeer en die gebruik daarvan is gevolglik in hierdie navorsing voorgestel. Dit bring nie addisionele kompleksiteit mee nie en kan maklik met die drywingsversterker geïntegreer word. Daarbenewens is die benadering stabiel, met laer kragverbruik in vergelyking met die linearisasietegnieke wat voorheen genoem is. Die voorgestelde predistorsietegniek is in hierdie navorsing ontwikkel deur dit ’n funksie van die drywingsversterker se uitsetkrag te maak, wat gemeet is deur ’n kragdetektor te gebruik. ’n Vergelyker is saam met die gemete uitsetkrag en die verwysingspannings gebruik om die dinamiese voorspanningsbaan van die veranderlike winsversterker te beheer. Dit het toegelaat vir beheer en buigsaamheid in die aanwending van die predistorsie op die drywingsversterker en gevolglik vir die optimering van die lineêriteit van die drywingsversterker. Driefase- nie-lineêre en lineêre drywingsversterkers is ook by 60 GHz ontwerp en geïmplementeer om die werkverrigting van die aanpassende predistorsietegniek te vergelyk en dit vorm deel van die verifikasieproses van die hipotese.
Die 130 nm-silikon-germanium (SiGe) bipolêre en metaaloksiedhalfgeleier- (BiCMOS) tegnologie van IBM is gebruik vir die simulasie van die hele aanpassende predistorsietegniek- en drywingsversterkerontwerp en vir die vervaardiging van die prototipe- geïntegreerde stroombane. Hierdie tegnologie het die voordeel dat dit die hoë werkverrigting en lae krag-intensiewe SiGe-heterovoegvlak-bipolêre transistors (HBTs) met die CMOS-tegnologie integreer. Die SiGe-HBTs het ’n hoë afsnyfrekwensie ( > 200 GHz), wat ideaal is vir mm-golfdrywingsversterkeraanwendings en die CMOS-komponente is in die beheer-logika van die digitale stroombaan geïntegreer. Die geïntegreerde stroombaan beslaan ’n area van 1.8 mm by 2.0 mm.
Die nie-lineêre drywingsversterker behaal ’n van 11.97 dBm en ’n van -10 dBm. As die APD-tegniek toegepas word, word die lineariteit van die drywingsversterker beduidend verbeter tot ’n van -6 dBm en ’n optimum-IMD3-vermindering van 10 dB. Volgens die bevindings en resultate van die APD-tegniek wat toegepas is, verminder APD intermodulasiedistorsie (veral die IMD3) en is gevolglik geskik om die lineariteit van drywingsversterkers by mm-golffrekwensies te verbeter. Na die wete van hierdie skrywer is daar nie voorheen enige APD tegniek toegepas vir drywingsversterkers by 60 GHz nie, gevolglik sal die bydrae van hierdie navorsing toekomstige drywingsversterkerontwerpers help om die vermindering van die IMD3-komponente te karakteriseer en optimeer. Dit sal verbeterde lineêre uitsetkrag van die drywingsversterker tot gevolg hê, asook meer komplekse modulasieskemas by 60 GHz toelaat. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / lk2014 / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / PhD / unrestricted
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Improving linearity utilising adaptive predistortion for power amplifiers at mm-wave frequenciesValliarampath, J.T. (Joe) 29 July 2014 (has links)
The large unlicensed 3 GHz overlapping bandwidth that is available worldwide at 60 GHz has resulted in renewed interest in 60 GHz technology. This frequency band has made it attractive for short-range gigabit wireless communication. The power amplifier (PA) directly influences the performance and quality of this entire communication chain, as it is one of the final subsystems in the transmitter. Spectral efficient modulation schemes used at 60 GHz pose challenging requirements for the linearity of the PA. To improve the linearity, several external linearisation techniques currently exist, such as feedback, feedforward, envelope elimination and restoration, linear amplification with non-linear components and predistortion.
This thesis is aimed at investigating and characterising the distortion components found in PAs at mm-wave frequencies and evaluating whether an adaptive predistortion (APD) linearisation technique is suitable to reduce these distortion components. After a thorough literature study and mathematical analysis, it was found that the third-order intermodulation distortion (IMD3) components were the most severe distortion components. Predistortion was identified as the most effective linearisation technique in terms of minimising these IMD3 components and was therefore proposed in this research. It does not introduce additional complexity and can easily be integrated with the PA.
