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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation tridimensionnelle multibandes du transport quantique dans les transistors à nanofil

Pons, Nicolas 08 June 2011 (has links)
L’amélioration des performances du transistor MOS passe par la réduction de ses dimensions. Dans quelques années, la longueur de grille des dispositifs va descendre en dessous de 10 nm. A cette échelle, les effets quantiques deviennent prépondérants et dégradent considérablement les performances électriques des transistors à simple grille. Le transistor à nanofil avec grille enrobante est une architecture alternative intéressante pour augmenter le contrôle électrostatique du canal de conduction. Malgré les améliorations apportées par cette architecture, le courant à l’état bloqué reste perturbé par l’effet tunnel dans la direction source-drain. Afin de réduire ce courant sans réduire celui à l’état passant, nous avons étudié l’impact d’un rétrécissement local de la section transverse du canal coté drain (architecture notch-MOSFET). Pour cela, nous avons développé un simulateur 3D basé sur le formalisme des fonctions de Green hors équilibre couplé de façon auto-cohérente avec l’équation de Poisson. Ces calculs sont effectués dans l’approximation de la masse effective. Nous avons ensuite étudié le transport des trous dans les transistors à nanofil de type p, ainsi que l’influence d’une impureté ionisée dans le canal de ces dispositifs. La complexité de la bande de valence a nécessité la mise en œuvre d’un modèle k∙p à 6 bandes inclus dans le simulateur 3D évoqué précédemment. / Performances improvement of MOS transistors involves reduction of its dimensions. In a few years, the gate length of devices will reach sub-10 nm regime. At this scale, quantum effects become preponderant and considerably degrade electric performances of simple-gate transistors. The Gate-all-around nanowire transistor is an interesting alternative architecture to improve electrostatic control of the conduction channel. Despite the improvements made thanks to this architecture, the OFF-current remains disturbed by tunneling effect in source-drain direction. In order to decrease this current without decreasing the ON-current, we have studied the impact of local narrowing of transverse cross-section in drain side of the channel (notch-MOSFET architecture). To this purpose, we have developed a 3D simulator based on Non-equilibrium Green function formalism coupled self-consistently with Poisson equation. These simulations are performed in the effective mass approximation. Then we have studied holes transport in p-type nanowire transistors and the influence of an ionized impurity in the channel of these devices. The valence band complexity required six-band k∙p model development include into previously mentioned 3D simulator.

24, Lost, and Six Feet Under: Post-traumatic television in the post-9/11 era.

Anderson, Tonya 05 1900 (has links)
This study sought to determine if and how television texts produced since September 11, 2001, reflect and address cultural concerns by analyzing patterns in their theme and narrative style. Three American television serials were examined as case studies. Each text addressed a common cluster of contemporary issues such as trauma, death, and loss.

Analyzing three quality management systems in relation to the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

Worthington, Jeremiah 01 January 2005 (has links)
This paper explores different quality management systems (QMS) and correlates their value in achieving success as measured by the Malcolm Baldrige Award. The three major quality management systems were reviewed, International Organization of Standards (ISO), Total Quality Management (TQM) and Six Sigma. Quality management systems are the single most powerful tool that a company can establish to create a sucessful organization.

Relations entre profils alimentaires et maladies allergiques de l’enfant : étude des six villes françaises / Relationship between dietary patterns and allergic diseases of the child : the six french cities study

