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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh projektu rozvoje temné turistiky / The proposal of dark tourism development project

TROJANOVÁ, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
The work focuses on issues of witch trials and the Šumpersko Jesenicko. This is a proposal for the festival "AD CAELOS PROSPERO" on 325th anniversary of the burning Šumperk Dean K. A. Lautner, which will be held in the spirit of witch.

"Pukl, hyjta ha muzika" aneb osobní vzpomínky členů chodských folklorních souborů nejen na národopisný festival Chodské slavnosti / "Pukl, hyjta ha muzika" or else personal memories of Chod Folklor group members not only on ethnographic festival Chod Celebrations

Batková, Žaneta January 2015 (has links)
The objective of this Master's thesis is to reflect personal memories of the folklore group members on ethnographic Chod festivals, which circle around the period from the fifties till the present day. As well as putting the emphasis on comparison between the memories made before and after 1989, I also focus on the component spheres of interpretation, such as topics about traveling of the Chod folklore groups before the year of 1989 or about music careers of each of the narrators. Furthermore, I observe the changes in political situations and its potential influence on Chod Festivals and its organization and the relationship of local folk groups. The primary sources of this thesis consist of interviews conducted by oral history method with former and current members of local folk groups. The text also derives from archived materials, period press and memoir literature. During the reflection on ethnographic festival the text observes not only historical and political aspect, but the musical and social aspect as well. The biggest contribution of the thesis is therefore the presentation of the topic from different points of view. Key words: Chod Festival, Folklore, bag pipers music, communism, traveling, Oral history.

Veřejný život na Královských Vinohradech (1880 - 1922) / Public life on Roayal Vineyards (1880 - 1922)

Charamzová, Alena January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the issue of public life on Royal Vineyards in the period of 1880 - 1922. First of all, particular factors that form the image (character, identity) of Royal Vineyards as czech, healthy, modern and independent city with historical tradition, inhabited mainly by middle class population, are analysed. Further more the thesis is discussing czech public life on Vineyards. By the term public life is here meant an analysis of the formation and appearance of vineyard public spaces and cultural facilities and their importance for residents of Vineyards. Thesis is looking into the function of these spaces as a meeting place for various occasions (eg. holding of festivities, place of associational life, leisure activities). In other chapters german and jewish minorities are closer analyzed. Here the thesis focuses on the character of public life of these communities and their coexistence with Czechs. Examined is, among others, the question which aspects that shape the character of Vineards are the particular groups of residents identified with and which of them they considered as their own and how they have symolically inhabited them. Key words: Royal Vineyards, public spaces, festivities, local identity, Czechs, Germans, Jews, 1880 - 1922.

Pražská korunovace krále Matyáše 23. května 1611 ve světle dobových pramenů / Prague coronation of king Matthias on 23rd may 1611 in the light of contemporary documents

Pařízková, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
To the coronations which took place in Pre-White time, not enough attention has been paid yet. As it appears, enough accounts were preserved not only in contemporary prints but also in manuscript sources - in the works of chroniclers, in memories of persons present and above all in official and private correspondence. In addition to writen sources also material sorces and great part of iconographic sources have been preserved. The elaboration and evaluation of the sources to one of them, to the coronation of Matthias of Habsburg in Prague on May 23rd 1611, is a subject of the first half of this thesis. The coronation in the life of souvereign is a ceremony that generally certificates his leading position in the country. This ceremony customary is executed in accordance to the prede- terminated order. In case of the lands of Bohemian crown binding form has been set by coronation order of Bohemian kings Ordo ad coronandum Regem Bohemorum, prepared by Charles IV. The main core of this order was maintained also by Matthias coronation. His coronation in the cathedrale of Saint Vitus was a festive ceremony strongly influenced by then political situation. It placed under the strong protection of troops, excluding the general public, mostly ordinary people. Despite of it the ceromony was performed with...

Historie vzdělávání v obci Volduchy do roku 1965 / The history of education in the village Volduchy

ČARNOGURSKÁ, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
The diploma work focuses on the beginnins and historical development of elementary education in the village of Volduchy since the end of 18th century until 1965. It summarizes and analyzes available regional sources. The first chapter is about the history of Volduchy. Next chapters follow the changes in pedagogical staff, number of pupils, denomination, organisation of education, extracurricular activities, numerous celebrations, significant events, teaching collections as well as the use of the school building. The diploma work also focuses on the influence of historical events and political changes on education.