Furthermore, the approach is stable and has lower power consumption when compared to the aforementioned linearisation techniques. The proposed predistortion technique was developed compositely through this research by making it a function of the PA’s output power that was measured using a power detector. A comparator was used with the detected output power and the reference voltages to control the dynamic bias circuit of the variable gain amplifier. This provided control and flexibility on when to apply the predistortion to the PA and therefore allowing the linearity of the PA to be optimised. Three-stage non-linear and linear PAs were also designed at 60 GHz and implemented to compare the performance of the APD technique and form part of the hypothesis verification process.
The 130 nm silicon-germanium (SiGe) bipolar and complementary metal oxide semiconductor (BiCMOS) technology from IBM was used for the simulation of the entire APD and PA design and for the fabrication of the prototype integrated circuits (ICs). This technology has the advantage of integrating the high performance, low power intensive SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) with the CMOS technology. The SiGe HBTs have a high cut-off frequency (fT > 200 GHz), which is ideal for mm-wave PA applications and the CMOS components were integrated in the control logic of the digital circuitry. The simulations and IC layout were accomplished with Cadence Virtuoso. The implemented IC occupies an area of 1.8 mm by 2.0 mm.
The non-linear PA achieves a Psat of 11.97 dBm and an IP1dB of -10 dBm. With the APD technique applied, the linearity of the PA is significantly improved with an IP1dB of -6 dBm and an optimum IMD3 reduction of 10 dB. Based on the findings and results of the applied APD technique, APD reduced intermodulation distortion (especially the IMD3) and is thus suitable to improve the linearity of PAs at mm-wave frequencies. To the knowledge of this author, no APD technique has been applied for PAs at 60 GHz, therefore the contribution of this research will assist future PA designers to characterise and optimise the reduction of the IMD3 components. This will result in improved linear output power from the PA and the use of complex modulation schemes at 60 GHz. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / PhD
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Musterbildung auf Si- und Ge-Oberflächen durch niederenergetische Ionenstrahlerosion: Musterbildung auf Si- und Ge-Oberflächen durch niederenergetische IonenstrahlerosionTeichmann, Marc 24 June 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Oberflächenglättung und selbstorganisierten Musterbildung auf Si(100) und Ge(100) durch Beschuss mit niederenergetischen Edelgasionen (Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe). Die Untersuchungen wurden für Ionenenergien zwischen 400 eV und 2000 eV für Ioneneinfallswinkel von 0° bis 85° durchgeführt. Zudem wurde die zeitliche Entwicklung spezifischer Erosionsformen durch die Variation der Fluenz über zwei Größenordnungen analysiert. In den Experimenten finden sich deutliche Anzeichen einer Facettierung sowie einer Vergröberung der Strukturen mit zunehmender Erosionszeit. Diese Beobachtungen deuten darauf hin, dass von Beginn an gradientenabhängiges Zerstäuben und die Reflexion von Primärionen einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf die Strukturentwicklung haben. Die Ergebnisse werden im Kontext bestehender Musterbildungsmodelle diskutiert.