Saadé, Daniele 03 December 2014 (has links)
Contexte : La prévalence de l'asthme et des allergies a augmenté au cours de ces dernières décennies,en particulier chez les enfants et dans le monde occidental. Cette augmentation de la prévalence estdevenue un problème très grave de santé publique et pourrait être liée à une combinaison deprédisposition génétique, de facteurs environnementaux et des changements dans le mode de vie, ycompris les habitudes alimentaires. Cependant, les études épidémiologiques concernant les maladiesallergiques chez l’enfant en relation avec l'alimentation sont rares.Objectifs : Ce travail analyse la littérature récente traitant l'alimentation, les habitudes alimentaires et lanutrition en relation avec les maladies allergiques chez les enfants en tenant compte de la méthodologieutilisée pour évaluer les habitudes alimentaires. En outre, il évalue en premier lieu l'association entre leshabitudes alimentaires et l'asthme et les maladies allergiques et en deuxième lieu la relation entrel'asthme et le surpoids/l’obésité dans l’étude des six villes françaises.Méthodes : MEDLINE/PubMed et Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews ont été utilisés pour larevue de la littérature concernant l'alimentation et les maladies allergiques. Des études transversales ontété menées à Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand, Créteil, Marseille, Reims, Strasbourg sur 7 432 enfantsscolaires, choisis au hasard et âgés de 9-11 ans. Des questionnaires adressés aux parents, basés surl'Enquête internationale sur l'asthme et les allergies dans l'enfance (ISAAC), ont été utilisés pourrecueillir des informations sur les maladies allergiques et les facteurs de risque potentiels, y compris unquestionnaire de fréquence alimentaire pour évaluer les habitudes alimentaires des enfants. Des testscutanés aux allergènes communs ont été effectués afin d'identifier l'existence d'une hypersensibilitéallergique et des tests d’effort ont été effectués pour évaluer l'asthme à l’effort.Résultats : Les apports moyens de 12 principaux produits alimentaires consommés par les élèves ontété calculées et trois profils alimentaires ont été extraits par analyse en composantes principales:l’alimentation proche du régime méditerranéen, l’alimentation à base d’oméga-3 et de poissons gras etl’alimentation non équilibrée. Les risques relatifs des maladies allergiques ont été estimés par des odds7ratios (OR) et le contrôle des facteurs de confusion a été réalisé par des régressions logistiques. Lessifflements, l’asthme et la rhinite sont plus fréquents chez les garçons que chez les filles. En analysemultivariée, l’alimentation à base d’oméga-3 avait un effet protecteur contre l'asthme vie et l’asthmesévère chez les enfants (OR ajusté: 0,77 ; IC 95%: [0,62 -0,96] et OR ajusté: 0,55 ; IC 95%: [0,32 -0,94]respectivement). L’adhérence à une alimentation proche du régime méditerranéen et riche enantioxydants semble avoir un effet protecteur contre les maladies allergiques. Le surpoids et l’obésitéont été positivement associés avec l’asthme vie chez les enfants ne présentant pas de sifflements (ORajusté: 1,98 ; IC 95%: [1,06 -3,70]) et ont été de même associé positivement avec la rhinite vie et larhinite 12 mois chez les enfants présentant des sifflements (OR ajusté: 1,63 ; IC 95%: [1,09 -2,45] etOR ajusté: 2,20 ; IC 95%: [1,13 -4,27] respectivement), mais pas avec l’asthme à l’effort.Conclusion: Dans l'ensemble, l'adhésion à un régime alimentaire sain, y compris les antioxydants et lesoméga-3 semble avoir un effet protecteur sur l'asthme et les allergies chez les enfants. Le surpoids etl’obésité a été associé significativement avec l’asthme chez les enfants non atopiques et la rhiniteallergique chez les enfants atopiques. Des études prospectives longitudinales sont donc nécessaires pourpouvoir évaluer les relations de causalité. / Background: The prevalence of asthma and allergy has risen in recent decades, especially amongchildren and in the Western world. This increase in prevalence has become a serious public healthproblem and might be related to a combination of genetic predisposition, environmental factors, andlifestyle changes, including dietary habits. However, epidemiological studies concerning childhood dietrelatedallergic diseases are scarce.Objectives: This work reviews published literature dealing with diet, dietary patterns and nutrition inrelation with allergic diseases among children taking into account the methodology used to evaluatedietary patterns. Moreover, it assesses primary the association between food patterns and asthma andallergic diseases and secondary the relation between asthma and overweight/obesity in the French SixCities Study.Methods: MEDLINE/PubMed and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were used for theliterature review concerning diet and allergic diseases. Cross-sectional studies were conducted inBordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand, Créteil, Marseille, Reims, and Strasbourg among 7432 randomly selectedschoolchildren aged 9-11 years. Parental questionnaires, based on the International Study on Asthmaand Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC), were used to collect information on allergic diseases and potentialrisk factors including a food frequency questionnaire to evaluate dietary habits. Skin prick testing tocommon allergens was performed to identify the existence of an allergic hypersensitivity and exercisetest was performed to assess Exercise-Induced Asthma (EIA).Results: The mean intakes of 12 main food items were calculated and three food patterns wereextracted by principal component analysis labeled: the Mediterranean-like diet, the diet rich in omega-3fatty acids and the unhealthy diet. Relative risks of allergic diseases were estimated as odds ratios (OR)and confounders control was performed with multiple logistic regressions. Wheezing, asthma andrhinitis were more prevalent in boys than in girls. In the multivariate analysis, diet rich in omega-3 wasprotective for lifetime and severe asthma in children (adjusted OR: 0.77; 95% CI: [0.62 -0.96] and9adjusted OR: 0.55; 95% CI: [0.32 -0.94] respectively). Adherence to the Mediterranean-like diet rich inantioxidants tended to be protective against allergic diseases. Overweight and obesity were positivelyassociated with lifetime asthma in non-wheezing children (adjusted OR: 1,98 ; 95% CI: [1,06 -3,70])and were also positively associated with lifetime and past year allergic rhinitis in wheezing children(adjusted OR: 1.63; 95% CI: [1.09 -2.45] and adjusted OR: 2.20; 95% CI: [1.13 -4.27] respectively), butwere not associated with EIA.Conclusion: Overall, adherence to a healthy diet including antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids seemsto have a protective effect on asthma and allergy in childhood. Overweight and obesity weresignificantly associated with asthma in non-atopic children and with allergic rhinitis in atopic children.Prospective longitudinal studies should be necessary for evaluation of causal relations.