: Trávení volného času za První republiky na Kokořínsku se zvláštním zřetelem na konkrétní české maloměsto Mšeno / Spending of spare time during The First Republic in Kokořínsko with special interest in particular Czech small town called Mšeno

Zabilanská, Petra January 2018 (has links)
(in English): This thesis is contribution to history of everyday life, cultural and regional history, and is more specifically focused on spending leisure time in years 1918-1938. It presents history of Mšeno in era of The First Republic, forms of spending free time and lifestyle of czech society in provincial town, specifically residents of town Mšeno, all based on socio-historical analysis. Work is oriented on cultural, social and associations' life in town and also on sports activities and tourism. Free time is considered as non-working hours of everyday life, but mainly organized group activities are taken into account. Work is divided into multiple sections, each viewing spending of free time from different angle, specifically winter and summer season, celebrations and associations' activities.

Tradiční slavnosti a rituály ve waldorfské mateřské škole / Traditional Ceremonies and Rituals at Waldorf Kindergarten

DOKOUPILOVÁ, Petra January 2008 (has links)
My work deals with Waldorf pedagogy, how it began, its characterization, main principles and elements which it uses, especially with traditional ceremonies and rituals. I am introducing you into the characterization of preschool child how it is understood at Waldorf educational system. I am pointing out ceremonies and rituals, which are held universaly at Waldorf nursery schools. I stress out their meaning and contribution for preschool kids. Traditional rituals arecharacterized in our own point of view, depending how we see them. Last part is about one of these kindergartens, in Ceske Budejovice to be more specific.

Scénické návrhy doby vrcholného baroka ve veřejných sbírkách České republiky / Scenic Designs of High Baroque in the National Collections of the Czech Republic

Krůfová, Johana January 2012 (has links)
Scenic Designs of High Baroque in the National Collections of the Czech Republic The thesis deals with the Baroque scenic designs which are situated in public collections of the Czech Republic. These are mainly the works by Josef Hager and Josef Redlmayer, whose production was inspired by the Italian baroque scene designer Giuseppe Galli Bibiena. The aim of the thesis is to describe inspirational sources which influenced the artists and to comprehensively classify their production within the European context of the Baroque period. The diploma work also explains the history of Baroque theatres in Bohemia as well as in the whole Europe. It shows their connection with the pompous cellebrations so popular in Baroque period. The thesis also informs about the progress of Italian scenography and scenic designs with the explaination of stage decorations. The thesis is divided into five general chapters which show the local and time consequences. The first part brings the general introduction into the baroque theatre and baroque theatrality. It explains the beginning, genres and technical issues of the baroque theatre. This information is extended further during the thesis. The second chapter deals with the baroque celebrations and their tight connections with the theatre. The third part deals with...

Společenský tanec v českém prostředí 2. poloviny 19. století / Ballroom Dancing in the Czech Social Environment in the 2nd half of the 19th Century

Šámalová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
Thesis deals with the theme of ballroom dancing in Prague bourgeoisie society in the 2nd half of the 19th century. The theme is situated in social and historical context and contemporary political situation. The second part is dedicated to prague associations, Sokol of Prague and sokol festivities. That part of the text proceeds from analysis of the articles and contributions of the journal Sokol (from years 1871-1895). The following chapter about ballroom dancing tries to focus on the types of free time activities which are connected with dancing in the milieu of Prague Czech-speaking society in the 2nd half of the 19th century. It also characterises favourite ballroom dances at that time in the context of social and cultural life. One of the last chapters is dedicated to the relationship of a significant public figure of that time, Jan Neruda, with ballroom dancing. These passages are based on selected examples of Neruda's texts, adopted mostly from Národní Listy. The main intention of the extracts is to complete the picture of ballroom dancing with personal reflection of Neruda as a great dancer, expert on literature and artist. Key words: 2nd half of the 19th century, Prague, czech society, ballroom dancing, associations, national festivities, thematic carnival ("šibřinky").

Jezuité a hudební kultura v Praze v letech 1556-1623 / Jesuits and musical culture in Prague 1556-1623

Kroupa, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
This thesis contributes to our knowledge of the early (modern) Bohemian musical culture by tracing the musical production and activities at the Jesuit Clementinum college in Prague from its foundation in 1556 to the establishment of the autonomous Bohemian Province in 1623. This analysis draws on original Jesuit archival documents (diaria / diaries, memorial books, catalogi personarum / personnel catalogues, litterae annuae / annual letters, historiographical works of the period) and wider primary sources, which the author interprets within broader socio-cultural and historical realms. Authentic testimonies written in Latin that document musical activities in the Clementinum and the relationship of Prague Jesuits with music are included in the footnotes or in appendices. Individual chapters seek to illustrate (illustrare) and assess (recensere) the materials investigated from the following points of view: 1) institutional (Order, College, associated sodalities); 2) environmental acoustics (broader sound production within the spaces of the College and the rest of the city); 3) prosopographical (music prefects of the College and of the Marian Congregation); 4) surviving musical sources; 5) ceremonies with musical components (liturgical and paraliturgical ceremonies, graduations, congregational...

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