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From Silicon to Germanium Nanowires : growth processes and solar cell structures / Processus de croissance de nanofils de Si et Ge : application a des cellules solairesTang, Jian 07 April 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif de développer des nouvelles architectures de cellules solaires à base de nanofils produites par un procédé VLS assisté par plasma. La modélisation optique est utilisée pour déterminer le champ et le profil d'absorption dans les cellules solaires. Un courant de 14 mA/cm2 a été obtenu pour des cellules tandem a-Si:H/μc-Si:H. Un modèle électrique a aussi été développé, permettant une compréhension approfondie du transport dans ces dispositifs. En étudiant la croissance de SiNWs étape par étape, une bonne compréhension du processus de croissance a été obtenue, permettant d’expliquer la forte évolution de la densité de nanofils, de leur morphologie et de leur cristallinité. La phase hexagonale de Si a été observée dans les nanofils de silicium de petit diamètre (< 10 nm). Nous avons fait des caractérisations TEM dans la direction [11-20] qui apportent une preuve claire de la phase hexagonale de Si dans les SiNWs. Une fois la croissance de nanofils de silicium optimisée, nous avons abordé la croissance de nanofils de Ge et d’alliages SiGe dans le but de réduire le gap et élargir le domaine spectral de nos cellules. Le contenu en Ge a été varié entre 0 et 100% avec des catalyseurs Sn, In et Cu. Nous avons constaté qu’au-dessus d'une température critique (~350 °C), on peut obtenir des nanofils de Ge cylindriques, longs de plusieurs microns. Des cellules solaires PIN à jonction radiale avec une couche intrinsèque à base d’a-Si:H, de µc-Si:H ou d’-SiGe:H ont été fabriquées. A notre connaissance, c'est la première démonstration d’un tel dispositif à base de nano fils SiGe. / This thesis is dedicated to develop new solar cell architectures based on nanowires produced by a plasma-assisted Vapor Liquid Solid process. By optical modeling, detailed field and absorption profiles in the NW solar cells have been obtained and a 14 mA/cm2 matched photocurrent has been achieved for a-Si:H/µc-Si:H tandem solar cells. An electrical model for radial PN junction NW solar cells has also been developed from first principle rules, allowing a good understanding of the carrier transport. By analyzing step by step the SiNWs growth in a PECVD system we could propose a detailed explanation for the strong evolution of the NW density, morphology and crystallinity during growth. The rare hexagonal phase of Si has been observed in the as grown SiNWs with diameters smaller than 10 nm. For the first of time, we have provided TEM characterizations from [11-20] direction to give a clear proof of the hexagonal Si phase in as grown SiNWs. To develop low band bap, high mobility material for multi junction NW solar cells, we added germane to silane during the plasma-assisted VLS growth process. Ge contents from 0 to 100% have been achieved with Sn, In and Cu catalysts. We have found that above a critical temperature (~ 350 °C), micrometer long cylindrical Ge NWs can be obtained. NW based PIN radial junction solar cells having a-Si:H, a-SiGe:H and µc-Si:H as intrinsic absorber layers have been fabricated. For the SiGeNWs based solar cells, a 6% energy conversion efficiency has been achieved with p-i-n configuration. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of SiGeNWs based photovoltaic device.
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<p>We propose a physically based model that describes the density and size of voids in silicon introduced via high dose helium ion implantation and subsequent annealing. The model takes into account interactions between vacancies, interstitials, small vacancy clusters, and voids. Void evolution in silicon occurs mainly by a migration and coalescence process. Various factors such as implantation energy and dose, anneal temperature, atmospheric pressure, and impurity level in silicon can influence the migration and coalescence mechanism and thus play a role in the void evolution process. Values for model parameters are consistent with known values for point defect parameters and assumed diffusion limited reaction rates. A single “fitting parameter” represents the rate of bubble migration and coalescence and is therefore related to surface diffusion of adatoms. Results obtained from simulations based upon the model were compared to our experimental results and to previously reported experimental results obtained over a wide range of conditions.</p> <p>Our own experiments involved the implantation of silicon samples and samples with a thin Si<sub>1-x</sub>Ge<sub>x</sub> (x = 0.05, 0.09) epilayer on silicon with 30 keV, 5×10<sup>16</sup> cm<sup>-2</sup> helium. Anneals were done in the range 960-1110°C for 15-30 minutes in nitrogen and dry oxygen. Void size distributions were measured from transmission electron microscopy images. Average void diameter and void density values and void size distribution did not show any significant differences between the samples annealed in nitrogen and dry oxygen. However, the presence of Si<sub>1-x</sub>Ge<sub>x</sub> epilayer on silicon resulted in increased average void diameter and reduced average void density when compared with Si samples as well as more selective void size distribution.