Experimental and Theoretical Study of Two Non-linear Processes Induced by Ultra-narrow Resonances in Atoms / Etude expérimentale et théorique de deux processus non-linéaires induits par des résonances atomiques ultra-fines

Banerjee, Chitram 17 June 2019 (has links)
Dans ce travail de thèse, je considère deux phénomènes distincts, tous deux liés aux interactions non-linéaires entre la lumière et des atomes. La première partie est dédiée à du mélange à 4 ondes basé sur des degrés de liberté internes d’atomes d’hélium à température ambiante, et l’utilise pour des processus d’amplification et de la génération d’états comprimés. Le second phénomène étudié est basé sur des degrés de liberté externes d’atomes de césium froids et est utilisé pour du stockage de lumière et la génération d’un champ conjugué en phase par mélange d’ondes. J'ai expérimentalement observé et caractérisé de l'amplification sensible à la phase par mélange à quatre ondes dans de l'hélium métastable à température ambiante. J'ai obtenu un gain maximum d'environ 9 dB avec une bande passante d'environ 300 kHz. Les fonctions de transfert phase/phase obtenues ont montré une forte compression de phase, indiquant que le phénomène était presque exempt de processus indésirables. Dans la seconde partie, j'explique comment les résonances de recul, dues à un transfert de quantité de mouvement entre un photon et un atome, peuvent être utilisées pour du stockage de lumière. J'explique également comment ce phénomène peut conduire à la génération d’un champ conjugué, et pourquoi la théorie existante ne permet pas de modéliser le creux qui apparaît dans le spectre de génération du champ conjugué lorsqu’on augmente la puissance optique. Pour reproduire ce nouvel élément, j’ai effectué un développement jusqu’au 5e ordre, qui démontre qu’il dépend de la cohérence qui est excitée entre des niveaux de moments atomiques différents. Je montre ensuite qu'un modèle plus simple, basé sur trois niveaux atomiques définis par des degrés de liberté interne et externe de l'atome, peut expliquer le phénomène observé. / In this PhD work, two distinct phenomena are considered, which are both related to non-linear interactions between light and atoms. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to four wave mixing based on the internal degrees of freedom of room temperature helium atoms and uses it for amplification processes and generation of squeezed light. The second studied process is based on external degrees of freedom of cold cesium atoms and used for light storage and phase conjugate field generation through multi-wave mixing. I experimentally observed and characterized phase sensitive amplification via four-wave mixing in metastable helium at room temperature. I have obtained about 9 dB of maximum gain with a bandwidth of about 300 kHz. The obtained phase transfer functions showed a strong phase squeezing, indicating that the phenomenon was almost free of unwanted processes. In the second part, I explain how recoil induced resonances, which are due to the transfer of momentum between a photon and an atom, can be used to store light. I also explain how this phenomenon can lead to generation of a phase conjugate field, and why the existing theory fails to model the dip, which appears in the phase conjugate generation spectrum when the field power is increased. I extend the model to the fifth order so that it can reproduce this new feature and demonstrate that it depends on the decay rate of the coherence, which is excited between atomic levels of different momenta. I then show that a simpler model, which is based on three levels defined by internal and external degrees of freedom of the atom, can explain the observed phenomenon.

Nontraditional Six-Four Chords and Their Impact on Middleground Structures in Schumann, Brahms, and Saint-Säens

Gao, Yiyi 12 1900 (has links)
This dissertation explores middleground functionality of six-four chords by combining a voice-leading approach with hypermetrical analysis. By acknowledging the functional ambiguity of certain six-four chords that do not fit into traditional classifications (Aldwell and Schachter's cadential, consonant, passing, and neighboring six-four), or that can be seen as fitting in more than one category, I show that our interpretation of deeper-level structures is contingent upon how we choose to hear the functionality of these harmonies. Three types of six-four chords are introduced: cadential/consonant, passing/cadential, and neighboring/consonant six-four, illustrated by works by Robert Schumann, Brahms, and Saint-Säens. Each pair refers to an ambiguity—the same chord invites two alternative harmonic interpretations. I call these chords nontraditional in the sense that they shed more light on the musical structure with their ambiguity, rather than when being wedged into a single type of a six-four chord. This approach renews the ways of hearing the malleability of nonconventional Romantic structures and permits us to trace the path of each work as a unique tonal trajectory from a listener's perspective.


PHILIPE DA SILVA SIMOES 22 September 2022 (has links)
[pt] O Lean Six Sigma (LSS) vem impulsionando diversas organizações ao redor do mundo, aprimorando seus negócios através da melhoria de qualidade e de desempenho. Diversos estudos apontam os resultados esperados pela abordagem LSS depende do sucesso do processo de implementação. Embora existam alguns frameworks que guiem as organizações no processo de implementação, poucos estudos consideram as especificidades dos sistemas produtivos Engineer-to-Order (ETO). Esta dissertação de mestrado se propõe a preencher essa lacuna desenvolvendo um framework de implementação desenvolvido em Pesquisa-Ação. Para isso, foi utilizado um modelo de maturidade híbrido cujos principais parâmetros são os Fatores Críticos de Sucesso (FCS). O modelo e os parâmetros foram levantados e explorados na literatura por meio de Revisões de Escopo. Para refletir e avaliar o contexto ETO, esses parâmetros foram validados, estruturados e ponderados por grupos focais de especialistas, através dos métodos Item-Objective Congruence (IOC), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) e a estatística Kappa de Fleiss. Em seguida, uma Pesquisa-Ação foi realizada junto a uma empresa do setor midiático, perseguindo ciclo checkaction-plan-do (CAPDo). Como resultado, a organização direcionou seus esforços de melhoria contínua, resultando no rápido aumento do nível de maturidade. Essa pesquisa exploratória deu origem um framework apresentado como um guia de implementação LSS para organizações ETO. Algumas oportunidades de melhoria e limitações, como a subjetividade da ferramenta de avaliação e a necessidade de novas aplicações práticas, que requerem tempo, são indagadas como sugestões de melhoria para pesquisas futuras. / [en] Lean Six Sigma (LSS) has been driving many organizations around the world, enhancing their business through quality and performance improvement. Several studies point out the results expected from the LSS approach depend on successful implementations. Although there are some frameworks that guide organizations through the implementation process, few studies consider the specifics of Engineer-to-Order (ETO) production systems. This master dissertation proposes to fill this gap by developing an implementation framework developed in Action Research. For this, a hybrid maturity model was used, whose main parameters are the Critical Success Factors (CSF). The model and parameters were identified and explored in the literature through Scoping Reviews. To reflect and evaluate the ETO context, these parameters were validated, structured and weighted by focus groups with experts using Item-Objective Congruence (IOC), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods and Fleiss Kappa statistic. Next, a Research-Action was conducted within a media sector company, pursuing the check-action-plan-do (CAPDo) cycle. As a result, the organization directed its continuous improvement efforts, resulting in a rapid increase in maturity level. This exploratory research gave rise to a framework presented as an LSS implementation guide for ETO organizations. Some opportunities for improvement and limitations, such as the subjectivity of the assessment tool and the need for further practical applications, which require time, are inquired as improvement suggestions for future research.