</p> <p>Data from the literature included experiments with helium ion implantation energies in the range 30 - 300 keV, doses of 1×10<sup>16</sup> - 1×10<sup>17</sup> cm<sup>-2</sup>, subsequent annealing temperatures in the range 700 - 1200°C, and annealing duration in the range 15 minutes - 2 hours. Excellent agreement is found between the simulated results and those from reported experiments. The extracted migration and coalescence rate parameter shows an activation energy consistent with surface diffusivity of silicon. It shows a linear dependence on helium dose, and increases with decreased implantation energy, decreased ambient pressure, decreased substrate impurities, increased temperature ramp rate, or increased Ge fraction in cavity layer, all consistent with the proposed physical mechanism. Our mathematical model specifically ignores the long time saturation in void size, although we propose a simple explanation consistent with the physical picture. Similarly, we give physical reasons for a threshold implant dose resulting in the formation of small vacancy clusters during implant. But in modeling void growth we simply show that when such clusters exist voids will evolve according to our model.</p> <p>In our experiments, the presence of a Si<sub>0.95</sub>Ge<sub>0.05</sub> epilayer on silicon resulted in retarded B diffusion when compared with Si samples. This phenomenon is correlated to the role of the Si<sub>0.95</sub>Ge<sub>0.05</sub> epilayer on silicon in the void evolution mechanism and both are attributed to Ge interdiffusing from the epilayer into the Si bulk. The B diffusion data also allows us to predict conditions for the SiGe epilayer to modify the injection of interstitials from surface during dry oxidizing anneal.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Epitaxy and characterization of SiGeC layers grown by reduced pressure chemical vapor depositionHållstedt, Julius January 2004 (has links)
<p>Heteroepitaxial SiGeC layers have attracted immenseattention as a material for high frequency devices duringrecent years. The unique properties of integrating carbon inSiGe are the additional freedom for strain and bandgapengineering as well as allowing more aggressive device designdue to the potential for increased thermal budget duringprocessing. This work presents different issues on epitaxialgrowth, defect density, dopant incorporation and electricalproperties of SiGeC epitaxial layers, intended for variousdevice applications.</p><p>Non-selective and selective epitaxial growth of Si<sub>1-x-y</sub>Ge<sub>x</sub>C<sub>y</sub>(0≤x≤30, ≤y≤0.02) layershave been optimized by using high-resolution x-ray reciprocallattice mapping. The incorporation of carbon into the SiGematrix was shown to be strongly sensitive to the growthparameters. As a consequence, a much smaller epitaxial processwindow compared to SiGe epitaxy was obtained. Differentsolutions to decrease the substrate pattern dependency (loadingeffect) of SiGeC growth have also been proposed. The key pointin these methods is based on reduction of surface migration ofthe adsorbed species on the oxide. In non-selective epitaxy,this was achieved by introducing a thin silicon polycrystallineseed layer on the oxide. The thickness of this seed layer had acrucial role on both the global and local loading effect, andon the epitaxial quality. Meanwhile, in selective epitaxy,polycrystalline stripes introduced around the oxide openingsact as migration barriers and reduce the loading effecteffectively. Chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) was performedto remove the polycrystalline stripes on the oxide.</p><p>Incorporation and electrical properties of boron-doped Si<sub>1-x-y</sub>Ge<sub>x</sub>C<sub>y</sub>layers (x=0.23 and 0.28 with y=0 and 0.005) with aboron concentration in the range of 3x10<sup>18</sup>-1x10<sup>21</sup>atoms/cm3 have also been investigated. In SiGeClayers, the active boron concentration was obtained from thestrain compensation. It was also found that the boron atomshave a tendency to locate at substitutional sites morepreferentially compared to carbon. These findings led to anestimation of the Hall scattering factor of the SiGeC layers,which showed good agreement with theoretical calculations.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Silicon germanium carbon (SiGeC), Epitaxy,Chemical vapor deposition (CVD), Loading effect, Highresolution x-ray diffraction (HRXRD), Hall measurements, Atomicforce microscopy (AFM).</p>
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Optical, electrical and structural properties of nanostructured silicon and silicon-germanium alloysÜnal, Bayram January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Low-Frequency Noise in Si-Based High-Speed Bipolar TransistorsSandén, Martin January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Chemical Vapor Depositionof Si and SiGe Films for High-Speed Bipolar TransistorsPejnefors, Johan January 2001 (has links)