Hur kan Six sigma verktyg användas inom HR för att minska personalomsättning? : En kvantitativ fallstudie med syfte att minska och förstå personalomsättning. / How can Six sigma tools be used in HR to reduce employee turnover?

olsson, Johan January 2024 (has links)
I en globaliserad och högt konkurrensutsatt värld så behöver företag och organisationer ständigt arbeta för att bli bättre och mer effektiva. Ett av de mest erkända förbättringsprogrammen är Six sigma som med grund i data arbetar mot mindre variation och bättre resultat i processer. Hur fungerar detta i miljöer där personalfrågor och människan är i centrum? Hur kan HR funktionen i ett tillverkningsbolag använda sig av Six sigma metodik i arbetet mot en lägre personalomsättning? Hög personalomsättning är något som i många fall är problematiskt, då det hindrar en kontinuerlig utveckling i arbetet och kräver stora utbildningskostnader. Finns det sätt att förstå personalomsättning med nya digitaliserade data, och hur kan kvalitetsverktyg användas för att minska personalomsättningen? Studien undersöker ett urval av de mest använda Six sigma verktygen och hur dessa kan användas i arbete med hög personalomsättning bland nyanställd personal. Med en metod som utgår från DMAIC modellen så bedöms utvalda kvalitetsverktyg. Parallellt så redovisas orsaker och lärdomar kring personalomsättning inom industrin. Genom intervjuer och datainsamling med organisationens chefer så framkommer indikationer på vilka parametrar som driver personalomsättningen. Studiens resultat visar på att det fungerar väl att applicera Six sigma verktyg på HR problem, även om det finns vissa begränsningar i användandet av statistiska verktyg. Resultatet mynnar ut i en sammanställning av de mest effektiva verktygen för detta problemområde och ett förslag påmodell som chefer och rekryterare kan använda i förbättringsarbeten / In a global market with high competition the need for companies to improve and streamline their processes increase. One of the most well-known improvement programs is Six sigma, that has its background in data analyses to improve variance in a process. How does it work in an HR environment where most problems are human and behavior based? How can an HR department in a manufacturing company use common Six sigma methodology in its work towards lower employee turnover? High employee turnover is problematic for many companies, and it affects the continuity of the organization and result in costly education. Is there a way to understand employee turnover with new digital accessible data, and how can you use quality tools to improve the area? The study explores a choice of the most used six sigma tools and sees how these can be used in the work against high employee turnover specifically for new employees. The method is based on the DMAIC model and rate the chosen quality tools along with reflections to learn and understand what drives employee turnover in this industry. Through interviews and datacollection with the managers of the organizations some indicators appear that could show us the causes of the turnover. The result shows that six sigma tools are effective in problem solving even in HR related problems, even if it does show some restrictions compared to regular production problem types.The study delivers a list of the most effective tools and a model for recruiters and managers to use when working with future HR problems.

Musique et cinéma d’animation en France (1930–1950)