This thesis deals with the main aspects in chemical vapordeposition (CVD) of silicon (Si) and silicon-germanium (Si1-xGex) films for high-speed bipolar transistors.In situdoping of polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si)using phosphine (PH3) and disilane (Si2H6) in a low-pressure CVD reactor was investigated toestablish a poly-Si emitter fabrication process. The growthkinetics and P incorporation was studied for amorphous Si filmgrowth. Hydrogen (H) incorporated in the as-deposited films wasrelated to growth kinetics and the energy for H2desorption was extracted. Film properties such asresistivity, mobility, carrier concentration and grain growthwere studied after crystallization using either furnaceannealing or rapid thermal annealing (RTA). In order tointegrate an epitaxial base, non-selective epitaxial growth(NSEG) of Si and SiGe in a lamp-heated single-waferreduced-pressure CVD reactor was examined. The growth kineticsfor Si epitaxy and poly-Si deposition showed a differentdependence on the deposition conditions i.e. temperature andpressure. The growth rate difference was mainly due to growthkinetics rather than wafer surface emissivity effects. However,it was observed that the growth rate for Si epitaxy and poly-Sideposition was varying during growth and the time-dependencewas attributed to wafer surface emissivity variations. A modelto describe the emissivity effects was established, taking intoconsideration kinetics and the reactor heating mechanisms suchas heat absorption, emission andconduction. Growth ratevariations in opening of different sizes (local loading) andfor different oxide surface coverage (global loading) wereinvestigated. No local loading effects were observed, whileglobal loading effects were attributed to chemical as well astemperature effects. Finally, misfit dislocations formed in theSiGe epitaxy during NSEG were found to originate from theinterface between the epitaxial and polycrystalline regions.The dislocations tended to propagate across the activearea. <b>Keywords:</b>chemical vapor deposition (CVD), bipolarjunction transistor (BJT), heterojunction bipolar transistor(HBT), silicon-germanium (SiGe), epitaxy, poly-Si emitter,in situdoping, non-selective epitaxy (NSEG), loadingeffect, emissivity effect
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SiGeC Heterojunction Bipolar TransistorsSuvar, Erdal January 2003 (has links)
Heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBT) based on SiGeC havebeen investigated. Two high-frequency architectures have beendesigned, fabricated and characterized. Different collectordesigns were applied either by using selective epitaxial growthdoped with phosphorous or by non-selective epitaxial growthdoped with arsenic. Both designs have a non-selectivelydeposited SiGeC base doped with boron and a poly-crystallineemitter doped with phosphorous. Selective epitaxial growth of the collector layer has beendeveloped by using a reduced pressure chemical vapor deposition(RPCVD) technique. The incorporation of phosphorous and defectformation during selective deposition of these layers has beenstudied. A major problem of phosphorous-doping during selectiveepitaxy is segregation. Different methods, e.g. chemical orthermal oxidation, are shown to efficiently remove thesegregated dopants. Chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) hasalso been used as an alternative to solve this problem. The CMPstep was successfully integrated in the HBT process flow. Epitaxial growth of Si1-x-yGexCy layers for base layerapplications in bipolar transistors has been investigated indetail. The optimization of the growth parameters has beenperformed in order to incorporate carbon substitutionally inthe SiGe matrix without increasing the defect density in theepitaxial layers. The thermal stability of npn SiGe-based heterojunctionstructures has been investigated. The influence of thediffusion of dopants in SiGe or in adjacent layers on thethermal stability of the structure has also been discussed. SiGeC-based transistors with both non-selectively depositedcollector and selectively grown collector have been fabricatedand electrically characterized. The fabricated transistorsexhibit electrostatic current gain values in the range of 1000-2000. The cut-off frequency and maximum oscillation frequencyvary from 40-80 GHz and 15-30 GHz, respectively, depending onthe lateral design. The leakage current was investigated usinga selectively deposited collector design and possible causesfor leakage has been discussed. Solutions for decreasing thejunction leakage are proposed. <b>Key words:</b>Silicon-Germanium-Carbon (SiGeC),Heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT), chemical vapordeposition (CVD), selective epitaxy, non-selective epitaxy,collector design, high-frequency measurement, dopantsegregation, thermal stability.
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