Alba, Stefano 05 1900 (has links)
Cette version de la thèse a été tronquée de certains éléments protégés par le droit d’auteur. / Our study explores the musical universe of French animation during the first two decades of sound cinema, with the aim of showing the extent of a phenomenon that has never been studied in its entirety. The context of the era is characterized by the participation of a considerable number of “art music” composers, whose contribution to animation constitutes a lesser-known aspect of their career. Through the study of unpublished archival documents and press articles of the time, the subject is approached mainly from a historical perspective, in order to situate apparently exceptional cases in the context of the artistic networks that allowed the creation of these works. The thesis is constructed following a chrono-thematic plan. In our history, we integrate elements of film music analysis to illustrate emblematic cases of the different tendencies of the time. The study of the period 1930–1939 highlights the “artisanal” aspect of the productions of the time. Our attention focuses specifically on lesser-known cases, including those of Jean Françaix and Pierre Vellones. The second chapter is devoted to director André Vigneau and his collaboration with Henri Cliquet-Pleyel. Our exploration continues with the study of two iconic pre-war films: La Fortune enchantée by Pierre Charbonnier (music by Henri Sauguet) and Barbe Bleue by René Bertrand (music by Maurice Jaubert). In addition, we focus on “auteur” animated advertising films and the work of Alexandre Alexeïeff, marked by his collaboration with Poulenc, Auric, Milhaud and Roland-Manuel. Another key figure in French animation is the composer Jean Wiéner, to whom we devote a monographic chapter, which details his collaboration with the animator Paul Grimault. Our study of the Vichy era (1940–1944) focuses on the growing role of the state in financing animated films. This trend is illustrated by two emblematic cases of “highbrow” cartoons: Callisto, la petite nymphe de Diane by André-Édouard Marty (music by Honegger and Roland-Manuel) and La Chasse infernale by Jean and Alex Giaume (music by Tony Aubin). Finally, in the last chapter, we examine the post-war years and, most notably, a forgotten composer of film music, Guy Bernard. On the other hand, if André Jolivet is far from being forgotten, the cartoon music he composed during the 1940s represents a largely unknown part of his career. / Notre étude explore l’univers musical de l’animation française au cours des deux premières décennies du cinéma sonore, dans le but de montrer l’ampleur d’un phénomène qui n’a jamais été étudié dans son ensemble. Le contexte de l’époque se caractérise par la participation d’un nombre considérable de compositeurs et compositrices de musique « savante », dont le cinéma d’animation constitue un aspect encore peu connu de leur carrière. À travers l’étude de documents d’archives inédits et d’articles de presse de l’époque, le sujet est abordé principalement dans une perspective historique, afin de situer des cas apparemment exceptionnels dans le contexte des réseaux artistiques qui ont permis la création de ces œuvres. La thèse est construite en suivant un plan chrono-thématique. Au cours de notre histoire, nous intégrons des étapes d’analyse musico-filmique qui illustrent des cas emblématiques des différentes tendances esthétiques de l’époque. L’étude de la période 1930–1939 met en évidence l’aspect « artisanal » des productions de l’époque. Notre attention porte spécifiquement sur des cas peu connus, dont ceux de Jean Françaix et de Pierre Vellones. Le deuxième chapitre est consacré au réalisateur André Vigneau et à sa collaboration avec Henri Cliquet-Pleyel. Notre exploration continue à travers l’étude de deux films iconiques d’avant-guerre : La Fortune enchantée de Pierre Charbonnier (musique d’Henri Sauguet) et Barbe Bleue de René Bertrand (musique de Maurice Jaubert). Une importance particulière est accordée au cinéma d’animation publicitaire « d’auteur » et à l’œuvre d’Alexandre Alexeïeff, marquée par la collaboration avec Poulenc, Auric, Milhaud et Roland-Manuel. Une autre figure clé du dessin animé français est le compositeur Jean Wiéner, auquel nous consacrons un chapitre monographique qui examine particulièrement sa collaboration avec Paul Grimault. Pour la période de l’Occupation (1940–1944) nous évoquons le rôle croissant de l’État dans la subvention de films d’animation. Cette tendance est illustrée par deux cas de dessins animés « savants » : Callisto, la petite nymphe de Diane d’André-Édouard Marty (musique d’Honegger et Roland-Manuel) et La Chasse infernale de Jean et Alex Giaume (musique de Tony Aubin). Nous terminons sur un panorama de l’immédiat après-guerre, notamment autour d’une figure oubliée de la musique de film, Guy Bernard. En revanche, si le nom d’André Jolivet est loin d’être oublié, ses musiques de dessins animés des années 40 représentent un aspect méconnu de son œuvre.

Lean six sigma deployment and implementation strategies for MCG Industries (PTY) LTD.

Stone, Mark Eric 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Continuous improvement is a consensus theme used by many industries for improving product quality and service. In the last decade a new quality philosophy known as Six Sigma has become well established in many companies, e.g., Motorola, General Electric, Ford, Honda, Sony, Hitachi, Texas Instruments, American Express, etc. Some have suggested that the Six Sigma quality improvement philosophy is not only impacting the global business sector, but will also re-shape the discipline of statistics. The Six Sigma philosophy for improving product and service quality is based upon existing principles established by other well-recognised quality experts, (Le. Deming, Juran, and Ishikawa). The significant departure of the Six Sigma philosophy from existing quality philosophies is that it promotes a stronger emphasis on monitOring production yield and manufacturing costs associated with any quality improvement effort. The other significant contribution that Six Sigma makes to the quality movement is the detailed structure for continuous improvement and the step-by-step statistical methodology. The goal of any Six Sigma improvement effort is to obtain a long-term defect rate of only 3.4 defective parts per million manufactured. Lean and Six Sigma are recent developments in continuous improvement methodology that have been popularised by several high-profile companies. The success and complementary nature of these methodologies has led to their combination into a single methodology, commonly called Lean Six Sigma (LSS). Although there is considerable literature available and many implementations of LSS, very little published research addresses the practical experiences of companies that have implemented LSS. To formalise a Lean Six Sigma implementation strategy for MeG Industries the focus of this research was to answer the research question: "How and why are certain implementations of LSS successful or unsuccessful?" To answer this question, this research investigates the implementation processes of organisations by addressing the following investigative questions: .:. How has LSS been deployed and implemented in organisations? .:. What are barriers to LSS deployment and how are they overcome? .:. What are challenges experienced during a LSS implementation and how are they overcome? The investigative questions further focused the research question and identified several factors that appeared to significantly contribute to implementation success; these factors are: .:. Fusing business strategy with continuous improvement strategy .:. Leadership commitment and involvement in the deployment and implementation processes .:. The use of consultants that are proficient and experienced .:. A defined organisational model and infrastructure which links the continuous improvement efforts with the performance measurement system and senior leadership .:. Defined and standardised personnel selection criteria This research's purpose is to assist MeG Industries to structure a continuous improvement program that abates or eliminates the negative effects caused by deployment barriers and implementation challenges. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Deurlopende verbetering is 'n eenstemminge tema gebruik deur menige nywerhede vir die verbetering van produkgehalte en diens. Gedurende die afgelope dekade is 'n nuwe kwaliteitsfilosofie, bekend as Six Sigma, goed gevestig in verskeie maatskappye, bv. Motorola, General Electric, Ford, Honda, Sony, Hitachi, Texas Instruments, American Express ens. Sommige het voorgestel dat die Six Sigma kwaliteit verbeteringfilosofie nie alleenlik impak maak op die globale besigheidsekor nie maar sal ook die disipline van statistiek herskep. Die Six Sigma filosofie vir die verbetering van produk en dienskwaliteit is gebasseer op bestaande beginsels gevestig deur welbekende kwaliteitdeskundiges (bv. Deming, Juran en Ishikawa). Die betekenisvolle afwyking van die Six Sigma filosofie vanaf die bestaande kwaliteitfilosofie is die bevordering van 'n sterk klem op die moniteering van produksieopbrengs en vervaardigingskostes verbind met enige kwaliteitverbeterings inspanning. Die ander betekenisvolle bydrae wat Six Sigma aan kwaliteitbeweging maak is die struktuur vir deurlopende verbetering en die stap vir stap statistiese metodiek. Die doel van enige Six Sigma verbeterings inspanning, is om 'n langtermyn defekgraad van net 3.4 defektiewe parte per miljoen vervaardig, te verkry. Lean en Six Sigma is onlangse ontwikkelings in deurlopende verbeteringsmetodiek, wat populer gemaak is deur verskeie hoe profiel maatskappye. Die sukses en komplimerende karakter van hierdie metodiekke het gelei tot die kombinasie van 'n enkel metodiek, algemeen bekend as Lean Six Sigma (LSS). Alhoewel daar aansienlike literatuur beskikbaar is, bestaan daar min gepubliseerde navorsingstukke wat die praktiese implementering van LSS deur maatskappye aanspreek. Om 'n Lean Six Sigma implementering strategie vir MCG Industries te formuleer is gefokus op navorsing wat die navorsingvraagstuk: Hoekom en waarom is sekere implementerings van LSS suksesvol of onsuksesvol?". Om hierdie vraag te beantwoord ondersoek die navorser die implementeringsprosesse van organisasies deur middel van die volgende navorsingvraagstukke: - Hoe is LSS ontplooi en geimplementeer in organisasies? - Wat is die hindernisse tot LSS ontplooiing en hoe word dit oorbrug? - Watter uitdagings word ondervind met die implementering van LSS en hoe word dit oorbrug? Die ondersoek bevraagteken verdere gefokusde navorsingvraagstukke en identifiseer verskeie faktore wat skynbaar 'n betekenisvolle bydrae lewer tot suksesvolle implementering; hierdie faktore is: -Samesmelting van besigheidstrategie met deurlopende verbeteringstrategie -Leierskapvertroue en betrokkenheid in die ontplooiing en implementerings prosesse -Die gebruik van bekwame en ervare konsultante -'n Gedefineerde organisasiemodel en infrastruktuur wat gekoppel word aan deurlopende verbeteringsinstelling deur middel van 'n prestasiemetingstelsel en senior leierskap -Bepaalde en gestandaardiseerde personeel seleksie kriteria. Die navorsing doel is om MCG Industries behulpsaam te wees met die struktuur van 'n deurlopende verbeteringsprogram wat vermindering of eliminasie van negatiewe uitwerkings, veroorsaak deur ontplooiings hindernisse en implementerings uitdagings.

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